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skyesports disaster from now until the 28th, blast fall groups start july 29th, then iem cologne from august 7th-18th
First for Freya
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the tables the players were provided
why are indian lans so shit when china has world class T1 events like IEM Chengdu?
for the indian dude wondering why people were being relatively chill, it's because your competition in the foreign lan fuckup department calls people racist and leads one man seethe campaigns for months over the crime of noticing
just laughing at the dark comedy of it is a nice change of pace
we're back
prob something to do with china not being enslaved by the brits
time to take a look back and skyesports's announcement of their 2025 LAN
tech pause on round 2
These tables are a classic. Used to play in chess tournament on these.
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thats nice of them
who does this fat faggot think he is by giving ultimatums?
Someone who cares.
So does nobody care about the tournament when matches actually happen?
its some mickey mouse streetshitter joke, no i do not
its hard to care when they're playing matches from a prac room
I watch my favorite team play but their win doesnt mean much in the grand scheme of things when its against [bleed]
I don't think I could go to this country if I am being honest
I am surprised by all the trash, like if you were gonna run something like this with a 300K prize pool you could afford a somewhat nice hotel and location.
christ, the entire replies section are pissed off indians saying this is racism
It is racism, we fucking hate shitskins
its the newest word they learned
just take pity on them and hope they die early of stomach bloating
Come to Mumbai you rascal we will do fucking you bloody
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I tried looking up "skyesports" on twitter and I can't believe there is an actual defense squad out there now
it wasn't like this yesterday
imagine how little funds you need in india of all places to get shit like desks and chairs, hotel accomdation or a building that can host games, let alone staff costs
relative to 1st world the costs might reduced by 2/3

someones skimming off the top
i'm guessing almost all of that 1xbet money went into the pockets of the CEO
If they were doing it out of love and passion, wouldn't they have tried their hardest to make the best with what they can?
none of the teams are that good desu
it's basically a cct on lan
bullshit, EF is a top tier team
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new kassad update
the indians in the replies are telling him to stop blaming india for his own losses
wow they actually didnt plan their meals ahead
they're making fun of jw....
kek this tournament is mental
as shit as it is it's good to have a little curveball here and there, all the regular torunaments became too fucking boring, nothing interesting or unpredictable happens. the Major with the mid-game stage rush and the Nvidia crash was good in that regard.
glad to see sdy back to fragging
Didn't Flyquest win a match in Chengdu in spite of food poisoning?
no one asked
I literally just did
the hotpot strat https://clips.twitch.tv/BoringScrumptiousSnoodOSsloth-IIRm9JjuGg1-wnL4
>Boombl4 says, before 2021 NAVI promised to hugely increase his salary if he loses 10kg weight. The organization was ready to do anything, as it was very harmful to his health.
>NAVI hired a nutritionist, a fitness trainer, they did yoga, exercised every day, and the bootcamp had a “hardcore” mode. Kirill's diet was greatly restricted.
This is so fucking funny
Can't respect a small cocked pro sorry.
why are people linking twitter as if people can see what theyre talking about
some nitter instances still work, but yeah. i usually screencap if i'm going to link something
he just quoted the entire post
>claims to love musk
>won't use his website
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oh, and 4chanXT twitter embeds work
No excuse to not have a Xitter account
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this is THE game
Didn't watch this thing at all but Mongolz-Ence should be fun, I hope no delays and fuckery.
nexa posting a negative k/d vs indians
giving 10 rounds to the 2nd best indian team is embarassing
but not as embarassing as losing a BO3 to the best indian team on lan
why are you indian?
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i'm not indian but the results speak for themself
>i'm not le heckin le indian
>creates fantasies about india
the point is that australia is still in the gutter
>le point is le i am le indian
im surprised games have progressed this smoothly today
I was totally expecting a "tournament cancelled" announcement today
i don't care about indians they're just a tool in my argument
>nooooo you can't le heckin notice meeeeee!!!1 I am totes mcgoats le heckin deep master mind
>can't even run a tournament
lmao imagine being this cucked
>mongolz lost to a bunch of literal whom russians
Oh that explains the seething in this thread.
i'd say who did flyquest beat but we both know they're not there
and they would probably lose to no namers like dms and parivision too
>i don't care about indians
what? I'm shocked, absolutely shocked
I thought the Peoplx of Chinx had a deep sincere desire to see all asian cs nurtured and grown into the envy of the world, are you telling me it was all just an excuse to fling shit and larp because your (1.4B people btw) teams are complete shit, so you have to claim mongolian (3.4M pop) achievements? that can't be, this is a false flag
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Do you rike it?
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its starting
its time to ence vs mongols
its time to obese
>lone white guy trying to lead 4 slavs
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the shitflinging drama is overshadowing the tournament in my mind, indians are attacking accounts that are reposting Aurora's perspective of India
then the CS2CIS admin posted this
bros I fucking hate this fifth world shithole so fucking much it's unreal

>players report genuine shitshow happening at the event
>go outside to see the shitshow of a country this place is
>some uzbek who runs a twitter accounts reposts it all in eng from telegram
>he gets all nationalistic indians dogpiling on him

fucking hell, is there ANY fucking way to fix this subhuman shithole other than total annihalation and a complete reset in terms of cultural revolution, that will NEVER happen in my fucking lifetime

it's so fucking over man, escape real world bullshit and come to CS and this shit follows me here too
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pretty terrible from the poles, and it should be a map they have experience on
glaive was pretty much a bot most of the 1st half where they lost the game
>is there ANY fucking way to fix this subhuman shithole
nukes and genocide
>other than total annihalation and a complete reset in terms of cultural revolution
China was so fucking smart when they genocided like half the country and completely fucking reset themselves

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yeah it's hardware cheats and you can't do shit about it unless valve or a TO's anticheat bans for repeated nonoverlapping inputs
obviously it's bad, go write 5000 words about it with your reddit friends
I'm IP permabanned and have no idea how to fix it nor do I care.

It does seem like it's very easy to detect though, someone with perfect non-overlapping inputs vs every other person who played the game before, as there is no real keyboard technology which would give non-overlapping inputs before this stuff.
I tried it and it seems like a nothingburger
Outside of jumpstatting why would you ever use this?
go look up the video hltv linked, the exact same inputs done by a machine will get you faster counterstrafes and return to accuracy, with perfect execution every time
>I tried (= I have this shit installed and will use it)
>h-hardly any noticable change guys
This shit on a software level is banned everywhere yet supposedly the people with a $200+ Reddit keyboard all claim they hardly notice the difference while everyone with a history in KZ/pro play warns of it.
my 80he is coming next month
later virigns
Yes, nulling is advantageous in kz (and discouraged from use outside of longjumping (and it might even be bannable once cs2kz plugin is completed))
I don't see this being the difference maker in comp
You don't see having much faster and reliable full accuracy compared to your opponents as advantageous?
>while everyone with a history in KZ/pro play warns of it
time to seize the means of pro movement
look at the counterstrafing section
I can only imagine you are not good enough to tell whether you were hitting them
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Give me a fucking break bro I know how to counterstrafe and have hundreds of hours in kz as well
>flubbed his tryouts
Both of you are giga retards.
Nobody is talking about China and you accuse the country of genocide in a thread about Counter Strike.
China? More like gay.
India? More like gay.
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is this the new FOTM anime
swedish fail
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like ?????
ayo wheres the snaptap github?
Snap tap? More like retard crutch. You're just bad if you can't win with 30fps using a laptop and the built in trackpad.
>just be ropz bro
>not the thinkpad clit
flyquest still wasn't invited to skyesports and never would be
skyesports invited real teams like ef and bleed and you have flyquest fanboys in the thread bragging as if skyesports even wanted them in the first place
they don't want another oceanic failure in the league going 0-5
Why are Indians seething about Australians now?
lol shit stinking indians
i'm not indian and i don't give a shit about skyesports but flyquest fans crying about a lan that they weren't even invited to reeks of jealousy since they're suffering from little brother syndrome since themongolz is infinitely more successful than them
the rmr is fast approaching and i see atox getting the third major spot not flyquest
>I don't care
>continues typing
More cow piss, saar?
weren't you gonna put a trip on?
your posts deserve special attention and care, I wouldn't want them lost in the shuffle
they're going to implement here https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware which is a pretty popular custom keyboard firmware. otherwise you have razer or wooting right now, other companies will follow in the next few months
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fucking kek
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I didn't watch this game, but judging by this pic, i feel like rating values kills that don't achieve anything way too much

ence lost this game
>mongolz-bleed gets half a round in before the stream shits out and crashes
after a 30 minute delay i might add
>now the entire stream has died
i just wanted to see mongolz play
well they're back, but don't check hltv scorebot cause it's a few rounds in front
scorebot is 1 round ahead of the youtube stream and 3 rounds ahead of the twitch stream
they somehow broke the twitch stream during the delay

yet another food poisoning
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>It looks like the 'Play Like S1mple' course created by S1mple is being cancelled
>People who purchased the course are getting their money refund
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No it's already a classic
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I shat myself again
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Isn't this basically just SOCD like on hitbox controllers?
Yes it is
Huh I already had that.
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Let's settle it, /magog/. Is the new razer keyboard's "snap-tap" feature cheating or not?

sirs are getting ROLLED
just puts me back on the playing field with the other 100% of cheaters in this game
after seeing that voocsgo spreadsheet I could not give less of a fuck about hltv rating. after a base level of competence it's a function of eco kills, because they're the easiest way to farm opening kills, multikills, kdr boosted by staying alive, etc
hltv desperately needs a leetify style rating based on contribution to likelihood of winning a round, because a deagle eco 3k against a full buy and an m4 spraydown of glocks are not equally valuable
yeah it's cheating. the low actuation distance keyboards aren't, but putting a computer inside your keyboard to fix your movement is
maybe next they'll make a mouse that ignores any motions that fuck up a spray pattern
there are possibilities like aurora could have full ecod a bunch and got splattered, and ence force bought and had close losses, in which case the rating probably does somewhat accurately reflect what happened in the game

but it does seem a bit concerning that an average rating of .984 vs 1.146 was a 16-14 win for the 0.984
it's probably actually from saving
vp always had this, they would full save at the slightest inconvenience, the other team gets no kills and vp doesn't take a hit to dpr/kast which are a huge part of rating 2.0
but again, I think after round win leetify assigns high value to whatever caused the save
yep, podi/kylar 0.57 dpr
sh1ro/jame have 0.53/0.54 dpr in 2024, next lowest in top 20 teams is 0.59
at least he didn't scam them this time
Already exists called the A4Tech bloody mouse
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>Go around some forums looking for the consensus on the Razer/Wooting snap tap feature
>They all conclude Wooting can do no harm and had their poor hands forced by Razer
>After apparently opening pandora's box themselves with something called rappy snappy
What's the matter with these guys?
although technically that's mouse macros where it replays movement
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I love it when reddit still discusses S1mple as one of the top AWPers lmao. How the heck did he manage to brainwash these people? You can’t be considered the GOAT while winning only one major and that was during the COVID era.
rappy snappy=push one key further than another and it takes priority, equivalent to a keyboard with sensitive engagement that you can feather easily
snap tap=whenever another key gets pressed at all override it. can hold your a key down and tap d
neither is great, but snap tap is way worse
post more sexfly and I will consider your post
>le goat awper is dev0rce
kys retard
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My wife Firefly
device did nothing post COVID except win an RMR tournament
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>play like s1mple
>by quitting
Fighting games have had it for like a decade
Raising the skill floor is bad
My wooting got delayed another 6 weeks so I hate it
>cts can get into lower, top mid, and down cat early round for free before ts can even see it
dust2 is so shit now oh my fucking god
>try to counteract economy imbalance (something all retards have been asking without actually understanding true balance) with map changes
>the cobble drop self boost
>the mirage mid window self boost
>the dust2 cat self boost
these are all awful additions and you know it
its actually all because they can't fix the boost bug
All CS maps are shit. Except for Insertion.
this but assault
I remember this thing existing, why did they cancel it?
>get rid of Aztec
>some tranny makes a shitty version and add that instead
What is wrong with these devs?
end of the line sirs...
>if ence, mongolz and parivision lose it goes down to round differential
>even if bleed beats parivision they could get squeezed out of playoffs contention if both mongolz and ence win their matches dominantly
now this is interesting
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betboom fell off
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I think the left side win every match.
no chance
also even if flyquest beats big in a fluke they would have to fight the mongolz to make groups who they would lose to 100 times out of 100
do you think Dweg and Eternaljay are even aware of how much everyone hates them? I've been watching pro CS for close to 12 years now and I can't think of a single other casting duo that was this bad, for this long, and kept getting hired for events. They have to be undercutting everyone else with their day rates, right? Why else would anyone hire them?
they know but i have a feeling they're the only ones who said yes to going to india
holy shit these fucking mics
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British colonialism in India is responsible for 100% of everything from that place that isn't evil. They wouldn't even have food or clothing without the British.
>They wouldn't even have food or clothing without the British.
That's retarded but so is India so I'll believe it. They would find a way to have shit without first having food.
least delusional polcel
The British gave them civilization but they still shit in the street. China is at least capable of doing it on their own.
ence disappointings till the end
I guess since head to head results in case of bleed win is
bleed beat mongols
ence beat bleed
mongols beat ence
so you cant use that to determine who goes through and if the tie breaker is round difference then mongolz, ence > bleed
same thing with parivision

so the last match is pointless?
>so the last match is pointless?
if what you said above is true, yeah
maybe a tiny sliver of RMR points
hoping gla1ve and the lads or Mongolz win it
didnt people cry on 1st day that this tournament should be excluded from any rankings because of the shit pc's or something
aurora going to be farming indian tournaments
Germany is Han Chinese
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How is Bleed this bad?

The roster is starting to look like an all-star team, but they're playing tier 2 or 3 counter strike
>The roster is starting to look like an all-star team
>all star
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so fucking embarassing that you can go 0-2 in every tournament and still be #2 if you have enough invites
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here we go again
>valve adds overwatch back
>does nothing with it
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also johnny speeds being #18 in the world because they played a bunch of no-name games during the player break when no one else was
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is it time
I can't tell if the monsoon engulfing the landscape in the background makes the trophy look better or worse
I feel bad to a degree because I don't think they're bad casters at all, they just absolutely don't have the voice for it
Very grating and unpleasant
Don't disrespect my 30 degree goat like that.
Decent, unironically looks way better than the last 2 Major trophies (not a high bar I know). Chinese niggas better design something aesthetic for Shanghai.
>job where you are literally paid to talk into a mic and be broadcast to thousands of people's ears
>describes their voices as "grating and unpleasant"
>I don't think they're bad casters at all
floppy has more cs2 trophies than s1mple
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Finally got a nitter instance working
The salt and cope is fucking insane

Maybe if we plaster social media with pictures of their shit hole, they'll finally do something about it
Who was the guy who said "THIS IS SENSATIONAL"?
Bring him back
bro do we gotta do this every week
lynn vision at cs2 t1 lans: 1-2 at chengdu (beat chinese team), 1-3 at copenhagen, 1-2 at cs asia championships (beat chinese team) 0-2 at sydney
3-9, would be 1-9 if not for chinese opponents, last or second to last place at every event
flyquest: 0-2 ewc and dallas, 4-3 at epl, 2-2 at chengdu, 0-2 at sydney
6-11, with only 1 more event played
you really don't get the ranking disparity?
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Is this the gaming paradise 2?
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it's like one of those work functions you have to attend but really don't wanna
the 1st day was bad you can't cover that up
but ever since day 2 the tournament hasn't had any issues and turned out really well
classic white people being overdramatic especially nafany & co
slavs aren't white
They're Han White
>white people being overdramatic
pointing out the blatant issues isn't being overdramatic, otherwise they would've just ignored the complaints.
skyesports has never run a cs lan in mumbai and it was in a monsoon
they were doing what they could on short notice
and the food poisoning thing is chalked up to dumbass tourist behavior
its much better now betboom was just being overdramatic about things

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