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Previous: >>1325114

This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.

Poker Chase: https://game.poker-chase.com/play/index.html
100% Orange Juice: https://fruitbatfactory.com/100orange/
Etohana: https://etohana-koikoi.com/
Catan: https://colonist.io/
BGO: https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Bunny: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/
DJMAX RESPECT V: https://store.steampowered.com/app/960170/DJMAX_RESPECT_V/
Melty Blood: https://play.meltyblood.club/
Anime Music Quiz: https://animemusicquiz.com/
Go: https://online-go.com/
AoE2: https://store.steampowered.com/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/
The Showdown Effect Reloaded: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2242420/The_Showdown_Effect_Reloaded/
Terraria (maybe more) server:
AWBW: https://awbw.amarriner.com/

OJ League signups open again!
Docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5Iw32z5ddDmi_o0ERrojXQvx8aWpjWjEEYwW4anPpg/edit?usp=sharing
Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BQtj3zUmspMDRbffTpyLCS3g9rJkcmcc0kE56Uy7PN0/edit?usp=sharing

>/mjg/ board game spreadsheet
>Bunny and Steel spreadsheet
>/oj/ booru
>/mjg/ booru:
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Kae sex
AWBW koko:
password: rage
Joined, just getting coffee and I'll ready.
Wait, wtf, I thought this was a live match and just made a throwaway account with gibberish email and password. Hang on, I'll drop and rejoin with a proper account.
oh, i'm a bit worried hosting live games in case i miss the start
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GGs, i really fucked up early game. i didnt know you can only load units from shoals into black boats...
the all in counter attack was ok at first but i couldnt push fast enough.
I'm up for a rematch.
GG. I'll join if you make the rematch but I'm going to be busy in a while, so I won't play immediately.
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Koko let's see if anyone joins https://store.steampowered.com/app/2242420/The_Showdown_Effect_Reloaded/

i like fast pace fighting games but this one looks kinda ass.
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i don't see it
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Try again
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Lobby closed moving on to AoE 2
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aww man, but i suck at aoe2
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AoE 2 koko
I'm bad only join if you're worse
no... i'm actually competent at aoe2....
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at least i got something out of that boring trash
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ggs didn't mean to leave, but good timing since my food is ready. See you in the AMQ lobby later.
to be honest, try out just not building any army early on, and just focus on having villages building at all times. in the end, its just the guy with more resources that usually wins. building army means less food for building villagers.
only built and "army" once we started getting attacked. I guess that is too early still
well, practically, the goal is to:
1) always produce villagers
2) get castle age, so you can build new town centers (which build villagers)
the hard part is managing just enough wood, stone and food to get there efficiently.
i gurantee you had idle time on your starting town center at some point. if your villager count is below 100, you don't have enough vills, is pretty much how it works.
defending is kinda impossible if he has units that are 2 ages ahead of you.
>rush your camp with 22 scouts
what now, genius
put tc on your woodline since surely they can't get 22 scouts before you hit castle.
or play worse players who can't execute meme opening like mongol fast feudal scout rush
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everyone here is below average aoe2 players, except HIM
stop with the metagaming bs
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pvp games are the worst doko games
but OJ is the best /doko/ game...
because OJ is not player vs player
its player vs RNG
>missed both thanks to work
i hope you'll host another one afterwards and i can join it.

does AWBW have good 3 player maps? or is it too silly when played FFA?
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it tends to get a bit stalemate in ffa, but i'd be up for it.
good thing i suck at advance wars so i'll probably die before a stalemate can be achieved
don't worry, i'm getting shafted myself, so we can just 2v1 the good player.
I remember something like that happening and it not changing the outcome
Goddamn sasha... you can get out so many tanks... I probably should have tried to play it slow and stack up some more units before i push, but i wasn't expecting that many tanks.
GG. Sasha is my favourite CO to play as, though I've never even played her game.
I really hate playing against sasha because sasha lvl1 power keeps cucking me from using big powers, and her money bonus keeps messing with my mental math of what amount of money you have.
for me its hawke
AWBW is a 6hr game? when are we going to do a Civ doko?
not really 6h, it's just that both of us were doing other things mid game.
anyway, I'm up for more beatings tomorrow. losing this hard just makes me more motivated to win, and every time we play i can fix one more obvious mistake.
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>I really hate playing against sasha because sasha lvl1 power keeps cucking me from using big powers
Yeah, that's part of what I like about her. I hate stally COs that wait for a game-changing super. Sasha and Max, not Hawke and Eagle.
some degenerates play AWBW like a PBEM game: one move per day, so the average 30 turn match lasts a whole month
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man of culture, sasha is the best T1 and one of my favourite COs overall although my favourite is Olaf which is definitelly a stally CO
I didn't know we had so many AWBW players...
I have been playing for quite a while, but I also refuse to play anything that's not FoW so you won't see me very often unless I'm hosting
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AMQ koko
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ggs thanks for joining
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Sorry for leaving mid-game I had something to do
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Thoughts on a /doko/ steam group?
I don't know
Only if we regularly invite OJ games through there
Can you repeat the question?
no, don't, please
Only if you also do a steam curator that tells us if games are doko or noko
Not necessary
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AWBW koko:
fog is on, T2-T3-T4 only. [fuck sasha]
>i fucked up, changing preset to fog removes fog so i had to set it again.
I'm waging but if you don't get anyone else by this afternoon I'll join
all good.
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>I was too late
i just came back, since other anon isn't moving, make a koko and i'll play.
If there are this many people into AWBW, make some kind of mini-tourney is possible after all...
Please do.
Max helis are really good, eh.
When you popped your power, you heli was doing 35-45% retaliation to my heli doing 50%, which is pretty scary, considering the opposite is 90%...
I think something went wrong in opener for me, i'm not sure how you got to some of the properties before me, even though I had an APC and you didn't.

>When you popped your power, you heli was doing 35-45% retaliation to my heli doing 50%
You didn't have a comm tower, so that's like 150/110 vs 100/100.
>I think something went wrong in opener for me, i'm not sure how you got to some of the properties before me, even though I had an APC and you didn't.
I attacked your capturing infantry with a recon. You trapped the recon with infantry and started capturing with a healthy one, which I attacked again. The damage to the infantry meant two of your most advanced infantry were now basically useless for capturing. On top of that, trapping the recon meant your infantry was held there instead of being actively capturing buildings. This alone made your capture phase much slower.
AMQ koko
ggs thanks for joining
who is this girl
what game is she from
and when do i get to headpat her
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100% Orange Juice
When you buy her dlc
She's from Suguri.
And also the sequels Acceleration of Suguri and Acceleration of Suguri 2.
And also from multiverse side-stories 100% Orange Juice and 200% Orange Juice.
You get to fight her a lot!
Is AoS2 a /doko/ game?
>no AWBW
It's over...
koko it and see if anyone joins, then it will be a doko game.
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I don't think you can make an AWBW tournament as a normal player. So a tourney would have to just be normal matches set up by one of the players, with only the rules being agreed in advance.
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This looks like Duck Game. I like Duck Game.
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I own duck game, I completely forgot it exists. Would others be interested in a koko?
>yet another good game suggestion that was likely dirt cheap during Steam sale
I also wish I remembered this a bit earlier.
It would be good if we could have at least 3 players, 2 is probably the worst amount. I would like to play for sure.
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Alright, let's try duck game.
Lobby: Mahjong
pass: rage
Fuck.... if it was on sale...
it's 2 to 4 $/€ on resellers right now.
I don't like using resellers
>I don't like paying less money
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Why not? Just use a credit card.
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still up?
same time next week maybe?
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I can reopen if you guys will actually join.
its only one guy (me) and so it might not be worth it, unless someone else also responds
Oh guess that's it then.
fog on, password rage.
>someone else got it while i was busy picking a CO
>fog on so I can't watch the match
It's over...
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Make another AWBW.
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What's the next big /doko/ game?
i'm so mad... i had perfectly legal movement but it auto snapped to the wrong movement so i got trapped and now i will lose probably off of that alone.
to be honest you lost the game way before that, also just for future reference, if you host a room you are supposed to pick COs from the higher tier you left open, tiers matter a lot and it's really unbalanced if you don't
ahh league boring lobby doko
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make a koko already
and I don't mean awbw
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no way
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wrong thread
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I j-just wanted to bump /doko/
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>on /vm/
I see through your transparent lies, illyakek.
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Silence himekek
I will make awbw koko 2v2 teams with tag mode on as soon as i find a good map and decide if a unit cap is even necessary
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but I said anything but awbw...
Have you tried joining a Terraria server?
please do.
Literally in the OP.
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What's tag mode?
In Advance Wars Dual Strike the gimmick was that you can pick 2 COs and during battle you can switch between them (tag one out and another one in) once per turn and with both CO Power gauges full you can do a Tag Power that's kinda very powerful usually, and even more powerful for some combinations of COs because lore reasons. I dunno if they kept all of that for AWBW Tag mode but the core of switching between 2 COs is there last I checked, maybe it's been balanced somewhat but honestly it being unbalanced is what makes it fun.
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AMQ koko
ok fine heres some DUCK GAME koko
lobby name Mahjong
pass is rage

i dont have everything unlocked but idk if it'll make the game worse or better
nobody is joining....
seems like anon didnt want a non-awbw koko...
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sorry, I was thinking of more classic /doko/ games
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ducks are always a classic though, just look at these cuties
nobody joined so i closed
everyone's too busy anime music quizzing i guess
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Like AWBW?
I'll host djmax in like 30 minutes or so. is that classic enough for you?
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DJMAX koko for about an hour or so.
koko jungle
Anon, it's League finals.
People care about League?
Isn't that in a few weeks?
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I didn't realize i owned this game, next time you host i will try it out
I was in AMQ and we closed to watch league.
Thanks for joining. I really need to play more rhythm games again.
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Eh, I'll pass. Maybe if it were a multi-game league.
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If they are not free or dirt cheap, it's nearly impossible, and even then, good luck finding enough people. It would either be an individual tourney, or each team plays a given game one, so they can just draft players for that particular game.

Unironically, the only other game I see that might work is DJMAX, and we were not even invited to the /doko/ team.
But feel free to prove me wrong.
AMQ league doko?
Well, I was thinking players could indicate which games they were willing to play and each team would have to cover every game, like schedules in league.
So the second option.
Well, doable with some sampling of anons willing and planning. 6 games, 4-5 teams. Worst part would be timezones though, but I guess you could just do it across 2-3 weeks on weekends. Or just Fri-Mon if you pack the sessions close enough.
I'm up to discuss more, if you wish.
I was thinking about something like this but with a big list of doko games you're willing to play.
Then you face off 1v1/ 1v1v1v1 in a pickban of games.
how do you win in Bnuuy? or would it be a lunar speedrun to see who gets best time?
i suppose that would be just the 2 players in 1v1 decide the challenge.
maybe it coop top dps :^)
or just solo mode who wins first.
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i was thinking a team lunar race would be great. if each team has at least 4 people it would be easy to have them do some runs together. Maybe not do the ruleset of the launch lunar race, each boss has to be beaten before the final one(meaning you do have to reset), just have a run to the end .

I can think of some issues like how many resets, if any, are allowed and should there be a penalty for resets? Are inf invuln combos allowed? Should each team member player a different character or are dupes allowed?
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speaking of bunnies, i haven't launched the game in a while. The new toybox mode is making me want to play again to unlock all this. but also there is a reason these upgrades aren't unlocked...
Also will be hosting for a bit. going to wait 10 minutes or so between runs or less if people join.
I'll be frank, there is little chance of fielding even two 4-stack lunar that can actually clear it in <4h without a month's worth of prep work here, at least from what I last saw when joined.
we count it as extra credit. The teams could get x number of attempts and must stream each one. If they clear it you get bonus points. All teams can do it and get the points. Comeback mechanic
Like the golden snitch in harry potter. If you can get 4 retards to do the impossible, maybe they deserve a chance to win.
oh god i am fucking up normal, i used to be good. i beat lunar once...
I haven't played bnnuy for awhile
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With this setting only
Last I played bnuuy in EU slot, we've only cleared emerald lake and scholars nest on lunar. Even that is a bit rough now that we've rusted and some of the anons that were more competent and bnuuy are gone.
>the anons that were more competent and bnuuy are gone.

But it could get the flame started again in their hearts. i believe in yall
it's rough, i can imagine a line up of us that can win with some grinding, since red darkhouse was pretty close aswell and churchmouse we did 2p and 3p in lunar.
but the issue is that it's a bit hard to get direct practice since the availability is all fucked and we have a lot of EU anons that aren't quite comfortable on hard yet.
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>Unironically, the only other game I see that might work is DJMAX, and we were not even invited to the /doko/ team.
that reminds me I never tried the other options in online lobbies (team play and versus).
From what I see versus is how ranked matches play out. You select your tier, your buttons and then it will give you a couple random songs and you ban one and then of the unbanned 3 will be played. first to 2 Ws wins.
Could work, but from what i see from the couple of DJMAX players /doko/ has the skill level is all over the place.
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me on the left
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Me on the right plapping you...
We have one, maybe two monsters and the rest are more or less equal on the lower categories. If we make the song choice not random, but each team gets to pick, say, 3, and one of them gets to be banned, including the difficulty and modifiers, lower levels will get more songs they are comfortable with by nature of being close enough in level, and maybe they'll try to learn something to 99% if they pick it themselves.
MJG TCG, what it feels like to resolve UGR miko. https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Last_Turn
also gonna make an mjg tcg koko in like 2 hours.
Can I get the scarf from multiplayer lunar wolves? Not that I think my brain can handle lunar anytime soon
It's up.
MJGTCG on tabletop:
Room name: Mahjong
Pass: rage
closed... nobody joined....
I'm still at work...
It's over...
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Is this a doko game? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2445690/Lost_Castle_2/
Needs to be
1. good
2. free/cheap
3. have a lobby
>Needs to be
>1. good
Well is has 3, and for 2 it is the same cost as bunny. 1 is impossible
Does anyone want to doko Wargroove or Wargroove 2? Since it is basically the same thing as awbw there might be some interest
Never played it, shan't pay for it when I can play AWBW for free.
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i suck at awbw, when will there be a awbwb1 doko?
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i have 1 but not 2, is the sequel any good? is Best GIrl still in it? how alive is it?

a what now? also if you suck, then just focus on improving your basics
>always be making units, never base skip
>infantry, tanks, copters, and AA are all you need for early and mid game (scouts in fog)
>focus to defend your weak side and push for captures on the strong side
>use almost dead units to finish off amost dead enemies, or to suicide into full health enemies so a full health tank or copter can follow up and let you open walls where there's only 1 side open
with this youll excape the 800 ELO hell and be stuck in 1200 ELO hell
doko. i have like 30-40 minutes.
is that really enough for a full match?
AWBW koko
2v2, Tag on, Fog on, standard funds, T2 CO's but with tag fog the power balance gets silly so i dont really know if it's gonna be a good match
forgot to say that password is "rage"
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does awbw have bot games? I want to learn to play but i don't want to just lose to players over and over again.
oh god damn it
pass is rage

im sorry i didnt know that to get the invite link you actually have to press the "invite other players" button
You can pirate and emulate the original games, but the AI there cheats and it doesnt play like a "balanced pvp" scenario would.
You would lose to the bots and suffer greater shame than if you lost to players. Join the game.
Shan't join when i don't even know the basics
>original games
what about the re-boot that came out a while ago? How faithful is that?
Well, you can just emulate the Advance Wars GBA games, that works for learning the mechanics and they're pretty fun games. But playing the GBA AI is unlike playing a human player.

If you want to get better, some good players analyze matches on youtube. This guy is a top 3 fog player, for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-hrxBobt4A
>what about the re-boot that came out a while ago? How faithful is that?
It's a demake of the GBA games. Visuals are much uglier, everything is the same or worse.
If you want to start with the basics then absolutely play the original games. AW1's Field Training is an excellent (if slightly long) tutorial, it's designed to teach 10-year olds how the game works after all.
I'll be generous and say that it's hit or miss, at best. The gameplay itself is accurate to GBA (and even makes AI properly obey Fog of War which is a plus) but everything else about is underwhelming and its also way overpriced. The originals are still better.
I joined, but I'll be going to sleep immedietely.
I can only play EU hours.
that's kind of a dick move, but understandable
guess we're playing this one asynchronously now
i think 3 of us are euros anyway, so it can't be helped. ill play atleast some of the early turns out, i'd like to pass out in like 40 min.
Graphics are a hit for CO portraits and a miss for everything else, music mostly sonds ok but some themes lost their grit and shred, and the voice acting sucks golf balls thru a garden hose. GBA emulation is the way, all the way.
And it's really not as complex as it seems. On your turn you can move all of your army to the meatgrinder while enemies sit down and get hit before they're legally allowed to hit back, infantry can into mountains rivers and captures, while tonks can into big damage and being really fast. The rest of the units make sense too. Objectives are get money from cities, use bases to get army, and go capture the enemy HQ
>clock, 7 hours
Days, anon. 7 days of max wait time, thats 168 hours, you get +24 hours when it's your turn so really just take at least a turn per day and it'll be fine
I guess I can't wait any longer. I'll be going to sleep now.
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koko https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/super-monkey-ball-banana-rumble-switch/
code: 1j6419
I will keep it open till someone joins or it gets clear no one will join.
P.S. The game is shit and after every group of levels the lobby needs to be recreated
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Interesting offer
Is this a doko game https://soku.delthas.fr/
ip grabber
got me
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koko https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664200/Duelists_of_Eden/
code: MWQL
Will host for a bit, only played this when it came out and haven't touched it since.
Accidentally closed the lobby
it actually is. i'm up for it.
I haven't played duelist in awhile. Not that it matters since I missed it. Always missing koko
don't worry everyone else missed it as well.
no one joined...
Maybe announce you'll be hosting something like a few hours beforehand at least?
I do that sometimes, same results
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Mahjong tourist here, how popular is Kae? She's always been my main when playing with my IRL friend group but I'm worried I won't be a special unique snowflake in OJ league.
I know one anon who likes to play her.
Fairly popular.
Is OJ league esports?
Anyone OJ in like 4-5 hours?
I need to practice and decide if I actually wanna sign up
count me in
Don't draft me for OJ league because I only play Nico
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what the fuck is an oj league? ive played this shit for 10 years and have no idea what you people are talking about.
as someone new to the thread, read the OP
basically some anons wanna compete to be the very best at rolling dice and stuffing the deck full of junk, so they made a tournament league thing
yikes i'm not about that shit, i like to tryhard once in a while but taking a game like oj super competitively sounds about as cancerous as it gets. what, is every lobby nothing but Hyper Ellies?
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I am going to play wins Kiriko and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
no one is tryharding its just for fun
i don't plan on stopping you, go have fun, that's what oj should be after all.
when i read
>so they made a big tournament league thing
my mind immediately jumps to ultra sweaty min-maxing compnigger cancer that takes all the fun out of the game. hence my assumption that the lobbies are likely nothing but Hyper Ellie, given how absurd her hyper actually is.
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I'm surprised the announcement hasn't been posted here yet.
Anyway, from the signups it looks like half of the participants have never played before, and the other half are going to play popo every round.

Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5Iw32z5ddDmi_o0ERrojXQvx8aWpjWjEEYwW4anPpg/edit?usp=sharing
Signups (open until 01.08): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_fhZVbZAgm7JJP1Z3YgtyvzCrOUK-jggiztzVXlBSU7_s7w/viewform?usp=sf_link.
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100%OJ lobby up
Normal for now
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I would like to submit my resignation from the league. Fuck the juice
I just expected people to actually read the thread or OP. >>1363383
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>only two kyaputens
it ain't looking good
bro loses once to star breaker and resigns. sad.
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Random draft by TO it is...
Just put me and my league 5 teammates together.
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AMQ koko https://animemusicquiz.com/invite?roomId=3441&password=rage
I was thinking of being a captain but oj sucks
So you were not planning on actually doing anything?
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I was planning on doing your mom
Sorry to hear your game is so dead you need to appeal to hags to find players.
well juiced my friends.
Room's closed.

I need to do the summer event still. How grindy is it?
That's no way to talk about your mother, she is a fine lady and you better respect her.
They already killed a boss, so most of the stuff should be affordable just from enough online games, I think.IIRC events without currency are usually doable in ~12 games? Been a while since I've actually grinded anything.
just play dayz, speaking of which dokoZ?
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I don't like dayz due to it being a massive waste of time
>spawn at the beach
>your team is in another city some kilometers away
>spend several hours walking across the island to meet up
>spend some more hours finding gear and going into the deeper parts of the island
>die to a random retard camping in the bushes, undoing all your progress
>rinse and repeat
and don't get me started on base building, that's for another ted talk
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Should've hosted on the weekend when I'm not waging 12 hours a day
But the walking is the fun part. Iam probably retarded but i really enjoy walking the the dark with flares just enjoying the view.
Also just play on less populated servers or we can host a dokoZ server.
>Iam probably retarded but i really enjoy walking the the dark with flares just enjoying the view
It's totally normal thing, we did that with friends in DayZ and arma all the time.
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>But the walking is the fun part.
Maybe it is for the first couple of times, after that it becomes a fucking slog
Or maybe it's my ADHD zoomer brain wanting to get into action right away. To each their own, I guess.
I really enjoyed Arma where you could load into the game, select your gear and go shoot the bad guys within 10 minutes.
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ggs thanks for joining
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>miss all the kokos because they're always posted when I'm asleep
It's hard being an AUSfag
It's completely over.
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Hosting DJMAX in an hour
DJMAX room
Just realized I haven't downloaded the game
>64.3 gigs
Uh... sorry anon, I don't think I can join you this time
Eh maybe next time then
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Duelist of Edenoko
I have owned OJ for a long time, but have no idea how it works
You join a game and you chuck dice. That's about it.
There is a communal deck of cards, made from the decks of each player shuffled together. You can make your deck an absolute dud then 1/4th of all cards all players will see will be duds.
Monster Hunter doko?
Quake doko?
Quake Live ok?
I'd be up for it
t. different anon
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Shogi koko.
I tried to make a mini-guide to explain the game. You can also check how pieces move here:
>mfw i got it wrong
rule 1 isnt real for dropping pieces.
i was misremembering the rules.
Is League of Legends a doko game?
I finally caved and installed the spyware
It is, but I refuse to download the spyware.
still open for an another hour... please join
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I'll join after finished re-reading oshigoto
Explain the rabbit game to me, what skills does it require?
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Dodging AoE attacks in a 2D scroller
Dodging like a shmup mixed with an MMO raid boss
also skill rotation for optimal DPS but that only matters on lunar difficulty.
>Dodging like a shmup
>also skill rotation for optimal DPS
Damn that sux, unless it's possible to automate it with macro
There's like 3 buttons, sometimes 4, you really shouldn't have trouble with knowing the order in which to press them. It's more on positioning/timing so they actually hit.
I'll buy the game sometime soon then and check out if I'm able to play it properly then, I guess.
As other anon said, i overexaggerated and it's about as difficult as Risk of Rain in terms of abilities or even less (they mostly autoaim or are aoe around you, and there's no use-item slot so your 4 abilities is what you get).
Being able to ignore damage on cooldown is the best part of the experience, as I am a SHMUP noob
anyone down for OJ last minute event koko?
I have no clue what co-op is about but i guess we can work up through the difficulties.
>I have no clue what co-op is about but i guess we can work up through the difficulties.
what it is is a massive waste of time, now that the usual grind strats are gone
before it was a way to easily print stars and oranges, nowadays don't even bother, just run 5 matches on any boss, casual difficulty and enjoy your event rewards
>we can work up through the difficulties
Not on the fresh coop account, no. Hyper wipes the floor without a strategy, going for hyper achievements even more so.
But I could play up to maybe hard, sure.
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100%OJ Co-op lobby made

might as well try and have some fun with this. already did it with bots once against the chicken just to see if it counts. (it does)
well, have fun man
I'd join you but my bed is calling
I'm waging...
Just use 4 Kae and hit the boss, every coop events can be solved with 4 Kae
I hate co-op but I'm glad it exists so that braindead Kae and Star Breaker faggots who do nothing but smash their faces into everything that moves have a place where they can be separated from the rest of the community. Now the rest of us can actually play the game without having to babysit literal retards.
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I like co-op because if I lose then I can blame my teammates instead
Is there a OJ Book?
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Third times a charm
Will be open for a long while while i do chores, so if i don't immediately respond just wait a minute.
Gonna specify what game? I thought it was an OJ lobby at first but I'm not seeing one so.
I guess i can, you gonna play it? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1664200/Duelists_of_Eden/
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doing this for an hour before i go to bed https://store.steampowered.com/app/2445690/Lost_Castle_2/
code NJDRA3
unsure if server matters but i did pick NA 2.
You are right, i am.
Didn't realize it would close the room if i decided to do a quick run.
New code is K4X3ET and i will wait a while between runs
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I am just here to unga and bunga and I will ruin your day doing so.
kae is basically 'red deck wins' of oj
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>oj crush still hasn't signed up yet
I would sign up but I already know you're not talking about me...
What's the most braindead character in the rabbit game?
I don't enjoy watching cooldowns and using different abilities.
>Primary if Berserk is up
>Secondary if Berserk isn't up
It's that simple
Your existence is why I solely play Fernet and Kyoko and just peacefully gather stars. You can't do shit to me, and even if I get hit by an invisible bomb, I've got a pudding / portable pudding available to heal back to full. Get fucked.
>Not blue fatty
>Fartnet and Hyucko
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Cope harder.
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what now, genius
Anon is easily bullied into submission..
DEFsisses always are. They LOVE getting slapped around. If they really hated ATKgods so much, they'd go EVD
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surely anons won't metagame in OJ finals, right?
imagine commentating on a 4 poppo match
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>metagaming in OJ
>at all (unless it's hyper difficulty co-op)
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I don't know what a poppo is. I only have about 24 cards or something. I haven't complete any campaign mission. I bought one dlc character that looked cute.
ok BUT do you have 0 cosmetics/forget to wear them constantly??
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Code: 4MG7GE
Since each run generates a new lobby code, if this one doesn't work just reply and i will get a new one.
Is this castle crashers?
Heavyblade gets a second skill with free i-frames (damage immunity) in addition to the defencive that everyone has i-frames on, plus generally big damages means she's pretty easy but not particularly strong, plus plus her attacks slow you down while the ult can make you travel fullscreen when you dont want to, not a downside but something to keep in mind.
Dancer is more of a support but the constant stream of primary secondary primary, sometimes interrupted by the ult, or buffed by the defensive, is solid, and her upgrades are funky (rabbitluck on def and the 99 cooldown on the ult being my favorite combo even if it might not be optimal)
Damn nigga 20 minutes minimum on a video that 'assumedly' explains oj?
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AMQ koko
I jut winged it, its not that hard to pick up
I am pretty sure i could fit the entire explanation on a postit note.
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GG closed
edf doko?
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gg thanks for coming
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Is it worth it? All i see are the reviews shitting on epic
It's EDF, the best co-op game ever made, it hasn't changed.
Then what makes edf 6 worth getting over 5?
its a lot of grind to get good gear but also a good variety between classes means it can be fun no matter your playstyle
New campaign, new enemies, going through the progression loop with classes adjusted again, it's a fresher experience than playing 5 again for me. I'll admit it is expensive. I would take an EDF 5 doko too.
I've noticed that DJMAX has added a tab for "DJ Power top 100" in Freestyle, which is based on your personal ranking. Kinda useful, but not really. Reminder that the current earliest "New" batch of songs seems to be the Falcom pack, so if you want more Play points, you should grind those.

Also, I should try one of their series one day.
Terraria server question,
I saw an error in the console log but i have no issue joining. Although i did notice some issues the last few days, but if you were having issues connecting let me know so i can try to fix it.
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> would take an EDF 5 doko too.
i only have 4.1...
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Take me to the man in charge of OJ league.
I regret not singing up as captain.
Wait, the captain has to sing?
Yes, my team already claimed ultimate weapon girl to sing
You can just resubmit your application.

Or ping me on IRC, should be pretty obvious who I am, since I use once account for all mjg-related stuff.
But it's a duet so you need another team
Unless you're doing the best version
Blue, you better not complain about premature resignation after you airport-locked yourself.
to be honest the game was 100% over, I don't think that was a premature resignation at all
yeah i do suck at this game, so what? no i am not resigning, because fuck you that's why
Good luck with that.
GGs, this game had an absolute hero recon on my side.
>hit the forward most infantry, leaving it on 2 hp, preventing your infantry from stopping cap and next turn letting my tank hit from city on your tank
>killed 3 infantry
>killed 2 recons
>spotted every single unit you had on top of your expansion speed, letting me know exactly what you have and what your income is
>spotted both copter hits, letting my copter block your airport and cripple 2 turns of builds
>at the end i wasn't even gonna put the copter on your airport, i was gonna save private recon instead.
i hate fog of war
i lost because i moved an infantry away to give my tank a good space to shoot from but that removed my vision from the unit i wanted to shoot meaning i couldn't shoot anymore
feelings on fow have been exaggerated for comedic effect
dick move.
it won't take that much for you to kill me since i overextended and lost all the tanks, all my remaining units are stuck on my island, and soon i'll probably get airport locked too
1v1 with more sane settings doko
to be honest hitting that recon was probably gonna end even worse, since then i could hit with my tank from a safe space and block my tank preventing a counter attack. the real mistake was positioning the infantry on the edge letting me hit for free.
playing 3-5 turns on a won game is uninteresting, since all i am doing is waiting for my infantry to reach your hq, cap twice while i surround my infantry with infantry and tanks. and as the losing player the best you can do is slow me down for 1-2 turns by damaging the capping infantry.
at the very least, i would not willingly play a player like that.
i will never concede because the button is called "resign" and it only shows up on my turn
anyways you guys you'll need to wait until tomorrow to finish the game since I'm at the bar
t.red player
just press end turn via your phone
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Picked up the rabbit game and having a lot to f fun. Will like join/host games when I get more comfortable with it, but before that we need to establish which player character is the cutest. My vote is for druid; that slightly low-key appearance is hard to beat
i will get back to you on this in 1-5 business days.
i dont know whos the cutest but Bruiser has the biggest boobs so i like her most
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Lets play together bestie
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>Vtuber defense force
I will now buy your game and might host a doko sunday
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your rabbit sounds awfully boring
Defender, girls in armor are justice
But >>1374543 also makes a good argument
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You spin me right round
>no one said sniper
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who cares about rabbits when we can have more Tassha!
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stupid sexy wolf get out of here
does she like it in the ass

a harem of one girl who cloned herself a bunch of times is a very good concept
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the cutest!
It's a shame all the girls other than Bruiser are flat, this game needs more tittymonsters
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the magic characters should have bigger boobs, cause thats where mana is stored in
i hope an update lets us make custom characters in addition to custom bosses
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Will start a run in 10 minutes, if you are not able to get it just reply and i will open it again
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New construction options
Construction completed
New construction options
Unit ready
New rally point established
New construction options
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hosting woko this evening
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Those are nice buildings you got, shame if something were to happen to them.
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>In some cultures, a rabbit's foot is carried as an amulet believed to bring good luck. This belief is held by people in a great number of places around the world, including Europe, Africa, Australia and North and South America.
Is Warcraft 3 a doko game?
The custom w3 games might be fun
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>43 days since the last successful mjg tcg
shan't buy reforged
league was a disaster for /mjg/ tcg. I can play today

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