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Space Station 13 is a paranoia-laden round-based roleplaying game set against the backdrop of a nonsensical, metal death trap masquerading as a space station, with charming spritework designed to represent the sci-fi setting and its dangerous undertones. Have fun, and survive!

ITT we discuss spess, roleplay as clowns, robust others with soap and die in plasma hellfires.

>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers

>/vg/station website
>/vg/station game server (online 24/7)
>/vg/station wiki
>KiwiStation thread on Kiwi Farms
Ask for the link in the game.
>KiwiStation game server (online 24/7, schedule is: Saturday 6PM EDT)
>KiwiStation wiki
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And to give this thread a good start, enjoy this KiwiStation story of the week:
>latejoin mime
>notice I have a usual, boring human name
>decide to change it
>arrive at the HoP line and message our Captain Patrick S. Tomlinson to come
>try to explain to him that I need a name change by repeatedly flashing my ID and pointing at my name tag
>his skull is a bit thick so he gives me a Security access instead to keep that clown child on a short leash
>head to Arrivals Checkpoint and gear up there
>meet clown right as he is leaving the maintenance tunnels
>he shares his candies, we are on good terms now
>go back to Patrick, determined to get that name change
>supposed air fuckery is reported over the radio
>notice a few closed airlocks here and there but ignore them
>find Captain at the Bridge, stand in front of it
>furiously try to gesture what I need exactly
>he is having a real hard time trying to put two and two together
>the clown honks by, starts smashing a window for the lolz
>flash him once and shake my finger at him
>Patrick finally snaps, comes out of the Bridge and shoots himself
>snatch his ID
>well, that works
>hallway airlocks begin to close around us as CMO arrives to check on the Captain
>enter the Bridge and change my name at the ID console while CMO and cluwne are busy looting his corpse
>the Bridge window airlocks drop all of a sudden, flashing yellow
>hear gun shots, honking and fire crackling behind those airlocks
>screams of bloody plasma over the radio
>the Bridge is my metal cage now
>grab the hand tele in hopes of escaping, use it and step into the portal
>wait, I forgot to wear a hardsuit-
>teleported right into the hallways
>sparks from a portal reignite the air
>turn into ash in a matter of seconds
Fishing update never ever
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I love SS13
oh shit someone remade /vm/station?

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