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Hello /vm/ - this is my first time posting here.
I don't know if anybody here would be interested, but I wanted to play modded minecraft with someone but I have no friends.
I've set up a "modpack" and a "server" (I'm just using ngrok to forward the port, and my wifi is kinda bad but I think it will work). So yeah, please join if you wish.

>Link to the modpack?
>How do I install this?
I recommend grabbing `Prismlauncher Cracked` from github, then `add instance` and `import from zip`. Then just set up an offline account and make sure your java version is correct in the instance settings (should be java 17 i think).
If you have bought minecraft before then normal Prismlauncher should be fine for you.
>How long will the server be up?
I don't know, if nobody joins then I will probably stop hosting after a few hours. Also, if there's anybody with better hosting capabilities who wants to host I can always send the server files.
>What mods?
Notably create, AE2, quark, immersive engineering and that pollution mod, aside from this there are some client optimizations and other miscellaneous mods.
Oh yeah, here's the server address:

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