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Did you guys ever play Minecraft Hunger games like 10 years ago? I just had a huge nostalgia wave for it I miss this shit so much
>11 MILLION views, 12 YEARS ago
it's painful
I remember playing these nonstop back in the day, any reason they died? I've seen some servers have at tops 47 in game but it's not really fun playing with only a few people.
Servers decided to go full pay to win by letting you start with weapons and food and whatnot if you paid like $5-20 or so. The more you paid the better shit you'd start out with. It was incredibly fun before all that shit though, if only it stayed that way.
yeah the p2w and hacking made it kind of impossible to keep the servers around once the trend died down.
loved mc-hg and their kit stuff. i used that exact endermade + stomper duo all the time and kangaroo was fun too
It was good near the beginning but it got worse over time. The true death knell was when they started implementing fortnite mechanics
I did, once the Java scene of HG started to die out, kids were filling the MCPE servers and playing the gamemode over and over.
It died after Bedrock hit because accesing servers became a little more complex and kids were just using the vanilla approved server list.
However, the cracked OK servers are still filled with players, from Java to Bedrock but it's really inconsistent and usually NOT safe to play unless you know what you are doing.
>NOT safe to play
what did you mean by this
the last time i played it was in a pub bedrock from the server browser and while i did see the server sold cosmetic shit no one had p2w in hunger games
mite check again in a bit
If you don't want your dox to be sold on Breachforums, or even worse, to some data harvesting company then use a VM or a container when playing on them.
looks like i wasn't the only one feeling nostalgia about hunger games heh
ayo bro i swear every time i would play this shit my luck with loot averaged to getting sticks and 2 pair of leather boots
wtf are u on about? servers log ur IP but nothing else that I remember
>mods deleting hunger games threads
>Minecraft will never be this good again
Why even bother playing?
Bajan tried to revive it with a couple of servers a few years ago but it never took off.
yea and it fucking sucked all those faggots teamed in solos or just fucking hacked straight up.
>Why even bother playing?
I don't

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