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File: COOP GAMES.png (24 KB, 569x320)
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Hello, me and my 2 buddies decided to start playing coop/multiplayer games with the requisite that it's at least 3 Player CooP Game.
I am making a Excell Sheet in which I plan to categorize and organize these games.
I am also interested in games that we can emulate console that had coop features.
Mods to games that modify them so they could be played in coop are also on the table.
I plan to make a comprehensive list and share it someday for folks with the same dillema as mine.
Streets of rage 4, TMNT : Shredder's Revenge, Dragon's Crown, pretty much all arrowhead games, Factorio, Monster Hunter games, Borderlands games, E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy, Dokapon Kindom. I think F-zero GX on dolphin has netplay. Ballisticng. Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst, any Smash Bros. That's all that i can think about for now, hope at least one of these looks good for you.
Thx, didn't know E.Y.E had coop :D
rest might sit better with them which is also great. Thanks.
i pray for your success finding co-op games for 2 people is hard enough 3 must suck two it's either 2 if your lucky or big group 5 people games.
Company of Heroes 2 has 3 players maps, you play against AIs and it counts as coop. The Master Collection so you have everything unlocked.

I know you gonna groan probably but the borderlands games are fun to PLAY, pre-sequel has playable character tailored for coop. 3 has a good gunplay and decent maps, I think one mad lad managed to make a mod that removes all dialogues. Usually the franchise bundle goes on sale often
Sonic all star racing transformed
Lethal company
Ultimate chicken horse
The forest
Apex legends
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2 3 and 4 player co ops
neat, I remember seeing a coop games website too
found it
hope you have fun
HOLE-Y MOLE-Y Thank you guys very much :D
so happy I started this thread and got the results and lots of games to choose from <3
You guys are the best ^^
>Thief 2 coop
what the actual FUCK.
>Dragon's Crown
excellent co-op game
It's a shame RPCS3 can't really match you with randoms, but the fact it can be used for long distance coop is certainly great.
Secret of Mana via RetroArch's netplay.
Tom Clancy's Division 1 is -85% on steam

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