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We're playing Fiesta Online on the Core private server.

>Private Server
Use the online player list (https://fiesta.core.ms/Home/OnlinePlayers) or the shout chat ( /s ) to get an invite


Some resources:
>Wiki and database
>Forum with guides

This is a part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché MMOs

check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion and doomposting:
help, my chatbox disappeared
nvm, fiddling with resolution fixed it
While mine doesn't disappear, mine does keep randomly deciding between choosing to display the guild chat or not in the first tab.
Played a ton of fiesta back in the day, is the server p2w?
Not at all. They've removed every p2w aspect of the game and have all of the cashshop items available at vendors for gold. Gold can be farmed by buying all the mats for Elrue and then selling it straight back to the vendor you just bought the mats from.
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Big sword acquired
And here I thought I was the only one experiencing eldritch particle clouds
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After a grueling 90 minute slog [Yotsuba] claims the world first Secret Laboratory clear! As we didn't have a healer we had to cheese/kite pretty much every single mob to death. The last boss was a very enjoyable 30 minutes of baiting it through a doorway while dpsing it down! Please join us for more content!
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proud of my boys
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what do they mean by this?
Looks like those bears are helping Goku out. Also if you're still on could you please disable the Guild War thing? We're unable to invite anyone to guild while it's up.
do we need healers? i am free the next 3 days for some playan
They're just doing /motion 214 you dummy.
I'll try. has the jew destroyer bobo challenged us again yesterday?
i think the joke is they look like bear-skin rugs but if they were walking around in the same pose.
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censored just like my japanese doujins
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the writing is getting worse
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Grats bro
Hard to say for certain how badly they're needed until we do more content. While we likely would've had a much easier time if we prepared more and enhanced gear beforehand, I think having a cleric will just let us be more lazy in that regard. In particular, having a raise would've saved us a lot of time. The dungeon was entirely linear and the respawn was at its entrance, so the deeper we got the longer the run back. Personally I'm already leveling a cleric alt and will continue to do so to have it in the back pocket, so don't feel obligated to roll one.
Boosting is easy so if anyone wants to join now thats cool, let us know we can get you up real quick.
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World First Leviathan's Nest (Hard Mode)
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snake blown the fuck out, eggs ignored, armor looted, laughs had
how long to reach level 100?
Very quick if you get power leveled. Though I'm not sure of a good power leveling spot that's available pre-60, but worst case you can solo the pvp abyss areas in Elderine very easily. Depending on your class it should only take 1-2 hours to get to 61, then less than an hour to get power leveled to 100+ from there.
I missed the guild picture on Saturday.
wait was there a guild picture on Saturday? I basically missed the whole weekend so I'm still mid 70s while everyone else is apparently taking on the hardest world boss.
minigame session in two hours

there was but we take another one in a week, as for levels you can catch up pretty quick, don't stress.
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Buy this NOW. It doubles the speed you craft and doubles exp gained per craft, so 4x.
minigame poll has concluded, we're playing Audition Galaxy for tonight

I've been missing out on so many rocks!!
I am missed the whole week and I'm at lvl 40
How tf do I level up fast??
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Storage Keeper Rell is hiding a secret
If you're playing a mage or archer you can level yourself very easily through aoe grinding and kiting. The best levelling zones are the Abyss (accessed from a Battlefield Zone NPC from Elderine) up to level 70ish, then Guardian Masters at Burning Hill to level 100ish, then Black Bears just outside Albertol Ruins until you're strong enough to do Leopards at Kahil Plains.
If you aren't playing a class that can aoe grind then you sort of just need to make a party to level or ask nicely for a boost or something.
*cums on ur post*
What cash shop items I am still missing?
But desu I have an hard time aoe grinding as my only aoe spells seems kinda of garbage, even after I put points on it
You've got everything. The item on the left is for your offhand and the thing on the right is for your Badge (level 100 equipment). Not sure what that is on the top middle.
>Excuse me, it's ma'am
note: killing a Mad Slug, which takes me about 25 minutes because it has like 95% evasion, rewards you with 22 Exp and no drops.
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When is guild photo tomorrow?
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We're gonna hold the Fiesta guild picture at 9:15PM UTC (2:15PM PDT), Saturday 7th.

We'll start the next game at 11:00PM UTC (4:00PM PDT), Saturday 7th.
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oh hey, there's a housing system
What do we need to do to buy a mansion and have a pool party?
pool is closed, due to invisible walls and AIDS. to get the mansion, you need to do a quest chain that starts at grandpa robin in roumen

>can't make swastikas in the pool
it's over
just delete the game right now
>just delete the game right now
in five hours
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