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I played MMOs back in the golden age including pservers so this doesnt apply to modern ones.
Normies/successful people approach life in the way I look at MMOs

MMOBrain: Grinding to get stronger and be able to enjoy the fun parts
Normies: Financemaxxing and looksmaxxing to go on vacations and fuck bitches.
MMO Brain:Get time achievements and items
Normies:Going to irl events and making memories that will stay with them for the rest of their lives
MMOBrain:Socialize with other mentally ill individuals in general chat or raid with loser guildmates on discord

Sometimes I think about how everything would've turned out if I just put that energy and time into IRL instead of these mmos.

I realized the key differences between MMO and IRL: You have more agency in how others perceive you, usually based on merit or dedication vs real life where its mostly about your looks or social status.
It's more accessible and fun than irl.
You can reroll freely.
I get you. Biggest difference for me is / was RL is more freeform so it's harder to understand the rules / mmorpgs are easier to abuse and break because the rules are more narrow and rigid.

As a sidenote, goddamn /vm/ feels like screaming into the void. This thread was made 7 days ago.
>As a sidenote, goddamn /vm/ feels like screaming into the void. This thread was made 7 days ago.
It's a heavy price to pay to have a board that's almost entirely on-topic.

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