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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart and Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers are standalone mods of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game into a kart racer similar to Super Mario Kart. Both games are lightweight and can run on most modern PCs.
Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play (SRB2K)
Follow the guide here: https://kartinvidya.me/guide/#before-installing/
Compiling help for Linuxfags: https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Source_code_compiling/Makefiles#Compiling_on_Linux

>How to Play (DRRR)
Download/compile the game here: https://github.com/KartKrewDev/RingRacers
Make sure to unlock almost all of the important content, including multiplayer, with the included PASSWORDS.txt file.

>Do we have a /v/ server?
For SRB2K, yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large quantity of QoL improvements. The guide should link to the custom client, but in case you missed it, download the latest release here:

>What happened to the mods MEGA folder?
No need for it! Since we have upgraded to a new server with faster in-game downloader!

>Joining a server
1. From the title screen, go to 'Multiplayer'
2. 'Internet Server Browser...'
3. 'Specify IPV4 Address...' and manually enter the server IP
>OK OK, faggot, what's the IP for the /v/ server?
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>SERVER STATUS SITE / LICENSES / SCOREBOARD / CYTUBE / discord circlejerk server


>/vm/ SRB2Kart protips
https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq (embed)

>DRRR manual

>Anon's Beginner's Guide:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5oU5Lsy5PQHonDekMo2ThVvGgT1AkfYSFj-D1ac1iM/edit?usp=sharing (Long Version)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OkbSNPNmefnr6qcvlQSaNukEsODmcOIhIVwobp_6iBI/edit?usp=sharing (Short Version)

Time it takes to charge a drift spark for each stat if you care about that nerd shit. The Google doc does not take the spark rate buff in the US and EU servers into consideration.

>How do I clip replays and share them?
Go into the Replay Hut/Egg TV (Title Screen -> Extras -> Replay Hut/Egg TV), select your desired replay and record whatever you want with OBS.
To convert the video into a WebM, use: https://github.com/argorar/WebMConverter
Make sure the file is less than 4 MBs if you plan on uploading it to 4chan.

Previous Thread: >>1374064
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kicking off the new thread with an all-time klassik
>both charyb and seventhsentinel have left kike krew
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>before and after launch their cope is 'the game is for US and no one else!'
>half the team leaves after launch
I mean, in some way these guys will go on to be the modern game devs we have currently that are churning out high effort DEI games that no one wants to play. I hope they would learn from their mess ups but it doesn't look like they did
this shit is so retarded man. smug ass fuckface. i hope they stub their toe every hour.
11/31 US
I don't get it. He's being kind of smug but he's right, its a free fangame, they don't owe you specific characters especially with the insane amount of them with quality spritework exist in the base game. Are they banning people who try to port from kart though?
They should have delayed DRRR further to ensure that every character who was originally in Kart remained in the roster. People aren't just asking for new characters, they want their old mains back.
Races anyone?
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in a few hours
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7(+3)/31 US
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10/31 US
still goin
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Been a bit V1 bros, Backport anon here with more backports for you all. Mainly backported from packs that still don't allow for individual downloads for a game with a 193 skin limit lmao. Characters are mainly from girlpack, kelpack and saturn street racers with some extras thrown in as bonuses.

>New characters in the pack are: Cloud, Witch Kiriko, Bike Rider Shadow, 2B, Eunie, Filia, Fukua, Cerebella (who isn't released on the MB yet), Goku (CombiRings), Headdy, Josuke, Okuyasu, The greatest fighting game character of all time Ragna the GOATedge, Noel, Pyra(Chengi), and Shovel Knight.

Some notes: On Cloud I fixed the missing pixels on his tilt right sprite, and for Eunie and to a lesser extent Kiriko, I tried my best to match their colors. Sorry about that. No preview this time since there's too many of these guys. As always lmk if there are any issues.
>New chars only: https://files.catbox.moe/eyq0re.pk3
>New chars + the older backports like Mail and SA2 Sonic: https://files.catbox.moe/ilcxiy.pk3
Is it the one I think it i-
>Boots it up
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Hey, you might know me as the one responsible for the A.R.A. servers, built around the DaytonaKart arcade mod. I never have been a huge fan of the KK sphere, as I find their politics and the MS rules to be annoying. After getting "cancelled" from one of the many shitty sub-communities back in January for misgendering somenone and later witnessing the DRRR trainwreck erupt in real time, I have been considering switching to the Neptune build, which I have now finished doing.

If you wish, feel free to try my servers (including a developing one based on Aqua GP) or even list them on the website if you are the anon who owns it. Just be aware that the niche that A.R.A. aims to fill is slightly different than that of the /kv/ servers.

Standard Servers:
A.R.A./Maximum Velocity US

A.R.A./Maximum Velocity UK

Grand Prix Server:
A.R.A./GP Legend US
5/30 US
SRB2K sisters.........can we really only muster 5 of us against the massive horde of double-digit DRRR BVLLS?
sundays flip-flop between 20 people playing for 6 hours straight or people doing time trials literally all day, soul
anyone want to race
you should go ask the sort in the lobby right now. but if you're actually super desperate go to weedles and ill join, for abit, im about to eat
Okay i'll go to weedles
>20 people
That few?
>double the DRRR population
of course you could be playing DRRR instead of weakly baiting here, curious...
Was there anything else planned for Noire? I played the build that was posted last thread and didn't want to kill myself after 30 seconds so if there aren't any other big things planned for it I might actually play through the grand prix.
>double the DRRR population
More like less than half of DRRR's at most times, lol
you get btfo over this every thread charyb, please commit suicide
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I still prefer drrr
would anyone like to race on weedles
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As well as the Transcendence server.
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My reaction when I discover that resolutions above 1080p are very tricky to mod in because of how the game's physics are tied to the game's resolution.
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I need some retard-proof instructions on how to backport RR characters to Kart (Neptune), I don't care how tedious it might be
fuck knows but please also look into how irritating the process of adding death sprites to characters is
i think in most chars cases you can just take the damage frame in their kart sprite and remove the kart and replace it with legs or some shit
>go check the most up to date backport pack with instructions
>it's only for new frames and not a full frame translation list
Not sure about the other backports out in the wild, but I'll just list the SPR2s I used for the vanilla frames:
>M, N use DRLNA and DRLNB, with DRLNA's offset modified slightlt
>O, P use DRRNA and DRRNB, also with modified offsets
>Q, R use SPINA, frame R is squished down
>S uses SIGNA0
Swap out whatever frames you use based on preference
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holy shit is this real????
Would anyone like to race in 20 mins?
I'm down for races in a bit if we can get a crowd going
4/30 US
13/31 US it's time to die
Is there a new update for DURR or they're still in cope and seethe mode?
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Latest update was in May. At least two developers left Kart Krew. It's dead, Jim.
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2.4 was presumably supposed to be a content update (co-op Grand Prix was a new feature) but considering RR still has a ton of problems even beyond KK's intentionally stupid decisions (item balance is presumably the big one right now), I'm guessing it's taking a lot longer than it would otherwise, combined with shit like people on the team leaving

Anyway I will be ready for races today in an hour or two
>Anyway I will be ready for races today in an hour or two
3/30 US
6/31 US
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Races are A GO
Vector's been backported

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Added Vector to the pack.
I've also went and added your extended frame guide.

We're at 1.4 now, since I feel there's been significant enough additons to move past 1.3
sakura a nigger
Woah, cool it with the racism buddy
Look she's a nigger...
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Hannibal Lecter looking ass
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Is there anyway to spectate an SPB Attack ghost when playing on the server? The typical 'view' command doesn't work and the SPB Attack ghosts are saved client-side as .txt files as opposed to the base game's usual .lmp files, so I don't know how to load them when off the server, if that's even possible.

Also I think the server needs Jinjo
and George Washington
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if you load the addons via replay/join&leave then it'll show the ghosts in an offline session. Slightly bugged as it doesn't show the times on the left but they ghosts work.
I appreciate that but is there anyway to actually spectate the ghosts like you can with .lmp files (aka when you go into Replay Hut and can choose any player in a race to watch)? I'm specifically trying to watch ghosts on a few tracks that take shortcuts without shoes and I want to see the exact inputs / drift / boost stacks / etc. that they use in order to accomplish it.
unfortunately no, as you said the ghosts are stored as text that's just re-interpreted into inputs server-side.
that said if you want I can just make replays of them for you.
That'd be great if you wouldn't mind. The one I've primarily been trouble keeping an eye on is the one from Final Fall due to that map having tons of boost chains with its lines. If you're taking any more requests, I'd also be interested in
>Spring Yard
>Weapons Hangar
>Monster Monarch
>Cosmic Eclipse
>Yokai Mountain
>Mushroom Hill
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here you go, replays of all the cuts. Most are done without the spb as I can't be fucked to do it all perfectly but the important parts are properly done.
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These are great, thanks for sharing.
>Most are done without the spb as I can't be fucked to do it all perfectly but the important parts are properly done.
Yeah, you did everything I wanted to see so this works perfectly for me. No worries there.
5/30 US
*Bit crunched voice* LETS GO
Deaf ears I know but a lot of the dev hate is getting way overblown. People take jabs in the discord all the time but not once have the devs ever taken the bait, only ever interacting when they have constructive things to say. Ive seen Tyron respond to hundreds of messages with more tact than I've seen out of billion dollar game studios and you still manage to extrapolate the most benign messages to be arrogant or outright attacking their community. They made a fan game, you didn't like it. Fucking chill geez.
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>kk devs respond well in discord and respond to crticisim
not to mention charyb calling the fanbase retarded for not being able to do the tutorial (which was then patched hours later against his wishes) and most of them jumping ship post-release
Is this supposed to convince me I'm wrong? It reads like you got banned for exactly the type of behaviour I'm seeing here. Again, I'm sure charyb didn't say that but because you're upset you didn't like the game you READ it like that. Get over it.
>yes people should be banned if a discord mod thinks they're being 'too sarcastic' about something!
ok thanks for admitting your position 1 post after pretending to be neutral, your game flopped sorry about that
At best, some people on KK are/were clearly more stubborn than others. Hopefully with Charyb and Sev leaving, the team can get some new devs who want to turn the game around for the better.
You pulled the 'ol 'be an asshole but sneaky' routine and didn't get away with it let's not trust your version of neutrality come on now it's no wonder you think the devs are out to get you.
I think that's fair, I'm guessing there was a lot of back and forth between the devs prior to release about how certain things were implemented (the bounce comes to mind) and that once it released it really helped them snap out of indecision and commit. My initial reaction to the game fell in line with most others in that almost everything had to be reworked vs now I feel that less than half of that needs to change. Somewhere between the knee jerk reaction and the devs vision is constructive changes and if they had responded too early none of that could have happened. Drrr was always going to being a cold plunge because of its changes, so I think the game is going to get a healthier player base over time. Hoping the devs stick it out and make the approachability changes the game needs too.
>h-hes being an asshole! mom!
you are aware that like 60% of the discord has jumped ship or been banned post release for exactly this right? are you calling the majority of the playerbase snealy assholes? or are you just continuing to be dishonest?
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You know how when you hang out in a friend group, sometimes the other people's personality habits begin to rub off on you? I wonder if that's what happened. They hung around Charyb and she had a negative influence on them and made them very prone to kneejerk reactions to basically anything that wasn't blind praise.
i know i already got you to expose yourself in 1 post earlier but thanks for just really hammering it home
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and there it is!
Just go back already KK apologist.
No one here that is a regular is even considering your posts to be true in any way possible.
No actually, you're calling the majority of the playerbase sneaky assholes. You did it when you lumped leaving the discord and being banned from the discord into a made up percentage to make your own actions seem valid. You are being dishonest.
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>You can't hate the devs because...you just CAN'T OK???

They effectively host a walled garden (mods/MS) but ban your server from the MS for not following their insane and constantly changing mod pack rules, and ban you in general for not posting 100% positive messages all of the time. Yes I fucking hate them, and I fucking hate you too. Go back to your discord and dilate, you are not swaying anyone's minds here.
>people have complaints and leave
>people have complaints and get banned
well you can twirl your tranny mustache and laugh that you made this distinction but the end result is that KK is known for hating their fans and not being able to develop video games, half the team is gone and your game is dead, gl searching the noose tutorial
No actually I truthfully am hardly awake, my bad.
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very convincing
Well what do you want me to say then?
I haven't interacted with Charyb, when did all the blame start falling on them? Do I even need to guess?
Yeah I don't need to guess lol.
i want you to call your parents and apologise and then kill yourself
>the game isnt shit! its just tranny obsessed chuds!!
1. you came here and 2. apparently 99% of the kk discord population agrees because no one is playing
Damn you can’t even be a hater around here because you got one word wrong by accident , cool circle you all have here. Maybe next time don’t act like a bunch of paranoid schizos around people who are agreeing with you, retard.
>im trying to be a hater like you guys!
holy fuck stop posting already, play the video game a bit before you post dumb shit if you are genuine
or as we used to say 20 years ago, LURK MORE FAGGOT
You can stop trying to pretend you're "one of us," that cover's pretty much blown out of the water at this point.
>ITT: yeah, I am also mad about people hating on concord
Different anons but whatever. 1. Ring racers thread. 2. less are playing srk2bart so I think it's just niche the whole way down don't know what to tell you.
>less are playing srb2k
do we have to do this every day, i know tranny's hate themselves but i dont work for free pal
>1 racer in 84 servers
and people were playing this time of day launch week before you start coping
There's 4 on srb2 currently, we can check peak times but its going to be sometimes srbk2 sometimes ring racers and either way ~20 at most. It's niche.
what you meant to say was 'DRRR gets sub 20 players MAYBE on a good day split between 80 servers' and 'SRB2K consistently has 100+ players split between 10 servers every weekend at the least'

Not that you've earned the benefit of the doubt but sure I'll check next weekend.
the fact that you didnt even bother denying atleast the DRRR side of the comparison speaks volumes by itself just so u know
You have made up everything you've said up until this point so I know it's foreign to you that someone might actually yknow, check.
the DRRR discord has thousands of people, and there are 20 players
theres nothing made up about that, what is made up is your gender dysphoria mental illness, hang yourself
>ignore all your testers who told you this shit was stupid
>don't do any quality control on maps because every dev is afraid to tell each other "no"
>attach the game to the srb2/kart community despite knowing the incoming backlash over mod gatekeeping
>use your undeserved position of community leadership to ban several longtime community members after they voice disapproval
>only people who stick around to defend you don't even play the game
It's truly a wonder why the game died within months. A hell of KK's own making that couldn't be more deserved.
I saw this thread had a fuckton of new posts within a few hours and I thought 2.4 finally dropped but no it's just the usual song and dance of DRRR drama
This is completely circumstantial but I checked this weekend and I think Ring Racers had ~80 on the Master Server and SRB2K had ~40. If you include the /v/ server, SRB2K gets an extra ~20 but I also don't know every private server so there could be more for SRB2K or more for DRRR
>teehee i just happened to be wandering by btw here are all the stats i have uhh drrr isnt shit u guys are just falling for DRRR DRAMA XD
arent you tired youve been at it for literal hours
I just got up because I need to go to work
how much do they pay you for making these posts?
kk decisions left me confused.

>put a halt to making characters and make it so you HAVE to use mods to experience all weight classes
>mod support coming a month later when it was supposed to be a week
>hilariously broken stages
>tournament showed how broken things were
>rubberbanding that makes mario kart 64 jealous

why did they have to rush the game. another two years wouldn't of hurt? right???
KK's complete vision of the game seems to include an entire story mode with boss fights. That could have taken the other half of the decade to finish among other features, so they drew a line in the sand to get the game out to the public, promising a 3.0 release later.
>why did they have to rush the game
They had 5 fucking years to make that shit good. Just like Duke Nukem, more time on a product doesn't automatically produce a masterpiece.
Eh, people act as if the rubber banding couldn't be fixed with a patch. A lot of the items decay or outright deactivate once you hit first, if you did this with invincibility and shrink/grow you'd probably eliminate 90% of the rubber banding issues. Plus lap bonuses are a great system that reward consistent play over just stealing the lead at the end. I have no trouble finishing top 3 playing honest and I've become really good at sneaking hazards around corners and ramps to secure my lead. Don't even play a high speed character I play class d and still consistently win.
>implying lap bonuses actually mean something outside of single player

Doing 2 laps well doesn't matter a whole lot when someone easily bags triple invinc to steal first on lap 3.
Your score is based on your rank. Bagging into the top 3 while doing poorly on every other lap will usually result in a D/E rank, and you will get little-to-no points.
It's not a perfect system though because it's contradictory to how other racing games reward you for just placing high, and it's difficult for tournament organizers to keep track of who's winning until the score is already calculated. That, and the item balance is just fucked no matter how you look at it.
It does though, that's what the lap bonuses are for. Say I do a 5 lap race with 8 players, and I lead the whole time and then get hit on the final turn and 3 people blast part me and I finish 4th. Overall I get a b rank so instead of losing a bunch of pts I just gain a few, securing my rank.

Being contradictory to other racers isn't the issue it's how points are being tallied, the last tournament I saw was very different to how online pts tally. And yes, fixing the item balance too. I find it odd that's such a pain point for people considering almost every kart racer I've ever played has had bagging issues.
>I find it odd that's such a pain point for people considering almost every kart racer I've ever played has had bagging issues.
Games like Mario Kart still have RNG tied to what items you get, just being based on general position. In DRRR, you can stop the wheel to get exactly what you want with good timing.
There's also a problem with how tripwires are placed on certain maps. Some shortcuts lead into others or they have good item capsules within. It can take only one use of invincibility/grow to gain a huge lead.
Honestly it just sounds to me like invuln and grow are the main issues, not the roulette. Roulettes are assuming you will take the best case scenario item, so really it's about making the best case item not overwhelmingly good rather than removing the roulette. Shortcuts are brilliant in their current implementation in that they have a passive speed threshold, skilled play allows players to use them even without items and I've hade some hype moments overtaking players by surprise. Again it's more a case of allowing the player to keep using powerful items once they hit 1st rather than allowing the ability to make comebacks.

It's a ring racers thread, get over it. I'm gonna start posting webms if you keep going.
You actually deserve rape and murder.
I will be at your home soon.
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>It's a ring racers thread
if you say so.
>Honestly it just sounds to me like invuln and grow are the main issues, not the roulette.

Counterpoint: Jackpot spamming
kk= kart krew
rr= ring racers
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That requires you be vulnerable as you race past players and hazards, doesn't guarantee you shortcuts, needs spacing and timing for players ahead of you to create ring boxes for you to spam. It's very situational, which is what makes it fun to pull off. Jackpots are honestly more powerful in 2nd than they are in any other position, where the potential pulls from standard item boxes don't match the power of a jackpot overtake.

Looks like I grossly underestimated the rr numbers, 40 on rr to 5 on srb2k rn. Didn't even have to wait for the weekend.
>spamming speed items requires you to race past players and hazards
A truly staggering concept in a racing game
Well yeah, as compared to invincibility which makes them a non issue? Did I miss something?
You are shilling Ring Racers in a thread primarily for SRB2Kart players who passed on Ring Racers. Read the room or neck yourself.
Theres like 3-4 people here, its not a room. We're talking about game balance and you're just shouting nonsense every 5 seconds, read the 'room' and talk about either game for a change.
>this NPC-tier copypaste post again
You making up this boogeyman that this general is nothing but shitting on KK and RR when the majority of posts are about: people asking to race in srb2k, webms of the server, a couple posts of someone asking something about the server, and the odd post/discussion about a new player asking questions about srb2k

Nobody talks about RR because everyone's already exhausted discussion about the: physics, item design, map design, AI design, character roster etc. The most organic discussion RR's had in this general in weeks was when a Noire build dropped the other thread and everyone was talking about Noire itself with it's changes, development prog, and gameplay which was all unanimously positive and constructive feedback

It's also ironic you keep making this copypaste complaint but then proceed to regurgitate the same points over and over like your posts about the point system and item balance, because these are totally brand new talking points that haven't been repeated to death already

Painfully obvious you don't have anything new to talk about with RR yourself since you rely on rehashing the same points about the game so much. You can't even bring up these same points organically as you first decide to announce to the thread with your bait post
If you need to rely on baitposting to get 'discussion' and this 'discussion' is just you repeating the same points, then you instantly prove yourself wrong about RR being able to have discussion before anyone else replies to you

You won't talk about anything new with RR either though, as instead you'll just fallback on your boogeyman about this general being nothing but hate posts, or why the general is the one rehashing as you miss the point, which is why you can't do so

You're a very weird autist, you also type like the autist that overfixates on instawhip
>ill give you the benefit of the doubt and check the numbers at the weekend
>HAH! its monday and the numbers dont add up!
glad to see you're still forced to be as dishonest as possible to defend your game, its just sad honestly
That's some /vg/ tranny talk right there
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live footage of this ban taking place during DRRR playtesting
If I make a character for RR should I port it to Kart even though I haven't really played it and like RR better or just leave it for portleggers
The only real difference between sprites is the kart, and that DRRR added head turns and death animations. Make your character for that game first, then it should be relatively easy for you to plop the sprites onto SRB2K's kart.
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do you guys want to submit rep ideas for the 4CC /vm/ team? we might have a good chance to see our player on the pitch regularly with how active our community is
Bald Etna on a kart
Naked Klonoa
Doomguy in a spinbotting position.
those are some good ideas for the 3D model, but a name for the player should also be thought of. I'd personally focus more on common stuff >we do like shitting on the Kike Krew, DURR or retarded mechanics that plague our servers or SRB2K in general.
>buckni as /srb2k/ rep
fucking based, cannot wait to say a gay basednigger on a kart during matchdays
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Moonman on a kart
your retarded ass deserves ZERO recognition
you never did anything worthwhile besides making threads once in a while and being a lulcow
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I'm literally the perfect candidate.
Unless you want BUCKni as a stand in?
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theres only one person who puts the fear of god in all players

t. Dairy
That would unironically be a better option, especially if we deadname him like >>1431248 suggested
Either keep it neutral with sonic running around in a kart shaped pool float, or do Iceman404 just because we know he hates that name.
Personally, I'm more in favor of having buckni as our rep just because him seething at us has been one of the most recurrent memes in our community. The only other thing that could match it is charyb being represented as a lewd bee chasing a minor

all funny ideas
but the question is, who's gonna be the one to make said rep
the team has people dedicated to aesthetics, so they should be able to make something decent or ask for help to do so
Wallace dressed up as Klonoa.....Or Plenair/Flonne
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Anyone down for racin' in 30 minutes?
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get in
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thread in 6 minutes
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Nigger we already have a rep, it's just on the backbench because we haven't requested it in a while
>300 Ping, CenterMidField Position https://files.catbox.moe/6v4jk6.webm
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And yet when left alone all you do is spend your time talking about backporting RR characters and your only original ideas are just making stupid caricatures of the RR devs. Its friday night and there's 17 people on the srb2kart servers and 65 on the ring racers, I don't know what I expected. I'll leave you guys to orbit your own hatred and isolate yourselves even further, good luck with turning srb2k into /pol/ racer and playing with the same 20 people.
Dude seriously, let it go, just be grateful that the OP features both games meaning there's some kind of effort for the two to co-exist here
theres a thread right above your post where you can clearly see ONE srb2k has 22 players, compared to 66 on 4 servers
lets do some basic math now
16.5 compared to 22
uh oh
If the current rep is old and barely gets time on the pitch, then there is even more reason for us to propose a newer one, you retard.
Unfortunately, that one is too focused on the actual game, and instead it should be replaced with discord shitflinging
our final choice is still more game focused than some of our previous "let's laugh at some KK dev we don't like" ones, so it's not an understatement to say the discord shitflinging has been kept mostly aside except for the final consensus being reached there of all places
I don't really have much to add but if we were to have a character I'd lean more towards having it represent us. If there are any official Disgaea models then I think >>1431184 would work really well or black Flonne/Plenair (whichever one is the April Fools one, I can't remember) but I've never actually played a Disgaea game and I think they're all sprite based. If even that's too much work you could just slap Wallace/Klonoa/Neptune on a kart and I think that'd be decent enough

Metal Sonic in a kart already is pretty decent because anyone who has played the game for a while knows about vanilla bottom right but I'd rather it be more representative of us autists if possible.
I think the character should do more to portray the way the community sees the game rather than the community itself. Making the model of a character used by a well known player our rep would look a bit too circlejerk-like
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>lets represent Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart with Etna from Disgaea, known for her porn addict lolifag fans and being from a Strategy-RPG-VN nobody alive has played, because a high-level non-4chan offsite discord nolife demands that they done their fucking time and they basically represent the entire game
>instead of Metal Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog, known for his race-themed boss battles, aggressive behavior, extreme moddability and general antagonism toward everyone else. As well as being a Sonic Robo(t)
Ah yes, truly what /srb2k/ needs. Everybody will immediately know that when Etna the loli prostitute passes it the ball to G-TEK (the rep for BallisticNG, the most recognisable racer in BallisticNG) to score the goal in her succubus slingkini, that the viewer should give Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart a try, and that the Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart thread definitely plays their own game. Etna really represents Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, both on the surface, and on a deeper thematic level.
The fact this even needs to be said is the exact reason you discord niggers need taking out back and shot in the back of your microcephalous heads

If the model needs updating, it should just be a flat 2D sprite of Metal like it is in-game, or renaming to a more direct and obvious "Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart" so newfags might check the place out. Otherwise, it's fine.
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i hate lolifags as much as the next guy but you have literally been avatarfagging as metal in exactly the same way

i will once again put wallace forward
>recognisable culture icon
>not weebshit
>visually funny
>dairy went from never having touched srb2/srb2k to being one of the top players in 4-6 months

I was under 14's champion, you know
I agree with the basic points you present here.
However, I think the best thing is to stick with the decision of sending the SPB as our new rep. Metal Sonic got its chance and it now is a benchwarmer with no real conncetion with our community. Hell, he is just used to represent a generic high ping joke that could have been done with any other game.
>4CC /vm/ team
what is this
Basically, a virtual football team that's meant to represent the board. It will compete against other boards in a tournament. We are currently arguing about the player that will represent this thread's community.
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>1 post about metal sonic with a relevant picture of metal sonic
You still sound like an under 14, because you sure as fuck don't know what that word means.

4chan modded Pro Evolution Soccer, been going on for over a decade now
Right now our representative is Metal Sonic on a kart (300 Ping, CMF), who is just on for substitutions because you can only have 11 players on a pitch at one time, and it's up to the manager to decide who is on the pitch, not us. Faggots are arguing we need to replace it with a shitcord personality instead, and they cared so much that they weren't even aware we are already on the team.
/vg/'s where the main thread is if you want to look for more.
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oh okay, thanks for explaining

>Right now our representative is Metal Sonic on a kart (300 Ping, CMF),
>We are currently arguing about the player that will represent this thread's community

you've already got a rep but... why not Motobug?

he's a badnik like metal sonic, but I think he'd make a great rep for the community, completely neutral - he's in the logo and the first guy people see when visiting the website

well, i consider him the most appropriate rep of the community at least
What about Space Exploration with Klonoa's hat and a necklace of the classic SRB2K Sonic sprite?
The main thing with the rep is the following: There needs to be some meme/joke background behind it. The 4CC is a competition about beloved board memes/icons. You can¡t just suggest a thing like Metal Sonic or Motobug and call it a day. In fact, I'm pretty sure Metal Sonic's player name (300 ping) was given back when the team started to another game's rep. The only thing representing the current state of /srb2k/ is it`s model and that's it. That's the reason why I'm all behind the SPB named *Rapes and Kills you* being our newer rep. It litterally checks all the boxes in regards to being something from the game that's being linked with a common joke thrown around our servers.
I'd could get behind Motobug, recognisable but unique.
Either Metal or Moto imo, I'm just not on board with thread-personalities that don't even interact on 4chan most of the time thinking they run the place.
>There needs to be some meme/joke background behind it
No there doesn't faggot, it just needs to represent something. G-TEK is just G-TEK, Doko is just a reaction emote from one of their games that they all post with and Megachessatron is an older player for board games (that doko now reps, and who technically doesn't represent anyone at this point). There's 3 Counterstrike reps, and multiple other random reps that don't have anything to do with anything.
You're blowing smoke up peoples ass because you want to rule on some technicality.
fine then, do as you wish. Whenever you start hearing the common discourse about /vm/ being a soulless, fake team from other boards, you'll shut up and swallow it like the dumb bitch you are.

God forbid someone tries doing anything these days.
I agree, that Motobug could work, but at the end of the day the question isn't "we need a rep, who is it" and more "do we urgently need to change it from what we've already got".

The only issue people seem to have is that 300 Ping is outdated as a name, to the point the newshit discordfags didn't recognise it. Renaming the player to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart or SRB2K is the most straightforward solution.
Don't forget, we're not the ones doing all the work, it's the manager's team and the manager is the one doing the modelling, rigging, stat spread and team planning. They can technically ignore the fuck out of us (like a lot of boards, especially the faster ones), and probably will if people get too autistic.
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>fine then, do as you wish. Whenever you start hearing the common discourse about /vm/ being a soulless, fake team from other boards, you'll shut up and swallow it like the dumb bitch you are.
>God forbid someone tries doing anything these days.
Holy shit it's fantasy rigged football, stop being so overdramatic you colossal faggot. The world isn't going to end because a modified Rapist Orbinaut isn't repping our thread when we're probably still going to be on the bench anyways.
yeah moptobug is a pretty good call actually
>you dont know what avatarfagging means
>i will ignore every previous thread because i wasnt there while calling others newfag
not to mention that metal literally is the current avatar, retardkun
So, again, you clearly don't know what avatarfagging is.
>have a picture of metal sonic attached for every post in the last 50 threads
go ahead and explain why this isnt avatarfagging
>make a strawpoll
>dont include half of the options including motobug which literally everyone agreed would probably be best
SNEED go be a fucking kike somewhere else retarded faggot
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>SPB: 5 votes
>Metal Sonic: 0 votes
Really just goes to show how much of an insignificant literal who slot filler character Metal Sonic is in general, really.
Absolute bottom-of-the-barrel roster padding.
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>Just fuse a bunch of them together or smth
>/srb2k/ moetron
Flonnoatnallaceggmoonmananachadowbuggerexplenairation....the ultimate racing life form...
>drrrnigger pulling master server numbers as a gotcha, when a majority of kart players are hopping to a build that isn't even listable on the master server
Shows how much he pays attention to the actual players
>top 3 results are an SPB, a motobug and naked Klonoa
Naked Klonoa riding a Motobug while holding an SPB
The rep for SONIC robo blast 2 KART should be just FUCKING SONIC IN A FUCKING KART, thats it
>disagea tranny bullshit
damn no wonder DRR is dead and this shit is barely hanging
this discussion about the 4CC rep really blows.
makes me think that no one here actually likes or plays kart.
it doesn't matter if people reach a consensus here or in the discord if the average kart autist is fucking retarded.
>makes me think that no one here actually likes or plays kart.

you right
we just make these threads over and over for the hell of it
there was a session just yesterday anon
newfag or uber retarded
>haha what if everyone on 4chan was autistic or something
congrats anon you are literally LITERALLY 20 years late to the party
Website will be down for maintenance momentarily, looking into certificates.
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Any rep that is not related to Sonic or isn't specific to SRB2K (like the SPB) shouldn't even be considered. End of story.
>h-hey guys, you aren't a-allowed to like a certain rep just because i-it appears on games that don't tingle my a-auti-

if we only get one spot the SPB is much better than any individual or their main kart
Nothing else works. Every other suggestion has just been to jerk off another player (which no one outside of here will understand) or making fun of the devs (who do not deserve any sort of attention and no one outside of here will understand)
It's either Sonic, an SPB, or something about how DRRR shit the bed with its god-awful tutorial
The SPB is an obvious choice but retarded attention whores will go "MUH MOONMAN!!" even though it has nothing to do with kart because they're just desperate for relevancy.
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>or something about how DRRR shit the bed with its god-awful tutorial
Well then, make the rep Eggman with a "Please be patient" cap in one of those leg-propelled toy cars then, and give him "HURR DRRR" as a name or something.
Either that or an SPB would work as a compromise to the "we need to be as generically applicable as possible so outsiders don't feel alienated" and the "we need something hyper-specific in reference to the game and community" crowds, because anything too specific/generic will just piss off the other side
Not just moonman, people saying disgaea or wallace are equally retarded and desperate for attention. Put in the fucking SPB and stop shitting up the thread with your autism you faggots.
I'm voted for the SPB, so anyone saying they're whoring out for moonman is a retard
I see a lot of complaining but no fucking racing
the question was specifically about character autism, sorry about your brain condition
4/31 in the main server. I am getting in as well.
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>mass flonne slaughter killed the server
don't get eliminated?
ok u first
The server is FUCKED
guys...the paraglider config....
Right you are, Ken
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bros... I think someone might be cheating on the poll...

Really, what are the chances of SIXTY-ONE people voting on this poll
MCissy, I...
>SPB lead the vote for hours
>In 2 hours or so, Klonoa starts getting vote after vote after vote from nowhere
Who the fuck linked the poll in /trash/?
I can't find any posts on /trash/!
so this is why Onyo would makes polls for server changes...
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I've actually been watching it closely, and was going to let them do their thing until you shouted about it
>poll goes live
>SBP jumps to 5 votes before *anyone* else has votes, makes a post gloating about it
>stays at 5 votes for like 3 hours
>other choices start to get votes, SBP sharply jumps up again from 5->10
>notice this and start taking screenshots when I've got time free on a hunch
>barely moves again from there while Moto, Metal and Sonic slowly creep up as you'd expect
>as if to confirm it's stuffed as fuck, Klonoa gets 8 "votes" in ~1 hour, hours after it's posted, then starts going neck-and-neck 1-over-the-other with SBP
tl;dr you're all autistic faggots, and discord niggers need to be shot in the back of the head. SBP and Klonoa are both 100% rigged.

also in the time it took me to write this post, both SPB and Klonoa got up to 18 votes. more rigged than a demoncrat swing state.
I was one of the first 5 votes for spb
While I agree everyone here is a fucking autist, your image only shows proof of Klonoa support skyrocketing for no good reason. The SPB cheating from the beginning part I don't buy, sure,, someone is 100% cheating now to keep it ahead of the Klonoa votes, which have very obviously been cheated first
Sure you were kid, were you all 5 of them, or just the first 2+the last 3 at once.
... i think it might be time for the kartinvidya iceberg lol

this whole shebang should be somewhere near the bottom
Hey, I can only say what I saw and show what I recorded, you'll just have to take my word that me seeing the huge jump of votes for SBP was the reason I started recording it. Not like I have any investment in this shit, I don't even watch the 4CC.
I also watched the whole thing from the beginning, and the 5 votes for SPB all came at the same time as 3 votes were casted for Motobug and 4 or 5 for other suggestions. That's simply not enough evidence for me to believe SPB was cheating from the start. If anything, the cheating become obvious when you check the difference between images 2 and 3. After that, both SPB and Klonoa cheat, but before that, SPB seems to be winning cleanly
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I'm not the weirdo staring at a strawpoll for 5 hours
Say whatever the fuck you want to deflect and try to legitimize it, SBP is still cheating (fact) and is artificially inflated (fact). It's your word against mine, and I know I'm not lying.
>there's some mentally ill person whose been keeping track of a strawpoll for several hours
get locked up already
yes, SPB is cheating. However, if you read my words, you retarded, niggerloving dumbfuck, you'll see I clearly state that this cheating only becomes fact when you look at the blatant Klonoa cheating. Before then there is not a single piece of evidence that shows SPB votes where cheated, while there are proofs of Klonoa gaining 8 votes in less than1.5 hours. Stop bullshitting people about the entire poll being cheated, when it's very obviously legitimate until the image from 4:46.
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seething lmao
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what reverse psychology autism is this
spb has been leading since the beginning
And if you read my words; "It's your word against mine, and I know I'm not lying."
The only reason you have to continue arguing this petty shit so you have the final word, is because you have a clear vested interest in implying that SBP has any shred of legitimacy. As if literal proof of cheating isn't enough (oh, oh, it was legit at the start, when you saw it jump 5 votes at a time, but didn't see into the future and screenshot it - you only have continual proof after you started recording!!!!). The evidence for it cheating before is my word of mouth (as I said), and my credibility is that the fact I've been watching it + gathering the direct proof, and have no stake in the result (as oppose to you, who is clearly making a thing about trying to run opsec for a fucking pixelated circle). There's no reason otherwise, why I'd just up and decide to screenshot your autistic rigged poll every few hours - unless you'd like to tell me what I was thinking?
I thought it was funny your cheating, lying asses were so obviously rigging it. Don't you fucking dare call me a retard nigger because your incompetent fraud asses were exposed. At least the furfag has the balls to own it >>1434240 something that can't be said for yourself.
>Stop bullshitting people about the entire poll being cheated, when it's very obviously legitimate until the image from 4:46.
For a faggot that is talking some mad shit about not reading; you sure as fuck can't read my posts. "SBP and Klonoa are both 100% rigged." I've not said shit about the rest of it (yet), even if it is 100% correct to throw the entire thing out.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart?
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completely organice swedish and finish posters
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>discord testimonies
you cant end post with [game]? after you sperg out for an hour btw
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i accidently cut it off but the 3 finland voters are also naked kloana as you can see by the 0% in every other field
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>That's simply not enough evidence for me to believe SPB was cheating from the start
Uhh discordtranny?
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SPB wins >>1431183
SPB will rep srb2k on the /vm/ team
>someone suggests spb
>4 people agree and say yeah its a good choice
>when the poll goes up, 4 people (including me) vote it
go be autistic somewhere else thanks
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absolutely based
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This is why I stopped using strawpoll for anything.
not me btw I'm for SPB
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all those votes are literally more concentrated than the klonoafag (a literal IP hopping rigger) lmfao
dance discordnigger monkey, dance
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>SPB gets a few votes around the same time other options get a few votes
>Klonoa option mysteriously spikes in votes when almost every other option flatlines, showing that non-botters stopped voting by that point
As a wise man once said, you are a retarded niggerloving dumbfuck.
ok so choose literally any moment on the timeline before the bot and choose a winner
oh look at that spb was leading from literally frame 1 and we were all actively online voting when it happened and can literally name the first 4 spb voters
please hang yourself tonight, you lost the poll
>if you count the parts after we stuffed the vote, you'll see we were ahead at every point, just ignore the part where we stuff the vote any time anyone got close
>how dare people agree
if your 2 hour spergout is that, there is infact an kartinvidya discord, then congratulations you are only like 6 months late
>The only reason you have to continue arguing this petty shit so you have the final word, is because you have a clear vested interest in implying that SBP has any shred of legitimacy
Because it quite literally had it until Klonoa started cheating???
>The evidence for it cheating before is my word of mouth (as I said), and my credibility is that the fact I've been watching it + gathering the direct proof
You watched all the SPB votes come in but not a single one of the many other choices that other people could testify they voted for? How curious...
>There's no reason otherwise, why I'd just up and decide to screenshot your autistic rigged poll every few hours - unless you'd like to tell me what I was thinking?
So, you monitored this poll for hours just because you thought it was rigged from the beginning, huh? The actual evidence gathered shows no actual proofs of rigging until Klonoa votes skyrocket and yet you have the balls to put your self-admittedly proofless testimony about SPB cheating on the same footing as actual poll tracking. Shameful.
>I thought it was funny your cheating, lying asses were so obviously rigging it. Don't you fucking dare call me a retard nigger because your incompetent fraud asses were exposed. At least the furfag has the balls to own it
You didn't expose shit, you just defended the invalidation of the entire poll despite everyone being able to admit the beginning of it looked perfectly normal. You are a manipulative fuck that won't stop talking about SPB getting 5 votes at the start despite several more votes being thrown for other rep coices at the same time. Stop bullshitting us.
>you sure as fuck can't read my posts. "SBP and Klonoa are both 100% rigged." I've not said shit about the rest of it (yet), even if it is 100% correct to throw the entire thing out.
That's precisely what I'm arguing against. SPB and Klonoa are now both cheating, but we have proof of how the poll was going before the cheating happened: >>1434245
>everyone I don't like is one person
holy schizo batman
thats literally what you're asserting with this bot narrative, retard
>bot narrative
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>>1434289 (tard)
Really none of this would've happened if we just left the 4CC rep as is. Metal Sonic is well loved by all and is super badass and 300 ping is peak ludocomedy, not our fault people are too dumb to get the joke
none of what? any poll is garaunteed to have 1 crybaby faggot, thats a successful poll, SPB deserved its win
>1 autist hopping IP and voting as many times as they like
I really honestly wish you discord niggers all fuck off already. The only good shitcorder is one that doesn't leave it's stinkin servers.
SPB had natural votes along with every other option when the poll started
SPB started getting unnatural votes when Klonoa started getting a fuckton of unnatural votes and the other options stopped getting votes
SPB wins the poll, go to sleep you fucking spaz
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up
no matter how much you repeat it
we can literally all see the votes >>1434259
five votes before any other vote was even cast
another artificial jump of five votes as motobug got close
then climbing together with the other ip hopper to always be on top
because you thought nobody would see
"completely natural"
yeah, like 3 'natural' votes
the screenshotfag was proven 100% correct, even as you tried to debate what they saw like it was a legal case that needed dismissing, which only makes you look even more guilty
you had to 'correct' my post in less than 2 minutes, after i made a post after 3 hours had passed. you probably started typing immediately after it was sent.
you are the saddest, most obsessed, worthless loser i've seen in months. the projection is the icing on the cake.
you're not convincing anyone
you've not 'won' anything
nobody 'won' anything today
there's nothing left to be said

other than don't go to sleep, just kill yourself. seriously. kill yourself.
>hes literally up past midnight going SHUT UP PLEASE SHUT UP AAAAAAA NO NO NO
you will never belong here, the fact that 4-5 people have told you directly that they were the ones who voted spb at the start and you still dont believe it may be a sign of genuine schizophrenia, hang yourself
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>I caused all of this just from clicking a button
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Final poll verdict here >>1434647

I hope you niggers don't make me use my admin powers again
>the schizo is in that thread complaining too
oh i see so its not even our fault theres just a retard in the football league
thank goodness
5(+1)/31 US let the games begin
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>speccing in elim instead of normally dying
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>he voted elim
Elim tournament signups https://forms.gle/UJsmR769Xv3ZnFtx7
for the sake of posterity, could you use start.gg to set up the brackets/groups this time
DRRR Lua chars 1.5: https://files.catbox.moe/suhk8v.zip
>A pretty damn big update.
>RR skin checking is now more flexible, using an ID array to set up and check for RR skins. This means skins using the Lua don't have to be shoved in the main pack anymore, instead only needing to have AddRingRacersSkin with the skin name called in a Lua file somehwere.
>Another new addition is the ability for standard skins to have death sprites. You can define the frame (and even unique sprite) that the skin will use with the AddDeathSprite function.
>Death sprites can now be given a time to death with the drrrchars_deathtime variable. This sets the time, in seconds, before a death sprite spawned from retiring or being eliminated disappears. When set to 0, the death sprite acts like prior versions, bouncing forever until it falls into a deathpit, where it then disappears after a time (also in seconds) determined by the drrrchars_pitfalltime cvar.
>Examples of the extra features are included in 2 other PK3 files packaged with this version. Also packaged is a mini guide for the setup functions.
ok i downloaded this
what do i do
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>what do i do
If you're trying to set up an entire character, you'll need to port the character (and the extra frames as shown in extraframeguide) and make a Lua file that calls the AddRingRacersSkin function (AddRingRacersSkin("sonicdrrr"))
If you're just trying to add a death sprite, add an extra frame to the skin (usually frame T) and a Lua file that calls AddDeathSprite (AddDeathSprite("sonic2"))
If the death sprite needs a different frame, or sprite entirely, you'd need to use the extended versions of the function (AddDeathSprite("sonic2", U), AddDeathSprite("sonic2", A, SPR_ALTS))
For making a death sprite for the skin in the first place? Can probably edit the kart out the damage sprite and the lower body into a "dead" pose.
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Added this, but renamed vanilla death sprite addon to KCLV_KVChars_DRRRLUA_ExtraDeathSprites_v1. If you're only adding a death sprite to a racist, put it in here.

A bunch of elim updates to prep for the tourney
Per lap healing on maps with a lap count greater than 3 has been halved due to lack of death
Elim now has it's own more aggressive item table. Below 5 players, it will revert back to the standard shoe happy table
nepspin no longer damages players, but it's invuln parry frames are increased to 10 from 6.
Removed fire spawns from elim to try to curb paraglider configs

Both in and outside of elim - the script reducing 3x sneaker rolls down to 2x sneaker rolls should now only trigger if 7 or more people are in the race.
What if, hear me out: we just mod out all the paragliders so there's no paraglider configs to load
Good shit, anon. Only further thing I could suggest is opening up the option to animate signposts, even if Vector is the only one with support for it at the moment.
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thanks i managed to make the death sprite im just getting someone else to actually fuck around in slade with it because im retarded
>Mini guide for setup functions.
This is awesome, big thanks to you anon for this. I can see this being useful for future backporters. But fuck now I feel bad for not including the extra frames in my huge backport pack since I was making them before a guide came out. Now there's so many fuckers in that pack that it's going to take awhile to add them all in and if it's even worth it at this point.
I'd say to start small and add the extra frames to the characters bit-by-bit.
Trying to add the extra stuff to a fuckton of skins right away will burn you out, so for now just pick some characters randomly and add the extra frames to those.
(Also be sure to look at CHARFRAMES.txt so you don't spend a shitton of time figuring out which frame is for what)
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10/30 watching a black hedgehog drive through fanta
Hotfix for both the main pack AND Elim.
Turns out I forgot to add nil guards to the skin check functions when rawsetting them, so Elim would pass a null object and break itself due to IsRingRacersSkin returning an error.
Aside from that, Elim can now also toggle deathsprites based on 4 options (off, only RR chars, only standard chars, and all chars (with death sprites)).
What's stopping Noire dev from releasing a compiled version on github and just labelling it as a "0.25 early release" ?
Just to make it look a bit more legit and get more people to try it and move away from vanilla DRRR?
I don't want to step on his toes and make a github fork to host the compiled version there as an alternative to having it on catbox.
>What's stopping Noire dev from releasing a compiled version on github and just labelling it as a "0.25 early release" ?
Honestly, I couldn't tell you (primarily because I'm not Nep lel), I just made (and lazily "maintain") the character lua and do TAs.
However, Nep's said to me that Noire is taking a backseat to dev for blankart (which is more of a straight V1 port to the RR codebase). He does have plans to bring over stuff from that to Noire, but that'll likely be a while.
He doesn't seem to care much about hosting precompiled builds, so you're free to do that, if you'd like.
Ok, I might know a few people who might be interested to run noire servers.
What's in noire.pk3 and what does it do?
noire.pk3 is all the Noire-exclusive assets, like stuff necessary for the recolorable HUD to work. In a way, it's Noire's equivalent to Neptune's extra.kart
It needs to be in the same folder as the Noire EXE to be detected, otherwise options reliant on it won't be available.
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Updated, and added more ported characters.

Updated galf to remove a bullshit cut

Replaced theme pack with a "multitheme" pack that rotates every map.
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Thanks for advice on this, decided to backport Sage as a test for my first time doing it. Hopefully I did it right. I'll probably do Mail and SA2 Sonic next if everything in here looks good. If I fucked up somehow let me know.

wish you had removed galf as a whole.
guess not everyone can win
Pretty damn solid port, I'd say you've got it down, save for frame b (lowercase b) having a tiny error (lacking tire highlight). For the Lua, you should just trim it down to one script with the AddRingRacersSkin function (see KVChars_DRRRLua_Extras to see how I set it up), as it'd otherwise cause conflicts with the main pack due to overwritten code.
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4/30 US
sorry its still ta hour come back later sister!
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if you start races it'll be racing time
actual races NOW
3(+2)/31 it's starting NOW
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>server swapped paraglider autism for stuttering and dyslexia
Okay so I went through every single Sage sprite and found out that she doesn't have that wheel shine sprite for the lowercase b frames. I think the person that made it went and duplicated the nonshine sprites by mistake, because hers aren't there and I checked another character and they have the sprites listed on the doc. I did fix up the Lua and tested it and it works so everything should be good now.

6/31 we might be back
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Seemed like something with the triple sneaker script, a quick fix stopped it. If it happens again I'll just disable the script for the rest of the day.
still 5 (+1)/30
serb is in a stable marriage and has its affairs in order now
9/31 in server. let's see if it still stutters
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Small FYI, timers_xoffset and timers_yoffset now works on the standard timer hud so you can move it around on your screen.
6/30 Saturday racism
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Bumpspark is fixed.

SPB rolls should now be disabled when only 5 or less people remain in elimination.

Testing disabling the explosion lifetime reduction script to see if it's causing resyncs. Explosion hurtboxes will linger for notably longer than usual during this test.
6/30 Racism
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Can't wait for the tourney, sisters!
Mogged by main servers honestly.
Can main servers and the OG client support around like 400,000-odd character slots and extra colour palettes, thougheverbeitperchance?
can your mom support deez nuts on her chin?
I've got bad news coming from tonight's stream by one of the KK devs:

>they're cooking up something but it's coming along slowly and he can't disclose it
>they're tripling down on what they've done in RR and they don't plan to fix or rebalance anything going forward
>he thinks discussing the updates or talking about critique is just harassing the devs and stressing them out

Previous stream:
>the combo mechanics is their crowning achievement for RR

Looks like KK is just a microcosm of all the shit people don't like about Concord and its production.
>>he thinks discussing the updates or talking about critique is just harassing the devs and stressing them out
you faggots deserve every ounce of disdain the KK give you
>and they don't plan to fix or rebalance anything going forward
Source or bullshit. I refuse to believe nobody thought "maybe being able to sandbag and spam shrink is a bad idea" upon seeing that tournament.
He doesn't have one. He's referring to Tyron's ongoing stream, in which he never said that.
Like half of the shit people say in this thread about things KK said, nobody actually said
I don't really care about RR itself anymore desu
blankart and noire will be less annoying and it's currently easy enough to port RR characters to Kart
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Would you guys be interested in a separate /vm/ thread for Ring Racers? This would be used for coordinating netgames, tips/mechanics discussion, shitposting criticism, etc.

There’s one more clause in the poll that I don’t want to disclose publicly, but to reiterate: board territorial expansion strategy.
This board is very slow, usually taking weeks for our thread to be replaced. Splitting it in two would do nothing productive, no matter how much hate DRRR gets here.


Good idea. If you want to constantly go on tangents about a dead game and get mad when people tell you to fuck off, go make your own thread and talk to yourself.
yes, go away
>board territorial expansion strategy
i’m going to give benefit of the doubt and assume you’re not the insufferable kk defender sperg that lacks a filter.
just know that by asking here, you’re subjecting your own thread to anonymous scrutiny and “shitposting” that you claim to be above, but not without good reason: kart krew really is comprised of an echochamber of terminally online, emotional terrorists that have damaged a community and taken credit for work well before they turned of legal age, and they have wasted their efforts on worsening developments based on pozzed, effective altruism.
given the playercount and unique playerbase in the past 5 months, I really don’t think this will take off as much as you think it will. kk promised, quote “[minimized] randomness” and “player expression”, but these mean nothing to new players who just want to pick up and play and race with srb2 kart.
voting yes
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This might cause jannies to go nuclear if there are 2 constant threads about the "same" sonic racing game.
Which will lead to one of them being constantly deleted or moved to /vg/.
but theyre different games and also srb2k was here first so if one is nuked from orbit itll be DRRR threads (if they dont fade out thanks to having only 2 posters before then)
what the fuck is even the maplist for the tourney? does everything happen on the discord nowadays or what
Nah, maplist along with the groups will be posted here tomorrow. I was just waiting for more signups really. Looking like we'll have 18 players
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/kartinvidya/ has fallen...
SNEED (OP) playing on grift mountain
billions must toomble
This isnt me btw
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This is me don't listen to the other nigger
I love etna btw
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What these two posts have in common is that i secretly love cunny
Give me some of that boiclussy if you please.
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I made this thread
I will make all threads to come
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/srb2k/'s Law!
holy KEK talk about obsessed
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>lying faggots impersonating me. probably cloudy
i am a fan of big boobs and asses and i dont like talking to the fbi
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>more bot poll submissions than DRRR players
Even though I like Ring Racers I specifically don't want a thread for it because this board's userbase has already established itself as a bunch of obnoxious retarded drama whores and I'd like to keep enjoying the game on my own instead of providing a breeding ground for that kind of trash
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>charyb and sev step down
>the slimeball who brought them on in the first place (wolfy) is still admin

sorry chuddies, the community is still ours
>Even though I like Ring Racers I specifically don't want a thread for it because this board's userbase has already established itself as a bunch of obnoxious retarded drama whores and I'd like to keep enjoying the game on my own instead of providing a breeding ground for that kind of trash
>so instead i will specifically ask for discussion of the game i enjoy in this breeding ground that i hate
literally just go away lmao
>2 days ago
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since CONGOly is working hard at Wendy's
I'll post it for you
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these were posted on the discord btw
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forgot last image

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