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New Week, New Patch, brought to you by VAIIYA
Emerald is officially Shmemerald
Third Partying has finally been defeated
Heavy Mains will continue to have to bear the cross
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>goo nerf
For what purpose?
There is no pleasing this playerbase. Maybe Embark should just stop listening to them.
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>dome shield nerf
I guess I dont have much reason to run glitch grenades any more, they were already extremely shitty since they shut down turrets and mines for only 3 seconds, their only usecase was shields.

Should I replace it for sonar grenade, normal frags, gas?
Embark devs need to off themselves, their game wont last through 2025 and its all their fault
Esportsfaggots on the official discord are absolutely seething when I told them that balance doesn't matter to me, only the skins and will continue paying for them KEK
I feel that's what really kneecapped the World Tour. They listened too hard to the people that hated the idea of any and all twists and changes to the Cashout rules, and so the mode that was supposed to really invoke the gameshow element and be wild with new rules and gimmicks each week ended up being mostly just normal Cashout.

Not to mention that it's no secret that a lot of people only follow the game to doompost
Is the china/chinese problem fixed?
>MORE Heavy nerfs
Ok cool thanks, really glad about the dome shield nerf
might as well remove heavy, most of his tool set is slowly becoming unuable shit, while the oppressive shit remains oppressive
I'm still on silver 2 for WT man
I'm now Emerald 3 thanks to the new update
Just had a game where my heavy teammate would just blindly run in and get instakilled on every cashout and then berate me and the other teammate for not healing him. We were both running turret.
You think it's doable to reach emerald in time?
I'm on silver 3 actually, just checked, hardly played this season only recently picked it back up and I'm grinding Terminal Cancer
I think you can do it. Emerald 4 only needs 3 tourney wins now.
gotta reach gold 1 first though
for the love of fucking god please remove snipers from TA
>new WT
>kyoto and syshorizon
yeah nah chief
I still don't get Horizon. Kyoto makes sense, even if it's fucky: different groups of housings that each provide a different flavor of hard-to-escape/enter rage cage. I hate it, but it's got a clear design dogma to it. Horizon on the other hand, it's just kinda the awkward bits of Seoul and Vegas slapped together but also not, and the only reason I find it hard to hate is because it's hard to really feel what the fuck it actually is.
Because they just buffed it by too much
It feels like syshorizon was meant from the start to be a map meant for Terminal Assault, there's no explanation. Destruction is minimal and barebones and the areas are closed off enough to feel like a CS map.
Kyoto makes me fucking rage with how a single explosion on the floor and suddenly you're in the rumble zone pit, population your sorry ass and the entire enemy team. That and being huge as fuck means that any sniper worth his salt (not many, but enough to make it hell) will just camp out on a roof and have a clear visual to basically every fucking spot, especially the downwards area with the massive lake that slows you down. and don't even get me started on the bamboo forest that makes it impossible to chuck a nade or use your RPG.
There are like 30ish people playing TA ranked in the EU servers, I met the same fucking guys hundreds of times and wait times are atrocious.
>Terminal assault fag is the same guy who thinks horizon has less destruction, hates basements, and runs through water
Out of all the maps horizon has the most boring destruction, yes
and kyoto always devolves in unfun basement fights
ARC Raiders playtest this year baybee
Is Embark big enough to handle 2 games?
they also made it a 40 dollar game instead of a f2p one like they originally said
who's gonna pay 40 bucks for yet another extraction shooter
what would you rather have over horizon? monaco? horizon's great. kyoto needs to be executed for being terrible with a bad framerate thoughever.
that shit is gonna flop, little to no hype
Extraction shooters are an underexploited genre for how much potential they have, and the people that will groan zone on principle in reaction to seeing one can go kill themselves, but yeah there's no way I'd drop $40 on Arc Raiders. To warrant up-front payment demands some level of creativity in the premise, like Marauders or Deceive Inc, and Arc Raider's whole thing was that it was gonna be a more typical one but worth playing due to being free.
I finished playing 100 games of powershift on alts for the invite a friend rewards
I don't ever want to play powershift again

all you need to win is a heavy with 3 shields and a medium with heal, defib and aps
you can finish a game in 4 minutes by winning or intentionally losing (if you put a shield on the jump pad at spawns the entire team will fall off)

>more heavy nerfs
what the actual fuck man, WHAT are they doing
nerf heavy
>Embark is a hard boycott for me from now and into the futur
That means you'll finally leave the thread, right?
Go back
How are there Embark defenders in this thread, or in the world at all?
>Extraction shooters are an underexploited genre for how much potential they have
yeah man whole lotta potential everybody loves dropping into a map and losing the gear they grinded for days to get to some faggot corner camping with an instant death rifle it feels super good
>losing the gear they grinded for days
See, you're already stuck thinking in a formulaic manner. That's YOUR fault, dumbass. Not all extraction shooters have that sort of thing, it's not an indelible part of the genre.
clearly, we need to buff light's weapons, it's the only solution.
Does ARC Raiders also have destructible environments?
nta but isn't the "loose your gear on loss" kinda the whole gimmick of extraction shooters? Idk many examples other than Tarkov and The Cycle
you ever been to their discord server or subreddit
Nah, the main gimmick with extraction games is simply the focus on navigating a map to collect neutral loot (or complete a neutral objective) and extract from the map before you're taken down by other players that are after the same thing, and even that can be tinkered with a lot. For example, the pretty typical way of doing things is to extract as you please, with a push-your-luck aspect in staying for more loot at the cost of being put into more direct conflict with other players, but then there's also games like Deceive Inc that simply has the single big piece of loot that you have a few different ways to extract at the end of the game (in a way, almost leaning into feeling a bit like neutral CTF)

The loot you steal also being (or otherwise paying for) the gear you risk in your next attempt is simply the common way developers have tried to attach significance and replayability to the act of looting.
Note, many teams fail at this simple task
I believe in Embark.
assuming you're not memeing i do too. all things considered they're so receptive to community feedback that they made lights utterly obnoxious to play against in this season because light players bitched and moaned for the last two. i have little reason to think next season will be the same as this snoozefest.
my only concern is TA staying the ranked mode because i could see nexon twisting their arm to keep it that way for whatever reason.
I miss the beta version of the sonar granade
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Great fucking matchmaking

granted I played like shit, but holy fuck we got steamrolled
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Yeah ok
awful match, the MP5 has so much fucking range, we had no chance
>removed the sledgehammer's overhead swing
What the fuck, when did they do that? I wondered why Heavies stopped doing it. Heavy CAN be annoying but killing the entire kit probably isn't the way.
read the rest of the sentence anon
the devs are fun boomers who play shit like melee builds and laugh when they lose. they don't engage with any kind of meta because they're more interested in having fun than actually trying their balls off.
i don't mind lights being the best anymore or less than i liked heavies being the best in season 1 and mediums being the best in season 2.
i don't think lights are *the* meta considering that the first tournament embark ever ran for the finals was like two heavies and a medium
the devs dont play their game at all fuckhead or they wouldnt have forced new accounts to play Terminal Attack for weeks and crown it as the new main mode
Remember the Rivals event
I think the pyro mine is stupid
it's not different enough from the explosive mine to warrant ever needing to pick between one or the other
>do I want damage
>or do I want damage over time
and because the explosive mine is just simply more damage when I need it, then I always go with it
the utility of burning goo is completely irrelevant
it should have an additional effect than damage, while dealing less damage
>okay this is the _____ Mine and it deals 70 damage, buuuuut it also slows enemies for a short time after the explosion
that would be enough to make me stop and think
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not gonna buy it
but neat
>play WT
>every match is full of sweatlords that tryhard for emerald
>I'm playing like trash
>somehow get to the final round through sheer luck
>final team is 3 Mediums
>we're tied 1-1
>last cashout is about to be done
>we manage a literal last second steal
>our total kills, like less than 10
>their total kills, almost 20
>win the tournament
it's the little things but holy fuck though, everyone is on speed in WT matches
I use burning goo all the time. Goo grenades + pyro grenades. Goo grenade recharges stupidly fast and puts out like twice as much goo as a canister. Make a bunch of cover and blockades and then burn it to create walls of inescapable fire when necessary. It recharges so fast I’ll even toss a fresh goo nade in as fuel. I’m kind of amazed it isn’t being booboo’d on places like here and reddit.
goo gun + flamethrower is just about the most fun way to the play this game so that makes sense
I finally get world tour now. People play to get the badge and cosmetics but hate slipping due to losing. WT fixes that problem and puts all of the SBMM numbers behind the curtain. There is most definitely still SBMM in WT in spite of what a lot of people are saying.
My favorite heavy loadout is hammer + charge n’ slam. Second favorite weapon is flame thrower but I’ve never used goo gun. I’ll have to try it out sometime.
Might have to try that instead of barricades. Although tbf, the few times I tried with canisters and such, I never found any success. Spamming mesh while ticking them with the flamethrower is a riot.
here are different uses for goo
>someone is chasing you?
>just goo up the choke points as you retreat

>you're chasing someone?
>just shoot goo at them to lock them in place

>you're defending a location?
>block off certain entrances so you can control where the enemy will attempt to enter from

>an enemy just breached into your space?
>*splooge* *splooge* *splooge* *splooge* no they didn't

>you're attacking a building?
>quickly shoot some goo along the wall and engage in GOONER PARKOUR

goo has the single highest skill ceiling for creative play of any gadget / specialization in the game

for me the goo gun is better for sledge than charge n slam because it enables you to lock down annoying lights in place long enough to kill them, whereas with charge n slam you've got a decent chance of them dodging out of the way and then just backpedaling away from you
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2 hours in mspaint

always goon
How would (you) nerf the light?
you can't possibly nerf their health
you can't take away their mobility, otherwise they'd be unusable
the answer is nerfing their damage, specifically on certain weapons
>SMGs have their damage nerfed somewhere in the ballpark of 10-30%
>tap-fire spammable weapins like the 93R, LH1, and V95 get nerfed by something like 5-20%
>consider nerfing the throwing knives some more
just take away their most accessible and oppressive damage dealers
if a Light is going to pop up out of nowhere and delete me I want to feel like he earned it by being a God

also the solutions might be lowering the RoF on certain weapons, lowering damage, increasing drop-off, or some combination of those 3 and maybe other solutions

in my mind this game is most fun when people are using the "wacky" off-meta TF2 style shit
>holy shit he just stabbed me in the back?! damn that dude's a fucking God
>holy shit this guy must have been a Hanzo main in Overwatch I can't believe he's hitting these shots
>no way that heavy just landed goo on me from that far away and caught up to me with his sledge
>dealing with this wall-hack medium is like playing fucking wackamole! he's always popping out of a different wall
at it's most boring it's just call of duty but with bigger healthbars
the accessible hitscan shit should be easy to use, but with a lower maximum potential
sword light is annoying as hell though
not sure what to do about them
the reason sledge and knife are skillful is that both of them lack inherent mobility and it's up the user to create the opportunity for it, but on the sword it's just free as long as you're within 15 feet of them
Me too, after living through Splash fucking Damage's awful handling of Dirty Bomb this feels a million times better. Embark has certainly made some decisions I disagree with but I like most of what they've done so far.
Sword relies on dash to get anything done same as knife. Sledge uses either goo to get cheesy stunlock kills or winch to get cheesy stun lock kills. Just throw out any of the millions of gadgets or weapons that counter melee in this game.

Melee of any kind does not need to be nerfed.
this except the wacky argument
at the moment the wacky shit is about the only viable stuff, especially for heavy, I don't get why people perpetrate this argument
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Why would you nerf the light instead of buffing the other classes?
All that needs to be done is bring back insta rocket launcher kills
>>tap-fire spammable weapins like the 93R, LH1, and V95 get nerfed by something like 5-20%
Written by a low skill, low IQ retard
I mean yeah I'd like for heavy to get buffed atleast once in his lifetime instead of getting the shaft in every single update
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>try to play ranked
>while loading get TFGE00000 error
>can't reconnect
3rd time this shit happened btw
even fucking powershift matches are sweaty as fuck what the hell is going on
I swear there area people that play that ONLY play Powershift, I do daily challenges like gas & fire damage before actually playing and I see the same names in there often
it's a fun gamemode
I have genuinely never played a mp game where shit was handled better than embark handles the finals.
I'm used to issues festering for literal years, in this game pretty much everything gets dealt with in short order.
Why does TA balance matter? Lights aren't a problem in any other mode.
>insta rocket launcher kills
It's time to face the fact that you got used to a busted class that has finally been brought back down to earth.
My favorite thing about cashout out of any game I've played is that kill quantity doesn't matter as much as getting the right kills for the objective do
I really don't think any of the maps are particularly better or particularly worse than the others.
That additional 1 second to steal a cashout is so fucking stupid.

You can't do sneaky steals anymore since you're forced to wipeout the defending team before stealing.
Heavy's in a pretty good situation right now with hitscan vs gimmick. The only weapons that really need to be adjusted are the KS-23 and the Spear, as the former doesn't have enough of a reward for skillshots (not even getting headshots what the fuck) and the latter really needs its first attack to be a stab. People will whine about the LMGs being hard to control due to allegedly-overcorrective nerfs, but the Lewis still fucks if you manage your firing intervals and the M60 is just a fucking monster if you're not a retard trying to pressure a point from across the map

...which, however, is unfortunately a sizeable portion of the playerbase, as evident by all the old whining about the FCAR because niggas decided
>Imma aim duel and win
against the guys with superior positioning/cover, more controllable recoil/targeting, and who got the FIRST HIT IN was a smart idea.
Did they really do this shit? Why do they keep making the dumbest fucking changes imaginable?
Sounds like a skill issue. Sneaky steals just require actually being sneaky and cunning, or going the other way and causing so much chaos to then immediately get lost in. Nigs never expect the trained HHL "trained demolitionists" squad that's able to consistently sandwich the cashout station in rubble for the rat to climb into and steal while the defenders get distracted by the Hammer Bros
Around the second nerf to mesh shield and rpg is when I uninstalled the game. I get that they probably figured out that half the gadgets they made was a mistake but just outright gutting a class because you can't think of anything else to do in terms of balance is insane to me. Shame, game has a really interesting premise and it feels good to play but they obviously don't have anyone on the team with enough briancels to make the changes it needs.
You're a Terminal Attack player. You are not a real The Finals fan. All the dumb changes after Season 1 are caused by you.
heavy and medium were decently balanced, but light sucked
so they buffed light AND nerfed heavy which was fucking retarded

but light is still shit in a teamwork sense, all they have is glitch nade, portal, and sonar
heavies sheilds/destruction and mediums healing/team mobility is what makes HMM/HHM so good

they need to make light work better in a team instead of just nerfing everyone elses shit
for example, the zipline and grapple hook do almost the exact same thing, but one your entire team can use
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Personally, I just miss pranking people with the C4
yeah nukes were busted but people were blind and would never check for c4 or mines on cashouts so it was so fun being halfway across the map, trigger the c4 and hear that kaching

now nobody even bothers using C4, even as a demolition tool
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Finally. Now the real grind can begin.
>nerf it to have a TF2/OW style charge up time for max dmg
I don't know how the hell they went and made a game that takes direct design inspirations from TF2 and Overwatch, and then DIDN'T include the charge-for-damage mechanic for their zero-falloff hitscan sniper

we're relearning lessons Valve managed to learn in closed alpha testing like 20 years ago
Sheeeeesh, Im not even gold 4 yet. Is it too late for me? I finished the BP, and I have every weekly challenge finished, I just have trouble fitting full tournaments into my schedule outside of grinding time.
Yeah theres still hope. I went from G3-G1 this weekend and I’ve been grinding since the season began. It took me 2 weeks just to get my first tournament win because I soloQ and was getting literal bots for teammates for half the season. There’s still SBMM so the higher you climb the more consistent teamates you’ll have. You’ll have to play smart, though, cause enemy teams get better too. If you don’t use a mic at least turn on voice chat so you can listen to anyone who does, it’ll help a lot. Also you really have to work as a team and if your teammates are making mistakes you have to try to point it out without being a dick.
Anyone who ever complained about light outs themselves as a massive shitter
>3 wins
That's easy though
In most games the sniper rifle can 1 shot you, stupid ass comparison.
Medium snipers would just result in cancerous camping set ups.
are Lights good now? or is it Triple Medium meta still?
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If y'all are wondering who the balance/meta/esports crybabies are...
Lights and Heavies are just having fun while Mediums tend to be very vocal about trivial things for some reason...
Yes. They're good for solo pub stomping but the meta is still MMH/MHH.
The moment emerald went out all lightweights banished instantly, now all final rounds is always a combination of M and H
E1 is like 68 wins or something.
It's not disputable that most games have 1 shot snipers.
A bunch of them even have 1 shot bodyshots.
They're outing themselves as quick cash mains
Heavy just feels flat. It just feels like I'm going through the motions with 0 skill expression. Always had.
Charge, Goo Gun, and Hammer provide the deepest well for skill expression in the game
Bros... I hope this game doesn't die
There's nothing really like it right now
unlike idk concord, there's still a demand for this game and it's probably cheap as fuck to run alongside making a pretty tidy profit through micro trannies. unless embark royally fucks something next season i don't think it'll realistically die anytime soon.
1 more win to E1. Found a decent squad for a few games but closest we got was 2nd. They kept changing their loadout after doing good and then fumbling the next game. They’d try the same loadout again, do good, then change again. I also kept trying to change from offense to defence and we kept making too many bad plays between good ones. Still had fun though, and they were goofin on eachother the whole time.
I see, thanks. But I'm glad Lights seems to be not totally useless now and that's good enough for me.
I just got a game where I played heals on 2 heavies and we got completely obliterated by a team of lights. They were so fucking good it felt like there were 100 of the slippery bastards. I’ve never seen an all light team like that. LLL is a doomed combo with even one shitter on the team but 3 pro lights is ungodly.
it's a pretty risky strat even with all of the insta gibs for lights more or less removed from the game, but it's pretty effective if the team can shoot. definitely feels annoying though getting tazed three times and just melted by an mp5 or something
It appeals to the same people who kept the likes of Halo and Quake alive long past expiration. It’s the best arena shooter with an active playerbase on the market right now. Powershift would have been a better ranked mode than TA. Power shift embodies the wacky side of this game and can become unbelievably sweaty when two really coordinated squads duke it out. I always go in expecting a casual romp and after a few dozen matches and I’ve loong since completed my challenges I’ll inevitably get that one game that makes me sweat unbelievably hard and it’s always a blast.
Nah dude these guys were like fucking ninjas. I’m not even sure how many were running cloak and how many were running dash but once they got you in their crosshairs they were like demons. Zip—to the left there’s one of those motherfuckers, zip—oh shit now there’s two. There is no third zip. You’re already dead.
I hate sweaty power shift games. I go there specifically to zone out and play tdm. When I spend 5 minutes chasing some sniper who has 10+ get out of jail free cards and I finally nail him down long enough to kill him I look at the boat and see 6 barricades, 2 dome shields, 6 mines, 2+ aps's, turrets, etc. I know I'm not going to have fun.
Pantsless Heavy vs Medium with angel wings, who wins?
That’s not what I mean. I mean where you have a solid as fuck team that feels like they’re literally reading your mind and you go up against a team on the exact same level. That’s when it’s at its peak. Otherwise you’re ether the dominating team or the team getting crushed. Which is plenty fun, don’t get me wrong, but I live for the challenge.
I enjoy those matches too but they rarely happen. What usually happens is I play with my best friend who is trash and match making thinks it would be funny to give us more players like him. I've had matches where I look at the scoreboard and I'm 6-0 and everyone else on my team has 3-4 deaths and ZERO elims/assists.
honestly you're kinda right about the ranked mixup tbdesu. id much rather do power shift ranked because there's potential for movement and fun over terminal attack which doesn't really allow that. i like search and destroy but for the finals it should just be an optional mode rather than a main one.
depends on whether the medium is using fcar (throwing) or using model 18.
I’m agreeing with you bro. Those matches are rare, but that’s also why I’ll end up spending a whole night on powershift when I only intended to grind out a challenge or two. It starts as mindless fun, starts to get boring when that gets old, then WHAM you get one of those games and it reminds why that mode is ACTUALLY fun.

I had one game where my whole team was lights (picked it cause I had a distance challenge, we all do it c’mon don’t boo me) against a whole team of heavies and it was an absolute bloodbath. I think they took the platform back at the literal endzone right at the timer and then fought us off till they just managed to nudge it over the starting line. I’ve had other matches of all heavies vs all heavies, all melee, and other wacky loadouts that get that intense and that’s why I love it. Powershift is where the meta goes to die, it’s organized chaos.
if the next season isn't rome this game is cooked
>Lightnigger propaganda.
All they need to do to bring up Light balance in terms of teamplay is give them more support shit. Recon shit that's not blatant wall hacks. Maybe a spotter scope that marks people for 2 or 3 seconds. Maybe some sort of stim gun that gives teammates a speed boost and triggers health regen faster. There's alot of ideas they could go with for better Light team synergy, but that requires braincells and obviously Embark has a severe lack of them in their employees.
The Main problem for me is 9/10 guns are complete ass to use.
Read the thread, most people here are low MMR and cry spaztically at light players
The Light's Dash and Heavy's goo gun have the most player expression and deepest gameplay by a long shot. Nothing else in the game comes remotely close
This. I've been expecting this since launch. I thought it was the entire point of the Date in the corner of the map loading screens
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Work tonight is gonna suck.
Good joke
We wouldn't have this problem if WT was the actual ranked mode.
What problem?
True. none of you shitters would even be dreaming about Emerald
I only play ranked in games where that matters.
Anybody else break the pagoda on purpose to have some players' games crash? Lol.
i always do it
every time i take a break for this game i come back and remember "oh wow mediums are fucking carried"

optimal loadout practically hasn't changed since launch but they're constantly like "O MY RPG" when that's the literal only part of the heavy's kit that's stayed as a completely static must pick while medium has been
>heal beam
>the current assault rifle
>jump pad
since day fucking 1
what is flex?
They should listen to the all the Battlefield chads and scrap all meme game-modes and add 64 player conquest.
flex slot, you can use what you like (but often something like frag, gas, or nowadays, glitch mine)
ah, never heard it called that before
>when that's the literal only part of the heavy's kit that's stayed as a completely static must pick
I dunno, I'd almost say the Goonade is a solid must-pick for Heavy. It's the all but actual must pick of the class, like maybe you wouldn't say it in a court of law but you'd simultaneously be remiss to not call it as such.
goonade is more of a must-pick on light than heavy when heavy has barricade and shield to pick up the slack
>when Heavy has barricade and shield to pick up the slack
That's only part of it. Goo is a critical pick for Heavy because, not only can a really skilled Heavy get equivalent and arguably better cover, it also provides him with much needed traversal options. Just a couple of goonades and suddenly Heavy's up and above or flanking from unchallengable positions, or busting through walls you'd never expect him too. It's invaluable when the cooldown is a lot quicker than the zipline, and it's more likely to provide team usage on Heavy due to being more likely to lead the charge than Mediums, and Lights are usually gonna be flanking.

But I guess it depends on whether your view of must pick is "there is too good to not ever use" vs "you really need to use this or you're gonna be below basic standards," as the Goonade is the former for the Heavy while the Defib is an example of the latter for Mediums
How would you make HML the strongest possible team?
by making lights complement both heavies and mediums, just like medium can complement the heavy with heals, recon barely does this but still too weak
L needs a health utility. Something that could help the whole team. I’m thinking vanishing bomb type grenade that splashes out health to anyone it hits. Could look like a can of Ospuze.
2 more dubs last night. Came close a half a dozen more. I’m starting to prefer Monaco and Skyway over the other maps more. And I honestly kind of miss Vegas. I feel like I haven’t seen that map at all this season.
>Monaco and Skyway
They have always been the best out of the map pool. They have the most opportunities for destruction to really come into play, and the flow of the maps is just great regardless. Seoul would be great too if it weren't for the skyscraper in the middle and the long stretch to the hospital.

Also yeah, I really do miss Vegas. I didn't like it at first as well, due to so many flat and open rooms, but it's actually got a decent bit of destruction. The bars, casinos, and parking garage are open, yeah, but thanks to how they're layered, there's a lot of destruction and positioning to take advantage of around the killbox, and there's more props and cover and such with to play/survive with than something like an outside cashout on Monaco. Similar things go for the alleyways and such: you were in the open, but it also wasn't too hard to get something to work with or still bust out if you needed to. Then stuff like the Hotels and such were just 10/10 areas to fight in.

Shame it's mostly disappeared lately, and I still haven't gotten Sandstorm again. I thought they reenabled it, but I haven't seen it at ALL for ages now.
fr. I’m getting SO burnt out on Kyoto. I know it’s the shiny new map and all but I didn’t like it very much to begin with. I hope the next WT stop has Vegas every other game at this point.
>best out of the pool
you are fucking high that map is complete unrepentant dog shit only slightly better than Kyoto just because it doesn't crash or shit out 20 frames a second. the rest of the maps in the game are anywhere from good to great but monaco and kyoto both make me want to circumcise myself.
>health utility
>three lights now can go invis on demand on top of chaining heal jarate
>better than medium in just about every way since fcar is nerfed to unusable and the ak is still worse than the famas or model
you're right that they need team utility but that is not the way to do it.
By “works like the vanishing bomb” I didn’t mean it ALSO vanishes them. I mean they throw it down and it can affect themself and any teammate caught in the splash zone. Make the healing amount a small percentage of total health pool so that it benefits H and M teammates more than the L himself. It wouldn’t be as good as healing beam because it’s basically just a quick stim.

Alternatively, it could just jump-start the auto health regen and not actually do any healing itself.

To help balance it, it could be made to also affect enemies, so it’s not a get-out-of-jail-free car. I.E. an L gets pinched and tries to heal himself to slip away and if an enemy is close enough the enemy gets healed too. That way its most appropriate use is on teammates/only when neat teammates.
no i mean that they'll literally just use the invis q or vanish bomb. even the percentage thing wouldn't work because a three stack of lights would literally meet up, suck each other's dicks, throw their bombs and now they're ready for another one or two bullets (unless they're fighting a shotgun).
healing enemies could be neat but i can already see myself griefing any pubs that piss me off with it.
Direct health is stupid. A stim that kickstarts natural HP regen and mildly increase sprint speed is the way to go.
It would definitely suit the light better that way.
Make it increase sprint speed to light levels so it gets more use out of giving it to your M and H team mates.
A heavy running as fast as a light is just absurd. Maybe something like a percentage increase that gets Med close to light and Heavy close to Med.
This shitter has never successfully pinned down the blown up church cashout without wiping and having to steal it back and it shows. That map is so much fun with a good team.
You're trash. sorry.
MHH meta is the product of heavy being the only viable class and medium only being picked because it supports heavy. That's not a healthy or desirable meta because
The solution isn't making light into just another support bitch.
o my honest basic soldier class...
>undoes any and all damage the second LoS breaks
>whips out one of the best mobility tools in the game (that the entire team can use) if you try to either escape or get in
>instantly starts doing consistent high damage at any distance the instant LoS is made
>shits out mines that turn off everyone else's options when they do fight up close
you just don't understand... i'm just relying on honest aim and FPS fundies...

anyone who thinks medium isn't carried just as much as heavy is is fucking delusional. consistent nerfs, consistently viewed as good enough to have two of your stack and stay viable.
this game fell off so bad after beta it sucks to see it was fun b4
More pathetic than coming to a thread for a game you don’t play to post something like this?
Correction, he also had to actively browse r*ddit for a game he didn't like so that he can then shitpost here. There's layers to how sad it is.
Fair point. My condolences to that Anon’s pitiful life.
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Reminds me of the idiots who got this shit tatooed
>healbeam. that only functions to help teammates and puts the user in a defenseless position while using it
>turret. meant to help defend cashouts or provide an annoying distraction
>demat. Useful for easy cashout steals and helping teammates get through obstacles

>mesh shield. Useful to absorb damage and cover teammates, user is vulnerable from behind
>charge. Easy and free destrcution for you and teammates without wasting gadgets. also good for chaotic cqc combat
>winch. Great to reposition bad cashouts or pull the enemy into a bad position
>goo gun. useful to close off choke points and entryways

>invis. He goes invisible. Not shared and doesn't aid the team
>dash. Dashes away. Not shared and doesn't help the team.
>grapple. Fucks off like spiderman. Not shared and doesn't help the team

Light is the selfish class that has all the self preservation tools and the guns that negate most drawbacks of the class, without giving any team utility (save for maybe sonar and glitch nades). That's the real problem of light, it's the class for picks and everyone wants to feel good by getting picks with cheese weapons.
light honestly should've gotten demat (like one charge as a gadget maybe) before medium, giving light instabreach would allow them to do their job of harassment and quick picks much more easily
>you've never played medium fcar in season 1 with nukes ready to blow up any unfortunate retard that tries to steal it
i have and it's fucking dog shit. defending anything is already pretty easy if you're not retarded and holding a no mans land with literally zero cover is braindead easy if you're not a dad with cataracts or a kid on controller who can't aim.
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im one of the best finals players in the world i say lights top potential dps is too high. rework xp, rework stun, rework thermal vision
sword isnt OP-
Not really.
>retarded three team scramble with people running around like headless chickens, gadgets, and explosions going off everywhere

What is this supposed to show?
light is only meta in TA because just about everything about it caters to lights and otherwise good heavies absolutely total them up close and mediums have better sustain and map control
None of light's Specializations cater to anyone but themselves, but I use stun and thermal bore almost exclusively to stop cashouts. They're both good for a good interruption & reposition.
youre forgetting a crucial point, light is horrible in the finale around while medium heavy will definitely win
Light only really fucks with bad players
>the only mode in which lights are less than ideal is cashout
Exactly. Shut the fuck up pussy you fucking suck, complaining about the only class not meta at a high level
Do shitters really? Head to head, Medium and Heavies still kill Lights before Lights can kill them, meaning most team fights a Light is just a disadvantage. They have high DPS because they have the lowest health, retard. 40-60%~ Less hp for having 25-35% more dps. To function, classes require different STRENGTHS in order to have purpose, whats the point in risk without reward?
>Heavy outpaces every class in raw TANKINESS (shields, highest hp, best defense), while each spec is best for building, destroying and initiating for the greatest advantage in team fights. They also reign supreme in AOE damage and arena manipulation. And they've always been able to throw farther than other classes, breaking a core gameplay aspect.
See? I can cherry pick too.
>whats the point in risk without reward?
Yeah, the class with 4 get out of jail free cards, fastest HP regen and the biggest roster of viable all rounder weapons really screams disadvantaged

you harp on heavy when almost every aspect of his kit was nerfed already. Mesh shield is pitifully weak and goes down with a single mag of most weapons, he has the slowest HP regen, most of his weapons are kneecapped to the point where sledge and flamethrower are the only viable options while also having the least mobility.

It's a very common occurrence to grapple a light and just have him dash away or stun and sprint out of range and get peppered by bullets, there's litterally no risk and every reward. For fuck's sake, his most op weapon this season was the fucking throwing knives that don't even require aiming and crit for any reason!

Not even mentioning how their weaponry just negates most of their shortcoming (i.e. playing upclose and personal) since they get the sniper rifle and LH1 for long to mid ranges, XP for literally every range with no fucking downside (it's too overtuned) and TKs that don't even require reloading or aiming. AND THEN you also have the selfish abilities and toolset

I would also like to add that most of the light's weapons have faster TTK on heavy than the current heavy meta picks and that's WHITOUT counting shit like dashing away/cloaking/grappling away, Hell, light out TTKs a lot in general
goddamn every match of WT is just unplayable cancer wtf
world tour right now reminds me of apex legends 3rd partying. You make some noise at a cashout or even in the middle of fucking nowhere and all of the sudden, 3 teams arrive out of nowhere to annoy the fuck out of your push. Also red, pink and orange look the damn same, add green or yellow as a team colour, it was in the trailer
the changes are good in my opinion. season 1 half of the match was spent staring at the wall. new changes gives you little breathing room which makes the matches more fun in my opinion
Yeah well it's not fun having to hold out for 20 minutes as every team just pressed tab and decided to 3rd and 4th party our sorry asses for a cashout started by a team that was already in 1st place
not to mention that the punishment for overextending is abysmal so might as well push every fight and secure the kill
You suck and can't aim
trying out blops6 and it's like shit the finals is better than I give it credit for

>movement doesn't interrupt gunplay
>gameplay unlocks come fast
>cosmetics are somehow less annoying and in your face despite The Finals having an in-your-face capitalist theming
oh and you're allowed to leave the game as soon as it's over with no penalty
The Finals has the most consumer friendly monetization system I’ve ever seen in a F2P game. The BP is really easy to complete within the season even if you only play 2-3hrs a week and they have all these little events and stuff on the side to get completely free and unique items. When I still played Apex, every single event was just an opportunity for them to sell more lootboxes and shit.
There's also stuff like individualizing the bundles, doing so retroactively, and if you eventually get the entire bundle, then the final grab is discounted to what you would've saved if you got the bundle. It's still really gay how much they are charging for some of these skins, but it's still way better than the vast majority of the competition.

If they add in a way to get old event and pass items, like the former being massive dumps for VRs and the latter either entering the shop directly or allowing you to switch to old passes after X seasons, then it'd be the perfect package
what's a good aim trainer? I've taken a break from gaming in general and my aim is shit, any suggestions?
Microsoft Excel
imagine spending time training for a videogame
get good by playing the actual game faggot
aim trainer is a zoomer meme unless you are 50 years old and coming from console it wont do anything you gotta play the game
nta but youre getting mad at the class thats best played offensively plays more offensively than medium and heavy?
are you colourblind?
not him, but it's more about the fact that in doing so, the drawbacks and weaknesses of the class in general are countered easily by his busted kit, especially since light has been buffed quite a bit since S3
I hope we get private DMs/whispers, making friends in this game is annoying and you can't even talk to them unless they're in your party and 90% of the time, they're already ingame so it's impossible to invite them and say "yo wanna party up after you're done?" or some shit like that
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>4 get out of jail free cards
I going to assume you mean vanish bomb, dash, cloak and grapple, not goo or gateway. Either way, none of these abilities are a guarantee, each has their own skill checks, cost in cd, counters and luck involved, much like Mediums use of jump Pads or demat, or Heavies use of dome Shield or goo Gun. Being able to run away the fastest is not a good reason to play a class with high risk.
>fastest hp regen
This is required, since chip damage puts you in the one shot range for many weapons/gadgets, from mines and rpg, to 1887 and Sr84. Having to wait 10 second each time you take only a small bit of damage is not fun.
>biggest roster of viable weapons
Whats your point? That the 'reward' is your weapons are functional? This crabs-in-a-bucket mentality of wanting light nerfed as most their weapons work, instead of y'know, suggesting that mediums and heavies shit weapons are buffed, is stupid no?

>sledge and flamethrower are the only viable options
SA1216 and Lewis are still the meta. Also, way to out yourself lol.

>grapple a light and just have him dash away
So, you're complaining that you didn't get your 'deserved' free hook kills? That's pretty rich.

>negates their shortcomings
Lights long range weapons have, shocker, a cost to this advantage, being steep ttk penalties, much more punishing for missing than automatics, and also force a higher skill floor, LH1 similar but less so. XP does need a falloff nerf tho.

>Lights weapons have a faster TTK on Heavy, than Heavies do of Heavies
How is this a problem? The class that soaks most of the damage should also be able to put the most out? Your mad if you don't see the issue with Heavy being the best counter to Heavy.
>Light out ttks alot in general
Matters less if you can just kill them first. Using your source as of post, every one of Heavies weapons, barring melees and the flamethrower, kills Light in around half a second faster than a Light can kill a Heavy.
To make a response like this, you should have to post a clip of you PROVING you can play just as well on something OTHER than light.
>vs console players
lmao, I should play with crossplay on too for ez kills
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>none of these abilities are a guarantee
Like how you can just press Q with the grapple hook or dash and gtfo in record time? Pad puts you up in the air, which makes you skeet shooting practice and mesh shield slows you down, makes you vulnerable AND has been nerfed to irrelevancy. Or goo gun not actually letting you fire back whilst using it. All a light has to do to escape most encounters is press S

>hp regen
>suggesting that mediums and heavies shit weapons are buffed
most weapons used to be just fine but got trashed yet light guns have only been buffed, just look at how oppressive TKs and LH1 were this season.

>SA1216 and Lewis are still the meta
SA? yeah. Lewis? Not with that awful recoil. Unless you're on controller, both LMGs are hot garbage. The KS is more used than Lewis.
>So, you're complaining that you didn't get your 'deserved' free hook kills?
As opposed to your stungun? Which you can initiate while cloaked? And is basically hitscan while the hook isn't? The punishment for cocking up a hook is a lot greater considering the fact that heavy can't just go invis and escape or dash away either. iirc the stungun also has a longer range, but I could be misremembering

>Lights long range
Which are also complimented by their saftey net gadgets AND the maps and gamemodes supporting this. For example, in the picrel, you can see a sniper light on the fucking pagoda, but barley. I was also playing TA where chip damage matters and everything is about picks. He's essentially free to get 115 dmg bodyshots with next to no ripercussions and many ways to easily reposition. Not to mention that many sniper lights also run with dash and just hipfire and melee you for quick kills.

>The class that soaks most of the damage should also be able to put the most out?
It's a problem when a light can exit the fight with next to no ripercussions. Also you can't be serious about this when he can outrange the medium at this point with bullshit like the XP or LH

The real issue NOBODY talks about is the fact that they have the smallest hitbox AND the easiest getaway tools. They're like as tall as a red canister and the average dude might not have the tracking skills to stay on his ass. That or the servers lagging out.
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S1 died regionally mid season, S2 I ended up biting the 100-200+ ping region swap bullet, but got diamond anyway, solo-que to boot. Got the same class achievements, not that they are hard to get, and like you, have also played each class a shit-ton.

>Cashout favors medium and heavy
Its the PREMIERE mode, light should be balanced around it first and foremost. Yet you argue for it being nerfed based off TA, when its still seen an off meta pick in Cashout. I agree that light still needs better team support, and additions like the gateway have been great, however taking away its dps would leave it with little to no advantage in team fights. The Finals is built around each class having advantages and disadvantages, removing a fundamental aspect of Light, that it 'kills the fastest because it dies the quickest', is nothing less than sort sighted, as otherwise its just 'it dies the fastest'.
>Overpowered in Everything Else
If anything, its TA mainly, and Bank it (probably). Powershift and Cashout though, light does great in qp, but is lacs at higher levels where players are actually good.
>Overpowered in kills and movement
That is is like saying Medium is overpowered in support and healing, or Heavy is overpower is destruction and protection.
>dps nerfed
>remove sniper/bow/lh1
Poor ideas, especially in just removing content. Maybe just increase falloff instead of digging your heels?
>more support and team oriented equipment... to actually be a valid team orientated option.
So remove core aspects to just to them into a worse medium? Why not just buff their support, no nerfs? You could even make it so they have to decide between team heals or vanish bomb.
>trys to gaslight
The re-write? I was illustrating the example of cherry picking, and how anyone can do it push an agenda.
>(((its real in my head)))
To be so butthurt, all I can assume is that you lack the ability to deal with them. Its 8 shots with a AKM for fucks sake, they’re FREE KILLS.
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all light needs is a stun gun and xp nerf why is this thread full of whiny fags

glitch mine spam is a bigger threat to peoples fun
it's not bad advice but you still need to identify problems and train out bad habits. people can "just play a game" for thousands of hours if they're just grinding without end. You can also injure yourself doing that which means it's fucking over
>for thousands of hours without *improving
>Q with the grapple hook or dash and gtfo in record time?
Grapple hook and Jump Pad honestly put the players in a similar situation of being in the air, however hook is personal and has a lowever cooldown, while they can follow you with the Jump Pad. Dash and cloak really depend on your own skill level when dealing with them, with tracking or gamesense being core to dealing with each. Goo provides many options, from blocking routes or stopping pursuer, it well outweights being able to attack back (also most fleeing, dont). Weighing it down to only press s though is a bit disingenuous, as what anyone really ever needs is cover.

>lights weapons being buffed
Throwing Knivess really did need it, even if it was a bit much, but I don't know what they were thinking with the LH1, at least that fix was reasonably quick. Either way, I'd prefer a TK meta over the XP/LH1 one on the sole point of projectile vs hitscan.

>Heavy Weapons Meta
Lewis still fills a good crucial niche, but a small buff would be good for the LMGs, still puzzels me why the Lewis has more dps than the M60.

>Your stungun
It not mine man, lol. Claw/stun are different, while serving similar purposes as a stun/slience and to get picks. Claw is used to close the distance, while stungun stops them from running away. Yeah, stun has 3ms longer range but 1s longer recharge + reload, but Claw is still better imo, since its a full silence if it hits, has utility and cant be stopped by shields. Stungun is a crutch for bad aim at this point, and if they wanted the experience to be better they would remove its slow and add back its full slience + stop ads. At the moment its just a hard counter to melee.
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-Buff medium melee playstyle
-Nerf Model by increasing spread
-Buff back Lewis (very slightly)
-Buff back M60 (very much)
-Buff KS-23 (still can't outDPS others)
-Buff CL40
-Buff Breach Charge
-Buff 93R
-Buff shapeshifter
-Buff fire nade
-Nerf XP45 by making it not so easy to use (M11 and V9S are great as is but XP45 just outclasses them by how easy it is to use with piss easy recoil and best ADS)
-Fix spear hitreg
-Fix smokes so they're consistent across Shadows graphics settings.
-Fix thermal so people don't blend into stuff and you can see more (dome/mesh)
-Nerf heal-defib by buffing everything
That is all
its not talked about enough, probably the biggest issue I have with the finals is that the smoke grenades dont actually work, and they stay up half as long as they should

please fix
>Stungun is a crutch for bad aim at this point

And also the only way to catch other dash lights while using melee on light.
thats not even remotely true trying to use stun rather than copying their dashes will get you fucked over more

stun gun is only good at getting completely bullshit kills
>one guy has throwing knives
>other guy has dagger
>start about 10 meters away
>they match each others dashes
>they are still about 10 meters away
>throwing knife guy killed the other light in one hit by the first dash anyways
the dagger would be shit even if youre fighting a light with 0 abilities dagger would lose 90% of the time theres no reason to use dagger
It applies to all the melee weapons in this game. People without melee weapons can be just as fast as those with them while also shooting them from infinitely further away.
>MMM enemy team
>kill one
>they kill you
>plant 50 glitch mines around statues
I mean I do it too, but goddamn man, 3 dudes with glitch mines are annoying as hell
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they worked really hard to rework how ranked points are calculated and we still get shit like this

ruby 5 stacks that mop the floor with people and can see further than the thermal vision
I automatically report any player with more than 10 kills.
i did this as a joke a few times and the next day i got 2 sucessful report notifications
fucking end me
I don' play anything but powershift with a grenade launcher
Kovaaks. You can find a steam key for like $2.
Don’t listen to the other retards. I played hundreds of hours of counter strike for YEARS and saw no improvement. When I finally got an aim trainer and consistently practiced I quickly climbed after like a month. Now I’m the best player I personally know. Practice is everything
If you’re losing straight duals against a Light as a medium or heavy this is only possible if you literally missing all your shots.
Aim for the head or stfu you sound like a retard when you cry about light
I don't like when light is good because I have less fun. I wish I saw more matches with people trying out weird strats. I unironically miss nukes. If I can't throw a chair with objects attached to it because it was overpowered, fine. Let me get headshots with a chair, or make generic props do melee damage if somebody throws it at you. I want to see more dumb shit like people strapping 3 turrets to a chair and point it at the light player. When goofy shit works the game is better
why does nobody ever talk about the fact that light's hitbox is significantly smaller than all the others? Pair that with the ability to quickly gtfo and also take potshots at you while being in far away positions with most of it's arsenal, and light is a really annoying cunt
>new intro cinematic hints that they might remove TA
thank you
>lore video says TA might be removed
We won.
>omg it only took an entire season
people were asking for it since the first week it was added
Why isn't there any fucking free quit after one of your teammates leaves in TA???? I fucking love always starting in a 4v5 and being forced to slog through it AND loose rank because of it! Did they not think of that shit??
>every single person with double digit kills except that one retarded teammate
is it me or are the servers shittier recently? Saw my teammate getting killed in 1 nanosecond after seehing half a pixel of the enemy
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Now balls in your court buddy, how am I supposed to know your not just some seething shitter? I've showed you mine, now show me yours :^)
I wish embark would fucking get liquidated by nexon this shit is ass as fuck, it's a constant seesaw of pain, TA is filled with smurfs and cheaters and WT is filled with sweatlords that just realized they NEED the emerald rank. All I ever wanted was unranked cashout back and heavy not to get nerfed every single patch
They've literally said since week 1 that cashout ranked would be back next season.
no way this faggot has a steam account and plays videogames holy shit guys

wheres your diamond skin retard
It is pretty funny. Telltale sign of a /v/ transient when they think actually playing video games is some kind of gotcha. That being said, damn there really are niggas out there with more than a hundred hours in CoH2? What the fuck
TA was intorduced in S2 and nobody liked it and then they made it the ranked mode for S3 and forced new players to play it to unlock the other game modes

above all else, they could have atleast tweaked it to not be as fucking poorly thought out as it is. Tell me what kind of ranked gamemode forces you to stay in the match after you loose a teammate or one where every map is extremley defender sided and has massive sightlines for snipers to just get free damage
new ost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHAxPLZ9-b0
People have started pulling out of their ass that S4 is gonna be disco on the moon, but fuck I would love that. Would also give them a chance to bring in that Fan event that's had voicelines in the files for a while, since a moon colony would need air pumps n' shit.
>map with permanent low grav modifier
I vomit
What scenario did I create? You literally said you were losing duals to lights as a medium and Heavy. Lights are only playable by going for unfair fights. If you're losing straight duals the only explanation is that you suck dick at aiming
Where is Rome?
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Would you be more or less immersed if they used real brands instead of fake ones?
>unfair fights
not him but light has so much bullshit abilities that they're always unfair fights. Pair that with his weapons, hitbox and general mobility and no wonder it's annoying as fuck to fight against and drags any game through the mud
They die in one hit. Figure it out. Everyone at high ELO has no issue
Right keep dodging the facts and just keep saying "ur bad lol"
the facts show lights are not an issue at high ELO. You just cry about how bad your aim is. "they're so small and fast"
ok? So what if i'm not high elo? Just because the top like 2k players have no problems with them, everyone else should shut up and be content? I thought you guys hated if games balanced more for the competitive side, especially in what is supposed to be in spirit a somewhat casual game
when games use real ads on in-game ad space like billboards i think its fine

hovever half of the cosmetics in this game have a fake brand all over it, i wouldn't want real brands here
True. People irl shill Ozpuz because of how ridiculous it is ie "Better than Water", designs are neat and that it isnt an actual brand. But on the other hand, I think most would buy it too if Embark made a product... would too so lol.
I'd be pretty immersed if they kept their over the top satiric attitude along with profiting off real companies. Brought to you by Coca-Cola with cocacola shades would be pretty immersive.
But they'd probably get shitty third world brands instead
Yeah, it's fun to engage with the branding because it's all fake. I don't mind having my character be dressed up as a total shill for particular in-game brands because it's all for fun and simply playing with the fact that gameshows and sports have sponsorships out the ass, but any amount of real branding would be shilling for real, and I'd hate that.
if i could fastfall on demand i wouldn't mind low grav, as is it's just another way all-rounders win in a game where all-rounders already win
even at mediocre ELO and casual games it's completely transparent that heavy/med duo curbstomp everything else. Light teams are more annoying gimmicks more often than not, medium and heavy just walk forward, out-sustain you at medium range, and nuke you at close range with heavy stuff
>Play melee on literally and class
>Low grav event starts
>Alt tab and shitpost on 4chan

It's a dogshit event and I hate it so much.
>plays melee
>hates low grav
That aint adding up
>medium uses a jump pad
>is now unkillable until they come down while getting free reign to fire back (enemies do not lose accuracy in midair in the finals)
i feel like the mega damage event sucks too
i don't even really notice a difference at all

low grav is awful on melee
all anyone has to do is jump to evade you
what are some event ideas? they dont have to be good ones

>high tide
water rises up 1 floor everywhere on the mostly flat maps, cashout station would need to be buoyant

>the floor is lava
pretty self explanatory, floor does fire damage (not instakill)

spawns in some weak slow melee NPCs that are easy to avoid but will still rape you if unchecked
could be zombies or whatever the fuck you want that fits the map theme

as an alternative to low gravity, what about jetpacks or double jump?
same shit you can jump much higher but fall at a regular speed
blackout: arena power dies, everything from elevators to bridges to lights go out, limited visibility
fog of war: fog rolls in with EXTREMELY limited visibility

tried to think of things that would actually punish range instead of close quarters
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I hate that I have to share a space with you fucking retards.
>medium uses a jump pad
Congrats, they've put themselves in a slow and easy to read falling trajectory that can't really be altered much, effectively telling everyone in a 5mi radius that "hey, if you can get into this general area where I'll land within the next 5 years, you can pounce and bonk my ass like there's no tomorrow." Enjoy the free kill, or you would if you weren't a fucking moron that's trying to contest someone 5mi in the air with a stick before they suicdially put themselves into your kill range. Bet you were one of those troglodytes there were trying to contest roof FCARs with a SMG.
>all anyone has to do is jump to evade you
Congrats, jumping in low grav means they've given up superior ground movement that might've actually been able to outrun or otherwise evade you to instead similarly lock themselves into a limited degree of air movement that you can easily match regardless of your weight class--or if you're Med, without giving up any movement speed to block.
I’d buy an Ospuze can or two if they made some. Even if it were just a labelswap of some random energy drink brand. I’d get one just to try and another to display.
How much longer is in the season?
the goalpost moving is real, now you're gonna say that even noobs can just deal with lights
Here's the quick and easy strat to reach ruby in no time
>have one or more friends make a fresh account
>they gets cheats
>you play together
>they boost you by playing sniper light

either that or find 5 other rubies and party up as a swarm of lights
you are an actual trog if you genuinely believe that an assault rifle medium spending a long stretch of time in a state where melee physically can't contest them is advantageous for melee because melee might be able to get them when they land (except not really because you have a respectable amount of air control in this game so you can control where you land, I.E "at a safeish distance from the retarded heavy trying to chase you down with a sledgehammer")

it's true that going to the air in low grav makes you an easier target- for a ranged weapon. how are you closing the distance with melee when the rifle/mp5 is tracking you the entire time? this isn't a game where going airborne kills your potential damage output
that anon is special needs and physically handicapped. Ignore him, he just cant aim
>might be able to get them
Skill Issue. You're too bitchmade to actually call yourself a melee player.
How about
>smokes are randomly thrown around the map
>fog much denser than normal fog weather modifier engulfs every crevace of the arena
why is ranked such a fucking shitshow
everyone is either cheating or boosted
TA was by far the most popular LTM they've ever done. Actually consistently had queues popping in oceania for the entirety of season 2. Only other modes that manage that are quick cash and power shift.
ok but try queueing up now
in ranked, you'll see the same 20 or so names not to mention the miryad of cheaters
if you want to make a gamemode like this, you have to put some fucking thought into it, like for example by simply removing snipers in TA
>for example by simply removing snipers in TA
How about you actually put some thought into your reserve weapons and gadgets instead
oh yeah sure, lemme pull out the magical weapon that can outrange a sniper perched up god knows where or the magical gadget that can incapacitate snipers

the maps simply weren't made for this game mode, defender's advantage is real and maps like monaco, kyoto and syshorizon are sniper central. Pair that with other bullshit weapons like the xp and you have one hell of an unfun match ahead of you
what are the hopes of anons for next season?
>new map that doesn't suck
>light nerfs
>heavy buffs
>TA removed completley
>ranked cashout
>WT with gimmick tours
>new gameshow events
>an actual pump action shotgun from the concept art
Even more mediums crying LM AO
>countering a sniper means directly contesting and trying to kill them
Oh brother, no wonder you're in this thread crying every week instead of actually enjoying the game. Maybe you should just realize that The Finals isn't for you, if you have such simple and linear ways of thinking.
You cherry picking idiot, I specifically said that they're a problem in TA because the maps facilitate their kind of shit, chip damage is a serious threat since you can't heal, they can position themselves into spots that can peek spawns (like basically every spawn on kyoto and a few on monaco and vegas), your gadgets don't respawn so you can't waste them to throw them off and you can't heal beam the damage away immediatley/defib the victim to mitigate the loss or even just hide in a corner for a few seconds and regain your health. Snipers are also completley accurate while midair or dashing too.

They're a non issue in any other game mode simply for the fact that the options to counter them are plenty, but in TA, that shit is thrown to the fucking wind, you illiterate mongoloid

That's not even mentioning the fact that there are also plenty of cheaters in TA
Other than an RPG nerf I just hope next season has more stuff going on. Season 3 had nothing but map rotations.
>You cherry picking idiot, I specifically said that they're a problem in TA because blah blah balh
Jesus fucking christ, how retarded are you. We're talking about TA; if I'm saying your entire approach to dealing with snipers is fucked up and moronic with a flawed viewpoint and way of thinking, then obviously it's in relation to TA and I think the rest of your reasoning is bullshit. Like come on
>taking chip hits from sniper
The right gadgets and yes the right weapons paired with the right movement completely negates this concern
>your gadgets don't respawn so you can't just waste them to throw them off
Oh my goooooooood? You can't just toss your shit like a retard and you actually have to think for once in your pathetic mongoloid life? Oh I can totally see why that'd be a problem for you.
>but in TA, that shit is thrown to the fucking wind
If you read the thread it starts with some retard disbelieving that a light main could ever clutch out a cashout solo or be useful at all, then after clips are posted has proceeded to have a daily tantrum about how "OP" the class is
that's been every thread, anons don't seem to agree on the topic of how good classes are.
Reddit told him what to think.
light isn't fun to play with or against, its that simple
they're super fun to play against, they're free kills. Healing beams and massive shields are not fun to play against

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