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Mods are gay edition
previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/4kv8lm.7z (Download and swap out your modules folder to earn tickets while playing with bots. Remember to back up your previous module)

>Technical errors:
If you can't get past the bench test screen, change your computer's region to Japanese in the control panel
If your NAT type is below C, try forwarding port 5291 on your router
If matchmaking breaks more than once, restart the game

>Wtf is the point of my role?:
Bombers destroy buildings and dig for items.
Attackers make space by separating enemies either by distracting or killing them.
Shooters make it to mid as soon as possible for the first team fights before going back to base to defend.
Blockers delay any inevitable attacks for as long as possible by denying area and stalling with heals, buffs, and blocks.

>In-depth resources:
JPN wiki
Map Guides

>Shitpost images resources:

>Top JP players:
テラルナ (Bomber)
だいげんしさん (Attacker)
カスり (Bomber/Blocker)
ぽろぴ (Any role)
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These are the event items plus 25 tickets
it's ok. if they were giving out 1 skill roll and 100 tickets instead of 25 tickets it'd be nice
If the events were shorter, it would help.
ded gaem
ded general
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it's not dead, momoko ver.a still plays
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Oh boy, SOTN! I love that game's OST! I wonder what song they picked-
>Lost Painting
not my proudest match for sure
Yeah not dracula castle or i am the wind
another 10 kill olive game, another loss. tale as old as time
hey, happens all the time with Tsugaru too
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How old is everyone?
Shiron, Brass and Dark are the youngest but Grim Aloe, Pretty bombers and Tsugaru look pretty young too.
Under 8 years old is very dangerous...
I haven't played since Dark released. Anything new since then? Any free bombas?
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Nothing new. Just free clothes from events and gacha tickets.
New Balance Patch
>Nothing new
I can't believe bomba is fucking DEAD
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The patch that will unlock the h-scenes is coming soon. I'm sure that in 8 years' from now, we'll be watching people fucking girls in the arcade.
Did Sepia stop being shit?
>Kuro got a 50% CD boost on her double bomb
>kick is now level 2 HOLY SHIT
>plat got the most microscopic of nerfs despite being bullshit OP
It's something, I guess.
>engagement is cabinet only
>can't marry the mascot characters
>can't get the free ring unless you play on cabinet
>can't get the skill gacha or ballet outfits
I am pretty sure this is illegal.
she's already viable if you're good enough. the patch improves her 2 core skills. i'm pretty sure the sepia specialists are gonna make her look overtuned. regular players might still struggle though
Everyone is viable if you're good enough anon that's retarded statement.
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Melon is over a thousand years old, she's above board
Pastel's age is supposed to be 13 from her old games, but she's portrayed as an old idol that uses 90s slang, so she's probably an auntie who aged past her idol era
depending on who you ask Tsugaru is either 13 or a doll automaton whose age doesn't matter
They never display Grim Aloe's age, but she's a doppelganger riff on non-Grim Aloe who's young enough to still wet the bed so take that how you will
the 1 block range nerf is actually a lot bigger than you think. it means she can't destroy blocks from either sides of the base, she has to be on the side the blocks are which makes it comparable to shiro's ultra bomb while also having a lot larger cooldown.
>She has to place the bomb beside the sides of the base now to destroy both sides
Wow, what a nerf. Now she can't bomb you from the outside and destroy all of the blocks in there right? Now, the majority of the stages with 2 block thickness will surely stop Platina.
it makes it less flexible for bases than Shiro with bomb toss
honestly the cooldown on shiro's ultra bomb is so small, that the increase to platina's cooldown might push shiro's ultra bomb back to being the meta. I guess it will depend on how much of a hallway a map is.
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standard Tsugaru experience
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Six years of bombergirl
>words words words words
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i mean
nothing new right?
yeah but I am not at that point where I can comfortably read yet
every long paragraph is a brain excerise and I don't like them
theres no jokes or anything in there. it's just an info dump.
this was in the patch notes bute papuru/urushi/kuro/aqua/grim/sepia/gray/pine and asagi have new voicelines.
Urushi's has 3 new voicelines for when she destroys the base with hanabi kakure.
Pine's new voiceline is just saying one of 5 nonsense song names when doing her healing. In the comic she says "next is this song, genius revolution"
theres a note that bug checking to see she said all 5 lines too a long time, since these voicelines are rare
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What does the "Engagement Feature" give?
Just the Special Voiceline or something else?
Konasute when?
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Chigusa does not need Love.
Only Sex.
I have no idea and no one seems to have done it yet. I thought Poropi or the other GMs would use the billions of CP they had to buy XP for the girls they chose but it seems they didn't
The comic states a "nice production (event), a special item, and a very loooooooooong voice lin" awaits you.
I don't know if the special item is actually referring to the engagement ring or if it's talking about an item you get for engaging.
context wise it sounds like the latter.
> billions of CP they had to buy XP for the girls
I forgot you could do this
Would they even have enough.
EXP is weirdly expensive to buy in the CP shop and I thought the amount of XP needed to get from 135 to 150 was as big as the gap between 1 to 120 or something
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bomba wake up, it's 3 am, time to bonga
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I'm going to play Bonga today
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i dont have a utube account but i'll enjoy this
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It's fine. You can roast Manaita here instead.
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https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8146514 my brain when watching mana's stream
God fucking damn it
The day I went on trip tab streamed
>Started streaming 3 hours ago
he did it precisely today because you wouldn't be there
Does anybody have more translated comic pages? Or is there a website where to read them?
those are translated by discord trannies, we hate everything made by them
someone posted a link before. i didn't save it though
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Around here, we study Japanese to avoid being an EOP/Discord trannie
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I cheat by no reading and only looking at the pictures
hi pb
Hi, ggs!
Had one weird kill on Mana with a lagged bomb chain, but it's fun to break out the slob again
panicbonk him on stream
I would if I didn't keep matching with him
Even Poropi wants to know when ranking matches start
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>about one year with no bomber
>half a year with the adorable but dumb bomber that walks forward tanking damage
>finally get a windfall of tactically viable bombers
>basically have no idea of strategy other than "clear around base", "use funny lightning bombs", "pick up bombs in your way", and "walk forward, aggressively, and drop big bomb"
I'll learn... eventually
GG Mana
nice Mana diff
GG panic
i think i'm in a game with 7 grandmasters. maybe 6. send help
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good luck!
oh /bombergirl/ is playing if you want to watch

cytu be/r/agleague
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I am sending another grandmaster to help you in your search for struggle
I'm watching but literally who made this team
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I know who you are
i know what you did last summer
don't say it
I did last year
this is your fault
yes and?
WTF, manager?
we won, bonga lives another day
We were 3rd last league? Manager what were you doing hiding this shit?

>Pine ace player
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>bonga lives another day
they can't keep getting away with this
>IRL manager H-Sensei
they're on mangadex
Explain this manager! A bunch of memes I've never seen here...

>Sir, that's a dog
>Turling Princess
>Mmm minbros
>Industry Lube/Silver (I've never heard this one)
>GOT to HAVE SEX and MAKE CHILDREN with GRIM ALOE/Grim Aloe (Sounds like one of the trannies)
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>Asagi lust, mixed with two memes of her being a canine girl who secondaries find cute, and her insisting she's not a dog, but a wolf
>Melon turtles a lot
>a Wojak edit of Tekka because she handles Minbos poorly, "eating" them/taking damage from them more often than not
>Silver lube was a short-lived meme half because haha she's a robot and half haha she's a hag, and hags have dry vagina
>I dunno
>Grim Aloe lust also Grim Aloe is used for non-/vm/ threads to attract discussion
I'm not convinced

>Lag Crutch/Papuru
definitely not from here
i can't connect to the game. maintenance usually doesn't do this
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End of service has finally arrived
it's connecting again wtf
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>10 hours
guess I won't be beating Ruirui anytime soon
Thanks for watching everyone!
>4v4 mixed bracket
also the 3v3 was mixed bracket feelsbadman
it's pretty amazing how darks are consistently the worst bomber players
>Sounds like one of the trannies
I want reddit to leave
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I need more bonga
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those are not bomber girls
but there is a bonga
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my fortress wont fall
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Is it worth learning this thing that bossum does at the entrance to the base, placing bombs to prevent people from doing shogi? I only see him doing that
nah, you just need to win
that was a weird win
how is that different from what we already do?
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All bombas are dead
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i couldn't play yesterday before maintenance, sorry

maybe once they update the game the thread will be alive for a while again besides us trying to queue together
ok but why
why what
why would you want the thread to be alive
dead thread
dead game
I forgot where I placed my meds
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Take Aqua 6 out of rotation
>Take Aqua 6 out of rotation
Take Aqua 6 out of rotation
>Take Aqua 6 out of rotation

Permanently, not like a "oh it's out for a month"
Bad map
Turtle map
Hallway map
Trench map
Boring map
it's not that bad. that choke in bomb volcano 2 is more annoying imo

also that snow map can be really annoying if you're up against a momoko with the 3x3 and the bomber doesn't know how to play properly
Spent the past couple days making a Bomb Rush Cyberfunk mod. Learned a bit about Blender and Unity in the process.
did you make that shiron model? that's pretty nice
Nah, found it as an avatar skin on vrchat and ripped it from there.

it's a bit complicated and he was doing it all match
yeah you should learn that
you were always supposed to do that
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chat, is this normal?
what do you mean "chat"
On a Monday? Yes
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hi pb, do you often play at this hour?
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Not too often, usually it's a little later or earlier
but gg!
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Please tell me that was a heal that caused a rush at the eight second mark, and not one of my bombs
also gg! Not even mad, I just want to know
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I don't think you did, but I also think that it wouldn't have made a difference if it wasn't triggered
I was so close
Our Chiamo was panicking and begging our bomber to press the offense, for what that's worth
weird clown game that round, up to and including kusolag offense, but you did well
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that was a nice win
I'll take any x500 win
that Pine was kinda hyper, though
ggs, see you later
i love chicken egg (niwatori no tamago)'s papuru art on his stream
oh i just heard the voice, it's a woman (maybe i don't know about these voice changers)
does Bonga have a high streamers/players ratio?
i think so
New streamer? His art or art he put on his stream

started streaming a few weeks? ago. i haven't seen gameplay yet, i just saw the papuru a few times and thought it looked really funny/cute
Ye, even I streamed and I never streamed anything in my life
Bonga was the first for me too
me too.
Port all Bombas and Port all Tracks, Special BENAMI VOL. 3.
Also, Chigusa.
Also, Fatman.
no chigusa
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No Chigusa?
Paz for Bomba When?
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we need some futacore banners
The banner will come after the rank season
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>not putting blocks one block ahead of where he thinks he should
>with an obvious international name
Deserved desu, if he can't lead shots in Bomba he shouldn't learn how to hunt
but also I've felt laggier than usual honestly, I don't get reported when I sit on shooter
internet connection to japan is just weird. it depends on the host too
I can't find the thread. It only shows up until number 120 to me
I am John Konami, and after hearing about your feedback, we decided to cease the release of ranked seasons. Thank you for your understanding.
we need the futacore banners
we decided to ban you from the gameand the thread, I know you understand
works on my machine
but it's the pine videogame and the pine thread. and momokeks are not allowed
have you guys not seen atelier haglove? the age of pedophiles is over. repent before the new tall hag with yuge breasts comes out and it's too late
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we decided to send pine to the mahjong mines in exchange for chiamo, all exchanges are final

I have no idea what atalier is, the age of atalier is over
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is this real?
My uncle invented yugioh and he says yes
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it's been so long since we had inhouses that the momokeks are getting uppity
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I don't see anything that proves it's not real

Am I being trolled by the 5channers? Why did it go from 120 to 119?
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what do you mean mahjong cat?
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i don't speak with smelly characters / players
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mahjong cat
mahjong cat
mahjong cat
mahjong cat
File deleted.
map guides: https://imgur.com/a/0x3rB8s
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decided to try rolling since i didn't have prune or the new momoko skill. first 2 rolls were pretty nice, stopped at the 3rd before i ended up using all my tickets over nothing
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Who controls every Gacha banner?
Who keeps the maintenance planner?
We do, we do!

Who leaves the ranking aside?
Who keeps the event grind?
We do, we do!

Who holds back the international release?
Who made Deni5 desist?
We do, we do!

Who robs every doujinshi batch?
Who rigs every lag match?
We do!
We do!
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not a bad spread!
you even got Dark's delete AND Kuro's assaulted-by-dogs-and-mummies outfit!
the fuck?
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this outfit gives Kuro a special portrait, it's one of her old Halloween outfits
it just looks a lot like outfits used in low-rent GOR games
I know I was asking about the assaulted-by-dogs-and-mummies
okay that was a joke
there aren't mummies in Estella's Nightmare
but there are yorogumo
reminder that you like pine more than you're favorite character and if you disagree you're lying
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And by Pine we meant the tree, because you should love nature
From a mesugaki game, Pine is the mesugaki that most needs correction.
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Legalize nerd butt
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I think I've realized what the incoming bomb nerf will affect the most.
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go on
Lag chains?
Grays getting past choke points?
Blockers whose go-to defense strategy is to place three bombs and hug the attacker, hoping to get a fourth bomb to chain into them mid-explosion for suicidal close bomb damage?
>just trying to be a funhaver
>game is full of sweatest players in konasute
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I'm listening
if you cant bomb with the best then explode with the rest
What do you think has changed?

I'm so tired that I haven't even played or watched any arcade streams to see if anything has changed. I hope they're picking more Kuro and Shiron.
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that's enough for today
パチ パチ
konami's ceo just admitted they're replacing a few problematic designs. first confirmed new characters are momoppai and futaqua
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I am hiring a hitman
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finally another comically large girl
what the fuck
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it's hag time FINALLY
new girl!
she's middle school and is rat's classmate
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silence. she's taller than silva and has yuge breasts. the promised time is upon us
she's a monster hunter so i guess she's likely a shooter. maybe attacker
it says youkai so i guess the right translation is ghost hunter
no, nobody calls reimu a ghost hunter
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Hey now!
That's just that big tengu woman they've had as a concept for years! It's based on an obscure fighting game!
Shiro has a girlcrush on her!
At least now Aqua's monstergirl brand will have one more representative?
Reimu is a miko, silly anon
what's her weapon supposed to be? attackers use melee while shooters use ranged weapons so her weapon probably tells her class
wait, from the sprite, it seems to be melee/some kind of brass knuckle. so she's an attacker
it could be throwing knifes though
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It's interesting actually
It's a sharp metal fan pair, but it specializes in extending and electrifying, and Tsugumi throws out whirlwinds a lot
so it could go either way, either melee or extendo range gimmicks
maybe it's a long range attacker. since we already have a melee shooter

to make up for that, she's slow like sepia (5 ms) and tankier
as a Sepia user, I'm fine with this
more attacker variety that isn't "spam iframes" or "be a funny distraction" is good, and tanky ranged pressure would do the trick
if she's an attacker, her moves should still have iframes even if they're long range since brass doesn't have iframes despite being a melee shooter
>asagi ball
I doubt they keep that height but at least it's another actually tall character
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what do you think this is
I thought comparing her with reimu was obvious but anon is a lost cause
Regardless, I'm happy for the big girl enthusiast anons.
she seems to be 10cm or so taller than silver
Asagi is a ball
Tekka has an ass fixation
Silva wants your head in her lap while she pampers you
Chigusa is a lesbian sex offender targeting someone who's too oblivious to reciprocate
Blueberry is insecure about her fetish
Professional Japanese humor please understand
>Tekka has an ass fixation
She does?
>Blueberry is insecure about her fetish
Blueberry doesn't exist anymore
Blueberry is an emergent identity and still canon, she "comes out" when idol stuff comes up, and the identity that isn't "out"/active in the real world is stuck in their "room"/their own headspace vaguely cognizant of what the other identity is doing, also Blueberry openly likes Momoko and likes to ask her for coffee "dates"
source: trust me bro also the arcade events
but also Blueberry would have been better as a separate person entirely, be it an Aquablue sister or otherwise
nah, I'm glad they had the balls to pull the joke off with Aqua
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>Tallest bomga
>Attacker? Yes, attacker is one of my fetishes
>Onee-chan type?

Finally Konami is appealing to my fetishes. If she's not OP like Chiamo I'll be satisfied.
We were lucky that the magical girl event didn't turn everyone into a ball.
I swear to god that asagi ball must be a joke in GetsuFumaDen or a in joke with the devs
Japan loves this mascot shit and it's also something that can be turned into plushies to sell later on.
Konami is just following the plan.
you should see the kisaki ball blue archive got literally became super popular also i do like asagi ball
And it looks like Konami has skipped this ranked season. Two weeks for the new character plus 3 weeks after launch for ranked.
Well at least I hope we get the privates lobbies
Ranked sucks anyways
Forced ranked is the biggest of memes, especially in this game
I like ranked only because it relaxes the matchmaking rules and I can play with my friend again
>with my friend again
well yes I like this pic and himecut too
that's the reason why I like kuro in the first place
but idk about this new girl
Is she a legal loli or an illegal hag?

His friendo Ligga of course.
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beside from oshyn I have not seen any of these names on konasute
nm plays on konasute. also i'm surprised oshyn is only grandmaster b. i guess he doesn't play at the arcade that often
not like reaching gm b is easy
you need like hundreds of matches
i'm just saying oshyn is definitely good enough to be grandmaster a. he's probably the most dangerous bomber i've seen on konasute. after watching him play platina for like 2 games i learned so much it surprised me
illegal hag but age is just a number as the lolicon would say. it's just a convenience to have the characters in the same school setting
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Remember how I said that paporu + aqua were way too OP some maps ago?
what am I am supposed to do in an oasis centered map against them? Die, die is the answer
nigga i know that's you
if you're playing bomber you can dig fast to prevent the enemy defense from setting up shop and slowing down the game. this oasis map is really reliant on the bomber sadly
Silvia is my Ex-wife.
I ve seen her before.
Grand masters don't care about Konaste or just see it as a streaming option, I guess.
OSHYN is a blocker main(he's a notorious pine spammer in the past) but in konasute he plays more Bomber/Dark to train and learn the character it seems.
MASIMO the same thing. MASIMO only plays Emera on arcade but on konasute he spams Urushi and Asagi.
Mitsushi plays random girls when he streams and spams Aqua when he's just playing alone, even though he's an Emera spammer too.
Poropi plays only when ranked starts or when another grandmaster is also playing
Kasuri used to play with the same girls, now he's streaming less because I think he's training with the other girls.

I guess grandmasters don't take konasute too seriously and it's just a cheap/free way to train for the arcade.
...until you run into their discord queuing together and every other player is a grandmaster
>haha I'm gonna make an alt and camp mid tier
>haha I'm gonna spam abilities in Desert 3, I'm so good, these newbies can't beat me
I'm sure your peepee feels like the big peepee
but quit it with the smurfing
you know who you are

not that guy you talking about but i felt like posting this
Leave Manatab alone.
If he wants to stomp the noobs it's his right after getting S rank
"mid-tier" aren't newbies though?
Mana can smurf all he wants
he's at least funny about it
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had fun games today! numlock wasn't on so no recordings
fat fuck
i don't get it
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it's a normal mechanic but I think he finds it unusual
I think it's funny
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i did it faggotrons unfortunate that the actual ending video has no subtitles and i couldn't understand much. i learned english to play this game, i think i turned into a weeb because of it too. takes me back desu. think i'm playing bof4 or tota next
i'm trying to find a match but the queue keeps breaking every time dead game
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Kasuri is busy with life
He playing less
i guess the konami employees are all taking the day off while the hamster powering up the server died or something
The poetry-weaving wisteria herself
Graceful and delicate
>haha I'm gonna spam abilities in Desert 3, I'm so good, these newbies can't beat me
that is just how you are supposed to play that map
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alive gaem
its because big tits are back on the menu
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8 live bomba
total bonga victory
bonga time
cute chiamo
thank you
did you get that dress on konasute? i don't think i've ever seen it before
Time to snipe inaba
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I'm done with my dailies for today sorry.
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If I keep using Shiron I'm gonna be put on the list forever
worth it
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Can you get your name off the list?
yes you have to sub to mana's youtube channel with a t3 sub
Why are manabros so powerful?
momoko's husbands are the strongest men in the world . yes even the bogdanoffs were momokeks
ああああああああ! Real Monsters!
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Why do people want to sex crows?
Why do people want to make girls look like crows?
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how much yen should i give konami im already in love
this is a blue archive character
No feather pubes no buy
I'm being generous and not asking for fluffy down underarm fluff

i guess she's coming after this banner so ~10 days
https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 guess i'll stream some games
it's going to be a sepia clone
I swear the only times I hear about you playing is after you randomly streamed
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aw shit
it's battle Momoko again
Looking forward to it
and all I ask for it a little bitty tuft of feather over some panties
cos she's miko themed, and I just want acknowledgement of their popularly assumed grooming standard
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What kind of team is this anyway or it's 2 vs 2?
Girls having a good time.
Grim aloe as a shooter?
It's 1v1v1v1 Bomberman layout
KAC team with double blocker featuring pine and grim
I am in need of chigusa art, that is all.
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Depends what you're going to do with it
Would be cool
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yesss more to grow my folder
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i like this chigusa quite a bit
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harbor still plays right?
chigusas hair color is very pleasant to look at
I want to fill it in
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there's a player with that name, might be the same person, might not
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Manager if you are here i'm glad /bomber/ doing well , also asking if in the future it will be possible to add cosmetics to the kits
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hi mana
hey qt
>4 losses so far
a rough day
lobbies are broken
works for me
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Just play best of 10 and consider it a single win or loss.
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a fucking win
you should only equip the 2 level 4's at the start of some maps
but I'm terrible with i-frame timing
that was funny
you have to practice to improve
I try to play every class daily
I'm afraid of upsetting people if I pick the same class/character a lot of times
just b urself
It feels weird
bombergirl threads used to be a lot more active
eternal return threads used to be dead
like so dead it dropped off /vm/
now er is more alive than ever and bonga is stagnating
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I play the same character a lot because I am too slow to realize which class is repeated and which one is missing. I don't think people mind me doing it because they change faster than I can know them
does ER even have more than one map for most people to play by now?
They can release all the psychotic girls they want, that game is going nowhere fast without map variety
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It's because all of you always leave me
who were you again?
no, it's still the same map
and no penguin, player counts are actually going up
you can literally see steam charts
SA monkeys became more and more common
bombergirl is dead because you always get one of these retards who bomb pass through everything
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it doesn't even matter, does it?
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I can't read your new-age jibber-jabber, but it's worth repeating myself
the game is going nowhere fast without new maps
player retention is low, and has always been low
the game gets bursts of new players when they do generous player bonus drives, with codes for extra ingame moneys and whatnot, but they leave fast when they realize the game is the exact same thing on the exact same map
ER is a game of brief, refreshing oases of activity in a desert of stagnation
>but the Steam charts-
You mean the one with the sharp downward trend after the boom of new players?
still steadly going up and 20k is hella good number
it's because we don't play together anymore. and that's not gonna change, there aren't enough players left
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no lobby sucks so much
and just open private match konami
why have it closed
>downward curve
>"still going up"
Eternal Return is a game of rote pattern memorization and route optimization
how in the hell can you not see a simple pattern
even if those existed we don't have 8 people to play. you'd need a better lobby system and that's not gonna happen
that's called macro and macro won't do shit if you don't have the micro to win fights
I know but it's not gonna happen
we do have 8 maybe even more just not at the same time
we don't eve queue together anymore
nobody posts queue times
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Tomorrow will be better, I believe
I don't care about your cries.
but anon is right, we need new maps.
the new character patch should add one map that's been on the arcade for a few months and the pine 3x4

i don't think the maps are the problem. he was talking about maps on some other game too
Can they add Tekka's swimsuit with it?
And Platina's swimsuit, I guess
they should, yeah. usually character updates roll in all the costume updates until that point as well
You can use both skills at the end as a way of bursting to end the match. Nyorochi and Poropi do this a lot in the last few seconds or when the base is on low hp.

It doesn't take long. 5 hours in single player mode and you're already at 80% efficiency, 20 hours and you're at more than 90%.
The game is less active in other places too. Futaba and 5chan have slowed down their threads and twitter is the same as it always was.
But the game has good player retention, people play from time to time but not as much as before.
i havent played this game in like 2 months because my router went to nat f for some reason has anything changed?
new girl soon
New girl soon, she's big and she's a bird (tengu, Nyotengu style)
Rebalancing update likely to go with her, Kuro can actually dig now, Pine will have her 3x4 wall, and Prune is so chubby she gets her own high-HP tier to make up for her lack of self-heals, among other changes
less people spam Dark every match, and for now it's usually Platina/Chiamo as goto high tier picks again
arcade whales can invest in a new tier of affinity and eventually marry girls with a consumable rare wedding ring item, but you can't marry mascots (Shiori, Tsugaru, and Pastel), that only really matters for whales though
oh, and with the new affinity lines there's a bunch of new lines coming up for normal players
ex. Pine says random song names for her heals rarely, and Urushi gets unique lines for bringing bases and towers(? not sure if it's just those) to demolition range with her fireworks skill
yeah main reason why i was trying to get back into it again was because i saw the new girl and she looks like she might be my type, that prune buff might be good since shes my favorite blocker but i dont play blocker too often mostly attack and shooter now. wish the marriage thing would come to pc but we will always be second class to konami
they're gonna ball all the pedophiles starting with manaita
>first they came for manaita
>and I did not speak out - because I wasn't a lolicon
Then I saved manaita because I hate the Feds
Let's play bonga right now
there's no one playing at this time
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bonga died
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I'm queuing right now
but 3v3s are lame
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bonga is alive
I'm queuing too.
i can queue 8 am jst if anyone still wants to play
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Hi pb
and ggs
I'll learn how Aqua's blocks work someday
I will still be playing by then, should we try to queue by then? can you post queue times?
ok let's try 8:03
me 2
Got in a 1v1.
i'm still in queue. doesn't look like it's gonna work. sorry. i'm gonna do something else then. i don't want to play if it won't be a 4v4
I am waiting
queue might break since i closed the game

we can try again if you want
I got only bots, and since somebody else got a 1vs1 I don't think it's possible, I will keep chain queuing anyway
that's too many bots, so ggs
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We had the NTR update already. If you didn't log in every day to check on your waifu, a fat old bald beaner would have taken her away.

I'm sorry. She's long gone.
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Why so mean?
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i said ball not ban because i mistyped it

i'm tired of the loli characters. it's hag time. multiple hag characters

also he's a momokek and all momokeks deserve it
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Okay, but next time...
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https://twitter.com/bombergirl573/status/1834064871262163139 hueg
I've never played this. Can you pick any character to play or do you have to unlock them? Are they on rotation? Is it just outfits you have to buy?
characters are gacha gated , maps and rate ups are on rotation , outfits and such are gained through gacha and/or events. beside emera all 4 default bombergirls shiro , oren , emera and momoko are perfectly viable give it a try and if you dont like it drop it
the original four are all viable if you can roll their skills
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You also have to gacha the skills, and you can play in the season to get a few free outfits (It's quite lengthy). If you get repeated costume pulls you get clothes points to unlock some other outfits (or titles or voice lines, in the locker room), but the clothes are quite expensive
The gacha has
>voice lines
>sound tracks
with voice lines being the most common. You can also get voice lines by playing the characters
Game is fun and viable with the base characters (Shiro, Oren, Emera and Momoko)
The game has an OP character that you can only get if you got to an arcade at Japan (Paporu pic related) but she got nerfed recently in an update which hits first on arcade and later on PC sow e don't really know by how much

If you ask me all you need to roll for is basic Tsugaru because she is best girl
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Straight to the important part, I like it
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>new girl's base outfit is mildly slutty riff on miko wear, showing off sideboob and thigh window
>BEEG is her main character trait, and might otherwise be placid and/or shy, also in junior high because why not
>bird woman, karasu tengu flavor but also basically Nyotengu from DOA
>no belly to go with the big chest and thighs
>her design base, Tsugumi from Dragoon Might, mainly did spins and long-range pokes with her fans, with some elemental whirlwinds and fire breath
I... I don't think I'll like the new character
but I'll play her if I get her
this guy HATES it
i got 100 rolls and dark will also be on rate up so i'll go for it regardless
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>50 more hp
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>嫌い :
and I used to have pajamas like that
are you also a fat slob?
No, but I was a fat child.
6 more days until Papuru's arrow slowdown lasts 25% of a shorter time!
Oh, and cute bird kissing
>6 more days
according to your uncle in konami?
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According to both the arcade and Konasute banners syncing their end times on Sept 18th (19th in Rising Sun Land), which doesn't usually happen unless there's a simultaneous arcade/Konasute banner for something like a character debut
Or there could be one more banner on each before the bird comes out of her nest, I can't say for sure, I'm just forecasting
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I was going to explain but someone was quicker.

When one banner ends, another begins. They've already announced the girl, which makes the next banner the new girl banner.
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>I'm DrumSTICK
long long hair
that's a wing
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why are momokeks like this
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Her really early concept had a cape of hair down to her ankles
Her final version is a not-sure, but I'm hoping for at least hip length
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I already told you
I'm not disagreeing
at this point all I hope is that the new girl is spared that disgrace
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Why do the images look so low res now?
Does it have anything to do with my PC Res?
Anyway to fix it?
I swear the portraits looked way better.

Looks the same for me (1080x1920). Have you not played in a while? I don't think an update would be at fault since there hasn't been one recently for you to update
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>Screenshot is 1080
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My bad, that was my old PC resolution. it is in fact, 1080.


So, to summarize. To fix the low resolution problems find the exe or run the game. Go to Properties > Compabilty > Run for Windows 7
>Disable Fullscreen Optimization.
And BANG, Full HD.
every day is worse than the last one
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Real Bomba Hours.

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Rarest Title you got?
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I got Golden Retriever I think. It's a "Kill 4 enemies simultaneously as Shiro" title.
I was gonna say Golden Retriever, but someone beat me to it
I have "Twist It!"? for murder Prunes
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PruneCHADS Assemble.
bros wtf... i thought we'd get the full reveal of her today i want another big boobie girl in here i hate flatties
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Anikis wtf.... I though we would get the Oppai Lady Reveal today and be over with it... We need another Petanko Bomba I hate old hags...
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It's usually dead at this hour and I just stopped playing, I am going to sleep
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I guess
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CDS doko?
Tracks doko?
>No YT.
What was the game name again?
I can't blame them.
I want to touch the child too.
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Already posted
Lurk moar
this is rare
2024091800 up on staging
https://twitter.com/bombergirl573/status/1834504702869860801 and so she's up
A BLOCKER???!?!?!?!?!?
yup a blocker
why is her voice so...
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Holy shit. Those thighs are ridiculous.
im not john konami i dont know
>3 horizontal blocks 2 spaces away. center block has an aoe heal zone in a 3x3 grid around it
>3 horizontal blocks 1 space away. knocks enemies back/stuns then (seems to only affect directly in front of the blocks"
>gacha skill is a large aoe slow zone.no radius or duration listed
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If that heal block can stack its heal and has 10 seconds of CD I'll cry.
You may not like it, but that is how the peak of a blocker looks like
It's me, that guy worried I wouldn't like the crow
I don't like the crow
Don't like possessive weird girls, big I can take or leave, blocker with debuff focus is a nope, mikoslut is a nope, voice is a 6/10 she's doing the job but she's not making me like possessive girls, weird girl fringe is alright but works better on crazier girls in my humble opinion
cute that they kept her possessive nature over cute things from the concept art, because haha crow and haha tengu, but I do not want
should have listened to my portent of lightning aggressively destroying my home and slept in instead of getting up early to read the news
but I'm still gonna roll so who's the fool
she looks cute but i wasn't expecting a blocker and i'm not convinced by her skill set yet. i wish we didn't have to eat cows, they are so cute
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>ヒイロ? (緋色:crimson red)
I like the name, it's not easy to say for a gaijin but it sounds nice
> VA: Hina Yomiya (羊宫妃那)
Young VA, without many jobs. I like the voice but it sounds familiar to other Bombergirls. She sounds like a combination of Sepia and Melon.
>Tengu Miko Girl
Cute anyway, I like it, but the outfit is too slutty. I'll just put the normal gacha miko outfit on her.
>1st Skill: Prune Blocks+Vampire Kiss
>2st Skill: Aqua/BlueBerry Blocks+ Tekka's Shotenho
>Gacha Skill: Aqua's Blue Moon?
These skills are too bonkers. It's going to be very interesting to play.
Konami started putting better skills in the gacha since Chiamo, fucking jews. *Rub hands*
i think her voice is fine. will probably grow on you as you play the character more. i think brass had the best va in the game but i like all the voices
is the new character available on arcades? i don't see anyone streaming her gameplay
She will be available on the 19th. It's just the announcement for now
>blocker with debuff focus is a nope, mikoslut is a nope
why are you gae
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I won
to win you first have to best mana in mahojohng fighting girls using amato tenshi
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I haven't played mahjong for a long time but I accept the challenge. I'm going to destroy the momokek.
Soon on elimination round bomba vs jam i'll share the link when i get it
>twitter link
>to a image
>on an imageboard
kill yourself
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Now you can make a full 4 vs 4 blocker battle
working on it
>Updates from bombergirl twitt
>Didn't use an image so as not to exceed the image limit
>imageboard poster
Live happily
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Don't mind me. I'm just grinding tickets on the /vm/ module.
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She needs paizuri
>I haven't played mahjong
same here
She needs a belly
Girl's built like a fat wasp
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what the fuck did the chiamo died to?
The last bomb Mana planted did not explode on the chain on Chiamo's side. She died when it went off and she literally walked beside it.
either that, or Olive triggered it
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bigshine will save us
I don't even want to play bombergirl. I just want to do my dailies
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I'm surprised shes a blocker, I didn't see that coming.

Her skills look kind of weak though. I wonder if the healing stacks, so having multiple of those healing blocks in base continuously heals the base. That could be pretty AIDS if she can do that.
Her ult skill seems lackluster, it depends on how long the AOE effect last. It could be pretty strong combined with brass, or aqua.

It would be funny to see Aqua/Hiiro team comps, where hiiro handles blocks and places slowdowns on chokes and Aqua plays a more shooter role with servants. Her other skill causes stun, so that would also be deadly with Aqua. Like if you place a bomb and then the tornado blocks down and purposefully carve a hole in your block so aqua's servant can run out and kill whoever gets stunned by the tornado.
i think the heals have to stack, otherwise she's garbage
I doubt it, that could be pretty broken. when setting up the base, hiiro could make it so that the base is entirely surrounded on the inner ring with healing blocks by clearing the non heal blocks and resetting them. Then if they stack, your shooter could basically be immortal against any attacker attempt and you would be required to run shiro or platina to destroy the blocks from outside of the base. But the heal is on a level 1 so I assume the cooldown is like 5-6 seconds. Imagine how much healing she could setup during rush time with those blocks if they stack, it would be insane.
it's gonna stack. i'm telling you
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then I expect a funny webm of a near death base clearing both the bomber and attacker during rush and then immediately recovering to full health because hiiro dropped like 10 healing blocks around the base.
Pretty fat butt.
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If the healing is too little, she will fall behind other healers, like Grim and Aqua. If the healing is too much, she will be the most op character in the game by far.
Something that accumulates has an exponential increase and gets out of control very quickly and Konami isn't smart enough to mess with it.
Thank god it's not ranked. I'm too rusty.
they removed ranked. they ran out of pages for rank in the profile menu, so they gave up.
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EOS soon
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what is the context of this?
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>Chigusa rather watch her dog get rape that help her
What's wrong with Chigusa?
she's a deviant
she wants asagi to be her daughter wife with you as her husband for her rank 115 voiceline
White woman is raped consensually by her boyfriend
what happened after the pic?
Raped again
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what the fuck was this match
Stop dehumanizing yourself, you need to eat meat. Be thankful you are not lower on the food chain and that you can eat them
Why is Ruudo such a fag? same with あああああああ
recent studies have shown that it's what a life without a strong futanari influence leads to
あああああああ is annoying because sometimes he plays normally, and then sometimes he waits to lock in, goes double bomber without a blocker, and fucks off
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I have never had a bad game with either rudo or あああああああ on my team, what does that mean?
That you don't play the game or you are blind, maybe both
i am queue 7:45 upper bracket. i think there will be enough people playing today, which might mean we can't play together if you're in a different bracket

if there aren't enough for full lobbies i'll probably stop queuing after 2 or 3 games thougheverbeit
i'm still in queue. not looking good
2v2 feelsbadman. at least i can dab on 1v1s
Just read the post. Hang on, I'll hop on.
Hoping on Bombergirl.
Gimme 10 mins.
i'll queue 8:05 but if we get a shit game i think i'm gonna do something else
Got a 4v4
i got a 2v2
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you can't see the first letter of his name but it's A

i'm queuing again 8:19
at least we got a 3v3
let's chain queue after this, maybe we get a 4v4
>Maintenance Notice
Thank you for playing Bomber Girl KONASTE.
Maintenance will be carried out during the following times.
Maintenance Date and Time
2024/9/18 (Wed) 8:30 am - 8:59 am
2024/9/19 (Thu) 9:30 am - 9:59 am
2024/10/10 (Thu) 9:30 am - 9:59 am
*Maintenance times are subject to change. Please be aware of this in advance.
*The game cannot be played during maintenance.
*Please note that if maintenance begins while you are playing, you will not be able to save your play data or match up for online battles.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding.
Dammit bots.
i got bots
try again 8:42 but i think today is just not a good day
Will share webms of Tekka's haori and/or zipper nipple harness swimsuit
Got a DJ
i'm still in queue. seems there aren't enough people queuing
thats me. Disconnected.
I got COMS nows.
i got a 3v3 with katadora and korean streaming on youtube (ign evolve, spiritual on yt)
can you snipe them? i'll try chain queuing
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>Me looking for some Bomba Matches.
Got a 1v1
queuing again
Yeah, something is up with that あNAるアサシン guy.
it's probably nigga. at least it sounds like one of his usernames

i'm still in queue, seems katadora is done. i think there aren't enough people playing anymore. dead game
more like dead hours.
Nobody plays at this time.
yeah unfortunate. i still got a 4v4 somehow
For those in the "Zone", the "Euro Zone" thats is.
Peak times are 10 am and foward. 4 pm and onward.
2 Hours before/after maintenance.
4 am (8 am in JP).

I give up for today...

Ranked when?
first week of oct
what the heck the crow was a cow
that's one big cat
that's a cow
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Greetings traveler
is he always like this
95% of the time yes (i dont mind him in my match and one time in ranked he even played seriously and we won)
what was the music this guy was listening to while playing his last game as shiori? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SIo_dlIM2Y&pp=ygUV44Oc44Oz44OQ44O844Ks44O844Or

both in game and outside
https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 streaming some games
i am queue
i am queue 10:02
sorry, match just ended
I'll try to match if you post the next one
ill try 15:15
i'm in queue atm, i'll post a time after i get into this game
I'll try this one then
lobby broke
i'll queue 10:25
i'm still in queue, i think i queued late cause i had to pee
i got a game with nigga cosplaying ruudo
nigga trying to play shiori like fudge does top kek

queuing 10:39
queue broke, queuing again
GGs meat
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surely this is enough
you'd be surprised
lol lmao
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did you miss the people BUYING tickets and having shit luck with the rolls?
I mean she's a blocker so not like I am desperate or anything
yes, yes...
but is she your fetish?
not really
I like the hair and the overall slutmiko thing
but too big
I don't like her voice either
it's still kuro for me
not much to lose then
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I wonder if there will be another discount on tickets
he changed it up today, this time he went aqua instead of bomber
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>nigga making webms
that is panicbom skinwalking nigga
is it that low?
is that with the 5 character banner?
panicbom should've made the NIGGACHU account
Isn't it .08% for the rate-up characters?
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Yes, 0,5061% of chance

it will technically be lower because there will be more things in the overall gacha
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kani didn't deserve this team
Poor Kani

Not quite like that. The rate up girls has an 85% chance. It's calculated separately from the others.
It may change very little because I don't remember if they are calculated in the other 15% of the rest.
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Jesus, poor Kani.
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its fine
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I can't believe Sepia's convent training by Belmont clan retainers kept her from a life of following her dad Julius Belmont around while he was doing amnesiac hobo things
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maybe i should stream my games today as well
I'm watching TI
GG kordny
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Why did konamu steal my bonga?
gimme back my bonga konami
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What did konamu do to your bonga?
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they took it down
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>tengu blocker
i think the game is gonna be especially dead for a while after they skipped ranked and the new character turns out to not be popular
>I don not like thing
>therefore I will spout rhetoric that everyone does not like thing in the hopes I can convince everyone that they don't like thing, in the vain hopes I can have an impact on the world even for the perceived reaction of a niche online game
>hopefully a negative impact on the world because I lack any sort of constructive mentality and wish the whole world was as miserable as me
i have a history of always being right
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I have 31 rolls and a dream
i believe in you
rare streams
don't forget it's early maint today
i hope you still have enough voicelines to unlock to have something to look forward to
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and a dream!
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32 rolls and a dream
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had fun games today!
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dreams only lead to disappointment
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We're already on our last or second-last rotation of girls. Another 4 or 8 girls and we'll finally be able to rest. This game lasted too long for an arcade that borrowed the Sound Voltex cabinets.
they can add more rows later. i think konami is gonna keep adding girls as long as the game is profitable. these last 2 rows were already added after melon or something like that if i'm not mistaken

not saying the game will still be alive in 2+ years mind you but there's no way to tell
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also i think konami is only gonna kill this game when they have a sequel planned. but i'm not sure what they can do with a sequel. they could design it with decent lobbies from the start but besides that i'm not sure a sequel is even a good idea to begin with. you don't really need better graphics for this and communication is already ideal with just the voicelines imo

in other words, as dead as the game might be, i think konam is gonna keep supporting it
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If mahjong fight girl is anything to go by they could add better story events to the game
There is also even previous examples of live2d being used for the girls, so the break arts could be animated (up to your opinion if thats better or worse)
The only real thing the game needs is quality of life features its still missing like proper matchmaking and custom lobbies.
I'm not just talking about the number of empty slots in the character selection. I think there are too many characters, they're adding characters slowly and I think this team is already creating other games like Chase Chase, MahjongFG and the other music game they're beta testing.
Or as long as people keep putting money in the machine konami will keep the game going
I hate you, mahjong cat
ccj will die before bombergirl imo. that game seems super dead and i think it's more expensive to create resources for it. i don't know how often they add characters or maps though

i can see the argument against having too many characters (complexity etc) but the alternative would be having a sequel and you're waifu not being in it. that seems worse in general
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oof..... nice run manager may we win something next time
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Announce the matches. I don't want to look at the schedules on the dive grass general or the wiki
it's over anyway we got eliminated at ro16 by essex
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Just do what I do and pretend they don't exist
I forgot!!!
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maybe I can make it 9
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What is funny to me is that those aren't actual washing machines, they are rhythm arcade game machines, and the tengus are playing it by pushing the yellow buttons around the edges to play, like a project diva arcade.
Although I see where he is coming from, lol.
>What is funny to me is that those aren't actual washing machines
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you got the joke
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I don't have the gif of sex throwing brick at you but imagine it's there
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what a fun match mana (btw im bomber one)
what do you mean match
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*enemy bomber one
yes (im the enemy bomber)
I'm sorry, which match?
I think he meant >>1436025
someone we never seen before
that one
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Yeah, it was pretty close
nice to have match with you GG too
he posted here before, i remember his name
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I've never seen this guy before and I've been here since the first thread
he posted before
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>tfw i only have 210 tickets for hiiro
oh well, it is what it is
yes i post before (like 1 year ago) i even accidently use my own nickname (that low end pc guy) and posting , which are illegal on 4chan
>like 1 year ago
and you expect anyone to remember?
since someone already did, skill issue
Nobody remembers the Dj (me) Neither.
It's all Mana this, Fudge that, fuck Nigga and fuck Ligger.
is fine if you get confused , i often checking /vm bombergirl 4chan thread (idk to kill time) but i rarely posting ( only when someone mention about me... )
Undressy Chigusa.
Cute and Sexy.
((Arrested for lewding thick chibis))
have you tried being the local momokek like tab?
alexay? doesn't play that much. Fudge takes the effort to post when he plays, who is ligger?
is that the front or back
why is her head twisted like that
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new girl doesn't come with an alt costume, but her event does have a guaranteed girl, 3*, and 2* skill
the chibi is surprisingly not lewd at all
these things just repeat skills, they are useless
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late ggs, sorry I forgot I was playing
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I 'member
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Oh, I remember you. You're that schizo streamer.
>well known war criminal playing on stream
>streamer has player names disabled
>match stuck on white screen before it starts
>people in chat blaming that specific player because they recognize his cosmetics
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Anon you need to drop some more clues I unfortunately don't follow bonga streamers all day.
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no, but something is really wrong

judging by the bra and the ass, that's her back, and she is looking back, typical got caught by undressing. However, the arms look like the go forward and so do the fingers, it doesn't help that the posture conveys both an arched back and a proud stance. It almost looks like Chigusa just put her underwear backwards. I wonder if the artist was going for a frontal undressing approach and just decided to change perspective last minute...
There is better ping in Brasil, holy shit man.
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ok, rebooting may have "fixed" it
>324 ms

Aniki... You are a 3rd worlder just like watashi...
Embrace El Congo.
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it can't be helped
It doesn't matter what the ping shows. It's better to play and see how your connection is.
hi tab
been awhile
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I hate あああああああ so much
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Fuck off, tranny.
>trannie patch
tab pls
Same, he is a faggot.
oh wait I forgot there was another person
Playing papuru at the vanguard destroyed his mind
everyone lost their mind today
and that pine I forgot the name of
at least the game will be over fast
DOLPHIN is having his fun. I don't mind him and I like when people aren't trying too hard.
no the dark that game just now
go something
it did
in the other direction
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this guy
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>These matches

First time seeing him.
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yeah I uh, didn't expect to win that one
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weird matches for good or bad
gg tab
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yeah, sorry about that
I was just testing stuff
good team
all my fav bomba nigga
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Pixelated noppai
is the update tomorrow or the day after
tomorrow evening
theres maintenance in like 2 hours.
then another one tomorrow.
I assume the first one will have the new shit
2nd one is to enable hiiro to be playable
Dang, if it did I was maybe gonna get arcade service. I don't know if I want to pay for cosmetics without a png.
When is maintenance over? I want to bonga.
it's over, and I think hiiro is already in the game files.
I extracted all the files, and it looks like there is character data after dark.
I need to convert all the textures to pngs
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Looks like there are 5 new voicelines for every each character for the level 137-150 + engage

I think her face looks weird on this one
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This is all of the 137-engage voicelines for each character.

I'll make a separate zip for the rest of hiiro's voicelines.
catbox has a limit of 200MB and I don't want to use some other uploader and litterbox is temporary.

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Hiiro voicelines: https://files.catbox.moe/m8s0rx.zip
so can hiiro be rolled now? what did the update do gameplay wise besides add files to the install folder?
balance patch is applied to konasute now.

platina/chiamo nerfs
kuro kick is level 2 now or something
oh yeah and prune has 260 fucking health now

dmg art?
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oh wait

I just noticed she has like a shibari thing going on under her clothes.
look under her breast and around her neck

I thought that was just part of her underwear but it's clearly not.
unusually thin rope
prune does not have a belly
this one does
prune actually takes her idol training seriously huh
no, it's because they are inconsistent with their art
behold, tekka's abs.

wait where did they go >>1437834
still way less than >>1437882
They are going to give her an outfit and her belly will magically disappear
surely it's an intentional trait
Does Hiiro have any deviant fetishes in the voice lines?
Sure she's chubby, sweaty, and wants to actually eat (you), but did they sneak anything else in on her?
actual updates like these tend to bomb the module for a while right?
kinky? the string(?) shibari panty?
next event
a skip then
I will never use these
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>a sixth submissive who likes bondage and/or harnesses
Thank goodness this one is a potential rapist, I'd be mad if the bird never took initiative and tried to crush people with her demon weight
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bomberking ost is good though

plus skill ticket and character ticket
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Oh shit. I've been wanting that classic Bomberman outfit for Shiron since I first saw it.
not like I won't play the game but I won't grind the full banner. I will just do my dailies
consistency is weirdly bad with the portrait arts
I listened to a handful of her voicelines. It's mainly just that and wanting to specifically lick you to taste you.
There's one voiceline where she specifically mentions shes stronger than you, which I thought was funny. But you will never hear it because it's like her rank 145 voiceline.

Aside from that it's basically just Sepia, except she eats you and talks about her demon blood.
One of her death lines is her screaming shes falling into hell, with an echo. That's pretty good.
Not bad at all honestly
kinda hope I roll her even as a non-blocker player
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that's a wrap for tonight
after blueberry and chigusa I thought the bonga team went creative bankruptcy but they salvage it with brass and this one
unique playstyles
the death line, I don't know how you can ever hear it though, I don't think theres a way to trigger it in game.
Every character has the weird echoy voiceline about them falling into death, but I don't recall ever hearing them.
I thought it was falling on the bridge on panic, but I don't think it happens then because you get eaten by the shark instead.

Dark has a good one that basically is a joke on the reoccurring villain trope when they get blasted off like team rocket or baikinman, where she says She'll see you next week.
That's clever, Dark's a cute wannabe cartoon villain, she deserves that kind of ref
also did some quick tests in Single Battle, the echoed falling into death lines do happen on Panic Island if you're eaten by a shark... but they cut off after about three seconds by the "non-special attack death" bark, and even with Aqua lines were cut short
so unless a line is short and snappy, it'll definitely get cut short
awesome, love those bomberman outfits and shirt
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GG anon!
that emera face lmao

i think those cosmetics look really good. the face mask and the helmet are nice, the bomber suit is great for shitposting. that and the character+skill roll make me think this is the christmas event. which would be terrible because we'd go 2+ months without one

if this is the next event immediately after the current one, great. it's definitely an improvement and a good sign. if it's the christmas event it's a big letdown imo
Oh nice, maybe it's time to play bonga again.
Looks like they even removed some old unused lines for the girls and replaced them with new SP lines from girl ranks
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not again
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not me
the hacker known as kordny
wait, she's ou---
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And who was it that pulled the assests from the this time, was it the tranny or the manager?
fucking hell
I (kordny) dont post assets here since before the Dark update
Someone released a public tool for extracting
kill yourself
Thats exactly why I dont post anything here
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>And who was it that pulled the assests this time, was it the tranny or the manager?
Good, go fuck yourself.

Thanks, manager.
The public tool being out is why you have cheaters in the first place
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Now this is interesting.
Whether the cheater is the real Kordny or not, it's funny.
If it's the real Kordny then it makes it an amusing suicidal shitpost and bad reputation for western players.
If it's an imposter then it's funny how obsessed he is with him.
Both give bad name but it's amusing either way.
maybe you should stop doing these >>1438325
I did it because someone posted the github link to the asset decrypter.
I haven't gotten around to figuring out how to view/modify the game code yet because it uses ill2cpp and I don't really feel like figuring that out. I just dumped the assets here.
It's not KORDNY, the cheater doesn't have much lag. They're Japanese or Korean.
KORDNY has a high ping and is perceptible
Then kek, imagine how obsessed that person must be with him.
What did you do to the poor japanese man kordny...
He joined the discord to see the reactions, called him out, he changed his nickname to pic rel and after I banned him he started using mine.
Image limit.
New thread doko?
Cheaters edition?
Truly deranged.
But doesn't surprise me with the amount of schizos everywhere lately.
I'm not kordny, but I dumped the assets yesterday
you can just download this https://github.com/YoshihikoAbe/extdrm
and do it too
is the cheater already playing with the
character or is it cosmetic only?
Why do you hate him so much anyways Nigga?.
Like I don't know much about him but he was kinda cool when we made the steam group.
Nigga isn't the one doing it, the guy doesn't have any lag, so it's probably some jap
even koreans have lag
I want to know too. It could destroy the game if they release some hack to unlock all the girls and outfits.
It'll be a hiroshima nagasaki if it happens
theyre actually playing the girl, not just cosmetic
I mean the one shitting on Kordny everytime he appears.
You can feel the hate between them on their posts lmao.
I'm not nigga but I think kordny is a fag
I didn't really post anything about him in the thread yet aside from >>1438325
wait not that, I posted this >>1438328 in response to that
Ah alright, my bad then.
I just hate trannies and niggers
some niggers are okay but the Discord ones aren't good at all. Trannies on the other hand, all of them are NG.
Same but, I don't know if he is either.
Unless it's the discord meme tranny thing, which I think is dumb considering every single community is forced to use that forsaken program nowadays.
I wish we could go back to IRC and forums
Even though anons in this very thread were scared of IRC and steam groups LOL.
new bonga

only half of them
we have like 7 active people the in group
>I don't know if he is either.
He acts like one and that's all I need to know
It just defeats the purpose of an anonymous thread. It's why people don't like tripfags too.
The annoying thing when it comes to 4chan general threads and discord is that there always seems to be scenarios where people bring their discord drama to a thread where no one know who the fuck who is, but they use names because they can associate those names from discord.
Yeah I know, but the fact that anons are scared of IRC of all things gave me a reality check on the state this shitty site is in.
I don't think I ever saw him act like a nigger in the threads or the steam group so I wouldn't know.
The game already defeats the purpose of anonymity anon, other players will know who you are when you are in game.
Lots of games have been fine with external name groups ever since 2007 here in 4chan, looking at anons being scared of it nowadays is kinda depressing.
and it's not like it's purpose was to replace the thread or anything anyways, it was just to organize this shit.
>4chan general threads and discord is that there always seems to be scenarios where people bring their discord drama to a thread
And we still get the same kind of shit drama so what's the difference, seems your experience with 4chan groups has been just trash MMO generals from /vg/.
>And we still get the same kind of shit drama so what's the difference, seems your experience with 4chan groups has been just trash MMO generals from /vg/.

The discord ones are incredibly schizophrenic because no one in the thread even knows what the fuck is going on aside from the people who are in the discord.
The main /vg/ threads I got to are for fighting games that I currently play, and whenever that shit spills over to the thread because 2 faggots had some beef on some retarded discord is insanely retarded.
>I don't think I ever saw him act like a nigger in the threads or the steam group so I wouldn't know.
Just remembering that he doxxed inaba and started ruining the /v/ game without having voted is enough for me.
Or so he was attributed
Like this cheater
>he doxxed inaba
I also would like to know more about inaba
No, he talked about ruining the /v/ games on discord, that's why I think he's a fag
He shit talks the thread a lot on discord
I do shit talk it, because you can't stop mentioning discord this, kordny that
As for /v/ games I barely even took part, and when I was there I played normally
You didn't even vote and you booted off someone who did vote.
You are a faggot.
do not go to inaba's house to rape him
Yeah, I did do that once, because I was super late to vote, like you have a way to organize anything or even keep track of how many players are in the queue at the moment
Dude, the schizos are everywhere nowadays if you haven't noticed.
There's no community discord or IRC or whatnot that doesn't suffer from it. This entire site has been full of schizos since the murrican elections.
You will get them either way.
>2 faggots had some beef on some retarded discord is insanely retarded.
That happens on every general with or without discord.
And I don't even want discord anyways, not sure why you keep mentioning it. Like I said before. IRC or the steam group were just to organize shit and that's it.
Did he really do that?.
We talk shit about everyone here too.
You sound really thin skinned if that affects you, I'm pretty sure the japanese also trash talk about us.
Hell, we also trash talk about them too.
I'll do it only if he puts the AI voice on.
this picture sums it up pretty well >>1438409
Yeah but read, that's happening right here, right now, even though KORDNY barely posts. And he is literally the only one directly connected to it.
The schizophrenia is in all this site with or without discord.
And it's so tiresome man, I want to go back to simpler times.
hello discord

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