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Season 3 of the finals, season of the Weeb.
how much i bet that set was supposed to be in the season pass but because they are in red numbers they are selling it separately, this season bp feels so weak
>The Finals
You fucked it up, OP
They did the same with the Ayy revolver skin in S1
which was funny since it was in the trailer, but not in the BP at launch
So is ranked just all about the kills?
not supposedly but in the end it just falls down to that.
That's just great then
played ranked once and my teammates called me an idiot for trying to actually plant the bomb...

Not even gonna bother reaching diamond this season. Might even not bother playing at all.
the ayy skin is for the V9S though, no?
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it took me almost a entire month holy fuck, this season is not looking that good for me, wayyyy to many braindead lightweights running around, cheaters and a weak battlepass, and not balancing correctly, i fear for this game bros
Enjoy your constellation prize of 250 Multibucks!
If they don't do something drastic in terms of balancing and the general core gameplay, this shit is not making it to a season 6, and thats being generous.
What would you like to see as "drastic"?
nta but revert LMG nerfs, RPG nerf and C4 nerf

for the lulz
i've just been playing quick cash and world tour with friends
My friends uninstalled the game..
>they're making changes to cashout
worried. I hope they don't fuck up the mode by giving cash over time like people keep asking for
I mean it would incentivize sticking with the defence

All they gotta do to fix cashout is just fix the shit spawns and that's it
That would work but only as a separate game mode like domination in UT99 where it's built like that from the ground up.
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I fucking hate that mecha skin. Head is wonky, and the rig being unchanged just leads to terrible clipping like pic related. Even the emote it comes with sucks ass with a generic slash with a tiny ass sword. They took my dream skin and fucked it up in practically every way except for the color pallet. It makes CoD's shitty Gundam cosplay look amazing by comparison.
>power shift is about to touch for enemy
>get on and kill 2 mediums and a heavy by myself
>using sword
>there's a fucking sniper rawdogging me while I try to slide and dash to avoid him
>when I finally die I see my team mates are hiding in windows hard scoping the boat
>one of them was right beneath the sniper shooting me

The average power shift match
>your team LLLLH
>>All the lights would rather go for kills and camp rooftops
>>they don't actually go hunting for snipers though
>>the heavy is trying
>the enemy team MMLHH
>>The mediums both have heals and pocket the heavies
>>APS active 24/7
>>heavies rotate shields and place barricades
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The Finals was my favorite game to come out in a long time. Nothing came close to the rush I felt using the light, dash, V9S.
Stealing cashouts in front of several teams, repeatedly finishing first in ranked tournaments into diamond, winning rounds even with an AFK.

Thats all over now. They ruined it and replaced the main mode with Terminal Attack. I haven't played since Season 3 started.
Whats even more mind boggling are the changes to TA from season 2, its worse in every way and less competitive.
Cashout took way more skill to begin with
>removing cash loss on team wipe
What kind of retards do they have working on this shit?
>changing vault spawns to reduce third partying
>but also more $ for kills and no wipe penalty
>thus making it so that the best way to play is to start a cashout and immediately abandon it, trying to 3rd party and steal kills as much as you can
Feels like they're trying to reward aggressive play and curb the common tactic of waiting for others to deposit and instead wipe and ambush them near the end of the cashout. Doesn't feel like enough, however, as that only really works half the time and is slowly decreasing in viability as people are learning how to counter ambushes and third-partying. The more substantial change would be to eliminate vault opening timers in the last 1-3 minutes, to end that situation where people just wait it out when they have the lead.

And of course, removing the team wipe penalty is a fucking terrible idea. That's one of the key parts of Cashout, that when it's down to the wire, wiping a team can matter more for you winning than depositing cash.
>they are trying to make it TDM like they ruined bank it
i have no hope on modern FPS audience, how can a group of people be so fucking braindead, COD truly was a mistake to humanity
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I know you're in here.
>no cash loss on wipe
I want to bash their heads in

fuck it, remove the coin system at this point, who gives a fucking damn
Heaven forbid the main gamemode isn't the usual 5v5 snd slop you've come to know and hate since CS1.6. Statistics tell us that those games sell and we at nexon are all about money so please make sure every new player understands that fun and unique game modes are not welcome here.
This game is really going to die isnt it?
I like getting 30% on starting it but money for kills and no money loss for team wipes is dumb.
He means they need to make heavy more OP so he can win.
>The more substantial change would be to eliminate vault opening timers in the last 1-3 minutes, to end that situation where people just wait it out when they have the lead.
absolutely agreed. Passing the box to a teammate to put in for a last minute cashout to qualify feels great. Sitting around waiting because theres no chance to open the vault and get it in the box, while the other teams are guarding another vault so they don't go overtime is the complete opposite and makes me want to quit.
>rent free seething
hi jenny
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I love fighting tooth and nail to defend the cash box and when I die at the last second as it gets stolen I'm greeted with this fucking faggot on the crane.
>not having a dedicated defence/destruction heavy who kills the crane immediately after game start
Cope and seethe.
I'm telling the official discord that the dumb changes they are making with every update are damaging my mental health
>having a dedicated

How do I make friends
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So these Cashout changes are being tested on the current World Tour round and might not be permanent
Goo Grenade
Increased the time it takes for fire to destroy goo from 6s to 12s

I wonder if this is enough to make fire not an immediate hard counter to goo anymore, 12 seconds is a long time to react
You can still use explosives to take out the goo
Wow cashout plays like crap now
Fuckkkkkk it's ever more dumbed down now
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Grind Tour
They are REALLY desperate.
Time to uninstall this trainwreck lmao
>bundle shows what's clearly a medium with the Spear
>Spear is a heavy only weapon
I'm also kinda getting sick of LED for faces cosmetics, this is like the 4th one
>Nerf dash
>Not throwing knives and the smgs

God playing dagger and sword is suffering.
How was dash nerfed? Thats the only reason I played this game but been boycotting this season
93r bros, is it good yet?
It's hard to promote your super cool video game with the only fat character
Cooldown from 5.5 seconds to 6.5. About a 16% nerf to recharge speed.
Some of their loudest community voices are people that constantly pitch about third parties and undeserved losses, and these changes really make sense in that context.

They tried to hard-pivot to TA because TA is a traditional mode that rewards legacy FPS skill to an absurd degree. The game isn't built for that and people fucking hate it, so now they're trying to contort cashout into a format where sweaty ranked players that try to pump their killcounts at any cost will probably get to win, objectives be damned
>grapple hook and goo nade buffs
i've won.
thats pretty huge, I hope the game dies and the devs off themselves
I do too. It's not like throwing knives deleting people with zero downtime and headshots for hitting crotches was a problem. Or the shotgun/mp5/uzi all one clipping heavies. It was obviously the dash that was the problem.
if your weapon can't one mag a heavy your weapon is shit, period.
Sure. And all these weapons will be doing it still from safe distance except for the shotgun. But for sword and dagger users? They can go fuck themselves I guess.
Cash for kills is 100% terrible.
No cash loss for wipes is arguably worse than terrible.
30% for insert is dumb, they should've just increased the insert value rather than taking it from the final cashout.
>we want to stop third partying
>hope the game dies
Yes. Ive never understood the people who hate a game for existing, but now I do.
This game had so much potential, but here we are with exactly the game no one ever asked for.
Not heavycrutchers, not medium codbrain, and not liggers.
No one wants what this game offers now.
I'm baffled at the course this game has taken.
And I genuinely want to see it die and I want nexon to lose money and I want the devs to lose their jobs and I want the fucking faggots who've cheated, or whined or done whatever they could to push this game to the point it is in now to have to abandon this game.
I have never, ever seen such a promising game get so ruined in such a short period of time.
I don't know how this game attracted such a low IQ playerbase.
>Game bleeding players since release
>Devs start addressing biggest pain points
>Use a whole season for experimentation
They did change spawns retard.
are you that guy that bragged about being an independent non-metaslave free thinker because you used the model 1887 lol
I cannot imagine what its like to be this fucking retarded.
They changed cashbox spawns you fucking illiterate moron. Read the notes.
But please, keep defending this doomed ship as it sinks because of idiotic developer choices.
>releases game and decides to not update until mid January.
this allows rewasd cheaters to exploit the extremely overpowered aim assist for the entire first month of release, leaving about 200,000 players with a bad taste to never pick up the game again
>with 50,000 players, they leave FCAR and Recon in a busted state for the rest of season 1.
This means that people still abusing recoil scripts and aimbotting dominate and the entire meta is triple medium with triple FCAR, Defib and recon, causing another 30,000 players to leave.
>season 2 isnt too bad, despite some braindead balance decisions, but cheating remains rampant.
17,000 more leave, mostly complaining about cheaters, leaving 13,000 peak at the end of season 2.
>season 3 changes the entire game.
>changes ranked
>changes cashout
>buffs lights to dominating status.
"but ThE gAmE wAs BleEdINg PlaYeRs So ThEy nEeD tO ChaNge ThE CoRe GamE!!!11!!"
You're a moron. The game wasdnt bleeding players because of core gameplay, it was bleeding players because of very specific things.
Rewasd, rampant cheating, unfun fcar+recon meta, nukes, etc all contributed to general discontent, no one ever said ahit about cashout balance except to complain about the season 2 changes to respawn locations which increased the amount of third partying and drawn out cashbox fights.
It was the bad season 2 spawn changes tho, they didn't need to do everything else here. There was still a strong core of 13,000 players playing at the end of s2./
>They ruined it and replaced the main mode with Terminal Attack
Huh? World Tour is the main mode.
>they leave FCAR and Recon in a busted stat
If anyone ever wanted to make a version of Scrubquotes for FPS games, all they would need to post is this dumbass opinion and then it'd never be able to be topped
Please take an IQ test, you may be entitled to government compensation
Please for one sincere moment explain how wall hacks with the best gun in the game wasnt bad for the game.
Ranked is the primary mode by default.
It's perception. Its how gaming has always been
How was the season 1 FCAR with map wide wallhacks not busted as fuck?
Triple mediums laser beaming your spawn across the map in ranked was fucking cancer.
>Triple mediums laser beaming your spawn across the map in ranked was fucking cancer.

And nothing is different. Except sometimes there's a heavy now.
It's just heavy mains who mindlessly walk around in the open all the time.
I see them in matches all the time.
Incredibly low IQ post. The playerbase was still bleeding after all those issues were fixed and cheaters weren't even close the biggest grievance people had with the game.
>Play 9 matches of Terminal Attack
Why do they keep shitting on the coin system? I really enjoy that system, wether to waste a coin and avoid a wipe or go even the odds for your teammates. Now, no point since there's no loss on wipe. The only game mode that makes use of coins is cashout either way
you forgot nukes but yeah, largley that
am I the only one who only plays quickplay modes here?
could be a Russian for all you know
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>this fucking quest
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The medigun nerf is destructive.
just wait until the end of the season to do all TA assignments
wierder that it wasn't done earlier given how people felt about it
Thank God I finished the battle pass just now
The FCAR feeling broken was always such a fucking meme. The only reason people felt it was so damn strong in Season 1 was because the retards getting hit by it couldn't wrap their head around "I should run inside" or "I should get behind cover and throw goo/barricades/dome/etc" when getting shot, and the retards using it felt it was way better because they were idiots who couldn't use anything without a red dot sight. It thrived in a retarded environment because you were all retards.

And there was never any world where taking Recon Senses was actually worth it for the team compared to Healing Beam and Sonar Grenade, but again, everyone was fucking retarded in Season 1, and you have all the kiddies who were just focused on kills being gleeful about the occasional time it let them snag a kill on a light, all the kiddies who were just focused on kills pitching a fit because trying to dive in solo was getting them caught, and all the retards that didn't realize that being detected by just the Medium honestly didn't really worsen how much they were going to get fucking hosed with their linear, basic approach onto the cash box.
every game needs the sacred cow class that someone in the balance team obviously mains
The FCAR was better, stat wise
it also had easy recoil, which you could also totally negate by using reWASD which kinda everyone was using in S1.

RS was totally fucking busted, you don't remove a spec from the game like that if it wasn't. If it's not in the game anymore, it's because even the devs agreed it was too much. And from a team standpoint, knowing where an enemy spawned or where an enemy was pushing from is invaluable information, especially since it had to tell (save from the "woosh" sound effect queue which was easy to miss) unlike something like, say, the sonar granade which had a MASSIVE audio queue AND a visual queue that would even be team coloured. Sonar Nade is also on a wave, while RS was a constant and blatant wallhack.

Above all else, there's a reason why MMM FCAR stack was very strong in S1. Even just 1 person with RS on a discord/TS call could give totally accurate and real time movement info, whilst having the most versatile weapon AND 2 healbeams AND instant rez.

Sorry but anyone who defends RS and early FCAR is a retard, 200k players who left can't all be wrong.
>The FCAR was better, stat wise
Any advantages the FCAR had over other weapons was always cast in the shadow of its own limited mag size, as for a game where up to 9 opponents can be pushing in at the same time, it was always laughable. The only place where it exceptionally thrived was in 1v1 situations and trying to poke people at range, and as already stated, the people on both ends of the gun in those situations were quite often extremely retarded.
>if it's not in the game anymore, the devs agreed
More like they were already planning to move scouting entirely onto the Lights, give how they also moved the Sonar Grenade, and removing it fit how they wanted to push Mediums and was a simple PR move
>it was hard to tell when RS were being used before you could be detected
>it's also real-time and not on a wave
And again, if you're retarded to think those things outweigh the benefits of the taking another Healing Beam while still having an area scan thanks to Sonar Grenade, then you're just fucked
>even just 1 person with RS on VC could give real time info
And again, the approaches this was able to actually catch and easily relay in real time were simple, linear ones done by retards, which honestly were going to fail even without RS being part of the equation
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Im a fully geared rogue and just got two shot by a naked rogue with a stilleto with 7 gear score.
How is this possible?
100 hours in and the combat doesnt make any sense to me
>More like they were already planning to move scouting entirely onto the Lights, give how they also moved the Sonar Grenade, and removing it fit how they wanted to push Mediums and was a simple PR move
Bullshit, they didn't move sonar or remove RS from CB2 to OB to S1. If they really wanted to give sonar to light, they would have already, given how Light had zero util at launch.
>And again, if you're retarded to think those things outweigh the benefits of the taking another Healing Beam while still having an area scan thanks to Sonar Grenade, then you're just fucked
>And again, the approaches this was able to actually catch and easily relay in real time were simple, linear ones done by retards, which honestly were going to fail even without RS being part of the equation
I think you're the retard because my point was of how strong it was in conjunction with having a MMM team. Only 1 guy needed to have RS to have total intel on where the enemy was coming from. You also keep claiming Sonar granade superiority but you still never talk about how Sonar had a massive sound effect, visual effect AND was also nerfed in S1 to have LESS range than it used to have in OB. A sonar granade was MUCH easier to spot than a guy using RS. RS had like an effective range of what, 150 meters? While sonar had only about 12.5 meters. And sonars were thrown too, so you know they were really close if one was near. If sonar could spot them, it was already too late given the "simple, linear" tactics that you keep claiming everyone by (you) uses.

Medium had just the best deck of cards, with minimal time investment
best movement gadgets
best movement to health ratio
best allrounder weapons
best specs
best gadgets

but hey, keep moving the goalpost and ignoring other of my points like reWASD and ease of use of the FCAR

I think you're just a retard who keeps huffing his own farts over how smart he is
or you're just baiting, one of the two
>Light had zero util at launch
Hence, why they decided to move scouting to Light as a utility for him to have. If it was just RS being broken, they would've removed RS from Medium and that'd be the end of it, but the fact that they moved Sonar over to Light as well shows that RS being removed just falls in line with them realizing they needed to give Light more to do.
>only 1 guy needed RS to have total intel on where the enemy was coming from
I agree, if by "enemy' we're being literal and acknowledging my point that it only point of notable worth was for catching retarded solos. Otherwise, the info is ironically less significant the more you can get from it, as what was able to be actively called out was already simple enough to be countered without having to take RS
>you also keep claiming Sonar Grenade superiority
You absolute fucking mong. The point is that the Sonar Grenade is serviceable enough to lose the advantages that Recon Senses has over it when it means you can then take another Healing Beam. I never said the Sonar Grenade was better than RS, just that the RS wasn't better enough to outweigh what you lose with other Specializations when the alternative still can let you take some of the same power.
>Medium had just the best deck of cards, with minimal time investment
Weird way to spell Heavy
>ignoring my other points, like reWASD and ease of use of the FCAR
Nah, I already made a point that retards love the FCAR because they can more easily use it, even though it was ultimately a significant worse choice to take than just getting adjusted to the other weapons. As for reWASD, what's there to say. Cheating is cheating.
Nigga he's literally trying to tell you that the best gun in the game and LITERAL WALL HACKS were not that strong and only used by retards against retards. Stop replying to him.
>best gun in the game
Patently false
>Wall Hacks
Only let you see two things:
1) Retards sitting on their hands (not worth giving up Healing Beam for)
2) An assault and defense by multiple teams so indescribably bombastic and byzantine that it makes FCAR babies piss their pants too much to actively relay it without sounding like an auctioneer
>Incredibly low IQ post.
You keep saying this, but its not an argument.
>The playerbase was still bleeding after all those issues were fixed
Not really. Season 2 had a steady 15k through the entire season, because despite some complaints, the game was mostly balanced.
>and cheaters weren't even close the biggest grievance people had with the game.
I've never seen a community so aware of the rampant cheating like The Finals has had and a development team so willing to admit the issue openly and honestly, over and over again as they attempted to fix the issues.
To their credit, they have done more than most to block cheating methods, the secure boot requirement is a fairly big one most companies won't commit to.
But cheating was and is absolutely an issue and the community can tell more easily because its more obvious in longer ttk games and harder to counter in longer ttk games.
Cashout plays so fucking awful now
The changes meant to lessen 3rd-partying made even more 3rd-partying.
Na you're just a wrong retard.
The playerbase has never ever stopped bleeding heavily.
I actually ended up not minding the cashout changes much. Game is more actiony now, you're rewarded for going out there and entering combat more often instead of being super passive.
>Strategic game billed on being about more than killing people is now more about killing people
What if the 1st round of the Cashout Tournament gets 3 vaults/cashout boxes? That should solve the 3rd party problems in the 1st round
The wall hacks were busted as fuck. My group started using it a few days before it got nerfed. one buddy would take it and flick it on and off. if anyone was approaching, he'd tell us and we'd get set up. We'd often kill enemies before they even knew they were in range of us, then mop up the rest. If someone on your team wasn't running walls you'd lose. We won almost every ranked game after we started doing this.
that's not a positive, if anything, it already was like that (especially on high elo), only now the game encourages it which is not a good thing
thought about loading up The Finals then remembered they nerfed the dash
lol what a joke
I hate objectivetards so much. Have a little fun and shoot your gun in between vaults you piece of shit.
we went from
>kills don't matter, you can make it to second place simply by not focusing too much on fighting and just playing smart
>only kills really matter now, start a cashout and then fuck off and hunt for kills

at that point, play any other game mode like bank it or powershift
.t braindead lightweight main
The game is taking a deathmatch direction just to appeal to your brainrotten zoomer nigger asses and STILL you are not happy with that, go and inject yourself dopamine directly faggot and stop bothering us

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