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This is a /vm/ server for my own personal fork of Adventurers of Akalabeth by Xork, which is a fork of Ruins & Riches (originally known as Odyssey) by Djeryv. The server has been running since March and has been enjoyed by several anons. This is far from a typical UO server because over the course of a decade Djeryv modified the game into an old school sandbox adventure experience designed for solo or small party play. It focuses heavily on exploration with new world maps filled with towns and dungeons, requiring players to find clues to navigate between worlds. The game lacks a central storyline, instead offering random quests and contracts from town quest boards, with hints provided by reading NPC dialogue. There is no wiki and information is much harder to come by than modern gamers are used to. Skills have been rebalanced for better utility, and crafters can open shops and receive contracts if they acquire a house. Resurrecting without paying a tribute reduces skill points, and dungeons are filled with brutal traps and dangerous portals. There's a lot of funny builds you can try out, depending on your character origin you can also get higher skill caps to expand possibilities.

To play, you can download the client here: https://mega.nz/file/uBZnSAbJ#_CTS4SqJ3j1YEbXGZ4kQQZrC84971d02QugFJc-98_U
Server IP (already in settings.json):
This includes TazUO (a fork of ClassicUO) and needed art files specific to this server, as well as Xork's player guide.

>stat gain every 10min
>vendors always buy rare items
>need LOS to see mobs
>player corpse bones persist for a year
>no hunger/thirst inside banks, inns or houses
>vendors have a chance to sell crafting resources (recently rebalanced to make higher tier items much more rare and expensive)
>can't sell bolts of cloth/balls of yarn to vendors
>all monster races start as evil
>spell damage increase cap 150%
>lower reagent cost cap 75%
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>strange portals don't have a return portal, as originally intended by Djeryv
>messages in a bottle can only be obtained from fishing, krakens, and leviathans
>quiver "damage modifier" property changed to a flat 10% except the Quiver of Rage which gets 15% (it had a miscalculation which made high DM quivers OP)
>town guards aren't immortal gods (they're still really tough)
>the chance for mobs to dispel your summons was lowered from a cap of 75% to 50%
>stealth detection formula reworked to better reward skill point investment
>necro guild rings were meant to give +10 Alchemy. now they do.
>challenging/hard/deadly dungeons are harder
>introduced cooldown for creatures that cast poisons using magic. you will see more varied spell use by caster mobs now.

Human characters can select THE CHARIOT at the Gypsy to play a soulbound character, which is permadeath with a twist. When you die your gear, stats and skills are lost, as well as your bank and houses. Your body rises as one of the undead and after resurrecting you respawn in a new body in a random location with a random template (Knight, Warrior, Bard etc) that is a bit better than a typical starting character. Soulbound characters don't get any benefit from item bonuses except for resists. Instead, you accumulate "soulforce" by killing mobs that award you fame, which can be used to permanently purchase item bonuses. They will be tied to the "Your Soul" item, which you double click to open the gump that allows you to spend soulforce. You will also have to spend soulforce to increase your soul's level to increase its capacity for these bonuses. Unspent soulforce and the "Your Soul" item follow you through death and re...possession.
neat. where is the server located?
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>There are many other different elements that you will have to discover on your own. If you enjoyed tales of Conan or Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. If you played older D&D games where characters were in constant danger. If you like older computer role-playing games and want to play something where you simply exist in a fantasy world, then go ahead and give this a try. It was designed to play many different types of character classes, instead of the common ones most people play. You can be a very effective adventurer being a necromancer, alchemist, bard, thief, or assassin. You will get the most out of this game if you try different professions and see how you can navigate the dangers with them. There are a ton of things to do so you just need to pick a path and go as the only goal of the game is what you set for yourself.
t. Djeryv

How difficult would it be to create custom character skins or edit the current ones?
never looked into it but was curious
Hardest part probably is the graphical part. Ultima reads sprite sheets without any issues.
Djeryv added a ton of sprites, including playable monster races, although equipment doesn't display on them.
The monster races aren't actual edits of the character model. They're essentially just disguise items that hold the racial bonuses.
>>introduced cooldown for creatures that cast poisons using magic. you will see more varied spell use by caster mobs now.
bro what? no more poison spam?
No more. The great thing is it doesn't necessarily make those mobs easier, since now you'll see them use very effective spells they rarely used before. It really makes the combat feel fresh.
Here's a big hint for new Odyssey players that didnt fully sink in with me for a while: TALK to as many NPCs as you can stomach, particularly if you're stuck on a quest. You'll learn clues (that may or may not be true) to the location of dungeons, magic items and even entirely new lands. Also, random townsfolk can provide a service like free repair and lockpicking, as well as have special items for sale, but you'll never know unless you TALK to them.
How do I talk to them? is it like everquest where I need to type out "Have you heard of the high elves?" and they reply ?
No, you just click the TALK option in the context menu. You can't request specific information.
They also talk about that sort of stuff in the background, like in the cities and taverns, some of it is gibberish, some of it is valuable information.
Where can I find/download the latest updates of this server?
The OP. If you were playing before the new thread and you already had the server gumpart and art files you're still good. For the thread I just packaged them with the latest TazUO. Do you just want those art files?
No, not the client, I mean in case I wanna host
AoA: https://xorkstower.blogspot.com/?m=1
Base RnR: https://ruinsandriches.neocities.org/
I want to play with serious players not former WoW and XIV sissies. Eve Online tolerable.
Thank you mate
I made a soulbound character yesterday. I'll keep updating my blog here. Just a reminder, if you don't play soulbound, you're a giga faggot.
spoonfeed me about soulbound and why should play this server or UO in 2024?
>spoonfeed me about soulbound and why should play this server or UO in 2024?
soulbound is a gamemode where you are basically a soul that jumps from body to body, that's a hardcore mode where your character has random skills, and you get soulforce by killing enemies. As a soulbound, the only way you have to get armor is from soulforce. Armor doesn't give you shit. It's a hardcore mode for hardcore people.
As for why you should play this in 2024? Well, every single mmoRPG post 2012 sucks cock, there is not a single MMORPG that i would enjoy to play on this year. Hmmm... you also can say nigger without having the whole reddit ghetto to ban and dox you.
Based. No one has made a serious attempt at soulbound yet. Lemme know of any bugs or issues you have.
soulbound is actually easier than vanilla
and neither are remotely difficult
>soulbound is actually easier than vanilla
you get to pick your bonuses so you are easily get all of the things important to your character instead of RNGing into them
you don't have to worry about any of the countless things that delete your equipment because none of your power comes from it
>you don't have to worry about any of the countless things that delete your equipment
fair. What would you propose to make the soulbound path harder? a soul power penalty on death?
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You know what's really important to your character? Skills and stats, which you lose on death. Also, acquiring soulforce becomes harder the more you have. See pic related.
>soul power penalty on death?
This already exists. Once you reach a certain level of power you have a chance to lose bonuses on death.
i know exactly how it works, doesn't change what I said in the slightest
Except that you're wrong. Soulbound is much harder.
>guy that doesn't know anything about the game and makes random changes
>somehow knows more than the person that has played for years and actually done basically everything in the game multiple times
Yeah, I do. You're wrong.
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Yeah faggot, now answer, how would you make it harder?
He's talking out of his ass. I've actually played SB on Adventures and it is quite challenging and that's with some crutches you don't get here.
you haven't paid my consulting fee
>>guy that doesn't know anything about the game and makes random changes
idk his changes seem p pointed and good. archers were retarded because of OP quivers and anyone could save up for a boat and pretty quickly have a retarded amount of artifacts.
>idk his changes seem p pointed and good.
This. Most changes made the game more interesting to play. I hate meta gamers so much.
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ill try this, what are the peak hours usually? and is there a forum/irc/discord chat group for this server?
>what are the peak hours usually?
There are none.
>and is there a forum/irc/discord chat group for this server?
>what are the peak hours usually?
Like that anon said, there really aren't any. We only have a few active players rn, but that's fine because Djeryv designed this primarily as a single player game that can be played with a group of friends on the same server. To accommodate such extremely low pop servers, there are global shared instances for the bank, inns/taverns, crafter basements and some guild halls. If you're in the Underworld and someone else is in Britain, you can both enter your nearest bank and be in the same bank together.
It's best to think of this server as more of a shared single player experience than as an MMO. Houses are permanent, player corpse bones persist for a year, the Town Crier reports the deeds and gossip regarding other players, so you get some flavor in addition to what the game itself has to offer. For me, it's pretty cool to be exploring a dungeon and see the bones of a player I've never even heard of, who probably died there months ago. And when there are other players around, well that's just gravy. Plus you can use the thread to ask for help, trade and petition crafters.
>is there a forum/irc/discord chat group for this server?
No and there never will be. The thread is enough out of game communication.
Thread theme https://youtu.be/Ci3qirYbrQA?t=587&si=YAWglS44ZVWTi61x
I can sell the body parts and bones for 152 again.
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Invasion update, when?
Not for a while.
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Post your UI
Holyshit that's clean, can you share? please sir, do the needful.
If you're using TazUO (you should be), you can get the gumps here: https://github.com/NewYears1978/Fiddle-Me-This
It looks like shit in my laptop screen.
Sadly, some stats in the stat gump don't show correctly.
I played on outlands as my first experience with the game and within seconds of stepping out of the city I got killed and robbed of the few items I had. Wasn't very fun. Any other populated servers out there?
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The physical and magical columns don't work because the TazUO XMLGump code is using the servuo identifiers for those properties. So I trimmed it to remove the stuff that doesn't work.
The png goes in ExternalImages\gumps and the xml goes in Data\XmlGumps
>Wasn't very fun. Any other populated servers out there?
No idea, AoA (This server) is a completely different game with a single player feeling to it.
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Finding that first artifact feels so good.
I think it's funny the retards who play today are the lamest boomers around thinking jank shitter wizard pvp is what the game was about while macroing multiple characters.
I played as a kid back in the day when macros weren't known among normal players and it was all about the adventure, my first GM was from simply playing the game and it was in swordsmanship.
That's how I like to remember it, those early years up to about 2001, anything after that and celebrated today is just faggot boomers who never grew up or got gud at actual skill based games.
>That's how I like to remember it, those early years up to about 2001, anything after that and celebrated today is just faggot boomers who never grew up or got gud at actual skill based games.
Agree, meta players are cancer.
Fixed a bug from the AoA Blacksmith update that added a double avoidance check for traps, even completely breaking some of them (notably stone face traps).
So I was noticing some random stuttering that was really annoying and it turns out Razor can cause that. Switched to Classic Assist and no more stuttering.
I think the next thing I'm going to do is clean up some of the grammar in the NPC dialogue, particularly the Town Crier. It's driving me nuts.
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Damn Was, you died a lot in the pyramid.
Those nigger spiders have lethal poison on hit.
Yes, the spiders were annoying, but i also died because i just had to attack that summoner near the pentagram.
>Made a fugitive to roleplay as a nigger.
>No one plays so i can't just nigg anyone.
I can play, finally, now i can just raid cities, right, admin?
Yep, you can try.
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Aw yeah nigga we movin on up. I was about to do the typical hobo in a tent start, but a giant hawk that I killed to test out a new weapon dropped a grand treasure chest tmap. Got me a 130 point artifact maul and enough gold for a proper house.
Is there a way to change the font on the bottom of the paper doll? Installed the UI pack and the font is black and really hard to see.
On the TazUO discord search for fonts.mul and download it from the post that comes up.
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I accidently hit a good fellow after doing the final hit on some wyvern and making a wall mount. Thinking nothing of it, I walk straight into town and dying by the guard instantly. I lost a shitload of items. At least I still have the wall mount, so I can always reminisce about how retarded I am.
You got one shot from full HP? What's your str?
44, i had 90hp and he did 140 damage if i remember right.
what are your defense stats?
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Physical 47
Fire 29
Cold 44
Poison 28
Energy 28

I know i have basic bitch gear.
game seems fun, how tough is this to get into?
It can take a while to know how stuff works. There is info you should read in help tab. You can buy books and scrolls ingame that tells you how stuff works like alchemy or being a wood cutter, but also a lot "basic" knowledge stuff is in books or from npc's telling you.
The part customize UI part was useful in this video.

You have to use some macros with the razor program that opens up when playing. So you can use shortcuts to use items like a bladed weapon on an apple tree to get apples. Instead of having to click the blade over and over again if you want to use it a bunch of times. Also bind skills like hide to shortcuts.
Everything else is just exploring and a lot of running away from monsters.

Shopkeepers only accept gold, you can convert silver,copper and some other stuff at the bank into gold.
Revive at healers/shrines so you don't lose stats and there is a "find corpse" button in the help menu.

I never played any ultima game before this, but i think it's fun.
how do i delete my character and start again since I died with no idea how to combat
ty for the info.
Just delete it and start over again, lol.
you can die after logging out??
If you log out in non-safe areas (house, bank etc) your character stays in the game for like 10 minutes.
>If you log out in non-safe areas (house, bank etc)
I worded this wrong. House, bank etc are safe areas that you can log out of instantly. Everywhere else it takes time for your character to time out.
You guys see the ultima legends blunder?
Why did they think putting in all that work for a new official UO experience but keeping the dogshit 5 FPS old client was a good?
literally so out of touch, but the whole npc conversation thing is legit them trying to ripoff rags to riches 100%
Yeah idgi. I think the premise is actually pretty interesting, although far from a classic UO experience. It's more like a new Ultima RPG. In fact I think they were right to not just release an official T2A server and call it a day. People have been playing T2A and every other era on freeshards for nearly 2 decades. What they're offering is something unique. I really like the twist of skill gain coming from quests. Less macroing and more adventuring. Even the alternate universe lore is pretty cool and the changing seasons too. Unfortunately it's all ruined by the terrible client.
Yeah I agree but I'm just surprised they didn't utilize the classicUO client when just about everyone who plays the game even on retail has switched to it.
Which unironically their new patch has now fucked classicUO from working on retail.
I couldn't make it work in Ruins and Riches. My profile doesn't save those custom gumps, so i have to set them again every time i restart.
You have to ctrl+click them in the menu bar for them to open on login. You'll have to reposition them every time unless you set the position in the XML file.
Does anyone have a recall scroll they can give/sell to me? I still haven't found one and I just want the damn spell already.
I will be online in about 8 hour or so, I can give you any magery spell. I do still get on from time to time, but I am currently playing in single player with Xork's freshest update too. Remember you can always talk in global chat with typing"[c" before your sentence. Also, help->Chat menu can show current online players.
thanks, I needed this, someone tried talking to me
Alright, I left the scrolls in the donation box.
The dona box clears every 10 minutes or so.
Thanks, got mine, but yeah the donation box wipes every 24 hours so the others your left in there won't last long.
Anyone can donate me some alien skins?
Can anyone tell me the benefits of mastering certain skills? is the official UO wiki accurate for this?
Hello, some of the pets are bugged, they don-t do nothing. So far, the bugged pets are Dreadhorn and blue dragon (maybe all dragons).
Read everything in the HELP gump on your paperdoll.
Correction: Nate has yet to slay the nigger inside of him and didn't realize he dipped below the Taming required to control some of his pets.
>Nate has yet to slay the nigger inside of him
I'll just kill myself once i finish killing every nigger.
Is something like blacksmithing even worth doing on this version of UO?
blacksmithing is always worth for the dwarven metal gear and gear enchantment.
anyone knows how to use exotic skins? i can't find a single clue, and i dont want to check the source code for it.
You are looking for the fabled Enchanted Pass.
Search for some clues(there are) and you can find out where to find it.
Oh... i think that i went there and killed everyone there.
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I dug up a chest, but after luring these guys away, i still couldn't open it, not even with my skeleton key. I guess there exists a master skeleton key, but no clue how to get it. I don't think leveling up lock picking is a realistic goal either.
Any tips?
Are you online? i can lend you my master key
anyways master keys are often sold by mariners and thieves.
Admin, can you modify all the NPCs that sells reagents and herbs so they sell a good amount please? it's kinda odd that they sell less stocks of mats than the other guys.
Also, can you make it possible to add your other characters as house co owners?
Pretty sure you can.
>Pretty sure you can.
how :o?
Don't forget visiting my humble shop, NW of Montor!
Tinker shoppe is bugged, it doesn't let me put tinker tools on it.
Also, how many shoppes can i have per house?
Double click on property sign, security, add co-owner, target the character you want to add.
Don't worry, it looks like every character in the account share housing by default (thanks god).

Anyways, tinker shoppe is bugged. I cant feed it tinkering tools.
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Big friendly guy.
where's that?
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I don't actually know where i was. The arrow points to the door that leads to the guardian and the moongate towards home.
Ah, that's the dungeon of exodus. Thanks, dude, ill get there again.
new legacy has a beta this weekend
going to try it out
It looks like trash, they didn't even fix the client, lol.
no its worse
you used to be able to use 3rd party clients and they disabled them like a week ago
LOL! I saw this pop up on reddit. Apparently Owyn from Outlands is some photographer from new york. All of the people he banned will surely have some fun with that info.

Imagine working with women all day. That would drive any man crazy.
That same guy came into Xork's server yesterday and posted this. Weird.
I see he hit a few other discords too and some reddits. Fucking funny. Poor owyn. Oh well. It is public record from dudes link.
Been playing before my night shifts the last few days. Neat server! Been mostly exploring and delving easy dungeons with a bushido swordsman, and spellcasters have been kicking my ass. I only played official UO for a month or so, and private servers for a few months over the years, but this has been pretty fun.
Probably going to try making a blacksmith soon.
>Probably going to try making a blacksmith soon.
Crafters are pretty boosted in this server.
Isnt he making bank off UOoutlands?
for some reason boomers love "donation" shop rewards on private servers.
Yeah he probably makes more off Outlands than EA does the official servers
surprised EA hasnt crushed him yet
Not that it would matter if they piss off the fan base, most people playing on Pservers have been doing so for over a decade so them getting pissy wouldn't matter.
This is the first UO thread I've seen besides short lived ones I started myself on /vr/. I will check out your server
Well I died on soulbound and didn't get my "soul" back on respawn. came back as a hiding/stealth guy which is cool. There's no cooldown between hiding and stealthing and you get unlimited stealth steps. Dropped my 1k gold onto an npc to learn swords and he took the whole stack. Fantastic.
Anyone know what the seafaring skill does?
>Well I died on soulbound and didn't get my "soul" back on respawn
If you're using grid containers and logged out while you were a ghost, you have to close and reopen the container to see any ensouled/blessed items again.
Good to know. I logged out several times while paralyzed in front of the ankh waiting for rez
>Anyone know what the seafaring skill does
It turns you into a guy that rescues ship wrecks for a living.
I found a dungeon you can own as a house for 1.5 mil. Guess I have a goal, money wise.
They look cool i guess, but with that money you could build a whole city of unique houses instead.
I mean, those dungeons take up about a small city worth of space too, so it's all on the aesthetic I guess.
Ok dude, i just lost all my gear because time lord is hostile to criminals and he 1 shooted me for 4k dmg. GG
I'm soft locked. Never make a criminal dudes, the game really sucks cock if you go for the criminal path, it should be an option even. It cuts content, and makes the game bullshit.
lmao even
Can you pick up your stuff after drinking a invulnerability potion?
I just kited that fucker. It's all ok now.
Is there a way to duel/fight other players without getting flagged as a criminal?
I dont think so.
Crafting would be so comfy if you could sell your creations without having to click 29385439485 times, and if the game auto detected your other crafting tools instead of having to switch to other crafting shit each time your current tool wears out.
I know in the real game guildies had the option to spar, is that in this version at all?
Better yet does this version even have guild stones?
If I can get this running on mobile uo I'll keep playing
What's the port number for the shard?
It's not going to work I guess. Shame because osi and outlands no longer work and this would be a great pocket shard
I just found out you can decorate outside your home and the lawn tool has hundreds of decor items, pretty cool.
I've always thought it was odd that uo has basically zero presence on 4chan. You'd think we'd have a racist outlands guild or something
can i play as a cool niggromancer mage??
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It's pretty cheap, like 100-200 gold per small plant/tile
4chan is full of zoomers and normies since 2016
Thats a cool af garden, Anon.
yes, you can
based landscaper anon
holy kino
What combination of skills give the Archmage title?
gm magery i think. There's a book called titles of the masters.
haven't seen a fren...
I hello, Nate Higgers here, i don't have time to play :'c
I've seen some NPCs talking about you!
And that's all...
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Holy shit custom houses cost a lot. It's 500 gold for a single floor tile. What the hell, I already spend 61k for the plot.
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Erasma had quite the subsaharian look.
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This dude stole my necromancy spell book and just teleported out of bounds. Luckily leaving and entering again brought him back.
is that.. the stygian abyss deadly difficulty dung?
Uh the dungeon below the castle?
>Uh the dungeon below the castle?
nvm, young grasshopper.
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I made it a bit bigger.
based terraformer.
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2 1 drop on stenoma
2 1 drop
I died in some deep shit cave and because i just had to carry all my 11 invulnerability potions i have no proper way to get back. On the way over i already had to use one to get past a dozen of these aids ridden spiders.

It's the pyramid all over again, but worse.
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I probably should just head home and prepare instead.
I got out, but with a 10% exp reduction.
Dude, that's a poison themed dungeon? Is that the spider cave in savaged empire? you sure have balls, i hate poison critters and i would evade them on purpose always i can.
No sorry, it's just lodoria, i have only unlocked that one and the Isles of dread at the moment. It's Dungeon Covetous, north of the greensky portal. I was just killing harpies hoping the golden feathers would drop. The cave kept going deeper i just got too curious.
based spelunker
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just playing the classics
weird gooner behavior
holy sovl overload.
How do you set your EQ up like that? still a large window but the playfield is black boardred so you can put your bags etc there
I want that
holy shit
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There is probably a more sensible way to start sailing in the Isles of dread, but i build a home and placed a public docking lantern near the main portal.
You need aladin's carpet. Is basically a boat without the dock limitation.
ultima newfag here
do i need a uo account to play on frens of akalabeth
Afaik you can just enter account infos on the login screen and that should create one.
Holyshit, i never realized how horrifying playing the game without custom lights is.
Yeah it's way better with the natural light level plus dark nights enabled imo.
thanks, anon
Bludgeoned my way through Umbra's dungeon since I didn't have any spells at the beginning. Found where to buy some a few rooms in, but honestly my bludgeon skill was so low that I melee'd my way through just so I could level it.
How did you make these changes? I want to edit stuff to fuck around with in a solo server for myself, but I didn't see any toolkit or whatever in the files, just the settings for things like stat gains/skillcaps/whether elephants spawn or not.
You have to edit the code to change anything beyond the server settings. Chatgpt is helpful in understanding it if you're not a coder.
Umbra is really comfy.
kino, I gotta try this server soon
We are here, just in the dark.
A friend of mine got banned for using a disguise kit to change his name to Nate Haggers.

I'm gonna try this server out but Outlands is the most fun I think I've ever had playing UO. And it just keeps growing, def worth a shot. People pitching about too many PKs are just trammies. Not hard to avoid them at all, join a good guild or run tracking, and or learn to fight.

I have a thief, lockpicker, and a dexxer/boater. Mad fun
Why doesn't Outlands work? I run it on Ubuntu fine
the game is insanely boring and a early sandbox game
most of the novelty from back in the day no longer existence due to meta knowledge and every faggot who play these games in current year cheating via macroing skills over night
I love UO but it's just not a good game compared to what you can play now or revisit, it's literally a auto attack simulator mixed with cookie clicker tier gameplay for everything else
What the hell are you doing here then?
morbid curiosity
>wake up in a cave
>wander out of it through a portal
>run away from a very pissed off golem
>manage to find a town
>immediately arrested on sight because rat
>lose gold and waterskin, still keep knife and bag of food
>escape the jail through tunnel made in wall, end up in forest
>die and end up losing knife + food because there's a shit load of enemies
>end up reviving more than once thanks to nearby healers
>leg it to a tower nearby to hopefully hide from enemies
>they're still charging towards me
>rush to the top and find a book and an orb
>book tooltip says "click on the orb to teleport" or some shit like that
>don't hesitate and teleport into Skara Brae
>search everything/everywhere i can, find a poster alleging to le ebil wizard keeping the town bewitched
>only way out is to (maybe) fight this guy?
>enter cellar behind tavern
>get nuked as soon as i enter the dungeon part of it
>decide to train hiding, stealth, and fist fighting
>many deaths later
>finally dip in and out of the dungeon without dying or alerting enemies
>finally have a weapon and some gold
what happens next? find out next time on rat tales(tm)
There are only 2 guys who ever managed to escape skara brae with brand new characters. It's basically a puzzle endgame area.
comfy adventure, anon, experiencing skara brae for the first time is really a magical experience.
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wow, thats huge
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Is there a way I can change the magery of this artifact to elementalism? Almost out of Skara and every little boost would be helpful.
Anyways where are you now? care to describe the stage? Skara is long af.
Went through the blue tower which is how I got the artifact. I think I missed a silver shape only thing left to really do is get that then kill the big bad then I'm out.
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Escaped Skara with a mostly new character that only went through the umbra catacombs once and died doing that. Elementalist is definitely a good class for Skara with easy access to vendor bought summons, healing/poison curing, and no need for reagents it lets you go directly into the first dungeon without any real gear as long as you spam your spells a bit before going in. Only died three times: twice to chest traps really early on and once after realizing I needed to say a password to use one of the 'things' and getting paralyze spammed. Probably could have done it deathless if I was more cautious/knowledgeable I forgot ten foot poles were buyable.
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nice, anon
Gratz, anon, you cleared Skara with a brand new character in record time, which is impressive. I think that terry and some other schizo cleared it in 1 week or so.
I really love skara, it's such a great and memorable dungeon.
Where do I turn off the auto-identifying option?
I noticed that if I go into a bank it will attempt to auto-Id everything in my inventory and I can't find the option to turn it off.
No idea of what you're talking about.
in razor somewhere there is an option about autosearching containers, turn it off
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i am going to decorate a home, one day..
I realized this morning, AoA is kind of like Elona in a lot of ways and that's why Im enjoying it so much.
Is this perfect for a complete UO newb or the worst?
About as good as anything else
This is not UO at all, its a completely new experience.
I hate women
Did you see that shit yesterday too? Where that tranny blew their last nut in Xork's discord because he wouldn't make a ninja exploit?
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Bumping on St. Michael's Day
Bump for Richard
Zombies suck, they can't heal with food and they can't even drink
Go to outlands and join a mid to high tier guild
>18 days ago
Jesus christ this board is slow
>Go to outlands and join a mid to high tier guild
Pretty much this. Honestly, you can probably go solo on Outlands as generally you'll only really miss mini bosses/bosses, and for PKs in dungeons most larger alliances will have call in teams anyway.
I went solo for a long time but you can learn so much from guildies. Watching newbies progress so much faster than I did has shown me that
Beware... The Dark Wizard rises from his lost tomb in Sosaria.
Man I got no fucking clue what I'm doing, I made a skeleton mage and I can't even figure out how to cast any spells and everythings killing me. This game is brutal lol
>I made a skeleton mage and I can't even figure out how to cast any spells and everythings killing me. This game is brutal lol
kek. You need reagents, you also need to make some tiny bits of money first.
I would love to see a version of this server more oriented to multiplayer. Like... any dungeon higher than normal difficulty require a raid. And harsher punishments, we all love punishments here.
If you want a more multiplayer oriented Odyssey then try Adventures.
Those servers are so easy. I want the definitive hardcore experience without permadead. I want to feel like i felt on this server when i started without knowledge at every point of the game. I want this to basically be a horror game.
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What are you summoning, bro?
Did Xork delete or move his blog?
He quit and now there's another fork https://www.reddit.com/r/uodyssey/comments/1g3e34s/secrets_of_sosaria_is_live_download_links/
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Character creation:


Neat guide:
Hardcore UO R&R server, when?
feeling cute, idk might log in later and attempt some roleplay :3c
We have Soulbound, which is a hardcore mode.
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I'm glad someone used the wayback machine.
is this still alive?
probably not, i hope admin shares the server files so i can try to make another server.
I had a feeling it would die, glad I didn't invest too much time into it. Was a good idea though, I commend OP for hosting, wish we'd had more players and made a community.
Yeah, i will tinker some time with the client to see how can i make it more multiplayer oriented without killing the R&R feeling. If i get something interesting, i will host a server and pay adds for it.
Hey guys, server admin here. Sorry for my absence. I've been really busy and didn't realize the server has been down. It's back up and will remain so for whoever wants to play here. In the future you can e-mail frensofakalabeth at protonmail dot com if the server doesn't automatically recover from a crash.
Hey admin, can you share your server files? i like the features you implemented and i want to tinker over that for fun. Thanks in advanced.
You can steal the cocoon?, Well I can't, since I wasn't skilled enough. I also killed a golden dragon today which gave golden scales.
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>that dev
I'll wait for the resurrection of Djeryv
Yeah I just checked his post history after seeing your post and that's a big nope from me dawg
If you are referring to that tranny's reddit history, then that is some fucked up shit. She-he-it is the one that blew their nut in Xork's discord about Xork no doing what they wanted by putting an exploit in the game.
I wish special mats such as skins weren't so shit. Also, i wish that you could upgrade artifacts by using some of these special mats.
Why must they infest every corner of the Internet? We can't just have one thing.
any documentation either official or not official regarding the source code? I can figure out some stuff, but the spawn sheets are cryptic af.
Well there was an xmas miracle. Djeryv popped up on ServUO forums during the holidays. You can literally go there and ask him.
link, please
Are you telling me that you went to Google and searched for "ServUO" and came up with zero results?
No, but i can't find the Djeryv thread.
Forums have a search function. Search for his name or posted by.
ok, thanks!
Hey, dudes, i'm going to start tinkering with the ultima adventures client. What are the shittiest features it has that i should work to remove?
nevermind, ultima adventures is pure cancer, they dumbed down the systems to oblivion.
Yeah, they also destroyed the underworld map. It was eerie, now it is a theme park with multi biomes.
after playing this for a while i came to the conclusion that this server would be 10 times more interesting and challenging if you removed the top 3 tier of each materials from the game, completely.
It's a hack job since I'm not actually a coder.
I could just ramp up dungeon difficulty instead.
>I could just ramp up dungeon difficulty instead
oh no, if you do that, deadly dungeons will be impossible for most characters. I think that removing or making the top 3 materials "rarer" would make regular artifacts more appealing. In the current game meta, you get some gold (the hardest part), you train an artisan character to craft you armor to pump your defenses to cap, then you go and play the game in easy mode.
>It's a hack job since I'm not actually a coder.
I don't mind it, since i want your version with the fix for some crashes and the soul bound feature, so i don't have to implement those myself. Also, the current setting configuration are cool overall.
>In the current game meta, you get some gold (the hardest part), you train an artisan character to craft you armor to pump your defenses to cap, then you go and play the game in easy mode.
I mean you could just choose not to do that. Most RPGs have optimal ways to play them or game the system to make the game much easier. I personally never use alts to benefit each other except shared housing. Each character has their own journey. I've said it a few times, but this server is more like a shared single player experience so if playing the way you described leaves you feeling dissatisfied, just...don't do it? There's no competition here. OTOH if you enjoy minmaxing to the point most things are easy then go for it. That seems in the spirit of the kinds of games that inspired Odyssey.
I'll upload the server files when I get a chance.
fair enough. I think i will go play a killer clown alchemist now.
Do carpenters sell tables sometimes? I didn't even see an option for tables with the woodworking tools.
For furniture and house decorations you need to get the book from the housing merchant guy
Admin do you think it would be possible to add more stacks of herbs so it is not a pain to train alchemy?
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Thanks, I think it was too expensive for me early on. Only one actual table in the list, although you can make your own table I guess.
cute and comfy house.
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I'm legitimately feeling giddy about this. 10/10, slightly sad about the fact that I won't experience escaping from Skara Brae for the first time ever again.
>slightly sad about the fact that I won't experience escaping from Skara Brae for the first time ever again.
This. Skara Brae is sovl overload.
Just tested the Secrets of Sosaria version, and i think it is quite cool.
Dude, wtf. I didn't even mod this item.
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Some more stuff. I forgot to lock the cat statue sadly.
what a comfy house, anon, i would do one myself too, but i'm too much of a lazy guy to do it.
You don't have to do it all at once, just place an item on the floor instead selling it or putting it in your chest.
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sure if you want to play an inferior version of Xork's fork made by this future suicide victim
Well yeah, that's a tranny, but the version doesn't have queer shit (Yet), what it has instead are some cool QoL changes, bug fixes and balance stuff. Well, each one for its own, i downloaded it, and i think i will tinker over that version.
Is this playable on Linux? I got UO Outlands to work a while ago, but it was a bit of a chore.
I dont think so, it is coded in C# and the launcher was compiled on windows.
yeah the tranny made things easier and more transparent, which goes against the core design philosophy of the game. whatever floats your boat, i guess
A bunch of people fix stuff or change a script to make AoA their own, but once someone comes along and adds new actual content and features to the game is when I might actually pay attention. I read that GitHub section and all they do is fix some bugs and then consider design choices as bugs because they just don't like them. Like the traps or the rumors. They don't really do anything that I can't just do myself.
Well i stole their current version and i'm going to tinker over that one since it doesn't have tranny shit. I'm not going to pull future versions tho, i will just make that version mine. Now, I will implement vanilla UO champions.
I just looked through those open issues on their GitHub. A bunch of people who has a sore pussy for sure. Traps make me sad, blah, blah, blah. I think those fuckers should just delete the spawn files and go into monster-less dungeons and just gather treasure.
Found it, it looks like it was commented by default, which is a nice thing. Keep pasting tranny feature shit here, so i can detrannify my server.
Ok, i removed the tranny captain shit too. Now, all i have to do is to find a way to change the tranny login screen.
From now on, every time you open troon Odyssey you will read "Secrets of Sosaria" with a lisp.
The login screen is the only tranny thing left in my version, since they did nothing to traps outside changing the karma inverter trap, which is the most bullshit trap in the game by far since it ruins you hours of progression. To redo the change was extremely easy tho. Next thing i'm going to work in is to improve the item selling interface. since it feels like shit to have to press 100 times to sell your crafts as a crafter.
i thought a lot of actual women played mmos like this, seems stupid to be against it just to pwn the trannies
>i thought a lot of actual women played mmos like this
Those aren't women, anon..
>i thought a lot of actual women played mmos like this
lmao even
Super. Now we have to make Ultima into some woke shit? I know the Secret of Sosaria. There is a dick under the skirt and a dick in their ass. Glad I jumped ship when Xork left. To change the login screen just get UO Fiddler and change the gump graphic to a picture you want to get rid of that gay picture tranny threw in there.
No need to jump ship. Just don't play the troon fork.
>To change the login screen just get UO Fiddler and change the gump graphic to a picture you want to get rid of that gay picture tranny threw in there.
Ty bruv.
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What mount is this?
looks like a weird mountain goat.
A gay mount for gays
I might add some new stuff to the server. Any requests?
make alchemist sell more than 10 ingredients. The fucking cobblers and tanners sells like 800 stocks of exotic leathers but for some reason plants are scarce as fuck. Add invasion events triggered by the amount of monsters killed. For the "hanged man" tarot card route, could you please consider changing the status to Innocent on "Titan of ether" quest line completion? It just cuts so much game content, i don't think this should be an issue since becoming a titan of ether is basically finishing the game. Tinker shoppe is bugged, it doesn't let you put tinker tools on it. Even so, shoppes are so fucking bad, the amount of gold they give is really low.
>The fucking cobblers and tanners sells like 800 stocks of exotic leathers
The number of resource mats vendors can sell is lower the more rare it is, on top of being less likely to be sold at all.
I'll consider the rest though. Will definitely fix the tinker shop bug.
What about rolling a brand new shards of minax server? shit has tons of content.
Looks interesting. Could do it as a second server. I probably won't, but maybe.
Could you let the zombie race also heal/cure when eating? Unless it's meant to be that way..
Played for half an hour, mostly messed with UI. Started in Britania, went to the tomb, killed a few bandits and kobolds, pretty cool, pretty cool. Will continue later.
Any pointers on what my goal should be, other than just being myself?
>Any pointers on what my goal should be, other than just being myself?
Unlike other mmos, here, you can say "i finished the game" once you finish the titan of ether quest line and make the comfiest house ever.
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Nice jumpscare, not going to lie. Just hope this asshole won't camp my corpse now.
Also, when will tailor vendor restock sewing kits? I've discovered earning some pocket change through bulk orders, though most of it is going to waste on resurrections.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
>Nice jumpscare, not going to lie.
In my opinion, thats one of the best things about the game. At that point in the game you still feel like a puny human trying to survive. Balrogs disappear after some time. The restock time is some hours (dont know the server config).
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This is fairly late, but I managed to make it work on my phone. Logged in anyway, didn't try running around doing stuff yet. Had to transfer game files over USB instead of using webserver like MobileUO setup guide suggests. Port was default, 2593.
So it's possible, for anyone who'd be interested. I'll give it a shot later maybe, this might be a bit too gimmicky to play for me.
Dude, please implement a recall command for pets, every single time i have my slots blocked because some shitter gets lost.
Skara Benis is the only part of the game like that, real shame djerv didn't make more actual quests.
Ug! I leave for a couple of months and Xork is gone and now his game was forked into some weird woke shit. I will say that it is nice that the shemale put up that github because I read the reported bugs and fixed them all in like 2 hours. Or at least the real bugs and not the crybaby make the game easier shit.
Did you try the Bottle World? Not as in depth but is another place you have to escape from.
Are pugilist gloves a special item or just any armored gloves?
special items same with throwing gloves. - t pugilist
I wanted to play right now, but seeing how my follower slots are still bricked lets me down.
It took me 1 hour to detrannify the Secrets of Sosaria. I did it that way because it has some cool items, like a potion capable of changing the base material of some items.
Can you craft or buy them somewhere, or do you have to get a lucky drop?
Those potions were in there since Djeryv made the game. It changes like a dull copper sword to valorite or whatever.
I think you buy those at the leather shop. You can craft those with tailoring too right?
I didn't see any in the leatherworking shop I looked in, I'll check another town then. Thanks for the help.
I never droped that potion in all the time playing Frens of Akalabeth
Yes, you can with tailoring.
Xork changed it when he redone the resources, but it is the same thing as Djeryv's oils he had. They are in the loot tables in the High Potion drops like greater potions.
It can drop anywhere? or just from certain mobs?
Not sure. You would have to check the loot tables to see who drops the high potions. I think it is loot.cs and lootpack.cs and any monsters that specifically call out high potions.
i only get tranny potions.
Dude, can you please either implement a recall command for pets or just delete my sea dragon pet? 3 days and i still have my fucking pet slots bricked.
There is no TransmutationPotion in AoA
Not sure what to tell you. They are in mine and I have Xork's last version. They are bottles that are called transmutation potions and they will have a sub name like Lizard where it will turn something into lizard skin material.
>Not sure what to tell you.
Are you OP? If not, it is irrelevant, im playing OP server, not a local single player instance.
Sorry. I thought you were the one who downloaded Secrets of Sausage and were trying to figure out where those potions are.
I do have secrets of sausage locally, i detranniffied that version, but i still play OP server because im just really invested on it at this point. I just want that faggot (OP) to awake and show his server some love or at least share the player files so i can port them to my server and host a server myself.
He is probably trying to figure out how to get you a copy of it. He is on the ServUO forums right now trying to figure out how to change the admin password. If he checked the help menu he would see he just uses the [password command.
That's not me. I decided not to upload the files unless I take the server down, which I am not for the foreseeable future.
What's your character name?
Nate Higgers
I get the message "You are not a powerful enough mage to use this" when I try to equip a staff. What level of magery do I need? The only requirement on the tooltip is 18 strength.
Admin what about updating the server to the last Xork version so we can have cool stuff such as transmutation potions?
Is this item useless?
Use armslore or the other one on it. It may tell you it's worth.
Some dudes in the city with the castle buy relics/paintings.
Admin, server is shitting itself.
Dude, i killed the grim reaper, and shit didnt drop anything, not a single item is this a bug? It took me several hours to find everything what the hell is this shit.

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