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Twistzzzzzzzzzz is the best looking CS player.
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you will never be a real woman
That's the most average looking dude ever.
I mean a lot of CS players are good looking

m0NESY is worshipped in China
monesy is amazing
I miss Get_Right
Him and f0rest were not only the best CS players but also the most handsome. Full homo.
forest is pretty cute
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Twistzzz is decent but carried by his anime hair.
Aleksib has that real cute boy thing going. Bet he was pulling mad girls in highschool.
His hair is pretty great but recently he's had a beard which I'm not a fan of.
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Niko doesn't get enough credit for his glow up. He went from fat butch lesbian to Bosnian Bvll over his career.
Aleksi and Hampus are the most stylish pros. If you ever see them out of their jerseys they actually dress pretty well and don't just cover themselves in hypebeast shit like most other CS pros.
most hetero cs thread
>and don't just cover themselves in hypebeast shit like most other CS pros.
This is so fucking cringe. Football players do it too and it just shows how fucking tasteless they are. The tackiest, most expensive hype stuff is instantly bought and they show up to the big game dressed as total clowns.
At least the football players have athletic builds that any sort of clothing more or less looks good on. I die a little inside when I see some scrawny nerd or fat slav wearing thousands of dollars of cheap clothes covered in logos.

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