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anyone still playing?
First for Jaws pistol nerf when? TTK is 2/10ths of a second. No other weapon even compares. If your build doesnt solely focus on Jaws, you cant compete.
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How much starchrom does everyone currently have?
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I just spent $50 on the glass themed building set
I abused the early bug so I still have 80k rn
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Damn, what bug?

Also is there going to be a use for all this? Items right now cost 8k, You need a set of items (8k*4) and a unique item 8k and two weapons 16k
Then what? You use the gacha machine to try and randomly level up those blueprints?
>You use the gacha machine to try and randomly level up those blueprints?
that's exactly it, yes. I'm still trying things so I didn't decide on what gear I should go for minmaxxing, right now I'm more inclined to burn build
Dont do burn, the boom boom is completely unusable. It takes me literally 1-3 seconds to kill someone. Its unusable. It made me not want to play until the pvp rework in september.
I'm using the purple rifle and shotgun
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Idk how experienced you are at the game, but if you're not using jaws/bingo, you're prolly gonna regret your descision. They havent balanced the guns, and its been quite a while.
>Even the A tier weapons really dont compete at all against the S tier guns
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I don't play on pvp servers, I don't think the game is good enough for it. I'm pretty good at games in general and old enough to not care about meta or in following some youtuber kid guide. I just play with whatever I find fun.
Well yeah if you're playing on a watered down no pvp server then it wouldnt matter. Use your fists to punch enemies.
this game has no endgame content and pvp is absurdly bad so the worst thing you can do is follow guides/play the "meta", in quotes because it changes every time someone "discovers" some new build, which by the way the game has so few that you need to be incredibly dumb to not figure everything instantly on your own. I also was beating almost everyone on dps during prime wars so idk
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>this game has no endgame content
Picrelated. You were supposed to be forced into being flagged in pvp constantly after level 10, but this law changed it last minute on launch. You werent supposed to hit lvl 50 in the third week of the server because other players were supposed to be slowing down your leveling progress.
>pvp is absurdly bad
Solely because of Jaws.
>it changes every time someone "discovers" some new build
The only build is, and has been Jaws. Even Bingo, Wildfire, that gold shotgun, nothing compares to Jaws.
> also was beating almost everyone on dps during prime wars
And what happens if you just use a torch to attack the boss once, do you still get drops? Why does dps matter in a pve server?
>Why does dps matter in a pve server?
it simply doesn't matter at all

at this point the only reason to continue playing is to farm starchrom and hope for a brighter future
is it me or is the constructor system kind of jank I just spent an entire hour trying to get a stairwell to connect my main house to my work shop but it refused to snap in place because it wasn't exactly lined up
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If you level up a blueprint to 6 stars, is it possible the shit tier weapons could be comparable to Jaws? Or does hp/resistances scale as you level up your gear blueprints as much as damage?
stairs are literally satan in this game. Nothing has made me more infuriated than the stairs.
If I like the pve update in October I'll probably buy the glass themed set. If it's just the same 3 factions of enemies in a slightly different area I'll probably just drop the game.
What stops someone from leveling up their Jaws bp
>It made me not want to play until the pvp rework in september.
NTA but doubt any sort of pvp rework will make pvp in this game good. The concept was cool but they completely butchered the execution, just like new world and bdo. Even just looking at the towns and other locations, you can tell they were designed with spontaneous pvp that can snowball into much larger fights in mind. Meh, could have been really fun.
I was thinking that a 6 star jaws may not be as insane as other 6 star weapons if the health pools didnt go up much

>Jaws Hits 15k damage in 2/10ths of a second
>Shit gun hits 15k damage in 2-3 seconds
>6 star jaws hits 15k in 1.8/10ths of as second
>Shit gun hits 15k damage in .8 seconds
That was my thought process
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>new world
New world completely reworked the entire game 2 weeks prior to launch. They should have known that was foolish with zero testing.
>CBT New World was open world pvp, stagger, drop equipt on death
>Launch New World (2 weeks after final CBT) made the game have PVE monsters, turned it from a sandbox to a themepark mmo, removed stagger and item drop on death and made pvp require consent from town with no reward
Idk wtf they were thinking. So many devs listen to the loud minority of players that complain PVP is too hard, make the game easier!!!

I get that video games are a lot more accessible now, and theres a lot more casuals, but jesus im sick of forum users complaining the game is too hard. Players who literally play 2-5 hours a week and demand the game be reworked to accommodate their playstyle. And then the devs that chase the whales so they listen to them. Its crazy
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this game should adopt the PoE seasons model of every 4 months while adding new gameplay systems and builds. they need to expand vending machines into an auction house as well and add some more depth to the end game loot system
Idek what to say, gamers are just gay now and want everything to be the same. Every game has to be some themepark wow bullshit. Kinda miss when devs used to be passionate and had a vision for their games that they strived to achieve. Now they all appeal to tourists who treat it like a temporary vacation and always end up going back to their forever game. Long term playerbase be damned unless it's through moneygrubbing and psychological tactics.
No fuck the auction house that'll just be undercutting bullshit all over again. I just want them to show what items are in the vending machine, don't even need to show the price.
>while adding new gameplay systems and builds
no they don't. It's 1 month seasons for now and they don't add shit, doesn't even come close to what poe do. It's too barebones and I don't have hope in this company to improve it
The building system is nonsensical dumbfuckery. In Eternaland the snapping seems to work better, you can put windows and doors anywhere you want without a frame, certain things that would normally require structural support can be placed freely. If you're clever with the pieces you've got, you can make some really great looking buildings.

But none of that shit is in the actual servers. You can't even use blueprints from Eternaland, so the one thing that shithole could be used for -testing out building designs- is fucking pointless. It's like the devs just want you to shit out a commie block. Worse, they want you to pay them $50 so you can shit out a glass commie block.
I said I hope they go in that direction not that they already do. they have to same monetization model kind of so there are bunch of things they could do to earn more money like PoE. Better specialized stash boxes could be another paid qol
well they should at least add a price ticker so I don't have to travel to each vending machine to determine the market value for everything
sorry I am bad at reading, really sorry
have a nice day
fuck that. I've seen some good calib deals in vending machines out in bumfuck nowhere
playing it, surprisingly fun but i dont normally play survival games. smgs are rly fun
it is fun but the moment they start adding p2w shit the game will be ruined
yea i get that. but im hoping to have fun until that happens. so far ive only tried pve servers and i just kinda like getting my build together and then working on my house. are there any single player shooter games that are kinda like this?
Honestly it seems like people really enjoy spending on cosmetics (despite the prices) so as long as they keep pumping that out I doubt they'll go p2w.
Though I someone suspect they might do some sort of starchrom catchup thing down the line, because the difference between old players and new ones will be pretty huge.
not that I can think of most survival crafters I've played would give you the option to create an offline world if you didn't want to play online. ark and maybe palworld have guns and base building but not really any town and buildings with human enemies
yea..i really like the number go up aspect of this and finding out how mods work with gear and stuff. i just wont spend any money unless its for a cool trenchcoat or smth
>23k dot
isn't that like 100k dps with the gloves on?
Playing with friends on a new server (PVE). Should I go Shrapnel, Frost, or Powersurge? I'd do bounce but shrapnel seems like it's just better bounce anyway.
im running shrapnel and its effective but kinda boring. im running the kuma smg so maybe theyre better options
retard chinese game
>anyone still playing?
only retards
where do you think you're?
Frost, with a power surge secondary so you can kill both kinds of anomaly chests without help.
Is there anyone on one of the new Novice PvE servers that is currently full that's only been up for about 4 days? Can I get an invite code? I want to see if I can use your invite code to transfer my main to another novice server rather than signing up for a normal or hard mode server.
PvP games fundamentally do not get popular. The ONLY game about progression that you can lose to unrestricted PVP that is in ANY way popular is Rust, and that's because the people who play it are both mentally ill and understand the concept of server resets, which makes accepting the loss easier. The only remotely close competitor is Tarkov/Hunt: Showdown.
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every pvp centered game ive seen come out in like the last 10 years always ends up with mega guilds running gayops on discord and basically larping instead of actually playing pvp its all win trading or weird shady autismo deals behind doors..
Pretty much. Everyone comes in with their established communities instead of making new ones in the game.
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even on pve servers there's niggers ruining everything. My server started phase 2 today so I woke up early and went to get that blackfell spot. There was a guy there with 4 alts occupying all of it, I know they're alts because the name was literally somethingnigger1 somethingnigger2 and so on
Can you move controllers over once a season is done? Is it worth it? I'm sort of getting a bit lazy
need some newbie advice, if i got it right after checking the vending machines in the stadium city people mostly use acid and starsource (or whatever is called the pink bottle) for trades besides energy link. Is it recommended to set a base to farm any of that? Currently my base is just a square with all my stations and some planters but I want to do something more productive with it and I dont think crops are worth the time...
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Is this you or no?
From what I see on my server Acid, Fuel, Stardust source, rubber, and electronics are always in demand.
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>The ONLY game about progression that you can lose to unrestricted PVP that is in ANY way popular is Rust
>You forgot Planetside
>You forgot Albion
>You forgot etc
The games that have good PVP that DO NOT change and bend over to the casuals; complaining they "died and it needs to be shut down", stay with great populations. Yeah Rust is a perfect example. Ignore the crybaby kike faggotniggers that demand pvp be removed and you have a good game.
Now look at the ones that listen to the casuals and remove pvp
>New World
Runescape is massively held together by bots, Look at playercounts before and after runescape "2" launched, patches before "OSRS"
Games die when they abandon their original idea and start chasing the whales. Whales dont play PVP games. They arent good at games, its in their nature thats why they pay to win. When developers try to start landing whales you get Wildstar.
>B-but the game was too hardcore!!! It died because raids were too punishing
No it "died" after the first year because the developers didnt think it was making enough off subscriptions. They rebranded as free2play and the game was a massive casual shit after the fact. Max lvl was like 50 and the first 40 levels were tutorial after relaunch
>Firefall died because of poor marketing!!! The bus!!!!
No, firefall was WELL on its way out when the bus came out. The bus was a hail mary because the developer was constantly fighting with his dev team. The game went through several VERY SUCCESSFUL iterations before redbeans were added in the testing phases

Get the fuck out lying kike
They said popular, anon. Planetside is barely at 5k at best right now (per Honu looking at the last 6 months), Albion is what? 10k on steam? You can say hurrdurrr standalone but if it's anything like PoE then 70% is on Steam at worst. My shitty Korean anime moba gets around 20k at peak time a day and I definitely don't call that a popular game.
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>Planetside is barely at 5k
Planetside is twelve fucking years old dipshit
>Albion is what? 10k on steam?
Yes 10k ON STEAM. The game is an MMO, it didnt launch on steam. And albion has hugely leftist tranny developers. You get banned for hate screech in albion, and it still is absurdly popular.
>You can say hurrdurrr standalone
I shoulda read that first, you're absolutely right, the standalone numbers will be vastly more popular than the drm that launched the game well after its initial launch
>My shitty Korean anime moba gets around 20k at peak time a day
And Candy Crush has 250 million unique players per month?
>Planetside is twelve fucking years old dipshit
WoW, Dofus+Wakfu, Archeage, and Runescape are all over 10 years old you dipshit.
I was gonna ask where Planetside 3 was if it was so popular but apparently they sold the IP and it was killed or something. Sorry for your loss.
>And Candy Crush has 250 million unique players per month?
Not quite sure what that has to do with what I said but Candy Crush is extremely popular so I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the millions. You don't think old people play that shit? My mom plays Candy Crush and all the knock offs whenever she runs out of attempts on Candy Crush. Whether or not people play for long/get far is a different story.
New World didn't die because of changing from PvP to PvE, it died because of its disastrous start. The various bugs, the servers getting thrown into the future where everything exploded, dupes and exploits destroying economies, and the hastily thrown in PvE stuff being badly thought out. PvP would not have saved that game because you could be fucking immortal just by moving your window around, and there was even people using aimbots of all things. It didn't even chase whales, it had UGLY AS FUCK COSMETICS. No one wanted that. The release probably wouldn't have been as big if it was pure pvp either. I heard it was the streamers who caused it to turn into mostly PvE, and guess who made the release popular?

Also >not listing Lineage/L2 as one of your successful PvP games
Shit is still popular even to this day both official (Korea) and pservers (notKorea).

Either way you'll be getting two flavors of PvP games soon. Ashes of Creation (pay 100 to test for them not even buying the game btw) and Throne and Liberty (apparently p2w in Korea, but Amazon might change that). Whether or not they'll be popular or not who knows.
controllers and your best deviants
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>WoW, Dofus+Wakfu, Archeage, and Runescape are all over 10 years old you dipshit.
Correct, and with the exclusion of WoW, all of those are dead. WoW being the exception (Which is why i didnt list it) because the playerbase are all sunken cost from the obsurdly lengthy achievments. Literally everyone I know who still plays WoW complains its shit, but subscribes every month to stand in town and chat to their friends.
>Not quite sure what that has to do with what I said
What you said was inapplicable to anything i had said, which was my point with candy crush.
>You don't think old people play that shit?
You're cherry picking and making up arguments i never said in order to debate yourself and win. You're prolly right, old people prolly do play mobile games. Good job?
>New World didn't die because of changing from PvP to PvE, it died because of its disastrous start
>it died because of its disastrous start
It had a disastrously bad start because 2 weeks before launch they reworked the entire game from a hardcore PVP game where you lose your equipment on death, to a PVE themepark mmo. Did you even play any of the playtests? You obviously would not pick the argument of New World if you had. It had GREAT player retention in the playtests, it wasnt until 1.0, the LITERAL LAUNCH PATCH that they added pve monsters. It was not a themepark MMO the final playtest before launch.
>various bugs, the servers
>dupes and exploits destroying economies
No. They could have had popup ads with pornographic onlyfans models and that wouldnt have killed the game any faster. Players had invested $60 into a brand new TRIPLE A title developed by AMAZON. Even beta players didnt quit until closer to the end of the first or second month.
>because you could be fucking immortal just by moving your window around
The game could have had complete clientside infrastructure and it wouldnt have mattered- The game was already on its way out. Good Job, you watched a youtube video.
Im playing with the power surge smg, should i jump to the shoty or jaws, or stay?

Doesnt matter. The cashshop didnt hurt the game anymore than it already was hurting. Nobody quit the game because
>No one wanted that
Idgaf whats in the cash shop for cosmetics. Im not a fucking casual nigger
>The release probably wouldn't have been as big if it was pure pvp either.
The beta test numbers say different.
The beta test player retention numbers say different.
>I heard it was the streamers who caused it to turn into mostly PvE
See >>1416688 picrel
Its ALWAYS the casuals that whine for PVE. You're literally agreeing with me
>guess who made the release popular?
if you're giving credit to the 400,000+ players on launch who bought new world to asmongold and not the fact that the mmo was developed by FUCKING AMAZON you're a retard
>Also >not listing Lineage/L2 as one of your successful PvP games
I said etc. Theres plenty more i didnt list. Making my case for me doesnt defer from the fact that im completely right

>ither way you'll be getting two flavors of PvP games soon. Ashes of Creation
Well i guess i should hope asmongold says its okay to have good launch numbers for this one too huh?

Once human would be the next great one to look at if they balanced the fucking weapons and didnt put their servers in communist china where they have to remove pvp completely because of pinko faggot laws
We're coming up to september, where HOPEFULLY*** they will be doing weapon balancing. I havent been playing this second server launch, but in #1 it was jaws or nothing. The "A tier" weapons had no footing against the jaws.

Imo i would save your starchrom for september's pvp rework*
>*Hopefully they find a good way to evade communist china's pvp law*
>Imo i would save your starchrom
Yeah you are right. Anyway, since you are a pvp enthusiast do you recommend going for full dmg builds/gear or use hp pieces or savior/defensive gear
I really am not in a position to give you sound advice. I play a ton of PVP games but i never follow the meta because in my eyes i see it as a handicap so i dont have fun playing meta

And in new world i couldnt compete with anyone, the BoomBoom was unusable trash.
My first pvp fight i found someone lvl 35(?) and i was 10 levels lower, i hit him from a huge (max?) distance with the purple chargeup awp sniper literally 10 times and didnt kill him. After that i realized I was not going to be able to beat the minmaxed meta players.

I was trying to build for tank with the bastille set, but it didnt work out well. If you want good advice maybe check youtube? I saw one kid running the explosive roll set with 3 pieces for the tankiness if you want tank, idk whats viable. I got frustrated dying in 2 bullets to jaws players. I started evading fights, and only grabbing echos if i thought i could run without conflict
-Sorry ;(
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Let me just get this all straight.
Original Post said "PvP games fundamentally do not get popular"
You listed games that you think are popular (I haven't even heard of Albion until it was mentioned here btw. I've only played Planetside 2).
You then listed games that you claim died because they removed/neutered PvP.
When I said Planetside isn't popular because barely at 5k (basically dead), you said it was because it's a 12 year old game. Therefore, games that are old have less people naturally, because no one sticks around that long.
Games die when company decides it's not worth the upkeep.
The games I listed (WoW, Dofus+Wakfu, Runescape, Archeage) are all old games which are basically dead. While I will agree that PvP players will leave once the PvP aspect of it is removed. I do not agree that PvP players are in the majority from launch to the point where them leaving would kill a game. Therefore, if these games removed PvP late, it's simply making more people leave from an already bleeding game. New World is different in that it removed the PvP aspect early, of which I disagreed in that it being PvE killed it.
>Good job you watched a youtube video.
No. I played release only with friends. I apparently did have a test invite cause it's sitting on my list but I didn't try it during playtest. My very first complaint was they nerfed fishing into the ground because of bots instead of just banning the bots (and fixing family share) but hey, apparently Amazon is too good for GMs and rather use bots. I mainly started playing because I was looking for something similar to RF online (PvE with open world PvP after a certain level, and large scale faction PvP) but stuck around because it was an okay game until I experienced all that shit.

You know what games with PvP died without removing changing PvP (as far as I know)? RF Online and Ace Online (Space Cowboy). I don't know if BDO is considered alive but I'll just list that too because who plays BDO in 2024.
I think the boots that give any shot becomes a headshot boots with bullseye are insanely strong, Idk about the savior set, i know people are starting to use that now, i considered that originally but havent looked into it after my initial impressions, idk if the heal forces you into the animation, and idk if a healing shot will go off in time if you're against a jaws user who literally kills you in 2/10ths of a second
Apart from that the hooded sleeveless chest is top tier, Shaman(?) but i believe thats just because it helps jaws crit.

Im not a good source of information, i got my shit pushed in for not meta build chasing
>I haven't even heard of Albion until it was mentioned here btw.
Albion was insanely popular on launch--I believe it still is, albeit not advertised anymore
>I do not agree that PvP players are in the majority from launch to the point where them leaving would kill a game
The games that advertise as pvp games usually do carry a majority of pvp players, but ignoring that fact, if you do want to disagree with me (that they're the majority) thats fine, but you cant disagree that pvp players enlarge have SIGNIFICANTLY higher player retention to games they like. Which would drastically harm games when the core playerbase that are usually higher level all quit.
Most games stay afloat because even when they're old, they log in and see the game is still lively. When a youtuber says "THIS GAME IS DEAD" that drastically hurts a game's population. Most casual gamers hear the word dead and instantly get turned off (Myself included, no one is immune to propaganda) thats why its such a popular clickbait title on youtube.
>New World is different in that it removed the PvP aspect early
When it had PVP as its sole focus, not only was player numbers high, player retention was phenomenal. Thats the key. When ANY game launches its expected (with marketing) to gain a huge spike in popularity (Just like every stock in the stock market, release sees it spike up and immediately cut in half). But you have to realize that while yes, some players bought the game blind, without even knowing amazon developed it, and said "This sucks I dont like it" quit the first month and didnt refund are well in the minority. But players who went from one playtest to the next and then dumped the game 1 month after launch and never played it again, even with the announcement of expansions and major patches are and should be considered the core audience. It doesnt matter if you see it as "early" the players that were consistently playing it before launch, didnt see it from that perspective.
i was over the character limit and kinda rambling so let me just finish by addressing the end:

>No. I played release only with friends
>but I didn't try it during playtest.
We're not even talking about the same game. New world before launch is COMPLETELY different than the game you know and have played

>You know what games with PvP died without removing changing PvP RF Online and Ace Online
I have literally played hundreds of pre 2016 mmos and desu i have never heard of or played ace online or RF online
RF looks like a wow clone, which games like runes of magic and the many many other wow clones died with or without pvp because they were trying to copy a well polished triple a game with nothing special or unique. Idk if thats what RF was, but Runes of magic and a ton others that escape me never took off because they were appealing to wow players with nothing to offer
>Good job you watched a youtube video.
I said that because the clientside buffs only gained knowledge because of Josh Strife Hayes (I believe?) made a video that brought everyone's attention to it. Im sure that video had a big impact on the late adopters of the game and the overall casual youtube trend audience

I didnt mention BDO at all because i feel like its a piss poor example. Ive tried BDO twice before because of youtubers saying "ITS TERA!!!! REMEMBER TERA?!" but was completely turned away after the cash shop added the ghillie suit that removed player nametags(?) even in pvp?
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Is ANYONE here playing on pve01-00169 through 174 that can get me an invite code?
>Cont. Once more
I also just wanted to say because i got thinking about New World launch
>We're not even talking about the same game. New world before launch is COMPLETELY different than the game you know and have played

When New world launched, yes having no pvp was obviously a huge pressure point for myself and many other players, but one thing you didnt even notice by not playing until launch--The game had a "Stagger" mechanic that you've never seen before. If you google old footage of New World, pvp was balanced COMPLETELY different than on launch. If you remember New world's weapons were super unbalanced (The big 2h axe killed everyone with just autoattacks) for example and the fast hatchet was weak as shit. The game didnt go through a mass rebalancing of weapons on launch, the 2h axe was broken as fuck and the hatchet was weak (Opposite to how it was in beta) because when you'd hit a player, there was a small flinch animation that would happen. The hatchets used to keep you chain staggered again and again, thats why they did shit damage. The 2h axe was never supposed to get to trade autos with other weapons, thats why it hit a million damage just with left click, if you tried swinging it you'd get interrupted and punished.

Lmao i forgot about that until now. Balancing post launch was horrible
I dont know if that videos any good, but he talks about stagger and i think theres footage
True, I suppose if it was already popular enough in the playtest as PvP then changing the game to PvE and gambling on retaining more people than you would have lost would be an extremely bad move. Specially since all the systems were so poorly implemented.

Both of these games are way before 2016 lol.
Ace online was under the name Space Cowboy (in 2006) when it was first released, it died for some reason or another and then was renewed as Ace Online (the original name before it was brought to global). If you've played gPotato games then you should've known about it in passing at least. It had open pvp after certain zones and also had faction vs faction. It had "mothership wars" which lasted for 2 hours where the factions would have to push through to enemy territory to destroy their mothership.
RF online was released the same year (earlier in the year in Korea) as WoW so calling it a WoW clone is pretty insulting. It was RvRvR with open pvp in certain areas and enemy races can invade up to a point in other races' territory and guilds can contest spots for resources and territory control. There'd be big wars called Chip Wars where the winning faction would have access to a spot in the middle to mine resources. You had to elect leaders and there were council members and all this other shit if I recall correctly. It was popular enough to get several pservers back in the day.

Man, Tera ruined tab target MMOs for me forever. It's so hard to get interested in MMOs nowadays because they're almost always tab target. That's also one of the reasons why I tried New World I guess.
Yeah I was so fucking disappointed with spear. I heard it got nerfed on release which is ??? Then I heard that the reason that 2h axe/hammer was op was because the fucking devs mained that lol.
To add onto RF online, you could choose 2 classes to combine their skillsets, so you'd have a lot of interesting builds.
The invite a friend event is a lie. A friend invited me to his server and it didn't give me friend points when I leveled up while he did get it. Give me my 1k chrom I'm already bricked because I started a week late!!
holy fuck what is this schizo doing
no one will read that retard
just kys
Idk about the developers maining it, that sounds like shit stirring from non 2h axe/hammer users.
Idr hammer in pre-release, but I would assume the hammer was also insanely strong with its auto attacks because of the slow swing speed
Based Spear Chad
I remember Gpotatoe but i only googled images of RF. I could have actually looked at it years ago, but I literally have looked at im not even hyperbolizing hundreds of mmos.
Motherfucker, this game throws starchrom at you like it's a senile old man feeding ducks at the park. 1k ain't shit.
Speaking of which, season 1 (and now we're on season 1.5) has weapons and gear in the gacha machine at 8k starchrom per piece. Is that going to be the price for all the weapons here on out? It seems like you get a ton of starchrom and if each weapon costs 8k+ how much ever starchrom to level up to tier 6, it doesnt seem like it would take you many servers of playing to completely max out your character? Does it to you?
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Once Human wont have tiers above gold (Legendary) will it? Is a Legendary 6 star the highest there will be?
>PvP games fundamentally do not get popular
Wtf are you talking about
>auction house
Nta, but unrestricted ffa pvp games will always be desolate wastelands where geared-to-the-tits veterans roam around looking for fresh meat, murdering them in seconds and spawncamping them until they log off in disgust, and then whinging on the forums that nobody ever wants to come play on their shitty servers.
>unrestricted ffa pvp games
You just added like 2 extra criteria compared to the anon I responded to
Where's all the pvpfags excitement for the new season?
Sure, but those are historically the type(FPSes notwithstanding) with the most attempts and the most catastrophic failures.
This has been debunked in every thread you've posted it in. See >>1416688 picrel
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I thought Echo's Call was going to be forced pvp after lvl 10, but apparently that chinese law changed it. They're finally doing factions to loophole their retarded kike casual law so faction pvp will be the unofficial real launch of Once Human
Evolutions* call
So how many assets were reused in this game?
concord failed because it was pvp?
like literally every other game: a lot
not reusing assets is an incredibly dumb mistake. The trick is to make people not notice it
The only one that triggers me is they used the loot closets of night of the dead and i kept trying to loot them when they are just static closets in one human
>night of the dead
God, that game was complete ass.
I thought night of the dead was a perfectly fine combination of average dark souls combat and a better version of 7 days.
That statement tells me immediately that you've never played Dark Souls or 7 Days in your life.
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Did you play it on easy or use guns only? I literally fought all the bosses dodging their melee swings and blocking with the shield and meleeing them. Ninja gaiden, devil may cry, its all the same thing.

Its literally the exact same building and gathering as 7 days except 7 days is a much worse version of it with a slight minecraft squares vibe and immense lag.
I'm liking it but it renders incredibly slow, when I drive from one town to another, it takes a full minute to load all assets, fuck is wrong with that?
Post your diary elsewhere anon.
dude then shut the fuck up you bitch faggot and stop initiating discussions with me

i fucking hate you bitch zoomers with your fucking little bitch whiny opinions that are always wrong based on some weird fantasies youve made up in your fucked up head

Ive literally played games you bitches attempt to talk to me about longer then youve been shoving buttplugs up your ass
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I wasnt the anon you were arguing with
Im older than you are
And idgaf how big your epeen is. Nobody gives a fuck. KYS and most importantly:
>reddit spacing
go back to heat you 2019 /pol/ fag tourist
this is the goty easily
lads for season 3 lets pick a server and create the unofficial RP ERP Once Human server
I'm still in the tutorial. Like the aesthetic. Before I waste my time on this. Does this game offer resistance in the leveling process? Like will I fail at things and need to think about how to do it better?

I feel like expecting that in current year is a tall order. If people are not screaming their heads off that something is difficult the answer is always," At the end game there is this distant point you can get to that is demanding." or "There's two boss fights that can give you trouble if you haven't overleveled."
Literally the only thing you can "fail" at is not having the right damage type to break shields on certain special mobs.

Unstable Bomber and Power Surge for Void, Frost Vortex and Burn for Regen, Missiles for world bosses. There, the entire game has been solved for you
If you're new to the game and just starting on a hard mode server you will definitely die a few times as you get a hang of things and work towards starchrom to form a non terrible build
Haven't played the game since the first season, has it improved at all or is there still basically nothing to do once you can print biomass missiles and clear anything on any difficulty? I heard there are hard servers now?
if you're a stingy F like me who wants to save on mats you are going to die so much if you don't upgrade your gear.
t3 gear will get u 1 shotted in the lvl 35-40 zone. Even with full gear some pro fights are really hard to solo for players with everything. So for a newfren like you you're going to die alot.
Also they have roaming super mobs on the novice servers which are immune to damage or up and 1 shot you
they added in shinies, so everyone's farming for shiny slime butterfly digbys rabbit and shrooms which they're counting on to keep us content until october.
That's it, a couple shiny deviations? Seems to be going a bit slow but I guess maybe they have something big planned for october. Was just taking a break so I don't burn out and never want to touch it again and don't wanna come back until they finish the map or maybe flesh out the later areas a bit more if they plan on doing that.
honestly just do what most of us are doing, weekly purify and get your challenges done
outside of that just do other stuff, super casual and that's the only way to fall behind
keeps your starchrom topped off and more mitsuo marks
Nah once it starts getting down to me being uninvolved besides weeklies and a checklist that's when I take a long break. It's fine, it's a new game and it needs some time. Don't really care about the currencies that much right now 'cause I don't know what it'll be like in a year from now and I don't really mind fomo related stuff so I'm not gonna check this game out later and be like "damn I wish I did my weeklies" even if I miss out on cool stuff, it's whatever lol. Was just curious to see if anything has happened since I last played but I suppose I'll see what they're really planning when october comes. Thanks for answering
they have random seasonal events, phase 4 on pve servers just popped up an event where you do tasks for an army of shiny nutcracker deviants. the one before got you monster cards from random kills to fill out a book.
it's legit 3 minutes A WEEK lmao but whatever lilbro
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is there a way to make refining faster
super refinery specialization cuts the time in half and gives you 2 slots per refinery
I never left my original server.
I have free reign of echos.
Am i falling way behind on Starchrom?
decent amount for all PWs + the manibus end phase again
but starchrome is already so bloated we have enough to buy multiple sets plus level all of them to +3 by now AND you should have like 50k+ left over after all of that
at this rate blueprints will be timegated and less dependent on the gacha portion which is fine
wow 179 servers? game is not dead at all?
90k on steam regularly
but it's slowly dropping it was 150k constantly the first month
but it's outlasting first descendant big time
itll probably spike up next pve content. Not everyone wants to play manibus twice
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I have 48,000 currently to start Prismverse Clash with, (48,000/8,000=6 blueprints) I have 4 pieces of Bastille and 2 weapons, but the Boom Boom is shit, and even if they buff it I may want to swap to something else
>It doesnt feel like the Pestilence from Division 2
So idk if all 48,000 starchrom are going to have to go to replacing the Boom Boom and potentially Bastille, it felt kinda weak in season 1. Idk if i wanna keep that either.
I hope they nerf Savior Set, and I may swap to that 3 piece of the tank armor depending on if they leave it alone or nerf it
It hasnt even started yet, launch was rough because of that chinese law-- So its not until the end of this month that we're getting an actual PVP server
anyone even remotely excited for that shit is a fucking loser tranny
pvp in this game is so bad literally better off playing shitty WoW arena over this garbage
>every retard is 1 of two builds (because only two are viable in pvp otherwise you're a free kill)
>TTK is instant unless you slave for -25% dmg food and wear savior set
lmao theres a reason only thirdworld retards and low IQ zoomers love that shit in this game
My server just ended at what feels like a bad time. I don't really want to idle on this finished server doing nothing, nor do I want to join a different server and get locked out of the new shit for a month.
you can still do purification when it resets
I reserved my spot for the very first hard mode server but I stayed on my original long enough to do a max out purification before I took the transfer, which allowed me to do it again once I got to the new server
it doesn't matter much but I know how boring phase 1 is so I wasn't in a rush to move there yet, no idea why every retard was rushing to redo manibus phase 1 lol

now next month yeah i'll move ASAP but I'm probably going with a med pop late server this time, being on max pop servers fucking SUCK
>worse community filled with faggot and e-begging twitch/youtube losers
>lots of server lag from overcrowding
>every faggot leaves a truck in blackfell
>every faggot spams WTS garbage for their shitty memetic rng items
>every faggot spams WTs/WTB for specific deviants 24/7

only pro side to it is basically all PWs are going at the same time and constantly completing so clearing the entire map for your passes+starchrom legit only takes like 20 minutes then your done for the entire season lol
>I missed the first shelterer wish pool
I guess I'll never catch up. It sucks starting playing late, this is one of those games that you need to play forever otherwise you'll lag behind forever
blud can't spend 3 min a week on god u weird af bitch ass nigga idc if ur dumb ass takin a break from the game, fuck outta here fr.
nah its such a measly increase in stats it doesnt matter
and pvp is literal garbage if you truly just want to "win" at pvp play a low pop server, you can world hop for cargo spawns and have 50k+ sproutlets in a few days
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This game is solved, right?

Can I get some anons to help me with the ways this game is basically donezo for the discovery phase?

Acid Farms:
1) Alts doing the moving house weekly.
2) Afking for sproutlets at a 2 to 1 ratio
3) Every time you do the blackfell loop you get 100+ from mobs
Basically invalidates the need for sulphur into acid, or pumping polluted water for acid.

1) Ancient One Weekly on alts
2) Afking sproutlets for barrel fuel
3) Efficient road loot routes (Faster fuel / hr than doing refinery defense missions.)
Invalidates oil refining.

Highest dps builds:
Great Ones / Prime Wars-
Last Valor (Shrapnel)

Icy Rain

LEA Labs-
Icy Rain
Shock smg (forget name)


Afk salt
Semi Afk blueberry soda

Energy Links-
Silver Bars / 2x Canning
Blueberry soda
Then repeat on alts and trade to main.

Blackfell loop

40x Cortex Defense base:
Turrets at 3 spawn points, cortex in a box with 4 support beams. Or floating base (Patched soon?)

Animal ranching:

Crop Growing:
(Mostly) useless

Refresh teleport tower / World jump.

Wildfire -> Icy Rain -> Bingo/Jaws -> Upgrade stars of icy rain and bingo/jaws sets each season. No need for anything else.

Build limit in sky at prime wars 20x cannons in sky as well no one can reach. Ram trucks with cannons with car. Ram sales trucks in Blackfell with car. Place trucks with alarms + farm animals near active player bases. Use mass alts to wall in active players base (Bannable). Use chink name to avoid reports from floating structures.

Commissions, moving house weekly, 3x dailies, sign shooting weekly, warband shop weekly, sproutling/planar shop (seasonal).

Farm THETA then combine to force mods / rarity on what you need. Assuming you have them unlocked already.
>acid farm
just passive farm lmao are you retarded?
same shit
>dps on prime/boss
my burn build always gets first on full server
just play the game retard
>energy link
who cares lol the game is too easy play with whatever you want
if you want to do that shit the dog boss is faster
Got a video of shadow hound speed runs for reference?
I don't watch youtubers nor guides so I don't. It's just the way I felt it andI tried both. Dog boss loop feels way better too since it's just enter, kill, repeat. I destroy him tho with 13-30k burn ticks so it's pretty fast
Share build? :3
Okay, so here's my times with a crit weakspot memento build (120k dps) on hard mode shadow hound:


Boss 1:
Boss 2:

Okay, looks like Shadow Hound's the fastest.

Anyone with a BING build can test the treant on how fast you can nuke it?
it's pretty straight forward I'm using the burn AK with 4 shelterer 1 renegade I think(it's the one that gets 15% reload speed with 1 set part) and the free purple gloves. Every mod has elemental damage and damage to great ones, + whimsical drink + deviated bone sausage + level 5 pyro dino + purple ammo. If you want to get further there's gold ammo and stardust drink with shell break spec
for fuel you can legit just show up to PW and if you're not a shitter you will get all 3 boxes by doing raw dps
I always end up with thousands of premium fuel this way and I never contribute with missles
I let all the tryhard normies take care of that for me, the only perk to being on a high pop server is you can be insanely lazy and max out your starchrom rewards with zero effort
yall faggots if u still play this game ong I ain't bout to login for no starcrumbs. anti-fotm pussy ass nigga anon was right...
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>Acid Farms
picrel is prob the best perk for it, got it at 35. sulfur is nothing and energy doesn't take long to become useless.
with the new plants I've decided to dive into farming for acid gain passively. no more sprinting the moment a phase unlocks to get the best contaminated zones. just set up wherever you want
I get everything I need by just looting at endgame
Tanking in the tradicional sense is nonexistent (far as I know) so the meta is stay mobile and bring enough damage to quickly delete the numerous adds sent your way and burn the boss. there's nothing more to it.
I'm actually using the nerfed doombringer + wildfire and it already shreds everything that dares approach even on a hard server. with 5 bullets (+regen on kill) and optimized mods it will soon do even more justice to its name.
However I might change to an elemental build later down the line once I'm filled with t4/5 sets.
>Crop Growing
for mass and easy production I'm doing coneflowers for sanity ice drink and beets for sugar for shellfish meat. I'm too lazy to dive into serious deviated farming with the pve already being this easy.
forget the one base to rule them all designs and become a modularchad, at least for the beginnings of a new season
t. ranny
kid really just called himself a tranny
calm down baldy
You sound gay as fuck
how so?
Game is boring.

>Be me. Solo.
>Everyone else barely hits 500k dps on prime wars, I top over 1m easily.
>Every single thing is on farm status. Can even solo some prime war bosses.
>All gear upgraded to max stars and full legendary mods already grinded out.
>Only took 500 hours to hit literal best in slot

Nothing left to do. Time to play something else. Any suggestions?
find a job
>A literal nigger telling people to get a job
Can't make this shit up
game is so shit lil bro just trolls the thread 24 hours a day kek
Doing what?
based chad, dabbing on the bald faggot minmax meta loser
Anyone have the stream codes?
I just spent 160€ on the new outfit...
lets see it laddie
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cute fetal alcohol syndrome girl
It used to be worse and I've already spent hours on her, I just don't feel like spending more time
how many boxes for the outfit?
I keep getting tempted but I dont wanna spend over 50 dollars for clothes so I've only bought battle passes and 1 hair style so far which is super cheap
The whole seasons thing and having to start over is getting old.
>muh pvp is bad because of jaws
Lmao it goes way deeper than just weapon balance, anon.
the like 90% dmg reduction build and mark builds are way more toxic
someone who runs it properly can legit 1 v 4 jaws players
I expect every dumbfuck to start running it once the new faction scenario starts
Started on a hard pve server and made a new base.
I went from box (undecorated) to slightly fancier box (decorated). Maybe next season I will not make a box. Also does anyone have a picture of wall vine 2? I have 1, 3 and 4 but I've never seen 2.
Try the hairstyles from the battle pass shop
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Thanks! Damn I actually need that. Guess I have to do furniture routes again...
anyone else having stutters when loading player houses? My house is on a congested area so every time I teleport to it I get small stutters because there's so many other houses near. I have the game on a nvme
Yeah, server needs to load all that shit in. It's why getting to blackfell will sometimes take longer if there's enough fancy vending machine trucks shoved into the actual town.
Any hackers or exploiters in this game?
game sucks and population dropping hard lately
This game is fucking terrible for pvp
either the tickrate is like 10 or everyone is a fucking latam faggot with 600 ping.
I shoot them and my bullets dont even register and they teleport around everywhere and then I just go from 100% hp to 0% instantly and im just downed from retroactive damage from their client or some shit.

Fucking game is dead.
you also get hit behind cover from them
but yeah the game is garbage tier pvp worse than 10-19 twink pvp in WoW literal faggot tier shit only losers like doing and they plan to open a scneario specific for them as the population has dipped by 50k+
don't forget weapon balance and glitch
Everyone running bingo with the animation cancel glitch oneshotting anything while other builds are literally useless
a lot of pvers are going to the pvp scenario because of exclusive rewards, this will only drive more people away
it takes way too long to process crude oil
get super refinery. still long but half as long and theres 2 slots so if you put 1k+ in its also faster
>crude oil
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Whats the other option?
I hope the Pve'rs all leave, that way they dont influence the developers to make casualization changes like in every other game
How many servers do you think prisma will have?
while I agree with pic related I don't enjoy the this game pvp. Maybe in the future, but atm it's pure shit

btw what they did with nw was a sin, fuck amazon devs
They really should force you to make new characters on pvp themed scenarios
Most fun pvp I had in this shit game was at launch

>fresh characters
>no min max faggotry at least early on
>more fun exploring and getting resources to faction fight
>no xfering items over to pvp scenarios
it should just give people autoloadouts so everyone is the same
this problem has been solved for 30 years
that would work too

thankfully the rewards look retarded so fomo isn't biting me, i'll prob just roll another manibus and enjoy my easy casual starchrom + free lege fragments
did you also know that to secure the deviants from the pvp stuff you have to wait 30mins-2hours if you even can get them back to your base before people kill you and they can kill you at the base too :D
pvpers never happy
This is why you should stick to fps games and be unhappy there
mode is basically built for zerg fags and grifter fags with their simp armys lol
Item Balance is the solution, not removal of rpg elements
If everyone had to start fresh, as soon as you were able to get 8k you would immediately spend it on jaws pistol or would run into the exact same problem you're complaining about. Anyone who bought anything other than Jaws or Bingo with their first 8k would be irrelevant until the next wipe.

They made you think there was going to be hundreds of deviations being purified by everyone. Instead its heavily limited so the entire faction defends and raids 1 property. Idk why they did this.
>Related to your post
Asmongold joined my server and it went from 60%:40% Mayflies to 95%:5% Rosetta. If they're going to pay streamer faggots to advertise their games, give them their own server that lasts for 2 days. Dont destroy a server with their fucking filth and then expect players in that server not to quit.
Im a bit late: but i would guess not many. The item balance in Once Human is horrible. I really enjoy the game, but if Evolutions Call had real pvp like they advertised, the weapon imbalance would be so blatant people would be furious
ok and you just remove jaws and bingo from the rotation obviously if they werent such lazy sacks of shit and did a forced fresh pvp season they could take items out of the rotation but they are lazy chinks and wont put any effort into it
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these chinks are fucking retarded with the banners. I want to play elemental builds but they won't add banners for it
damn lad at least buy something
I bought the entire elemental armor set, 2x the burn banner and a power surge smg. I want to spend it all but I literally can't
ah I'm sitting on 80k but I've bought jaws/bingo/shaman top/full lonewolf/wildfire/doombringer/shelter (or savior whatever the name is for the healing pvp set) and played a few full gachas to lvl up all of my jaws shit to +3 and +4 so far
I was originally frost before I went jaws, then I tried doombringer which just felt shitty even when it was "good" so I've been back to jaws ever since

Been tempted to try wildfire/bingo full marked with shelter just because it looks broken in pve and makes you a demi-god in pvp but just been too lazy, I do the bare minimal running faceroll jaws
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I skipped the season 1.5 and went from Season 1 (Novice/Evolutions Call) to Prismverse. I purchased 2 weapons, and 4 pieces of armor. I have 50k starchrom banked. How the fuck do you guys have that much spent+saved?
you just answered your question, lol
you skipped a 2nd round of manibus, did you not remember how much you got from the first season of manibus? it was an assload of starchrom
on top of the mitsuko marks

even if you play late in a season its still worth rushing 1-50 and knocking out all the easy challenges + collecting the free starchrom from the server side goals (these always complete) and the energy link starchrom for like 400k EL
also to add hardmode manibus had increased starchrom for all goals
now add in doing all the primewars on top of it and they sent out a shit load of event/survey starchrom
Im not a PVE casual lol
you get even more on pvp lol
hey if you want to play shit tier chink pvp with bad netcode like a good lilcuck thats on you

im fine with cargo scrambling when I feel like it but 24/7? that's some low IQ shitter garbage, way better skill based pvp focused games to play for that fix.
Played with a friend for a couple of weeks. He dropped the game. I dropped somewhat after. People who still play did the drink water and eat food get boring yet?
Yo, noob here. I got jaws pistol banner in my server. I bought that, bought the bp too and now I have 3 star jaws (didn't know about friend code so I started with nothing). Have vulture and 3 lonewolf piece. Now I'm confused what should I buy next? I want a second weapon, maybe a sniper because crossbow just feel clunky as fuck. Should I get bingo ? Or other snipers good enough? Or should I buy all lonewolf pieces first?
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>shit tier chink pvp with bad netcode
Meta chasing niggerlover
wait you can swipe a credit card to beat once human? sick
>mentally ill /pol/ user
go back
>gay tranny thinks he is funny
>can't even secure deviants unless it's at a specific time of day
>Muh exhausted daily limit for server
>All the day people get deviants and I don't
>Roseta outnumbers us like 30 to 1
>Im top 20 on our side with 1 deviant secured

Why are you so fucking stupid netease holy shit
>playing shitty chink pvp
your own fault lad
the outfits look like garbage too why waste time?
just chill for 2 weeks and enjoy the snow map
ive been just picking up the mystical crates for blueprints and trying to get a 5-5 mushroom with my house having a ton of mushroom plots

this dogshit game is literally unplayable in real time for a 1v1 pvp scenario much less group fights
the fucking bullshit lags for easily a duration of 4s before registering any hit markers
i shoot a guy twice in the chest with my bingo
first hit registers second one doesnt
i put a full mag of my pistol into him
he just freezes in air for 4s and nothing happens
then i take 95% of my health in dmg
2 of my pistol bullets register for leg dmg
and then i go down

im honestly just thinking of completely uninstalling
this netcode is fucking horrendous and the pve is fucking boring already
>bingo glitch still working
why? it seems like an easy fix and it's incredibly game breaking
My chef dino pretends to work but I never get the buff. He doesn't even teleport to the stove anymore he runs there to try and "cook". Should I fire him and hire a new one?
Some of the negative traits fuck up their walking speed. You could always queue water or something belse first and also throw his ass into it manually.
It's a 3/4 cheer up 2, I've been throwing his ass into the room and closing the door but he still reacts slowly. I'll try the water queue trick
Newfag here.

Should I buy the Bullseye sniper rifle with 8000 starcrom or is that a dumb decision?
I have a tier 2 star one if you want to try it out friend code below (the meeting gift pack is basically unimportant)
basically bingo bullseye sniper is S tier pvp and pve and is also currently glitched in that you can spam shoot it faster
id try out a few weapons you find and see if you like one of their fighting styles and then check to see what weapon is best in that type
then you buy the 8,000 primary and secondary when youve made your choice
then the armor set
then you can check the blueprint type your sets use in blueprints on the inventory screen
then you can check the roulette machine and if they have a large amount of those as the higher tiers, you could try and roll them a few times
same with picking up the mystical crates that drop your armor/weapon sets blueprint type
typically you end up being able to upgrade your weapon a few times prioritizing the weapon and in the case of the bullseye the boots
in my case I rolled a bunch of random stuff that allowed me to upgrade my hat and mouthpiece to 5 stars luckily
and thats it really
the fish are a pretty easy weapon to get the 10 fish or whatever to upgrade the melee weapon for a free 5 star melee weapon in 2 seasons

F3 -> Event -> Gather Friends

Mods and where to find them

Memetic Specializations Tier List

Weapon Tier list

Wildfire and Bingo Gear Guide

hope that helps
I think this game has the worst pvp I've ever played.
yeah just buy it
friend code weapons are shit and become useless fast if you're still lving, you can't repair them

buy your own and upgrade it, it's nice for the auto mark when switching to it even if your not a full mark build I use it with jaws cause I'm lazy and it gets the job done
Man, is it even worth trying to farm these variant gels... I already have 2 lv 5/x normal ones
no not at all and i'm willing to bet the winter scenario will introduce brand new deviants that you will WANT to use and you would have to be a complete fucking moron to bring over old shit over them
We'll see, stream in 4 hours so surely they'll show some new deviations there
Doomeris is a NIGGER from NORWAY.
It quite blatantly wasn't built for it. It's a PVE game with PVP crudely tacked on.

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