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Bewb edition

>What is Vintage Story?
Best block game for autistic adults

>Question of the thread
How do you like your coffee?
I like it with a lot of goat milk.

>What’s New?
Pickup in players for og and the new heavily modded server, dip in island sbr.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

>Server List

>New island sbr
Stuck on a lone tropical island in the middle of an endless ocean. nomap, nocoords.
Great for hardcore.

>Mazor’s Sbr
Was the main server for a few months but even head janny dropped off. Still worth a visit. Basically the main vm server for modded but it is pretty dead from burnout. It has some really cool port cities.

The original server and longest running server in the entire game. Not that popular but got some new players. Still slow. Much less modded than the rest and no oceans but it has some old worldgen and a lot of interesting old builds. Mostly played by oldfags or people exploring ruins

Newest server and the most heavily modded to date. Good for people wanting a fresh map or like heavily modded gameplay.

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread. It is a little alive but has a discord for it.

Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post as well as the pastebin for thelamar.

>Previous thread
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and remove spaces).
Pastebin for thelamar
>doesn't include server versions
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Sup lads
What is your most common food type? I feel like soup is the best but I usually make some form of veggie stew. Redmeat stew is a close second.
Stews all the time
Gonna move onto pies once my windmill is set up
Black is best but occasionally some cow nipple juice is good too when you crave it

meat with veggies and berries stews, in autumn i always make a fresh bulk batch before the bushes stop flowering to last me the winter. I will mostly subsist on this and the occasional 64 raw grain stack munching challenge. hefty redmeat stews are also good if you are in a pinch of need to feed alot of poors.
Pies are comfy but I only ever do them for events or trade. Burnt bread on the other hand is an amazing way to make long lasting food you can take on a trip and eat on the fly while taking up less space than a crock+bowl
Eating bush berries is based
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The things crackskillz will make a nigga do,
r8 my semi-nudist drip
RIP crackskillz
shit I find on the ground with wildcraft herbs&spices and fruits&nuts installed, I've only died a few times eating berries without checking if they're poisonous.
yeah but both pies and bread are fucking painful to make with oven babysitting
literally wouldn't even consider it without the multi block oven mod
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is this the most efficient layout for crops?
Do you use the standard moisture setting or the modded one that isn't retarded like vanilla?
the standard one
>doesn't even realize that you can have 2 blocks between water blocks
No, water blocks keep diagonal blocks 75% hydrated as well.
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I'm dumb
You can throw dough in a campfire to get burnt loaves, no babysitting required.
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Do like >>1362744 says, 3x3 grids with water in the middle so it's two blocks between each water block. Like this https://files.catbox.moe/umbcd9.PNG
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shit he's right
this makes flax bread viable
But why, isn't it like the worst crop in the game
yes, almost, it isn't pineapple
it isn't terrible for flour, but it's still bugged for actual food (it'll rot within cooked meals and make them unusable)
>it isn't pineapple
Oh yea I forgot about that waste of farmland. I've been thinking about planting some peanuts but those are pretty shit too if I recall.
what the fuck are you ON
the only bad thing about them is that you can't put them in most meals, but you can still cook with them
otherwise they're the perfect long-term trail food, they last a fuckton and they're protein
sorry I meant peantus lmao pineapples are dogshit though
peanuts might be some of the best crops other than cabbages, just a shame you can't mash them and make peanut butter for porridges
I think you can make peanut butter if you've got that food mod. Or at least I'd be surprised if you couldn't, you can make granola bars and shit with certain kinds of seeds.
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Kino spotted in Thelamar
wait till you meet floyd
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fact: I will play on OG if crackskills are re-added
fact: I will cum if she sticks those two fingers up my butt
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The real silent hill...
What are the best or just your favorite mods? Wanting to start a modded playthrough. Looking at rustbound magic, wolf taming and some of the fauna of the stone age mods right now
rivers is a motherfucker to get dialed in but has waterwheels and pairs nicely with the joy of sailing which adds sailboats.
>2 thirst mods
>your options are either one for piss fetishists or cock and ball torture
I think I'm just gonna remove it until I get around to removing the piss from the first one.
can you just
not drink piss
has a game ever implemented it without it being either tedious or trivialized 10 minutes in with a water pouch?
hardcore water and thirst mechanism would be cool. I only want to have to chug a bucket once a day maximum though, any more and it would become tedious. also waterbourne illness and malaria WHEN
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waterborn illness? I might be retarded idk
you can't have bacteria and parasites without a proper digestive system, need a poop button like ark
You don't have to drink it, but you still have to piss or it nukes your run speed down to like 50%.

I like the general idea on the piss mod, staying well hydrated reduces your hunger rate as well, and on the opposite side if you're dehydrated it accelerates it. And it's not like clean water is hard to get. But dealing with having to take a piss every 5-10 minutes isn't worth it.
if the piss mod has a github you could trying cutting out the piss mechanic
>cutting out the piss
>not adding a high skill pissing mini game instead
>staying well hydrated reduces your hunger rate
oh, so never drink water again, got it
can you pee on other players? This is important
I hate spider webs so fucking much it's unreal, they should just not drop as items, why the fuck would I get a pristine, sculpture-like, block-sized spider web out of breaking every single one if simply old, crooked furniture from ruins requires special glue to even pick up, this guy really is retarded
please have a meltie about something that actually matters, spider webs are good for decorations, if you hate them then don't pick them up
oh no you picked up an unwanted block in a block game waaah waaah the horror!!!
shut up before i boom yo ahhh cuh
>last update May 17th
Bros... dead game...
We have boats, mounts and eclipses coming soon™
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When's the alien update?
>alien update
After the rape update
next update is more lore shit, anything that came from the rust world is an interdimensional alien just not interplanetary.
Any gamers here play Dark and Darker?
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I only play autistic survival games
is container bag a bag that only holds other bags, boxes, jars, bottles, pots, etc.?
it can hold anything your puny little mind desires as long as it fits
then what makes it a container bag instead of just a bag?
I would fuck this cat elf creature
>6 fingers
I bet she has a cock too.
>6 fingers
two vagainias
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θœ naalnu gehœ el
garbage game, garbage taste
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any oldfags still here?
>2-3 years later
>people are still posting about my monastery
truly enjoy living rent free here
after everything that's happened i for some reason just cant find it in me to play the game again at all, everything i did was just kind of so autistic that i simultaneously want to forget about it and reminisce about it
this year especially has been a constant downward spiral after one of my friends committed suicide just before christmas of last year
anyways, i've stepped up from brewing alcohol and am now shroom maxxing under my desk
hoping to harvest some golden teachers in a few weeks
nice blogpost bro
yea i get it, but this dumb generic block game and this server left more of an impact on me than it should've, it feels like i'm doing something wrong every time i occasionally scroll past this general
i don't really have anybody to talk to either
>i don't really have anybody to talk to either
you don't say
Lies of P is a pretty good game.
I still haven't finished the roof of the monastery, goddamn, next time you build next to me finish your builds.
( ´ω`)
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What gods were they worshipping here? o.O
Me, sorry.
It's not okay, DROP AND GIVE ME 20!!
Why does this game attract so many mentally ill people?
hate to break it to you, but that's every """creative""" game
idk, why did you choose this game
I'm pretty sure I can point out all of this guys posts like you just post negative shit after everything, how about you kill yourself and leave the thread buddy, nobody likes you.
top schizopost
I like survival games and the chiseling mechanic is fun to play with when building
meanwhile half the thread seems to be in perpetual nostalgia haze of when the multiplayer scene was well and alive and the serbs prospered
then something happened and now the playerbase is tiny and the thread oldfags can't stop thinking about the good ol' days
>then something happened
all the game content has been exhausted, shrimple as, nothing too deep about it
it'll be N years before there's an appreciable amount of Content™, and even then it'll be quickly exhausted because no amount of nudeving can make an actually replayable survival game
(N stands for nigger)
Nice to see you're not dead buddy, I liked all your builds.
it doesn't help the dev is focused on things like clutter in underground ruins and more story about some noble fag named jonas that unleashed horrors upon the land in response to other horrors upon the land.
many such cases of nudevs being totally incapable of prioritizing development time towards features most important to the most players/users rather than extraneous bullshit that only they care about
can't believe this moron is adding big boats to make hauling your garbage easier but hasn't even started work on adding fucking rivers
it's pointless unless you're playing with oceans, which may as well not fucking exist since there's nothing in them
What do you mean, the antler update added so much fun gameplay
the only reason I even play with oceans is that the rivers mod uses them to generate
all these ores that produce different colors in glass and glazes but instead glass is just shoving colored quartz in a bloomery to get perfect blocks and decorative pottery is either buy it from a trader or pray it's in a ruin. glassblowing is a second metalworking type system that just gets ignored.
Yeah, or how about more enemy types than 10 varieties of minecraft zombies, the locust and bells are cool but they're tucked away at the bottom of deep caves, minecraft literally feels like it has a more interesting night bestiary with the zombies, skeletons and spiders
The guy seems so captivated by his retard lore about the ugliest blue motherfuckers ever convceived he seems to forget half the time he's making a video game
>more enemy types
I'd far rather there be no enemies whatsoever until the combat is actually playable and not the most tedious fucking shit I've played in any game.
That too, yeah, though you could make a point that it's not supposed to be an action game (point I wouldn't make myself, but I think enemy variety is a less contentious issue, which is why I wrote that)
it's not supposed to be an action game, and neither is it supposed to be an anti-action game where you become so disgusted with the constant wildlife/driggerlife annoyances that you stop bothering at all.
True, you're not arguing with anybody
false, I am arguing with the metaphysical tyronism that pervades every fiber of my vintage being
animals are way too aggressive for what we have. tone bears down by size, keeping polar where they are now. tone wolves down but add some kind of pack behavior so they get more aggressive in a group. if we had shit like large cats I could understand getting ganked from a treetop by a cougar or leopard.
no, all animals beeline it towards you with the intent to kill you because you exist, that's how it always worked in video games :) is very realistic, it says so in the lore
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Where do piratefags get the game?
Wait for someone to drop keys here :^)
Drop your steam I will get you a key
I played dark and darker but could not sink into it. A lot of us play barony instead.
why can't I domesticate wolves?
Mod required.
yes but why is it not in vanilla? dogs predate any other domesticated animal. is it because the dev only has experience with pitbulls instead of normal dogs?
>yes but why is it not in vanilla?
Because Tyrone is the biggest blackest gorilla nigger ever.
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what'd they mean by this?
that trader mod is the fridge for little timmy's chisel artwork
nice metal cock, timmy
Holy shit the new swimming feels bad
it's le realistic that means you are objectively wrong and it actually feels great :)
just waste two inventory slots on a raft and oar, realize the raft sucks, install the sailboat mod and waste two inventory slots on a sailboat and oar
The 3d model they replaced the feathers with is ugly too, it's completely featureless compared to the sprite, has no texture
>Tyrone is the biggest blackest gorilla nigger
No, that’s his wife’s boyfriend
Fair point.
Bro why building a house is so difficult at the start. Takes for fucking ever to fell a tree and consumes 20% of my stamina
mudbrick, cob, cobblestone if you're near a gravel desert full of juicy rock-filled boulders. early wood is for charcoal to make metal to get plentiful wood and a saw to cut boards with.
I like to find a scenic set of ruins and tear half of them down to rebuild one into a proper house, the cobblestone, ashlar blocks, and polished stones make for some nice variety for making it look nice even without a chisel
Who wouldn't want some more lively servers?
I just build my first house into the terrain because of that. Tends to work out nicely since whatever section you build into a cliff or mountain has a nice default stone flooring for a forge.
initial lack of gatekeeping, this game (and many others) aren´t on steam and are very niche, so early-players invite whatever and whoever to play together: their dog, their mother, their mother's boyfriend, their mentally ill friend which invites their other mentally ill friend. the latter both get obsessed while all the others eventually leave (because they´re normalfags and get bored of content drought)

this process adds up, then gets normalized, then those people do the gatekeeping, so now everyone who wants to play this specific vidya must get through the weirdos first, or be one in the first place.
and this happens all over the place, especially here on 4chin in long-lasting generals. it's just usually not exclusively trannies going full mental illness in said generals.
where's my variable strength powder kegs? how do you steal TFC's barrel system and cut out the best part?
I cannot for the life of me find any borax, I've been looking for like 4-5 irl days. Am I retarded?
>Am I retarded?
only if you're searching in rock types other than sedimentary, borax is a motherfucker.
Sandstone.You need to find sandstone.
sandstone, claystone, limestone, chalk, conglomerate, chert, shale. any sedimentary other than bauxite can spawn borax.
Does anyone actually use the ore blasting bombs
I feel like gunpowder isn't common enough for me to bother, I'd rather just mine it by hand. Would be nice if we had something to clear stone rather than ore.
powder kegs solve the linen issue, the sulfur problem is the other half of explosives being ignored. if the stuff had an increased or guaranteed spawn rate near hot springs to follow muh realism we'd be set.
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Because of mods I use all my gunpowder for home defense, just like the founding fathers intended.
this game is fun
I do, otherwise I would go insane mining coal and iron.
>get inspired by this post
>try ore bomb on meteor
>meteor survived
I don't know what I expected
I use it on quartz veins if I know theres gold/silver in there but don't want to poke around looking for it.
tyron isnt delivering features though hes wasting his time. the game is in early access, theres no win condition, the driggers are god awful and boring. this guy seriously needs to stop adding useless shit and get to work
combat improvements? you'll be lucky if these four upcoming lore locations have a boss more interesting than giant crippled robot.
combat improvements? you bet he'll finish off combat balancing by slowing all ranged weapons by half a second as well, to be fair to the melee weapons!
he should really remove iron, meteor iron and steel arrows. if the metals aren't capable of making spears how would they be capable of being tiny spears?
Nigger logic
How's it going/vm/?
Been away for a month now
Anything new with the game?
no, post pussy
Anon Kun we can't
This is a Christian site
That brings back memories
Right when I started to frequent this general
This is the best general in all of the site
>Verification not required
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Fuck you
Yes. Most of us are still here. We just never play.
heh thats exactly how i'd expect a video game general to be, full of autists who havent actually played the game in years like me
well i play sp, just not in serb, not anymore atleast.

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