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File: nie_CiPSac2r35.jpg (453 KB, 1920x1080)
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steam demo is up,coming with online ranking
talk about team building and first story chapter here
I love the game
sad to see no one will play it
we don't deserve a game so good
it is impossible they recover the 10 years dev cost spent in this game
Is this game worth playing? I have seen literally 0 marketing about it whatsoever.
yes it is a reboot so you can start with this one no issue
everything is nice you can try it for free with the beta

there is no marketing because level5 is always more focused on japan market and they wait for the anime to carry the marketing
but there is no anime helping out promotion this time
they prob ran out of money after making ares, orion and galaxy without releasing game (except galaxy but it has been a big financial fail)

that's why this game is so important, it has almost 12 years of dev cost behind it and more than 1000 hours of content it is a dream game for fans of the old games
I played the beta as the first inazuma game that I've ever played (since I play on PC) and it was pretty fun but I wish that the positioning was more important for scoring goals. The goalkeeper will just teleport to the ball regardless of where it's aimed (or just walk there normally while everything else is in 0.2x time for the shot like he's the fucking flash). I get that the keeper is meant to have a healthbar that you need to bring down instead of you outwitting them with proper shot placement/passing though.

Overall I think I'll get the full game whenever it releases since I like the 'build your team' kind of vibe it has which is pretty rare for games outside of gachashit/yearly sports games which are all terrible.

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