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>bottom fragger is talking shit to enemy team as we are losing
>i say something to the effect of "why are you talking shit youre the worst one here"
>he says "aight bet" (niggerspeak of course) and starts hard griefing
>held hostage for 10-15 minutes or so
>games about to end and my 3 other teammates who are queued together and havent said anything to this point say i "deserve this loss" because i "made him grief"
>im flabbergasted and ask them what the fuck theyre talking about but they just give me the whole reddit fake nice response arsenal
>"i hope you become a better person", "im praying for you bruh" etc.

its just insanity to me that people get this nasty when theres nothing at stake idk discuss
Keep solo queueing and expecting good teammates who don't do shit like this. I can't keep a consistent team and I don't care about my rank so I'll usually dc the moment my teammates start acting like this.
>held hostage for 10-15 minutes
you can always leave anon
>be playing dota 2
>some guy starts hassling me for no reason
>calling me retarded because I didn't do whatever he ordered me to do
>start giving him a hard time, telling him to shut up, etc.
>his two friends report me and get me muted
every 20 games or so I get these weird toxic assholes who try to verbally abuse me and their buttbuddies report me when I talk back to them, mildly infuriating.
>"im praying for you bruh"
who the fuck talks like that? Not even those queers in the war thunder chat have done that to me, I've even called people niggerfaggots and haven't been reported.
>>bottom fragger is talking shit to enemy team as we are losing
dude, just let him cook. no joke, worst fragger shit talking the enemy team is valid strategy.
I used to do it all the time when I ws having a bad night.
Just shit talk the enemy team and play mindgames with the opponent team's best player(s).
I have managed to mind-fuck so many top players with my shit talking that they've ended up throwing just trying to focus kill me.
shit talking your own team tho, thats peak trash tier behavior.
Just mute em if you think youre going to lose it and if they start running their mouth at you, just mute em if you cant hold your tone.
And then report them at the end of the match.
But dont be gay and report your team mates for talking shit to the opponent... thats stupid af.
Imagine still unironically playing “competitive” games
>>"i hope you become a better person", "im praying for you bruh" etc.
that might be the most annoying shit someone can utter.
especially the praying for you

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