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What are the best video games for trolling in? So far my friends and i have fun trolling on tarkov arena and csgo but im looking for more multiplayer games to troll teammates in
lethal company trolling was pretty funny, tf2 is decent for trolling but you are limited in your options (can't really grief unless you go engineer and put your teleporter in a terrible spot), usually I'll say nigger once and watch people start arguing and trying to kick each other or set my pfp as a furry and start sweating at the game.
you can barely do anything funny on tf2 anymore because of trannies bitching and whining about non-issues, decals can be turned on and off now, you get a cooldown on matchmaking if you keep saying nigger, etc.
Never had this dunno how much trolling you need to do to get punished, I don't troll super frequently so maybe its only if you troll constantly. Started playing tf2 just before the pyro update so I never got to experience old tf2 unfortunately.
this is a very recent addition with the garbage summer update we got, but according to steam support it has to be "extreme". you can get mass-reported and you are fucked.
Play Allies or Soviets and build a rally on the second or higher floor and put barbed wire around it. Bonus points for throwing a molotov on the clusterfuck after 3 squads of your teammates spawn on it
>mass reported for nothing
It doesn't matter as long as you don't get a VAC ban, right? And those are purely for hacking and not griefing or saying nigger
figuring out how to grief the shit out of ur teammates and circumvent the tk logic with the hundreds of gadgets is an entire game in itself
This. I miss fucking with people and camping the gas zones

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