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Wife Edition

Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNCFfpIzZU8

Previous >>1349545
post em
This is what gunner sissies think they look like IRL
STFU nobody cares what you’re dorf looks like
>there will never, EVER be a cigar cosmetic
I care
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first map on this week's EDD is pure sovl
engi roughneck with default paintjob + goggled bandana is the best fit
haha hawaiian turban xDD
What do you guys pair with overtuned particle accelerator?
a noose around your neck
How do you build it?
cryo minelets or cryo bolts usually
32112 quick fire crossbow
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Presented without comment.
>napalm barrage
based or cringe?
>danefags patched being able to claim lost packs if you joined after they were excavated
they'll patch this but not the numerous other glitches, fuck off

no damage but you'll set some things on fire I guess
despite doing no damage, you'll still manage to kill things before igniting them
30 croppa 30 enor pearl and 60 umanite in the forge
i don't say that, homo
i do say that, hetero
why am I always out of magnite and bismor while swimming in croppa? it's not fair
because you never go to the kino ice zone, bismor gets deleted by coral and vines 99% of the time, and croppa is twice as minerally dense as every other mineral
>tfw have to do the bimonthly mineral rebalancing in the terminal, selling off thousands of croppa, umanite and jadiz
brought it to haz5+ and it was indeed awful
I guess there's no escaping burning hell if I want to enable VB
you can use jet fuel with incendiary i guess
no, there isn't.

But it's not that bad imo, the biggest issue is teammates, as always. A coordinated team that plays around yuo is an absolute cake as BH/VB gunner, but otherwise, enjoy the pain
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nice ogre
Ironically MC-mask looks much more like Shrek
your salvo module bro?
it's the same issue but burst instead of sustain
>carrying greenbeards
>lose IW to some bullshit, whatever
>extraction started by some chucklewit
>see that the team makes it to the pod, then start corestone
>greenbeards flock to the stone and go down like chumps
>have to abort the corestone and escape alone because can't risk going down anymore
Why didn't you just stay in the pod, CJ?
>bismor gets deleted by coral and vines 99% of the time
Oh, is that what happens? I was wondering why I would explore every nook and cranny of a complexity 3 cave in Point Extraction and would never find more than one or two bismor veins. So biomes with "scarce" bismor are about as likely to yield it, as the one with "abundant" bismor, I guess. Ridiculous...
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Come home, White Dwarf
btw, isn't it funny that Unseasoned still has season levels?
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>let your autistic friend build the pipelines
>this is the result
Was this demon of yours German mayhaps, Satan?
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White Dorfs don't season they chicken
>I want my canteen slop like I want my rig. Unseasoned.
is that text referring to your choice of fashion on your engi?
Post your dwarf so we can laugh at it
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Points for trying to use such a garbage color scheme, but cmon
he posted full scale brigade
you lost
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>scalie tranny
Yiff in hell
>Why yes. I fuck snakes. How did you knew?
trying too hard
trying too hard
trying too little
i don't say that, homo
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*enters your lobby*
*C4's scunt*
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>ziplines are a useful movement too-
>player level 100 """prestige""" is impressive
Greenbeards, huh?
>Get into the fucking drop pod, dawi-ji!
thanks doc
do core crawlers have a weakpoint or no
hate these niggers
The face when it opens up
it's the size of a tennis ball: their face, but only when their skull opens up to scream
it's not even a 3x crit multiplier so they don't even die quickly considering their hp pool
their weakness is the CHADlayer system
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>shooting ground instead of bugs
low test
low haz post
but enough about magic bullets kekdog
minelayer might be the most soulless and boring overclock in the game
>magic bullets
that is so 2022
>he legitimately thinks this when clean ammo OCs exist
Why are gunniggers like this
changing your gaming experience for worse = soulless
so yes
yes the cleans are more fun
you're a nigger
>filtered because it actually requires the user to understand bug pathing
many such cases
you shoot the floor, it's not rocket science
i am filtered by nothing, it's soulless and boring because it's too effective for literally 0 effort
>run in a straight line
>shoot at your feet
minenigger really thinks this requires any understanding
best hurricane build?
define best
the one (You) enjoy playing the most
Yes, but you won't hit it on purpose. They're a dogshit enemy and it's baffling how they still haven't nerfed them. I guess the devs are just happy people are finally using the zipline regularly.
clean firerate OC
faster missile
mag size
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Cluster charges is like a fun version of minelayer system.
plasma and cluster are fun
Needs aoe in t1
Unlike T4B, it doesn't affect the clusters.
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As far as I'm concerned the crawler weakpoint is the corestone. I've seen so many people try to fight the fuckers instead of tunnel visioning the event. My game plan is just stall at all cost. Slows, stuns, pheromones, whatever you have that can just stop your team from taking a game-losing amount of damage. I've also taken a liking to using Berzerker this season so I can mine out the core in a pinch if the Driller shits the bed.
are there new weapons? any big updates since the start? saw some hover boots, but ehh...
Found the leaflover
Big if true. Source?
There won't be any new weapons, but we got a bunch of overclocks for primary weapons that significantly change how they play.
will take a look. thanks
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>I've come here to drink beer and fuck glyphids, and I'm all out of beer
>no sunglasses
oh common, everybody knows its driller who would fuck glyphids, eating their corpse and killing them; and not necessarily in that order
>le driller is le perv
Found the "Free thinker"
all 4 dwarves are perverts, just diffreant type. Engi is the closet type that will never admit it but is into bondage, scout is a furry, gunner is unironically bottom and driller does whatever he feels like in given moment.
>I eat cocks for breakfast
I mean....
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I don't know what to think about conductive thermals
I paired it with cryo minelets zhukov and I guess it wasn't that bad? I still lost the mission because the other 3 guys were absolute fucking mouthbreathing retards and sooner or later you will get hit by a stray mactera shot when trying to revive them for 15th time
>armor break on an explosive weapon
why? you're not going for directs, and the missiles are super slow otherwise
it's unironically terrible
the only use case is for eliminations so gunners can set up volatile bullets on dreads, but then you're depriving yourself of supercooling chamber or weakness exploit m1000
About to get in the game for the first time, is there a class or some specify build that is super useful for the team but no one wants to play it?
I also would like to ask for any common rookie mistakes I could avoid as a new player
>is there a class or some specify build that is super useful for the team but no one wants to play it?
Scout who uses his flare gun
>1 ammo mod
>mag size mod
>1 duration mod

>I also would like to ask for any common rookie mistakes I could avoid as a new player
Being a scout who doesn't use his flare gun
Being a scout who thinks he's doomguy 2016 just because he has a grapple and a sawn-off
Being a scout who thinks he's john rambo because he has an assault rifle

On a more serious note, all classes are useful, but they become infinitely more useful when you learn how to use your auxiliary tools optimally
Driller's drills - clear obstacles to make arenas flat, connect nearby caves for shortcuts, make ramps leading from high ground to low ground or vice/versa if there's no quick path up/down
>Engi: platform under minerals for scout, soften landings off high ledges, make bridges, make staircases, etc. Do not ever make vertical stacks of them, it's always better to connect them horizontally off of something nearby. Also for your sentry gun, don't take the mk.ii turret, gemini is better. Quickbuild is better than 90 more ammo. Armor break/stun is personal preference. Hawkeye is dogshit, defender is king
>Gunner's bubble shield is a panic button for PREVENTING people going down, not a band-aid for reviving them. Holy shit if you don't learn anything else, learn this
>Scout's flare gun
Finally, all the stock guns are solid, as are the classes, but if you want to blow through leveling one character for a promotion so you can do deep dives and whatnot for overlocks, play engi, he's very strong and can do everyone else's job
There are only 4 classes, and there isn't a traditional "support" role. There's not an easy "pick this to be useful" in this game, it's more about knowing how and when to best use your tools.
I'll give you a tip for each class:
Gunner - Use your shield proactively instead of just to revive teammates, even if it's just to prevent yourself from going down, your team can still take advantage of its protection if they're anywhere nearby.
Engineer - Build a turret before any bugs show up if you're going to be working in an area for a while, don't forget to recall it as you leave (hold reload to recall turrets)
Driller - Check the terrain scanner (map) frequently during downtime and dig shortcut tunnels between caves for your team, they can especially be helpful at the end of the mission by giving the MULE a shorter path to the drop pod.
Scout - Use your flare gun to light up every big room and whenever there's a swarm incoming, your team will appreciate the added visibility. Focus your fire on high-threat targets as your guns aren't as good against large groups.
>I also would like to ask for any common rookie mistakes I could avoid as a new player
scout is a support, not a frontliner
big bugs are resistant to explosives, so don't waste c4 or grenades or grenade launcher rounds on them
ziplines are slower than every other class' mobility tool, they're only useful for camping on
don't use fire on brood nexus if someone's freezing it
if you're a scout, mine high minerals first, your team can mine the floor height ones
don't mine the same vein as someone else, you're just getting in the way
learn to throw big minerals like jadiz and enorpearls, walking them to molly or the deposit point is slow as shit and throwing them is 100x faster
It can be really fun if you have friends to play with or any of the cavemen in randoms actually speaks in chat but I'd rather just have the M1000 in literally any scenario
Freeze bullying them is better
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Will elephant rounds bulldog with both damage upgrades and the crit damage upgrade oneshot a praet in the ass on critical weakness? Assuming 4player haz 5, no other modifiers. Asking for a friend. That friend is me.
you can do that with conduc therm
you probably don't even need both dmg upgrades
calc it nerd
>over 1 month since season 5's release
>still no fix for glyphids missing footstep sounds
You should be happy they didn't forget to give us enough scrips for the 3rd season in a row.
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>scout marks for death hz5p4 bet-c
>I'm using THE MOLE
they can probably fix that with one line of code
the problem is it probably breaks half the other stuff in the game lmfao
skill/positioning/game awareness/hazard issue
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smells like rotting flesh
Getting tired of those greybeards joining my lobby and acting like prima donnas, getting pissy that I don't give them Molly when they run ahead because they're so used to rushing the objective and ignore everything that's not nitra. I don't care you're good at the game and have legend 100 rank and will finish the mission with 0 downs. We're chilling in the caves and mining everything because we still need the gold and minerals. If you're gonna be a bitch about it then get out.
guarantee they're not running ahead, you're just slow
mining that 0.007 pixel of gold isn't gaining anyone anything, you're just wasting everyone's time, most importantly your own
>We're chilling in the caves
so you're just slow gotcha
>cloaked stalkers don't set off proximity mines
Why do these danish retards make nonsensical bullshit decisions like these?
>nooo, why won't my autoweapons kill ALL the enemies for me?!?!
Why do engi-mains start to cry the second they're expected to play the game without their automatic weapons solving their problems for them?
>the motion sensor shouldn't detect motion because... it just shouldn't!!!!
It wouldn't even actually be good against them, you fucking retard. They would need to get hit by all 4 blasts to actually die to a proxy nade.
>so you're just slow gotcha
so you're sloppy gotcha

Your assumption happens to be correct. Yes, I'm not the fastest. I'm still working on spatial awareness in non-linear caves that all look the same. But I'm also thorough. It takes me a minute or two longer to comb through the room, but I frequently find mineral veins that others have missed.

>you're just wasting everyone's time, most importantly your own
Only if you value machine events, cargo crates etc. over minerals - and even then, I'd wager it's at most only a few minutes per mission. If you can't afford that then I don't want to play with you.
It’s not a motion sensor, or else dwarves would trigger them too
>literally none of the autoaim weapons will target a cloaked stalker but i need to get mad about 1 specific one
Have you tried taking it out of its cloak?
Shooting his gun himself? Son, we're talking about an engi player here.
Even with a fully autoaim loadout he still has some options
>LOK's dumbfire mode
>literally any of the secondaries
>any accidental damage caused by AoE or blowthrough
>the fucking laser pointer
If you hear the bastard you need to open your eyes and look around instead of standing around with a thumb up your ass waiting to get gaped by surprise bugseggs
It makes sense that those are unable to target cloaked stalkers because they clearly use visible light/imaging, so of course they won't work against the "invisible" enemy.
The proxy nades very obviously use some other detection method, which is why they still explode even if its view is obstructed (like being buried underneath platforms). IIRC proximity trigger PGL still works on cloaked stalkers, so why would proximity mines not?
Because its not processing-efficient to try to use direct line of sight detection for what is effectively a sphere. Meanwhile for others its a simple matter of 2 known points and a direction. Its a 3D game with space that can get complicated due to the destructible terrain. And the devs decided that the stalker being invisible should interact with all auto-targeting systems with deliberate intent to exclude some but not all for no other reason than them wanting it to be that way. So sentries, shredders, Steeve, BetC, Lok, and proxies don't pay attention to it unless its uncloaked, but proximity trigger, blowthrough rounds, ricochet bullets, minelayer and minelets still function.
The point of the stalker is that its sneaky. They made a deliberate attempt to make sure it can sneak past things that think on behalf of the player, but they allowed accidental and incidental hits caused by you taking the initiative and acting with purpose
Tough shit. Theres your explanation.
Thx doc
Put something like "not speed playing here" in your lobby title, optimizers will join less
>but they allowed accidental and incidental hits caused by you taking the initiative and acting with purpose
And you don't think proximity mines fall into this category, why exactly?
Because it doesn't require aiming. All weapons that target it require you to shoot towards its general direction at the same. Prox mines would just automatically counter it for a long time woth no further player input.
Proximity mines require you to either accurately predict the path it's going to take, or deliberately make a repellent platform set up- hardly fire and forget that immediately trivializes it.
You're acting like it would treat the thing like a lure.
Oh dang, I didn't realise you optimally (not counting cheating) want to progress all seasons simultaneously. They all get their each independent set of season challenges.
>predicting pathing is so difficult
They go in straight fucking lines unless there is a shorter path.
Proxy mines are throw and forget. You leave them where they are and they do damage for you when bugs eventually walk into them, much like the sentry turrets (hawkeye doesn't exist)
You can watch a path that a proxy mine is on, but in no circumstance has that proxy mine been "aimed" to hit a specific bug.
If you want your proxy to hit a stalker, either make it walk into the mine at the same time as a non-stealthed bug, make it drop its cloak to attack you while in mine range, damage it so it drops its cloak to escape, or ping it so it both drops its cloak and makes a beeline towards you in a fit of tardrage
The devs made a decision to make it stealth past proxy mines. End of story.
you bitching and moaning about it here of all places won't accomplish anything. Here where your skill issue won't ever conceivably reach their ears unless some redditor takes a screenshot of your bawwing to laugh at your haz2 incompetence.
So proxies would be OP against stalkers because you first have to see exactly where they are, then throw the grenade in their path at the right distance so they would still trigger it but not catch you or any teammates in the blast... but taking less time and effort to just shoot/ping it instead isn't. Got it, do you have any other wisdom for me, GSG dicksucker?
You would be wise to not resort to strawman fallacies when you get called an incompetent boob. You're only doubling down on how wrong you are.
Do yourself a favor, close the tab and don't come back until you've promoted at least once and then clear your first deep dive so you can confidently say you've passed the tutorial.
Only addressing the actual gameplay of your retarded cope is strawmanning? Sorry I glanced over the actual crux of your pathetic defense which boils down to "GSG decided that's the way it is, so stop bullying them :("
Nowhere was it stated that proxies would suddenly become OP for the stalker matchup. Those are words you fabricated.
Meanwhile you've spent the past couple hours bitching about how you have to click on a bug in a videogame like they have a personal vendetta against your lazy playstyle
The designers designed stalker this way specifically to spite players who are like you: deaf and retarded. A photocopy of them flipping the bird will be mailed to your address once you're done smearing yourself with shit waiting for your mother to wipe you down on your behalf.
Oh god, fuck that. DRG is a game, not a job.
This game needs gay dwarves that french kiss.
>Prox mines would just automatically counter it for a long time woth no further player input.
Yep, supposedly hard countering something with minimal input is NOT being overpowered against it.
GSG can never ever make bad balance decisions, so stop complaining!
Post a video of you trying to plant a proxy mine in the path of a stalker that you definitely saw coming down a wall towards you such that it arms before it can walk over it.
Prove that you dont fire and forget.
Why? That's the situation (You) made up to ""prove"' it would be overpowered against them.
Placing them randomly and hoping that it goes over them by complete chance makes them worse against it, obviously.
You're the one that thinks they're literally worthless because this 1 (ONE) enemy doesn't get instagibbed while you're busy masturbating to BET-C crushing your pelvis while you do your best dead fish impression.
The horror of having to actually play the videogame instead of letting it play itself.
>accept a friend request because why not
>guy is a greenbeard
>almost constantly playing DRG while I'm on computer
>recent play time almost 200 hours
>play DRG
>he sends an invite
>don't know how to confirm that in Steam due to not usually playing multiplayer games with "friends"
>accidentally send him half a dozen invites instead
>get too shameful for my boomer-tier ineptitude, close game
>still want to play DRG, but too embarrassed to open the game while that guy is still playing
>the guy is always playing
just go play with him anon you will probably have fun and forget about your earlier mishap and you might even get a new friend
I don't know how
>message him "hey, wanna play together?" or similar
>he responds either yes or no
>if he's hosting, right click on his name in your steam friends list, should be a button called "join game" or similar
>press it
>if it doesn't work, try booting up drg and doing it from the spacerig
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>another mission where other players are not constantly looking for more stuff to mine
It's a simple concept. You're a miner. The core of the game is right clicking on the wall, seeing big numbers on the summary screen and admiring your hoard on the space rig. The bugs are just an obstacle to that.
>other players must play the way i want them to play
please stop
no thanks, rockclicking is literally the worst aspect of the game
>The core of the game is right clicking on the wall
>The bugs are just an obstacle to that.
If you really think this just go play on haz 1 so that you can mine in peace.
>Only if [you're a normal functional human being]
Yeah I know this already, now hurry the fuck up so we can do this omen tower and deposit the 3 enor pearls down here already. We don't need another 46 nitra on top of the 230 we already have on this 3/3 mining mission, we're not going to run out of ammo.
proxy mines are fire and forget weapons, deal with it
completed season 5 already without any cheating, think im done with this game for a few months atleast
>he doesn't master the supplypod tech
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>get banned from a lobby after completing a mission, since I complimented the guy who hit the button instead of helping mine out an entire crassus detonator crater, and pointed out doing so was right because playing the game is objectively more fun than clicking on yellow for 5 minutes for 200 credits
>I was the one who hit the button
lmao get fucked kick puncher, you can't unlaunch the pod
driller issue
agreed, he wasn't even using his bombs
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Greybeard here. 2000+ hours. I've already mined everything and am 150m ahead of you because you're a greenbeard shitter that doesn't keep track of what the team is doing or is capable of choosing and adhering to a role. I know you're just wandering around aimlessly in a cleared cavern because you're an NPC fuck that is cruising totally on autopilot and have managed to get lost in the first fucking cavern because you lack any basic spatial awareness or even short-term memory for geography. 10,000 years ago retards like you were dying to the stupidest most avoidable shit imaginable while the rest of the tribe laughed, but 10,000 years of your empty headed serf genes being coddled by soft tyrant run civilization has allowed your worthless genes to proliferate and spread.

No, you don't need to sit there for 2 minutes waiting for Molly to trudge back to you so you can deposit that 9 gold you found, totally fucking up the momentum of the rest of the group. Yes, if you're behind everyone else and you call a resupply you may as well take two because I'm not running back and I'm doubling up by taking yours next time. No, you won't notice me do it and will stand there seething not knowing who to blame because I'm sneakier, smarter, and more skilled than you.

I'm doing the objective, I've already mined the minerals, keep the fuck up shitter. If you can't stomach efficient quick mission based gameplay go play some Redditor console walking simulators.
Is there a mod where it outputs someone's name to chat if they double dip a pod? I don't want to prevent it entirely because there are tons of legitimate reasons to double dip. Maybe it's a two man mission or you're doing caretaker and you have your own personal resup, etc. but it would be nice to know when the level 19 retard greenbeard has taken a second dip for health with full ammo.
Based, I do the same 0 fucks yoloooo
do you know why these people would rather sit still next to a mineral and call molly all the way back up repeatedly to deposit it instead of just chucking it downhill to the next cave where everyone else is
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Thanks anons, having fun solo in the caves while I get used to the game, I may try the multiplayer when I get better at mining faster if I ever stop dying to fall damage like a fucking retard
silly cretin, you could've bridged off the closest ice spike to the black rock, then made a jumpable staircase up
keep at it dawg, and don't be afraid to join some haz3s
Don't be overly anxious about joining missions as the other guy said, up to haz3, an experienced player should be able to completely solo the mission while dragging 3 useless players. Trust me when I say that as long as you do not do one of these two things, no one will notice how bad you are playing:
>Do not double dip off resupplies unless you are VERY SURE you have permission
>Do not start anything (events, drop pod), let someone else do it
Even if you go down 17 times but don't do these two things, no one will care. Guaranteed.
if you type "ready?" and no one responds for 10 seconds, you're free to push whatever buttons you want
>he types ready
I was ready in my mind
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>typing ready instead of using your laser pointer to mark the objective and expecting everyone to understand
that time has passed
once 1.0 dropped you started seeing tourists who needed half a dozen written confirmations to be able to do anything instead of everyone being on the same wavelength
Don't be afraid to play with others! Once you learn the ropes you should hop right into multiplayer. DRG has an overwhelmingly friendly and positive community and no one will care if you fuck up. In fact, part of what makes DRG fun is when things start to go wrong and become total chaos.
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Your kind beelines it to the next compressed dirt that I've marked with a waypoint when we entered the room and think you're hot shit for going fast. With faggots like you around, I see the side corridors not even revealed on the automap because you're too blind from old age to see the entrances.

Sometimes you lazy asses don't even bother looking around in the dark at ground level if there's no scout or no light. You don't use your spare platforms and ziplines for mining so that scout has less janny work to do and can go back to providing light for the team faster. At worst your "choosing and adhering to a role" means you're the retard gunner ignoring minerals to rush objectives, leaving everyone else to do the menial work for you. Then you'll brag about it on /drg/, posting inane shit like "Why yes, I exclusively click bugs and not rocks, how could you tell?" with a picture of a gigachad.

On elim with 3 rooms and 2 dreads, you'll ignore the third room, resources and goodies be damned. You'll miss side rooms in aquarq and refining. You'll AFK at the drillevator when there are unexplored rooms and no threat of further swarms. You tunnel vision on getting out and starting that next double XP mission as fast as possible so you can keep pumping up your vanity ranks. Your ADHD ass can't even stand checking the final room on morkite, which usually has the most goodies, if we got the required morkite early.

You're not impressing anyone. I, too, can jump around, kiting bugs while ignoring mining which leaves you vulnerable to attacks. You just specialized in one aspect of the game to the exclusion of the other. Your pathetic 150 minerals mined tells me the whole story.

On nonlinear missions in particular, I as the host get the mule. Pay attention and follow me, shitter, because if you get your dumb 2000+ hrs played self killed while separated from others, you'll quit out of embarrassment.
now kiss faggots
>compressed dirt that I've marked with a waypoint when we entered the room
wow what a gamer
If you both linked up you’d be an unstoppable and immovable force
>You don't use your spare platforms and ziplines for mining so that scout has less janny work to do and can go back to providing light for the team faster
what is this shitter excuse? when it gets dark, press 4, move mouse forward, press m1. it takes one second
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Gentlemen, we've found it. For the first time ever in our long careers as miners, behold: a genuine Haz1 post.
not the worst
tranny hair ruins it
le donald drumpf xddd
the head looks cool
>he has second to spare
Based Haz3 enjoyer
post you're dorf right now kiddo
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bad taste
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You missed a few
learn how to quote, tourist
these aren't upvotes
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you stole my fit!
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there's no good armor to pair with the dragon mask baka
Thanks for the upvote, kind stranger!
how do you know if a gunner player is actually good?
proactive shield use
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Guess I'm playing Gunner.
>builds his guns to compliment one another and actually uses both instead of running dry unevenly (also include grenade usage but thats lower priority). If he uses NTP he is reliant on it making up for his lack of ability
>knows when to concede space to the advancing swarm and when to hold ground without being overwhelmed
>uses shields to prevent damage and downs for the team (such as when holding space or taking new space), rather than only for revives
>places ziplines that are convenient in ways that aren't just for obvious chasms and cliffs. Also if he hangs out on ziplines during combat for anything longer than riding it from one side to the other he is 100% a shitter
Those first 2 are for all classes really, but gunner is a lot more reliant on it since he doesn't have terrain manipulation beyond his pickaxe
>hangs out on ziplines during combat for anything longer than riding it from one side to the other he is 100% a shitter
More like you are 100% wrong. Zipline camping has many advantages, for example the ability to bait all mactera to one location.
let me guess you think good players use bunkers
>you could've
I know, but I paid for 36 platforms and I'm gonna use the 36 platforms
Just kidding, I was fooling around when the mission was already over
>double dip
Yeah, I noticed the supply drop only has 4 slots so it's one for every player in a full lobby, there is always red sugar laying around so there is no reason to double dip unless there are less than 4 players in the lobby
>Don't be afraid to play with others!
I'm autistic as fuck but I'm gonna try, even if I'm really bad at least I can be useful by mining and being a bait for the bugs
Do any gunners actually do this? The first time I ever used my shield generator proactively rather than to safely revive a teammate was at the sight of a mactera swarm after the entire team getting raped by them in the game prior. I struggle to think of a time when I would use a zipline to compel their AI to focus on me, because I usually keep at least one shield use on me between resupplies. I just shield and focus fire.
its only viable option against the new crawler enemies, they can't hit you on the ziplines and other enemies don't spawn. Crawlers are fast, hit hard, considerbly tanky, often there is a lot of them and top it all off you can't dodge their attacks as they are faster than you and follow you so can't dodge them like the stingtails either
>its only viable option against the new crawler enemies
It isn't. It's the most convenient one but you can do other things to deal with them.
shield goes down as soon as (you) start to feel threatened, places zips into pits so team can occupy new low ground spaces quickly
cryo works
I think there is actually a dodge pattern you can use, kind of like a 90 degree zig zag when they cut off your path after leaping
Using the zipline to pull projectile aggro doesn't take that long. You absolutely shouldn't be staying on the zip for long enough to get hit by a mactera or spitter firing squad unless youre low enough to disengage the connection without suffering fall damage.
Once a projectile enemy is locked onto you they won't be swapping targets, a second or two is all it takes, which is well within the time frame that i had specified.
Literally the only time zip camping can be considered acceptable is for you to recharge your shield during special swarms that otherwise cant touch you like all swarmers or all grunts.
Using them to explicitly become intangible to their pathing is cheese, no different from bunkerfags. If youre doing it frequently, its because you care about winning by any means than you do about fun, which means you're not good enough to win without it.
chinese are crazy
Wouldn't work for me as I shoot on the move
cool but who asked?
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>Minelayer System and Cluster Charges are very effective at stunning and killing crawlers.
>Rotary Overdrive with Agressive Venting
>The Coil Gun's fear is very effective at keeping you safe.
>The LOK-1 is very effective at killing them, especially Executioner and Smart Trigger OS for their fast lock-on time.
>Turret EM Discharge can keep you safe and allow you to kite them.
Because of how fast they are, if you dont crowd control them they just kill you. But if you happened to bring the right loadout, the fight will be easy. Even without cheesing it.

oh and of course, Scout can zip away
yeah but they keep you safe, not your team, and they are reliant on builds. A zipline can keep your team safe regardless what weapons you use and also allow to focus just on the stone since driller can c4 the stone from above, saving everyone ammo. Dealing with crawlers without zipline is possible, I admit that now but I do stand by the fact zipline cheese against the crawlers is most reliable option
Damn, that looks insane. Faraway veins, especially when facing them head-on, are very difficult for me to eyeball. Looks like it's designed for just that use case. Thanks for sharing.
the fags just surround you, you can't possibly shoot everything in a 360 degree radius
Cryo with Crystal nucleation works so well it’s almost as easy as zipcheesing
Why worry so much about going fast if you already have all OCs? Genuinely asking
Not true, there's tons of options that work just fine against them on the difficulty they are actually balanced and designed for (haz2)
effectively grouping them is absolutely possible. Any way to create an aoe you can stand in is pretty much a slam dunk since they almost always come with a useful cc effect. Engineers have the obvious stuff, conductive bullets, EM Discharge, Spinning Death. Gunners can take a cluster shower, jack off on their zipline, just overall not die. Drillers can just coat the entire area with any primary giving slow/fear. Scouts can just pheromone or kite through an IFG with some cold bolts.
I didn't ask
>Zipline camping has many advantages, for example the ability to bait all mactera to one location.
except it doesn't
if the mactera are aggro'd on your teammate 20 meters away they're not gonna change aggro to you until your teammate drags them to within your aggro distance
>Drillers can just coat the entire area with any primary giving slow
>Scouts can just pheromone or kite through an IFG with some cold bolts.
>t. haz2 enjoyer
The slows don't actually impede their movement by a meaningful margin, or their ability to jump at all, and the crawlers were buffed to be less affected by cryo.
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Every time I see one of those I can't help but laugh, I remember learning about them when I used to watch Animal Planet
>equating death trap bunkers with occasional zipline camping
lol, lmao even
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I have enough to buy it but how useful it is compared to the stock shotgun? I am scared of "wasting resources" I may need to invest in something else in the future.
Grindy games with extremely tight metas ruined my virtual investment decision making.
I just did a no cheese, no gunner, haz 5 core stone, and it was way easier than I expected. Two engineers, a scout, and a driller, no cryo or electric platforms, just LUREs, proximity mines, turrets, sticky flames, and a resupply
I think now that the event has been around for a while and I have a better idea of how the core spawn move, it’s really not as bad as I remember
The room layout does play a huge role
it kinda suckmaxxes without overclocks ngl. but you are also not really gonna have money problems as you play more. dont forget to buy all the armor upgrades for extra hp.
>calling bunkers death traps when they're safer than 90% of ziplines
lol, lmao even
There is no "tight meta" in drg, autists who imagine themselves to be comp gamers just think there is. SMG is fine if you're bored of shotgun, but takes a little getting used to and feels kinda meh in comparison since the dmg is subata-tier and the DoT effect tickles things. Best build for no OCs imo is something like
>bonus electric dmg
>electric chain
Love it, main gun I use on engi. People shit on it but after using it the gun grew on me. The electrocution debuff isn't about doing a shit ton of damage, it's about the crowd control. It slows bugs down so you can shoot them in the face/ass better

The more rate of fire you put on it the more you're better off just using the shotgun
Idk to be honnest. You probably play on haz 4 or 3, way too low bug density to get something out the electric cc build...

Just take the two damages up, they are very strong, better than the warthfag shitgun.
you can also feel free to filter ultra buttman, he doesn't have anything useful to say 9 times out of 10
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>Your kind beelines it to the next compressed dirt that I've marked with a waypoint when we entered the room

We don't beeline anywhere, because we know running into unexplored caverns is a death sentence. Don't worry, after the leeches and spitters have fucked and bukkaked you out because you ran into the middle of a new room we'll pick you up.

>Sometimes you lazy asses don't even bother looking around in the dark at ground level if there's no scout or no light. You don't use your spare platforms and ziplines for mining so that scout has less janny work to do and can go back to providing light for the team faster.

t. Doesn't know what greybeard means. We see everything, we've cleared everything, all while you're still stumbling around. We play our roles and have helped the team so hard no one even noticed because things went so smooth

>On elim with 3 rooms and 2 dreads, you'll ignore the third room, resources and goodies be damned. You'll miss side rooms in aquarq and refining. You'll AFK at the drillevator when there are unexplored rooms and no threat of further swarms. You tunnel vision on getting out and starting that next double XP mission as fast as possible so you can keep pumping up your vanity ranks.

Hazlet behavior displayed only by Bronze/Silver/Gold kiddies. Triple Red 45+ all classes, and we still clear the whole map because that's the fun. If we didn't want to do that we wouldn't sink hundreds of hours into the game

>You're not impressing anyone.

Every 1 of 3 games some greenbeard is fawning over me lmao

>I, too, can jump around, kiting bugs while ignoring mining which leaves you vulnerable to attacks.

X to doubt

>On nonlinear missions in particular, I as the host get the mule.

No. And faggot behavior means you get to lay down longer when you have inevitably die for the 10+ time.

>Pay attention and follow me, shitter

Sorry, no. I saw the leech. I will laser you and rock and stone while it makes you a Japanese schoolgirl though
I've been theorycrafting good CRISPR builds because I never use it. Is 22221 with Fuel Stream Diffuser okay? I wanted a kind of well-rounded build with decent sticky flames and easy setup for comboing with temp shock CWC.
I mean, technically it can do anything, but it won't excel. I'd use maybe the same thing with compact feed valves, you only need that extra 7 meters for like sniper turrets.
Yeah, I use 23221 with FSD.
It has the same ammo and sticky flame duration as 23232 Sticky Fuel, with greater reach and tank size.
Lower fuel flow rate is actually an upside when it comes to maximising the ammo economy of Heat Radiance, and it's basically not a downside at all for the sticky flame playstyle.
It should be mentioned that Sticky Fuel has the added bonus of greater sticky flame dmg and slowdown(?)
Yeah, it does (on average) 40 dps instead of the usual 30. No extra slow.
I chopped off the second half of my first post because I was rambling, and left out some key info.
You guys are so embarrassing. You’re not navy seals
90% of bunkers are some bronze2 driller sitting inside one alone during the swarm wondering why everyone else prefers to have fun fighting the bugs outside
Holy cope.

Sit down. Listen. Be humble.
post lobby doe
because they're so safe
>he's never seen a proper h5x8 bunker
because no one plays a meme difficulty like that?
Dwarfs who choose safety over freedom deserve neither
If you camped on a zipline or dug a hole in the ground, you did not beat the mission.
Utility for me. I always strive to make all his builds as generalist as possible? When im making a build I always make sure I can deal with any threat. Bulks, dreads, robots, normal swarms, mactera swarms, praetorian swarms, swarmer swarms, unique like tyrant weed and omen tower bosses, spitters 30 meter on the ceiling. My builds don't have to be best at one thing but a swiss army with a solution to every threat.
I got the rewards, you can't take them from me
I don't get mortar
sure you can twoshot grunts and slashers but you're forced to take fear in t5 so you don't even get to fully benefit from your aoe output
and don't get me started on the ammo
I'll stick to carpet where I don't have to let go of LMB until everything is dead
for me the worst thing is FF
carpet bomber does no FF damage but with mortar rounds you become FF machine
>you're forced to take fear in t5
nuh uh
>you're forced to take fear in t5
Lmao even
try playing on haz5 :)
>you're forced to take fear in t5
I take damage resistance at max RoF and don't take any RoF upgrades and it just werks for me on Haz5. You only need like three shots for it to trigger and it helps a lot with nearby enemies and self damage.
I don’t take fear. I don’t want feared enemies to spread out. I want to lead them in predictable pathing where I can group them up.
you first :)
Fear is the only reason to ever take any autocannon, it's the one and only advantage it has over the hurricane
>game about dwarves
>not allowed to dig holes
besides mag size, ammo, firerate, damage, FF, hitscan, efficiency, etc...
>mag size, ammo, damage
Needs all that because of its utterly crap damage
How is having less direct damage, less AOE damage and less AOE radius an advantage???
>FF, hitscan
AC's accuracy is fucking shit, unlike hurricane which is borderline impossible to miss
Against green swarmers and absolutely nothing else, sure
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people still play this shit game?
>retard faggots advance into new parts of the cave full of enemies and a bet-c while the swarm warning goes off
>as expected they get btfo
>take my time killing the swarm while pulling back
wait dead until I revive you, retard faggots
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uhh. I just encountered a new youtube channel with a guy being a vtuber except he's a dwarf avatar and talks about games, films and books and whether or not a self respecting dwarf should engage in them or are they another leaf lover propaganda bullshit. And yes, he plays deep rock galactic
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>bronze 3 gunner joins my More Enemies 2 salvage operation
>bolts it out of the pod and straight towards compacted dirt
>probably watched that one video about how gunner is actually the fastest class
>didn't even look around the starting room
>we take a moment to examine the room
>not even 30 seconds later
>bronze 3 gunner is down!
>10 seconds later
>bronze 3 gunner has left the game.
>he died at the entrance to the first room
>that one video about how gunner is actually the fastest class
there is plausible reason to believe that the class is faster in some ways than others under certain circumstances, there's no fucking way anyone actually thinks this is the case in general.
oh shid habbening :--DDD
>mining the mining rig
what's shit about this game?
>needs damage because of its utterly crap damage
esls lmao
I gotta see that video, post it lol
how did I know lol
Any slow just multiplies your ability to kite, you still need to know how to kite. It's not a stun. Git gud
How do they multiply your ability to kite if they don't slow by any meaningful margin
You can kite just as effectively without the slow, so you might as well opt for dmg instead
If the slow is not enough you deserve to lose. Turn your haz down and practice
>You can kite just as effectively without the slow, so you might as well opt for dmg instead
lrn2read shitter
so i promoted my first class, what do i do now
What Anti aliasing settings do you guys use in this game?
TAA doesn't look half bad in this game
Maybe I should just set stuff in nvidia control panel
Promote all classes at least once
Get all armor mods for each class for extra HP
Unlock all weapons and OCs
Kill ze bugz
I know you don't actually play the game but for everyone else, if you read my initial post you'll notice you don't actually have to sacrifice damage for any of the things I mentioned.
Try joining a deep dive, not an EDD yet though
I don't, AA looks like shit in all its forms and I don't want my screen to be blurry
Jaggies are sovl
You're full of shit and a sore loser
>sore loser
An anon was having trouble with the Corespawn crawlers and I am not. I told them how to deal with them more effectively. The only one trying to win here is you. Stop being an autist and play the game.
Maybe if you dummies could understand what being a greybeard is you wouldn't get dunked on so hard with your made up seething cope posts.

Being a greybeard doesn't mean you're some leet 360 no scope speedrunning dervish glitching through seams in the terrain and finishing the objective in record time. Greybeards are players that:

>have basic awareness and memorization, they generally know what's going on at all times because they use ctrl and tab frequently and listen to verbal cues and read green text

>can aim and know how their weapons function

>understand this is a 3d game with destructible terrain and actually incorporate it into their gameplay

>think about what helps their team out: engineers that plat minerals even if the scout isn't going for them, Gunners that connect trit deposits with zips, scouts that call down resupplies at the cavern exit so no one misses it and doesn't have to run out of their way to restock, drillers that make short cuts

>picks a role, knows their capabilities, and plays to them

There are greenbeard Hazlet legendary 3x20 shitters with 1000 hours in game, and greybeard level 2/3 less than 2 hours total noobs who only took 4 games to understand the flow and are already dynamos. It's got nothing to do with time out in or shooting like you got hacks.
>guntard is so fast and op u guiz
>here watch my video of me playing it solo while bosco does all the work while I sweep bugs scaled to just one player to prove it
>checkmate scunts!
he's a scunt main so its even funnier
>get full lobby
>engi is a molly hog and keeps standing still while trying to call her over to his 2 extra morkite
>he's a sapphire II or whatever the blue rank is
>everyone else is depositing so she doesn't move
>run over, pick it up, run back to molly, deposit
>engi stands there indignantly before slow walking all the way over to molly to deposit
>next cave
>core stone, machine event
>he does the same exact thing
>kick him
>driller leaves in fear, or was his friend
>scout and I finish the rest of the mission in peace
>scout DC's during extract
this is why I don't bother hosting anymore
You finished the assignment. The shitters wasted their own time. What's the problem?
I use NVIDIA DLAA, which is a form of DLSS but without the upscaling. This is my first time using this technology and it looks nice. To be honest, this looks like the perfect use case for generative AI, making shit up to make the picture look smooth.

>Jaggies are sovl
They really aren't. Old 3D games did not use to suffer from this issue, the graphics back then were low poly but crisp. It was only after ca 2000 when the increase in graphics quality stopped being followed by fidelity.
Camaraderie between randos is kaput
My stranger friend was lost to the ether
How does one prevent the need for AA by using... fidelity?
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Will you join?
No? The lobby's clearly full
>not playing scout/engi first to complete all 3 in one mission for max satisfaction
Is ice spear good?
Yeah, it has no negatives if you don't use it, while being on the icethrower. Does grat damage. If you need damage in a pinch, youve got other tools. But if you wanna kill something with high HP or far away, this is good.
no, total meme build
focus on a build that helps you most of the time instead of just some time
Thanks for the input, time to grind out deep dives so I can get more overclocks. Green beard btw.
It's single target burst on a class that's not built for single target. I have it equipped and almost never get any mileage out of it. I sometimes try to squeeze it into a dreadnought I've just frozen for 1000+ damage, but the timing is very tight. Better than no overclock, I guess. Improved Thermal Efficiency barely does anything and other real options reduce your max ammo.
it's good for helping you deal with enemies that driller typically doesn't do amazingly against since he excels at clearing trash. There's nothing objectively wrong with wanting to be self-sufficient instead of doubling-down on what driller already does well at and hoping your team will take care of the things that you'll struggle with.
Take the rest of your loadout into consideration, as your choice of secondary and throwable can influence how effective any individual tool is.
Is this seriously what passes for "power metal nowadays"? What the fuck happened to this genre?
no surprise, power metal has always been gay as fuck
At least it used to be fun and the "power" bit stood for something (unless all you listen to is deathgrind). This is just the most anemic buttorck imaginable.
I’m not even the guy who made the first post, but calling yourself a graybeard and posting about how badass you are in a video game is just pathetic behavior dude
It's not about being good in a videogame, it's about not being bad in a videogame.
>tranime boy
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give me your fun builds for each class, now
Combat mobility
Special powder
Dunnl, every build has C4 and drills and those are pretty fun
sorry, I meant haz5 builds
aggresive venting drak + pheromone bolt/grenade for deleting an entire swarm before your team even sees it
hellfire on coilgun + max singel target damage primary with dmg oc of your choosing for the true ''ill kill anything with more legs than 2'' feel
chemical rounds on lok + overdrive booster shard diffractor for when you want that one praetorian 50 meters away on the ceiling gone before you can even blink
sludge pump with either dispenser or anti grav compound + gamma decontamination collete for when you want to turn praetorian swarm into praetorian soup at the fraction of the cost. And give every acid and web spitter in existance cancer.
Trifork boltshark, either pheromone bolts + IFG or taser bolts + pheromone grenades. I like BoM deepcore but I scout primary is a taste thing
Big Bertha thunderhead with t2 accuracy, hellfire coilgun
MPA warthog with turret whip, inferno breach/efficiency tweaks AoE diffractor, overdrive booster if it’s elimination. Grenade depends on mission, I always have more fun not using shredders
I am literally addicted to crystal nucleation, plus EPC because duh
>anti grav compound
Aren't tier 5 mods still bugged with this?
I'm pretty sure you've got AGP.
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how come we don't have a full black paintjob yet
I don't get the driller build, radiation damage isn't that good
because it's dlc
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do you take AB on bertha
which one? I have all but the helldivers one
dark future is as close as you're ever gonna get to a black paintjob
it's less dark than picrel
...and it doesn't have the gay red secondary color
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Was aiming for a mole look, too used to it now to change it. The glowing eyes keep earning me point-blank panic buckshot by my friends who think I'm a Mactera.
>bushy walrus folds the chestplate
look at how they massacred my boy
Absolutely, you don’t need that AoE buff and with armor break you can kill anything easily and pretty efficiently
so how should I build bertha? drum size, accuracy, direct dmg, armor break, fear?
>gunner danced under a nemesis for a solid 20 seconds shooting it
>not once did it attempt to grab him
Gives you a long distance projectile but it ain't worth it imo. I like free cryonades better.

ecr + hyperprop (w armor break), mpa (turret whip) + rj250 / plascrete

Mortar + the MOLE, the close range burning minigun OC + volatile bulldog, carpet bomber + six shooter / elephant rounds, jet fuel + hellfire

EFR m1k + double barrel, marked m1k + double barrel, ai engine + double barrel / gas recycling cuckovhs

Snowball + power supply microwave (any cryo setup with boyler ray), the +5mt range oc crispr + persistent plasma
All of those are playable on regular Haz5
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Loving how this game looks, I don't think I will get tired of it
any euro wanna play ? I remember you can link lobbies with this game
>5mt range oc crispr
>5 megatonne range
It's just "m" for metre, burger-kun.
>muh feature disabling cheats
Hell yeah, brother.
>effects -> low
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I look like this and say this
Try it out, take whichever 1st slot mod you feel like works in your playstyle; ammo if you’re running out of ammo, mag size of you find yourself getting caught reloading, damage otherwise
Fear isn’t recommended. Fear is great on normal autocannon because you’re planning on just firing in the general direction of a swarm; with big Bertha you want to actually hit your target, and so you don’t want them unpredictably running away. Take 1 or 3 in T5 depending on playstyle
BB is reloading all the time and has bad swarm clear and makes praets turn around, how would fear be bad when it covers the reload downtime and exposes asses
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I'm addicted to HE grenades again. These should have stayed multi-class. Cooking a grenade just right is peak gaming and I'm tired of pretending it's not
My nigger. I know axes better mesh together with driller's playstyle, but HE nades are just so much fun. Cooking a nade just right and getting the perfect angle into a cluster of grunts sending them all flying is so incredibly satisfying, I can't stop trying to do the most ridiculous trickshots just to get the dopamine hit of pulling it off. So simple, yet so much fun.
I don’t find myself having to reload in bad spots very often even on haz5+2, and when I do I have this thing called a “secondary weapon” that picks up the slack
You don’t need to make praets turn around, you have high damage and armor break.
>swarm clear is when AoE
Swarm clear is when you quickly and efficiently kill grunts. Big Bertha does that if you take accuracy mod. I bet you’re the kind of midwit YouTube-opinion player who thinks scout can’t clear swarms
On the whole, NTP fear autocannon is definitely better than big bertha but he didn’t ask for the most joylessly efficient meta build, he asked for fun and NTP is about as fun as doing your taxes
can't you just do that with c4?
>using c4 for damage
c4 is only for scouts
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Only real Drillers know what it's like to fearlessly dive into the howling dark with a belt of frags
>only get 4 max
>can't cook it
>can't do trickshots
>need it for more important things such as mandatory teammate morale improvement
It's good, but just not the same.
>can't do trickshots
Combine it with dash to give those pesky scouts a heart attack thinking they are in safe distance.
Would probably just end up improving my morale instead of my teammates'.
you say like its a bad thing.
I simply wish the fuse was faster, it takes too long to get the nade cooked in a pinch
>You don’t need to make praets turn around, you have high damage and armor break
yeah and I want to shoot their body or ass, not their legs that inherently take less damage, or still have their ass available for my secondary if my mag runs out before they die
>starts rambling about scout and NTP for no reason
you know what, just stop replying to me schizo
>ragekicking everyone because the hazlet enginigger double dipped in an already completed deep dive
holy autismo
how does the tempshock on cooker exactly work? no matter how high I mod the firerate it sometimes takes several seconds of shooting to trigger it
On every damage tick there's a 25% chance it will activate.
They should've reversed it with a short fuse that you could lengthen by holding throw.
is it that simple really? I don't believe it
>he doesn’t know how armor break works
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I'm new, hi.
I kind of enjoy this game's commitment to dwarfmaxxing when it comes to cosmetics. No anime girl skins, you will embrace the dwarf and you will like it.
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which servers do i join as a total newfag
Solo or Haz2 public
Ha4 if you're badass.
I wish I knew how to mod this game. I desire a certain functionality of a mod that I know for sure nobody will ever mod, and I'm too retarded to mod myself.
What is it you want to do?
2 things.
1. I want some sort of timer for grenades, mostly for boomerang, shreeder swarm, gas grenades etc Anything with a duration so as to know when the grenades effects have expeired
2. Less likely to ever be a thing but an ability to customize the lok's targeting system. I wish that I could customize how many loks, whether they can target one target or all, how many loks you can aquire per target, which enemies to target first and maybe more.
>tl;dr cheats
yeah, I figured as much
how is that cheating?
How is it not?
>have you played an FPS game before?
haz3 until you've upgraded your starting gear
>do you have a motor or mental disability or have never used a keyboard and mouse?
haz 1 or 2, depending on how severe your ineptitude is
most of the game's challenge is information and perception. At the start of your play experience you aren't going to know what enemies do what or how dangerous a situation would be. Also remember that the game has fully-destructible terrain, which is useful for problem solving. The rest is clicking on bugs, managing your ammo, and doing the objective.
>but what type of host should I join?
do not join hosts that name their lobby something like "gold or higher, no fatboy. Only host presses button" or other such faggotry, they are control freaks. If you join a server with a meme name or "greenbeards welcome" you'll probably do just fine because the hosts will typically only kick if someone is actively griefing or are repeatedly not paying attention to comms.
if at any point it feels too easy, crank up the difficulty. it makes enemies faster, they get slightly tankier, and friendly fire hurts more. All of which can be compensated for by paying attention and using your ears.
don't play solo, it will warp your idea of how the game actually plays. you want the full team experience.
>don't play solo, it will warp your idea of how the game actually plays
nta but I guess it's over for me now
one is quality of life and other is customization on how to use a gun which you still use exact same amount of ammo and deals same damage
You are removing intentional drawbacks, in place for balance reasons, to optimize your gameplay without the prerequisite skills and/or game knowledge. That's what cheats are.
it's never too late to play vidya with other people.
you don't even need to make friends for it, the entire game is communicated through grunts and pointing at things. literally just press V at someone and you've made a new best friend for the next 20 minutes, even if you never see him again.
not removing drawbacks but replacing, I just wanted the smrt upgrade for lok to be better and it lead me to this idea. Think about this way, if you can only lock onto 1 target at the time then you can't kill 2 grunts at the same time or deal with swarmers effectively anymore, that is just an example, here's another if you can only put certain amount of locks per enemy then you are worse off against bugs you want to burst down like spitters, menaces, stalkers, all macteras and probabaly more.
And you know what, even if they are a bit as you call it ''cheaty'' they are not game breaking and main goal is to make the game fun, those 2 mods and those 2 mods would make it funt to play for me.
Oh please, stop pretending like you want anything besides making ECR and Exec even better than they already are, because that's the only thing your shitty idea would do
and why is that a bad thing? You can't deny it would make those two even more fun no? But I bet that it could help make other OCs more fun too.
>join room
>dwarves twerking at the bar
lmao never gets old
A timer for the grenades wouldn’t be too hard, it would just be a matter of figurin out how you want to communicate the information. Flashing a symbol that indicates that all the enemies hit by a stun sweeer are now unstunned would be pretty easy
The second one would have to be a sandbox unverified mod
>equips ECR
>mods gun into only placing 3 locks on any target
>ECR becomes even easier and more powerful to use
you're free to do whatever you want in regards to modding of course, but don't deny that this would just be straight up cheating
Don’t care

I’m still using Hoverclock and Special Powder
don't forget fall damage inexplicably multiplying based on hazard level, even though the gravity stays the same
it's not that serious
you're trying to reason with a troll
Idk. I just pepper all of those faggots with neurotoxin and they scatter like bitches.
>not being pro-cheats is trolling
The real answer is: any one you feel like, but you should read server descriptions.
If you strive for a challenge, hazard 4 is usually your stopping point until you get upgrades for all tiers of your class's weapons and equipment. Don't feel pressured to get into hazard 5 lobbies - there's a noticeable power gap between a default dwarf and one with the best weapon overclocks, so you may struggle where they seemingly breeze through. And hazard 5+ is designed to be as difficult as possible on maximum modifiers, so I recommend you avoid those until you're comfortable with haz5 and know what you're doing, and only dip your toes in at the start by gradually increasing the different modifiers to learn what they play like.
Difficulty levels are deliberately unnamed and their perception is subjective, but it in my biased opinion, it may be helpful to think of those as follows:
>hazard 1 - very easy
>hazard 2 - easy
>hazard 3 - medium
>hazard 4 - hard
>hazard 5 - very hard
>hazard 5+ - challenge

That's it really. Most servers are chill with friendly people. Hosts can kick other players, but in my experience they're usually pretty patient and won't do anything unless you're actively being disruptive. Most have the common sense to look at your dwarf's promotion status (experience level) and adjust their expectations accordingly, and the kindest ones may even try to show you the ropes.
>Difficulty levels are deliberately unnamed
Okay, I meant: they're deliberately given vague names like "low risk", "dangerous", "extreme", you get the idea. So that they're open to interpretation.
>End up going down in public lobby solely because my teammates won't let me deposit the aquarock in the fucking mule because they keep calling it seven years away so I can't drop it and come to them
What do you mean? Is that a mark of shame to pay for those instead of using an unlocker?
he probably meant the green aquarq, or the yellow aquarq, or the pink aquarq, or perhaps even the round or cube aquarq.
Why do randoms quit my games so often? I host most of the time instead of joining, usually haz5 and above, and I get usually at least one quitter per game. I try to be a nice host and trust people's sound judgment, and let them play as fast as they want and ignore as many minerals as they want, and press buttons without asking, and I don't kick people.

Is that because I'm on WiFi? I joined some games to test and there's this weird quirk that flares come out 1 second after the button is pressed, but other than that the gameplay feels good, with no weird teleporting bugs, hang-ups with actions not immediately registering or stuttery movement. But I don't know how bad the packet loss is for others when I'm having 3 guests. The network stats tell me the latency jitter is 3 milliseconds for most guests. Can it be that bad?
It would be a hassle for me, because I'd have to drag a network cable across two rooms, but I guess that's one more thing I can do to help my dwarfbros be their best selves on my server...
There could be a myriad reasons why people quit, and I'm trying to figure out what that could be, besides the potentially shitty connection.
I don't use the shout mod as a host. I try to be a team player and keep up and stay close. I don't use voice chat and communicate primarily through V, X, the laser pointer, and C4.
Is this a difficulty thing? Usually people quit my game after they've died to the enemies. Especially if they got far away from the team, or if I'm the last man standing. That last case bothers me the most because my solo carry abilities are good and I'll generally save a mission if I have the ammo. Maybe people think we're cooked and leave preemptively, but I thought people on haz5 and above were chill about losing. Or maybe they're still figuring out haz5+ and decide they can't take the heat, I don't know. I don't make fun of them or laser point at them, I don't make it a big deal. Even if they're actively being a liability, I'll let the lads play and don't mention it.
It's just something I can't understand because I almost never leave a game I joined. Yes, I'm autistic.
>The second one would have to be a sandbox unverified mod
doesn't matter we have mint now
Pink Aquarq? Oh, that's rich!
I sleep
>aquarock: pink
I ping
No such thing
he said it
the shame is directly proportional to how recently the DLC was released
>Is that because I'm on WiFi?
holy shit yes, it's terrible. constant rubberbanding, teleporting, delayed or desynced actions, etc.
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>You must collect all the eggs.
>if you don't collect all the eggs you can't leave
>if you don't destroy all the eggs you don't get your reward
>if you don't crack open the eggs and kill the horrible monster inside you can't leave
W-why are you d-d-doing this?
>tfw no mission type where you have to kill a dreadnought's final form
You collect the female eggs and kill all of the male bugs. Wake up sheeple.
>mission control smiling smugly.jpg
because they're unkillable
it'd just be a hiveguard but with no weakpoints
for those missions they just nuke the area and call it a writeoff
compared to the Warthog it's less effective for reliably outright killing things, but it's electricity effect is VERY powerful (80% slow that even affects flying enemies, 25% default chance to apply on hit when it shoots very fast to begin with) which make it a great support weapon. it's also surprisingly good at range with the recoil reduction mod, and the staccato weakpoint hit crunching noises that rapidly play as I'm unloading into grunts' heads from across a cavern makes me blast streams of cum with so much force it punches through the wall and saws my neighbour's furniture in half like an industrial fluid cutter

however, since it does weak damage, the optimal strategy for ammo conservation is to primarily use it for close-range personal defence while using it sparingly offensively, enough to finish off bugs but especially to apply the electrocution effect and reapply it when it wears off; while largely relying on your team for the actual damage. this isn't entirely necessary, though, and I really don't often find ammunition to be that much of an issue even when I'm just using it normally
>start playing
>pick scout because going fast
>keep unlocking new weapons
>nothing beats the default loadout
Deepcore my beloved
>he hasn't seen the light of the M1000 yet
we lost another one
Shoot some fucking flares, scunt!
Man, thank god I play alone
>random (low) chance after finishing an elimination
>the ground rumbles and shakes ominously
>mission control informs the dwarves that they have stirred something extremely big heading their way
>an enormous ultimate dreadnought tears through the rock like butter
>objective: survive
>MC says they're launching a contingency weapon from orbit
>an impact estimator indicator that covers the entire level shows up
>"I'm sending an emergency drop pod. Get your asses to the landing zone! Now!"
>a countdown appears
>Impact: 1:00
>the drop pod lingers for only 10 seconds before retreating, not even waiting for the M.U.L.E.
>those who don't make it in time get to watch their dwarves get nuked
Use Special Powder.

>just install bunnyhop and grabbing chea... I mean """mods""", bro
I’ve DC’d from several games recently, not sure if the issue is on my end for not. I was engineering on a haz5+ salvage that was barely scraping by, and someone suggested aborting and trying again, I said we’d be fine as long as we used the driller’s bunker, then disconnected so I’m sure they thought I was trolling
almost everyone's ISP has been shitting the bed ever since that technology collapse thing that was in the news
have a (You)
"Just about McFucking had it" kind of expression
you can just not pick something in T5, y'know?
>Is that because I'm on WiFi? I joined some games to test and there's this weird quirk that flares come out 1 second after the button is pressed,
that's called shit internet which is why randoms disconnect so much from your games
That's funny, because that's oddly specific. Just yesterday, I was hosting a haz5+ (more enemies, maybe also aggressive enemies) salvage with an engi who suggested that we restart after we ate shit upon entering the cave and I had to blow my IW to get people up. I was playing as a driller.
I had some people coming and going. The defeatist engi got downed and seemingly quit after I had reassured him everything was going to be okay, we just needed to gather some nitra. But then he came back claiming his game had crashed and stayed until the end, which was remarkable to me. Normally these people don't come back. There was also a clueless scunt who was ignoring my request to harvest nitra and was repairing minis when we had no resources for a resupply, so I kicked him. (I know, so much for my not kicking people, but I really try to give people a chance. Bad scouts are really frustrating to play with.) Maybe there were more people passing through, I don't remember.
I finished with two engis and a gunner in my team. It was a shitshow towards the end, and I was the sole survivor because I wasn't confident enough in my fire build and lack of IW to try and play a hero. I wonder if you played in my lobby. Though I guess you weren't there for the finale.
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>Is that because I'm on WiFi?
>There was also a clueless scunt who was ignoring my request to harvest nitra and was repairing minis when we had no resources for a resupply, so I kicked him.
repairing minimules gives you a fixed amount of nitra, I think it's either 40 or 60
That could be it, yes. A while ago, when playing with some friends, one of them got downed and left. I thought he ragequit and didn't think much of it. Then he comes back and says he got DC'd.
I hoped I had fixed it. Part of the shit internet was a faulty antenna which for whatever reason was introducing crazy amounts of latency jitter for all my guests, easily over 100ms, and getting as bad as 2+s (seconds). It was actually insane. I had people constantly complaining about lagging the fuck out.
I've recently replaced my adapter with another and the issue seemingly went away. The jitter is down to a stable 3ms in most cases now, and the pings look normal. That's why I'm so paranoid about people leaving now. I never know if it's a disconnect or not. I wish the game would tell me if my guests timed out or what.
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coral stone
>Repairing a M.U.L.E will reward the team with 40-60 Nitra and 40-60 Gold.
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>repairing mini-mules rewards resources
excuse me,

>mfw it's real
H... have I been the shitter all along?...
During a 3 hour session I invariably lose connection to a server at least 3-4 times, usually with no prior hiccups or issues. I assume it's just the host's connection being unstable and dropping random clients. Also hosts on shitty computers alt-tabbing often makes the game lag out something fierce, so please stop doing that if you are.
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Usually it's not really noticable since it's 50 old and Nitra, meaning you only get one full Restock even if you do 3 minis.
That combined with the fact you're gonna mine nitra yourself or just assume the team gets some, it really doesn't register.
Kill yourself
guarantee that shit overwrote 90% of all the bismor spawns
dumb silly idiot bastard bloody bitch benchode
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is there a way to hide rooms/servers from the list?
I just join whatever hz4> rooms I find but there are some lagger niggers playing on dial up that I've joined a few days/weeks before and I'd rather avoid joining just to quit immediately.
don't join it's full of racists
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>Soloing expert mission
>Things are going fine
>All of a sudden the swarms become nonstop, as soon as I finish one another comes
>Half way through a swarm I get an announcement for ANOTHER swarm
I don't remember these being this hard did they ramp these up or am I a shitter?
>In Point Extraction, big (announced) waves come at regular intervals; the smaller (unannounced and more frequent) enemy spawns increase in size and frequency - as time goes on. Since growing mini-waves take longer and longer to clear, the miners will have less and less breathing room between big swarms, eventually reaching a point of constant onslaught.
I never tested it but you can try to block them on steam and see if that does anything.
it seems it just makes them so they can't join your rooms, you still see them and can join them until they block you too kek

also why the fuck do I have to reload when the host leaves, why not just put you in offline mode fuck
I hate that unannounced "mini" waves are a thing when they're the size of announced waves, it just feels cheap. Not unfair, they're easily dealt with, it just seems like... really lazy?
Do you want mission control to alert you when he sees 4 bugs on the scanner?
I like them. They set PE apart from mining expedition, together with the non-linear cave design. They push you to mine really fast if you wanna get a lot of valuables and really pay attention to the cave layout and plan out your exploration ahead of time. They also force you if you're in a full team to keep a close eye on your gunner and driller, because if they both go down, then things can enter a death spiral fast.
They just seem less immersive
t. 2k hours
>CONTACT! 4... yes. Just 4 bugs crawling towards you. That is all. Good luck.
I like PE but solo it can really suck if you do fall behind. I know the answer is just “don’t fall behind” but if you can’t find that last aquarq you’re going to have spawn on your ass the whole time, which makes it even harder to search and dig it out
This week’s EDD is a good example. Soloed it and found 6/7 aquarqs before entering into the constant enemies phase and barely made it out
I bet they patch this shit real fast
bugs in gameplay be left unpatched for months/years
it's not hard to find aquarqs when playing solo. the same general principles apply as when playing on a team and if you don't check the map for side caves that's a failing of your use of your tools
you literally don't even need to dig them out, just have bosco do the menial labor while you SHOOT BUG.
>even more ways gunners can cheese the corestone
Gunnerchads... We are eating well.
>dwarfvtubers are a thing
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Ah yes, the ole' "concealed side room with 3 or 4 aquarqs stashed inside" prank. Classic. I know exactly what you're talking about.
I had that happen to me once as a solo driller. The Minehead landed at the bottom of what was essentially a huge hollow tube with some shelves up top. With no obvious path up, carving my way up was painful enough, and then dealing with the two mandatory Lithophage Spikes close to the ceiling took me forever. Around 20 minutes, and then another 20 frantically running around, thinking the cave generation was bugged and deciding to fight to the end. And then I eventually stumbled upon the entrance to the side cave, and had Bosco haul the last aquarq while I struggled with the last of my ammo to survive.
It was horrifying. But looking back, it was ludokino. One of my fondest DRG memories, and it didn't even involve other players.
It's less epic considering I had a Rich Atmosphere anomaly helping me keep my distance, and it was merely haz4.

That's the fun part. If you're bad at using the terrain scanner and wait too long to use it, you get to the point where there's hardly any time to even bring it up with constant swarms on your ass. But yeah, it's fundamentally our skill issue, you're right.
Let’s say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument that I’m out of ammo and can’t resupply safely even with the resupplier perk and need Bosco to cover me while I dig and it’s REZ so digging out a single aquarq takes 15 minutes
In general, people are, despite what this thread will have you think, relatively polite - I've often seen pubs apologize if they have to leave during a mission for whatever reason
Haz5+8 is bringing bunkers back
2024 is the year of slag
>guarantee that shit overwrote 90% of all the bismor spawns
Does this happen? I was playing a mineral mania egg mission in Dense Biozone that had a core stone event and I distinctly remember getting absolutely scammed on minerals. There was absolutely fuck all in that cave
shouldn't have let yourself get to that position in the first place. you'd be dead on the ground in a team setting too.
and in any case, you can have bosco dig out an aquarq while you kite for your life. you don't need ammo for bosco to do the work for you
50% damage reduction actually feels dank on h5
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>Tfw switching back to driller after playing gunner
God damn the cum cannon is such a good weapon
indeed it is. the huge splash radius of mortar rounds + the damage reduction means that shooting your own feet is a viable tactic in a pinch to get some breathing space
you didnt beat haz5+8
how's overcharger for the EPC, anyway? using TCF of course
Doesn't affect the TCF shock combo.
But is it worth the downsides? Does it make the explosion particularly powerful? Using energy rerouting right now, but want to try something new.
Overcharger does not affect the TCS explosion at all. It's still 240 damage with a 3m radius. It only affects the I exploded charge shot. Absolutely not worth.
*TCF *unexploded charged shot
>It only affects the unexploded charge shot.
That's so fucking lame. Thanks anyway.
Overcharger is only worth considering with burning nightmare. If you don't want to use energy rerouting you can switch to persistent plasma but beware, it's gonna mess with your TCF muscle memory.
Game is 100% playable with randoms as long as the lobby name isn't tryhard, even if you constantly faceplant usually most people don't care, none of this applies to EDD though since it's related to weapon unlock progression, people will get mad at wipes
I actually find the fuckhuge waves of unannounced grunts more immersive (particularly on non-PE missions), since they come in the midst of silence/ambience and their only warning is a shitload of unburrowing and maybe a few screeches, feels more organic
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>host haz 5
>lvl <50 shitters join
>take all the ammo and pop two dread eggs together
>disconnect after dying once
how do I avoid this issue? just write "GREENBEARDS GTFO"?
Nobody but the sweatiest of tryhards who will disconnect if you mine even a single unit of gold will join if you put requirements in your lobby name.
yes, absolutely
the same thing happens in hollow bough - I saw a cube of bismor embedded in a vine, got excited, mined it out, and immediately realized it was a 0.7 bismor shell with a 99.3 vine interior
it's why salt pits is unironically one of the best places to get bismor despite it being 'rare'
How is it more immersive when they would've been picked up on the scanners?

Tbqh clearing aquarqs in 45 minutes is much harder than clearing them in 8 minutes.
walking on leg stumps because you shot them is harder than walking on normal legs, yes, thank you.
Dreadfully sorry about my tone in these posts; I've forgotten to take my estrogen pills today (I'm trans btw) and so I was feeling slightly irritable. Many apologies, once again.
keep postin' , boy
>shitter host calls down two resupplies while we fight first dread
>takes 3 himself without asking/telling anyone
>other player asks who took their supply
>host remains silent
>thinks no one knows it was him
>doesn't know I'm always keeping eyes on other dwarves
>doesn't know nothing escapes the laser pointer
>decide to see if it's typical behavior and horde as many bolos as I can without depositing
>next dread fight
>he takes two more resupplies without saying anything
>quickly run to third egg and pop it and crack the core store event before I run off to the hardest to reach spot in the cave
>host is finally talking, freaking out about who is starting all this shit
>tell him he's got full ammo he's got it
>leave, dropping all my resources in the hardest to reach spot across the entire map

From A to D skippin B and C
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I don't understand those ''shitter'' games you people on this thread encounter so much. I got 2k hours and I rarely encounter any shitters, are they this common under haz 5 because I play primarly with randoms on haz 5 and 9/10 times the randoms I play with are competent and know what to do even without communication by being able to read the room. How many times I saw randoms wait until everyone gathered around to start event without any of us writing r in chat and zero backlash or problems regardless if I was the host or not. Or how often they order ressuplies not for themselves but for teammates as well, I find it common and quite pleasing on how before I even have the chance to see my ammo someone already ordered a ressuply in a good area for everyone to get it faster; and of course without saying a singel word. And they aren't some 1000+ level mega greybeards, many of them are barely level 100 and still have bronze borders.
No one's gonna post a play-by-play about how most of their games go well, they're gonna post about the one time it was notably bad
It takes a very kind of sad fucker to blogpost about coop games.
>salt pits is unironically one of the best places to get bismor despite it being 'rare'
Plus, either salt pits or crystalline caverns will always be available for the 4egg hunt/200 morkite newbie assignments, so you can just farm it back to back anytime. Not that anyone over lvl 100 should need to do that...
Dumb take. This is literally a DRG discussion thread. People here have hundreds of hours invested into this game. They enjoy it and have stories to tell.
>nobody above level 100 should need to farm minerals
I agree, but actually I checked recently. I've set out to purchase everything available in the game:
>weapon mods
>Bosco mods
>the store
>weapon OCs
>available matrix core cosmetics
>avoiding maining and promoting every class evenly to keep promotion costs low

Playing mainly on haz5, it took me until around level 270 to get there. That's gold 2 rank on every class. Only then do the credits and resources start rolling in with nothing to spend them on except new matrix core cosmetics and promotions, and you can afford to exchange the more abundant minerals like croppa/umanite for bismor or whatever.
This game has a lot of grind.
>Haz5 escort
>mix of random players
>nobody goes down
>we finish and carry dotty head to the pod
>leave lobby
I forgive you, UBM. We all have bad and good days. Let today be better than yesterday!

mhh ... is your steam name acronym is .. UB ?
>leave, dropping all my resources in the hardest to reach spot across the entire map
this is why you have special powder equipped as scout, it means you can get up to the top of the drop pod cave, dig into the wall and drop your resource bag there if you wanna pull shenanigans like this
the biggest scout middle finger i know is flying up there and spamming resupplies

that waiting to secretly sniping your teammates during swarms from as far away as possible
Least toxic scunts
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can't get me up there little digger
*click click BOOM*
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>Equip thorns and veteran depositor
>Build auto canon around rate of fire damage resist
>Sit on the mule
Yep it's brain dead time
>scout calls mule to the ceiling to deposit a jadiz instead of throwing it down to floor level
Ask engi to nuke the fucker. That'll teach him!
>DRG discussion thread
It's DRG multiplayer thread where you're meant to post lobbies and join lobbies you retarded fucker
No one gives a shit about your blogposts.
I and my 512 alternative accounts give a shit
uuuuuuh I played the game and this filthy greenbeard didn't know what to do it's just so huuuuuuuh I got the 'ick you dwarvettes feel me?
What, are you implying that these stories are made up? Lies, on 4channel.org?
You are literally on a board for discussion of multiplayer games. You absolute retard moron.
I give a shit about the blogposts.
Like I would ever want to play with you faggots and have to endure le based 4chan culture references. I read the blogposts and game discussion, get excited to play, then hop in the game with some randos, then write my own blogposts and game discussion. Simple. That's how it's always worked for me.
Every single goddamn time I interact with someone from this godforsaken website, they've been a worthless furfaggot
Few years ago, dreadnaughts bosses of all type would chase me until the end of corner. Twin, bombers, that three noses, ghost. Once they target me, they ignore others till I fall down. When I revived they will chase me. Those on forum reddit told me they have no bias. But hey, looky here they chasing me~. Hazard 5 I believe we ran out of ammo to kill the boss, please boss chase others why me, that was the 3 nose. Anyways I have no proof, but it was such an absurd moment. I used scout most of the time with the one shot primary and explosive twin secondary.
will there be another season or is this gay ass game done for?
Supposedly yes, though not until Rogue Core enters early access.
I expect new corespawn types that specifically counter zipline strats.
>scouting on dreadnought mission
>someone pops dreadnought early
>have to run around and mine nitra under fire
>roll the hiveguard, everyone is constantly low on ammo
>scrape out a win after I run to a different room to get enough for a reupply
>next cocoon also gets popped early
>whatever, at least its the vanilla dread
>win the battle
>immediately upon hitting the button the host's internet goes out and we all disconnect
Post some hate mail
Azure Weald is so goddamn pretty, I can spend hours mining there while being mesmerized by it's beauty
>be me
>haz 5+8 1/3 1/3 mining in salt pits
>other members of team are competent to leet at game
>every one does their job, driller making short cuts, gunner being proactive with shield, engi platforming minerals for me while I keep cave lit and get all the high up stuff
>everyone has proper builds and switches between their kit meaning our supplies deplete at the same rate and we're all synched for resupplies
>find all the morkite we need within 10 minutes, no events to find so we hit molly after the only swarm
>everyone reaches drop pod safely
>nobody went down
>team played a few more missions together
>got some some lootboxes and cores out of it
>everyone says GG before we leave

Riveting story, really worth posting
shocking that a swarm of baby rollers didn't rain on you from the ceiling and 1-shot everyone
>those games where you can do no wrong, nothing can down you and every dumb idea you have in the heat of the moment works out perfectly
5 secs of feeling accomplished, take a screenshot then move on
>those games where everything you do is wrong, you die to the dumbest shit and nothing you do works out
Session ruined, remember it forever
luv me mole
What class / loadout is easiest for Solo EDD? Not just this week, I mean in general.
probably some engislop like MPA warthog + overdrive shard diff with the aimbot shredders
I think MPA Warthog + Inferno Breach engi or stun Plasma Burster Missiles + fear Triple-Tech Chambers gunner. Those two are the strongest all-rounders in the game off the top of my head.
fucking subhuman monkeys genuinely playing solo
Sometimes real life obligations necessitate the on-demand pause button.
Sorry sweaty I don't have any frens. :^(
Redpill me on thunderhead OCs
Does big bertha compete with mortar up close?
I used carpet bomber and it was good... Until a guard or above popped up
mortar > bertha unless you want to hit something on the ceiling
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>Play by myself
>Comfy experience
>Play with randos
>One person does something insanely retarded at least once
>Most recently had the driller who was the fucking HOST drill all the way to the trilobite crate and activate all by himself only to immediately go down and fail the event for all of us and then proceed to complain
how do you know if a scout player is actually good?
If the caves are lit, nitra is stocked when you need it, and you aren't being pestered by projectile-shooting enemies
I can see more than 2 meters in front of me
There are only a handful of things necessary for a scout to be good enough
>team can see
>only takes his own share of ammo
Then there are things that separate good enough and great
>actually kills HVT and uses his entire loadout between resupplies
>gets minerals without needing prompting
>rations flares such that you'll only ever be in the dark when the room has already been cleared of threats, but can recognize spawn cues and lights things up accordingly
>has eyeballs and functional ears that can recognize the soft glow of secondaries and sounds of certain enemies even in the dark
>doesn't need to be peeled off the floor all the damn time
>Then there are things that separate good enough and great
To add to this:
>Knows how to use her mobility to kite large enemies away from the group
>knows when to go for clutch revives to turn a bad situation around, e.g. when to jump into a cluster of enemies to get gunner up so he can shield the rest of the team and get them up as well
>uses her grenades in a timely manner, especially cryo to instantly take out large groups of high priority enemies
>if necessary knows when to bounce out of a bad situation to make sure the mission succeeds
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All scouts are canonically female.
>she lives in denial of her own gender identity
It's current year sweaty, you can just be yourself!
Engineer = cis male
Driller = trans male
Scout = cis female
Gunner = trans female

My uncle works for Nintendo, and he told me that was canon btw
>haz5+ point extraction
>mission goes smoothly, complete secondary and an OMEN before second swarm
>launch minehead
>driller runs off for some reason and dies
>I go to revive him
>he’s on angled terrain, I wind up taking fall damage and dying too
>drop pod lands way the hell up off the ground
>gunner wastes two resupplies and IW trying to ZIPLINE UP TO THE DROP POD on haz5+
>gunner finally reads my message about how we need the driller to get us up there
>goes to rez, instantly dies
>engi flames in chat about “speed runners splitting up” even though the mission was already over
Some of the dumbest people play this game, I swear
engi was right
>throws the game
>blames everyone else
heh, that's real funny
He was right that the driller shouldn’t have run off on his own, but are you really saying you shouldn’t split up on PE?
not during extract, since that got everyone killed
today I will play ASS*

Active Stability System
So what does that have to do with speed running?
You don't even notice what a genuinely good scout does. Every cavern is just lit up. You aren't getting downed by high threat squishy enemies like Acid spitters or Trijaws. Objectives seem to be getting done super quick.
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holy shit solo EDDs are not fucking worth it, what a slog
Try playing a class/build that can actually kill shit instead of spending so long running away from grunt packs like a little bitch
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driller is probably the best overall class to do this since the pump spawning in a different cave below from the morkite well doesn't fuck you over as much
>mining gold in a deep dive
there was a golden lootbug + i point bosco to it whenever he's not doing anything useful
For me, it's Engineer. More variety in self-sufficient builds, drills are great, but platforms can get pretty much anywhere, too.
Played multiplayer for the first time, spilled a lot of spaghetti, fucked up the machine event since I had no idea what how it worked and I couldn't pay attention to mission control with 100 bugs trying to bite my ass, fortunately the other dudes were pretty chill, we played prop hunt at the station and then a few more missions right after
It was fun, might do it again if I manage to beat my social anxiety
I love to see people with what looks like the CS counterstrafing habit in different games.
Ignores shit at floor level that others can mine.
90% of retards fail this

Post the pissing pic kek
As long as you don't do stupid shit like popping multiple eggs (dread or otherwise) without asking first, nobody really cares what you do.
Just don't treat the mule like it's your own personal property or call down resupplies when only you need it (especially far away from the.group) and most players wgaf what you are doing. As long as you're not needlessly dragging out the mission or screwing with the ammo most players won't care if you're a shitter.
>Just don't treat the mule like it's your own personal property
You can tell who's a shitter who plays on those modded servers with personal mules, it's so fucking annoying. I usually just end up spamming C for a good minute or two so no one can have the mule if some asshole keeps calling it to deposit a singular nitra halfway across the map.
you tell me
Skill issue

When I pop multiple dreads people find it hilarious
>accidentally join server with personal minimules
>whatever, not a huge deal
>greenbeard join near the end, goes down during extraction and leaves
>minimules bugged, droppod stays closed for everyone else but host, we get to replay our favourite scene from Edgar Allan Poe
>get to see the 15 second failsafe firsthand for the first time
>join game
>host starts yapping on voice
>leave game
>she doesn’t mute voice chat
>gunner destroys platforms over OMEN maintenance pad
>immediately dies to radial pulse
Platform probably too high
please refer to >>1373605
Found the goonner
how do you even die to the OMEN radial pulse

just press spacebar
Usually moving through it to get out of the way of the burst gun, but as gunner you can just shield the pulse platform if it needs another cycle.
It absolutely was not, it was lower than the resupply we put on one of the others and we could shoot the weakpoints
it definitely was too low with that attitude
>engi-shitter failing the OMEN-prep
Many such cases
>unable to use anything but mortar rounds on gunner unless elimination or specific team composition requires it
it's just too much fun and too satisfying to use
I cant unequip mortar + mole + leadbursters
>host an escort duty mission
>lvl 1000+ driller and gunner join
>driller immediately starts predrilling and almost gets downed in the process
>gunner gets downed by exploders while inside his own shield
>none of them stay on top of doretta when it's moving and keep getting downed
Haz2 greybeards... I... kneel......
MC stopped paying attention to us around the 267th time we said mushroom
maybe they were drunk
Too low and radial/cutters can destroy them.
Why can't mission control land escape drop pod on our current location?
Cave is never dark, results are always available, hv targets are spotted quickly and cleared, dwarves struggling in a swarm are supported with cc and suppressing fire, wardens are targeted and die immediately

Just some off the top of my head
Shut the fuck up retard
Been there
>overly emotional response resorting to ad hominem
Yep, you're a woman. Remember to keep the caves lit, honey. And remember; scouting is a sisterhood <3
I know, yes. But it won’t collapse the whole structure if you build it off the wall behind instead of directly over the access panel. Which is what I did, and the gunner pickaxed a hole through it and then died
for the same reason he doesn't drop you in the final room where half the level's loot is
people are tired of standing on them and then needing to pickaxe them to actually be the right height
anongunner was probably just trying to stand on the pad though
He does. He drops it where ever I am, because I can tell when going through the level exactly where the drop pod will land and am always already there waiting for it while the greenbeards are still scratching their butts four caverns away.
MINTshitters are killing the game
funny way to spell whiners and devs
>t. can't beat haz 4 without disabling particle effects and ragdolls
but enough about you

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