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are there any WoW private servers that are still worth playing on? last i played was everlook and it was fine but seemed kind of dead. are wow private servers just a thing of the past now?

i dont even really care about the expansion or region but please dont recommend turtlewow; there's no point in playing a socializing game with terrorist gm's
>i dont even really care about the expansion or region but please dont recommend turtlewow; there's no point in playing a socializing game with terrorist gm's
>"I want to play a social game but only if I'm allowed to call people niggers"
have you ever considered that maybe you're the problem?
I've tried out several over the past few months, and Project Ascension is by far the best one. It's not a ghost town like Everlook or Warmane, and it's far less degenerate than Turtlewow.
nobody forced you to reply. feel free to leave and/or ignore the thread
my main problem with ascension is that it seems like there will be way too many options. how the hell do you get through the choice paralysis of picking between the skills and talents of 8 different classes?
fuck off nigger
they hate you because you tell the truth
please dont bother if youre not going to be on topic
If your definition of worth playing requires that the server have a good population and also not have mods that will ban you for talking shit, then no, you're not going to find that. People stick around on good servers because the undesirables are being kept out.
nigga youre on 4chan
What's your point? Even here there's a scale of how repulsive and unpleasant a poster can be. The people on the high end of that scale are exactly the kind of people attracted to an mmo private server with little/no moderation. Anyone who is at least a little bit able to hide their weaponized autism will choose to do so and go find somewhere else to play instead, so you're left with the absolute most insufferable human beings imaginable.
mucho texto
that's what draft is for, you pick from like 2 or 3 different ones chosen randomly. but otherwise most people just use a guide anyway. from what i can tell Ascension GMs are also just normal, they're not like Turtle GMs that just make up rules on the fly so they have an excuse to bully people.

it's not coming out soon but there's also Project Epoch. team behind that also seem sane and aren't power tripping losers.

can you like fuck off back to /r/wow or whatever discord server you found this place from, thanks
interesting. ive installed ascension so i'll give your suggestions a try once i get around to actually playing. thanks
it's probably not coming out for awhile but they've also created a new server that has a bunch of custom classes they made like Necromancer that looks pretty fun. but for now it's in a paid closed beta. https://youtu.be/rL775c4_X2s
Project Epoch is in open beta isnt it? it's kind of already "out"
no, they've done a few closed betas but the server isn't open yet.
I don't think a whole lot of servers let you call people niggers left and right.
At that point you can either play vidyascape, or if you're adamant about WoW, I believe there is a singleplayer mod with bots to party and raid with. You def won't hurt their feelings.
it's not about spamming slurs or anything, turt GMs are legit power tripping losers that constantly make up reasons to flex their little GM e-dicks and terrorize players, it's why OP used the term "terrorist GMs" because it's literally powerless losers using the one bit of power they've ever gotten in their lives to to bully players on the server. in one instance a GM forcibly renamed a guild named Full Sack and threatened to ban officers because they were posting risque but not explicitly NSFW ads, the officer was tired of the GM harassing them and demanded a clear rule or standard to follow and the GM responded by forcibly renaming their guild and then threatened to ban them. in another instance, that same GM started harassing players dancing naked by the Stormwind bank and threatened to ban them. not even modern day WoW jannies would ban you for either of those things for as pozzed as Blizz is now.

if you push them or any Turt player on this they'll pretend that the GMs only act this way policing world chat but it's a lie, they literally get bored and make up reasons to threaten to ban people even if it's not actually against any rules.
how does
>"i dont want to have to be constantly worried that what i say will get me banned"
always get translated into
>"i want to spam nigger"

do you understand how these arent the same sentence? have you considered that, maybe, not everyone who disagrees with you is a psychopath who just wants to spam slurs? are you even capable of having a conversation in good faith?
>Well they are blaming us and not blizzard topkek.
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so it looks like turt got hacked lol

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