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Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvEvP extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid

Three areas to explore:
>The Forgotten Castle (two maps)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>The Frost Mountains (two maps - WIP)

Playable races:
>Human, Elf, Orc, Skeleton, Lizard, Lycan
>races have small stat differences and are buyable through shards - a currency earned or bought

Beginner tips:
>This game is not forgiving, you will die a lot at the beginning and when you get better you will die even more
>You don't have to take every fight; sheath weapons (X) to run faster
>Moving backwards (S) is slower than forward or strafe movement (W/A/D)
>Look at your map to find the extraction points marked in blue
>The game is in Early Access, so it is constantly changing and receiving new, often weekly updates that significantly impact the core gameplay


Ryan6DaysAWeek has an entire catalog of guides for game mechanics, bosses, and clearing PvE: https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek/videos
Wrath of Koopa also has a great guide for new players: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpcdNaRbSFQ

Recent news:
>Druid released
>New weapons and gear
>Dungeon recovery service
>Ice Abyss (final layer of the Frost Mountains)
>Ice Wyvern boss
>New Frost Mountain enemies
>Free-to-play (Squire Edition)
>Now available on Steam and Epic Games Store

Official Dark and Darker discord (see announcements for all hotfix/patch notes):

July 9th Dev Q&A and Summary Video:

Wendigo Killed >>1346991
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guys, how do I PVP as a ranger? I get killed all the time, it's basically impossible to win an encounter if someone isn't like 20 metres away from me
do I just set up traps and camp staying away from doors?
I'm lvl 65, my perks are the footprint, faster reload, faster bow draw, spear/bigger bow dmg
as for my skill i use quickshot and food ration, but seems like it's considered a useless skill so i switched it to multishot like recommended

I started to dislike playing with my friend because I've almost always let him down when it comes to 2vs2 encounters, how do I stop being useless
>guys, how do I PVP as a ranger?
just fucking shoot them lol
Holstering items will make you gain movespeed
Jumping while changing weapons will make your movespeed not decrease
Scan the room through the door's window before opening it like a retard
I always thought ranger was annoying because I’m afraid my duos stepping in my traps
I can't get any kills as a warlock. I'm either fighting a ranged class who deals more damage to me than my spells do to them as we trade pokes, even accounting for the healing I get off of cursing them, or I'm fighting a melee class who just ignores my spells and runs me down and beats me to death because I can't beat their PDR in melee and I die in like 4 hits. Phantomize buys me some time, but they always catch up to me.
I've been trying for hours and I haven't even managed one kill, although I don't even see anyone most rounds.
Been having the same issue. Killing mobs is mind numbingly easy with little risk of dying unless I zone out completely, but as soon as an actual player shows up, I either die to them at range, they run away and try to landmine (rogues), or they charge and kill me in melee. It's getting really tiring cuz I wanna do pvp but I only ever encounter players in 1/10 games and in the rest I just fight 900 skeletons.
>I'm fighting a melee class who just ignores my spells and runs me down and beats me to death
Your flame walker sir? Your hydra/hellfire in chokes sir?
Low gear levels it is probably better to go a melee build, at higher gear levels it is very kiting orientated and does not scale as well as some classes, I've seen some not even wearing a chest to gain more MS. Sure you can plop down a hydra and life drain it, but smarter players will hop over it and smack you in the face. Unless you are around 150 health I would not even run hydra with torture mastery since the cost is so high.

Also warlocks have been common in every lobby for awhile, even newer players tend to know how to fight one as opposed to a wizard.
Wizards are gangster, too bad pve makes me want to commit suicide
>Your flame walker sir?
I don't have the knowledge to afford it in gray gear. Maybe if I had all whites, but that's part of why I'm trying to do these quests.
Currently I'm running CoP, Bolt of Darkness, Hellfire, and Hydra.
>Your hydra/hellfire in chokes sir?
A Hellfire through a doorway delays them for like two seconds, barely longer than actually shutting the door itself, and they can simply crouch jump over the hydra.
>Low gear levels it is probably better to go a melee build
Forgot to link: >>1359719
Hellfire is a meme. Never bother.
Get a longsword and lern 2 parry.
>It's getting really tiring cuz I wanna do pvp but I only ever encounter players in 1/10 games and in the rest I just fight 900 skeletons.
Take the druid pill and just ratjump from room to room ignoring literally everything until you see a player.
>kobolds are fast enough to always be right on your heels even if you run across an entire room with your weapons sheathed
>they are the only non-flying mob in first-level dungeons that can do this aside from spider mummies
>also over half of them have ranged attacks
>can't just kill the kobolds that are directly between you and your destination because the kobold hivemind alerts every fucking one in the room to your location
>every attack from every kind of skeleton slows both your movement speed and your attack/action speed
>this slowing stacks with multiple hits
>rooms with bottomless pits which have flying enemies whose primary attack is a kick that launches you
>this kick also one-shots doors, making it tough to simply shut them in the room behind you
>round-end timer consistently instakills you prematurely
Was Ice Caverns designed specifically to be as big a pain in the ass for players as possible?
Man I wish the solo mm had doubled exploration time. Sucks I can clear like only 3 or 4 rooms before I have to leave.
It used to be worse, there were more kobolds and if one had a tantrum it would aggro multiple, usually the entire module and the next. So if you were by a door a archer would break it down and you would be run down by a dozen of the fuckers.
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And done, wish HR wasn't afk gathering gems and look for grey rats. Don't care enough to farm past this garbage with how much entry costs are
If you had to pick video or two to convince a friend to play with you, what would you choose? I've been trying to get my friends to play for months, and one recently said he hasn't even bothered looking at gameplay. I could show him some jay or yami footage, but they're so cracked at the game I feel like it wouldn't be the realistic experience of a new player.
where do I find gold ore?
In the goblin caves in a room that's only accessible after killing both the cave troll and the cyclops.
I love being a shitass Barbarian
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Is it worth it to not wear armor for the movement speed? I never wear a chestpiece or pants on all my female characters even on high roller
Jesus Christ they couldn't make it more difficult could they, a simple room guarded by a boss wasn't enough?
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Is this worth anything? I don't play bard, but these seem like some nice stats
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>>1359777 (checked)
see >>1359467
I mean if there's some sick bastard bard player that likes parrying and smacking with the flute, sure.
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whoops read that wrong lute not flute
So many empty lobbies on the US servers
I will buy it from you for 200g
How to learn 10-spell wiz?
I tried but it was overwhelming, I only use the five spells I'm used to.
also idk how anyone lands Ice Bolts on people, much less Magic Missile
>I tried but it was overwhelming, I only use the five spells I'm used to
It’s difficult at first you feel overwhelmed by the choice 10 spell gives you. What made it easier for me is having my Q spell wheel all be spells that will slow the enemy like ice bolt, slow, lightning etc. this doesn’t mean that you can’t go other spells like arcane lock but it’s just easier to remember “oh fuck I need to slow this guy press Q. Oh shit I feel pretty safe I don’t need to slow him press E.
My E spell wheel is the classics fireball zap haste invis magic missile. It really helps if you have a condition in your head for when you will use each spell.
>idk how anyone lands Ice Bolts on people, much less Magic Missile
having knowledge for cast speed makes things much easier, make sure you are casting with a spellbook! Ice bolt actually travels pretty fast when compared to fireball. I don’t think there’s anything I can really say besides to practice your aim. I think ice bolt is good far away and close. For magic missile it’s really just useful if someone is running up to you after you made them low from poking them already instead of trying to run away hoping they can kill you first.
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Can someone explain to me the design philosophy behind no killfeed in High Roller?
The way it is now you have no idea what the player name is of who you kill or play with
holy fucking newfag it says on their body what their name is, and on their soul when you take their chestpiece off
it adds to the suspense because you have no information about what's happening in raid and only have your intuition to work off of
PvP in this game makes no fucking sense man I swear
I'm wearing cloth armor and am at 88% move speed but people in plate have 104%
I see a guy getting chased by wolves and run after him, without weapons. He's still fucking faster. Can't even get into range of curse of pain . He turns on me, eats 4 longsword hits and kills me in 3 thrusts of a spear. Still manages to have 25% hp left

What the fuck even is this
What class? Sounds like a Fighter with Second Wind, which is very hard to beat in melee
He was a ranger, I was a warlock
I don't know how much class plays into it, I just do not understand how pvp is meant to work in this game. Half the time people just run away or shoot me with arrows. I can't chase them and I can't compete at range

How this dude got chewed on by 2 frost wolves and still had enough HP to survive longsword hits is beyond me
>How this dude got chewed on by 2 frost wolves and still had enough HP to survive longsword hits is beyond me
The frost wolves deal shit damage, especially if their attacks only land on a player's limbs. Sometimes I fuck up while fighting them and get bitten, and I only lose like 10% health, and I'm just wearing cloth/leather armor.
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>duo warlocks just circle around the boss room
>deal damage and they just phantomize
>by the time they're out of phantom they're full health again
>this goes on for like 7 minutes until they fuck up and eat a molly at a bad time
>cant loot their corpses because looting now takes a minute to open up a corpse
>tell a guy there's a mid gear score of 25-124
>um ackshually this article says there's only 0-24 and 25+
>no, I'm telling you bro it's an actual thing
>still doesn't believe me for the next three games even though we geared to that level and everyone we checked in lobby had sub 125 gear score
I swear, some people just don't want to believe their own eyes
Brought in my stinky stick and everyone was in awe of me gassing the pregame lobby.

Its dogshit btw, cloud does not move as zombie gas, dont think it hurts pve and says it does 6dps but feels more like 2
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The stinky stick stinks ?
This is why the gear brackets need to be announced by devs. Keeping shot behind discord and the reddit “community” is just being lazy and irresponsible. I initially assumed this was a huge shitpost to get more newbies to crush for the purple geared nutjobs.
Is anyone here demigod? What was your strategy? I see alot of outdated guides on utube and want to get demigod for once now that I got alot of time off work
Fun fact, if you crouch down next to the side of a chest and lean forward, you can put your head through it and see the inside. If it's a mimic, you'll see the teeth/mouth insides rather than an empty chest interior. Good way to quickly check a lot of chests if you're trying to kill mimics for a quest.
It's more reliable with larger chests since the smaller they are, the more likely that something like a pebble on the ground next to them can make you slightly too high for your head to clip through the lid, but it's technically possible with every type of chest, even small ones.
>new patch at 2am
>stinky stick buffs
Holy fuck bros we were just talking about it…
Imagine if they made it just release clouds periodically instead.
Put it on a druid and go plague rat.
>Druid attacks that are triggered beforehand will no longer register a hit after Dreamwalk is triggered.
This is a major balance change. Damn. Druids are gonna be seething.
>A simple version of the quest log that can be checked in-game has been added.
They nerfed the fuck out of druid lol
Druid was already the class I wanted to fight against most in solos too, they were usually free kills
>When a Druid attacks in Rat form, the hit slow duration has been changed from 1s 0.1s, and the movement speed reduction has been changed from -20% -1% for the target.
>When a Druid attacks in Chicken form, the hit slow duration has been changed from 1s 0.25s, and the movement speed reduction has been changed from -20% -3% for the target.
Were fucking rat and chicken attacks a big problem or something? Why is this even necessary? Trying to attack an enemy in either of those forms is just asking to be one-shot anyway.
>Panther silence now only lasts for 0.1 seconds, and requires an ability that has 30 second cooldown
Why bother with the silence at all at this point? 0.1 seconds is fucking nothing. 0.5 seconds was already not much.
0.1 seconds of Silence is still enough that it'll stop you casting if you were casting. It's basically just an interrupt.
Single handedly triggered the telemetry by brining into a lobby lole
>damage increased, but no longer scales
Is the damage enough to make up for it?
Did anyone make an LFG discord? It'd be nice to do some duo/trios and try to kill some bosses
Most players just use the official Dark and Darker Discord.
Unless you mean specifically for this thread, in which case kill yourself. Just drop your name in the thread if you want to try to group up with people and see if you get any bites.
The official discord sucks ass in my experience, all I usually find is stoners baked out of their mind or tryhard ragers. Why is a thread discord bad for this? It's better than in-game voip.
well me and someone killed each other at the same time so i'll never know who that arab fuck was
take off your clothes nigger, they're pointless you just need gloves and boots
thats retarded fucking bullshit, so you have to perfectly time your important 30 second cooldown skill to maybe interrupt a spell that takes 1 second to cast anyway?
"That's bullshit that I have to time my parries"

Honestly I'm in favor of being smacked in the dick interrupting spellcasting no matter what
>Why is a thread discord bad for this?
Dedicated thread/general Discords always erode the quality of the general until either the former is unrecognizable or the latter collapses entirely.
I've seen it happen multiple times before.
If you really need VOIP besides the game's, you can use something anonymous like talky.io.
Isn't the game's voice chat fine as long as you're on party mode rather than proximity mode, though?
You don't have to time parries though, that's a bad comparison. You just hold your sword in parry mode and if the enemy hits it, you get the parry. You can hold it in parry mode as long as you like.
How long are the servers down for? Just got home and was itching to play
should be up in like 3 minutes unless they announce an extension
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Am I supposed to be swinging my camera around to attack faster like Chivalry?
Against pve, sure. But it doesn't seem like it would be that useful in pvp
I saw a guy in the pre game lobby doing spinning sword sweeps hitting many people at once wasnt sure how practical it actually is
Most cases not really, with the morning star if you attack, jump and drag the attack down while falling down you can hit heads behind hunched back heater shields, been farming others with that forbidden tech
Fuck all these tricks that easily bypass shields. I switched to slayer after getting an axe to the noggin the Nth time after attempting the a block from an axe skeleton. Let’s not talk about how many times players magically bypass the shield too. Shielding is a meme until they stop clipping tricks and impact jank. Or make the damn shields larger if they are lazy.
Well the trick he is describing isnt a clip, he is actively jumping to get around your shield, which requires you to be more active with your defense. If shit actually clips through your shield that is an issue though
Yes weapons clip through shields at times. It’s bullshit. Good on him if he hit around the shield model but when it goes THROUGH a fucking heater shield I just rage. Might as well play the dodging game instead and have the movespeed back.
Is it doable solo?
Idk, probably, I keep getting killed while learning how to fight them so I haven't done it yet
Fuck, I keep getting kill cucked by NPCs
>trying to get five pvp kills in Crypt
>a barb rushes me while I'm clearing mobs
>get a few good hits on him
>he gets shot in the back by a skeleton archer and dies
>find a ranger a little bit later after getting into a confrontation with a fighter who ran away
>ranger also runs away from me, and i have no range to slow him down
>chase him into a pit filled with skeletons
>we're both bouncing on the skeleton's heads, and I get a few punches in on him
>he gets sliced by a sword skellie and dies
>losing a 2v2 with a cleric and bard
>bard dies before I go down
>kill feed says the cleric did it
It gets worse bro. Fuck smite.
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>see an enemy player in a room
>kill one single kobold on my way in to fight him
>kobold didn't even have time to do his retard dance
>still end up with every fucking kobold in the entire room on my ass as I'm trying to fight this guy as they all psychically know where I am
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>get the drop on a player
>push them into a room full of kobolds
>they run around the entire room and pull a train, nice
>player runs past me
>literally fucking all of them switch aggro to me even though I didn't even attack any of them and the player didn't go invisible or anything
>player kills me while I'm trying to deal with the four kobold archers and a shield giant that were supposed to be hassling HIM
Okay, I see. It's just me specifically that the game hates.
just buy the gold ore and turn it into ingots noob
>its 8am
>decide to queue up for some troll/cyclops farming
>first game
>literally only me and 1 other guy
>its a warlock with a pickaxe
>he teabags at me
>assume he's friendly and just wants to mine gold in the middle
>game starts and I go to troll
>I kill it and start to loot the pile cuz I don't feel like dealing with a potential fight mid of the bosses with the lock
>hear foot steps
>warlock rushes down with a proc pot and hits me with some curses
>scare him off by just turning into a panther
>i go back to loot
>he comes back
>repeats 2 more times and I decide to just fuck off at an extract
actual phsyco's man
>people are PvPing are in the PvP game
bossing is the biggest noob trap
bossing in norms gives SHIT loot and bossing in HR just results in getting rolled by a juicer team

yea mining 1.3k gold per two boss kills is a noob trap

also i am the juicer team that kills you so yea kinda true
>mining 1.3k gold
Not to mention if a pelt drops that's another 4k.
eh I mean 1.3k but it takes 10 minutes
kind of small potatoes when you can get that much from a single gear piece
i want to kill mobs, loot chests, find secrets, kill players, and extract.

sucks that the first 3 start to disappear from players minds throughout the season.
sorry but most of us already have the maps memorized and none of that interests us anymore
Are drums still a better throwing weapon than franciscas/knives?
>"already have the maps memorized"
>look inside
>it's 1 path for every spawn in goblin caves which is the only map they queue
>fighter I'm fighting refuses to push me
>half the fight I have 1 HP left and I still end up pecking him to death
He was in 25+, but he seemed fairly new. He also fought my hydra and walked through my Hellfire like a retard.
They do more damage but take up more inventory space I think. There used to be a meta where everyone would throw drums but it stopped for some reason even though people should be able to still.
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Done and dusted.

Now back to playing normals
well yeah I'm trying to spawnrush efficiently here
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>naked rogue rushes my spawn in Howling Crypts within 20 seconds of the match starting
>aggros all the skeletons in the room
>opens the door to my spawn room despite me not having made any sound whatsoever and stealths
>all the skeletons immediately aggro me and bodyblock me while beating me to death
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What’s Best way to print AP in your opinion
You actually just got fucking shit on noob it’s that simple

Trio ice caves on NA east, empty lobbies lole, anyone who joined just dodged us since we had giga gear
Yeah, by the mobs.
oh yeah also buy legend ornate jazarans drop them to the squire gear shitters in the lobby, kill them and they turn looted for 20ap per slot for selling
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>escaped already, spectating a fighter
>he's low on health and pinned into a hole by a skeleton, although it can't reach him
>he pokes it to death, 30 seconds left
>portal in the next room
>he spends 10 seconds at the door drinking potions and ale, which I thought was a weird choice
>he might still make it though
>walks into the portal room
>immediately killed by ranger trap
>the ranger himself wasn't even in the dungeon anymore
>run goblin caverns for solo quests
>spawn safely in the outer parts of the map
>meet no one and successfully complete them
Today was an okay day.
Where do I see that new in-game quest log the patch notes mentioned?
Top left. Keybind is the L key by default.
>block attack with longsword
>miss my riposte
>be me, base gear wearing warlock with cloth
>Move speed = 96%
>Watch video of some guy
>Warlock wearing plate (took the skill)
>Move speed = 106%

I don't understand
Perks on the armor probably?
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>spend 10 minutes wandering the dungeon, trying to come across even a dead mob trail left by another player so I have a chance of maybe fighting ONE person
>either don't find anyone at all or find someone and die in 30 seconds
>have to do it all over again
That's what I did, but I need to kill the cyclops for the last goblin quest and I want to beat the troll so I can try and get some pelts
Real. I want to get into HR but need more experience doing PvP in norms. Despite wandering through a dozen modules I can't find players most of the time, even in full lobbies. And whenever I do find someone they just kill me before I can properly engage.
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What class do you play, and why?
i fell into the class in the first release. i think i'll give all classes a good try in the next wipe but damn i want quests to be account-based
>What class?
Because I get hit a lot so free healing keeps me from dying to goblins and skeletons
Primarily the sense of security and freedom. I never have to PvE if I don't want to (except sometimes in Ice Caverns, fuck Ice Caverns) and I know I can escape from almost any situation. At least, my odds of escape are way better than any other class. Add onto that the ability to parkour up to high places with chicken, bonk people with bear, hassle people with treant and thorn barrier, and heal any damage I might take with healing spells that recharge at a decent pace even when not using a campfire to rest, and it's just the most fun and comfortable out of any class I've played so far.
This is true. The flexibility of a druid is extremely nice. They've got a great kit to mess with.
>cleric clearly misses and somehow taps my arm
>his follow deletes the rest of my hp
that makes absolutely no fucking sense
You unironcially have to learn all the spawns. This was my experience starting out too
I put most of my time into rogue mainly because of the invisibility. Its one of the best classes to fuck with people. I'd play druid but the default girl is so fucking ugly. I also like the poison skill, I find it very underrated.
Is there no map anywhere that just has all of them marked? I've tried searching for one myself, but no luck.
this game is so fucking hard, I die to fucking goblins, I'm on top of leaderboards in fps games and was quite good in mordhau, but at this game I'm straight trash and can't get why
is druid good for solo?
>I'd play druid but the default girl is so fucking ugly
equip female elf skin
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Maybe when I get enough blue shards in a year
What's your playtime? I finally learned how to be good at PvE but I still lose almost every PvP fight.
Im horrible at PvE but pretty decent at PvP
One of the best.
20 hours, I barely extract, I can kill mobs if it's only one, but as soon as I enter a room and aggro multiple ones, I already know I'll die. I can't get used to the movement system and combat system, I feel like I don't have control over my character.
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Fucking finally.
Fuck this asshole.
Why are his quests so fucking hard?
Steam had me update the game again, any idea what it was?
Same, and when I was in-game immediately before that it told me the connection terminated abnormally and forced me to restart the game.
No idea what the update was, though. The patch notes didn't change.
Imagine doing it on wizard. I’m on the last one and I want to kill myself
>doing the last quests so you can buy randomly rolled purple gear
but why?
To finish the game
As a miserable god gamer, which class should I play in this game to prove my divinity and valour?
wizard, only grey gear
I still dont understand this concept, is it cheaper than purple gear from player trading? Dont you have to craft them too? I never got too far in the quests
you finish the season by reaching demigod
anything else is f2p cope
What the point of armor? even with full plate gear, I get shanked to death with a rouges dagger before my weapon has time to land, What am I missing here? Shoudnt plate allow you to tank a few hits, especially from a dagger?
I never wear armor and literally run naked unless the movement speed negative is nothing
High roller needs a complete rework. As it stands now, people can just join empty servers and farm to demigod by cheesing the horrible PvE
Good. Fuck fighting against sweatlords who make it their life purpose to flex in a game like this. I want the content I paid for that is, the cosmetics I will be getting from the leaderboard content.
It SHOULD be something available to normal folks without forcing them to no-life this game.
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No it fucking shouldn't. Its normal for games to offer unique rewards for players actually good at it.
The leaderboard as it is now is nothing but a metric of playtime. The worst system that can possibly exist
>unique rewards for players actually good at it
At what? The PvP content? Then get an arena mode you crying baby.
The default gameplay is PvPvE. Its entirely legitimate to simply want to grind out some cosmetics. Investing time and energy into a game while not turning turning every round into a battle royale.
tl;dw donate $5 to St. Jude during Onepeg's block of the gcx charity stream and you'll get a code for an orange/yellow/cyan torch, apparently made by sdf himself
High Roller and especially a leaderboard implies there is some metric of skill expected and involved, there is no skill at all involved as it currently stands.
The least they could do is ensure lobbies are getting filled in these supposed ranked matches, but really the way its calculated has to change
>is it cheaper than purple gear from player trading
Probably sometimes, though I imagine it would depend on what the gear in question was. Some items fetch a much higher price than others on the market.
>Dont you have to craft them too?
There are armors you can craft like cobalt, copper, gold, etc, but higher affinity causes the merchant to start selling higher rarity normal armors and weapons that you can just buy as well, same way you'd buy gray stuff from them.
PVPer mad cuz players who repeatedly defeat monsters and bring in treasure get more rewarded than randomly murdering people in the dark. You know, like how guilds reward adventurers? Can’t wait for Arena to separate the ultra bloodthirsty to their own ladder.
No I never said shit about PvP you're the shitter who keeps crying about it. They can remove PvP entirely from high roller I dont care, they just need to make it a reflection of skill and not playtime. This shit is for mouthbreathing retards like you
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12:00AM-4:00PM EST Monday is when it will be available
>pride torch
Gee, thanks white people.
Who knows, Iron Mace may fuck something up and give players blue gems as apology. It's happened a few times in the past
I would not pay $5 for this.
Ranked is fucking retarded in a dungeon crawler
Its PvP first, dungeon crawler second. Any good PvP game adds ranked.
Do I have to actually watch Onepegged? No deal.
I miss the swarm like you wouldn't believe
If you just hold the parry button like a retarded ape, people are going to attack where your parry isn't.
It's also a bad comparison because you can parry multiple times very quickly as much as you want all day long, whereas Panther's frenzy doesn't last very long and is on a 30-second cooldown. If you fuck up timing your parry by doing it too early/late you can simply try again immediately, but if you fuck up trying to use Panther to interrupt ONE spell cast then the ability is basically shot for the rest of the encounter.
There's no point playing this dogshit nigger game until the balance actually gets addressed, but that gook faggot SDF doesn't care about it so it's never happening. PvP is decided entirely on which player spent the most on an RMT kit and is playing the FotM class. If you aren't playing strictly to the meta, you can get raped and die, because every other weapon will swing faster, have quicker recovery, and slow you less.
What's the wipe schedule in this game? Also, can you earn blue shards as f2p?
Is there any place where I can find all the loading screen artworks?
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>A and B genders
Gee, thanks white people.
What is the in lore reason a druid would go into dungeons and get loot? Aren't they like treehuggers?
what's wrong with being more inclusive?
I don't know if this game has any lore or if it's just vaguely inspired by dnd, but you can justify it by assuming druids are just mages that specialized in summoning and shapeshifting, and not necessarily protectors of nature. What I want explained is the skeleton race, some advenmtures are just waliing skeletons and nobody cares? It's implied that in the world of DaD some people are just skeletons?
>and not necessarily protectors of nature.
in the class select their subtitle is literally "nature's protector"
Just found out wizard spells like magic missile count as a projectile and most mobs have resist to both. This means something like Frost Wyvern has like 86% resist to their spells. I was wondering why the fuck it took me over 5 cast of arcane missile to kill a skeleton champ, who rolls this garbage class?
It's not true inclusiveness. I don't identify as an A. I'm Male.
I hate you.
I identify as a male but I picked the B body, what's your deal?
I'm done, I quit this game, I don't find it fun, just addicting and frustrating, unless something radically changes I don't think I'll come back. Goodbye.
Filtered jk I’ve also been coming back to it less desu these niggas suck they need to add more shit when they update
i like playing cute girls too sometimes in my online games
Different anon, but it's not even about adding more stuff, it's about the existing content being horrendously balanced and then the devs listening to the dumbest group of retards in the world, while the lead dev outright says he doesn't care about balance. Someone needs to beat some sense into him because otherwise by the time they do start caring about balance, there's not going to be anyone left.

>Static maps, no exploration, everything is known, optimal farming routes
>Class balance completely non-existent, warlocks have infinite HP and spells, clerics are more dangerous than Fighters in melee, Rogue only has a singular viable playstyle which is boring to play and frustrating to play against, Ranger has functionally infinite ammo still, Druid majorly overloaded with features compared to other classes, Wizard completely dogshit
>Cheating and RMT absolutely rampant but nothing being done to combat it
>Private streamer discord still dictates development direction
>Private trading discords used for all high-end items to shield RMT and keep items to a small group of players

The game desperately needs actual attention paid to balance and for the talent trees to arrive so that there is actually room for classes to get stuff that isn't being crammed into an overly restrictive 4 perks and 2 skills. They also need to have dynamic maps that change layout, randomized loot placement, mob variations, hell even stuff like map events would be nice to shake things up.
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They changed it in playtest 4
>Why change this?
to trigger chuds like you apparently
>please leave me alone
easy way to get killed
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Is there another wizard kill quest? Feel like more people have been W keying me lately, including two rangers which is odd since they typically like to bunny hop around their own traps.
That's why it's retarded and part of the problem with the game. It should be a dungeon crawler first and foremost. Turning the game into a PvPfest where killing players is the best way to get the best loot completely invalidates actually exploring the dungeon for loot. The pvp is so janky and crappy that I'm not sure why sweat lords took to the game as much as they did.
you get a blue shard after 25/50/100/200/... extracts, the counter resets every wipe but you keep the shards. You can see your progress bar somewhere in the shop
I think there's a wipe every 2 or 3 months, not sure first wipe here
Jank and/or shit combat tends to bring in the scummy folks who like to abuse every buggy bit of shitcoded game that they can.
everything is janky and unfinished, and the devs themselves don't agree on what the game should be in the first place
Giving too much importance to PvP brings in extremely competitive sweatlors even if the core game is not meant to be that, and even if the PvP is janky and unfinished, they just end up abusing every mechanic or bug they can to gain 0.1% of advantage, like >>1361744 said, and in the end the devs are forced to cater to these players more and more until they eventually kill the game completely. This game shouldn't have come out for at least another year, after the core game was laid out clearly and after some serious polishing, with early access used only for final balancing and maybe extra maps.
the only reason to get this is they will definitely not balance and patch it as time passes and will probably have many exploits.
You're already seeing that with other torch skins being brighter than others
Every complaint you could possibly have with the PvP, the PvE is 100x worse. You have to be special needs to want to play this game in empty servers
This shit wont last much longer, trust me.
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No nigger you're getting a gay torch, AB gender options safe for autistic crossdressing incels, and player houses to spend your goybux on!~
The bosses are fine, at least the cyclop is fleshed out, you have to learn his moveset, but it's how pve games work, the problem is the fucking combat system, that is complete ass in this game
Hope you check out a real single player game some time, the shit you like about DaD is low effort high school project
I'd pay 60 bucks for a clone of this game without other players, or at least for a game that punishes being a fucking retard that kills every player they meet for no reason, like >>1359851.
I've done a lot of thinking on how to fix high roller
Here are two small things they can instantly change to improve it:
1. Never start a match until the server is full
2. Add 1 item somewhere on the map that gives the most AP that players would compete for, perhaps something you have to hold in your hands and have to extract with, unable to put in your inventory or fight with
The entire game is a low effort high school project, and the fact that it has 30k active players is a prime example of how fucking rotten the game industry is right now, which is why I hope dungeonborne kills this mess, that game is at least made with some professionality
I love a lot of things about dungeonborne, and at the surface the combat seems a lot better. But it just feels way too arcadey, if they go a more realistic approach maybe I can see it happening
At the end screen there is a multiplier, have player kills give you .2 multiplier per kill on top of their base AP depending on rank. so you kill two players you get 1.4 more AP.

This would heavily incentivize PvP, but I suspect they are holding off on to many PvP AP changes until arena. That may be the eventual PvP mode and dungeons being the AP farm mode.
fuck, hunt showdown has fewer players than DaD? a double A game made by a proper game studio, with proper mechanics, a super cool fucking concept, art design, level design, actual work being put into it and decent marketing, is less known than this korean pile of shit that looks like it was made in 2010? This is why the world is falling apart
That would forever ruin dungeons why even play this slop?
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I can't tell if I really enjoy this game or I'm just picrel. I typically only play normals to fuck around and goof off. I tried a some highroller today and it felt kinda the same except with more sweats
Anon trust me I guarantee I am more racist and homophobic than anyone else in this thread by miles, but man there are battles that just are not worth the effort to get annoyed at. Awareness is important, but there are more important and pressing things to spend your emotional effort on. Build communities of likeminded people, find the good parts of life, create systems that the kikes cannot touch.
>More PVP
So you mean an even greater incentive for cheating, teaming, and general niggering
How will this get Dark and Darker to fulfill its potential?
You can remove PvP entirely and still keep these changes. There needs to be some sort of skill involved to get on the leaderboard or reach the highest ranks, thats my whole point. Go play Skyrim if you want a boring game where you left click static health sponges retard.
I just started playing high roller and its a lot more fun, I feel so much more tense even when im the only player in the lobby. Maybe the gameplay might be more boring, slowly opening chests killing mobs, checking every corner for an enemy player but in the moment its a lot more fun
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They really should add the character name of sellers on the marketplace. A small change like this would make it so much more enjoyable and immersive to use.
Players like you are the reason why this game will die. That dude will probably quit and never come back, slowly only people like you will remain until you don't have any more seals to club and you quit too.
Lol I'm going out of my way to kill more shitters after being friendly now just because of this post. Fuck you faggot
Please keep going, I hope this game dies and if you speed things up I'm mlre than happy
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Good. Keep crying faggot. If I was that barb I'd like the game more. These are the only moments to play the game for, I've been on the receiving end of both and loved it. Why do you expect other players to be nice to your fragile ass when there is no incentive to do so?
Before it went free on steam it had around 7k players per day. Also Hunt is getting hard casualized in august, the games can be shit together.
The game was so fun before AP shit was added. IM nuked the population with bad decisions before AP came out and that killed finding pug groups and hasn't recovered since.

We need a random queue option because fuck streamers and people with friends. The game falls apart in every way when you fight teams who are fully prepared and stacked.
Anon you know as well as I do that the vast majority of PVP comes down to who had the most unbalanced class and the most expensive kit
Unironic BiS for sub-25 lobbies for Bards, purple lute with Reinforced Instruments is the cheese
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based dungeonborne
Are you fucking illiterate? I said they need to make high roller and the leaderboard based on skill not playtime, then I listed two ways they can achieve this that has nothing to do with PvP. Something needs to change drastically as is
do stinky stick clouds damage teammates?
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Lol @ longswordfags

Seethe more
I roleplay as a friendly druid and help others kill monsters, never killed anyone, and if someone tries to kill me I just stay still and wait to return to nature, In don't have any loot on me anyway
holy shit, treating your userbase with respect? Ironmace could never
I love their little jabs at DaD

they're a little cheeky but you can at least see they attempt to better improve on decisions DaD have already made
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too bad the core gameplay doesnt feel as tense or interesting. Not a big fan of the stat perk system, not a whole lot of room for player expression, which is ironic since the character customization blows DaD out of the water
what I have to 'buy' DaD with ingame currency?
I can't just use money from my steam wallet to buy it?
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Why do different dungeons have different dungeon entry fees?
What the fuck are howling crypts anyway? Is that the Forgotten Castle? Does Forgotten Castle not have a high roller entry fee?
These menus are so fucked up
Because then you can’t refund it
I can agree with you on that but DaD did make it a long way from first releasing EA to now. So equally once this game releases you should mentally perceive it as like DaD just releasing today - many updates to come...

I actually took the survey for the playtest and one of the questions was if players would prefer more fantastical displays of combat or more realism (strange as it might sound, DaD has a better sense of realism in comparison) I wonder if they will take that to heart and make it that way.
But you can tag sales of extras for your games on steam as non-refundable too.
dungeonborne will be a normal paid game that you'll buy and can refound through steam, DaD is a fake f2p that you can only buy through microtransactions that can't be refunded, which is honestly pretty scummy, the DB Devs are making fun of it
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AP, leaderboards, level, fame, quests, gear, stats rolls, bluestone shards, inventory space, and gold are all addiction systems made to trick your brain into thinking grinding = fun. The only fun aspect of this game is killing other players, hence once you learn basic PvE the only right way to play this game is to spam queue stock loadout and run through the maps looking for PvP. If you care about anything else you are intentionally enslaving yourself to your computer.
I don't think there are any damaging attacks or effects in the game that specifically ignore teammates.
Arcane Shield's blast doesn't damage friendlies.
Wasn't Forgotten Castle that open-air map featured in one of the playtests that has now been removed?
>9PM - 1AM PST
>$5 donation for torch skin
I kind of wish they made it burgundy to match the actual St Jude colors.
RYB just looks like a cheap tie dye.
I wish they would show an image of what the torch actually looks like in-game.
>collector quest
>just give me 4 wolf fangs
>6% drop rate from wolves
This is pretty BS ngl. Losing motivation on these RNG shit. Doesn't help that some warlock can wreck me and take my shit too.
Do yourself a favor and start collecting everything for every quest ahead of time. Stuff like the wolf fang quest was fine for me because by the time I got to the quest I'd already saved up five or six of them just from all the wolves I'd killed naturally before that.

This doc has a handy list of every quest item at the top, but is slightly out of date so a few quests aren't on there: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JX7y6MHHL9gqEBSIjAwXdlBMAUm8IR0UA0d01kbyh6Q/edit
The wiki page is fully up to date, but doesn't have a concise list of every item you need for every quest: https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Quests
Yeah I saved up and only had 2 by the time I got this far. And today I keep spawning on the bottom-left of the map. I only reached Wolf Cave once, got ambushed by a Rogue, which I killed because fuck that guy, and he didn't even have any wolf loot. RNG needed to spawn near the wolves AND get out quickly before PVP interrupts you.
*bottom-right, rather. bah I'm taking a break and playing monochrome fantasy instead.
Speaking of Warlocks, are Slayer Fighters just a bad match up against them if they use Plate and Demon Form? Can't kill em with range fast enough and can't rush em while they are demon.
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I luv me some cleric
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>Instrument gear barely accounts for any GS
>Take bard perk that increases instrument damage by 50%
>Purple lute doing close to 100 damage on headshots on dummy in under 25 gs lobbies

Surprised this has not been patched out yet, I never see other bards do this but I do rarely see them in solos for w/e reason.
no one plays bard.
but as a squire gear lobby player that is the only reason I've considered rolling one.
What about drums? With under 25 GS you'd still be squishy in melee, but you could chuck drums from relative safety.
How many purple drums could you carry?
Why does IM allow Warlocks to use plate? that's the dumbest shit. balancing where?
because most people who can figure that out also have the brain power to realize going into low gear lobbies with purples gets you laughably sad loot and pvp.
Which one of you fags is BidenCrackHeadSon and YourDadsLifePartner? It was fun killing you guys
It was in the game for most of early access. They recently removed it because they are shit eating bitches who can't stand fun
All of my characters have names that sound like actual D&D character names.
That shit would be so fun with Druid's chicken form. It's a shame Druids have basically no ranged options, but you could still drop bears onto people's heads.
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Druids should get a horse/pony form which has boosted movespeed and can carry an ally on their back, but can't fit through doorways while carrying someone. The ally can attack while mounted, but has a partially restricted turning radius.
Same, I try to make actual names for my characters. I hate seeing fags with names like "VotchTTV" or the aforementioned crackheadson and lifepartner. The latter was a ranger who was talking shit in the lobby and started talking even more shit when we ran into him. Killed his buddy almost instantly then my friend chased him around the bottom floor of Goblin Town as he kept shouting "kite the retard." We cornered him and teabagged him good once he died
How do you play Rogue in duos?
seems like a solo class
Try to flank while your teammate keeps them distracted. Use your teammate to bait them past you while you stealth then hit them in the back. Try to split up the duo by kiting one of them away and peppering them with throwing knives. It is pretty difficult to do, honestly. Especially when you can't get your friend to help you set up ambushes because he isn't paying attention to foot steps and positioning and immediately w keys into the enemy as soon as he sees them.
t. lost a lot of duos as rogue with a fighter friend
Flanking with creep + ambush + hide + stacking AP through dagger mastery is more powerful than you probably think
Which mono-class team do you think would be strongest in duos/trios?
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>go to highroller
>it's all warlocks and rogues
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Love seeing shit like this
yes, and you should play another game that has better and funnier PvP, and doesn't employ these addiction mechanisms
So basically they can't move anywhere considering how small and grid-like the maps are
ruined Fable
So how do I actually 1v1 with druid? I'm assuming I jump in with panther -> get a few hits -> run away? then bear form if they try to all in? feels like I just die no matter what in panther form
It would be mainly useful for fights within a single module.
I just think it would be unbalanced if they could go through doors while mounted, because it would mean the both of them could cover ground really fast even across multiple modules.
>Trying to solo boss
>Barbarian decides to try to kill me midfight

Ok then
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forgot webm
Personally, I only ever use panther if the enemy is just fully turned tail and running away, so I can hit their back while keeping up with them. Otherwise, I rush in with mouse form and attack almost solely with bear form because, like you say, panther's 60% health combined with druid already not being very heavily armored results in you dying in just a few hits.
Some enemies are just retards who try and fight me while I'm in bear form; they're easy kills.
Some enemies are smarter and don't completely turn tail and run, but will try to keep their distance/kite my bear form. Even if I transform right next to them, bear is too slow to hit them if they continue backing up. In that case, I try and box them in via positioning with rat/panther+chicken. If they're trying to kite you, run past them under their feet and turn into a bear, forcing them to change direction. Try and corral them up against a wall to restrict their movement, allowing you to get a hit in. Go human form and summon a treant to split their attention and make it harder for them to keep track of where you are in rat form, then pop up behind them as a bear. Most rooms are not wide-open spaces, they've got narrow parts and obstacles and corridors ending in doors. Push the enemy up against these as they try to kite you. Remember that you only need a few bear M2s on most enemies to drop them, but in bear form you can survive taking more than a few hits from them.
Another option is to simply back off and come back later. They can't possibly chase you if you're ratjumping through doors, so lose them and then creep back up on them as a mouse. At some point they will be fighting a mob or two, and you can run up and ambush them like a rogue.
My biggest problem while using this strategy is players who have a shield or a longsword and are smart enough to block with them. The bear's attacks have a fuckhuge hitbox, which means they're easy to block if the opponent actually tries to. In this case, either split their focus using treants or other mobs in the environment, or simply go human and try to carefully poke them with a spear. Or, you know, just give up and go find a different opponent. They can't chase you, after all.
Other dangerous opponents are warlocks and bards. Bards have a couple AoE attacks like Piercing Shrill and Din of Darkness that can just instantly kill you if you're in rat form, but you should be fine as long as you watch them and make sure to switch out of rat form whenever they pull out their flute or drum. Warlocks can kill you instantly if they manage to hit your rat form with their hitscan Curse of Pain, and if they curse one of your larger forms it locks you out of using rat form because the damage over time will kill you almost immediately as soon as you switch. If they're a shitty warlock it doesn't matter a whole lot because you can just rush them and give them a couple bear taps, but if they're smart and try to kite you they'll wear you down because you can't use your fastest form, they can outrun your bear form, and if you try to approach/attack while in panther form they're usually carrying a sword and can fuck you up in melee. Easiest way to beat a warlock is by ambushing them while they're dealing with fighting other mobs, but I'd still be generally cautious while fighting them or even avoid them entirely if you have anything to lose.

None of the other classes ever give me any problems, generally.
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FOTM seems to be rondel / staff ignite meta in hr or juiced normals, i switched to gold gear plate on my cleric and been farming these shitters, they think they will two shot me like the rest but its hitting for like 25dmg when i got 180hp with 62% pdr and 56% MDR, farmed like 30k gold from retarded expensive items they got
just kite: the video game
a mountable horse would be pretty fucking big, bigger than the bear probably, and would need to be faster than the panther, it would get stuck everywhere, made even worse considering in this game even a pebble can block you, and the head of the guy mounting would scrape the ceiling of most rooms, it could be feasable in the maps of dungeonborne, but not here.
i run dual crossbows + lute in duos
biggest problem with lute is that it has a really shitty move pattern, the first swing is almost identical to the maul
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>a mountable horse would be pretty fucking big, bigger than the bear probably
A proper warhorse might be comparable in size to the bear (although I wouldn't say larger. An actual bear is itself large enough to ride, for example) but there are smaller animals capable of bearing the weight of a human, at least for a short time. This miniature stallion feels like it might be roughly around the size of the panther in-game.
>and the head of the guy mounting would scrape the ceiling of most rooms
I feel like most room-sized rooms in all maps have ceilings at least twice the height of the average player, if not far higher (plenty of rooms in Goblin Caves and nearly every single room in Ice Caverns have ceilings that are like 5x-6x the height of a player, at minimum.) It would be a problem in some of the more hallway/tunnel-like areas of the maps, though.

I guess the main issue is that while not useless, its use might be so niche that it couldn't possibly compete for a wildshape slot over any of the existing forms, or it might end up used by solo druids purely for the extra speed as a way to kite without risking the instant death of rat form.
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How feasible is a ghost king solo kill in default gear as a melee class?
Probably desperate to finish that Wizard kill quest
It took me several days in solos to get an opportunity to fight a Wizard
you gonna get ate by the skull bats. Unless you consider cleric or bard MELEE then you are gonna have a bad time.
>stock loadout
where are the stakes if you don't have all of the aformentioned mechanics?
>crafting an uncommon magic protection potion at the Alchemist requires a common magic protection potion as one of the ingredients
Where the fuck do I get common magic protection potions? Does the Alchemist sell them if his affinity is high enough?
>can just buy epic barbarian and fighter gear with caster and magic healing rolls off the market for 60-100g
I love that perk so much. The funniest part is how warlocks already have so many more options for armor than wizard even without using it.
They dont exist.

The devs are retarded like that.

The whole magic resist market consist of the nine people get from quests.
>"I don't care about balance" - sdf
>The whole magic resist market consist of the nine people get from quests.
You gotta be joking. I've seen people chug tons of those, over and over, like it was nothing.
Arenas are gonna flip this game on it's head.
People probably make new characters just to farm them because of how much fucking gold they sell for because of how rare they are.
>creating a mode puts the worst part of your game into the spotlight

owari da
That may be why they just put a 24 hour lock on deleting characters.
Meaning you can only delete one every 24 hours?
Maybe it'll mean PvPniggers will be drawn to the arena mode instead of playing in norms
I think Ranger with two bows will be the 1v1 arena meta if there is 1v1. Survival power quick shot/knockback to counter everyone except Barbarian and Crossbow/longbow for PDR fighter
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>when you leave a party it doesn't reset your dungeon selection
>mfw queueing alone into trios
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>watching this month's dev interview
>sdf literally admits he doesn't care about the balance right now
neither will I then, gonna see how far I can push the meta...
Did you live?
The stake is time and the reward is the short term dopamine hit that's released when I signal to my brain that I'm the smarter and more skillful candidate because I outplayed another human being in the digital toy.
Embrace your origins, no need to subscribe to an artifical feedback system when you're already wired to a superior biological one.
>Did you live?
I was a druid, so yes. Two times I happened upon enemy teams - the first time they didn't see me, and the second time they couldn't catch me.
Went to Inferno to farm some more berserkers and centaurs.
The one time I accidentally queued trios on Goblin Caves this season I scooped up some decent gear from two or three different teams after they fought. Honestly it's not even a bad idea but sometimes you get unlucky and teams will camp the entire raid, or one group comes out unscathed and you can't third party.
That's probably the main reason they nerfed interaction speed on enemy corpses - to make it harder for solos to grief and vacuum shit in the middle of a big fight.
How do I kill people as a ranger? I can third party but as soon as i 1v1 I try to keep my distance but eventually they get in melee range and I die, or I get stuck trying to open a door and die
>but eventually they get in melee range and I die
I don't play ranger, but I've seen other rangers use that five-arrow spread ability as a point-blank shotgun sort of attack for enemies in melee range.
You have to think ahead. Leave doors open and close them on pursuers to create distance. Set traps ahead of time to lead them into and traps are always a free kill unless their team covers. Use jumps to lessen the movement penalty from performing other actions: reloading, turning around to look back, starting the draw of your bow. Jumping will carry your momentum from when you left the ground until you land and give you a small movement penalty which gives you opportunity to perform or start a lot of actions and get extra distance while doing so. Lastly of course you still have to build some speed/agility to outpace everyone
>playing high roller duos after several successful 100 gs runs
>queue up for goblin caves
>friend brought in all legendary gear he just bought off the market while I'm running some dumb 15 knowledge invisibility potion barbarian kit
>some cleric BISed out of his mind comments that my buddy has nice gear in the lobby
>spawn in the bottom left module of goblin caves
>we barely make it out of our spawn room when the previously mentioned cleric and his fighter are already rushing us
>die instantly, they only loot a couple of things off our bodies
Fuck man, high roller sucks. I blame my friend more than anything for painting a target on our back, but it still feels bad
a buddy of mine is wondering what's better, a potion of luck in normals or play high rollers for better loot, any anons know which to go for?
It depends what you are trying to go for. If you are going for a cave troll pelt luck actually fucks you because a pelt counts as normal loot instead of uncommon or above loot. As long as you just want things that are higher rarity tier instead of cave troll pelt/moldy bread quest items luck in hr is the way to go always for higher tier loot drops. It’s funny because in my experience hr is the farming game mode. Nobody fucking plays that shit compared to normals. Easy farm. Everyone plays normals high gear score but the loot is so bad compared to what you are bringing in it’s the PvP game mode imo especially goblin caves
I should also say that luck actually helps for higher rarity quest items like enchanted fabric and spider silk. You just need to know what tier rarity you are gunning for. More often than not ignoring these niche situations high roller loot with luck is always better for getting gold,
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thank you anon
No problem man. I actually think it makes sense on how everyone is juiced bullying normals because it so easy farming HR and the matches aren’t active. It’s almost as if you are forced to do this. Good luck man
Build a lot of move speed, kite, and learn to run away.
Watch what vincennt (previous rank 1 ranger) does when people get in his space. Gear obviously helps but his movement, positioning, and timing of his skills is what saves him in bad situations.
Bard bro are you still quitting the game? I hope not. Also what are your thoughts on ranger compared to bard? Doesn’t bard need to soften people up with ranger before going in?
>Bard bro are you still quitting the game?
nah, I did a couple norm raids today, see >>1362763
I'm waiting on the game to get some more changes but at some point I'll need to finish my demigod grind for the season, assuming the cosmetic rewards are worth it this time.
>Also what are your thoughts on ranger compared to bard?
Ranger has better DPS and burst, but far less utility. I think both are pretty good and fun to play when you don't get landmined.
>Doesn’t bard need to soften people up with ranged before going in?
Depends on how they build. They have enough utility to win fights with just melee alone, but most metaslave bards open with survival bow then finish with melee. Obviously if you can avoid taking damage (or less damage) in a fight then choose that path. On my kite build I play every situation different and improvise as needed.
Glad to hear you’re not quitting the game man. I feel like you and me are the only ones that post the most
Faggot gook devs, zero balance, nigger players
So why do rangers and bow fighters get to be unkillable? They can just plink you with arrows and even leg shots are fucking crippling. There is no skill in these classes at all. Infinite range means they can just kite infinitely
>No way to switch mob aggro
>All you have to do is wait for the enemy to aggro mobs (especially overtuned bullshit like all of the ice caves)
>Free kill because it is now a 1vX
Such skill
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>it's a devs make a fun class/build/playstyle and gut the fun stuff out of it episode
>it's a devs nerf a class that needs to be nerfed but then immediately gives them compensation buffs episode
>it's a devs "buff" a class episode
>it's a devs gut a class because they don't want to address scaling being shit episode

Why though?
>Get ganked by fag with mob on me
>Activate Phantomize
> Mob keeps aggro on me, who is literally immune to it's attacks. Instead of swapping aggro to the fighter standing next to it
Yea what is the point of this skill exactly? Do fuck all for 10 seconds while people follow you?
You're simply uncreative and don't know how to use a fantastic ability. Whether using it for escaping or an aggressive play with chasing someone down or activating firewalk and then walking through the enemy. Use your brain, okay? And if thats too hard, just watch a few videos on youtube to get them to teach you.
>>No way to switch mob aggro
bro your bard skills?
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You use it to reposition and escape bad situations, it's one of the best evasion skills in the entire game.
Without seeing what exactly happened I can't give any better advice than that.
I remember the very first Dark and Darker /vg/ threads we had during the playtests... the game has come a long way in such a short time.
It was cute how during the last dev Q&A Terence mentioned all they talk about at lunch is Dark and Darker, there's obviously a lot of passion involved even if many on the team have different opinions about where the game should go.
>Braindead enemy that walked into you with fists iut
>Hit him 5 times before he draws a weapon
Look man if there is ELO in this game I belong in bronze, but nobody I fight is that fucking bad
I shiggy diggy
>Rangers can shoot arrows through doors
>Not allowed to cast curses through doors
Oh my god this game fucking SUCKS.,, It's such a cool idea absolutely crippled by the fact that nothing works the way you fucking think it does. Everyone "good" at the game just abuses the games mechanics instead of actually playing it
>Reading comprehension
>In a game where mob aggro is permanent
Yea passionately retarded
>play fighter
>get hard countered by a wizard
>play wizard
>get hard countered by a druid
>play druid
>get hard countered by a warlock
>play warlock
>get countered by a rogue
>play rogue
>get hard countered by a barbarian
>play barbarian
>get hard countered by a cleric
>play cleric
>get hard countered by ranger
>play ranger
>get hard countered by a fighter

This game is miserable.
POE2 cant' come soon enough
>Join game with more than 25 gs
>Instantly rushed down by fighter with sprint (no counterplay btw) and 2 shot
Wow cool game, my favorite part is when he gains 45 movespeed for free and everyone is withing 15 movespeed of each other anyway so that gap is never being widened again
you should have seen when Sprint was 50 move speed for 6 seconds straight
what class are you playing?
>Play game
>Don't play meta cockslurper class that SDF decided should be gigabuffed
>Zero chance of winning fights
Warlock because I suck balls at PvE
I did not realize the trade off was that every class gets to ass fuck me in PvP
Thats far from the truth. Learning pvp is a climb of skill all on its own. Warlocks have a great kit for fighting others.
God damnit, I spent all day trying to beat the cyclops and kept getting my dick kicked in. If not by the cyclops then a dick ass warlock or bow fighter peppering me from the doorway. Like, shit, the cyclops is going to kill me just wait your fucking turn
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Yea you're going to have to show me some evidence. Every class in the game has some means of closing the pitiful gap of warlocks "range" or just beating out the range entirely. Further, warlock spells do horrible damage barring slow memes like hellfire (nobody is dumb enough to walk through flame walker lets be real here).
Plus you cannot exactly cast and move very quickly. So the melee class just holds forward because he will catch you and the range class just outranges you.
>But phantomize
Phantomize would be good if it could be ended early. But it can't so you run around like a twat for 10 seconds while the enemy just walks after you (wow 10% movespeed) and then kills you when you come out of it
if this isn't a bit please post your hours
True I’m laughing my ass off this guy has to be f2p
Gear market was a mistake. It's so fucking boring waiting almost ten minutes to play in between sessions because my teammate has to re-gear. Just make your sets from the dungeon like a real gamer
Hours? Idk I work, whenever I have time to play I play
>If this is not a bit
It isn't. I just died to a rogue, spectated him after and I did less than 30% of his hp. This is in squire gear bracket
>Be in gob caves, middle with elevator
>Rogue comes in, aggros gob and shaman
>Toss hydra in doorway to block escape
>Miss Curse of pain despite being 5 feet from the rogue with crosshair on him
One of my favorite questions in this game is going "Is this spell a projectile or not?" and getting a different answer every game
> Rogue goes invis
>Curse of pain his exact location
>No hit
Realize this is a match where it is not a projectile
>Use hydra
>Rogue is revealed! But mobs are aggrod on me now
>Rogue retreats, kill mobs
>Rogue returns, repeat above steps
>Get hit with some sort of ranged attack
>Crippling slow
>Lose 25% hp
>Rogue stabs me once, I phantom
>Run away
>Phantom ends, rogue stabs me since he was 1 step behind
If you launch the game and press escape you should see your hours in the lower left
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Lol. Warlock ARE the no skill baby class though. That's why they have infinite spells and infinite phantomizes
Man the nerf to torture mastery hurts at squire level. Been just going in and rushing rooms to try and get some more pvp experience but if I use any spells over tier 3 it feels like I dump 1/6th my health bar just prepping for a fight. Also
>running around not looting just looking for people to fight
>find a barb who's got a skele and skele champ aggro'd
>barb panics and runs into a little dead end room
>skele champ and skeleton get stuck on each other so he's just stuck there
>starts yelling 'friendly help me please' on the mic
>laughing so much I lose my will to fight and bail him out
>wish him luck and go rush some other spawns
>get dumpstered by two crossbow skeletons sitting in a shadow
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>had a dream where I was playing DaD in duos with my dad
>he died 7 years ago
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Torch codes are available now for $5.


>Maximum Order: 100
you can order in excess and attempt to flip if you want, people probably might pay for a chance at rare skin a year from now for $10-$15.
Any pics of what it looks like in-game?
there are none, not in game yet.
Won't be until the 20th hotfix
by the hotfix on the 20th, I mean.
>but at some point I'll need to finish my demigod grind for the season, assuming the cosmetic rewards are worth it this time
Do we get to find out what the rewards are going to be before the season actually ends?
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only 2.8K torches left

but they recently asked for another 15K so you still might have time
>bard with Phantomize
What the hell am I watching? Is this some kind of glitch? Is it a very old WebM and they used to get Phantomize?
>play fighter
>get hard countered by a wizard
Except for the part where you simply dodge all their slow-moving projectiles from outside Zap range until they run out of spells while poking them with arrows, and then you beat them to death.

Also don't forget that druid counters rogue, barbarian, cleric, ranger, and wizard as well.
if you're going to try to get more than one torch you have to do separate $5 donations btw
I have over 200 hours and I experience many of the same issues that anon describes with warlock.
Fighting another warlock is obviously an even fight, wizards are easy prey, and druids are doable, but against every other class it feels like they either out-DPS me from range or they have the health to simply ignore my curses and rush me and beat me to death in melee where I can't compete with their PDR.
I have way, way more success in PvP as druid. Druid has no ranged options, but I'm much better at rushing ranged enemies and also much better at escaping melee enemies if the fight is going poorly.
IronMace tried experimenting with a multiclassing mechanic a few months ago that let you roll for random skills and perks of other classes. It was a complete shit show and only lasted a few weeks before they removed it
old webm from month ago, multiclassing unironically nuked the player base dipping from 18-25K to as low as 4K.
Oh right, I forgot about multiclassing
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>kids cancer fundraiser
>dark and darker block
>guy chooses to play with someone named H3ntai
how short sighted can he be
>streamer they chose to represent the fundraiser is a teamkiller
It still says Forgotten Castle in the menu, it doesnt say howling crypts anywhere on the map screen
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>Gets killed in PvP game
>Cries and quits
How are fags like this even real?
guaranteed if your favorite streamer did it you'd be cheering and roflmaoing.
I haven't died in two weeks nearly now boys, my stash is in fucking shambles
I'm in a similar situation because I pretty much only ever play <25, but I stockpile on all the green/blue gear for my main that I find. I've had to start storing his gear in alt characters' stashes because I've already hit five tabs for my main and it's still not enough.
Gotta start running 25-124. It's really not that bad. A friend and I were playing it most of yesterday and we escaped every single time. Lose that gear fear and clear out your stash, it's all going to get wipe in a month or so anyway
It's less that I fear losing the gear and more that I don't really have any incentive to go to the higher brackets right now since I'm mostly just doing quests.
>it's all going to get wipe in a month or so anyway
What all persists between wipes? Anything?
Does any part of one's stash carry over, whether the non-rented tabs or the shared tab, etc?
What about quest progress/merchant affinity?
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thanks for the info. been winning more fights by playing slow with treant and getting hits in with bear
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So does high roller matchmaking account for rank at all? Or is it all the same from Demigod to neophyte?
Damn, I was talking all that shit and a friendly Warlock showed up and helped me kill it. I even got the last hit so it counted as my kill. We parted ways when he ran off to fight the cave troll, but, unfortunately, his name popped up in the kill feed not too long after that. RIP to a real one, I guess not all Warlocks are shitters
the only content creator I like for this game mainly streams 3v3s and I don't care about 3s
That's fair, I've done most of my questing in <25 lobbies too. There isn't a whole lot of reason to run higher gear in norms, other than more intense PvP, since it doesn't give you better loot. I do find it fun to gear up with whatever I get in raid then snowball from there though

Character names, Fame level, and blue/red shards persist, but that's it (maybe reward tokens too, but don't quote me on that). Character levels, gear, extra stash tabs, quest progress, everything else gets wiped.
Wizard is sleeper OP, cant beat them on my warlock in HR they burst me down to fast.
>peak corner for curse spam
>lol lightning strike/fireball spam and fire mastery to reduce healing
>pop down hydra to heal
>lol MM kills it in 2 seconds
>Phantomize away to reset
>lol insts dead due to extra magic dmg taken gg

With all the people on reddit talking about warlock nerfs, hope they tone down wizard insane burst even through my anti magic perk. I mean wizard is the only other class able to solo frost wyvern, enough said
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>month or so
Are you fucking kidding me? You play the game for 3 months then they expect you to start all over?
I thought wipes would slow down dramatically after being on Steam what the fuck
>I mean wizard is the only other class able to solo frost wyvern
How is that possible when the wyvern has like 80% magic damage reduction and wizards have finite spells?
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>on my way to camp a red staircase in Crypts
>see someone chasing a Barbarian toward me in a hallway
>put up a thorn barrier to fuck up the second guy's pursuit and rat form away from both of them
I don't know if the barb lived, but I just think it's funny to interfere like that.
It seems (based on my single test just now) like if you sit down in the Inferno/Ice Abyss waiting room before the loading screen, the game considers you to be sitting for that entire time, for the purposes of restoring spells/health and such. If you do need to replenish anything, you can use this to make use of the ~10 seconds of loading that you have to sit through regardless.
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dubs of knowledge
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>devs add periodic noises to rat form
>chicken form is still completely silent and is plenty small enough to hide in crevices/behind crates and barrels/up on high shelves/etc
>also invisible in the darkness because no potions on the belt
Right now I'm waiting for the Inferno stairs to open and the spot I'm in is literally inaccessible to anyone but a druid. No one could possibly see me here, let alone attack me.
boring fag
been doing this but in goblin caves. works pretty well, but once in a while you'll get a psycho that randomly looks up out of no where
>another empty HR lobby
fuck this game is unplayable in the AM in NA
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It turns out there's a rat inside an area in Inferno that's accessible only via rat form. It's in the small room with two chests and a berserker behind the double doors in Blood Columns.
You can't interact with it or anything like you can with the dog in the tavern, though.
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Every weapon should have the option to block or parry. It can be added to the 'alt' button for single handed weapons. Holding a short dagger up wont do much but itd be nice to have the option.
All weapons should have at least 1 alternative attack button with a different animation, I imagine this would mainly be a poking animation for most weapons. This would alleviate the doorway META
W key'd someone with the kris dagger and the last attack animation went through the other player.
I dont know how much longer I can handle this sewage
Been saying this for months. If DaD played more like Chivalry 2 I would jizz myself.
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Couldn't someone simply clone DaD except with Chivalry/M&B combat and rake in cash?
dunno if its just low level lobbies, but druid really has that teemo affect on people, where everyone wants to kill you. so many games of people just chasing me as i jump through doors
>jumping through doors like a griefer with infinite resets
>they want to kill you
A parry dagger has been brought, I don't think it should have the ability to 100% block like parry or even shields do at the wrong angles -- maybe something like %30 less damage but its a skill check.
People disliked when there were figurative rats (Rogue) so it's no surprise that they HATE the literl rats
rat are literally smoke pot rogue 2.0
Give me a quick rundown, I hear that smoke pot was nerfed but I wasn't playing back then.
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>spend 15 minutes waiting to get down to Inferno to do a quest
>don't spawn in the correct version of the map
>can't do the quest
>have to spend another 15 minutes waiting for Inferno again
A bunch of streamers whined about it and it became an echo chamber in their chats to eventually nerf it.

>engage in fight with SP rogue
>they get low
>smokepot and reset
they also used it to rat kits because it was the most effective perk for it, some said it was "oppressive"

rat is the new form of it only arguably better, you can literally disappear through a doorway
What's different about it now? It still seems to cover a pretty large area in smoke for an escape.
The map rotation thing is absolutely horrible, the game has enough players to keep every map always open and also fill every lobby, hell, dungeonborne managed to do it during the playtest with one third of the playerbase and also have an arena mode, so there's no excuse.
I'm not talking about the map rotation, I mean that to get down to Inferno I literally have to sit in the Crypts for 15 minutes until the red staircases open.
it's toxic no matter who does it, it's not fun on either ends and will just slowly kill the game if not fixed, no matter how much you deny it, it happened to many other games before
How much damage would this kit have been doing in a single hit for it to kill the troll so quickly?
Damage output is insane with gear. CNGblade and a few others in HR are the only ones able to play it to full potential, Jaygriff sucks at wizard now compared to like a year ago.


He just meditates when it does the flapping thing, you essentially have infinite spells as wiz on that fight
That fight looks like it'd be tough to solo as any melee class, and obviously warlock can do it, but how would an all-purples ranger fare?
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players should be able to control the monsters
One of the differences is that you can only use it so many times a game, they might’ve made it slow people for less. I am not happy with this.
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what are some good rat spots i can go to with druid in the goblin caves? no longer will I play fair
The only specific spot I've found (that isn't just in a dark corner, behind a chest/boxes/crates, etc) is the crack in the floor of the lower-left module, in the East hallway, which is supposed to open up into a ramp when a lever on the lower level is thrown.
Rat form can not only fit into that crack (and be both invisible and probably immune to all forms of attack except splash damage) but can actually work its way through it and end up on the ramp underneath. An enemy would not be able to follow you and would have to take the long way around, through the hole in the center of that module.
I don't think you can go back up to the surface using rat form though, you'd have to exit by either pulling the lever or using the regular entrance hole.

There's also a crevice in one of the door corners of the troll room (the one where the entrance ramp is right next to a wooden staircase) that you can fit into and won't aggro the troll even if someone else is fighting it. Good for staking out and waiting until the exact moment the enemy kills the troll, then ambushing them.
Been asking for it since PT2. The devs model after tarkov, but they can't see the potential in a "scav" mode where you play monsters.

Ever since EA Patch 1 where gold and gear started flowing like rain there is no reason to have a mode like that.
does loot increase if you have a higher gear score?
No. The only differences in loot are between Normal and High Roller.
If you go into Normal with a billion gear score, you get no better loot than if you'd gone in naked.
then what's the point of having higher gear? You don't get better loot, you don't get an advantage over other players because matchmaking is gear based, and you only risk losing the stuff you bring in, why not just only play base gear?
higher gearscore = going against people with higher gear score = chance to make fat money by pvping other people. people also bloat their own gearscore with garbage so they can rat bodies of geared players
I just think it'd be fun as hell playing a goblin or cave troll with their abilities and wreck PCs. Doesn't have to be like Tarkov with SCAVs, it can have another reward system and also be really fun to jump around different monsters to fuck with the PCs (offering more of a challenge then the NPC AI).
>you don't get an advantage over other players because matchmaking is gear based
You get an advantage within your bracket, depending on the enemy's gear. The gap between 125 and 25 gear score is much larger than the gap between 24 and 10 gear score. Someone with hundreds of gear score in the highest bracket will demolish someone with 126 gear score.
Gear can change how some classes play, too. For example, Knowledge impacts how quickly a wizard's spells recharge when resting or meditating, as well as the fire/travel speed of Magic Missile and I think even the cast speed of all spells. Playing a default gear wizard feels much shittier than playing a geared wizard, even if you're fighting equivalently-geared players in both instances or simply just doing PvE.
Also, some classes have skills/abilities that scale faster in effectiveness with gear than their enemies' defenses will scale with their gear.
A druid in purple gear deals so much damage in bear form that they can kill most other classes in just a few M2 taps or even one-shot them, even if those other classes are also wearing purple gear.

>chance to make fat money by pvping other people
That doesn't really address his argument though, because the only point of money is to buy gear. You're using gear to get gear to exchange for money to get gear to use to get gear to exchange for money and so on.
>You're using gear to get gear to exchange for money to get gear to use to get gear to exchange for money and so on.
that's literally an extraction game. seems like his argument is against the genre itself then lol
Thank you, but this seems like a different game than the one I play. If a fighter appears two inches from my face I'm dead, even if I manage to hit him with the rapid shot, because it's not enough to kill him (at least in base gear apparently), and it's impossible for me to create distance against most other players, unless they're in full plate, because they're usually as fast as I am if not faster (panther, buffed bard), so this feels useless to me. On a sidenote, does this guy have legit brain damage?.
then it's only an "issue" with how large the gear brackets are, if the brackets were made smaller or removed this argument wouldn't exist, and right now you should just go with the highest possible gear rating in the bracket so you can demolish the ones lower than you, is that right?
I'm a f2p user, I can't sell gear so the only ones I loot is what I need for quests or what I can wear, to me there's absolutely no reason to go over 25, apparently.
you can still use the gear you get off players, but yeah I guess there's no reason to go past 25 as a f2p
>because they're usually as fast as I am if not faster (panther, buffed bard)
As a druid, I can tell you that if a druid rushes you in panther form, a rapid shot to the face will probably kill him. Panther has 30% less HP than human form and no extra PDR, so they're very squishy. The counterplay to panther is not being intimidated and just laying into them.
One time in a <25 lobby a ranger unloaded that five-arrow skill into my face point-blank and that was enough to nearly one-shot even my bear form from full health. I expect three or four headshots, if not fewer, should be enough to kill a panther or at the very least scare him off. Alternatively if you're carrying a melee weapon like a shortsword or rapier, whack him with that when he gets close.

Personally, I'd never attack anyone with panther form if they're at all trying to fight back, because the risk of death for me is so high.
>and right now you should just go with the highest possible gear rating in the bracket so you can demolish the ones lower than you, is that right?
I mean, once you hit >125 that just becomes "try and have the highest possible gear score, period" which is generally the idea, yes. Being stronger is better.
As for restricting yourself to be just barely inside the upper end of 125 in order to destroy players on the lower end of that bracket, that's up to you.

But also, there's still my second and third points. Even if everyone's gear score were exactly equal, some classes perform better with better gear and some classes FEEL better with better gear. Like they're just more fun to play because of increased movespeed/decreased cooldowns/increased attack/action speed/etc.
I think ranger might be too difficult for you.
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>perch up in a high place out of sight with chicken form while I wait for Inferno stairs
>eventually a player walks by
>he's not wearing a helmet
>holding a torch instead of his weapon
>starts looting a chest right below me
>I can't resist
>drop out of the sky as a bear and two-shot him before he even knows what's happening
Also ended up killing a second guy who came across me while I was looting the first guy's body.
>I can't sell gear so the only ones I loot is what I need for quests or what I can wear, to me there's absolutely no reason to go over 25, apparently.
You can still sell higher rarity tier items that you would rarely get from chests and mobs in low roller to merchants it’s just less rewarding than market. You can gamble with goblin merchant as a good sink, plus crafting materials from market to craft rubysilver gear etc. Plus there’s what that other anon said about playing classes to their full potential. >>1363528
Example of the sort of stuff that can be done with crazy high-tier gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0rJTR3N7Ds
This isn't really comparable to <25 gameplay.
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>looking for PvP
>can’t find anyone
Fuck it I’ll do inferno quests
>everyone and their mother tries to fight me
Why does everyone try to fight me when I’m not looking for it? Does this happen to anyone else?
I haven't experienced it with Inferno specifically because I can just find a good hiding spot in Crypts, but during other quests where I have to actually go somewhere/do something? Feels that way to me as well a lot of the time.

Also, that image kind of feels more applicable to rogues than druids at this point.
>kind of feels more applicable to rogues than druids
Other way around I mean, more applicable to druids than rogues.
Yeah that image was made around when the game was still playtesting I think
Is chicken really silent? I thought it clucked periodically like rat squeak
i hope they add in more wacky cosmetic stuff like that rainbow torch. i always loved that kind of shit in korean mmorpgs.
How about being black?
koreans hate nogs
It clucks when it moves or jumps, but standing still? Perfectly silent.
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>zweihander has no pokes
>game is 95% in cramped quarters
this shit bothers me
Isn't the third attack in the zweihander combo a poke?
Not that that's much consolation when you have to do two very wide swings first.
There are a lot of garbage weapons that need changes. Hatchet being another
Imagine if you could press R (same key used to toggle lantern shield) to switch grips and just use the sword as a spear (with slightly shorter reach so it's not just a more versatile spear.)
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>need to kill cleric for quest
>can't find any clerics
are you serious clerics are one of the most played rn
>build pdr kit
>first opponent is a weakpoint rogue
every class in the game has an armor pen ability or weapon
losing 30 movespeed to feel like tissue paper is so worth it
Well they're either dying before I get to them or we're just not running into each other.
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>25-125 lobby
>see in kill feed that someone died to troll
>go loot their body
>purple boots and a bunch of jewelry
>see in kill feed that two people died to giant centipede, I'm guessing it killed them while they were busy fighting each other
>go to one of the few places on the map where there are giant centipedes
>blue armor, jewelry, even a cape
>didn't have to fight anyone for any of it
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>hear someone fighting the troll
>it's a warlock
>the fool didn't shut the troll room door
>sit outside the troll room in rat form
>the very instant the troll dies, run in and bop the warlock with bear form
>he dies in two hits
>free troll's club
Rogue hiding on top of buildings in the Ruins taking potshots at people with the hand crossbow really wasn't that big of a deal. People were just being whiny babies about not being able to get up there themselves. Justice for double jump!
Based. FUCK warlocks
used to be infinite
>even a cape
based new anon, I remember when capes were crazy loot. gz
I have 250 hours so far and have only accumulated a couple dozen capes, and most of them were quest rewards. I almost never see them when looting.
I tried other classes and it's the only one I can at least kill some monsters with
Maybe you should work on being not garbage at PvE before attempting to be good at PvP.
PvE is LITERALLY just "back up so the mob doesn't hit you, then poke it." Any melee class should have no problem dealing with normal mobs unless you fuck up and pull a train of them.
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>come across a platelock in a tunnel surrounded by three bodies
>initially pass him up, but decide to poke him when I hear him life draining his hydra
>summon a treant
>he backs into a dead-end corridor
>suddenly treant stops moving
>run up and poke the dead end with my spear
>he'd used an invis potion
>back off and box him in with Thorn Barrier, let my treant do his thing
>warlock eventually kills the treant with his kris
>summon a new treant and a new Thorn barrier
>warlock goes demon form while the second treant is pummeling him
>he eventually kills it and I summon another one, but he jumps over the spike barrier
>nearly kills me and I rat away to heal
>run back in and discover the treant had finished him off after he retreated back into that same dead end
>he was drowning in loot from the other guys around him
>he was wearing all greens/blues with a purple chestpiece
I don't think I even touched him once in that fight aside from when I jabbed him with my spear to break his invisibility.
i love the game but i can't play it because i need to be able to watch other shit on my 2nd monitor at the same time, but doing so heavily nerfs me because i'm not as aware.
You need to be watching your second monitor at literally all times?
What do you do when you sleep?
honestly this. I guess I'm a zoomer because the game (PvE only) can get super monotonous which is heavily compounded by the lack of music. I just play vidya OSTs in the background on super low volume so I can still hear player footsteps.
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>need to sleep
>tell myself that I'll stop playing once I die and lose my kit
>it's been hours now and I still haven't died yet
no no, the problem is that if i'm watching a stream or listening to something, the sound is making me less aware in-game
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>a few rounds later
>hear a warlock fighting the cyclops
>stake out the door
>the second the cyclops is down, panther+chicken jump from the door directly to him in less than a second
>he goes demon form
>kill him with two bear taps anyway
>it was this same fucking guy again
I wonder if he realized I was the same druid.
I was referring to
>I NEED to be able to watch other shit on my 2nd monitor
Have you tried having an attention span? Zoomzoom needs his Subway Surfers gameplay footage for extra stimulation?
Simply focus only on the game.
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>forgot my spear
>find a shitty warhammer in the dungeon
>end up low on health from PvP
>goblin walks up before I can make a campfire
>don't even want to chance it, just summon a treant to deal with the goblin
>treant ignores the goblin and tries attacking a chest instead
>chest is probably a mimic, but the treant is doing nothing to it and is being killed by the goblin
>decide to take some shots at the goblin while the treant has aggro, at least
>goblin's attack on the treant goes wide and hits me while I'm standing beside the goblin
At least I have learned that treants can apparently detect mimics.
I just hound a round where my hydra started shooting a mimic, never knew they'd detect them
I'm testing blue gear out on my druid. With 35 STR, the bear's M2 does 162 damage on a headshot. With 41 strength, it does 199 damage.
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>lost the blue kit because I fucked up a ratjump and a goblin one-shot me
Dungeonborne lets you play as the Mithril Order, which is a team of murderboner faggots that are the equivalent of tarkov scavs but they have good gear
Is demonform troll
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>Been killing lots of people today
>280 movespeed barbarian catches a 292 speed warlock
PVP is a fucking joke and nobody can convince me otherwise. Every video posted of PvP is against people playing with 1 hand and not a real person
Just don't get hit by his throwing weapons lmao. I bring in two drums and three franciscas while running Achilles Strike every match, so good luck :)
>hit demigod
It was not worth it
this game is ass
How did you do it? Did you run into many people?
no shit. you had to pay $30 for it.
Omega juiced bard and rogue in the lobby, hunt them down like dogs and rogue in panic closes door on his bard while fighting, we behead the bard scoop him clean but roooge ran away and took static, queue up same map right after we leave but match instantly starts

>Check kill feed its the same rouge
>Oh boy here we go again

Just cruise around the mid of gobbo caves seal clubbing retards who brought two blue items into 124+, until the rogue weak points me (it lasts half s second because of protection of evil lmao) and i crave him cranium in two hits, buddy chases his friend who switched from bard to warlock in another juice sets

+10k gold each again

The rogues buddy must be fucking seething losing two 10k kits back to back lmao

Anyway HR is a meme all the juicers are in normals trying to farm timmies and we been farming them for the past few weeks
so agility druid is completely dead yeah? been seeing people just stack str for bear one shots
>always been scared of running gear or pvping in general
>druid can get to 31 str for under 800g
>bear form does 141 on a head shot with it
it's time...for me to get good..
>1 year anniversary of EA release coming up next month
>remember last dev q&a they mentioned wanting to do something for it
I wonder what it might be
>running around in rat form
>got hung up on a tiny rock on the ground
>goblin bolaslinger instakilled me the second I wasn't moving
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>4 kills in one solos round
>I am a majority of the killfeed
The lifesteal is pretty insane if you know how to build properly. I think twitch.tv/Elite5XX has been playing this build in HR over the last week or so if you want a resource.
You only need Pathfinder (the blue tier) for the seasonal play-to-win skin, everything else is vanity. Might not bother going further than that this season considering I completed the only two OG seasons that mattered. If there's another fucking campfire skin I'll pass, AP grinding is lame and has been sucking the life out of the High Roller experience for months. Meanwhile norms have been great for running around and PvPing (the fun part of the game for skilled players) since you can clear PvE quickly and don't have to worry about doing enough of X or Y in raid to maintain some dumb score.
HR being a meme is no joke, even the devs didn't want to admit the ratio of normals to HR players right now. I think they're hoping the rewards will motivate people to play more HR later this season.
>I think they're hoping the rewards will motivate people to play more HR later this season
The AP rank rewards?
Are we actually going to find out what they'll be before the season ends?
>The AP rank rewards?
>Are we actually going to find out what they'll be before the season ends?
Yes, most likely when we get the last quests of the season. They always work from behind when it comes to AP rewards.
>it's toxic to PvP in the PvP game
where do people with this mindset come from?
>"bro use arcane shield and ignited staff to counter rogues"
>they start poking with 6 stacks of throwing knives and superior move speed
>zap despite being hitscan is so fucking slow that they can react to it and dodge behind a pillar
my inventory is empty now, only 587 gold in it and i'm down from voyager to pathfinder. i've been on a losing streak in high roller and i'm losing my composure more and more without learning anything.
Dagger warlocks are actually really easy prey for bear druids because they're unwilling to kite, but don't have enough reach to even hit me while I'm M2'ing them. I almost never take any damage at all while I'm fighting them.
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just went through 10k worth of shitty budget kits and didn't make anything back. Actually pvping has made me slightly better cuz i've been getting way more kills and i've almost killed really geared players, but fuck me.
What are some good classes to partner with Wizard in duos?
(low gear score)
Me and my friend have success with ranger. We have been shitting on people in the goblin caves. On occasion especially The traps are helpful.
>zap despite being hitscan is so fucking slow
How much knowledge were you running lil bro? It better be at least 40. If they are puller peaking lightning strike and fire ball splash and explosions are your friends. Even niche situation chain off of a mob. You got this bro.
>engage a fighter
>suddenly a rogue comes out of hide and starts stabbing the fighter in the back
>fighter sprints away
>I switch focus to the rogue and kill him instead
Third partying can be dangerous when you don't know how healthy the other two fighters are.
I'm trying out an all-action speed build on my Druid. Went from -4% to 7.8%.
It's nothing crazy because my DEX is still mediocre, but my spear stabs are noticeably faster and it feels like my bear M2 executes about a half-second faster than before.
Dex can be good. Have played with the idea of trying ranger out with dex but am too autistic to switch classes.
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>immediately know what you could have done differently and almost certainly lived
thanks when i want chinese spyware with my watered down DaD gameplay ill know where to go
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I really need to get it through my head to escape before the 2-3 minute mark.
I keep forgetting about the cave collapse damage and trying to use rat form and just getting instakilled by it.
Druid brainrot
Difference between HR loot and normals is insane.
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and just like that, dungeonborne solved the inspection meme.
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Do spider mummies count toward mobs killed in High Roller?
Could you just spend a whole round farming a single pot, since they respawn infinitely?
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>giant centipedes can just walk right over a thorn barrier like it's a ramp
druid bros, what do you do against a bard with that big crossbow? just went against one that would hit my head if i pounced with panther with his falchion and once i switched to bear, he'd run run away and hit me with the crossbow. i ended up just running away in rat form
I suck Could anyone here that has found success with this game link me to a guide or tell me how to play their class?
How the fuck does Explosion work?
That is one spell I never use or understand.
it makes a sticky nade at whatever you point
it explodes after a bit
>why would anyone use this over fireball
more controlled AoE so you don't kill yourself with it, hitscan delivery so people can't really dodge it, no knockback funnybusiness
Does High Roller score you based on the rarity of the treasure you retrieve, or just the number? Should I be filling my pockets with shitty rings and bangles instead of normal/exquisite bowls and waterpots?
>hitscan delivery so people can't really dodge it
Can't they just walk away from it during the multiple-second windup animation before it detonates?
You should prioritize higher tier loot in general. I typically don't grab anything lower than green unless my inventory is empty at the end of the match because it's just not worth it money wise. Higher tier stuff gives you better AP too
The BIG crossbow is the Windlass, which is ranger-exclusive. Bards can only use the normal crossbow.
If an enemy is determined to kite your bear form, you have to outmaneuver them. Summon treants and thorn barriers on the opposite side of them to slow or stop their escape. Push them toward groups of mobs. He went through a door and closed it? Ratjump through it and run past him before turning into a bear - now he's trapped between you and the door he just closed.
Alternatively, just fully disengage and stalk him until he starts fighting mobs, then blitz him while he's distracted.
Bards are slightly dangerous for druids because their instrument AoEs can instakill rat form, but just watch him and back off/change form when he pulls out a drum or flute.
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It sticks onto you man you can’t dodge it. Think of a delayed zap that does more dmg and is slightly aoe.
I've never actually used it in combat, but the description makes no mention of this. It just says "an explosion occurs in the targeted area" and the one time I took it into a dungeon to try it, it seemed like exactly that - a shittier Lightning Strike.
If it does stick to the target, that's actually pretty decent, but IM should change the description so that it actually conveys that.
Good, you're learning.
descriptions in general in this game blow massive amounts of dick
>wrong information
>obscure information (damage (scaling ratio)), what the fuck is my current damage with it?? what does it scale with???
>some descriptions are functional descriptions while others are descriptions you'd read in a lore book
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Hello everyone, I make most of the OPs.
We've reached bump in less than a week so I want to take a vote on where future threads should be. I'm hesitant to make threads on /vg/ because the nature of a wipe game like Dark and Darker means that there will be less and less interest in the game as the season progresses, which means threads will become more at risk of dying before bump limit. Ultimately, it's (You) who keeps these threads alive so tell me where you'd rather access the thread.

Vote here: https://strawpoll.com/w4nWWDJq5nA
I don’t care as long as whenever we make a new thread I know where it is and so I don’t make an extra one by accident
>still no tutorial
Do you think they will ever add one?
>what the fuck is my current damage with it?
It's so dumb that the only way to check one's current damage output with certainty is to queue into a real match so that you can hit the training dummy in the waiting area, and sometimes the match starts too quickly for you to even do so.
Apparently they're adding player houses or some shit in the future, so hopefully there will be a dummy there that you can access outside of matches.
We're probably the fastest thread on /vm/, but no telling if that's fast enough for /vg/. Not long ago we did have one thread on /vg/ successfully reach bump limit without falling off the board, but the OP (you?) of the next thread moved it back to /vm/ because the /vg/ thread had hit page 10 a few times during the late hours when most of the posters were probably asleep.
/vg/ gets more traffic, which means more eyes on the thread/more potential anons to join as posters/players, which is good, but also not super necessary considering there's no guild system in the game or anything. It seems like people from the thread barely play with each other at all.
Also generals are not technically allowed on /vm/, but has anyone seen that rule actually be enforced? Maybe not calling it "Dark and Darker General" helps? I don't know.
> It seems like people from the thread barely play with each other at all.
It seems like most here are EU. I’m NA so I can’t play with you guys but I would be up for games. Sometimes nobody wants to play so I am convinced you guys don’t actually play the game but this is typical for threads
I'm also NA.
I almost exclusively play solos, but I'd be open to duos or trios.
Add scrimrot and we can play games
Says "player not found."
Is that your account name, not your character name? It only lets you search based on account name.
it's not about the channeling (i have 46 knowledge), it's about the casting animation. even with spellbook it felt like they could react, take cover, and punish with a much faster throwing knife.
this was in vault, center module of crypts. i had just cleared it.
i've calmed down now, and yeah now i realize the few things i could've and should've done. that rogue was not gonna run into my ignited staff. i'm not prepared for intelligent rogues i guess.
The full killfeed should pop up in High Roller once you die
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This is my account name right here. Would you be up for trying to kill the ghost king?
Sure, I've got some quests to do so.
Just sent you a friend invite.
count your kills next time you're in HR and let us know
I'll do you one better, I'll join HR on a character I've got no progress in anyway, kill a few spider mummies, then kill myself and see what the score for the mobs would've been.
I really don't care either way. I just want somewhere to shitpost about this game that isn't reddit or discord
Only their pot counts iirc..
Please kill yourself tripfag.
Get friends that arent retards
>Dark and Darker is a fucking mobile game
I can be your friend anon
Such is the life of playing with gathering hall people. All he wants to do is play barbarian and kill others. Which is fun, I'm a Barbarian and do that too sometimes, but it gets a little boring fighting in the <25 lobbies all the time. I'm trying to do more high roller and <125 normal inferno runs now while him and his friend are picking up cracked jewelry in the goblin caves.
What nerf you retard? The spell cost with torture mastery is literally the same it was before the changes
Torture mastery used to double costs for warlock's spells, now it triples them.
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I tested it out. I don't know how much they're worth exactly because I killed four other mobs on the way to the spider pot, but given that my number of killed mobs is higher than the total AP I got from killing mobs, the spider mummies give less than 1 AP each, if they even give any at all (it could be that the 25 AP is entirely from the zombie, goblin mage, giant spider, and potentially the spider mummies' pot.)
Even if the spider mummies gave a full 1 AP each, you'd have to farm hundreds of spiders in a round in order to profit. I just don't think it's feasible.
^Highest IQ warlock player right here.
Listen nigger, yes they made it so the cost is tripled but they also lowered the base cost by 33% so the end result is that the cost of spells is exactly the same as it was before the changes.
>anon can't do math
The cost of the lowest-cost spells like Curse of Pain works out to be the same, but Ray of Darkness, Life Drain, and Hellfire have a total health cost of 9 now with Torture Mastery instead of 8, Flame Walker and Eldritch Shield have a total health cost of 12 instead of 10, and Summon Hydra has a total health cost of 24 instead of 20.
>start taking adderall
Holy fuck I love wizard I’m fucking killing everybody
>me and my bros wipe a team
>another team pushes
>forced to just run without looting because of the interaction change
so retarded
I cannot think of a single drawback to removing doors from the game
mob conga lines will never leave you alone
I said drawbacks
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>PvE is easily the worst part of the entire game
>let's make it entirely mandatory by preventing players from being able to ever escape mobs
not my problem you can't clean up your mess
>clean up your mess
An apt analogy, considering it seems you want to make playing it even more of a chore than it already is.
Ahem. FUCK warlocks. I love crushing their stupid heads in with a drum as they run away, giving me enough time to catch up and split open their skulls.
Sincerely, Barbarian Chad
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Love it when they get in close to me and let me fuck them up. Another warlock followed me into a narrow tunnel with a dead end. They're always so fucking cocky until they've been clubbed to death or crumpled with a drum
I have never been killed by a demon form warlock, even once. It feels like a complete meme skill to me.
I hardly ever see anyone use the club. What do you prefer about it over other weapon options? The damage seems really lacking at each given rarity level, compared to other weapons.
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owned the triptroon kek
It has armor penetration, which can be super handy. I find the club swings a little faster than the viking sword or horesman's axe so it can get more hits in to utilize Blood Exchange. Move speed is important when chasing down warlocks. Its side to side attack real close to a longsword using warlock seems like it makes it harder for them to parry my swings, and they do less damage since they're hitting with the sour spot of their sword. Mostly, I don't like buying gear so I use whatever weapons and armor I've accrued from previous raids whenever I go into <125 lobbies or HR
Wtf have they done to the game? I tried the game after not playing for a year or so and played 2 games. Both were almost completely empty and the second game i stayed until the end and it was 3 other players in the entire game.
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Lost a lot of motivation to play after finding out they wipe everything after like 2 months and niggers cheer it on en masse
>waaaaahhhh my pixels!
never gonna get good at a game
It's the middle of the night, so depending on the servers you're playing on it's not unusual for it to be dead.
I find that NA East generally gets full lobbies even around this time, though.
It's standard for extraction games (as well as other types of multiplayer games occasionally, like RUST) to do wipes in order to prevent a small group of players from just becoming unstoppable gods due to accumulating wealth/items/etc forever.
You should be playing the game because it's fun in the moment, not just to see a number get bigger forever.
It was 7pm on EU
Or I dont want to grind through the most boring parts of this shitty game to get to level 15/'20 again so it becomes playable, redoing shitty quests so my squire gets shit, pointless grind.
You niggers are the ones who like seeing numbers go up and endlessly grind
>to hit level 20
It takes like two fucking hours of gameplay to hit level 20, that's nothing.
The quests are a valid point, but you don't HAVE to do them. Squire gear is only relevant in <25 lobbies anyway.
You only have to do quests on three different merchants to get your class' white gear.
I just wish there was information on what merchants and which specific quests are relevant for each class.
Would make rolling new chars easier (I delete mine all the time as a f2p).

I know, for example, the '5 blue weapons' weapondealer quest unlocks your white squire weapons for martial classes.
The sound in this game is fucking unbelievable. You cant hear anything unless its 5 feet away
>remove invis while moving
>put it back for no reason
these devs are fucking retarded
Hey anon, is there a full list of debuffs with description and numbers? I'd like to learn how certain debuffs works (mostly from frost cave)
You should play ranger
I had a dream that I was playing ranger
Sounds like a nightmare
>looting chest
>not a fucking sound
>suddenly hear rapid thumping
>turn around
>barely escape barb with my life
Timmy stompers are losing their touch.
Why do you say that?
>running around looking for people
>hear someone on other side of door
>cast bloodstained blade
>I cant fucking hear anything
>no idea where they went
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I'm convinced Dungeonborne just lets DaD make the mistakes and they make sure to do the complete opposite.
Smart move, I did not anticipate the game to sell well at all, though this looks like it will not be profitable
It has not sold yet, that's tomorrow. They've already got the game being totally operational so I'm thinking its the same mindset as DaD - the more people through the door the more support and likelihood of potential profits down the line.
But DaD actually had something players would want to purchase, here it seems like they're giving everything you want away for free, and I can guarantee you the player count will be a lot lower than expected on top of this.
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doesn't seem like they're strapped for cash, they're goal is to just have the game exist and keeping it populated for everyone.
maybe they should make mithril mode a paid tier outright, because nobody is going to spend money on anything they're selling
make a dungeonborne thread to talk about dungeonborne I don't want to see it here
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>come upon a ranger
>he spam crouches
>don't really want to fight him while there's bola goblins and shit in the room
>we clear it out and I walk past him to move on to a different room
>there was a bear trap in one of the mob corpses
>suddenly I'm full of arrows
Coward fucking scum.
Rangers, warlocks, druids. All classes for cowards. Wizards have more bravery than those pussies
What’s the best class for <25 gear score? Not trying to kick dicks in PVP but want to have a solid chance of surviving and holding my own. I have had good success with fighter.
why is the matchmaking so bad? you either go in with preset gear which feels terrible or you get matched up against twinked players with purples because youre wearing one green item
>or you get matched up against twinked players with purples because youre wearing one green item
One green item will not put you above 25 unless it's a weapon. Even if you do go above 25, the next bracket is just 25-125, so you won't be running into people running full purples/legendaries. Maybe one or two purples, depending on what they are.
You really can't trust anyone. I know you want to...as I want to but these shit eater sociopaths that seek betrayals and feel nothing about it afterwards arent worth the time. And if you aren't rushing and slaughtering every ranger you see with impunity then you deserve to die.
this is why this game is going to die, you can't teust anyone, so that means you have to kill everyone, including people that are genuinely friendly and don't want to fight, those people will leave the game, and only the more and more toxic one will remain
Fucking based and the reason why DB is the superior game, their Devs aren't fucking scum and treat the userbase with respect.
A multiplayer game can sustain itself only through paid cosmetics, just look at Fortnite, add to that the paid extra stash and auctions and I don't think they'll have money problems, it's 100 times better than the fake free demo dad has.
>fake free demo dad has
What's fake about it?
The store page literally says in the description what is offered by the free version vs the full version.
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So apparently it's possible to get up here.
This rogue didn't even have double jump.
Yes, because I'm pretty sure it would be illegal to do otherwise, but it's still scummy that the game is listed as free to play but it's actually just a demo with very limited features, that pushes players to buy the game through sunken time fallacy and addiction mechanics, and it's only purchasable through a premium currency that can't be refunded. This is why the DB devs are taking a jab at ironmace for not treating their playerbase with respect.
>very limited features
There are only three limitations, and aside from High Roller you're not actually fully locked out of any part of the experience. Deleting your character to try another class simply adds some tedium.
It's way more full-featured than trial/demo versions of games tend to be. For example in World of Warcraft trial accounts cant level past 20 (out of 60) which locks you out of a vast majority of the quests/areas, they can't trade with/buy from/sell to other players in any way, can't join guilds, and can't carry more than 10 gold.
>pushes players to buy the game through sunken time fallacy
Someone wanting to buy the game because of time spent in the free version is applicable to literally any game that has a free version and a paid version.
>and addiction mechanics
Such as?
>only purchasable through a premium currency that can't be refunded
This is a valid complaint, but how would you suggest they structure the game's Steam release in order to have the free-to-play version available and also have the purchases of the full version go through Steam and thus fall under Steam's refund process? I don't think they can have two separate store pages for the same game, can they?
How is Dungeonborne going to do refunds for their auction pass and stash tabs and such?
Yes, you use the lift's upward force to help "super" bounce yourself up there, you can do the same with the other lift spot in a different module with all the crossing bridges
not being able to sell on the market is the only thing that fucks me as a f2p gamer.
would be nice if you could sell like one item a day or something. then I'd never have to buy the game.
>loot "treasure horde"
>get fucking white and cracked treasure
THIS is what the boss was guarding?
yeah, even if you drop trade it to a p2p friend trading the gold back over is more of a hassle than the initial drop trade.
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>duel another druid
>we're both in bear form spamming M2
>he repeatedly fucks up his spacing and gets hit by me multiple times while I only get hit once
>get a complete blue kit including demon grip gloves and wolf hunter leggings
>I was only in greens
Is there any possible way demonform can work?
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>come across rings and necklaces while delving
>most jewelry sells like shit on the market if it's green and sometimes even if it's blue, literally 15 gold or less profit after the market fee
>feels like a shame to junk it or sell it to merchants instead though, since you can't buy them from merchants
>most of them aren't all that useful for the classes I play and even if I do take some in with me, I accumulate them faster than I lose them
>end up just hoarding a bunch
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Same, I have like two stashes filled with them. But you can put a green one on and still be <25 so I've been slowly starting to make use of them.
I think DB shills should take their discussion to their own thread and stop bumping this one with unrelated posts. Let us reach page 10 in peace ffs.
Okay. trolls are literally impossible to fight without trading or cheese. what the fuck is the strat?
shit, I mean yeti
Crouchjump right when they attack and do it in an open area
It's basically a Dark and Darker clone so I think it's fair to keep it in the thread. Not like it's going to survive for too long anyway.
But dungeonborne has next to no paid cosmetics, im not sure what the devs are thinking here, just burning money and selling nothing
If you're having a rough day just be thankful you didn't get beaten to death with a lute two raids in a row.
what happened to quitting because of rogues
What is better to offset the penalty from Spell Overload: memory capacity bonus or additional memory capacity?
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I'm working on some counterplay
>decide to try and offload some of my jewelry using the trading post
>no one wants to buy monkey pendants or fox pendants or anything for even as low as 12g each, less than half the cheapest market price and barely more than a merchant would pay for it
Are they really in such low demand, or is the trading post simply full of people exchanging skull keys for legendary/unique items and no one there has any interest in green jewelry no matter how cheap it is?
as a f2p they're the most efficient gear to store.
I play sub-25 lobbies and you can always grab a piece of jewelry out of storage to put on your squire gear
double crossbow lute/drums?
damn that would slay in squire gear lobbies where you can bring a purple lute and stay under gear score for whatever reason
Yes, knowledge boosts spell capacity too.
The only jewelery that is wanted are

Green > knowledge, strength, agility, vitality rings, rest don't sell unless they have +hp, +dmg or magic healing lr luck

Rare necklace, peace (+hp) and the choaker and frost amulet. Or anything with luck.
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>which is better, A or B?
But surely some jewelry is better than no jewelry at all? Like I get that a rat pendant with +physical power isn't as good as phoenix choker with +true magical damage, but surely some Timmy would be willing to pay 10 gold for the rat pendant because it's slightly better than having no pendant?

Theres such abundance of decent jewellery that its just not worth selling the lower tiers, some retard will eventually buy anything you put up as long the price is low
doesn't everyone just want true physical/magical damage?
I read that true damage is best but honestly still can't understand why it's supposed to be so great
At <25 gs, a single green piece doesn’t change much. It’s practically a placebo. They can get greens within the round by looting normally. It’s more important to get the drop on others with an ambush or simply play well.

I guess it could have some value in <125 just to beef up a bit. At least help ensure you aren’t left behind too much by those making specific sets/builds.
I didn't play HR for over a week, but i keep rising in class rank because the people Infront of me are getting banned lmao
Its only 11PM and its just me and 1 other guy in this high roller lobby
Free players pay a free of like what 15g each trade so they may as well just buy rares and epics.
What are you talking about?
The 15g fee comes out of the pocket of the person selling the item, not the one buying it. No one pays any fee for buying anything, including free players.
What do you think of people who pump their brightness settings/monitor/gpu so much that they can see in the Crypts without a torch?
they actually drop extremely rarely
I have one
There is no reason not do to it since its an advantage. They need to make that the default, during the playtest it was not nearly as dark and places like Ice caves are fairly well lit. There is probably some way to prevent brightness/monitor settings from being as influential but I don't think these devs have the know how to do that.
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>internet connection down for hours
>finally get back online
>server maintenance
Early Access Hotfix #57
@everyone, We will be doing the hotfix #57 update starting at July 18, 2024 1:00 AM.
When the patch starts, you will not be able to log in to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time.
Players in a match or in-game will have 40 minutes to complete the match and exit safely.
The server will return to full service 2 hours after the patch starts.

During maintenance, all services, including the website, may be temporarily suspended to update various servers.

Fixed an issue where Warlock's Bolt of Darkness were not treated as projectiles.
Fixed an issue where items could not be obtained when interacting with the Hoard even though there was space in the inventory.
Fixed an issue where Adventure Rank indicator was not displayed properly in the lobby UI and nameplate.
Physical Healing and Magical Healing tooltip is now displayed in the detailed information panel.
Fighter's Swift movement speed penalty reduction improved from 20% 30%.
Fighter's Weapon Mastery no longer has a penalty.
Barbarian's Rage physical damage reduction penalty changed from -15% -10% and movement speed bonus changed from 9% 10%.
Wizard's Arcane Shield total shield changed from 20 15.
Wizard's Meditation tick interval has been changed from 1.5s 0.75s.
Cleric's Perseverance damage absorption changed from 3 2.
Cleric's Protection from Evil bonus effect changed from 50% 30%.
Cleric’s Holylight casting time changed from 2.25s 1.75s.
Cleric's Sanctuary casting time changed from 2.75 2.25.
Cleric's Earchquake casting time changed from 2.75 2.5.
Cleric's Locust Swarm casting time changed from 2.75 2.5.
Cleric's Locust Swarm reduces the amount of physical/magical healing the target receives by 50%.
Cleric's Locust Swarm damage per second changed from 2 13 and no longer scales.
Warlock's Torture Mastery attribute bonus ratio changed from 0.1 0.05.
Warlock's Curse of Pain instant damage changed from 10 7.
Druid's Herbal Sensing range increased from 450 600.
Druid's Thorn Barrier height changed from 150 120.
Druid's Treant spell tier changed from 3 5 and count changed from 3 2.
Crystal Sword’s movement penalty changed from -30 -25.
Crystal Sword's base magic weapon damage increased to parity with physical weapon damage.
Weapon damage increased for Bardiche, Halberd, Battle Axe, Double Axe, War Maul, and Quarterstaff.
Cobalt crafted items now give 3.5% armor penetration as a primary attribute.
New craft items have been added.
GCX Torch has been added.
Season final quests and cosmetic rewards have been added.
Price for Throwing knives and Francisca Axes lowered to match the individual price from the previous season.
Quests can no longer be completed when in the ‘Ready’ status.
Now you and your party members' gear scores are updated in real time.
Gearscore is now displayed for dead players.

Developer Comments:
We thank our community for banding together to assist the St.Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in their quest to find a cure for cancer. Contributors to the GCX Charity Marathon can now obtain their GCX Charity Torch by entering their code in the in-game SHOP. You make us proud to be part of such a passionate and wonderful community. Thank you and see you in the dungeons!
>Wizard nerfed (especially solo wiz)
Haha thank you just what the class needed very cool
damn I wanted to roll Druid for my next character but they just keep eating fat nerfs in the patch notes
You see, solo wizards were topping the leader boa- oh wait.

Funny thing is they for whatever reason look at the best wizards and nerf around them, CNGblade and probably like two others are solo gods so they likely nerffed it to prevent to much scaling with the new gear. But hey, you can take meditate as the newb trap skill.

I am more mad about the fighter weapon mastery buff, they only took that for bows and the ranged meta on non range classes is already annoying enough.
>Fighter's Weapon Mastery no longer has a penalty.
Guess it’s time to try out Ranger weapons like Survival Bow or Windlass. Maybe even Warlock or Cleric armors…
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>Wizard's Arcane Shield total shield changed from 20 to 15
Have wizards not suffered enough?
>Druid's Thorn Barrier height changed from 150 12
Does this mean enemies can crouch jump over it like they can with Hydra? That sucks and makes it way less useful, if so.
>Druid's Treant spell tier changed from 3 to 5
Well this is going to fuck up my low-end build.
>and count changed from 3 to 2
Is this a typo or am I crazy or what? Doesn't Treant have 4 charges right now?
>another fucking wizard nerf
>specifically nerfing wizard's defense to landmine rogue
are you fucking kidding me
any of you fags australian (preferably not autistic but beggars cant be choosers)
Honestly I don't care about warlocks self heal but Curse of Pain needs to not do any initial damage, force warlocks to actually dark bolt for ranged damage. Maybe make it so if you hit a target with dots on them you get health back with it.
complete faggots
I play the game to be immersed
Fortnite didn't have comestics at the start either, the game is not even out and will release in early access, jesus calm down
Ok what are the new crafts im busy at work playing candy crush
Is the game back up? not at pc
As Full PDR fighter I just died in three swings to a blue ignited crystal sword. Hopefully a nerf comes before next week
One of the new crafts is a legendary lightfoot with 5 enchants, thats like a 80% chance for one ms roll and like 40% for both, what the fuck were they thinking
Probably. Downtime was only stated to last 2 hours.
Why did you not simply kill the squishy PDR-less wizard in two swings of your own weapon?
does druid summoned forms last forever or something? I want to try hiding in small crevices to jump out and bear a nigga
Slayer Fighter feels a lot better after this patch. Viking Sword + Stiletto Dagger / Longbow feels like a Swiss Army Knife set-up vs. most threats/classes.
Yes, rat makes squeeks now though. You can hide up on a ledge as a chicken though and bear bomb people still
I'm saving an explosive bottle / oil lantern just for you niggas...
Funny enough, tons of people just straight-up ignore the rat squeaks/skittering sounds. I've been able to run up on people while they're looting chests, turn into a bear, and M2 them before they even react.
Fairly certain they nerf/buff shit by throwing darts at a board.
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not as gay as i thought it'd be.
I think it's the best torch in the game right now.
The colors are a little neon for my taste. I don't regret not getting it.
Also disappointing that the light it gives off is just pure neutral white/daylight instead of having any tinge of the composite colors.
I don't like the new side-by-side gear score/gold display. I preferred the old over-under style.
Fighter feels more oppressive now, don't know if it's because more are playing because of the buff or if that MS buff to swift really helped.
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>been playing nothing but druid for dozens of hours
>switch back to wizard to do some quests
Holy fuck the PvE is unbearable suffering in comparison.
staff mastery, magic staff, ignite, +true magic damage

you kill everything fast as fuck
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Anyone else feel they're adding cosmetics too quickly to the game?
>new campfire skin
>haven't seen new elite zombie skin but apparently that's in too
this campfire skin looks hastily designed, its too many campfire skins...
But then my PvP is shit unless I go bonk wizard in PvP as well.
And if I do that, then I'm just playing a shittier melee class with extra steps.
You still have 3 other perks and 4 (or 9) spells for pvp, and can still use spellbook for pvp
>game literally gets a lawsuit because they actually steal game idea from a much bigger company
>dungeonborne does it too
I hate the hypocrisy, its one thing to write a song coincidentally similar to another person's song you didn't know, its another to leave a band with the lead singer writing a song they didn't finish then you go and write it saying you wrote it yoruself.
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>dungeonborne does it too
Who are you quoting?
Nobody cares that DB is copying DaD. Plenty of people think DB is shit, but not because it's a copy. Ironmace doesn't have exclusive rights to the concept of "medieval fantasy extraction game."
whatever this says, I shant be reading
make a dungeonborne thread and fuck off
dungeonborne does not have a lawsuit on release
DB only pays you enough to make one-off shill posts, huh? They can't even splurge for arguments?
Does magic weapon damage scale with Will or something?
If it doesn't scale, wouldn't ignite+quarterstaff outperform ignite+magic staff even when taking into account the +2 magic weapon damage from Staff Mastery and the additional couple of magical damage points that a staff has over a spellbook?
magic staff only does physical damage unless you take staff mastery. staff mastery adds magic scaling with magical power (will also increases magical power) and +additional or +true magical damage.

ignite adds magic damage that also scales with magic power and +additional or +true magical damage. this damage stacks with staff matsery. That means if you have staff mastery +ignite, every point of +true magic damage and magical power scaling is added to both staff mastery and ignite

quarterstaff doesn't actually get benefit from staff mastery, only magic staff
>quarterstaff doesn't actually get benefit from staff mastery, only magic staff
I know that, I was asking whether the fact that quarterstaff has 5 more base damage than magic staff outweighs the +2 magic weapon damage that the magic staff would get from Staff Mastery.
I answered your question
its base (white) damage with magical + burn

you can't see what you're going to be hitting until you go in and check bottom of details/hit a dummy, but I don't think you'll outperform magic staff since phys bonus is far lower on wizard.
5 hours to DB launch
does shadowtouched on warlock scale at all or is it just straight flat damage
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Just follow CNG's guide, only retards go full bonk. He only uses melee against rogues and druids. If a rogue gets the jump on you with an ignited staff it turns in to a gear check instead of a you die moment.


If you want the 10 spell flavor do teams or join under 25/125 gs lobby which is what i do, more relaxing and goofy.
Don't know, I have never and will never touch warlock
if your pvp is shit while running a bonk build, you're either not incorporating spells/hitting or you're missing your swings.
>showing hp rolls on gear
>finally shows staff
>no HP roll
rip, I get that its legendary and its hard to find compared to epic but missed opportunity - free 6+ hp.
Yeah, I really don't care about the cosmetics or the emotes. The different races are neat, but I don't like all the skeleton and zombie skins.
Something needs to seriously change about the combat, I have the most hours in it in this thread and can safely say despite the dungeon and mobs being vastly superior, dungeonborne just isnt as fun or tense.
>if your pvp is shit while running a bonk build
Reading comprehension, anon. I said my PvP would be shit if I DIDN'T run a bonk build.
I'm partly implying you just need to use more spells in a bonk build
FR bro every time I see a racist or homophobic name its a warlock
like you just know theirs a reason for it lmao
It really is just that. Everything else makes me want to switch over but the mobile game combat ruins it for me.
Ya, years from now I don't think many people will care about zombie or mummy skin. Nightmare skele and moon capes will be cosmetic people think about most just because they were the earliest.
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The worst part of high roller is waiting the 12 minutes for goblin caves to come back up
I know they won't ever do it but I wish they'd redesign the cosmetic cape, its so dogshit.
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When are the devs gonna wisen the fuck up and allow you to bandage and manage inventory while resting/sitting?
They will add it eventually but when? 3 years from now?
>tfw got demigod on both pre-Steam seasons
>tfw never have to worry about having future cosmetics because the OG cosmetics will always be superior
Ya, S2 I only grinded to purple because I wanted the torch. This season I hit demi on warlock because abyss is exploitable and gives you like 2k AP a game as warlock
I don't even know if I'll get demigod this season, norms have been way more fun.
How much PvP did you have to manage doing ice caverns?
apparently there's a goblin dance emote, anyone have a recording of what it looks like
I’m halfway done with the quest I want it
Remember to give this piece of shit copycat a negative review. Its free so it wont cost you anything
I didn’t really like it but I don’t know why. I think it’s because of the lack of skill variety even though some are cool. If they did that I would like it more.
It's only 6 minutes.
Six minutes to wait for the map to roll around, then another 12 and a half for the red stairs to open. I like the idea of delving into multiple floors, but it really does take a lot of time
>Dungeoneborn requires credit card info just to play if you accidentally put in the wrong age on the age check
jesus christ
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this dude is so much better than all the other DaD content creators.
so many of them are whiny fucks.
meanwhile he's like
>more wizard nerfs? who cares just play better.
Yea I had a druid until today, it was 4 treeant charges.
>then another 12 and a half for the red stairs to open
In Goblin Caves?
Please excuse me, I'm retarded
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FUCK rats. Gotta exterminate them wherever you can
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I wish I didn't lose access to my main, I'd actually try getting this
I did duo que in ice caves early morning on west coast. However I imagine now that people are all over HR wyvern for the uniques there is going to be geared people in lobbies. I ran across like 2 pvp encounters the entire time I did it.
Is this actually referred to in-game as "goblin dance"?
Because this is the dance that kobolds do, not goblins.
good eye, you're right.
>not going through the gate
Dumb druid.
how to unlock?
anyone wanna play dungeonborne?
post name
He obviously just wanted to suicide and reset so his friend wasnt waiting
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>the devs don't know the names of their own enemies
This shit pisses me off more than it should. Combined with molotoves burning under water and bleeding skeletons, someone needs to teach these devs a lesson...
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its like they buy these things and aren't creating them themselves or something..
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>molotoves burning under water
That's not even the worst of it.
I don't care if it does less damage than staff mastery, the crystal sword's attack patterns feel so much better than the magic staff's for PvE.
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ofc its middle of night in US though
Wizards specifically should have the option to get two campfires at a time from their squire
What gives more damage, one point of will or one point of additional magical damage?
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>have a look at dungeonborne steam statistics
>rank 53 of best "seller" game on steam
>decide to check reviews
>filter negative
>see a crude negative review
>click account>reviews
>dad review:
>hold the line
like pottery, these people are fake toxic positivity posters.
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>tfw have to buy 100g worth of supplies every single run to have a chance even in <25 lobbies because Wizard is the only caster who can't heal himself with magic and who has finite spells that take forever to recharge when not using a campfire
Just take the meditate skill anon. Its clearly what the devs want for you to do :)
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>shameless devs
>play dad!
>dad, the same game made by the shameless devs who stole the original idea
Does anyone know why I keep getting abnormal connection after booting up the game??
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These subhumans are STILL posting about their dogshit game in this thread, what the fuck is wrong with you? I hope at least youre getting paid for this... Right?
>Need one more death beetle wing
>Find 5 spider silks before one drops

Where were these drop rates during the tailor quest?
dunno why all the shills can't figure out that the best UX/UI in the world can't make up for shitty mobile game combat
Do quests
Additional magic damage is more valuable than Will.
I ask because the new Details section that tells you how much damage your attacks do says that my magic sword hits harder with +1 will than it does with +1 additional magic damage.
As a Wizard, what the hell am I supposed to do when someone W keys me and I don't see them coming from a mile away?
I can't kill anyone in two direct Fireball hits, but once they catch me almost everyone can kill me in two or three melee attacks. I can't outrun anyone, especially if I come up against a door.
Amazing how whiney rogues are when they literally ruin the game for every other class
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>fighter in full plate has 97.4% movespeed while I, a wizard in fucking cloth and leather, have only 0.6% more
>he's able to kite me and dodge my slow projectiles while peppering me with much faster arrows
>for five straight minutes
I miss playing druid.
99% sure you didn't build for hp at all
>I miss playing druid.
Just play druid. No need to CBT yourself anon.
as a bonk wiz who ranked top15 solos (when it came out), building for hp+bonk made a world's difference to the point your playstyle begins revolves around people W-keying you because they always assume you are a weak target.
This was a <25 lobby, no one can build for much of anything.
But also how would being able to survive one or two additional arrow shots have changed anything about that situation?
>how can wizards compete with melee classes?
>just turn your wizard into a melee class
This is a deeply unsatisfying solution.
I didn't say don't use your spells, the whole idea of their W key is that you end on the bonk. It's the finishing blow
If that’s true that’s not how it has worked before.
will increases your magic power bonus
And magic power bonus is more effective than additional magical damage?
additional magic simply tacks flat damage onto your existing magical damage but power bonus can sort of do an overall thing. the math is confusing but I think there's a ryan6days video that explains it thoroughly

Note that additional magic is also a scaling roll (arcane shield/blast, dark reflection, flamewalk I think) so it does more than just add damage.
>friend ALWAYS rushes into team fights without saying anything and dies
God damn, I need better teammates.
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It's so over. Dungeonborne-sisters, I kneel
>slow ass warlock dies
In other news water is wet
Somehow caught by a barbarian who should be even slower.
I'm sad that I'll never be able to get the regular-colored skeleton skin.
The red skeleton kind of looks like shit in comparison.
i am losing my mind over how many brainless people are actually enjoying dungeonborne. it's so fucking reductive. Goes to show that the people who shit on Dark and Darker don't understand or even care to understand the nuances of the combat. When you swing in dungeonborne, you are pushing a hurtbox forward, there is no tracing, no elements of skill or aim, or drags/accels or hurtbox manipulation. it is fucking skyrim combat. Block when attack coming out, attack when no attack coming out. it's fucking brainless. People are waaay too hung up on the 'polish' of the game to see it's fucking dogshit.l
i was using mace + shield. rogue stealths on me. I hold block and attack from behind my shield and he can't do anything but throw firebombs, which i pop a potion and walk out of. Neither of us had any fun in that engagement. i held block for three fucking minutes and he used his entire inventory to AoE spam around the shield. People think that's fucking fun?
i'm having a meltdown. they made the game backwards--did all the systems first and then the gameplay was an afterthought. I'm actually so mad i even wasted my time on this mobile game dogshit. and then i go on Youtube to watch a review so i feel like i'm not a schizo and i see people saying THE COMBAT IS BETTER WHEN THEY NEVER LEARNED HOW TO PLAY THE GAME
fuck casuals
>hide in the lift room in the center of Goblin Caves
>never see a single other player the entire round
Is this not one of the most high-traffic areas?
I remember when Spudhunter put this video out during the first unofficial season of the game and days later rogue got nerfed and he was constantly getting blamed and streamsniped by rogue players for days if not weeks. Very normal people who play that class.
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>start of the round
>slowly and painstakingly clearing the way to my spawn room's door one mob at a time because wizard can't kite or do crowd control and mobs have absurd magic resistance so spells are a waste on them
>sit down for 30 seconds to recharge after casting a single ice bolt to break a spider mummy pot so I didn't have to pull even more mobs in the process of stopping them from biting my ankles
>finally make it to the door
>open it
>there was a rogue immediately behind the door who was apparently waiting for me the whole time and kills me in three stabs from full health
>100g worth of campfires, potions, and bandages down the drain and I get to repeat the whole process all over again
You should have known the rogue was hiding there.
How were you supposed to know? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
To be fair, probably any martial class could've blitzed me if they'd spent multiple minutes pressed up against a door like that waiting for me to open it.
It's just another flavor of the CBT that is Wizard.
If I was a druid I bet I could've gotten away.
How do you kill Cyclops in Solos, <25gs? I've tried joining in the fight with others (crouching beforehand to show friendly), but we usually all die even if we don't fight each other in the boss room...
Last year when he raged out as a ranger he had no excuse, tracking is insanely good on them vs landmines, just avoid rooms with high ledges that have the mobs cleared out in them. Wizard has a problem vs them but I think making light orb highlight players through walls would help if they suspect a rogue is near.
>Fireball the door from distance
>Cast multiple light orbs in every nook and cranny
>Ignite your staff and pop arcane shield before entering door

That is how, and that is why so few people play wizard solo
Does Haste scale at all?
Because in default gear I can't feel any difference at all in my movespeed, attack speed, or casting speed when hasted. Just seems like a waste of time and memory.
Na, its just a flat increase.
No, but it's still good in team fights, 5% MS and 10% action speed is amazing, with invis it is now 10% MS. Wiz used to be the lynchpin in activating buff balls because of these spells. It still is just to a lesser extent the other buff ball classes now.
>5% MS and 10% action speed is amazing
Then why doesn't it feel amazing?
What class are you playing? What do you think is killing you?
How can I get the Cyclops quest if I can't kill bosses?
I assume I finally need to do it to get this Goblin Dance emote.
You don't get it then, learn the bosses or join a group that can carry you.
You either have to learn how to kill the boss or be in a party with someone who knows how. I’ll fucking kill it for you bro.
that is probably gonna give you more than 25 gear score
Slayer Fighter, having a hard time finding the timing to punish. Needless to say 1-2 hits and it's over.
>being rushed by melee classes is a problem for rangers, so rangers get a skill that lets them knock back enemies with every shot for 8 seconds, that refreshes after 15 seconds
>being rushed by melee classes is a problem for wizards, so wizards get a spell that lets them knock one enemy back exactly four times and then they need to take a nap to recharge it
>also it moves considerably slower than rangers' arrows and is thus much easier to dodge
are we just ignoring the fact that wizard has slow
Slow barely last long enough to cast another offensive spell before it wears off, and the slowdown from casting that spell means you haven't gained any ground. It's useful for running away, but isn't the same thing as being able to keep the enemy at bay while damaging them at the same time.
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it's over. I'm uninstalling DaD.
DaDsissies we got too cocky
please move all mentions of dungeonborne into its own thread. this is the dark and darker thread
You’ll get the timing eventually, the biggest filter is the rock fall phase where you have to do enough damage to him out of it and learning when he’s going to stomp.
No dude you don’t get it! It’s so over that they HAVE to post here instead of making their own thread. It’s so over for us bros.
Bu bu but I held the line!!!this can not be possible AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IRONMACE SAVE MEEEE AAAA
Intense focus. Slow, icebolt are good. Could even run ice mastery. Chain and lightning strike too.
>Run into cleric
>just die
Awesome. Everything else takes a modicum of effort or ability, but bumping into these cunts just makes me not want to play.
I am going to try to parry the troll to death wish me luck
It’s too hard
Enjoy your tranny filled game, we've got proper meat here
Everyone wants this game to be like Chivalry or Mordhau but unfortunately most fights are determined before either player even interacts with one another. Either you have a nearly uncounterable build or you just automatically lose the engagement. At least that's how it is in solos.
if you want skill to matter more then just roll a shit class where you have to play out of your mind to survive every PvP engagement
this but unironically
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>proper meat
>it's just a tattoo'd up e-girl that posts about "new thing" for attention
Fresh new boy to both games here…

DnD claps DB cheeks pretty hard.

Now if Torn Banner could take a crack at the genre and bring Chiv 2 combat into the mix… holy shit!
Maybe in 8 years
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Good, Fuck these people.
Rogue is one of the hardest classes to play now, or at best, least consistent class.
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>triptroon feigning normality
Yes for now.
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What is this skull icon on the buff bar?
Is it from the skeleton skin?
Yes it is race bonus
So fucking based
Will I get more frequent PvP practice if I queue up trios as a duo or is that just a retarded idea?
>born from the green feet of goblins
Then why don't we ever see goblins do it?
>kobolds are just reskins of goblins
>both in-game and in-lore
we dont even get cool lizard kobolds or dog kobolds. what a bummer
What the fuck is a demon bat?
Basically a harpy with a bat skin.
They only spawn in Inferno. One layout has one in the middle-right room, and the other layout has one in the top-right and three in the top-left.
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Does anyone do solo high roller not in Goblin Cave?
Too many niggers want to fight in the caves. I just want to loot without having everyone up my asshole the entire time
why do they keep hitting druid with a bat, but keep fondling fighters balls
fighter is a simple, honest class. the standard
druid is a dishonest, disgusting, overloaded abomination of a class
ADHD game design
They are not touching druid until they release Sorcerer and overnerf him
I hate they decided to keep form shifting jump, it will ruin whole class down
I wish it was possible to play just druid with no shifting
I'm trying to kill people in high roller and I can't fucking find anyone. I'm literally moving room to room at maximum possible speed without even killing mobs and I still never see a single player living or dead, even if the pre-lobby is full.
People only pvp in normals, people only go to high roller to grind ap
Druid skill cap is up there with wizard and is probably still way better, especially solo.

As for fighter yes they fondle it's balls because its the most played class, the sprint nerf barely lasted a week before they semi reverted it and now with the armor perk and weapon master perk it's better than it was before. You would think max PDR fighter would need a comp to activate it but no they can do everything including reaching max MS with full plate on.
Once you hit Demi going on another character to farm the AP farmers is great money since they are worse at PvP than people in normal lobbies.
I see, and so to avoid PvP in HR everyone just becomes literally fucking invisible at all times?
>in >125 lobby
>someone died to PvE in the killfeed
>go to one of the two places on the map where that mob spawns
>find their corpse
>purple head, chest, pants, and a legendary ring
>didn't even have to fight anyone for it
That part feels really good. What feels really bad is running into people that just gap you in movespeed so you can’t even run away. It’s over.
That's why I play druid. No one can possibly cover ground faster than me.
You still play Druid after the nerfs? From what I’ve seen most say it’s unplayable.
The nerfs to the animal forms didn't really impact me because I never attacked with rat or chicken and I never used the panther's skill for silencing anyway.
The nerfs to thorn barrier and treant suck, but it's not like I used four treants every single fight.
I still have fun with it.
>Chiv 2 combat
what is with you mordhau and chiv faggots? Noone wants your gay fencing simulator combat.
Just got my first "pull multiple yetis into another player and have them beat him to death" kill in >125. I don't even have any gear, I just spent 100g on a few garbage green weapons.
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>Dark and Darker mobile beta is out
I have a feeling this cashgrab will have better vision/game design choices over OG DaD
>game just released
>supposedly popular
>see absolute jack shit about it anywhere; no vids, no threads, even the reddit is deader than DaD.
What the hell is going on? I was hoping it was actually better to light a fire under ironmace's ass, but there is no interest in dungeonborne anywhere. Is it just a bunch of chinks inflating the numbers? Literally free to play and it's barely doing better, not fotm fuck huge numbers.
most people trying it are already from DaD, so there's no need to talk about it.
>inflating numbers
there are real people playing this game.
go to their discord, 8 out of every 10 players is also in the DaD disc
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play simple strategies, die to simple strategies
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>come upon a cleric with yeti in tow
>cleric tries to Holy Strike me in rat form
>misses me and hits the yeti
>now the yeti is aggro'd on him
>yeti friend and I double-team him to death
>get a full set of blue gear
>I went in with white gear and three green quarterstaffs
>most people trying it are already from DaD, so there's no need to talk about it.
What kind of excuse is that? They're two different games with similar mechanics; autists should be having a field day splitting hairs over the most meaningless details. There is barely any information in circulation.
you're raging over nothing
It didn't seem like he tried very hard to fight you
If you're still neophyte most people are dying to the mobs, but if you can always find people to fight if you go to that lift in the middle, also the boss area of course
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Did I cheat myself on this? I wasn't expecting it to sell almost immediately. There was a similar helmet listing for 1600 that was days old so I assumed people wouldn't pay that much.
Dungeonborne Devs decided to make the auction pass a single purchase instead of a seasonal membership like they planned and originally communicated, holy fucking shit they're so based
>tfw beat to death by a chinese mic spamming lizard
How the fuck am I supposed to break wooden crates as a rogue?
Can't rogues use shortswords or rapiers or something?
Do those have enough power to break crates after multiple hits?
I'm using the rapier now and it cannot break a crate
Use a lute or a pick axe to break stuff as rogue
>wait another 20 minutes to go to inferno again
I hope this game dies and the devs get the shit beat out of them I've had enough
The current meta is extremely gay. Press W barbs, fighters who out-trade ranger with a bow and rangers are somehow still the most OP. Every class has all sorts of abilities, but 90% of them are dogshit and so nerfed they barely matter at all.

They need to re-tune all the classes at once, buff all their dogshit abilities so make it so classes have several viable setups each or they are considered broken. Get rid of ale-lantern-no spells cleric as the only viable setup. Landmine rogue shouldnt be the only rogue.
Getting run down by streamers sucks. Death to all streamers
crypts or ice cave for demigod solo wizard grind
ice caves always feel scummier & shit. So become their master, so that you can draxt up sklounst any scrubbie
How exactly does armor work? Is armor rating applied to all parts of the body? If I have high armor rating but no chest piece, and get stabbed in the chest, would that matter?
armor rating applies to all parts of body

each body part has a separate damage multiplier
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Once again, fuck warlocks
tell SerPrize that he's the funniest guy in the world.
how am I supposed to kill wizards & warlocks & clerics & druids when they just outpace me? I try to chase them, but they'll just kite me if not killing me outright. If they're a bow, they'll shoot me in the legs or over my shield. If they're magic, then there's nothing I can do. I get that it's just "play better," but how do I actually approach them?
What class are you? Fran axes are your friend is my guess.
try playing a ranged class then ask the opposite question
or just watch a video that shows how people dodge projectiles
Oh, I'm a fighter.
I've been trying to dodge projectiles, but they just keep knicking my knees!

I have it so hard... Why can't everyone just stand still and let me krump their heads...
Bait a wizard into using up his spells while dodging them until he runs out. Bait clerics into popping their smite, then running away until it runs out, then turning on him. They're still tanks though so they might win if you're not hitting hard enough. Moving erratically and using your shield is the best way to dodge Ranger shots, and they should be avoided in wide open rooms. I chased a ranger around a large room and ended up with 10 arrows in me by the time I cornered him. Sometimes the best idea is to just run away and try to reposition instead of running straight into the enemy
>I’m a fighter how am I supposed to kill wizards & warlocks & clerics & druids when they just outpace me?
Wizards and warlocks get absolutely shit on if you have a decent crossbow. Wizard especially, I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve been hit by a crossbow and go oh shit half my health is fucking gone. Fran axes are decent for hit slow if you want to chase. For Druid if they are in rat explosive bottle, if they are in panther fighting you just fight you should win. If they do that gay panther leap into chicken gap close to run away try to shoot them is the best you can do even if it’s not perfect. for warlock if they are in phantomize explosive bottle. For Cleric I don’t really have an answer they just stat check you with buffs and all their bullshit I think. If it’s people chasing you down and they are fast doors are your friend but desu I don’t think there’s much you can do.
Warlocks are tough. Meleelocks are pretty dumb so they aren't too hard to fight. Casterlocks are a pain with all their kiting bullshit. Don't fight them in a room where they have a lot of space to move around. Get them into tight spots and force them into phantomizing. Try to stay on top of them after they phantomize to get some free hits in once they come out. I've found that being real aggressive and throwing lots of axes/drums at them tends to freak them out into running away.
For Fighter (weapon mastery), is Fran Axe or Throwing Knife better? Damage difference doesn't seem that big.
I regret maining rogue so much, but im in too deep now. Dont know if I can ever surpass pathfinder.
My next class is definitely going to be a bard archer, what kind of bows can they use?
I feel like you will never get better at the game if you just play Rogue.
How much can a class teach you about combat if it's entirely based on stabbing people in the back of the head who don't know you're there?
Well I mainly use a poison build with a fuckton of throwing knives, molotovs, crossbow, prioritizing bonus magic damage and will.
It doesnt work well kek
Consider being gearchecked when you have lower movsepeed than others
Before it was +3 all stats, now it's ms
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You pressure clerics, they cant cast spells with their shield out and they are the lowest mobility class so they cant run away. They dont have spells. A lot of them are going around with lanterns for mobility and not even using their shield. So that means cant cast spells or block. Pressure them.
>why are clerics statchecking me
Because they literally have no other option and might not even have spells, might be the brewmaster ale drinking cleric who literally only has press w and swing mace, with a lantern.
Clerics are broken, everything about them is broken. In solos anyways, they need a class rework. Everything needs to be retuned so that they have alternate setups to press w and swing.
Like for example, even judgement has a 0.75 second cast time which means the cleric needs to stand still - without the ability to stop incoming damage, or block - and cast. Thats when you do 3x as much damage as judgement and hes dead in the next swing. Again clerics do not have spells as long as you pressure them. If youre in his face he cant even judge you or hes dead.
Nigga judgement takes like half your health away if they have gear.
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What are those numbers? Having less than 10k more than DaD this close to launch is really not a good look. I want dungeonbrone to succeed, not enough to play it myself, but I want these games to be the best they can be
>What are those numbers?
Restricted in CN TW, so numbers are debloated
current players/peak today
there are currently more people playing db rn than dad, but they're basically the same because most db players are dad players.
>drop down to ground level of elevator room in Ice Caverns to escape
>the entire population of kobolds in that room immediately funnels in to attack me despite the fact that I've never even set foot in there before in that round
I'm sick of these psychic little shits.
If one kobold screams upstairs, the entire downstairs area is already aggroed to you. Their rage dance is a call for help
I solo'd cyclops as wizard and I'm happy
you posted this yesterday :^)
Will I improve faster if I queue 1v2 wizard in duo lobbies than if I just stick to solos?
I'll be in squire gear so there is nothing to lose either way.
Playing solo wizard at all is already dick hammering.
Going up against duos as a solo wizard, you might just die so quickly that you don't really have time to improve.
Being challenged isn't the same thing as being completely obliterated.
The rate at which you improve is largely dependent on you.
if you're a solo player then play solos, you'll have plenty to learn from 1v1s anyway
hmm straight fight against a cleric? times to get one tapped by his faggot ass mace because he has a totally balance skill
Coming from someone who queued in 1v3* Wizard in trios Ruins (back when EA released last year) if you are completely new, I recommend this if you are committed but it is the hardest way to learn.

Don't try to pvp, try to learn how to evade/outmaneuver other teams. Once you get used to that all you have to do is add offensive to the mix, but this isn't the same as when I did it. Haste/Invis was vastly better

t. wiz who went from 1v3 rogue-wizard type playing to eventually rank top 15 solos wiz
I started playing yesterday, it wasn't until level 20 that I discovered you can customize your loadout and get free consumables from the squire even if you escape
It wasn't until my third match that I realized that the blue icons are your means for escaping
I have been playing longsword for a couple of hours and I still can't figure out how to parry. Some attacks are easy to parry, others seem impossible. Even though I am looking directly at the weapon as the swing proceeds. Maybe some attacks from heavy weapons are not parryable, I have no clue
I don't remember the last time I have played a game that is so inhospitable for new players. I'm not complaining that it's hard, although it is, but I don't understand how anyone is supposed to pick this game up without watching a bunch of fucking youtube videos
>Even though I am looking directly at the weapon as the swing proceeds
Looking at the weapon isn't enough, the weapon needs to hit your longsword's hitbox before it hits your body.
Where you look in order to ensure that depends on what kind of weapon swing you're parrying.
You can parry basically any physical attack. Even things like arrows and giant boss attacks.
you can practice getting a feel for parrying on the swinging axe traps
Dungeonborn is unironically better. DaD has been fun but I'm switching.
Good for you now stop posting.

Seems like every single warlock player switched to ranger
>You can parry basically any physical attack. Even things like arrows and giant boss attacks.
can confirm. literally blocked 2 flaming arrows in the same match with my quarterstaff
>have +magic neck and rings
>hit fighter with 2 chains and a direct fireball with firemastery
>he doesn’t die
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Cleric is literally bottom of the barrel tier now with the nerfs. If you die to a cleric it's an intense skill issue. Go ahead and try to excuse yourself by complaining about Smite or DP
t. Demigod cleric
You don't understand, the slowest class in the game with limited ranged options in a game where speed and range is everything should be bad in melee too!
Is warlock still the easiest to farm Demi with? I am scared bros.. I just want to look cool with the rewards people are better than me at this game
Fighter is meta, beats rangers with a bow and rangers are OP too. Rogues are powerful but too hard for someone timid like yourself to play to their fullest. Just play a fighter theyre broken AF right now since they have full plate shield and mobility plus ranged.
Oh and plus second wind heals, barbs cant compete. Imagine running around with no chest or even legs just to match fighter mobility and then you cant even charge. Yea fighter mega OP dunno wtf devs were thinking.
Is falchion with shield with crossbow still the way to go?
you stack true damage then run rondel & buckler w/ survival bow

falchion w/ shield is ancient PDR fighter meta
the game is actually very intuitive. if something doesn't DIRECTLY hit your sword you won't parry it. the entire game is all spacing. it's very very simple but people just don't fucking get it.
>too fucking slow with the longsword
Noooo let me parry you!!! Stop shooting arrows at me!!!
Longsword guys are such a joke. They always die while trying to bait for the parry when they could have killed me if they had just attacked. Sucks when you hit them through their defense and it still triggers the parry though. Blocking is such bullshit in this game
I've had an easy time with druid because I can just ignore mobs and go purely for treasure and prop interactions, but I'm only at Pathfinder. I don't know if it's a feasible strategy all the way to Demigod.
are we supposed to be impressed that you're barely exemplar on a class that's been broken for ages? lol
So, is it ever explained why IM has a love boner for Fighter and Warlock among other classes? It takes forever for them to bring a other class up to scratch, but if warlock and ESPECIALLY fighter is ever below A tier, they get buffed within 2 hotfixes.

Meanwhile, druid had 3 OP things in their kit: absurd animal form scaling, dreamwalk, and root snare being 3 seconds for the sole purpose of driving engagement to the game before gutting the class. They lost panther, chestplate armor, thorn wall, groot, and STILL lacks scaling. And while dreamwalk isn't really weak it feels significantly worse since all Druid weapons are so slow that the lack of spear collision makes Dreamwalk feel like a detriment if you get hit while trading. The only thing they have now is the movement tech, which is cool but will land them in the same camp as warlock where they're obnoxious to fight even if weak.

Any time you bring it up on Reddit, they say the game balance is the best it's ever been as if this game isn't constantly I a shit state balance wise. This game isn't worth having a cult following if the devs are this ass at balancing.
Really wish they would give under utilized perks and skills more attention.
Reddit is a bunch of PVE retards, they will run away from the sound of any player as hard as they can. If the requisite to exit the dungeon with your loot was to kill another player they would know how unbalanced some classes are
>see a bunch of players/streamer whine about wizard and rogues
>check their HP
>98-114 HP

if you are dying to landmine rogues who just w+poke you, switch to 132-140~ HP bonk wiz/arc shield additional mag and just hit them with your staff. You won't even run light orb anymore
Yes, I hit demi in like two nights of playing ice abyss just running around not looting and farming mobs. This was before you could activate Wyvern statues solo though so probably more players down there now.
explain your reasoning
>I started playing yesterday, it wasn't until level 20 that I discovered you can customize your loadout and get free consumables from the squire even if you escape
>It wasn't until my third match that I realized that the blue icons are your means for escaping
I dont think I would have ever figured this stuff out without my friends telling me, same with the concept of hell and bosses
if you die as a wiz with <100-1114HP its majorly your fault.
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Oops grabbed wrong image, so get fucked nigger
Got anything else to back up that cleric is broken? I can justify the opposite, before you started playing the game, by the end of season 2 the only class that didn't have at least 100 demigods were cleric
wow... barely demigod on the strongest class in an easy season for demi
there are more clerics than fighters in trio demi btw lol
its a waste of time either way for any class for these wipes, maybe when something interesting comes (IF) next wipe
How has Dungeonborne been? Actual competitor to DaD?
Cheap Chinese counterfeit, its owned by Tencent.
there are some (literal) shills but from my experience it's pretty bad, gameplay feels like absolute shit, very floaty
i only played it for a couple of hours though
The mobs and dungeon are significantly better, but the gameplay overall is too arcadey.
290 cleric outrunning 310 ranger on a straight line, wtf is the point of wearing speed gear if it doesn't work
Scary how retarded the average gamer is now
20 movement speed is a pretty big difference, you should be outrunning him unless you got slowed by his Faithfulness perk or you spaced/pathed really badly
Was just in a 3's vs two wizards, they kept spamming fireballs and explosions we had no chance to even get close especially with their tank cleric blocking the way. The meditate buff really showed how powerful wizards can be, they can clear faster than warlocks now with the TM nerf and in teams essentially have infinite spells due to how fast meditate gives them spells.

At this point IM should just rework magic resist, the MR gear sucks and no one takes/buys it. So they should just make PDR and MR the same stat, maybe reduce all magic damage players take by like 15% similar to how mobs have so much resist to counter their new spell penetration stat. Also get rid of fire mastery, makes other classes abilities like second wind useless with the healing reduction.
Yes it is better. There is less skills, but the gameplay itself is so much smoother and more enjoyable it makes up for it. PvE isnt so tedious, PvP fights get drawn out with actual skill instead of 5 minutes of running around taking potshots with a bow and dodging mobs.
This thread is filled with people who are just dark and darker fanboys though so expect nothing but ITS GAY DARK AND DARKER IS BETTER
>This thread is filled with people who are just dark and darker fanboys
Hold the line and it's consequences has been a disaster for this game
Literally trick used in cult, which not only creates "us vs them" mentality, but also lets devs getting away with everything, even not resetting blue shards exp this season
>join a lobby first
>hide in a random place
>people just keep running in straight to me to inspect
Why do so many people use ESP?
Whats the easiest solo PvE class for HR? I plan on just PvE'ing and going to hell every time so I can just farm shit solo because 99% of the times I don't see anyone going donw there
Depends what you like. Most classes have it easy. Warlock is pretty solid and most people use it.
PDR/MDR + phys power bonus stacking cleric with divine protection and 2 heals, holy strike, bless and protection shield.
>PvP fights get drawn out with actual skill
>Create swordmaster
>load into lobby, immediately leave
>store swords in stash
>repeat 5 times
>now have 40 swords
>load into lobby with inventory full of free swords
>unlimted psionic blades
>destroy players in PVP by spamming psionic blades
yeah PVP doesn't get drawn out with skill at all.
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15 minutes of fame... Dungeonborne (aka likely DaD players trying it out) has lost nearly 15K players within 30 minutes
How long is season 3? I just got to pathfinder after grinding all morning and was thinking if I should commit to demi
apparently its just maintenance, I thought it was some kind of crazy botter action just logging off
I would love that this game had like 4-5 more active skills/defensive skills for all the classes and player damage being lower/less combat healing so the fights would last longer and had more decision making outside of people just walking at each other swinging and having a seizure trying to crouch/spasm so people don't hit them
I agree with you anon. The mouse/body spasming to dodge attacks is a type of jank that I despise within this game.
>nightmare mobs are so ass to fight that 99,9% of people just cheese them by jumping on top of a fucking rock
When will they change the map?
>HR is nothing but immovable object Clerics or landmine rogues that don't even play the game outside hearing the first sound of a player and camping a spot
How do you play rogue in HR? Do you just have to save tons of money for all kinds of physical damage gear and just prey on all non plate users with hide and just hope to kill someone while going all in? Cause I swear if I see some fighter in a plate its a hopeless fight
They should double the amount of damage players receive and add a bleeding mechanic to all physical attacks.
They need to double down on being realistic/simulation
Wtf sounds fun
>black goblin hits me for 80% of my health in full heavy blue rogue armor.
How the fuck is this possible?
You should have been in the playtest when debuff duration was fucked up at a single hit from a goblin could kill a rogue
Is the HR rating account or character bound? I hit my mark on rating but I don't want to lose any so I was thinking of doing HR on another character
rank is on one queue for one character
Does cleric's judgement do damage to the skeleton skins?
Do I have to be the one to last hit the cyclops to get the quest award for it?
just last hit, if you want to steal it from someone just head in during 2nd rock fall while they focus on the jumps, it will be dead soon after that phase
So if Im in a party and do damage to the cyclops but someone else last hits, I wont get the quest for it?
If they are in your party you all get credit except for the ones who are dead before the last hit.
>spawn in a cell
>nightmare axe skeleton spawns at the door
>no way to escape
-500 rating :) Some of these spawns are just way too fucking rough for newbies like me
What does rogue's rupture scale off of?
I just got the game earlier today
Hit level 20 on my wizard, never killed a man
I just loot shit and kill goblins, and if anyone tries to start shit I just invis the fuck outta there
Simple as I ain't tryna harm nobody

btw game is breddy gud
Why do you play the game for PvE?
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it's physical innit?
poisoned weapon perk is magical though.
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>warlock kills himself with self damage
>I dont get AP for kill
not him but the PvP is just rock'em sock'em robots. melee fights are entirely just spacing which is why movement speed is king. Ranged combat is all about kiting forever. dealing with players is simply not fun. at this point i try to talk down everyone i meet and it almost always works. Passing that charisma check is more satisfying to me than any fight i've ever been in
Im almost certain high roller spawns are gear based
>spawn to side
>can freely farm million AP just by pve/looting and can leave with your own exit
>spawn middle
>suddenly rushed by 5 players from all sides and no place to hide. Pull one enemy and you make enough sound to alert all players to your location
I always spawn on the side and I rarely have a gear score above 124
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>get to pathfinder
>go on a 1000 AP losing streak
Anyone else facing this endless cycle?
I noticed ice abyss always put me on like the same two modules, unless other players were down there. I think its probably dependent on how fast you load
>why do you play the game
its immersive kino, duh
I have been stuck in wanderer 1 because I keep fucking dropping my spaghetti and I keep running into land mine rogues every 2nd game
If it was immersive all enemy and player health would be cut in half at least
What the fuck do you do against warlocks? All they do is run and spam fucking hitscan spells in a melee game
still fun desuuuuu
Throw shit at them and force them into situations where you can get in their face. If you're being kited, just walk away and hope he follows you to a more crowded location. Casterlocks are annoying cunts so good luck
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>No matter how much magical damage and Will I stack the rogue poison is the same
This shit needs a massive rework
>play ice caves
>90% of people are just warlocks standing 3 stories above people in a place where it takes 5 years to walk so they can freely cast shit
All of these people are such fucking pussies. Enjoy never getting into a pvp fight because everyone notices you and just goes to another direction
Warlocks PvP with 3 mobs attached to them cursed now. Thats the meta gameplay style.
Often curse will just randomly fail even though it clearly was on target. So then they will have to cast again, and potentially even a third time to get it to go off because I dunno the fire on a brazier blocked the successful application. Generally that = death for a warlock, especially if say the target is a ranger.

The real answer is curse only goes like 15 feet so just range them.
There is sadly no extraction fantasy pve coop game other than barony
is barony good? it goes on sale all the time
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Me in the gnoblin cafe stealsing you're gear
Will I do good on Rogue if I just stack physical damage reduction and flat physical damage to my gear and just rush someone from invis? (I assume that is how the class is played at higher levels)
christ this game fucking sucks
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>buy the game
>make character
>queue first solo as rogue
>next to my room spawns a cleric with 220 gear score and million consumables and full gear
very doubtful
literally not possible, fuck off back to dungborne
Report dungeonborne posters for off topic
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>it's a friends stop playing the game so I have to deal with Gathering Hall morons season

>it's a rogue teammate runs into a barbarian and doesn't know what to do episode
>it's a cleric does nothing but sit behind corners and miss buffs episode
>it's an ask for pvp in the gathering hall and join a guy who switches to an empty server so we can do his quests instead episode
>it's an I'm the only one with any range, so my two frontlines just spectate awkwardly while I contest the door episode
>it's an everyone has range but one guy goes in anyways episode

I honestly miss Pre-F2P times a bit.
Just only group with bow fighters problems solved.
Are you on US servers? I'll play with you.
Be prepared for a "druid instakilled because he used rat form" episode, though.
I cant play dad for 5 days nd i will commit suicide if the season ends before then
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feints would be ridiculously easy to implement, literally and animation cancel button
Why are devs so shitty?
There's normally a timer counting down until the end of the season. The timer is blank currently, but its existence means they presumably would not end it without warning? Also I have to imagine that when they do start using the timer, it will be at least one or two weeks between then and the season end.
>make the game something its not for me spevifically
why so people do this?
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>Very successful pathfinder run
>servers shit themselves
Bro just play ice caves and break boxes
I die and lose more often with the IRL friend I play with than I do with randos :(
go back to playing mordhau you fucking cunt.
game ruining mechanics.
Feint is only necessary against longswordfags, in every other case it's easier to just hold lmb
Fair enough, game needs feint
I picked 3 white plate pieces to cleric and I just got rolled by a fame 250 player who had about 30 healing potions and millino bonfires/other combat items and crossbows etc. Like new people wont stick around when you buy the game and queue normal match and get this as your next door neighbour 1 minute into the match
>game ruining mechanics
Ive never played mordhau but it would make combat a lot better with such a small addition.
it doesnt.
an entire pvp duel just becomes feints until someone messes up and commits to an attack that the opponent immediately punishes.
It's the most retarded shit ever and youve clearly never played chivalry or mordhau otherwise you'd know this.
if you dont have experience in playing similar games you should go suck nigger dick before trying to ruin another one.
All the attack animations are so slow in the game atm that movement speed wins. If you swing and the opponent with tons of movement speed doesn't commit he will just wait out your swing and hit you back. Movements speed fucks everyone up and the gear I have on my ranger combined with a spear nobody has touched me in like 2 weeks and I just poke people to death
>add gear score
noobs complain about being matched with people with actual kits
>remove zone and add too many portals
even more crying about pvp
This game was so much better before it was opened up to retarded steam niggers
>add gear score
>get absolutely godtier gear
>queue up
>0 players during the night which is the only time I can play
>farm to exmplar+ without seeing another player
>get under 25 gear and go normals
>just see veteran players creeping at new players which just means its actual fun pvp because its full of good players
I literally sold all my good gear and just doing 24 lobbies
Longsword players are like an insult to your intelligence, HURR YOU WILL HIT DA SWORDAA

Every single longsword fight goes the same for me, swing and hit low right, swing and hit low left, longsword user goes HUUUUH HE AINT HITTING ME SWORD BETTER START ATTACK, and then you just hit them in the head twice because they have a slow ass attack animation and cant parry during it
Anyone here play wiz? need advice for gameplay. If a fighter or barb is camping around the corner of a door is the only right move to just try to go through a different way? I feel like no matter what I do going through that door choke point I cannot get away or kill them fast enough before they pop sprint/rage and get to me. I was wondering how you guys play this situation. I can’t really poke them through the door chokepoint because they are hugging around the wall and I would have to get too close to them trying to poke them around the wall near the door.
Fireball or explosion around corner or invis to go in and get space
>Fireball or explosion around corner
Anytime I try this, I have to peek into the choke too much to poke at them. I think you are right that invis and going in and praying is the best move. This is my punishment for not prioritizing movespeed enough.
Anyone have a link to the collectors guild?
I need to meet an anon but I forgot his tag
You don't have to go in and pray. You invis, move in, attack immediately, go deep ,or back up depending on the situation. As wizard you are in control of the engagement. Move speed is nice but isn't high priority for wizard, you're always going to be slow even with jump tech your spells slow you down. You are not a kiting class like ranger, you are a midrange burst killer
Thanks I will try using invis more.
Do you hear a sound of sitting up/sitting down? It makes huge sounds on your own end
Yes others can hear it
What the fuck its like one of the loudest sounds in the game lmao
Sheathing and unsheathing your weapon too makes noise. A good rule of thumb is if you can hear it others are able to. The only exception is the mediation humming on wizard.
Alas My love has left that server
Try slow, in groups you usually have someone else check but you can slow people if they are corner or pillar humping. Lightning strike is also useful for this
>play cleric
>fighters with longsword always try to parry
>just get close, crouch and look down
>hitbox for mace activates inside their head
>they keep trying to block thinking they can and die
It's amazing how many things Dungeonborne does right despite being so much newer and having a significantly smaller team
I wish barb weapons worked like the broken mace
Coming back to the game after 9 months. Most honest class? Considering fighter and wiz
Honest? I guess fighter since you can just spam longsword block vs another fighter as the duel challenge.

If you come across someone as wizard you have to kill them since they could just go wait around a corner for you to walk by and kill you in two hits.
Why are you larping so hard? You clearly suck at all these games and want DaD to stick being a half assed high school project. You're a butthurt pleb larping as a gamer when you're a casual afraid of actual mechanics and that isnt mindless sewage
Maybe we like sewage
Maybe fuck off sis
I wish wiz had more spells
Is slow a projectile or hitscan? Would shooting it not seeing anybody still hit them if they try to peek during its travel time?
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Finally started using creep instead of poison weapon and I can't believe I didnt do this sooner.
I still lose every single fight but its so funny to fuck with people now that I make no sound.
PvE is harder though without my ebin poison thoughie
Pretty sure its a projectile.
and the combat is no better than skyrim.
I still don't get how you win anything as a rogue unless you get a complete jump at someone weak or if you are wearing a 20k kit and you ambush someone from invis
Once again I have to express how much I don't want them to make sorcerer
Me neither. I've outplayed so many people only for them to kill me in 1-2 hits anyways, barely hurt after 10 throwing knives, stabs, crossbow bleed shots, molotovs
Stop exaggerating bro
Rogue kills squishy classes in 3 hits without invisible
>kills squishy classes in 3 hits
Like what? Wizards that don't exist? Other rogues that are also landmining? Rangers are squishy I guess but those also are nowhere to be found in HR and if you see one its some guy who has set up camp in his room with 200 traps and its a waste of time to even try to get to him
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Which one of you is it?
there is zero reason for the killfeed not to pop up after you die/extract in HR.
Its fun to see who was in your lobbies
Just noticed the goblin's dick and balls under the loincloth
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There are a few videos of rogues in green kits killing PDR fighters with decent purple kits. True damage goes a long way and you are the best class to third party with. Here is a fun tip, if you are sneaking on some one who just got out of a fight, run at them as soon as they drink a potion. They can't cancel the drinking animation as you stab them.
When I see rogues killing PDR people its usually not that the rogue plays well but that the other person fucks up badly.
Least honest class/build?
Need new thread, I'd do it but I'm on my phone

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