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File: 1721339447524918.png (2 KB, 263x303)
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Fuck games that are just aiming competitions
Dont worry. Hackers are working hard at destroying online FPSs. Assuming the world is still around it’ll be a dead genre by 2065
what like osu? i highly doubt the game you were thinking of when you posted this is just aim
Just play fps that don't have hitscan
osu isn't even just aiming; bursts are far more important to practice than snapping or jumps ever could be. those are just the spice of having the map down or not. timing and rhythm are always the most important aspects of a map.

Of course, it's also the only game where hitting a nonuplet is required to even consider mid-level play.
in a real fps movement matters more than aim
>bounce off wall
>perfectly execute crouch jump into bunnyhop to get over the ledge
>wallhug to build speed and then doublejump over the hole to get the pickup and then the perfect perch
>take this extremely easy shot
>die like a bitch
Point being, no.
yeah bro, the faster you move the faster your bullet will be

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