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Albion Online is the first truly cross-platform MMO experience, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Is there any anon guild, if no, can we make one?
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Also in b4 e-celeb.
>throwing skillshots at players that are temporarily flagged by an open world chest in the redzone
>the player who isn't even faction flagged for the Bandit event
>the HCE player who refuses to /suicide
>the redzone ganker who forgot to unflag
>the black market transporter who accepted the trade request
It's not very good. Why would I want to play bad League of Legends where the creep grind is months long and somehow more boring?
I can get a loadout to 75 spec in an evening if I wanted to. Maybe it's time to leave the tutorial.
How do you actually find builds?
Everything on youtube is outdated
I just want a build that isn't gay (sword) so I can actually start the game
Because if you are what you wear then I'm nothing right now and apparently you need to find some obscure discord and suck a janny's dick to pick a class?
As a new player you should use non-artifact equipment because they are on average 10x cheaper and give more spec per level.
You can ignore everything that has an artifact in its crafting recipe (that stuff is usually not meant for solo players anyway). Each equipment category has exactly 3 non-artifact pieces.
As for weapons: Just look what's available at T3. That's the most balanced option in that weapon category that you want to start with. The strongest starter weapons (great in both PvE and PvP) are: Spear, Firestaff, Axe, and Light Crossbow.

Assassin Jacket is the best starter armor. It will keep safe in lethal zones.
Soldier Boots are probably the best starter boots.
Assassin Helmet is the most versatile helmet option but you could pick anything you like here.

You should make your own builds that fit your needs.

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