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>tfw no online games where people just casually talk on mic anymore
Why did people stop doing this?
Video games are not about fun anymore, it's essentially an extension of real life, where people either need to keep etiquette and avoid any faux pas, or they use it as an escapism method, and just get grumpy once they meet the 1st kind of people i mentioned and suddenly they're pulled back to what they're trying to escape from.
Leftist political brainroy overtaking the society and making everyone walk on eggshells.
They play in a dicksword call with friends.
>he says this meanwhile every /v/ server is just as silent
Faggots take 4chan all over now. Can't trust the faggots you're on with to not be faggots.
Either ESL babble or a shitty botpost, can't tell which anymore
eve online
you can't tell because you are a retard
thank women for turning socialization in games into its own game of wait for some cunt to tattle on you for breaking the game's draconain TOS
roblox doebeit
Tell me about these servers. I'm fucking starved for multiplayer content without leftist brainrot.
Also that might be because /v/ servers are tiny and dead, but I don't know for sure.
>roblox 18+
>any blockgame
>niggerbabble en masse
>niggerbabble en masse, but we are awesome for hosting sex games on a children's platform
Because everyone became sweaty retards when they added ranked to pubby matchmaking
I've had some good conversations on Squad. As of recently, quality of player has really gone down hill.

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