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Every time I see someone mention Naraka, people get weirdly passive-aggressive and hateful and I'm just trying to wrap my head around it. I just saw a random sponsored video from a content creator I don't know and people were VERY much not liking it.

1. "chinese spyware": likely plays a part in it, but is not the full reason considering many gacha games get a pass. Though it could also be a difference with acceptance in demographics of mobile games vs competitive games.
2. "chinese VPN cheaters": an especially stuck up misconception. Since this game is a culture hit in China, all Chinese people living around the world know and many play it, while english-speaking community remains small. Most of the players even with Chinese names are actually playing on low ping. Playing on high ping fucks up the experience a bit for everyone, but more for the high ping player. Basically nobody willingly plays at high ping, and all the top players are low ping players.
3. The actual problem is the mediocre netcode that is hard to understand, creates some inconsistencies, but does its job even for competitive play and basically gets better the more you play. Additionally, the game's bots whose netcode is more forgiving, adds a layer of confusion. Basically, the hate of Chinese, unintuitive netcode and false expectations created by practice bots creates a perfect storm for bad initial experience.
5. "dead game, move on": - the assumption that in 3 years the game should be dead by now. Surprisingly it isn't (which is because it's very good). With the success from Asia and big budgets, the game is not going away any time soon. You are right to be skeptical of copium, and you can't use Steam charts to gauge western playerbase, but from experience, western playerbase has kept growing from tiny to small, and especially the amount of competent players to has grown, however it's still far from enough to support all the game modes and multiple ranked skill levels. Sadly many good games fail like this because for many people it's more important to play the popular thing instead of supporting the best games based on your own evaluation.
4. Chinese culture/marketing/communication difference. Western people nowadays prefer engaging with games through social media, but the community is not big enough to consistently have that. When the devs then pay content creators for that, it creates an air of awkward fakeness and contributes to the "dead game" feeling that casual gamers hate.
6. I have also noticed that western players hate having to adapt to enemy gameplay and get straight-up offended by gameplay that's not just clicking heads at their own pace. It looks like western players are prone to blaming lag and cheaters when it's just a skill issue 95% of the time.

My conclusion is that it's a combination of China hate, "dead game" chicken-egg problem, the barrier of mediocre netcode and the game being too advanced for average western gamers. It's sad because Naraka is such an innovative, fun and well-designed game to last for at least a decade and we aren't getting a game this good anytime soon.
It has the most invasive anti-cheat ever.
It requires turning off core isolation which is Windows 11 feature that heavily nerfs gaming performance. On the other hand, it doesn't launch on startup like Vanguard and closes after closing the game.
In my book, the moment you accept the UAC prompt, your system is pretty much compromised. And it doesn't explain why this less issue for other Chinese games.
pvp games in general get people saltier than normal. that combined with naraka's learning curve and skill ceiling means its too difficult for the average low iq low effort aim assist mongoloid. so they blame it on hackers, cn vpns, lag, or whatever else helps them cope. naraka devs doing a piss poor job of supporting the game in the west doesn't help either.
pretty cool game imo
but i only play a couple hours every few months

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