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File: howard-pak-sabine.jpg (225 KB, 1920x2133)
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I just wanna talk about it with out highjacking some guys thread

question to all of yall what's the worst rank you were in and are you still in it?,
iron 2, still in
Double Golden AK
damn bro you have your monitor on?
I don't think I ever got into cs shame the just killed csgo
my teammates don’t
teammate blamer... I know it's rough anon I believe in you!
viper's butt, my face
based coomer
This thread won't die today
I'm rank 0. I've never played cause these games are gay.

Anyway, why?
I'd like to play this but every time I reinstall I instantly remember that I'm pretty much limited to only playing Breach.
If I pick anyone else with a throwable, and I don't know the basic lineup from buttfuck mid to cuck armchair C on one of the 36 maps I'm trash, shouldn't have picked that agent and should kill myself.
I played during the beta, knew most of the important Sova lineups on all 3 maps by heart and it was fucking kino, but nowadays I feel like I skip a week of playing and it's all gone.
I kinda wish Riot let us queue for specific maps, or at least map pools.

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