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A part of Bizarre MMOdventure, but also for anons who want to continue this adventure.

>What the hell is this?
Ancient KMMO grindathon in the style of Lineage II. Kusokino lies ahead for those bold enough to take the plunge.


"TFW Guild". Message leader Averin to join. Otherwise find the community button in the lower right menu, and scroll down in the party finder and join party "MMOdventure".

>Resources/Further Information
Monster location database:

>New Player Guide

>Crafting Materials and Locations

Current MMOdventure thread:
So thats why no one is on, all partied out
You should post here if you still need a guild invite and I'll try and log in for it if I'm around. If I've replied to your post, I can join the currently running MMOdventure parties and teleport right to you, so you don't need to wait around idle.
I'm actually enjoying the slower pace after 30
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Lads, prepare for the lower 30s to become slightly more manageable during those dead-dead hours. One of the locals bestowed some ancient grinding knowledge on us earlier this morning.

Apparently, damaging any monster below 50% HP, and luring them back to any Bindstone or Warpgate Guard NPC will grant you full credit for the kill. EXP isn't reduced at all, and you retain full looting rights towards whatever the guards slay, so long as you dealt more than 50% of the monsters' HP before the NPCs finish them off.
This should allow any class of nearly any stat distribution (except something like full VIT or whatever) to effectively level at a respectable(ish) rate, whether that be playing solo, or rolling with a small group. Notably large parties (5+) will likely see better rates slaying camps of monsters normally, but this is a huge boon towards those who are signed-in during off hours.

This technique supposedly also works to quickly powerlevel fresh characters as well. By performing the gate guard lure trick with a much lower-level character in the party sitting idle nearby, if the player luring the monsters runs through the Warpgate before the guards slay what's chasing them, the remaining underleveled alt will receive full EXP - and quite a lot of it.
Supposedly, this is enough to take a Level 1 character to Level 10 in just a few minutes time. Will be experimenting with this technique at some point later this evening.

Reaching the heights of Level 40 before our playing period is up might still prove to be quite the challenge, but 35 should be more than feasible to attain in the coming days for those still on the grind.

Kinda same, actually.
Do feel the speedy clip offered during the natural 1-30 climb was where the game was at its best (an opinion shared by many of the locals I've come across as well, interestingly), but there's still something appealing about appreciating gradual progress. Makes every level earned feel more impactful, in a way.
The problem with the grind is that the zones are your average kmmo slop. The way they spread out the monsters is extremely soulless. I hate to compare it to WoW but if you think about how the monsters are placed in the zones in it you can see the difference. WoW monsters are placed with purpose. In kmmos they're each given their own spawning area and those spawning areas are spread out along the map.

Sure yeah Ferentus has a couple exceptions with the orc camps and graveyards but those are rare and ultimately it's a bit more like the camp was placed where the orcs spawn instead of the orcs spawning in the camp.
I'm reasonably sure the next game is going to be SWG which not only has a more natural spread of mobs but will have a much more enjoyable setting. It's not based around quests so we can actually breath and explore, take our time looking at stuff, etc. You could technically keep taking repeatable quests and sit in the same place grinding but you'd have to be crazy to choose to do that instead of roaming around having fun.
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>Not LaTale
>Not Ace Online
>Not Granado Espada
Nyagger, I'm blaming (You) and (You) alone if this ends up being the case.
I've heard a few times about people wanting to play swg, that's why I said it. LaTale might end up getting to finals, I don't think a single person has played Ace so you're right that might also make it if people want another mystery game after this one.
>>Not LaTale
>>Not Ace Online
>>Not Granado Espada
>he wants to play that shit
>wanting to play star wars
if we're going with pure normalfag garbage, we may as well all play free modern wow trials
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>get lucky to help craft my mace to magic
>he felt so bad he tried to force his higher level sheets on me
>mystery game
It's no mystery game if you are over 30 years old.
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it's the attempt that counts, blud. I expect we'll be seeing a lot of this
>t. has no fucking clue what kind of game SWG is
lol, you're thinking of swtor, swg was released before wow.
>The way they spread out the monsters is extremely soulless.
not any different from Everquest tbdesu
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ummmmm, I think these sheets are a little overvalued. jus' a personal opinion
At a glance it might not be that different but it is. EQ has static spawns, patrolling mobs, rare spawns and the overlap of the mobs wandering in the wild is much more natural feeling. Ferentus only has these blob spawn areas. There are no surprises. You just pull from mob to the next killing them within that area until you're done.
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I went to look for a crafter for my weapon and the guy who responded handed me this hueg mace.
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We spent an hour or so genociding lizardmen for their crafting sheets and then a local helped us craft a bunch of new gear.
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god someone please, take these from me
he's gone...
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Who's gone?
Wasn't able to sign in today, whoops. Will be on later this evening for one final grind session before the rest of the week takes me.
anyone else's client stuck on the loading screen? I can't get it to close, help
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Since this is likely my last morning at The Grindâ„¢ in this title for quite a long while, and there was absolutely NOBODY on at the time (both Anon and natives alike due to a recent server maintenance), I decided to see what the dark side is and spin-up two spare accounts for a night's span.

Controlling only one window at at time is obviously clunky, but through a combination of some choice rebinds and liberal use of /follow, I was able to get my own three-man deathsquad sort-of going, although it was very, very far from optimal (or enjoyable for that matter).
Since /follow is being used so frequently, you can't afford to sprint whatsoever, as trailing characters won't be able to keep up and will soon break the pathfinding chain. Maintaining Haste uptime is an absolute must, in addition to clever application of inviting/kicking a Cleric at key moments to use as a recall point.
Additionally, it appears focusing another window in Keyboard Mode whilst waiting for Combo Actions to finish their animations simply cancels the Combo altogether, so you're mostly just leaving one character on auto-attack after an opener while another deals all of the actual damage. This is fine early on when monsters barely have any health, but I'd imagine this method wouldn't really scale very well once you're out of Green Valley.

Most damningly, it's just... Not very fun.
Yeah, you get to level multiple characters at once, which is novel; and finally getting to see just how absurd Archer's damage tends to be was a treat. Can easily understand why they're such a popular damage-dealer in this title, and it'd only get even better once both of my alts are Level 20, and the Summoner gains access to its beloved Stamina Recovery spell.
But realistically, your kill rate is quite slow due to all the busywork, and having to manually re-engage /follow on my point character after every single kill got old REAL quick.

An interesting experiment, but I'll save it for the stuck-in vets of this server.
>I don't like multiboxing
>Do it in every game
They were recently called out for it and now they're trying and throw people off by saying how they can't understand how people do it and it's not for them. It's a kindergarten level diversion and transparent as fuck.
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>[He] can't understand how people do it
Oh I'm well aware of how multiboxing typically tends to work, and the rationale/excuses behind why people often do so in these older MMOs. Been around the genre for 22+ years, it'd be more surprising if I was somehow blindly ignorant to the practice at this point.
It's from that longstanding experience that I've developed such a strong distaste of the concept. Not too unusual to understand something on a deeper level, and still not approve of (or enjoy doing) it yourself.

In the case of Ferentus, practically every vet I've spoken with has either strongly implied, or explicitly advised, playing with more than one account open at any given time. It's even suggested in the damn New Player Guide, which made my heart sink when I saw it for the first time.
Its seeming ubiquity on this server doesn't change the unshakable fact that it is - again - a terrible practice long rotting the genre from within, and completely misses the entire point of playing these games with other people, as they were intended to be played. If I wanted an infinitely more satisfying single-player experience, I'd spend my time on an uncountable number of titles tailor-made for the purpose; not draining all the fun out of what's supposed to be a social experience by turning myself into an isolated, self-sufficient little island.

My foolish hope is that whichever title we land in next doesn't have such a deep-rooted acceptance of multiboxing, as is so frustratingly common among these older titles.
As it stands, one night toying around for a couple of hours when the server's population was next to dead post-maintenance is about the least-offensive time to see how that side plays; and much as it always has been, my stance afterwards hasn't changed. Would much rather be playing with the lads and actively engaged on my main character any day, and in any title.

Did get this nice screenshot out of it, at least.

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