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Throne and Liberty is a new MMO that just had an open beta and is set to release in September.

I wanna hear your guys thoughts on it as well as voicing some of my own

So far I’ve put 35 hours into the beta in 3 days. For the MAIN STORY quests I really loved it, it felt engaging and was fully voice acted which i appreciate. for the COMBAT I really like it, it feels simple yet deep and the thing that has probably surprised me the most is the difficulty of the dungeons. All of the dungeons on the game have actuall boss mechanics that are more like mini raids. For example the first dungeon boss at lvl 20 has a damage share mechanic where everyone has to stand in a circle. I also really love how throne and liberty isn’t trying to be something it’s not. It feels like it supposed to be a mmo and it really feels streamlined. The game also has open world events that happen every couple hours where hundreds of people can cooperate and kill a world boss
Isn’t that game some p2w Korean trash
i played 2 hours, i think i liked it
the combat is old mmo combat which will filter a lot of zoomers
Another p2w Unreal Engine asset flip by NCsoft.
what's the cope going to be when it breaks records on launch?
I really liked the combat too, it definitely does feel old school but in a good way. It is interesting how the abilities don’t really lead into each other like ffxiv abilities but it’s still cool. I also did the lvl 50 dungeons and it really forces you to think about what moves you pick and if you have a stun which I like
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holy shill the combat feels and looks terrible
no classes so everyone will be on the same 2 weps like new world
no boob slider, cant even put char in underwear
amazon pozzed and obv going to be p2w as fuck
it was originally gonna be an idle game with auto battling too
The auto battling this is crazy to me

But idk personally I think the combat feels great. Also the only p2w is that you can buy in game currency… wow and osrs has that.

From also playing myself I saw people playing tons of different classes. Yes there are meta classes but there are a bunch
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Seems like another albion and foxhole where you have to suck up to people.
World boss PvP and fucking dungeon PvP? It's just not going to work in this day and age. And add unlimited money >>1371210 to that and it's just going to be a battle of wallets and who has the most simps.

Anyone playing this is an actual gaylord in every sense of the word.
I’ve played both Albion and foxhole which are both hardcore full loot mmos

From playing throne and liberty you only have to pvp if you want, all of the world bosses and open world dungeons are on a pve/pvp cycle so you don’t have to touch pvp if you don’t want.

I do agree though the p2w is scary and hope it doesn’t suck the fun out of the game.
>on launch
MMOs are forever games and this one looks like it won't survive its first year. It's probably going to lose most of its playerbase within a few weeks after launch.
Then they crank up the p2w and watch it die. First time playing a NCSoft game?
you mean like every MMO and then 99% of the playerbase vanishes once they realise what they're in for?
don't be a retard
it's the same P2W gookslop we've seen a million times where the endgame is either begging a once-per-day bossfight for a 0.1% drop you need 5 of for a 0.1% enhancement chance at your gear, or paying thousands upon thousands to skip all of that shit
anyone going to play kr catch-up servers?
The open beta gameplay I've watched looks very underwhelming. At least Lost Ark had fun combat to carry it for a bit before dying for various reasons. Will still try it since it's free I guess, not like there's much else going for MMOs right now.

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