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File: step19.png (66 KB, 512x334)
66 KB
This is your sign to hop on OSRS
File: 1713819389772317.png (21 KB, 299x90)
21 KB
but I did sign on to OSRS this morning
its really boring tho :\
its boring for sho
i just hate getting passed the free quests and having to pay. all my characters with names i want have passed the point of no return. MUST pay 15 bucks or whatever nonsense to continue without abysmal experience rates.
I've never played it.
Besides a quest cape. Give me a goal to work towards.
osrs is boring as shit
why would i waste my time like that
runescape is the ultimate goyslop game, literally designed to just waste your time
it's like a parody of video games where you spend 1000 hours watching an imaginary number go up for no reason, except it's real
that's all games buddy. literally all of them.
osrs is fucking lame as fuck now
literally every new update is just a shitty minmaxxed minigame
Which minmaxed minigame is WGS?
I play as a free user still. I just wish the membership was 5 bucks. That's about what it's worth. Skilling is fun to do while studying for certifications
is questing fun in this game? do they have cool lore or story or anything
but i am anon
Yeah, the quests have some pretty damn good writing.
this is your sign to stop playing OSRS

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