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To Start
>Go to duelingnexus.com and make a user
>Create a new deck
>Go to ygoprodeck.com/pack-sim/ (Pack opening simulator) and select “Pack Type: Official”
>Search for “Legend of Blue Eyes” and type “5” in the “Count” field
>At the bottom right of the page, click the blue fast forward button that says “Auto Open Packs”
>Build a deck out of whatever you pull in those 5 packs, choose a nickname and a screenshot of your pulls and post it on the thread.

To play
>On Dueling Nexus, go to Custom > Host Duel
>Rules will be set to none. (No banlist)
>Private Game (post the room link on the thread)
>Click “Create Game” and post the link to the room here, wait for another player

Upgrade your progression deck
>You get to open 1 (ONLY ONE) new pack to improve your deck each time you win (POST A SCREENSHOT OF YOUR PULLS WITH THE SAME NICKNAME YOU POSTED YOUR FIRST DRAFT)

Each thread a different pack, mass resetting everyone. Time to send people to the shadow realm.
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First deck
Hostan: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-ODTIND
Are we switching to the next pack this thread?
probably not since this is just continuation of >>>682642663
and since the board is slower, probably start with a new deck
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Another anon finds a Celtic Guardian. Let's go boys, fight me. (I hope I set the room up right)
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Hope I'm not too late.
It's hard to beat turn 1 Skull-Red Bird. Are we doing the 2 packs/win, 1/loss now?
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First time actually playing the game, how bad is my deck? Also quick question, what is the minimum deck size?
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My pulls. Hosting: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-QZZX3C0DF8SJ
Minimum size is 40, maximum 60. If you don't have enough to field a 40 card main deck you're allowed to open one more.
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gg to who I played.
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Second win. Succubus Knight is making me act up.
Hosting: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-DZ9ZUW0DF8SJ
Sorry, try this one:
Hosting: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-QGLZ8P
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Slowly but surely we will improve this deck..
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3 wins.
Hosting: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-0WCO210DF8SJ
gg's to whoever I played. Couldn't get the chat bar to work for some reason. That beast fang play really messed me up haha
Hostan: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-XGK6Y1
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Red Eyes carrying me to victory.
Hosting: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-0E48JT0DF8SJ
just grinding for staples huh
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It's so rare to win with a Blue-Eyes.
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6 - 4
Remember that these are best of 1.
Still hosting: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-0E48JT0DF8SJ
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Brutal win for you, dude. Big Tri-Horn.
Hosting: https://duelingnexus.com/duel/NA-SVPNEX0DF8SJ
So are we using the rules from /v/ or this thread?
/v/ has it with MR5 and current banlist, while this thread has no rules and MR1.
I would play with either, but I feel No Banlist/MR1 makes the most sense for emulating nostalgia yugioh. It would suck to have your Pots etc not be legal.
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my first pulls
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>You get to open 1 (ONLY ONE) new pack to improve your deck each time
So was the 2 if you win, 1 if you lose rule not official? Asking because my draft last thread was utter dogshit and couldn't win
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It's official because it was put to a vote and unanimously voted in favor of.
You do not retroactively get free packs regardless of your record.
I feel like the other way around makes more sense.

Give the loser with the shit deck 2 packs in an attempt to catch up.
Give the winner with the good deck only 1 pack so he can progress, but not at an absurd rate.

You want to keep the powerlevel of the decks somewhat similar.
So you faggots are responsible for killing the /v/ thread with your retarded rule changes. Fucking children.
>give the loser 2 packs and winner 1 pack
then there's no incentive to actually win, anon
If your starting deck is shit, nothing is stopping you from changing your nickname (you can do it any time you want) and rolling 5 packs again.
You just want participation rewards, the /v/ thread was fine with just 1 pack to the winner.
Giving 2 packs will accelerate the winners deck too fast.
This. Plus with 1 pack for winner, we have more games.
>Plus with 1 pack for winner, we have more games
Short term investments. More games, yes, but for how long will people stick if they can't build an actual deck? Only time will tell.
sounds like a cool idea, might join tomorrow
not gonna stick around if it's hyper sweaty though, I've never been sweaty about yugioh
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Would you guys be interested in my format?
I call it PP (Perfect Pack)

It's a constructed format with the following rules:

1.- Pick 6 main booster packs from different sets
2.- Choose up to 9 cards from each of those sets to form a 54 cardpool in total
3.- Minimum Deck size is 40
4.- There's no banlist
5.- Card legality is max. 2 copies each
6.- The only excepction to rule #5 is when a card specifically names a card 3 times OR specifically has an effect that special summon another copy of itself written on it, eg:

Blue Eyes White Dragon is legal at 3 because Ultimate requires 3 of them as material

Nimble Sunfish / Hyena / Nimble Momonga special summon other copies of themselves, thus making them legal at 3

I have tried this format with my group and we had a great time, but I recommend to limit the booster pack choice up to The Shinning Darkness since that was the last booster pack to use the original card frame

Hope you guys like it
>4.- There's no banlist
now that I think about It, I should make Yata Garasu and Last turn the only cards banned moving forward
>takes notes
sounds neat
>Pick 6 main booster packs from different sets
up to what year?
How fast can it actually accelerate? It’s not like base set has a ton of options.

I like the idea of this. Once this thread is dead you should post it. Only problem is /vm/ is so slow I wonder if we could actually get consistent matches
>Once this thread is dead
No reason not to use this thread.
If that anon says which packs we can use, we can draft and duel freely.

Perhaps even do a yugioh cube draft.
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looks hot
It has some potential

Anyone dueling? is there any kind of room system to dueling nexus, I've never used it before
If you already imported your deck to Nexus, I can open the lobby.
Since it's a slow board, we could both open some packs after the duel regardless of win or lose. Ignore OP rules, it doesnt work here.
I just manually did it, but yeah sure, I'll give it a try.
>ignore OP rules, it doesn't work here
how come? thread too slow?
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>thread too slow?
Pretty much yea. But we can do some nice drafting while we play some duels
Here's my random deck and lobby.
Damn, 0W1L. My drooling lizard didnt hold it
3 packs each to improve our decks?
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sure, here's my pull
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Mine. Let me swap some cards and I'll reopen it
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New deck
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My new pull, watch your step buddy.
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3 more packs. You too
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New deck, now playing master rule 1 for that ancient field spell ruling
Forgot room
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Shit pack this time. Drafting fusions suck
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Gonna assume we're sticking to 1 pot of greed per deck, it's pretty grim here too.
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Now these decks are going somewhere.
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Last 3 pack, to finish our best of 5 in LOB.
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stinky pack
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me deck
Good average power, not much synergy
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My final deck for the finals
I think I drafted 6 Uraby's from the packs, its insane.
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Game is over by Uraby beatdown. 3W/2L
Tomorrow we can start a new draft on the next pack
Good duels, gg
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Heart of the cards pissing in my cereal tonight, gg anon, this was fun.
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Fuuu how did I miss this
Dont stop making those thread OP, one day I will join
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Just discover Ygoprodeck site has cube drafting. So I'll be opening a room for it around 18 PST.
The cube used will be this cube

We'll duel on nexus after drafting our cards there. I'll make a little mock tourney with our decks.

Hit me with a (you) if you want to join
What are the rules of cube drafting, again?
Every player pulls a pack of 15 cards from the cube, pick a card, then pass that pack to another player so he can pick.
Continue opening new packs and new cards until everyone has a pool of 60 to make their decks
What happened to /v/ugioh...
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I recently figured out how to make Master Duel private servers work. With some configuration, I could automate this series, so it isn't so reliant on trust.
This would actually be great if you could pull it off. Hardest part would probably managing pack release and account system
While I can't host the series myself, due to already being the host of a Master Duel private server and not wanting to have to manage two of them, I can teach someone how to get it all set up.

The accounts are kind of already set up, in that one of the client's install steps is to manually input a bunch of random numbers in a file via text editor, and have that be their account token. It's primitive, but it works.

The packs are trickier. I have an inkling on the general format of manually adding new booster packs to the game, but the problem is the gruntwork involved has yet to be measured. I'm autistic AF, so I'll try adding LoBE to a test server, and report back.
After an hour of manually adding card id's to a json file, I finished adding Legend of Blue-Eyes to Master Duel, in place of its default Master Pack. It's not hard at all, just tedious. Thankfully, we only need to do it once a thread.

One amendment I'd like to make is to increase the number of packs opened to 10 instead of 5, as the packs are 8 cards each, and any fusion monsters pulled basically softlocks you if an admin doesn't intervene.

I will post a link to the client shortly, so I can let you anons test it out. It's basically a clientside mod for Master Duel that changes the server the game connects to, so make sure you have Master Duel and complete its tutorial first.
>Master Duel
>can already mod it for more anime girls and tits

Okay anon just finish it and you can hack my IP.
For those interested, I moved my master duel mod to its own thread, for posterity


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