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The official tf2 server of /vm/. Discuss.

>How do I connect?
1. Open tf2
2. Open the console with ` and enter:
3. connect banttf2.ddns.net


>MODS (important)

>What do we offer?
We've got many custom maps (both original and based on existing maps) as well as weapon rebalances and an active tightknit community.
Sorry but you can't point this out, !psilence
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time to namedrop several dead users who haven't played on the server in years and blame them for hombre's faggotry!
>time to namedrop several dead users who haven't played on the server in years and blame them for hombre's faggotry!
ggs. you guys are good spammers
Who the fuck wants to be a /jp/tranny?
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like anthony j. maida right
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I am AGP btwitmsiad (by the way if this matters sorry I'm drunk)
I have a bf
TF2C koggy?
BFC koggy?
wtf is btwitmsiad
you said you were leaving the server hombre
he has said that 8 times in the past 2 years
Utsuho2 dropped that nuke
I left in good faith but when you showed up and I realized how much of a discordy pigsty it was I switched back to pretending this time lole
It's some variant of by the way if it matters
he said what it means between the parentheses
pretending what
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AGP btwitmsiad is the most bant cultured thing since boom was around
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Based Nuenis, fuck Grunkle Dane
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Utsuho, Vaporizer of Degenerate : Bruh : dragon get on the bed
Bruh why are there so many tranime avatars on the server
Have I been softmuted or what? People can't hear my VC
What's your name
Utsuho, Vaporizer of Degenerate : Oh my gosh I think the sandman cleaver combo ruined the server
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to think of it, the owner of gyate booru has no testicles...
Harvest without minis is kinda gay desu
Please. This game is fucking ugly
I won't play on your server because there's a high chance you don't run the maps and modes I want to play, simple as. Now fuck off.
Such as?
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Kog gangsters are winning
guys something about this recent patch update killed my tf2 and now i cant join servers without insta crashing to desktop.
fix this for me so i can get back to playing I cant aim scout on kogasatopia.com
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daniel 'cord and 'tony were right
Try installing or uninstalling mastercomfig
Fuck you pussy, AGP, mugging and cosplaying as a Touhou is based and redpilled and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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What's mugging?? /gay
>What's mugging?
idk how to play spy i feel like I can't do anything at all disguises feel useless... all the other spies I see do well are just dive bombing the team with dead ringer and kunai over and over...
this class just feels broken... i wish i had more utility to help my team like removing enemy sappers or marking for death or something anything...
i wish they made gun spy real by having an item that makes you give up your knife
i miss old ambassador
im so sad i want to cry...

spy and pyro are my two worst classes im always the bottom of the score even in the most casual match every other class i do great with
pyro just feels so confusing im never sure where to stand. most maps don't have ambush routes and if they do they're going to be taken by a class that can just decimate a pyro. if ambushes are an option I don't see why go pyro when you can be a class that does more damage
server isn’t as alive as it used to be
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troon hombre is a narcissist who made everyone leave with his pessimistic closure message because he doesn't want the server to be alive without him
>he doesn't know
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do you think hombre looks cute with stockings and skirt on?
He's Mokou who's Kaguya
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Are they cute?
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You should ask her for a photo next time she is online
need a touhou futa gf to hold hands with
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He's asking if you think they're a cute couple
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kill AGPs
I'm not AGP
a lot of tranime avatars that play there are agps
Is just me or teh Kogus post-Hombre Man is not the same anymore?
Every male that is into Touhou has AGP to different degrees, that's a fact. But its not surprising, you literally play a a little girl in these games lmao.
Troonpill me on Bad Hombre
Saw that dude mentioned a lot in the basedboy site that can't be mentioned years ago
Hombre was teh leader of our crew, now that he abandoned us it really feels empty and lame.
I want to violently murder so many fucking kikes in roblox jujutsu kaisen sandbox. And I don’t want them to die. I want them to be in a constant state of unbearable pain, screeching in some unholy manner, because that is all the kikes deserve. I want to live in a smart apartment in roblox above where they’re tortured where my windows open automatically when I need to wake up and the smell of shit, sweat, and blood and the curdling calls for the sweet release of death will just roll in.
Thanks for sat ng my thoughts for me even though I don't play roblox
he is dating dragon apparently
Daniel said hombre is dating kaze
he dropped kaze for dragon. kaze plays on kitty pound now
kaze is trans? erm what the sigma
Codeine Crazy
Utsuho, Vaporizer of Degenerate : Bad Hombre and Dragon are cuddling :)
Bruh moment
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non-binary bisexual
The suigintou poster on realbant isn't kaze lole
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You didn't answer if we were cute before you hit the wall
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no pickle
I can read that as a pretty good review but it's for the good of mankind that you spit out the bluepill again someday
I got the thumbnail of your face
oh my paranoia
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Also your AGP meme is silly and is just projection
If bo were mentally stable and not subhuman I wonder if nammy and him would've remained a thing, it's probable if you ask me but they didn't care about cosplay so I can't care much
You fear death too much.
Somebody join
kaze says trans rights
Once you are back from church make sure to join the koggy! We are STARTING NOW!!!!
>cl_intermap 5
>play to annoy, not to help
>absolutely useless outside of that
There's Spy for you.
>steel reskin
>exploit on final point
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IDK how long I can be on but I will try to start for an hour or so if able.
5 mares at koth_nucleus, get in!
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i had no idea people still posted here, huh..
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Die mad, chuds
They're not just shapes, they're IDENTITIES
Shapes's brohu prostitution business won
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>Shapes, Demolisher of Kike : I won
24 ponkamenas at pl_bantwater2_a1
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Get in.
Does this shitty server ever have people in it? Cool mods, however
usually 5pm to 2am
Server is starting now! Come celebrate TF2's birthday!
Utsuho wake up and save the server
It's up
I can maybe be on for hour or so. Come join if you want to help start the party!~
finally all the dilation was worth it
8/32 popens on koth_touhvest_b6, get in!!!
Lets start friday koggin
who is bad hombre taken by?
Kaze, trans rights
the kaguya crossdresser from touhou fest
hoax said he has a girlfriend now
an e-gf?
from anime north
that was in may before touhoufest... who is his boyfriend
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TouhouFest 2024 Tickets, Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Would it be possible to host a server for the gamemode one thousand uncles (reworked engineer fortress)? Cause currently the uncletopia servs with this gamemode severely lack maps due to dane not caring to remove cosmetics and unusuals from the defending engineer bots and crashing 90% of the maps to entity limit. Here's the github for the plugin: https://github.com/MoonlyDays/TF2_EngineerPVE
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Hombrussy was gaped
Lets try to get it started.
im flandre scarlet
can confirm
14 on the kog
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this thread stinks, please shower!
that’s your upper lip you’re smelling, tranny
11 celebrating cirno day on the koggy!
100 player Hoodoo
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We need to BTFO more troons. 100 player hoodoo is required
4 on the kog
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Can I please have the password? I'm tired of only lurking during specific hours.
2 on the kog
lol this server fell off so hard
hombre met dragon and stopped caring about the server
i guess it served its purpose for him
Hombre and everyone were a bunch of pedophile faggots anyways who all used Discord, it was only a matter of time after they started a comp team and their own altchan
who is dragon?
dubs confirm
i gave this server a sniff after wondering what the fuck these threads are going on about. this server (and these threads) remind me of my homeboard. overtime the kino autists going on about doremi or some other moe shit get replaced by zoomers who you can see are tryhard larpers from a mile away. then all of those zoomers try dragging everyone else into their external discord drama until anyone reamining is either an obsessive dramafag or is just trying to have a good time while doing so with a tiny bitterness inside them because they can't put the lid back on pandora's box
koggy player who is now dating hombre
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dubs of sad truth
Daniel lost bro.
I have no idea who the fuck "Daniel" is.
I hate shit skins and don’t really like anime that much. Am I welcome on this server.
Basedjak party tf2 server exists especially for you
How did he lose? the server is dying, and its owner is in a LDR with a man
>a 5 year old server is dying 15 months after I got banned I won
This post makes sense when you realize troonbre posted it
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oh no no no... daniel bros
this server is honestly one of the most pathetic things ive ever seen in my lifetime
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New server owner is gay :skull:
Why? Give me a QRD
t. tourist
server le bad because it just is ok
I gave birth to trans twins, hope this helps
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Daniel and 'tony won
It's ironic, ask utsuho
The Prano
No clue who this schizo you made up in your head is, sorry.
So this is what tranime and no father figure does to a mf
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New 'tony just dropped
No idea who "'tony" is, stop with the schizoing and play on the server.
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kek, the troon diaper meme is real
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daniel here, cool that u chuddies still speak of me yet i am still perma muted, just got back from the gym, broke my bench PR of 315 so, hope you incels have been well
loodie here, cool that u moids still speak of me yet i am still banned, just got back from the gym, broke my hip extensions of 315 so, hope you incels have been well
youre not even banned doe, maybe if you doxed one of the mods you would be but youre a coward
bro is about to be bald

bro thinks he’s a woman and thinks he’s funny
That's not Daniel it's Ethan Ralph
Wait you're a woman
it's not ironic
I'm tired of having to pretend im something I'm not just to conform to your server's stupid anti-gay rule. hell, you yourself are gay, or bi (in denial). you and i both know this.
utsuho gay allegations are mounting
I'm assuming the person i replied to is hombre
utsuho is normal
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What if dragon is a biological female and we're moving in with eachother
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Homosexuality is chan culture, there's nothing to be ashamed of
The document is definitely real, but it is too bad that Vedris is a habitual liar with zero credibility.
Maybe his alleged death is a lie too, maybe he is in this very thread seeking validation from people who hate him.
This Anon is a schizophrenic and has posted this exact same sentence before in previous threads.
>So is this definitive proof that Hombre browses /lgbt/ and violates his own "No LGBT" rule?
You know I've been dead a long time and you people still obsess over me...
omg! hombres ex-tranny gf(bf) is having a meltie
I really looked up to Bad "AC" Hombre for years.
I remember he used to preach about being a true otaku and sticking to 2d only, not giving into the dark side that most high IQ otakus end up getting into (trooning out and dating other men in their small incestuous online prison AKA koggy)
It really breaks my heart man. I should of listened to 'tony but we all wrote him off as a BPD schizo when he was telling the truth. AC did for a fact drown his hedgehog!
I wonder what the old AC from 3 years ago would think if he knew this would happen to himself. I bet he would delete bant tf2 and possibly uninstall tf2 and guilty gear. Prevent himself from switching over to the "otaku dark side".
I feel sick to my stomach for ignoring 'tony and always taking AC's side. 'tony/vedris I know you are still here reading this and I am so so sorry. Maybe with this news we can be friends again and take down the monstrous dark aryan chad! I can see AC continuing to groom not only 17 year old children, but lonely otaku men who are still on the light path. Dragon if you are reading this AC will get rid of you for another man once he's bored of you. I feel bad for Kaze, you can see how much of a mess he is inside after AC just threw him away ;(

I've been investigating into where AC gets his money to pay for server costs and advertising and it just so happens that his parents have a connection to the venture capitalist Blake Masters. Really starts to make sense why he does so much shilling for trump in 2024(server banners, the tf2 website, etc). Peter Thiel has Blake Masters invest in certain cultures to have them push vance/trump and his other agendas. Turns out one of Thiel's agenda is to make the right wing more gay and misogynistic(thiel was a closet gay himself). Thiel is a huge part of why the blackpill has gotten so mainstream over the years. AC's imageboard bantculture started out as a friendly otaku fandom imageboard, but it's now clearly just another way to push the demoralization blackpill agenda on vulnerable lonely men.

Thiel wants to turn all high IQ otaku men into demoralized malleable servile faggots who have no money, no children, and no true impact on culture.
>your crush has already been 4 dimensionally BLACKED before you ever even heard the word puberty so find a bro on discord to jackoff with
>there are no jobs so don't even try, boomers ruined everything, never take your own initiative, bounce on dicks for money if you have to, what are you a fucking puritan??
>just be a gay loser and get raped on discord by faggots because all women are whores bro, lmao thanks rene girard
>etc etc etc

AC sure does remind me of another "male role model" that Blake Masters also has a huge investment in. They are both closet gay guys preaching to be masculine and go to the gym.
AC sold out to the dark side.
AC is Thiel funded controlled op to turn kids into touhou cosplaying crossdressing faggots

Daniel won
'tony won
and last but not least, Dark Aryan Chad won!!!!!!!
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>troonbre hates white ppl so much he made dragon cheat on his girlfriend for hombrussy
Both my trans daughters just committed suicide after reading this thread
You fucking bastard
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File deleted.
wow holy shit are there any grassroots online communities out there anymore???? even tf2 servers are being co-opted by thiel and the new right this is insane
this is too much for me I cant process hombre giving over his hombrussy to thiel kek
>processed hombrussy
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>Dragon landslide is losing steam
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this explains everything
not me nigga
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>when the #mememagic hits too strong
this is fake but the screenshot i posted is real
hombre is a homosexual nonetheless and his server rules appy to everyone but him lol
Lady Dank was not banned though
dragon sisters...
yes he was
In all honesty, until I went on estradiol it was like I lived in a very dark place. Hot flashes about 40 times a day, insomnia, depression and anger. After about a month on the patch it was like someone turned a light back on in my life! I would 1000% do it again, my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner.
lady dank was banned because daniel incessantly sperged out about banning him, which daniel is gone now so pank should be unbanned really
nah he was reporting ac to the cops with anthony
Estrogem is a patch?
Personally, yeah, I use estradiol patches, but problem is, well, I couldn't patch my axe wound and I fail to push my prolapsed bowl back in
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this server is deader than dirt
take your faggot sperging to discord
But we can tell from the picture
What is Yukari Whale?
This is the most important bant meme, Yukari whale (not actually a whale). Sometimes called Fuwarin, it's Yakumo Yukari from Touhou Project in the form of fanmade character "sukusuku hakutaku". Likes sweets and tea, dislikes coffee and spicy food. Originally from 2chan. She lives in Yurukusanae with a caterpillar and there is a creature which survives by eating her poop.
Hey guys ex-banter here
remember to check out my old videos and look back on the glory days. Like my bant esports video. Sponsored by Sneed's Feed and Seed.

I heard shit hit the fan with Hombre so I'm just here popping my champagne bottle celebrating what should've happened two years ago!
TLDR that closeted faggot banned me for being a faggot. Shit is tough.
Oh btw Im the original creator of that hombre drake image. I uploaded this picture to Kogasabooru and Hombre cropped the image. (Yes this is a real Masada dm)
Stay tuned folks, the oldfags of Bant are coming after Hombre it's only a matter of time.
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this image was made last year by someone named lady pank. pank is someone that is a confirmed discord groomer, tried to become a troon and most likely groomed 'thony to becoming a tranny too. YWNBAW.
>one person
Retard connect the dots, you're talking to him you retard. How can I be a groomer if I filed Hombre to the police. They did a background check on me, checked my discord accounts and I'm not arrested :3
Just because Im openly gay doesn't make me a groomer. It's people who willingly opened up to me about their identity (hombre at one point in a voice call) and all I do is give them advice. Masada was caught on tape trying to flirt with Tony when he was underaged and no one gives a shit about that.
Whose the stupid-ass nigger now?
>he turned 18 later so it means the grooming is legal
Whatever you say man, I already had a background check by the authorities so I'm clean. You can yap to me all you want.
sorry xister, if you use discord, you're a groomer. thats an aryan FACT doe.........
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Vedris unblock me.
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Just gonna leave this here for prosperity
who is this?
This is the last post I'll make on this thread before I go to the gym with my bf but when I met with Tony IRL to file the report to the police I told them to log off 4chan and discord so they can slowly build a social life outside of the internet especially after they got doxxed by you faggots. I have the document on my computer and I keep adding new information that is sprinkled in these threads. And I lurk around Hombre's bootleg 4chan site. So if you're reading this Hombre. Here's the doc. It's real. Also Hi Salieri! I got some dirt on you too you Scandinavian bitch ass cracker :3
fuck it didnt embed.
>Daniel's bf
Anthony: 100
Troonbre: 0
Why don't you remember me
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My last dm with Hombre
what happened to the gym
Hombre telepathically rapes me every night, it works because I live in Europe, the difference in time grants him power over my body and mind for the greater part of the night, basically he spends his evenings just to fuck with me while I am powerless, I'm so fucking tired. I have tried everything, I fucked up my sleep schedule, I didn't sleep for days, I tried renting multiple apartments all over the city, I thought if he loses track of me he won't be able to perform mental attacks on me, I ended up spending tens of thousands of dollars on it and didn't help me, somehow he always knew where to attack. Police refuses to act. More, hombre hired agents in there and now I'm being telepathically raped by policemen as well, fuck. Man, I am tired, I just want to be able to sleep in peace again.
state thy name
Get on Kogastopia
Ngl Daniel was right for banning pank. Bring back Daniel.
Xe was muted for grooming loodie and sperging out when xey/xem escaped
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Remember in 2021 when troonfagbre said that this server would never turn into the party /v/an (Grooming allegations, e dating trooning out, etc) OH NONONONONONONONO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
It's called being courageous and the party van is more courageous so they have more players
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Grooming lolis is gemmy thoughbiet, ill think about unmuting xer today.
#dragongate is getting crazier
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Antony BTFO
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You let a 19 year old who hasn't played on your server in 2 years live rent free in your head.
Kill yourself.
fagscatbre is so out of touch, he doesn't know that Antoinette's obituary was published in the Biden-Harris troonbre BTFOing act
vedris, kaze, loodie, and lady pank say trans rights
Didn't Hombre also have a MAP pride flag on bantculture?
Fagscathombre basically has turned koggy into everything he disliked about /v/an but worse and with somehow having more pedophiles. Its not like the trannies are gone either considering that Hombre's inner circle has at least two trannies in it.
>Hombre's inner circle has at least two trannies in it.
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kaze and boom (diaper trannies)
what is bro yapping about
this thread is WILD
koggy is cooked
'cado on the mic
>le le epic dubs XD
who are you quoting?
AC is Mr Beast theory
4cuck seething
'thony MOGS
xe really really does thoughbiet
Looks Slavic to me
There was a post above this but it's gone now
Get on Kog
who cares about those damn stupid screenshots. anyone with half a brain knows that kaze and hombre were dating or had something going on.
At least hombre knew kaze was gay, and kaze had a crush on him and continued stringing him along for whatever fucked up reason.

This has all been known in the inner circle since server ownership had been transferred. Hombre has been posting about his love for dragon for awhile now "ironically" because it's his coping mechanism for his screenshots being leaked in july.

If anything this bullshit screenshot which is obviously hombre telling kaze to patch things up (kaze is obviously still in-love with hombre) just makes you guys even more guilty. You guys are really subhuman<100IQ autists.

Tell me why these "fake" screenshots of hombre talking about his relationship with dragon would cause kaze to start a whole debacle. Kaze is nor transphobic or homophobic so I fail to see any reason for him to be mad and have a breakdown over this other than his jealousy of dragon dating hombre. We also now know that hombre lied about what caused kaze to freak out (he told everyone it was about kaze coming out for being trans not the dragon screenshots).

Thanks for adding more proof that #dragongate is real. Now those that didn't know can see that Utsuho is also part of this gay love triangle.
you just believe it because a transwoman told you that so you dont murder her, it's over.
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>Enter thread
>Think it gonna be cool because I like TF2 and Touhou
Why is every community like this nowadays?
Who the fuck cares about touhou, my trans daughter killed herself, let's discuss that
It's not even a shitstorm, it's 1-2 irrelevant schizos trying to stir up shit and the server's discord/steam circlejerkers are entertaining their delusions and pretending to be gay or trans or whatever because they're attention starved failed normalfags, sadly it's what happens when terminally onlines form cliques
Exactly what im saying. Of course there are Oddballs in every community even back in the day too, but most of the time it wasnt to the level of this. Why do we give these people any power? If it's only 1-2 retards, why bother?
This is why you should get off 4trans and only play games instead of interacting with their terrible fanDUMBS
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it's not a shitstorm. it's just the admins being afraid of coming out of the closet for whatever reason.

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Hey guys, Lady Dank here. I'm about to go see Mario 2 in theaters with my boyfriend but I wanted to report that troonbre and utsuho are btfo LOL! We're going to tell all the tots at the theater about how being gay is keyed and troonbre is not LOL
moidgods won doe
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But hombre i checked, mario 2 doesnt come out for another 2 years and lady dank will be dead via suicide or AIDS by then
>Utsuho, Vaporizer of Straight People
If the server's higherups had any decency they would just ignore the stalkers and trolls instead of playing along with them and also tell their shit stirring buttbuddies like p#blm to stop fabricating more drama for laughs
/bant/ originalfag who doesn't even play on the server anymore but is buddies with Hombre
Is he the one who spammed poop in the anthony thread on /v/
idk but he likes singing about poop and posting shitting animals
So you're saying that p#blm was pretending to be horactix, and faking screenshots to make it look like kaze was jealous that hombre cheated on him with dragon?? what
horactix is just another another fake drama creator
Yes I am
>Tell me why these "fake" screenshots of hombre talking about his relationship with dragon would cause kaze to start a whole debacle. Kaze is nor transphobic or homophobic so I fail to see any reason for him to be mad and have a breakdown over this other than his jealousy of dragon dating hombre. We also now know that hombre lied about what caused kaze to freak out (he told everyone it was about kaze coming out for being trans not the dragon screenshots).
Oooooo now I see. So this is all fake and it's just a boogyman named "p#blm" making fake screenshots to show that horactix, kaze, and Utsuho are trying to cover up the whole ordeal and aren't just playing along? I don't understand
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And that's what i end up doing. But occasionally I do want to see what others are doing to see if theres any cool pics/maps/memes
For the two basedjak party gay lovers: you are being milked for lulz, I know that your screenshots of discord convo are real but it's just Hombre pretending to be gay so you can spill your beans and give him more fuel against you. I know at least one of you has diagnosed autism which makes detecting sarcasm or deception harder. You seemed like a cool guy when you used to play on the server so I feel obliged to warn you about people who prey on naivety of guys like you
We're coming out
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yea just pretending ;)
Reptile kicked raiko from her cord tho
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her cord? that's the /bant/ tf2 steam chat
they are still in there :/
He means Hungry Rumia
New funny Anthony meme
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new funny hombre meme
Chill Anthony, why don't you tell us your new girl name
Trans rights!
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'tony won
where does this come from?
you just know this isnt true lol
I was your original mapmaker you hedgehog killing faggot.
I feel for you, but this is how all 4chan TF2 servers are
I put byakuren bike into a new map recently
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>you just know this isnt true lol
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Troons reported it.
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So tldr, discord closeted gays are doing psyops with fake screenshots while the guy who owns the server is a Canadian narcissist who can't stop smelling his own farts.
What am I doing here. I'm here for the lols but you guys have like jobs? A life or something? This is probably the highlight of y'alls lifes. Or is everyone here nuerodivergent?
>that dirty ass brown finger
You’ll never be a woman.
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Homosexuals don't clean dey nails :skull:
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Everyone in this thread keeps calling themselves fags or trans, its like how lefties keep calling everyone racist or a Nazi. The words lost all meaning.
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featherine proved the screenshots were real though
like he said the screenshot of kaze, horactix, and utsuho are just a sad attempt to cover this whole thing up
I am a neurodivergent neet and even this stuff is beneath me
this image is blacklisted on /v/ btw
thist, autistgods are above gossip and drama
For fucks sake you're doing exactly what they want. Yes, the screenshots are real, everyone in the discord cabal that's making fun of you knows it and they all know about the inside joke about these two supposedly dating.
The P.Diddy of tf2
diddyculture is real
Was this before or after kaze found out they were fake
After. Kaze trusts me to tell the truth because I have also been abused by Masada, Hombre and Aric.
>hombre is a homosexual
Bruh, couldn't lie, I respect even more now
>Tell me why these "fake" screenshots of hombre talking about his relationship with dragon would cause kaze to start a whole debacle. Kaze is nor transphobic or homophobic so I fail to see any reason for him to be mad and have a breakdown over this other than his jealousy of dragon dating hombre. We also now know that hombre lied about what caused kaze to freak out (he told everyone it was about kaze coming out for being trans not the dragon screenshots).
Man I want to save the autists who genuinely believe this whole trans and ebf stuff but it's legitimately harder than trying to make a schizophrenic believe that his doctor is not a federal agent
Listen, the only people you're trying to enlighten about Kaze's gender identity or AC's homosexual adventured are the people who came up with this stuff. Hombre, Kaze, Utsuho, Horactix, Kuze, they're all on the same page encouraging unaware spergs to do increasingly embarrassing stuff just like normies do to tards in school. Take a break from discord and imageboards, seriously. I'm not saying this maliciously, I just don't like manipulative circlejerkers because they're basically wannabe cool kids who got rejected by cool kids irl
Utsuho is gay
Shut up głowie Jesus Christ you might as well show us your badge because you're doing a bad job at it.
Being gay is chan culture, good for him
how about you finish high school first
dude is impersonating a literal underage
'Tony is almost 20
You were underage when you started your server faggot
the hombrussy hit too hard
Is that the best you got?
anthony only said this when he was <=18 falseflagger
Wait.. you aren't the guy who unironically tried convincing his server he made it big in cryptocurrency? Ok.
>congrats on that btw
>thanku :)
How do you even know this, from someone who hasn't played on the server in 2 years?
What is this, the fucking bibble?
hi lambda
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Post more you tards, I need more dopamine
they are currently busy trying to find the mole (totally not me) in their steam chat
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Theo was also a /bant/ original and is the same age as hombre while also being an admin. Is he a closeted gay?
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same steam chat?
no, anyone can enter this one
Yes actually. He's also the one behind said post.
Can we get proof on theo and utsuho
There's screenshot utsuho proof above the kaze bomb lol
Imagine betraying your friend.
Imagine betraying your friend who helped popularize your server and give you the idea to make it 24/7.
Imagine letting your friend get groomed and saying it was their fault.
Imagine then blaming any and all issues of your server on them for the next 2 years.
Imagine obsessing over a 17 year old.
Even when they are said to be dead.
Anthony, Vedris, they won, plain and simple.
Hombre, eat shit faggot.
>Imagine obsessing over a 17 year old
Yeah that's too old for my liking, but still keyed, i believe
He's from /v/ and older than Hombre
how is he involved
Kogasatopia is like Danganronpa where all the coolest characters died early and only the mid ones remained
mfw i just want to play tf2 and not deal with retards and drama
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i posted everything from here onto his imageboard. I was quickly banned and sent a message on steam from the legend himself
no more homoerotic ERP with the inner circle for me
Hi futasuckfag
Please do not bring me up i had literally nothing to do with this
the streets say you gay kuze...
killdozer vs loodie debate was lit
https://youtu.be/kKPxAUUFLsA?si=-qA4wgfBg0W-swRL this is what Kogasatopia could've been in Hombre didn't ban all the fun people
Jesu won.
Theo also doxxed Tony
I never saw Vedris's face because I was kicked from after hours
>give you the idea to make it 24/7.
So you're saying his friend ruined the server?
Anthonycord is truly the most schizo of the banttf2 circles, why are trannies like this?
live from canada
you literally posted photos of someone from when they were 16
the fuck is wrong with you
also nice ban evade
/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer
Care to elaborate on that? Who is this 16 year old that is being referred to in this situation at the moment, can you give me a name please?
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What private steam chat, which one? Also, I never posted it on /vm/ at all, what are you smoking little buddy? Also, whats with the hostility that is being displayed here, that is kind of rude to say the least.
I stopped playing on bant when I was kicked for micspam
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:( it's all true boys
What archives? Can you please be so kind to provide a link to them for me so I can verify those claims that you made? What, what so-called "dirt" do you have on me, I'm curious, I wanna see. I also never dated in my life, much less have dated a man, so I have no clue who you're talking about.
I always knew hombre was featherine's boyfriend
>retard used 4chanX
>replies to deleted posts
>claims to not see deleted posts
You are nothing more than a pedophile.
it was anthony you fucking retard and you know it
you took a movie clip from when they were 16 and posted it in the private steam chat and then on here, even after it got deleted yet you are still posting
dont act fucking retarded
Also, you will just lie and deny everything just like Hombre and his friends do. No point in posting it here, wait like everyone else
I want to see the Anthony movie tho
I never used 4chanX in my life, I've heard of it, but never used it.
So that means you got absolutely nothing? Thanks for letting me know!
I can vouch this, this was fucked up.
'bre apology video dropped
Second vouch, Theo you don goofd
This server needs to be purified.
Purify these nuts, faggot shrine maiden.
Pure schizophrenia
Glad I left when I did, holy shit things went downhill. You fags are nuts
Kiwifarms tf2 server will fail lmaoooo
No, he's right and you are just a fucking pathetic loser.
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now that we know kaze is trans, is she AGP or HSTS?
Hi big w man
Sounds like a reddit level argument
"Erm actually you're just pathetic, so sayeth me"
Thanks bud, but really I'm studying on a friday night...
...but at least I meet with 2 korean girls at 10.
Oh yeah, we're doing a project, not having sex :/
Well if you're a loser that isn't an argument.
It's just a statement and it's true.
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Oh no no no, dragon gate bros?
I see you're retarded. Probably why you play on bant/kogasatopia
I like the sharty better than your tranny shithole, but then again I'm white and cis
This is what pajeets say
like troonbre?
pride cometh before the fall faggot
Here's all the goodies since troonbre and gang just report and samefag this place to hell.

no way bro is playing overplayed tiktok reel music to his goofy ahh monologue
why are there so many posts referencing someone who hasn't even visited this thread in over 2 years?
if you're talking about 'tony/vedris he helped to prove hombre is gay :D
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This is my favorite Kogasatopia Clips vid, check out 17:03 to see what I mean XD
>tf2 server full 3 days in a row
>no one believing dragon is cheating on his girlfriend for an e-relationship
dragongate status?
Dragon is playing AC along and hes finna getting kaze'd soon
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This is peak
why does northamericancowboy hate gasatopia
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proven to be real (yes we get it hombre you can come out of the closet now we will still play on your server)
Hol up, featherine is a tranny? Daniel you missed one brah.
AC: people thinking I'm a gay tranny is actually a good thing because I'll get to play solely with my deeptaku discord friends while all those normie outsiders get scared away
He's right tho
>group chat dedicated to stalking 'tony
at the end of the day, most ppl on 4chan are trannies, so its not even a big deal, imageboard culture is now centered around cuckold porn and BBC, so, take that as you will.
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Big recap of this nothingburger:
those discord screenshots were FAKED to make crazy kaze feel better about hombre not being gay for his mental half-brown ass,
that phone discord video proves NOTHING except featherine projecting his homosexuality onto hombre and dragon,
lastly, lady pank and anthony have now given each other aids through discord voice chat.
Who faked what tho?
Original 4 messages >>1446811 clearly belong to hombre, you can tell it by how sentences are structured
Hombre pretended to be gay for dragon in dm with featherine, then featherine sent screenshots to kaze and kaze leaked the screenshots?
I genuinely don't understand
oh my gyat it says it in the image from >>1451171
"the screenshots I sent to you were faked by featherine" - kaze is referring to those original 4 messages here >>1446811

Here's the supposed timeline:

-kaze discordvents to featherine about hombre not loving him,

-featherine sends fake hombre x dragon discord dms (probably with javascript editing or smth) with the intent to make kaze move on,

-kaze spergs out at this revelation and posts all of those fake messages here,

-fags that are upset at being banned on an anti-fag server (anthony, lady pank) start circlejerking about how hombre was gay all along,

-1 investigation later makes kaze admit those messages were faked (not hard to emulate, hombre has a distinct text pattern)

>-featherine sends fake hombre x dragon discord dms
it's even easier than that to fake discord messages, anyone can do it by just changing their usernames and pictures, i do it all the time to bait other people in other threads
what a cope
Looks like traniel the kiwifarms reject is mad
Featherine references to the screenshots as "our DM" and his actions as "leaked" in the video. I suppose that video is fake as well?
To think of sending fake screenshots to kaze in that situation featherine has to be retarded, to produce fakes this good he has to be pretty smart and I'm not talking about technical stuff, js and shit. Style perfectly matches hombre's and there are random switches off and on for capital letters.
Shit is still shady af, couldn't care if hombre is a homo, being hypocritical is magnitudes worse. I don't believe these screenshots are fake
But again, maybe it's just me being retarded, I don't want to claim anything
I could believe you if you said screenshots are real and are a joke, but screenshots being fake? Meh
Ah yes, they are the highest quality fakes anyone has ever seen.
Of course they are fucking real, and anyone who denies it is just one of Hombre's goons and you can tell from their posting style
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>highest quality fakes
its easy to make fake discord messages thoughbiet
And then make a video scrolling through it?
Sure it is schizoid, tell yourself that while you keep banning fags when you should ban yourself
bro thinks im hombre, bros schizoid
Who the fuck is "bruh"? who the fuck is kaze/dess/dragon? MARGEEEEEE I'M CONFUSED
>Utsuho is normal

LOLNO. Anyone who pretends to be a little anime girl even "ironically" is just AGP.
Brown hands typed this post.
but, it was recorded on a phone and shows hombres discord account before the dms.
sorry, but that can't be faked faggot
i'd understand your bullshit excuse if it was a video of a web browser.
>sorry, but that can't be faked
>I like TF2 and Touhou

You have AGP at best, full gender dysphoria that requires hormones and SRS at worst.
>Why is every community like this nowadays?
lmao nigga what? It has ALWAYS been like this. in the 2010s TF2 servers were hotbeds of drama but instead of Touhou it was bronies.
>but, it was recorded on a phone and shows hombres discord account before the dms.
But, I could change my username and pfp to hombre's and do that exact same thing, I don't know why I need to explain this to you, silly retard.
as a 'farms enjoyer, I fucking love internet drama, thank you for you're service. gimme more juicy deets.
I have mild AGP and never wanted to transition
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Anyone can change there display name to "bruh"
Only one person can have the username "birthdaybeast"
How about you learn how discord works, silly retard.
featherine is too spergy to perfectly replicate Hombre's writing style
I have mild AGP and a fat cock
How did you contract it
Anthony Jr
How did you contract it
Dunno, but it's only present in my depressive episodes
I'm a bit AGP and my cock is darker than the rest
I have insane AGP and I will never troon out. I don't get actual troons, the whole point of wanting to be a cute girl is to get hard, but if you cut off your cock how can you get hard?
Great point, but how can you prove that's his username, silly nigger.
That's the easy part
Hehehe, no, but seriously.
other way around for me, I'm normal when depressed
Just gooned
>insanae AGP
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What even happens in that video besides hombre and featherine apologizing to each other??
Hombre is apologizing that kaze is an idiot, featherine is apologizing for leaking fake DMs.

One off-hand comment from a homo at 9/24 2:47 PM saying "you can be with dragon" with no response is incriminating? though its definitely either ironic or homo-projection?

Dumb nigger
Where does it say the DMs were "fake" in the video?

Why is hombre talking to a fag on discord?

Repressing chudie
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In the video, not your premeditated convo attempt to cover up the truth.

Anyone could of changed their steam display name to Kaze and copied her profile picture if you want to play that game alsos.
That’s a grown ass man, bro
LMAO!!!!! look at all the blacked out message they are trying to cover up too
hombre is gay. you look like a retard defending any of this
this is anthony
the censored conversation was about touhou farts and i dont think anyone wanted to hear about that besides maybe masada
I believe that they're fake. I still believe hombre is a faggot though ngl
why did l4d2cord do this?
read the thread retard
is daniel gothoid by chance?
yes I think lady pank has a video of his first appearance on the server.
lmao i know him by scp he accidentally killed the gorup when he introduced his wigger friend jeramiah this schizo who talked about gnostism and constantly has his baby crying in the backgorund
Jeremiah was a regular here a long while ago, we banned him because he was schizophrenic who defamed touhou and would read the bible for 8 hours a day
sounds about right
we didn't do the same that's why our gorup died lmao
he was literally just an attention whore who sucked up to daniel so much he copied his schtick down to the intonation. he was probably gay for him
your group died because you're all a bunch of whiny queers, cdom
lmfao true but also fuck taht niggger jermiah
A former /scp/ nigga here. Not SPICler or sneedom. It really does now make sense, reading through this thread, how some of your exports have ruined various communities, including /scp/.
actually chudster showed traniel this server, he was our smallpox export
i miss chuckster
I'm not reading this shit but I think we should all just get along together okay
peace love & harmony
Be my boyfriend
Unban my nigga Lady Dank, I want more moments with /bant/ fortress
Nah, bro is weird as fuck. If he wasn’t such a stupid faggot about internet drama then sure. The drama causing faggots should stay banned.
are you a brohu (touhou crossdresser)
do you like guys with lots of body hair
1. I am a real 2hu futa
2. I do
3. I am top
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idk man I'd be pissed off too for being banned for being a fag only to find out everyone in the inner circle where also faggots including Daniel.
Like lets be real here, dog got banned for being himself. As much as I hate fags I have respect for fags who are unapologetic about it, and he didn't seem to care that people called him a fag, he played in with the bits and understood the culture just enough to know most of it was banter. Unlike these retards that larped as conservatives only to suck each other's cocks in a steam group chat then have a mental breakdown when the jig was up.
I only respect real niggas.
LP was was a based cisgay like Youmu Konpaku while the macho anti lgbt guys secretly shove bbc dildos up their butts while imagining they're girls
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Who has the best bussy?
I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could live for no one else
thank you 4chan
But a lot of trannies play fighting games
these are anthonys and lady panks
This drama is a proof that fullheads are mentally ill. Stoic norwoodchads would not participate in it.
Anthony was norwooding tho
how did he know
I can bet my remaining follicles he was 1.5 at most which is still fullhead territory
i just jerked my shit to this 20 times
least gay kogastopia troon
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>all the xtube brohu videos lost after the pornhub purge
it's not fair
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AC photo leaked
I told a huge number of people before september
Where to cop that sweet whale shirt?
believe it or not, the truecels on that con had custom made touhou t-shirts with their nicknames
Before the thread dies, a quick reminder:
>Hombre dated Kaze, but cheated on Kaze with Dragon
>Kaze got pissed and posted everything to the thread
>Kaze also transitioned in this time period
>while this all happened Daniel was dating Featherine and got unbanned
>Hombre, Utsuho, Featherine, Theourion and whoever else in the after hours circlejerk all pretended everything, including the video scrolling through the DMs was fake
>Hombre admits to everyone in DMs that he's gay and still chooses to not come out nor get rid of the only "rule"
>daniel comes back
>blames everything on Pank and 'tony, two literally whos who have been banned for 2 fucking years
Hope you faggots enjoy your pathetic server
Damn Daniel/gothoid really is a humongous faggot KEK. That’s a 30 year old man too.
Wait, Hombre is a homo?
That's keyed af I wish I was a homo myself
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>Damn Daniel
I recall marijuana was another topic dear to his heart.

That and calling every player on the server a pedophile.
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The only part of this that I believe is Kaze, having trooned out being pissed enough to fake evidence for some bizarre accusations. The rest is madeup nonsense and the last line draws my suspicion. How would you know exactly what those literally whos have been up to?
hombre is confirmed to be 100% gay and dating dragon.
it's quite simple, kaze was pissed hombre didn't pick him.
By whom?
What exactly is the point of labelling yourself as an LGBTfolk, on the internet no less? You could just... not.
We have deduced that this is fanfiction concocted by AnthonyPankAndEveryoneElseBannedOnKoggyForBeingLGBTcord,
historians shall refer to this one >>1451283 as the official sequence of dragongate events; fact-checked by The Science™.
>two literally whos
oh my god... "two whos" kinda like... you know...... the animay thang
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The truth.
The lie created by closet homosexual admins.
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lmao this is what happens when you open a d*iscord. People eventually run out of game things to talk about so drama and transgenderism starts brewing.
Bad Hombre? More like Big Homo am I right?
is he topping or bottoming?
Daniel confirmed it
Aryan Chad
>Daniel confirmed it
Traniel just likes to only stir up internet drama because he’s a terminally online 30 year old failure though
He admitted he was gay, something hombre still doesn't have to guts to do.
he didnt say dat doe
im not doe, ive only posted on this thread 3 times, take ur meds incel
not only is unc lying about "posted on this thread 3 times" but unc is actually terminally online, thanks for proving me right lol
not a problem, friend, happy to help!
Who is unc
Word for old person
Aryan Chad
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faggot faggot faggot
I blame video games
dragongate kept the server full desu
Hombre is an idiot and didn't capitalize off the #dragongate momentum.
Instead of making a website/server event based on coming out of the closet and accepting LGBTQ, he instead denies all evidence and makes no changes.
Now the hype from the drama is gone, and everyone knows he's a narcissistic liar.
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samefag, when you think about it
We love ebonics in kogasatopia
kogatrannytopia lost
/v/an won
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kiwifarms is trying to make a thread on koggy bros, stay safe by deleting everything incriminating before they archive it, they're already archiving all the koggy clips (lol get fucked traniel)
do they know daniel and hombre are gay?
proove it
server needs more trooners like kaze that i can groom and fuck
Women aren’t allowed to speak on kogasatopia unless they have girlcocks
I checked this and it wasn't real
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Don't look now troonbre, girlcockgate is knocking on your door, it's a movement about how heterosexual we are and how much we hate troonbre LOL
I want to get drowned in futa cum
I want to choke on a futa cock and die
masada said this
Kogasatopia has fallen…
why are futards suicidal
because they will never be able to molest young boys
everyone in hungry rumia is suicidal
danielcoal hombrecoal anthonycoal, gem just got dropped instead
step aside gringo, this the real gem
very true, very gem, my friend!
>turkey tom tf2 video isn't about me
Because futanaris aren't real.
Trans folks: I'm here
Traniel lost
Troonfagscatbre lost
Troonthony lost
Loodiecord won
loodiecord has kuze in it tho
get that little guy hard and we'll talk
loodiecord lost shes a pickme nigga
Trvke. This is why Peo became more popular.
loodie the built for BBC queen
>Retro's revenge is not rea-
wait loodie is a girl?
K, real talk
Being a narcissistic homosexual is bad because?...
its not doe
It’s a tranny
New Turkey tom video is about loodie pretty much
it is doe and you're not me, thats identity theft
Post yourself in a touhou cosplay please please please
I will
Why did Anthony do this
need to breed loodie kaze and dragon
trans rights nigga
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>anthony reported this
nigga, you posted tranny porn, fuck you mean
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Don't say the T word anthony, that's hatred
would love to play on the server more but you guys need to make a map pack download so my loading times aren't so abysmal
Take this file and extract it to tf/
gay nigga, you gonna regret it when i release the doc daniel
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Doctor Daniel?
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Looks like this thread will disappear soon thanks to Anthony's troon goons, good thing bantculture doesn't need a password anymore!
'tony make a new thread

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