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Now that the EULA and registry stuff turned out to be fake news,, what's the /v/erdict on the game itself? as an analogue to ARK Survival or DayZ or even something like Palworld?
>Now that the EULA and registry stuff turned out to be fake news
what happened
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What is this? I got a tutorial for it but I was getting fucked up by boars so I didn't have time to read it. I don't think it's in the survival manual either.
there was a scare about EULA being about taking your personal info and ID etc, but turns out it was basic EULA, similar to every other live-service game. There is one file that runs on startup, but it is innocuous, the coder responsible for it didnt merge it with the game registery after the beta ended, it tracks how many times you open the game and how many times you purchase from the shop etc. summer children on steam reviewbombed the game because of those two things, without actually understanding anything about them.
It's probably zones for PvP, or the feature gets unlocked once the difficulty of the world increases.
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I'm downloading it right now. There is silence about it on /v/ and /vg/ so it must have flopped even though it looks like cool Death Stranding x SCP type shit.
i watched gameplay of some guy playing against bosses and he was just magdumping over and over again and dodging the most telegraphed attacks

then when he tried pvp he got btfo by some higher level guy with a sniper that had explosive ammo. just instantly fucked
i agree, i love the enemy designs
why do i need to create a new character everytime i join a new server?
i like my other character
20 hours in and just beat the second zone. First impressions are

>Solid Basebuilding
>Its cool having neighbours and ocassionally interacting with randoms
>Travelling, gathering and crafting is not tedious
>Secrets and puzzles in exploration
>Satisfying gunplay

>Exploration can get mindless
>Trash UI
>At times can be buggy/desyncy
>Precise building placements can be finnicky
>Most quests are fetch and kill
>Enemy AI can be dumb as fuck

Seems like main way to progress is to farm seasonal currency to buy out or gamble blueprints. Seasonal resets happen every 6 weeks as well so that could be a good or bad thing.
Im surprised it's getting little attention around here despite the game gaining some popularity 1 week after launch and having some 'niche popular' genres such as monster collecting, tower defence, base building, extract/loot & shoot.
>it must have flopped
It didn't, but it will in 5 weeks, that's when the first wipe is.
I think it's only for pvp > pve servers or vice versa. but there are locations on the map where you can change the "world"
oh so i need one character for pvp and one for pve but i can change pve character to another pve world and the pvp character to another pvp world?
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Game is alright but what the fuck is up with the cosmetics in this game?

I see people running around in punky bright pink Fortnite costumes while the world is a dark apocalyptic hellhole.

Did the publisher tell the devs to put this silly shit in because

I mean looking at the launch trailer aswell it just seems retarded.
aren't you guys sick of boring "follow the next craft x objective" non gameplay games with bare bones combat, story, UI design, enemies, and so on yet? are you really gonna get got another multi media integrated marketing campaign? https://www.lurkit.com/company/once-human-creator-program

i'm being facetious by the way, of course you fucks have already fallen for it and will continue to play !games and happily exchange your currency for them. sasuga dana anon kuns
why is there no controller support
i don't even think that matters very much, you can save your base blueprint anyway and just dump it all at once
What should we play?
started playing a day ago. Having fun so far. Dont we have some clan or whatever its called in that game( i think its hive) ? Still low level but i figure it will be better to play endgame bosses with you faggs than some random social media homos.
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For the life of me I can't find this chest and I can't find anyone talking about it. I went to the exact locations it says in the quest and nothing? No dirt messed up, found the garbage heap. There was a chest around the area but no where near that garbage heap.......
i'm probably 10 hours in, it's okay
it's genshin, 7daystodie, pubg, wildlands, daysgone, newworld all crammed into one game.
It's aight. Combat is p. fun, setting and premise are cool, crafting and building are as tedious in any open world MMORPG survival game. Its biggest issues are that it feels really unpolished and had the misfortune of releasing only a couple of weeks before First Descendant, which had massive hype and was made by Koreans who don't give a fuck about sexualizing female characters (even though this does have butt and boob sliders).
The registry stuff gave antis ammunition to scare people away even though it was a nothingburger and dipshits think you just lose all your progress at the end of the season because they don't understand that endgame involves investing resources in unwipeable storage so you can set up and level faster after the seasonal reset.
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I'm 10 hours and not sure if I have gaslit myself into having fun. Just hit level 12 and still in the starter area exploring. All the SCP shit is great but the basebuilding is annoying.

Think I'll play to endgame but then quit after season wipe. PvP doesn't interest me running through the same content all over again is ass.

I hope the devs keep working on this though, it has potential if they iron out the jank.

Also souls message system but you can type whatever is amazing.
>Running through all the content again is ass
Not happening with how resets work.
They even sent a mail to all the players explaining that some items and resources placed in Eternaland would be locked out in certain seasons because the scenarios and drops would be changing each time.
is pvp gonna be mandatory at any point, im probably not gonna play it when it comes to that seeing as how my old pc is struggling to run this smoothly
no, since you can pick pve or pvp servers
its Conan Exiles, with guns, and a hundred different currency & progression screens
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Me and the wife (she's shy)
This game is literally metal gear survive with I guess rust building and item gathering. Probably one of the few games I don't mind gathering in cuz it's so fast
I think they said the seasons will change things up with each run/reset. Personally I had a lot of fun running through the world even if a lot of the towns are the same copypasted shit. The early game was super boring, it started picking up for me somewhere around lv20. It's something about the overworld I really like about this game, I've never been able to get into the survival crafting genre like rust or valheim since the worlds in those games seem totally dead and devoid of life but this one is right up my alley for some reason. The world feels more like a world and being able to move your base around in an instant for no cost is pure kino.
pretty sure it's not mandatory even in pvp servers, as in you can't just get base raided or shot randomly while doing quests or gathering mats. I wouldn't know tho cause I'm in a pve server
There are certain zones where PvP is open, chests aren't instanced and you drop some of your supplies if you die.
If you want to raid bases, you have to activate PvP, which makes you vulnerable to other players everywhere except in inhabited towns and highlights the bases of everyone else with PvP activated, but it also highlights your base for them.
Forgot to add, if you do enough damage to the structures in someone's base or destroy a container to loot the items inside, they can attack you or your base for the next several hours whether or not you have PvP activated.
>destroy a container to loot the items inside,
I thought you couldn't loot containers from other players?
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She's kinda cute
how does the wipe stuff work, what gets wiped
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Basically you keep all of the shop currencies except for the equivalent of ingame gold. Blueprints allow you to craft weapons and armor so you keep those. You can copy+paste your base design so technically you lose your base but you can remake it in the click of a button. I have early, mid and late game base layout blueprints saved so I can make immediate transitions provided I have the mats which aren't hard to get at all. Like this game basically has custom server rates for gathering shit compared to when I played dogshit ark. Seems like everything players lose when wipes happen doesn't matter since it's just a matter of making sure you have good setup blueprints saved. Not really sure how to feel about it since I don't usually play these survival games but we'll have to see how that plays out. Personally I like the idea of building a base being a one-and-done for the most part with small modifications here or there, so when a wipe happens you don't have to do all of that janky shit over again.
okay thats cool. what are these early mid late game base layouts that youve come up with? im approximately level 25 or so and im not sure if im doing it correctly, im just cheesing the starchrom refinery defense, i may want to redo my layout in favor of better ideas, one of which is to set up territory on a cliff face so enemies only spawn on one side and get funneled
Just tried the game and encountered what i assume the first bug.. i cant seem to be able to gather (in the first quest when you are told to collect dirty water and logs)
The game is full of jank like that. I couldn't summon my bike because pressing G wouldn't work. Just restart.
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I verified the game files from inside the game (verify client files or w.e) and verified the files on steam,, and it works now.. i have a checkered character and its bothering me,, i need a way force reload of the model server-wise.
what server are you at ?
Why do autists complicate things?
pvp26 EU ofc
the fix to the checkered skin is to build a mirror and reenter character creation through it and add some tattoos or things that forces the game to change the lower body, save and it gets fixed
>2 days for the next phase
im getting sick of exploring. is there anything else to do for progress that isnt endlessly looking for crates in annoyingly designed areas
my pvp server seems almost dead after not even 4 days in, barely see anybody on any world instance, player count on steam almost same as release but 5times the servers now.
I'm on a pve server and it feels dead too. I barely see anyone actually playing the game.
I'm on a pvp server and i see a decent amount of people running around.
I only saw that mushroom event one time.
Same was confused as fuck as it happened to me during exploration and suddenly 50 niggers on bikes started to show up and shot at me.
same, i do not feel like looking for a populated pvp world because starting from scratch again takes so fucking long honestly
Well I have a bunch of blueprints saved for resource extraction at different stages of the game so I can conssitently pump out passive resources at any time, then my regular base I setup when I'm in chill mode. I have a defensive one for the weekly territory purification. Some of them aren't really "bases", moreso literal factories like water station or mining setups whenever I really need a bunch of a certain type of resource overnight. I set it up and fuck off or log out, then come back to metric shit tons of resources. The only diff between early to endgame bases meant for resources is just the scale of the operation since you unlock better facilities as you level up so it's wise to have a couple of good blueprints at each stage.

I really like how you can just rip up your base and plop down any design you own wherever you want with no hassle, you can switch between them whenever but you can only have one at a time. If you build something cool you can just stow it away if you need another base for a different purpose, then use the cool one again later. Idk if other survival crafting games did that but I always hated them because eventually I'd have to leave my base behind and build a new one somewhere else.
They really fucked up not letting people switch to whatever server at any time. I don't see what cons there would be from allowing free server swaps whenever.
how does that even triggers? It's just a random chance?
which wishing machine set to buy first
save your starchrom until you're sure of what you want. I wish I saved mine
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this game has a lot of pop culture references lol, weird to see from chinks. there's even a rdr2 easter egg
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Lol this pistol is broken as fuck, get this as soon as possible. It's literally the most busted weapon in the game. Save 8k Starchrom immediately and don't spend it until you get this pistol, don't play the stupid minigame, get this pistol asap.
>I don't see what cons there would be from allowing free server swaps whenever.

right? if you started playing solo and wanna play with a group of people that are in another server you get fucked
anykne get throigh the spider boss? my friend and i cheesed it at level 25/24.


it's a POI showong some kind of enemy NPC camp
>aren't you guys sick of boring "follow the next craft x objective" non gameplay games with bare bones combat, story, UI design, enemies, and so on yet?

i thought i would be. hell even though i had seen the beta play i wasn't very optimistic. but fucking around, figuring things out and trying to take things on 3-5 levels ahead is somehow really fun. it's one of those "fun with a friend, 1/10 without".
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For the small price of free I'm liking it. It mixes dayz, palworld, the division and it keeps reminding me of those few days I spent on the secret world.

Though I cannot say for sure that I will stick around for long.
levels seem to not matter due to low health pools, run the samurai deviate and you will instant gib anyone from range
pvp is giga jank and I only do the squid shit for the currency
>it's still the same basic earth, just fucked up by some weird ass virus alien demons
>retard thinks some deranged survivor wouldn't loot an old house and wear some goofy shit he finds tucked in a old dresser
out of all the things you pick to whine about, you pick something that actually isn't realistic?

There's also demented clowns in later zones
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Bums me out that the only canon I can get working on the back of the yellow truck is the one that does 0 damage to %99 of units in the game.

Worth driving this thing into a war? I dont really care if its not profitable just wondering if the canon is worth using at all.
Is that the canon you need for prime war?
Need is a strong word but yeah, its the one that fires Biomissiles
I've only been to one prime war but had no idea what you needed at the time, what is required to make it easy?
I read molotovs work on the boss also.
hamr or aws, from wish
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does this actually give +35% crit chance? or is it coded multiplicative and chinks are just retarded
Not sure but it looks sick so just buy it.
>I don't see what cons there would be from allowing free server swaps whenever.
if it was left completely free without restrictions it would ruin balance, it was fucked in Conan Exile.. they need to add some sort of server transfer,, maybe just the quests and memetics progression without the base or anything else
someone on server 69pve?
Also wanna ask do i rush the main story? or explore andd o side quest. I got some deviations from the side stuff and exploring.
Why all this servers tho? Half of them are on Low population. The new one got into mid high. then some people quit and old servers are on low and since you cant change servers.your stuck on barren land.
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Best guide I've found on the game so far for the quickest start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19ZG0b3T9mI
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nigga just play the game
I mean if you are a PvP sweat then you'll have to play optimal meta or get shat on.

I just play PvE and having fun doing all quests and clearing all locations in a zone before moving on.
When does purification reset? Is it a personal cd or the same for everyone like commissions?
i wouldnt mind meeting some bros from here, we just gotta agree on one server
i heard there is a way to swap servers
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>tfw spend all my 12k starchrom rolling the gacha machine
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>tfw stoic and almost have 16k for a weapon + armor piece combo

Never play the gamba. To be fair I'm really surprised the chinks even let you buy s rank gear even at crazy starchrome prices.
im a shrapnel person
i play in a pvp server and so far it feels like i play new fucking world
If you don't listen to abyss radio while cruising in your coupe or bike then you're uncultured.
it's insane to me that you just have to have decent game assets and persistence with cranking out threads until one hits like this to have a game launch decently. I'm so tired of the battle pass economic model.
Same but I'll say this games pass is generous as fuck and strangely has the best outfit in the game while also giving you tons of great shit AND being cheaper than anything in the cosmetic shop.

I finished my pass in like 3 days of casual play, you can probably literally finish it in an hour after buying it if you rush a late game area and farm acid on 40+ mobs and elites.
why do I care about a generous battle pass. yay I get more shitty dyslexic vibrant skins for things so I can... express my individuality in a milquetoast videogame that does nothing well in particular? you're all lost in the sauce. we gotta do better as consumers before it really is too late.
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>spend like 3 hours waiting for the game to download+patch+compile shaders
>start changing settings, tune everything down because my computer's shit, figuring it'd be fine because they're planning a mobile release, right? it can't be THAT intensive
>restart game
>"sorry faggot, you need an integrated GPU to play now ;^)"
it's bad enough being a poorfag, you don't have to spit in my fucking face like that
dedicated GPU* sorry i'm retardo
You didn't play the game, lil bro.
If you don't like it then leave, why waste your time somewhere you hate? retarded
ah to be underage again
really weird shill angle to try and paint the tired boomer as a shitty kid. I'm upset it'll probably work too.
>get called out for being a retard who clearly didn;t play the game
>"hurr durrr SHILL hurrr durrr DURRr"
If you hate the game why visit a forum specifically for said game?
I keep forgetting you can glide through the air instead of taking the long way down
also easy game lmao
it feels better in tier 5
I rushed there mid 30's with my friend to get good blueprints and it made us wish the whole game felt that way
>much higher mob density
>much stronger mobs that actually can 2 tap you
>all loot feels good to grab
>POIs are a lot more visually appealing and massive
Doing the lvl 49 resetta POI mid 30's with all mobs up was actually decently challenging.
it is not a forum specifically for the game. it is a slice of space that has been co opted to draw attention to a product. very important distinction that I am quite sure you are aware of and intentionally misconstruing.
I lost my entire base doing that purification thing for the first time. Used the level 2 items and those common creeps were destroying my wood walls in 2 seconds. That umbrella bitch annihilated the rest
to be fair I was unprepared but I'm not reading guides like a pussy
>go somewhere you hate
>get mad
many such cases
>why do i care about stuff in a game i don't care about
I... don't know? Why are you even here
>talking about a game in a thread about said game is shilling
mindbroken by this website
Cleared every Quest and POI in the first 3 Zones and did the weekly purification. Guess I'll have to wait for the next phase now.

I hope the midgame-lategame zones will have some new creatures because I'm getting tired of seeing the same shitters.

I got the gold shrapnel SCAR and it shreds everything lol
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Sad quest
Can bounce hit boss multiple times?
From what little I've seen of bounce, it's more likely to hit enemies around the boss than it is to bounce to another part. I don't even know if it can do that. Last time I used some random bounce sniper I got, every fucking shot kept bouncing directly to the floor and wouldn't hit other enemies unless they were hugging.
legendary semi auto sniper is garbage then?
Just figured out how to farm 25k xp an hour completely afk.
Don't know, I haven't done a bounce build, I just picked up a gun with bounce and used it, realized it was buggy as shit. Idk maybe they'll fix it
for me i just like watching gi jane's thicc ass move as i run around shooting demons
or i will go on long cycle rides bumping this chinese music that wishes it was american
except the c-pop station
i luv snipers, what sniper is best?
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i'm running an unstable bomber build so i use this. i can't remember how i got it tho, probably from the gamba machine
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I was tempted to go unstable bomber at first just to have an excuse for making the shaman top purchase for the sweet trench coat

But I went frost vortex and it dominates especially in pvp
FUCK WTF MAN how long is maintenance
I'm sort of getting the gameplay loop now, how long does it take for a major area to respawn its chests/scraps?
did they fix it yet?

it may be innocent but I'm still gonna sideeye any program that installs startup programs and registry commands that doesn't get removed when you uninstall
I've been visiting them everyday so it's at least 24 hours
and places with a ton of elites packed I revisit like every 10 minutes, really good energy build up even better if one of those blood moon mist events nearby I constantly jump from 1k energy up to 40k so I spend it without caring.
Gotcha, so there is a sort of soft cap. Was just wondering if you could do it like in New World and just cycle a set of areas constantly to farm mats. I did one of those mist events and got a mini feaster from it so that was neat.
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I downloaded it because my friends were hyped and it was f2p, the EULA stuff sounded suspicious but not as bad as Valorant
It's fun, Chinese censors and the MMO trappings/live service gunplay kinda detract from the SCP/analog horror aesthetic but I made a cool house with a workshop, garage and a greenhouse and you can move your base anywhere without having to rebuild for free which is a good feature
Major identity crisis going on but a lot of potential
4 hours, should be about ~2 hours left
>bought the premium battlepass
get a load of this richfag
people paid $40 for an elden ring expansion everyone forgot about in a week
As per reddit trannies
>While you're all enjoying this maintenance, I suppose I will reveal to you the underlying mechanics of loot in Once Human so that you can plan more effectively in your resource gathering.

>The mechanics are as follows: Any lootable object, be it chests, dressers, or ground pickups, refresh on a global timer. This timer starts at midnight(12:00am) EST, and resets every 4 hours.

>If you loot anything, at anytime, during the 4 hour window, it will be refreshed as soon as the global timer resets. This means you can target farm the same location at specific times of day, and loot everything twice with no effort.

>The trick: After the 4 hour loot reset, all you have to do is re-log into the game (Exiting and restarting, or exiting to main menu). Once you load back into the game, any chests that were looted BEFORE the reset will be lootable again. Anything looted after the refresh will stay looted until the next refresh.

>Thus, the strategy is: run your favorite loop for looting just before the reset. Then, after the reset, relog and run the loop again!
Hows the performance? I got a 2070S and 3700x will it run fine for me?
steam page lists a 1060 as recommended GPU so that should be telling, its not very demanding
game's almost up
gets a little laggy during the big world boss if a lot of people are shooting, building and throwing molotovs at the same time but other than that even with lots of big bases in the area it runs fine on my 2060S
this post aged like milk, read the discord its extended for 12hours
are you fucking niggering me, no way
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i fucking hate gooks so much wtf, i literally just want to play once human
nvm he said 2 hours the dev said the time in chinazone
2 hours, not 12, that's not so bad
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There better not be a giant queue on my serb this evening. Also I expect extended maintenance compensation gifts—at least 4 season lootboxes.
can status effects crit? like that lightning proc from purple scar
i have no idea what my favorite loot loop is. what should i be even looting over and over
>another 1 hour extension ontop of the already 2 hour making it 7hours total for now

so tiresome the 12hours are not so far away now huh
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I mean at least the chink devs are working to fix their jank ass game and we getting new content already.
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its up
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>disabling store
wtf I love CHYNA ??
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>went to sleep just before maintenance
>woke up just in time for it to finish
Is the PVP server even worth. I play on PVE. But i feel like pvp its gonna be shit. If you play solo your fuked. If you play with few friend your fucked again. Usually in this type of PVPs its all about ZERG > SKILL. Basically you join big group and zerg everyone down. Also whats the point when you cant even repair the stuff that other players drop. Basically its useless to you. You may as well just farm your own gear than relying on looting players.

Its same problem old Lineage2 had Zerg during the siege = win like 80% of the time.
Dunno if this is correct or no some PVP fagg correct me if im wrong. But i feel if they want actual fun on pvp server somehow they have to figure a way around zerg = win.
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Thinking of buying this combo, is it gonna be useful in hard modes next week? Thats pretty much all my starchrom atm.
I got this one from the gacha roll and didn't like it. Still using that power surge purple rifle
I assume its complete dogshit without pants
I like it. I played since the alpha and the devs seem to listen to the community. Their biggest flaw is inexperience if anything. Every time we've had a complaint, they've listened to us and changed it. Originally the creator program people were getting a month head start and we told them not too and they listened to us. They've patched everything we've come up with so far. They revoiced and redid the entire tutorial campaign on our request. The only really janky thing is it's similar to the ffxiv launch in regards to the teaming up thing for dungeons and you're best asking in chat for joiners than using the auto join in game system.
Solo is a lot of grinding and you're much better off trading in text chat for unique skill tree items and base upgrades than running alone.

Overall it's pretty decent though. It feels like open ended skyrim but with scp zombies where you can just wander wherever and clear the map mini dungeons or do quests and some ghost girl gives you a gun if you help make her teddy bear ghost demon summoning circle breakfast club party happen.

Here's a guide for most of the game design stuff with timestamps

I have the unstable bomber sniper as my free friend code item.
It's not bad. I think the weakspot sniper might be better but I don't have the 8k for it yet.
Leather jacket? Trenchcoat? goes with it and maybe the bastion set too. The no lifers definitely outdamage me with the weakspot sniper, but it could be mod and lvl and gun tier diff.
Press F3 (Events) --> Code Activate --> yq150115141 (use prior to level 10)
and the rest of these are general redeem codes for skins or level up energy OnceHuman0710 OH000007 HYD7MY66RT FCNX8NHXJ7

I mean honestly all I've gotten out of it was a white and purple trucker hat in game cosmetic with the once human logo on it.

The twitch drops give you a full outfit.
Most of the creators are just testers from the alpha and beta
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Pleb Classical FM is for real afro americans
>build wish machine
>cousin that got me to play uses it
>gambles away all his starchron trying to get a gold gun
>doesn't get a gold gun, realizes his end game his fucked
>"dude im gonna take a break from this game"

this is like the 4 game this year. no he's not a zoomer, he's actually grown man.
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update: just found out you can get around the error message by pushing... some key, i'm not sure which. maybe H?
or maybe it just disappears if you idle for a few seconds, i dunno.
Is he a gambling addict or why didn't he just buy it from the shop?
some zoomers are grown
For my personal self, I didn't know you could buy the actual BPs from the shop. Gambled away quite a bit until I realized.
it's 500 per roll and you have a guaranteed weapon in 20 rolls. Or you can buy the weapon you want for 8k. Rolling is actually better if you don't have a specific weapon in mind, since you get plenty of other blueprints parts

impulsive with gambling tendencies. he found about the shop after gambling. but i explicitly told him to stop and just stack starchron for endgame.
i actually dont know which weapon i want. i got the red db12 shotgun, seems great with the fortress shit, but i havent found anyone to play with, and im leaning towards the burn lmg, the kvd boom boom but im not even that sure.

right now im just doing shrapnel KAM.
Anyone know if its possible to change the appearance of one armor piece to that of another? And I'm not talking about the pay for cosmetics. Just of the standard sets that one can acquire through the grind.
I got Boom Boom from my gambling and it is very good for horde clearing because you can spread the DoT around then cause a big chain explosion that's great for crowds
It does absolutely chew through ammo but every gun seems to desu
is shop money personal or per server/world?
frost vortex looks kinda week desu or am I missing something?
where do you get the legendary katana
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This place drops the legendary explosive pistol btw, just got one from the boss at the end.

I don't think you can get the blueprint for the katana yet but it's gonna be in the gamba machine.
I made both of those posts kek, I've seen someone running around with the katana before but I haven't seen one drop yet. Makes me wonder how many weapons are actually out there that don't have blueprints. Are there any knives above blue tier?
Sadly it doesn't seem like the BP is in the game yet, if it was it would be in the menu and would say where you could get the fragments yet
I got one out of a random weapon crate and it was so fun to use especially as a quick melee finisher with the guaranteed crit
If displays weren't a waste of meme points I'dve put it on my wall but into the trash it went when it was too low to use effectively
>would say where you could get the fragments yet

It's a legendary. They're going to make all legendary gear exclusive to the gamba machine.
>bases still fucked 12 hours after patch
this game feels more like an mmo shooter than it does a survival crafting game. like that conan game and valheim are way emptier of a world compared to this and basically don't have shit going on in it besides you and your base. seems like there are more quests and events than anything
is RAID set just op until you get to endgame? 20% weapon damage from just carrying shit is crazy
1 day 7 hours till I can touch tall grass
I'm doing a status build so weapon damage is useless for me
its amazing
it's a survival game that's also a theme park MMO that's also a Destiny style live service shooter and it just werks
i wish it had mgsv gameplay and cqc it would literally be the perfect game
Damn this guide really helped. Thanks anon.
not giving you any views but nice try anon
You think a youtuber of his size would post here?
swolebenji literally posts on this website kek
you can crouch for stealth and NPCs don't react to silenced shots, there is stealth gameplay there but when you can just Shift + W + LMB everything most people don't bother
martial arts of some kind would be cool, even with no melee weapon equipped your character pulls out a knife
>download netease launcher
>replace the files with the steam files
>launch through netease launcher
>game is way smoother
what kind of gobbly gook shit is this?
later on it helps a lot doing that and saves bullets, for one of the events it auto kills all the trash when you kill the cocoon bosses surrounding the area, so its better to sneak in crouch instagib the boss and not waste time on all the trash mobs it spams
the katana has such a cool stealthkill animation shame the BP isn't in the wish machine yet
It's doing fairly well for now, but whether it will later is another thing.
weird this game hasn't been posted on /v/ or /vg/ with how good and popular it is.
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Anyone have the legendary bullseye sniper rifle? If the description is right, you get a free bullseye proc on swapping to it and shooting a target right? Wanted something else to use than the crossbow for bullseye when some shitty bosses dont have weakspots to trigger it.
Several events are down to random chance, yes.
Doesn't play games. They are also constantly having bots/culture war shitposters (basically the same thing) repeat the whole "spyware" lie nonsense, so any thread about it immediately derails into mindless shitposting and literal misinfo, which worsens the former.

Literally incapable of sustaining a thread since a new general would need constant posters and all of the people who would be interested in Once Human have already been poached by more established generals.
is there any use for extras of the same deviation?
It just ticks all the boxes for a general at least
>mmorpg features (custom characters, RPG mechanics, massive persistent world, guilds etc)
>actual good gameplay loop with fun group activities
>husbandu/waifu faggotry to the max
>one of the most generous free to play games on the market
actually insane but yeah I think the spyware rumor scared a ton of people which is insane since it still has 100k+ active on steam even at 4 am on a workday.
I imagine it would have easily hit 400-500k without that rumor floating around.
Zeno-Purifier kind of fucks with the blink strike effect.
/v/ is basically just /pol/ for video games and /vg/ threads are made and sustained by small cliques. like I'm willing to bet there isn't a single general with more than 20 unique active posters
Game is really cool on paper, but I think these devs lack the proper skill set to actually execute it well.
Worst offenders are the overall jank of just about everything, and the subpar enemy AI.

It's a shame, because the foundations are there.
t. tier 1 player
I think the initial EULA/character drama killed the hype, and now any bad faith shitposter on /v/ can just call it a China spy game
as for /vg/, those threads are primarily sustained by endless waifufagging and this game doesn't really have enough of those
you can sell them to the island shop in the eternaland menu
>it's gonna be in the gamba machine.

How do you know? Was it in the beta or something, or did the devs confirm it?
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There isn't a single legendary blueprint available without the gamba machine
>It just ticks all the boxes for a general at least

/vm/ is for pseudo-generals that are too slow to maintain a thread on /vg/. Also I don't think anyone here plays on the same server so no one can play together sadly.

All legendary blueprints will be in the gamba machine, this has already been confirmed by the devs. The Starchrome grind is the whole "endgame". They just haven't put the katana BP in there yet.

Oh yeah there is jank everywhere but there is also soul and these chink devs are working pretty fast and also listening to the players so we'll have to see if they manage to keep this game alive.
i mean there isn't a single third person shooter out there that isn't janky as shit.
>chink devs
according to netease it's a remote studio primarily based out of EU and NA but there's engrish everywhere so it most be china or the yurops doing the final pass on everything
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>24 hours later shit still fucked
I just want to move my base
Yeah but everything about this game screams chinese game design and sensibilities.

The female player character already shows way too much ass and a modern western studio wouldn't create something like that anymore.
The game is far too easy, you can steamroll everything solo without even upgrading your gear. So what am I even grinding/crafting/building for?
The real game starts at level 50 with hard mode content. 1-50 is just a themepark for the casuals.
Oh alright, I thought the game starts when you install it, launch it and enter a server, my bad
I tried that primal war easy mode yesterday and with almost 30 people we failed. But that mostly because no one knew what the fuck to do.
It's still an MMO and these games are designed that way. The content to levelcap is always a joke and an extended tutorial. Real content starts at levelcap.
Yeah maybe go back to world of warcraft lmao
anyone here plays on pvp00026?? i'm putting together a team
Sure, no game is perfect and there's always a certain amount of jank, but in this game it's on a whole different level, which is my point.
Enemy AI simply does not work, they're clueless about what's happening or what to do most of the time, they barely qualify as shooting range dummies. It's really killing whatever good the game is doing when the actual heat of the game is so janky.
Not asking for it to be revolutionary either. I'd be fine with The Division tier enemy AI, or even Ghost Recon Wildlands, but it doesn't even come close to these, and these aren't exactly stellar either.
I can't be the only one concerned about this, it's baffling.
where can i find fireproof plastics and refined parts? i need to get electricity to get my shroom deviation farming and build some turrets for defense
we can make it a general if we need, its decently active that it wont be replaced by generals like stalker's and other lowkey dead generals
>where can i find fireproof plastics and refined parts?
If you're not swimming in those yet, that means you're still too low lvl/in a too low level area and thus aren't ready for this crafting tier.
Advance the MSQ and your level so you can reach higher lvl zones where these materials are plentiful.
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Thinking of buying power surge mp7 bp. How is it in pve/pvp? Is 35% crit chance helmet worth it or should I buy elemental damage set first?
You get those at Iron River so third area you go to.
bro just use that purple rifle with power surge that everyone has, I think you get it from the first gacha. I'm destroying everything easily with it, tried the burn rifle and the frost vortex smg that came from the mystical crates and they were worse. Power surge seems the best type of effect
Are there fucking invisible landmines or something? I was sneaking around the little town where you get the chefasaur and kept getting OHKO'd by random explosions. At first I thought they might be claymores, but all the claymores I'd seen up to that point had red lasers coming out of them to indicate their trigger range. Only time I've ever died and I don't have any idea what actually killed me, it's frustrating.
Everyone is on novice mode right now, the game is literally in easy mode on purpose for the time being. You don't start seeing how the AI work together and achieve their purposes until you get later in the game, which really doesn't take long, and that doesn't last very long since you start getting OP fast in the lv40s. Yeah it kind of sucks that the AI are basically irrelevant retards for the majority of the game but that's pretty much how you ease normalfags into a game nowadays.

Regardless, each faction becomes a pain in the ass to deal with since they're all based around forcing you to stay moving. Rosetta soldiers will literally snipe you behind cover with constant grenade spam and summon drones repeatedly. Deviants have a bunch of ranged mobs and melee mobs that run you down and they are loaded with ccs, vultures are flat out niggers that spam you with poison gas and suicide bombers. I think they made it easy starting out because the enemies are actually tough when you can't just one shot them. They definitely need to adjust the difficulty though, the most fun I've had so far is from sweating balls against rosetta and deviants. I wouldn't care if vultures were removed.
I am using the scar, smg is legendary though
Alright then, I'll take your word for it, and just wait and see. Right now it's not very enjoyable but I'm willing to stick with the game a little longer in the hopes it'll get better as you described.
I'm lv50 and the game is still really easy, even the hardest content accessible right now is really easy once your build starts coming together. There's a small time frame where the difficulty ramps up for a little bit because you're hitting the last few levels and don't have a build or many upgrades yet, but it doesn't last long. They are releasing content each week so I have no clue if the game will actually get harder in the future or not, but so far yeah it's not very challenging at all.
it could be a mine that wasnt rendered. there is a mine that paralyses and one that deals damage iirc
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These raiders have a suicide bomber type unit. Sometimes the game glitches out and they turn invisible. They pretty much OHKO you if they get close.
Well, shit. That'll definitely do it.
All the servers are "novice mode" and the survival aspect is also on "easy mode"
I totally agree with you, this game would be so good if AI were actually smarter and more difficult
I'm having a lot of fun with the building part, and it's free so I won't complain
The game has potential to me
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is it just me or the legendary wish machine sets are weak as fuck considering 3k starchrome price per part?
must be bad at reading, lonewolf alone is used in every top tier build atm
You're supposed to enhance the BPs and calibrate the gear once it's crafted to boost the stats significantly.
>12k in starchrom for 60% crit dmg and 5% crit chance
totally worth it

talking about set bonuses, not individual stats
you only need 4 pieces for the full set effect
I fucking hate trying to find pos chests hiding in all over the place with no way to spot them from afar
the building your house part is comfy tho
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i'm still only in the first area, but so far all the chests i've found have been in or around buildings, and if you're exploring a building you should already be close enough to the chests that just pressing Q will reveal them.
but hey, maybe they start being more dickish with the chests later on, i don't know.
idk man after the 2nd boss the space for an area is huge af and now there are freaking 3 chests per area to clear, most of the time spread out ofc
>reach lvl 50 and the 50 monolith unlocks in about 2 weeks
>nobody does any pvp on my pvp server at all, every pvp zone is empty and nobody flags when i walk around flagged

jeez these progression cockblocks sure are annoying and the pvp server seems completely meaningless so far
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does power surge stun or some shit? trying to figure out this stat on the legendary shotgun
but that's part of the fun, anon
you know, exploring...
use something like this and your sanity/time will thank you
>Not just using the whispers in the game
come say hi :3
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Anyone else on PVP01-00001?
it's an interrupt and a burst of lightning damage
some menus let you lock the tooltip in place so you can click on the keyword
If i had a guess, that procs the lightningbolt damage effect, but not the -40% accuracy debuff. Its just a guess, but thats what im assuming
try finger
but hole
I also spent all my starchron in the machine at lvl 19, I didn't even know it consumed any ressource, there's no indicator really
Yet I'm still clapping everyone, it's getting way too easy, I hope they introduce raiding soon
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This game is such an interesting case study on how to do so many things right, yet at the same time so many things wrong.
On the one hand, it's a very nice take on the usual survival crafting genre which usually lacks engaging gameplay, so here they made it a TPS to kinda address the issue and it works. They also added a lot of QoL that's most often absent in these kind of games, such as being able to move your whole base for free and seamlessly, or having all your mats available for crafting as long as they're in a chest inside your base, etc.
They also made the values of things like gathering and crafting times acceptable instead of being insulting like it's usually the case in these types of games.

On the other hand, the game is plagued with jank at every. single. level. Hit detection is absolutely fucked and inconsistent. You'll try to evade an enemy projectile but it will still hit you even though you were out of the way a full second beforehand even with 30ms>
The enemy AI and behavior literally checks all the boxes of what not to do in basic game design : They almost have 100% accuracy meaning once they spotted you, the moment you even think about peaking they're already lasering you. But they're also dumb and glitchy to the point they'll most of the time stand there getting shot, getting stuck in scenery, not reacting when their mate gets shot standing 2 feet from them, they'll run past you to get into cover behind you, etc.
Climbing is also inconsistent, you'll have to try multiple times until your character decides they want to climb eventhough you did nothing different. Lipsync during cutscenes is a thing sometimes, except when it's not. Some sound effects will only play when the planets are aligned. If for whatever reason something cancels interaction animations, your char will either get stuck or try to repeat the process, or skip the animation altogether. Especially annoying when it happens during reloading.

I'll stop here. You get the idea.
You'll get your asscheeks clapped at endgame if you don't have a fully calibrated legendary loadout with fitting legendary mods.

For the low low price of free it's still pretty fun though.
I'm not sure being free absolves a game or its devs of everything, especially when you could find as many examples of other free games with a level of polish that wipes the floor with this one.
There are also AAA games that are so janky you're left wondering if they even went through testing at any point during development, so I respectfully disagree about your point.

Actually taking the time to give your game the care and polish it needs is more of a mindset, you either have it or you don't. And from what I can see after playing this for a good 60+ hours, these devs certainly don't care for it.
I'll still enjoy the game for what it is, but it's a real shame when you think about the potential it had.
>as many examples of other free games with a level of polish that wipes the floor with this one
please name some this is gonna be good
NTA but he didn't specifically say the same genre so there's plenty o good f2p games
Nah, I won't cause
1. You should be able to know what games I'm talking about unless you started playing games for the first time last week (also you're just waiting for me to do it so you can attack the actual games instead)
2. Your reply is proof you're totally missing my point just cause you hate the idea that someone is criticizing this game you're enjoying.
I'm enjoying it too. Doesn't mean I'm going to be blind to its shortcomings.
Ignoring the flaws of a game because it's free (they're charging 50 bucks for housing cosmetics btw) and you spent so much time on it you developed Stockholm Syndrome for it, so much you're ready to jump on anybody who's not deepthroating the devs is the exact reason standards have sunk so low and devs only put minimal effort into quality check these days.

The game has a good premise. It does a lot of things right, and even stuff games of the same genre don't even bother to do.
But it's also a glitchy mess, full of jank and absolutely lacks polish in every single area, and feels very amateurish at times. Is that a deal breaker? Probably not, but after you play it for a decent amount of time, it does get more and more noticeable and annoying. That's all I'm saying here.
yeah, because there aren't good f2p open world survival MMOs with a similar level of polish, even ones that aren't blatantly p2w
it's a nice disingenuous comparison but it really has little merit, and I bet the games he was gonna name were actually unpolished and janky too, which is why
your point is that game not so good, which is true, no shit retard, it's also completely free
I could give less of a shit about your wordswordswords because you're a random on /vm/, literally less weight of an opinion than an eceleb, I really did just want to see what piles of shit you'd name and you won't even do that so thanks for conceding I guess didn't read btw
>being retarded
meanwhile on pve the pvp trucks have tons of action and everyone is a bro having a good time
pvp servers attract the worse of the worse shitters. opt-in pvp is superior to full time pvp and has the best bros
>Finish truck PVP event on PVE server
>Everybody emotes after the event finishes

You're right Anon but we'll have to see if the chinamen manage to polish this game in the upcoming months/years of if they abandon it once the FOTM phase ends.
The only other F2P game with a monetization as fair as Once Human is probably Warframe. All other 'quality' F2P games I know are straight up P2W or pay to skip inhuman amounts of grind.
Yeah i am, lets link up heres my steam:
Video games?
> not sure being free absolves a game or its devs of everything

No, but it really really helps.
It only spawns once every 6 weeks as per the reset, I must have found it before you as I seen this notification earlier this month and successfully found it. Its just to the left of where it looks like it'll be:)
I hope they unfuck the body sliders next season, they use to have way more range in CBT1 but CBT2 was also when they started testing shit on mobile and they got nerfed HARD mixed with models taking a downgrade and tons of npcs going from decent looking to ass ugly (claire)
looks like elemental damage is worse than simply stacking crit rate and crit damage lmao
>"I was here" - Lv 5 BojoTTV
the rewards suck anyway I have a 100+ whisper and it's given me like 10 activators and 9 acid
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>multiplicative damage is better than additive
that always was the case in every game
>everyone running jaws for pvp
>run fish and camp on top of them so they get perma stunlocked and I get 1k+ sprouts every truck event
nothinn personnel fotm nerds
metaniggers are running everything but jaws, stomping retards with bad builds doesn't make you good
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Hate that I cant seem to rotate the walls but damn I love how the game just lets us do this
Holding Shift + mousewheel sometimes rotates the wall the way I want it, same thing with stairs
no survival game really gets the building 100% right besides Minecraft and that's just because of the granular detail of blocks vs prefabs
Rust or Satisfactory are probably the closest
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can you spawn in your truck with a gatling cannon for prime war?
the prime war bosses have nig tier design where the stupid cannon shots just bounce off if theyre somehow too far for a giant ass projectile to hit their ass or the amount of people just lags the event and doesnt register your shot at all
having a gatling cannon truck just spawn right infront of the boss to shoot it would help alot instead of having to keep demolishing and rebuilding it closer
the pvp server's pvp is opt-in too lol
probably because if you flag yourself for pvp it allows other pvp flagged people to destroy your base and also when you die they get to loot your entire gear too
i guess no one wants to lose their +10 weapon their using which costs a shitton of tungsten + stardust source which takes forever to farm currently
>timegated progression through season phases
>timegated resources on a weekly timer
>legendary blueprints are on a shop with that timegated resource

i assume the endgame has nothing going for it or why are there tons of these mobile timegates.
what are some good early memetic specializations to pick? I cant select four right now but i havent picked any..
go straight down the middle of the infrastructure tree and the right side of the crafting tree ASAP since that's how you craft your gear
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>offers complete functionality
>just a cosmetic item
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How can I improve my castle? Thinking about completely scrapping it and just not doing a castle for the time being, a lot of stuff on the inside still looks pretty bad. I'm shit at building in these games
also I really fucked up having two double doors, it looks retarded but I'd basically have to rip up the entire thing and re-do it. meh yeah I think I'll just say fuck it and go back to my old generic base
wait till 50 to pick any of them imo
then select based on the ones you got. I got plenty of star chef so I did that + anything useful like acid production. Pick axes are trap never pick any of them
not their fault the game is horribly balanced. I specced everything into power surge and got like 12k dps damage, changed a bunch of mods for crit damage+crit rate+weapon damage without changing anything else and got more than that
Few games do. Seems like most games these days last like 1-2 months before dropping 90% of their population from its peak.
It's a survival game
Endgame is just PvP
What else are people expecting?
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i hate looking at all the McCastles people have been building in this game more then the big square buildings
Well I'm sorry
it's either a mccastle or those obnoxiously long and wide boxes people shit up the world with. i wish i could have a small house and dig underneath to make a big warehouse and store all my shit
Prime wars are so fucking laggy wtf. Every time I bring a cannon I end up wasting at least 10 missiles that just don't fire.
server can't handle more than 10 people together
and I thought new world was bad for having cap on servers but this game just made me respect those amazon devs kek
Why does this look like a ps2 game?
Thinking of trying this game out but I'm scared due to it being a chink game. Any info on if the anticheat is one of those new kernel ones? Also, should I download it from steam or through their own website.
Thanks in advance anons.
its a chink game of course it has kernel level anti cheat
just install it on your burner pc
you do have a burner PC that runs all your chink malware games right?
it's literally a ps2 game
Idk but they should have made it look like overwatch and valorant instead
what PS2 game does it look like anon
kingdom hearts
so how do you get new weapons?
Temporary ones through gear crates and permanent ones through unlocking blueprints which are found in crates or gamba machine.
I am at the 2nd boss and have not been able to find anything
gear crates give shit
no blue print
and fuck gacha
I don't even have the money to roll
still using machete and crossbow
skill issue I got a full purple gear set just from opening chests in the world
Seems like you got lazy when exploring POIs. Each one has a Mystical Crate hidden somewhere, that's where you get blueprints for weapons and gear from.
The gacha uses ingame currency and you can also skip it and buy the blueprints you want directly, it just costs more or the same currency.

Stop being retarded and try to actually understand how the game works. Reading might help.
never mind that you can literally hover over a blueprint in the menu and it tells you what area you can find it in
nah fuck you
I clear the check list everwhere I went to
it's just lvl 15 is probably not high enough for those blueprints
>nah fuck you

You're welcome you piece of shit lazy ass.
>summer children
My brother in christ do you honestly think the fucking fortnite generation gives any fucks about data? The only people who care about that shit are at least 25+ and much more likely 40+ years old.
what a dead fucking game
Then suffer.
Yeah I knew this was going to happen. Happens with all these type of games. I call it player structure fatigue. The average player isn't great at building aesthetically pleasing locations. Its not their fault and its hard for the developers to control without putting in unfun restrictions. The only thing I wish the devs did was made it so the textures of the buildings looked more natural. Player buildings stick out like a sore thumb in this game because the textures/paints look so unlike anything else in the game. Especially the "jokey" stuff. But based on their cash store, don't think they care about immersion or flow lol. Their cash shop offerings are aimed hard at the "fortnite" generation.

Open world chests can drop stuff. Mystical crates have guaranteed drops of specific things. I think treasure chests and morphic crates are RNG. I'm not sure if blueprints can drop from instanced content. You also have to use that purple currency to play the gacha game with the wish machine.
it's on /vm/ no shit lol
just started playing what server are we on?
I think character creation got closed on a bunch of servers, at least it did mine
Oh great another game where tilting your jawbone two degrees costs 10 dollars I definitely don't want to uninstall before I've even made a character because I know I'm going to hate what it looks like for the rest of eternity.
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>people do not pvp at all on pvp server

lmao what are you talking about do you even play on a pvp server, pvp is non existant
People hate losing and gear checks aren't fun.
It's not even that, you can't PvP by default on the PvP server, you have to flag just like the PvE servers, cooldown and everything
you can't raid anyone's base unless they're doing purification, there's no roaming, the only difference is that warband frontiers in the stardust swamps actually do something and aren't just dead space like on the PvP server
From what I read the original implementation was that how the PvP server is was the default, and then carebears got mad because their bases could get raided during the base defense
how do you avoid not running out of ammo
copper mining is lame
use steel ammo, and acid farming is the true endgame. Gotta set your entire base just for that passive acid production and it's just something like 300 a day. You can get that acid craft trait but shit get's expensive, 5k energy link for 100 acid
try going to every silo someone opens, it showsthe place on chat, just asks the owner what world he's in. Everybody gets rewards for helping. Eat that 50% acid drop buff food on every chest run
sounds fucking horrible
Feels like this game was put together or designed by AI, unsettling.
wait a minute
you cannot repair found weapons?
what the fuck
>level 31
>already burnt out of exploring
it's over
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You can't, but there used to be a trick around it. You could use use the Artisan's Hand deviant (automatically repairs the lowest durability item in your inventory when used) as it didn't make the distinction between crafted gear and drops.

Then the devs decided we can't have nice things and they patched it out 2 days ago, the Hand can now only repair the stuff you own (crafted).
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damn it
I have a purple shotgun and now I can't use it anymore
I don't want to roll gacha either
is saving 8k the only way?
Some nerd made the calculations and it really depends on what you're after. If you want a specific weapon or piece of gear, it's better to save 8k and get it directly instead of playing the wack a mole thing, yeah.
If you want to get everything eventually, that's another story however.

Also know that the blueprints for some of the purple gear can be acquired from some of the Mystical Chests (red glow) you can find in some of the mid to late game POIs. I don't think that includes both the purple shotguns though, these are Wish Machine exclusives.
sniper and shotgun purples are gacha only
how do u do prime wars? is it locked on pve?
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You ever read the description of the items you're given, or is that only for nerds?
I'm already burning out
player retention of this game is gonna be horrible isn't it
It's a f2p game, that automatically lowers the average player's IQ by double digits
Had a level 40 player run in my house and hotmic asking why he can't take any shit in my cabinets (they were empty anyways)
there's gonna be a dip in the numbers as a lot of casuals move on to another game since they "beat" this one or realize they've lost their base and need to go grab their spot and rebuild again
most likely if it doesn't flop and die it'll stabilize with a playerbase that dips in and out of seasons based on the content
I'm already miffed with gacha blueprints
Is it possible to make a comfy looking bungalow or a double wide in this game?
buy the exact ones you want and not gamble then? refining them is meant to be the long-term between wipe grind anyway
>older servers having low pop because new people cant even join them anymore
>pvp servers which need opt in for both players
>timegated progression
>timegated currency you need to get legendary blueprints

yeah my server isn't even in phase 3 yet i completely lost any interest to play anymore, the game also feels absolutely dead thanksd to the retarded server system they implemented
yeah I don't really get what is even the point
fuckin retarded devs I swear. literally what is the point in having people who quit on day 2 or 3 maintain their slots in a server so that nobody else can join after them. we have to wait until august for a merge and there's like a total of 30 active players on my server now.
Acid pump setups don't even feel worth it imo, i destroyed mine because I get way more from running blackfell refinery or just straight up farming energy link and buying them from vendors. Sure it's passive but I don't like having to use 2 or more biomass generators for acid. Also I'm pretty sure they nerfed all passive farming for some dumb reason.
If it wasn't already obvious from all the jank in the game, whether it's in gameplay, the UI, the enemy AI and the overall polish, these devs are both inexperienced and lacking the skill required to handle a game of this scale.

So it shouldn't come as a surprise they also fucked up their approach to how the servers operate.
Shame because it's a really fun game, I love the setting and the shooting. The non cash shop outfits are pretty cool too, I hate all the zany shit they add though and I hope they add more normal stuff. Even the mouse aim feels sluggish like I'm stuck with v-sync + mouse smoothing on despite having all of that turned off. Besides, it's not any less jank than MGSV and that's one of my favorite games gameplay wise, so I don't have a problem with jank. It's everything else.
A lot of amateur stuff in the backend but I respect the effort and if they can actually buckle down and address things properly it'll survive the 4 month FOMO lifecycle.
Yeah, I feel the same. I really like the idea behind the game, it's just a shame it didn't come from a more experienced dev team. This feels like it was cobbled together by a bunch of students with big ideas and starry eyes. Which is nice on paper, but in practice... well we're all seeing what that's like now.
speak for yourself? I'm having fun and got a full legendary gear set without needing to gacha
my friends all got in just fine, it feels like I'm fucking /v/ right now do half of you even still play or just moan in the thread?
I'm still gripping my nuts, like the other anon said I'd be impressed if the game survives for more than 4 months and they don't colossally fuck it all up like the helldivers 2 devs for example. They're sitting on a gem right now, jank and bugs aside they have the opportunity to make something really good. What's weird is the game has 200k players on steam alone, not even mentioning epic and the native launcher, yet barely anyone is talking about this game and atm a lot of the servers feel low activity. I unironically didn't expect something this cool to come from china in the first place and I usually despise these survival basebuilder games.
You can enjoy a game and still be critical of its shortcomings. You come off as another sheep that gets defensive the moment someone dares to show criticism about their game, just like >>1368072 >>1368004 and I'm not having this discussion >>1368069 again. You're just another.

Game as some merits. It just also has a lot of cons too. Whether that's enough to detract you from enjoying it or not is your business. But don't expect people to share your blindness just cause you happen to have low standards and

>I'm having fun and got a full legendary gear set without needing to gacha

Oh so you're just another dopamine addicted retard that only needs flashy purple and gold rarity colors displayed on screen to get off. Nevermind then, I won't waste my time trying to discuss actual game mechanics with your kind. Enjoy your super mega legendary set that makes numbers go big oogah boogah brain activation yay even though that changes absolutely nothing of the janky, early access tier gameplay. You ain't in it for that anyway.
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>3 days without a base fix
I can't play like this
started playing a few days ago; 2 friends were in a locked server and were too advanced to reroll
so now we have 2 isolated in a server while the other 3 are in another and the best part is; past the starter zone both servers are dead.
I don't even see houses around. A lot just downloaded, played past the tutorial, dropped their shitty 3x3 cube and then moved on.
Maybe I should fuck off to a high level zone so I can have a comfy setup in peace. Tired of seeing everyone else shitcubes and McMansions.
Just heard about this game, what is it about? Which server should I play PVP or PVE? Will I like it?
don't, not worth your time
you deserve better, king
>what is it about?
Dipshit scientists drew the attention of an Elder God, who promptly farted out clouds of madness so hard and so thick that Earth was irrevocably fucked and most of the world's population was turned into Shoggoths and Starspawn. The player is a Mayfly, a person who was affected by the Elder Farts but got a bunch of D&D cantrips and psi powers instead of turning into a tentacle monster. Something something dark side, something something shoot monsters and grow corn.

Literally doesn't matter. You're as likely to find PV on one as the other, which is to say none.

>Will I like it?
How is anyone supposed to answer that question, faggot? Who the fuck are you? How the fuck would anyone know what you like? The game is free. Play it for yourself, and if you don't like it uninstall it.
Seriously. I only have one generator available to use since the game still thinks the others are around. Really fucking limited in what I can do at endgame because of it
Yeah they had a decay function in the game during beta. I'm going to guess they're going to do more hardcore servers in the future where things like decay will be back again.

Yeah a big thing the industry is facing these days is trying to filter between "Players like the game but have short attention spans" and "Players dislike the game". Bg3 lost ~40% of its average playercount in the first month. Elden ring also has a similar metric. Most games, no matter how good they are, lose like 40-50% of their average players per month for the first 2-4 months. Then it typically falls about 20%-30% per month after those. With population jumps peaked around major updates, patches, or dlc. Hell, comparing the % drops of elden ring to new world post launch are surprisingly similar. Despite one being considered a shit game and another game of the year. So hard to gauge how a game is doing based on populations. I sometimes wonder if the industry needs to go back to the 2000s as far as release plans go. No idea what the behind the scenes revenue looks like. But I wonder if its better to release a game, patch it to a working state/major bugs at release. Then get straight to work on a sequel with intention to release sequel in 2-4 years. Instead of what we have now where its release a game, try to keep it alive for 5+ years with drip content and cash shops.

Big thing that will decide if this game lives or dies is how the reset will be perceived. If the wipe/reset happens and the returning population is less than what it was before the wipe; that's not a good sign and means the game will either undergo a major revamp to account for persistent servers, or will just fade while the devs work on a new game. Especially with Dune being major competition that looks like it may release 2025 or 2026
I'm 42 hours in and I can't tell you one god damn thing about the story. Which is awesome.
i dont really understand the gameplay loop of this game at all. so you just accumulate starchrom so that you can get blueprints which can make your gear better over time and this carries over through wipes, but why would i ever play through wipes
Gameplay loop is the same as any other mmorpg.
>Get gear
>Fight monsters/enemies
>Get better gear to fight harder monsters
>Which give better gear
>Do pvp if you care
>Collect horizontal shit like cosmetics

You do this through the open world events, dungeons, bosses, pvp events, battle pass shit, etc. Same as any other mmorpg.

>Why play through wipes
Supposedly, again we will see in 3 weeks, the wipes will introduce new things. New content. New parameters around things like survival or effects in the world. The length of these can either be short or long. Considering mmorpgs like WoW did things like SoD and even then had a hard time holding audiences, they're really going to have to do a lot to hold people through seasons. I have a feeling they're going to under-deliver on new stuff and people will leave.
what would you even do after 6 weeks and no wipe lmao
The average gamer loathes losing progress in anything, especially things like mmorpgs. Its one of the major reasons why full loot pvp drop games always end up failing. So even if there's nothing to do, people probably still wont like it. I mean you can say that they could go the traditional mmorpg route. New lands, new dungeons, new raids, new gear level. Not exactly creative, but its a proven formula. I don't care either way myself. But I can see this wipe system being a problem for players.
i was trying to be more specific with this game in particular since the game is kind of a bit convoluted. whats max level?
>But I can see this wipe system being a problem for players.
BIG problem but at least it will keep me busy until the new WoW xpac comes out
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Yeah the average gamer hates losing shit, but then again the average rust/tarkov/zomboid/ark/valheim/whatever player loves starting over and trying different stuff and different base builds each time, same with poe and roguelikes. I don't play any of those so I have no idea why people love them so much but I can't see why it would be any different with this game except maybe this one is way too goddamn easy.

So far the only reason I don't have a problem with the wipes is because it seems like you don't lose anything important and I got absolute shit luck with my skill rolls. I'm still not sure how it's gonna play out and I'm sort of banking on each season at the very least introducing a few new aspects at a time so I'm not literally just doing the first 6 weeks on repeat. At this point idk if the devs can even add new enemies? That's what I'm most worried about, I don't want it to end up like destiny where they create a good blueprint game but struggle to add shit to it and you only get things like new enemy types once every 3 years.

Another big problem I have is that the far west part of chalk peak and most of blackheart are literally devoid of content, it absolutely cannot stay like that next season if they want this game to succeed. In fact I'd say that it can't even stay like that for the rest of this season, since we apparently aren't getting the rest of the full map until after this season ends. There are too many parts of the current map that are totally empty.
hard mode bosses atm are actually kinda hard. almost died like 10 times on the spider bitch.
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>got both orange crit amp and deadshot mods in 1-2 runs which completes my build
I guess it's time to play other games waiting for new phase
Gotta bring festering gel and the long duration stimpaks to heal through the poison fog. Also when you kill an egg, a big swirl spawns around the pillar the spiderboss is at which makes you immune to the poison for a shortwhile. Im not sure if killing more eggs extend the duration or not, but basically get the festering gel ready to keep healing you once the immunity runs out.
Yeah I'm starting to consider different combat deviants than the dogs now, the treant totally fucked me up. Don't even wanna see what shadow hound will do to me yet.
what gun u using
>almost all the servers are low population but are locked from making characters on them
what did they mean by this?
did shadowhound in a team and it's pretty straightforward, the only new gimmick i saw was that he summoned two dogs at start that shoots lasers
treant sucks ass if youre doing it solo because there's so many adds to deal with before you can finally hit him
last valor, i think i got around 30k+ dps on full bodyshots on dummy now with bingo rifle proccing bullseye(8%+ more vuln mod and +10%crit and 25% cDmg from mask)
not as good as jaws pistol which deals like twice the dps but i think its possible they might nerf that next week
>add an extension on my house
>go to save new blueprint
>insufficient permission
if they nerf jaws i hope they add new pistols for other builds. the only reason i'm even running unstable bomber is because the main weapon is a pistol, otherwise unstable bomber sucks ass cuz the mods are too rare and the only other pairs are a shitty sniper and a shitty crossbow. the smg is balls cuz smgs suck ass in this game. give me a blast shotgun and nade launcher already
Okay I think it worked I just had to try it like two more times. I wonder if it's because other houses are so close to mine it thinks I'm trying to save their design.
Treant is unironically too hard for me lmao, the thunderbolts just delete you
How am I supposed to do hardmode with green crafted weapon?
open a party and get carried because you didnt even bother buying a purple weapon from the wish machine for 2k
that 2k rifle is not gonna make a diff innit?
the power surge outsider rifle is pretty good with the free mayfly goggles from the mystical crate in red sands and other powersurge mods
is there a daily limit on amount of events you can get rewards from?
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it broke my heart..
nice legs though
I had a similar situation with finding the starter zones dead, but when i reached the 3rd area, i saw a lot more people there and many upgraded houses everywhere. i think people just progressed too quickly so the early zones are empty
I have 25k dps with it
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>bases are still bugged
fucking retarded devs
how incompetent these chinks are
not him but i think its 60 for now.
share your mcmansion
or any good house blueprint
I'm using the default villa and slowly adding extensions to it
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I unroofed myself to build a place to put solar panels and what not
and now I can't build any roof to fill that gap
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>doing shit in the bench
>dinosaur nigger keep pushing me away from it
The snap placement in this game is really fucking annoying
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>Gulu gulu. Kelo kelo!
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>beard clips through the helmet
Kind of goofy but I like the look of it desu.
not a very good picture, but im not logged in right now to take a better one. I basically did what you are doing, built the medium sized mansion template and added a balcony and expanded the house myself, added another floor and stairs to the roof.
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a good base to me is one where practicality comes first and looking around this was the best I could find (while still looking good).
you can put everything you need inside, it is perfectly defendable and more importantly, due to its compact structure it can plopped anywhere.
>buy an a-
I'm doing it for free
>buying glass wall
oink oink
Why do I have to open my storage chest every time I come back home to craft stuff so the game can recognize I own these items? So fucking tedious.
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not much but it's mine
The wipes only reset your level and certain collectibles. They'll also add new shit like new stories and areas.
>When the rest of the game is so bad people have to resort to build contests to at least get something out of this mess
Nah nigga you just need to go to the "blueprints" tab when you open your inventory and then unlock them when you have all the necessary fragments. But that hostility won't take you anywhere
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I got scammed by this
Mining platform is the better choice, but you have to build it in a polluted area (where your backpack blips).
I don't have reverse omosis
I only have compact filter for some reasons
that thing require battery to run so 20 acids + eletrical parts for 20 stardust
I don't think it's worth it
That random specialization crap is really bullshit. You should be able to choose from a list just like the memetics.
She was always suspicious.
bitch is sus...
I left a whisper on top of a guy's base who copied this design that said "basic" and I guess he got so butthurt he completely tore it down and built something else kek
They have to lock servers because online or offline, all players eat up resources doing anything in the world like building or crafting shit. The very way the game is built means that the only way to reliably free up server space is with the seasonal resets to get rid of all the junk people are building. That or send everything into Eternaland, and even then that's probably still taking up server space given you can only take some of what you store there back into the next season.
my base is just a 5x5 full of storage chests since this shit is bugged and I can't change locations
Works on my machine
I moved my base like 5 times already
Seems like a (You) problem
Game lacks proper fucked up and rusty textures to build houses,I just want to build a survival shelter with tin roof and a cardboard bed,also fuck roof placement,building square shit boxes from now on.
they do have them
back in beta you have to put woods in the vault to prevent decay
decaying stuff look fucked up
just started playing and moved my base 2 times already
honestly kind of scared to move my base even though it's in a shitty spot.

I move my base every time I have to go back to it so I don't have to go back to it.
i wish this game had an actual marketplace or a commonly agreed upon spot I can pin on my map where people can put their vending machines at with signs saying what they're selling. it's annoying having to ask around tbdesu
what do you even buy?
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>250mb update
>still can't camp
nevermind lol I found it, there are usually trucks set up outside of blackfell. I needed a solar drill because I don't have the perk to craft one and I bought a bunch of canned fruit/meat, a pack that reduces the weight of gathering mats by 80% and the canned fish that gives extra gains from hitting rocks
I have the perk to craft 64 slots big chests
I think those would sell
sadly you can't sell those cuz they're not inventory items but structures you build. very retarded i know.
then what is the fucking point
I have the perk to refine silver and gold but where to mine them
also what is even the point of grinding for money if they are gonna reset
so you can have 64 slot storages. silver and gold are rare spawns, i have a lot of those ores but don't have the perk to make them into ingots so I sell the ore for money in a vending machine a bit cheaper than what they sell for when turned into ingots and sold to npcs so they aren't just sitting around being worthless. grind for money so you can get stuff you need and don't wanna farm or can't farm yourself, that's basically it. i guess the economy shit will become more necessary as the game gets harder but right now it's too easy
where can I buy those ores?
They just need to make it where if you don't login for like 3 days your base gets put into a special blueprint that you have to relocate, so for casualfags who barely play they don't eat up realestate constantly while barely playing but it also allows them not to lose anything and jump right back in.

If you give someone rights to build on your base they can place one for you but obviously you gotta trust the guy but easily solved with some quick screenshots exchanged.
I never thought of that, can the owner of the territory move those crates once they revoke my permission?
literally just you cuck
nuh uh
nope, whatever they build on your base = yours
opps I'm retarded, so I meant the crate is yours and yes you can move it around.
The other guy can't touch it anymore once you revoke his rights.
Should I just ignore purification until I get automated base defenses?
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Way too much shit going on in this game
whatever they've done now worked for me
I can finally move my camp
they did nothing
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played last night at 2300, nothing
started the game now and there were some messages when loading. I sped read but I think it was applying patch or something
and voilá, I can finally move and do something with my shitcube
it's not even a cube
use the gelatin cube thingy
More like a square.
doesn't matter now shut the fuck up
the goo deviant from the first dungeon, dumbass
is manibus out already? how are you supposed to hit his weakspot 500 times
lmao my base looks exactly the same but there's few workstations and 50 storage chests
who the fuck is manibus and what does he do?
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will this pool reset?
the -80 babby pool
I don't want that scur
>if you are a PvP sweat
>mobile survival game with 10 people per world
billions must perish
Funny thing is most of those videos are full of disinfo and bad advice.
just unlock everything from this pool it's just 2k starchrom and you get a lot of blueprints + this surge rifle which is great
I got the rilfe after like 5 rolls so I don't want to roll anymore
pvp is unplayable with this netcode. people jank around and if u shoot at them it always misses.
i see people gliding and rubberbanding 5m
I love them, they're hilarious.

>uh so what you do is run all the way to the other side of the world to this max level area and wait for someone to kill all the monsters so you can loot the mystic chest for the blueprints
>then you go home and level to 50 so you can get all the armor and mods you need and the materials to craft them all
>please like and subscribe
>run all the way to the other side of the world to this max level area
you can't even do that anymore
I went through the tutorial and plopped down a base, constructed a few wooden walls, and then quit for being bored. Even though theres some appeal to scp shit it doesnt feel good or interesting. Also the world I chose was pvp and overpopulated and I saw almost every square inch of terrain near the start have someones camp on it so I had to find this one tiny area in a swamp.
they will spread out over time
there are a lot more to do but if you don't like it you don't like it
>old house shit gone
>other stuff tossed into vault
>can finally play normally
Yesssssss finally
Use Biomass Missiles.
In the context of the narrative, it's the incarnation of the Original Entity (OE) that caused all of the stuff you see in the game. All Stardust comes from it and all of the Great Ones are 'kin' to it, acting as puppets through which it spreads more Stardust exponentially and it can create new ones basically at will. Rosetta, being the Umbrella-tier retards they are, fucked around and found out so they drew its attention and it poked reality in response, fucking up everything.

There's some more general lore that sorta explains why the seasonal resets happen and it all ties back to Manibus.
Just finished the tutorial (I think) and got literally dropped into the world...
And instantly got anxiety.
"build your base" mission
Uh... wh-where? There are other player around... I saw two of them already.
What if I start building too close to someone else's base? Or in a place that's gonna be crowded with players running around and exploring?
What's a good place for a base anyway???
literally anywhere you like
good spots are where you can access a variety of resources right close by but there is no need to worry
you can literally just pick up your base and move somewhere else for free every 10 mins
thanks, chatgpt
Anyone generous enough to share the glass pack with me? Bless you!

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all the empty space is basically filled with storage chests that for some reason don't appear on the preview

>but muh purification defense
>he doesn't know how to bug it out so nothing spawns and you just need to wait the 5 minutes and collect the starchroms
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wew wrong pic
I'm just actually sociophobic.
I get that it's a multiplayer game, but still.
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actually playing this game alone is kinda ass
but I don't have anybody else to play with
also anyone know where is the elite enemy here?
found him
he's just a drone rosetta smuck
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how are you supposed to see
try building very close to a settlement
>silver is noticeably darker
>silver is a completely different shape
>silver always has an unattached stone sitting next to it

I mean, you could try not being a blind retard.
>asks to be spoonfed
>acts like an asshole upon being spoonfed
Go fuck yourself
Please respond I'm retarded.
ok princess sorry if I offended you
if you are using the lmg you are a nigger, just fyi
I'm tired of exploration boss
and knowing it won't carry over fills me with dread
should I just rust main?
>ESL schizo acting like an ESL
Kindly go back to /v/.
How often can you do a Boss Fight/Dungeon? Is there a lockout like in traditional "MMOs" or can you just farm that shit?
what game anon
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You can farm a dungeon boss as much as you want for its drops, no lockout.
However, you'll be consuming one 'controller' item to collect the loot each time, so you're only limited by how many of those you have.
The lesser loot crates scattered around the dungeon don't refresh when you go through it again in quick succession, though.
>build presets
>doesn't have a sharing center for it
what are the chances of it being implemented? they don't have one for character creation either, right?
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Oh god, I just logged in today, and there are houses EVERYWHERE!
I've been running around for half an hour, I literally can't find a place where there are no player houses visible
yeah I have not grinded any dungeon as all because of these fucks
first zone is cancer, high lvl zones have plenty room to build wherever you want
what do I do with extra money?
save it to buy chrom boxes in p6
you ok bud?
Nice Normie Weedus
I managed to make a new char on EU PvE 00001 so i guess " THE PURGE " happened!
what is even the point if you can't transfer char
Point is i got bad spec RNG and i figured it's easy getting back to level 35. The journey seems more fun than the destination.
28 hours in and I'm only 30
what the hell anon
Look up SwolleBenji's Best possible start, you're welcome
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what are these even for
Pvp, I would assume. Like the item in Souls games that let you hide as a barrel to ambush players
how to get rid of the giant truck? I want to craft the small truck but it seems I can only have one at the same time
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is old processing good?
Get cum chipset!
stardust source is actually a bottleneck so I would pick that. Combo chipset is useless since energy link is too easy to get, photon power is useless since you can get 35w for generator so that would be only 30w more total, not worth it for a trait slot. Sintering I don't even need to comment
I already have silver and gold refining for money need so idk I need another
I spam solar panels so my house doesn't even have a generator
oil then
i have to choose between Combo chipset and the silver/gold ingots one... which should i pick?
no idea
I have not encountered any gold ore node but mined around 200 silver ores
idk how much combo chipsets sell for
oil processing is pretty good
400-500ish stardust ores + a bit of oil = 350 stardust
the other pump require 20 acids + a bunch of electronic parts for a battery pack -> 60 stardust
if you have acid and electronic farm it might be an option
or go mine stardust ores
anything that helps earning more energy link is useless
you need 390k links to buy all the starchrom cases in phase 6
i havent logged in in days. i might need to do the purifying thing but with level 2 starchrom thingys i feel like i might just instantly keel over. i do have turrets set up, but my base might just blow up instantly to level 25 enemies
I haven't spoken to a single person in this game in nearly 30 hours of playtime, voice chat off as well. It's also really annoying coming back home and seeing 50 notes left all over the place again, whoever decided that was stupid.
An easy exploit is to set your base near water, and build the purifier on a small structure hovering above somewhat deep water. The enemy AI can't go too far into water, so the ground units will just stand there looking at it like retards.
At lvl25 just a few turrets are enough to deal with airborne units. It's actually really easy.
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NTA but I wonder if it's viable to also build a killbox to corral the ground enemies while the turrets handle airborne ones.
so what stopping me from layer the purifier behind 7 layers of conrete?
Build space probably.
I wish I could play with you fags
but impossible with this gayass server system they have
Just pick a server when the reset happens, I imagine they will do an inactive player purge.
12k afaik. Same as a gold ingot.
On another note, with the canned fish buff (66%, 666% or, 6666% bonus on final hit), I got over 1k silver ore and 300 gold ore in 30 minutes with a treasure hunter drill. Shame the npc merchants have limited elinks.
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what the fuck
Mining with it is stupid fast and get a fuck ton of resources. More than I know what to do with. Went out mostly for iron and Sulfur. Grabbed any silver and gold I saw while running around. Think I got about 10k Sulfur and 12k iron. Little bit of tungsten and aluminum since needing acid to smelt those sucks ass.
You can do it,I put my purifier behind 3 layers of stone walls filled the space between walls with sandbags,it is built in deep water,and separated from the rest of my base which is also surrounded by deep water,the only thing I need to do is clear ranged/flying mobs,I demolish the foundations connecting my structures to the shore before purifying event is started and rebuilt it after.
just bug the monster respawns and they won't appear lmao
Yeah you can do that, just make sure to put it far from your base so the umbrella bitch doesn't aggro to your house and blow it all up. Also you can make a tower staircase thingy with columns ceilings and stairs like 3-4 stories high and put your purifier thingy on top of it, then place a few walls around the purifier so the ranged mobs don't just snipe it
I hope the next few seasons aren't this fuckin lame, we basically already have all of the content out besides pro mode which is barely new content, and the lea lab which supposedly is more like a 4 player raid or something.
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I guess someone figured out how to build on roads, this is pretty funny I gotta admit.
make a wall with only 1 door and an arrow pointing to it
with led light and letters too
that would be funny
thats world boss you retard
The world boss can build player structures?
Is there a chan Hive or Warband that can be joined?
yes then it proceeds to fuck your mom
Content in seasons is staggered out between phases. Presumably the final boss in phase 4 is going to be the Manibus world boss.
I have 900k literally from the doing the blackfell chest run every 4 hours and just dipping into operation chiron whenever it's up.
Also farmed like 30 solo hard mode dungeon/silos and still sitting at 100+ controllers game is just way too easy and my build isn't even optimized
>intense defense perk for stone structures
Actually bonkers since I just made my purification killbox with stone.
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>everyone talking about how acid is the endgame bottleneck
>they're all wrong
>the real bottleneck is stardust source
just mine some fag ore
don't you need a perk to turn that into stardust source?
I never understood how people struggle with acid, I make like 200-400 everytime I do a chest run.
Stardust isn't so bad either, you should have at least 100 controllers if you haven't farmed anything yet and you get like 80+ per dungeon boss, unless your retarded and upgrading multiple sets how are you running out of dust?
This shit is so fucking free what the fuck.
most people don't do chest runs lmao
which is weird because not only is it fun but blackfell is one straight line lmao

all of the end game quest zigzag through there too so it's somewhere you run around for awhile
People seem to hate doing the open world after they don't need to do it anymore. Personally I wish the local missions would reset after each week just to give me an autistic checklist reason to run them all over again without targeting anything specific. Tbdesu they should randomly surprise drip feed new stuff into old areas, like damn let me farm the early areas so I can finally get a knife blueprint or a stop sign.
Same, I actually really dislike the instanced garbage.
All of the dungeons and silos are hallway simulators and way too easy.
I didn't use any controller. I have 190 of them
you have at most 5 weeks to get rid of them
assuming you have not burnt out yet. Also do stardust carry over? I don't think so.
So farming anything but starch is pointless
my base right now is on a cliff so i only have to deal with enemies from one side, but yea i still took damage on my walls
How do I get more controllers? I'm starting to run out and I don't even remember how I got so many of them in the first place
I know Zeno Purifier is the "melee" combat deviation but I figured it'd have an engagement range longer than like 5 meters. Might just honestly switch off of it, idk.
what do i actually farm with controllers
after the spyware campaign, shit is dead here, we are at /vm/ afterall, not even /coopg/ talks about it
get the wolf deviant, shit's busted against hordes since he multiplies after a kill
I haven't entered the eternal land ever since i was introduced to it like 15 levels ago. thoughts?
Jesus, is that why he just stands around sometimes?
I have no idea why it's even a thing
Only found Zeno to be useful in pvp, you can let him loose and hide and he will just get you free kills.
Any chad anon that can share the g lass pack with me?
Name : BooBee - 151425765
I'm too poor to afford it.
the thrill of trying to stealth in lv 48 zone as a 30 something
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passive acid farm is kinda shit huh?
From what I've noticed yeah
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you have to dedicate a large amount of W to it and it seems to be bugged? every time I come back to check the storage after I spend some time off I see that the filter collected dirty water and transformed into purified, while if I'm online it will collect the correct polluted and make into impure acid.
if they fix this bug(?) I'd say it could be worth, at least for the beginnings of a season.
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I think it's just there is a chance?
it pumped dirty water on me
Acts as permanent storage for all your stuff and you can transfer some of what you've stored there between seasons.
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it's drinking time
that's actually really good damn i should start making and selling beer.
be the farmer you've always wanted
>dumped a deviated wheat into the barrel for lulz and to see what happens
>result is the same drink but 2 of them and the 30 min buff is replaced with a 20% haste boost for all actions
I can see this being pretty good for boss farming
>had a blast for 140 hours
>now playing less and regretting putting 15 dollars into the game
I mean 15 bucks for 100+ hour entertainment ain't bad but until I see how they handle new seasons I don't think I'm going to be on this much longer.
the weapon roster in this game is honestly piss poor. there's like 3 fuckin crossbows, we don't even have a legendary bow, no blueprints for several weapons like the kukris and knives or that one axe and the katana. for some reason I foresee the devs adding like 2 weapons every 6 weeks which is incredibly slow. why the fuck can't I farm for a knife blueprint? so dumb. enjoying the game a lot and I know it's a brand new release but I still expect a lot more in the coming few seasons
Honestly one of those things you can't do in this game since they're mostly a 1 off thing until the reset. You can get lucky with starchroms but that's rng instead of farming
Does that mean have to start our own /v/band or hive?
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this is really annoying
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The things we do just to get loot from a bugged boss...
nobody doing blackfell permit and everytime I get there I see nothing
how do I mooch off?
apparently it's not a bug
your pumps need to be on land for 100% polluted water
I went to sleep and confirmed all my water were polluted
if you placed your pump in the water it will pump both
you mean the refinery? run it yourself and have people come. there's always people who show up even when it seems dead, at least in my server. it's easy solo if you start with low level permits
no as in I want to mooch off others but whenever I get there I see nothing
you need to shoot stuff anyway
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Same but from what i get. Its more of store shit there at the end of season and then transfer them to yourself when reset. My guess is you transfer some good weapon or two maybe gear and some more high demand resources like acid. I think thats the main use for it. And ofc for people who want to build cozy island but that is more like a cosmeticand have no affect on your gameplay in real world
Someone on PVE69 EU?
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>your pumps need to be on land for 100% polluted water
they are on land
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werk on my machine
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yo ho ho
my first gold node
>do my first purification
>use my years of playing tower defense games to turn the lower floor of my fortress into an expertly crafted gauntlet of traps and turrets
>the mobs all completely ignore my maze and gnaw at the water pump in my back yard instead

I think maybe I'm expecting too much from this game
My purifications refuse to even spawn enemies.
Enemies basically start beating on the first thing within their path
I placed my base on a cliff and put my purifier in a box way out front of it so mobs don't spawn anywhere near the back of it, it's worked doing that.
I just do a stone foundation with 4 windowed walls, then 4 triangle foundations attached to that all with turrets, sandbags surrounding the turrets then a solar panel + additonal turret on the roof to power them all then I roam around it or sit on top picking mobs off super EZ even with 40/40 lvl 3 cortex but I'm also jaws build so shit is a joke anyway lol.
grats! feels good finding gold ore.
Looks like those sweatlord battle towers you find in fortnite just missing loot showered all over the ground
>level 40
>starting to struggle
okay i need to lean in to mods and sets and good weapons now, but im still on shrapnel. i might have to just wrap up the easier area tasks.
Man I'm almost out of controllers, burned a lot of them on stupid shit in the first two weeks. Maaaaaaaan.
1st time playing online game?
Always hoard currency and rare mats for endgame, never waste while leveling on dungeons or gear that will be replaced every 5-10 levels.
Online gaming 101.
>Always hoard currency and rare mats for endgame
>never reached endgame
>burnt out
Main thing is to make tier equivalent gear to your level
You can easily push into tier 5 at 40, me and my friend rushed it at 38 and started looting crates went from struggling to overpowered very quickly.
Funny thing is I wish the entire game felt the same way as fighting lvl 45+ mobs as a lvl 38, was actually the most fun we had in pve by far.
Just do your comissions and make sure to do events everytime they're up, even the lowest lvl event the disco one gives you a controller for completing it.
What were you even grinding in the dungeons? the loot is shit tier on normal, everything was 1 and done for me hell I skipped the silo's until I hit 50 and hard mode unlocked
I'm loaded with the best mods atm and sitting on 120 controllers still I just random run them now when I'm bored and hoping for a perfect roll basically violent mods with high crit dmg, magazine capacity and +HP%
I'm not him so idk what the hell he has been running but I'm talking about general hoarder mentitude
which I also have
I use crossbow to save on ammo
I have shot like less than a few hundreds bullets in tihs game
you must be low lvl, bullets are easy to get and guns are far superior to crossbow.
I did the crossbow thing in beta though when I didn't know what to do at low lvls.
I only use crossbow now to mark before pulling out jaws for giga dps

If you're low lvl just ask in chat if someone will make you a drill, it's insane how much better it is than the picks literally instant mines ore and gives you higher yields on top of it so you just run around 1 tapping ore.
I'm 40 dude
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>to save on ammo

...so do you not have any diggy boys doing your mining for you? Every time I log in they've collected enough iron for me to make all the steel rounds I'll need for the day. I spray bullets around like I'm R. fucking Kelly, man.
I have fully automated acid farm that nets me around 200 acids per day
plus 1k5 acids stocked and 600+ gunpowders
I don't think I can shoot it all even if I tried
it's just I am a miser
Anon, when the wipe rolls around, you're going to lose all of it. Use it or lose it.
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You're allowed to bring over some items, it's already been proven you can toss something like a backpack mod on the last day of S1 and take it out the day S2 starts
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depends on their definition of ordinary
they also list weapon mods as items you can bring on the steam news posts
We need more lewd outfits and emotes
I agree. Especially more emotes with absolutely no facial animations so the characters keep the dead pan look, it's such a nice touch and doesn't make this game come off as even more half assed and amateurish than it already is.
you mean calibration blueprints?
they use to have emotion in CBT1 but the game took a massive downgrade in everything when they included mobile testing in CBT2
explorations had a lot more quests and puzzles and stuff
I remember the fertilizer plant required 3 fuzes to open up and power the elevator
none now
I remember that too, the sewer section of one of the early settlements literally has nothing in it now because originally that's where the fuse box was
complete waste of time going down there now

I also remember mobs being a bit stronger and ammo being much more scarce early on, sucks they caved in and dumbed the game down so hard.
even with the dumbed down version exploration is already taking a toll on me
so with the hard version it's gonna be much much worse
is it too difficult or you're just bored?
there too much
Just pace yourself you don't miss out on anything being late.
Only real weeklies you need to do is your purifier and commissions both can be finished in literally 10 minutes.
also the gold rarity scopes on snipers are pretty shit?
i actually pulled for the renegade armor set, but i dont use snipers
it seems like there's a lot of stuff they're holding from the early betas, i remember gear that doesn't exist anymore like the lamphead helmet
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Game needs more coom

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