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File: eren.jpg (39 KB, 736x736)
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>Be me
>Play MOBA games
>Pop off a lot and carry 5 games
>Loses every single one anyway
>Plays like ass in the next 5
>Wins every single one somehow
>Becomes hardstuck for 2 weeks

Why are MOBA games' matchmaking so ass?
Because you are playing a 5v5 game by yourself. Are you expecting the matchmaking to treat you any differently? Play 1v1 games instead.
>inb4 I need teammates to blame
You should become a battle royale player and become slightly less jaded to fix it.
Matchmaking has successfully balanced you.
This is the only way games are allowed to be now.
It's your own fault for playing team games.
If you must play something competitive, either play Starcraft (1 or 2 are both fine) of stick with coop. Or I guess you can get into arena shooters but I'd go with RTS over FPS any day of the week.

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