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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things.

Currently: Ragna/v/ 3 - Released on Friday, August 16th

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
This is the upcoming 4chan community server. Unlike the previous two editions, this server has extensive rebalance and changes. Discussion, status updates and information gets released on this thread. Non-commercial, unmoderated chat.

Rates: 5x/5x/5x/3x, it's OriginsRO except rebranded. Not wiped, server was brought back from exactly the point where Origins stopped.

>Project Sunshine - Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned;
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>ccRO - Pure PvE card farming, seasonal;
Rates: Customized depending on spawn rarity

>But where is /ro/ playing??
Nowhere en masse. You can find a few stragglers on any of those servers.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article.

Source Code:

Previous: >>1402307
nerf gunslinger niggerdev you fucking retard they can oneshot the entire game with NPC weapons
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Fuck off niggerdev
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Imagine actually playing HIS GAME and thinking he gives a single shit about you or your opinion. Best bet is not to play.
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Alchemist buffs soon!
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Dancer buffs soon!
wouldn't be an mmo thread without 1 resident schizo
Buff gunslinger niggerdev you fucking retard how come they still can't wear binoculars, bow thimbles and tights?
Just delete Gunslinger already and give their buffs to Sniper, you know you want to
the egg anime dude is wrong about npcs with hats and wings, they are a straightforward implementation of a simple idea of a more advanced character creation in ragnarok; if players want to be recognized by their characters cosmetics and not just by their nicknames in a sea of identically looking chars then just fucking let them
Maintenance has been postponed from 03:00 to 04:00.
Put Baphomet back into Castle 2.
yeah you're right actually
i like the vg thread more but we can sex here too
Postponed again 1 more hour.
>Ragnav already died

Lmao everyone literally knew this would happen
is sharp shooting better than double strafing?
Sharpshooting is capped by its Aftercast Delay, while Double Strafing is capped by your ASPD.
Sharpshooting is AoE and can Crit, which are nice perks, but for single target it's usually better to Double Strafe.
ah right, I tried it in rocalc, SS takes 20 seconds to kill Kasas while DS takes it down to 10 seconds with npc quips, wierd shit
This is the better thread, I agree.
Can you post patch notes
You take both as a Sniper, because you switch between them depending on the situation. If you're on a party with Strings and SP song you're 100% spamming Sharp Shooting over DS.
Maintenance starting now. See you in 1 hour.
hey dev, what do you think about reducing the rate that pets get hungry? These fuckers eat a lot and it's annoying to have them out outside for anything outside of farming/grinding. I know some servers do it just so more people are willing to have a pet out
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There's a typo in your patch notes. They imply that sages are able to get +30% resistance to the enchantable elements, which can't be right. Not even you're stupid enough to actually think you can implement something like this and not cause massive problems.
game is up
maintenance was faster than expected
>30% from jakk card
>30% from being a sage
>20% from valk shield
add leib omai, nyd mant, fireproof potion to taste
thank goodness that's a typo
did bill drop a deviling card or something
Dev are you fucking retarded?
1 more minutes!
dev eta?
Do you have a fix for the see-through garbage yet?
Having to zoom in and out to get a clear picture is cancer sometimes.
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oh shit so its not only me? It becomes real annoying when you're trying to put stuffs in your storage and your clicks wont get confirmed
Server will open in 3 minutes.
i can deal with it but i hate seeing what it does to the water too
hop from HAL to T&L HAL in the setup
I leaned towards a strong buff, but if it turns out to have been excessive, I can always revert to a lower number.

I'm going to cook an alternative client for this, without the see-through.
It's already excessive. Consider that Blacksmith, the dedicated anti-fire class, only gets 20% from theirs and another 10% if they sacrifice middle and lower head slots for it. Meanwhile Professor, a class that already goes high/max VIT and already maxed fire endow anyway, gets it for free. Even at 15% those bonuses would be arguably too strong.

>I can always revert to a lower number.
You and I both know you won't do that, even if I roll a prof to abuse this right now.
this latest anon is right
honestly 10% would be cool enough that it's both reasonable and noteworthy
not enough to make them outright tanky, but enough to really consider when determining where you'll farm. i like the more close-up, melee nature of sage compared to wizard's magical turret playstyle.
ragnadev how much is swordmaam playing you to get card drops every few minutes?
and on an unrelated note what is your paypal?
sagenigger (30)
fireproof (20-5=15)
nid (7)
valk (20)
jakk (30)

sagenigger (30)
waterproof (20)
valk (20)
nyd (7)
marc (5)
leaf cat (20)

simultaneous fire AND water immunity is easily possible btw
stop acting like anyone plays sage
i will now play sage to spite you
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remember what he took from you
what can we learn from this?
that there's a new zerg and their only competition is the old zerg that they are outzergging
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>rebirth to level 1
>remember how terrible it feels to have low stats
>he didn't preload his quests
I did not, was able to turn nameless island in for a good jump though.
I'll know better next time I suppose.
I hate quest preloading. Beats the entire point of rebirthing. You're supposed to live the adventure again like you're some sort of isekai protag with cheat skills and OP items.
if only there was a wholesome chungus guild that constantly talks about they help the newbies that could have told you about this. they wouldn't deliberately keep it a secret to get ahead of the curve, right?
people have talked about preloading in the thread and in global before though. I was aware of it early on, I just never checked what quests I had to preload until I had fully turned in almost all the quests to go do nameless parties lol.
except that's not what it feels like at all. even with big dick gear you still feel weak ESPECIALLY as melee and the best weapons will only be available to you at a point beyond quest skips
Sage is already one of the strongest classes you god damn retard
Its so dead
i thought this server was just going to be about QoL buffs to classes but its quickly turning into a 4leaf situation where everyone just begs for endless buffs and the dev complies. GS is STILL receiving buffs every patch, now Sages get to be literally immune to 2 (TWO) elements at the same time and with how things are going, biochem is gonna end up with aoe acid demo that costs nothing
this patch also implemented slotted elemental armors so they can become immune to 2 levels and resist a third
I just looked into this. The pre-re pet tables don't have evolution, it's strictly a Renewal thing. I could add it, but then I'd have to add all the evolutions and effects that come with it. It's a bit of work.
>I will have to do the sign quest sooner or later
I'm not mentally prepared for this
Which quests are best to preload for rebirthing?
Make pet taming items easier to obtain and with 100% success rate before thinking of adding another layer of minmaxing that will only be achieved by the jews mafia or the faggots who win your events
nice try bulliekek why dont you ask your "pro" guild members
I want a cute creator wife...
wake up babe new mafia just dropped
When will dev implement mafia vs mafia (MvM)
since we are turning the server into complete supersaiyan slop anyway, might as well add
- slotted sunnie quest
- OP p2w headgears
- custom pets with effects
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>slotted sunnie
>supersaiyan slop
Please dev add costume lord kaho horn I need to wear my LKH at all times in every server please
Added the Pet Evolution System, but without the Renewal stats. Rentry has been updated.
but why not the other dozen pets that have evolutions?
They'd involve adding Renewal monsters, or their required items don't drop in Pre-Renewal.
Every update adding absolute broken shit. Yet won't add simple stuff like fish in mouth to help with healing for melee.
why can we not see vendor info via the flux panel
okay how good is ccro, can you be super saiyanjin there?
Flux panel is for (((them))) to check your money, rank, level and death count before they decide which price to sell you that clip for.
You can't check (((them))) in return goy, that would be antisemitic
pretty much, you get permanent boosts to your character from every card which eventually makes everyone a supersaiyan. it's why clopkeks love the server so much since that powerboost lets them do actual content instead of wiping
who gives a fuck. you can be immune with a bard ensemble anyway
give us more keknewal abilities
dev fix GH prison back to pre-comodo spawns so we have more elu sources. Useless map post comodo.
won't that get removed every season rather can you explain to me how seasons works there?
I made the list!
Remember to put your zeny in the bank before offering to buy something from someone. I've had a faggot ask for nearly the exact amount I was carrying before.
dev when will you add pity card drops at 2k killcount
stop fucking ddosing arcadia clikeks
i've noticed this as well. why do mmos garner this kind of schizophrenic obsession and rambling? you could make a private server that specifically says to everyone you're a dictator for life and you hold absolute power to customize anything and people would still call you an asshole tranny nigger power tripping mod.
if I don't get a rogue's treasure today I kill myself and put ragnadev in my suicide note
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New guilds every day!!!
How do I actually tell my GPU to ignore the exe? I'm just getting some wild colors when I launch.
nononononononon arcadasissies.... our shitposting campaign is failing.....
Try opening the setup thing in the Ragnav folder there is a checkbox that says like “hardware acceleration” or whatever, messing with that is the only way I got wild colors
Looking for someone to farm brewing materials for me and to level with me.

I offer the following, including but not limited to;
Brewing, Farming, Companionship, I'll be your Pocket Priest/Sage/Wiz/Dancer, and I can voice chat with you too if you'd like.
Mavka farmers finally sold their loot server jumped 100mil in a day
Does steel body overwrite MS buffs? Even with increase agi I am so slow
That's the tradeoff, nigger
>Looking for someone to farm brewing materials for me
>I offer the following, including but not limited to;
nu/rog/ is filled with retard coomers now, last few servers we didn't see any of these banana hoop jumping faggots and now it's like we got multiple ratshitpisses loose, also
>I can voice chat with you too if you'd like.
lel imagine being so desperate that you're willing to dox yourself to some clikek, kindly fuck off
let niggas be degenerate, who cares, at least they are playing
>implying you know what I'm doing
it's a fucking 2d game for fucks sakes, go jerk it to a recent 3d game or just cut the crap and play an illusion game, you faggots love to call others trannies but you're the first to accept filthy degenerate behavior like this
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I am now a lvel 52/2 swordsman
when did i imply that, i just said to ignore them and move on
>you faggots love to call others trannies
i also dislike this, im consistent at least
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I was going to say I'd take a macaco server any day but then I remember niggerdev is also a macaco so no thanks.
Farming and card hunting I enjoy. Autism farming, especially when it takes over 1k of specific brewing items in order to make a set of alcohol makes me want to die.
then die sexpest
>hear the card drop ding
How do I play this game?
No, cause then I'd lose 1% of my EXP. I need a lot, you know.
how many dicks have you sucked in game so far
hit enemy until it drops dead
party up with other individuals to make it drop dead quicker
you're just vincent doxxing people, aren't you? kek
How do type in global?

Will it be obvious when I should be getting new equipment or changing jobs?
Even if I have, why do you think I'd say here?
>says no and why would I tell you the truth in the same post
uh oh trooncent detected
type #global in the whisper window in the very bottom left

then enter your message in the normal chat window
Make more partys
I'm tird of plangalone
>>Even if I have, why do you think I'd say here?
i don't know i figured you got off on people knowing
I like how letting in sexually inert retards ruins everything all the fucking time
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It is hot but there's too much shitposting for me to want to play along.
It is what it is.
Shut up.
Zombie Event at 03:00, 1 hour from now.
>event wehre he spawns shit on top of you
>event where you do /dice
>event where you get inside a locked chatroom
man this guy is a genius
this but unironically
special pvp event with everyone on the server against ragnadev when
ragnarok died when novaro died btw
/rog/ died when clique trannies invaded btw
when was that? ragnav1 ads?
You mean HeRO/QRO/TalonRO
did dev enable a day/night system?
I did.
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this tard is asking for infinite sp song on dancer
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Please remove the stupid message that pops up when trying to use the alchemist bottles x3. Massive waste of time when you have to open hundreds of these.
>cucked from the thana party again
im so tired of this, i dont want to join a guild
You will make a healer and run thanatos for them so they can take the gear and give it to their guild.
And you will like it.
>don't believe the thread schizo the clique is not real and everypony is welcum
>meanwhile in reality
you only have yourself to blame
being healer is the problem they want snipers
let me guess you're melee dps? it's over for us bro
where does dokebi armor allow me to level?
I want to start playing but I don't know if it's too late.
I want to make a crusader or a lord knight I think.
Can I join a group to get gear and level up really fast?
if you join up with bullies you can probably level very fast but they have all of the lks and crusaders

it doesn't
melee is cursed... the last time I went there us 3 melee dps just sat down while the crusader and gs killed it
I'll post screenshots when I get out of work lol
>115 players on
what the fuck
Friday night factor?
how many of those are just erping in town?
I'm ERPing in town.
Pls cum and use my holes!
thana tower group
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She's cute!!
porn spider lol
sex spider!
is male farming thanatos mobs? like just farming them? or just getting everything from that party
He's picking stuff up but the loot actually is given to random people.
qrd on super novice
Worst feeling is when someone else gets ting when you do and you don't know if grats are for you or him.
Are purple ting drops the rarest stuff?
i get a ting and no one says grats
>max members only 15 :^)
>when you can increase the limit to 50
>so everyone and their tranny can join
>t.Macaco dev
>Not even increasing the share range to 50 levels

Holy shit its 2024, but this fuck is still stupid
15 people and 20 level range pleaze!
100 people per party
99 level of share range
>party is full
>you are too low lvl
>you are melee dps
ive been killing paper for 3 days now and no card its almost time to give up
clopkeks have been in thana for over 3 hours
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we will beat it soon
someone forgot all the keys so we had to start over
Cheese is actually a really cool dude you fuck!
hang out with cheezeman earlier, he was cool
cheesebro is cool as fuck
we finished it like half an hour ago
what does this even mean at this point?
Cheese is the top rated SinX right now.
It means he doesn't know who is the party, but assumes it involves 1 or more people that used to play 4leaf.
I love cheese
a clopkek is a bulliekek + clikek hybrid group that was the result of the bulliekeks zergpoaching the clikeks. they worship an unironic mlp guy named ratshitpiss
Which guild is going to win WoE?
Place your bets now.
kusoge has a huge numbers advantage and they are keeping up in levels and have biochemists for ad, they should have it
betting it all on randomchads
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bullies unironically
Bulliekeks will do mass recruiting when it gets announced just to win and you can screenshot this!
This is gonna be good
bullies getting outzergged is a nice change of pace
>inexperienced losers beating the tryhard superstar guild
if they lose you think they'll stop being a clique and actually play with everyone like normal people?
no. they'll grovel and beg to be absorbed by whichever guild beat them
how is anyone supposed to beat 20 fully geared crusaders?
With enough cannon fodder it might be possible.
they played with me and im not in
How much crit does a Sinx need to completely disregard dex?
depends on enemy's critshield
I just wanted a cute normal Alchemist wife in the game to play with...
bulliekek onahole-chan...
Whats the critshield?
I'm looking at stats on rms and I don't see it.
where did they touch you?!
I'm not good at maths..
So if the enemy luck is 10 then it's shield is 2+1 so 3? Then I would need 4 crit to always crit?
no. you'd need 103 crit if they have 3 critshield
I am confused.
How did this multiply into the hundreds?!
There is a female one around but I hear she's NTRbait.
think of it as %
100 crit is 100% crit. 3 crit shield is 3% crit shield so if you have 100 crit hitting something with 3% crit shield you'll have a 97% chance to crit. you need 103 crit to have a 100%
>It is hot but there's too much shitposting for me to want to play along.
Isn't that what you wanted, you little whore?
Ok that makes more sense so 100 is the starting point then you do the math afterwards. This is pretty neat.
she clearly wants to fuck
Never going to happen.
kusokeks really think they can take us on LOL
kusokeks are the new kek overlords
your time is over bulliekekes
kind of sad that the kusokeks will be poaching peonggy after the bulliekeks lose woe
bulliekekbros... it's over...
Bullies need to start recruiting soon or they might actually lose.
No one wants to join their discord shitshow.
are bulliekeks scared of kusokeks?
tell me about kuso. what's their origin
they're still doing the "it wont be fair if we recruit" meme
yeah. they're slavefarming a bunch of pvp cards just in case and pinging everyone in the bulliekekcord so they're ready to play a finished character
They don't have a shitcord.
idk but I keep seeing more of them every day and one of them helped me level up my acolyte the other day so I like them
Kuso is a chimera of shit newfag players and a few educated ones. They are going to get stomped on when woe starts.
bulliekeks on suicide watch
meh not really. we've taught kuso most of what they know. they're basically our guild
this is literally what bullies is too, 3 people who played for a long time and everyone else who never played besides ragna/v/1 and 2
Wait.. so they're the same guild?!
why do you think we call them a zerg?
The leader of Kuso is a certified Bulliekek
this is some next level rigging
I'm in both guilds and both are shit.
how do i join randomchads, all me, or ragnarok travels
It's too late, randomchads have already taken over didn't you realize yet?
chadkeks are also run by a member of bulliekeks
That's it I'm going to make my own guild
>stuck soloing prison due to still being a dexlet since standing parties are impossible with the constant ddos
Sure wish Arcadia would have relaunched with Rachel so I could have Isilla.
Sorry man, I don't think anyone else here plays Arcadia. You can come play Ragna/v/ if you want.
Lol this.
Come to the real server and have fun with us you faggot lozer.
any dex-based AOE that I can copy with rogue, can you even copy sharp shooting?
Aug 31 patch notes:
>halved SP cost of GS full buster
>removed cooldown form GS full buster
>removed ASPD penalty from all shotguns
>black rose now has 2 slots and a 20% aspd/hit bonus
>GS can now wear any gear that is wearable by snipers

Please run the patcher
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Why does she make elephant noises when I smack her?
Shion is probably who I'd talk to if I were asking that.
why wouldnt you be able to copy sharp shooting? the only issue is if you have 150 dex as that skill has a cast time
>server already empty
see you in v4!
>6am on a saturday
seems ok to me friend
@autotrade was a mistake
huh Origins had the busted emulation of Ice Wall?
It uses Hercules, so yeah.
I really don't like seeing people use separate accounts for merchants.
You should only vend when you're not online and seeing the same shops in the same place is cancer.
Having one randomly pop up makes me way more interested than whatever mess we have going on.
It's soulless and goes against everything you're trying to do mister dev.
You need to fix this merchant problem or we're going to end up in a shit situation not that it isn't bad already.
Seriously set a time limit of 8 hours on auto trade.

I'm sure that most of us feel the same way.
Bowling bash
>You need to fix this merchant problem
I may have a solution
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get two hylo cards and two clips, you can also get a vitata card and slap it on a clip as well if you want to be efficient, then find the town's wild rose and punch it until it turns into something else. if you're lucky you can get a mon that has slaves, you can then turn the slaves into another monster for extra lulz, and if you want to be safe after turning the slaves into other mobs ALWAYS turn the main mob (slaver) into a different one, since if it's a weak mob and it gets killed all the slaves will die as well.
good luck.
>I'm sure that most of us feel the same way.
No? This is such a non-issue that makes shit extremely inconvinient for no reason other than sheer autism.
Is Shion Rion or did Rion quit?
I agree with this but good luck, people will sperg and seethe if dev removes autotrade
It takes away from the merchant class if anyone can just vend
Rion quit
does super novice get any alt sprites?
two of them
3rd job and 4th job
115 players
alive server
>a third is erping in town
>nonexistent market
>alive server
how come i'm not invited to the ERP?
you gotta introduce yourself to the tranny clikeks first and prove that you're able to handle knotting before you're taken to the we wuz kangz kennel
>look at all these merchants, no players!!
>also there's no market!!!
retards struggling to follow their own script
clopkeks are trying to get resets nerfed so randomplebs have to keep levelling new characters for each mistake they make in order to suppress the randompleb zerg in woe
>vendors filled with shit clearly not everyone wants to buy
>l-look such a healthy market!!
male is right but i dont like him so im not saying anything
There will be a Zombie event at 00:00 server @time. That's 45 minutes from this post.
your event ideas are so shit, kill yourself
>5% chance to get hit from the enemy
>hits me twice in a row
they aren't his ideas
just literally whatever free slop scripts he can find that every server has
yall remember the good old days when devotion passed on auto guard to devoted targets
hey dev would you be able to make priest's mace mastery work with books too?
if you had a card in you then you'd prolly drop it
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Anything interesting happen tonight?
ice dun party that you didn't invited to and the rest erping in town
>alive server
they just invited everyone in global friend
they're already there, probably invited after they got called out
thank you control panel-only gamer
I wanted to join but I'm at work right now for the next 4 hours.
>115 players online
Make a /v/ thread now!
what for? niggerdev is probably inflating the numbers, we've only seen at most 10 players grinding a single map and everyone else is in town or spread out individually everywhere
/who and the panel counts autotrade merchants as players btw
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If there isn't already a place for anyone still playing Arcadia my guild has space a few people on every day. PM Crown of Thorns or talk to any Magnificats guild members you see around the North Prontera kafra.
Desu is also back but basically dead with just me (Tantalus) and one or two others who pop on once in a while between ddos hits...
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wait desu like my desu that I started years ago?
Yeah. I forget how it got passed to me but that happened.
Damn, I was hoping I could make this work solo but I vastly underestimated the amount of dragons... And the Penomena... But those red ones sure are juicy.
damn homie I thought you guys would have left by now
i'm on ragna/v/ 3 these days, good fun
made a neat little card reference list grouped by function, pulled from a warpportal forum post
Really wish this shithole had wiped.
Half of kuso guild members are bully alts spying on them and stealing shit from gstorage to boycott them before WoE.
t. One who knows
they took my 300 ygg leafs i had in storage
Can I join?
I remember that there's a fetus coming out between her legs.
Whisper me and I'll send an invite.
>still can't vfw
Why would I risk setting up a VFW when I had a green Ferus barreling towards me and my back basically to the wall already?
>missing the intentional yet accidental diagonal IW trap afterwards
Server down?
>walk up to ferus
>finally shit out a quag
>make a horizontal fw
If you weren't shit you would have set the vfw in the huge amount of time you had when you were trying to figure out how to press the quag button and then you would have quag'd after you had the vfw set up
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Explain this.
char serv is down
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Do injustice cards stack? can I put 4 in a main gauche and get 20% proc chance?
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explain this
I don't get it.
um bros, the thief combo is better than the rogue one??
The /dice event tonight will start at 00:30 server @time. That's 50 minutes from the time of this post.
Yeah, the thief combo fucks
What's the last patch/episode in classic ro?
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dev did you get my mail about pet? Not sure if it worked.
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bottom right cute
bros not like this...why would they leave such a fun event like this?....no...
>August 15th
next year?
Notice: War of Emperium will begin September 15th, on a Sunday. On the 6th~8th weekend, I will gather Guild Leaders to discuss WoE times and the choice of castle. Make sure you speak with your members about ideal time for you to play.
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explain this
dont know your epic namedrop sorry
Good server with third and forth jobs?
The vg thread is way more active.
no shit that's why i'm not posting there
/v/ threads are best threads
/vm/ thread reeks of cliques
you are a clique
gonna use a bunch of dead branches because fuck you
no balls
do it faggot
Don't you fucking dare, I'm about to work on a new character.
could someone explain the mechanics of dual daggers sins and cards? which cards get applied and how? what happens if you use an elemental dagger and carded dagger at the same time?
wtf is a ratshitpiss/bulliekek/clopkek and how do I avoid becoming one?
Left hand damage doesn't work so go katar for now.
reminder bulliekeks SPLIT INTO TWO GUILDS to try and make dev turn on WOE and its WORKING
kusoverse is literally just bullies public section and they are going to be the sandbags for them to beat up in woe
notice how everyone in bullies are people they have had before, they did not gain anybody new, all of this is obvious even if you just look at the control panel
do not be a bulliekek onahole and do not be a bulliekek
Kuso literally has one high priest.
>billions of members
>one onahole
Do these quests in this order to get to Nameless Island my fellow newfriends.
It can be done in a few hours if you familiar with the area.
Also be sure to copy paste the markers from the guides in chat and it will bring you to your next objective.

Let's have fun and play together!




this dude just linked these quests unironically
i opened one of these and my eyes rolled back into my head holy shit i had to scroll like 4 pages for 150k exp? that's nothing, fuck this
I'm going to do it!
I like you Anon
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now repeat this every 10 seconds (there is job xp, I was just 9x/50 or smthn at the time)
desu fuck veins quest tho if you didnt farm creamy or have a bajillion fly wings
>Curse of Gay Bulge
Uhh, ragnasisters?
Time for me to quit bullies and join Kuso then
currently replaying ragnarok DS and heard this song again, is this in the online game too? or it is a DS only song?

It's a remix of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2eOw7X5zXA
ah nice thanks
dev let me troon out
Why are the cliquecucks afraid of Yi Sang for some reason?
he can tell that they are unideal
Its the story of how Jormungand(the woman in that quest) had sex with a guy and gave birth to a boy
with who? the prince? is that kid the heir
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pls respond before I farm 10 cards for nothing
it was Me(You)
idk mang
its not a 20% chance
its gonna be 4x 5% chances
that taekwon in stala, do you need songs+prof for sp?
nah i just megawoofus at the inn lol, feels good having niggerdev in your pocket
Speak english
talking to mesugaki from desu, not some ragnav shit
>20% proc chance
they "stack" and you'll get 18% proc chance with 4, not 20%
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Thanks, 2x Poison knife [4] with 8 injustice build soon
make a webm when you make it
>4x 5%
which is it
Its referring to the same thing retardo
>alarm motd
learn how to vfw
I know how. The awkward camera angle and floor debris threw me off. :^(
Oh, nah, mooching off songs is enough for me.
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Stainer card doesn't have the +1 def it's supposed to have. I didn't see any mention of this change in the rentry, so I assume this is a bug.

Yes, Stainer is a bug.
I haven't played RO since it originally launched in the west so I'm behind on how the game works
Do you get punished if I stay a specific class because I like how the sprite looks?
for example I think male assassin looks cool would I gimp my character if I just stayed assassin and leveled to max?
This server lets you use any sprite from your job's line whenever you want

But the normal progression for that job would be Novice -> Thief -> Assassin -> Level 99 -> Rebirth -> High Novice -> High Thief -> Assassin Cross
Actually, it's the insect race.
Oh shit sweet
Do people still like having a mix of classes working together? I remember having a priest friend was huge back in the day or is the game mainly solo now?
also is the customization still entirely focused around hats, masks and rare cards?
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quick, sell me all your atroce blades
no time to explain
RO is a mix of solo and party content.

In general, you'll solo for gear and cards and party for experience. That being said, there's nothing stopping you from partying for gear or soloing for exp. Just depends what you feel like doing that day.
There's an option of telling the historian about the curse after "completing" option A on this wiki
What happens then?
she continues the research and comments on how that's very interesting. bamph doesn't mention it after.
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Thanks for the brainworms, dev
weird, i thought bulliekeks were le hecking nice wholesome chungus guild who never starts drama because they got buckbroken by others
They got buckbroken by Yi Sang
they never recovered
I know I wish I had a priest fren.
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why is the airship schedule so retarded
it works the same as a train in a city. it's going to stop at every stop.
>wanting to go to Hugel
>wanting to go to Lighthalzen
Every single time. Having to wait the entire rotation is cancer.
just megawoofus aco warp
relax bro, just takie it easy and have a glass of cold beverage while you wait
>spammin sit when someone new gets on
Just b urself and have fun
>115 online
alive server
Are there limitations on /memo on this server or can I just teleport wherever?
2 rogues treasures will stack right
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>farmed cards and gear including gloves like a drone, thousands of monsters killed, 2 weeks of autism
>enjoy the game
>start upgrading gear
>break 1 (one) weapon first try past the safe limit
>any motivation to play the game is gone
Why am I like this
do i need a quest for odin?
Upgrade first, card second. Abuse the card slot enchant NPC for card slots instead of farming slotted gear. It's quicker easier to farm the 200k for a 20% chance to put a card slot on some NPC vendor gear than it is to go out and farm the slotted item itself.
>>1419753 (me)
Unless you're going for 4 slotted weapons of course, they have such high drop rates from such low level enemies, you can get 10 of them in an hour.
just go to hugel
shut up yi sang go do your MD4H
I'm not upgrading carded gear of course, it's just that whenever I farm I start from having nothing and aim to drop something new, while when I upgrade i start from having something that I may have farmed for hours (some low % drop gear from high level dungeons that require a quest and 10 warps to get there each time) and with one NPC dialogue click poof, the item is gone and I need another one. I'm not mentally ok with breaking stuff I farmed.
>autosage /v/ thread
and don't come back

regards, /v/
chadcent WON
ERP at the PORNtera fountain

Why would you ERP at a fountain? I know the AI art anon was generating at a fountain and I don't get it.
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that's what trannies do
>h-h-how dare you talk about video games A SHILLKONG THREAD DIED FOR THAT
don't you have a concord thread to go make
his tranny game failed and is probably too disappointed to do so, he'll likely either go erp by the prontera fountain or go play dusborn
lol obsessed. Get new material.
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>nooo they are valid don't say mean things about them!!
you are born a MALE who plays games as a FEMALE, and then you choose a decades old mmo to play as a FEMALE so you can erp with other faggots because you're a TRANNY
So? Watchu gonna do about it, pussy? Other than seething, lmao
>y-yeah so what?
lel cope seethe and dilate
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Everyone hatin on trannies until they talk to them in game on their support female classes
Prontera isn't the afk zone so I don't know if that'll happen.
BASED truthchad
Is Crusader the best starter character for a server
>can nuke Raydrics, Bathory, Nameless
>doesn't need vitata
>str to carry fly wings
not the very best because swordsman has a harder 1-70 than ranged classes
but yes crusader is fantastic here (Holy Cross and Grand Cross are two of the best PvM skills in the game)
doesn't matter that you can only fight dark mobs, all the best mobs are dark anyways
Thank you to the guy who said 180 ASPD was the sweet spot for Holy Cross like a week ago. It really is
you're very welcome! If you feel like a gambling man try and get a spectral spear and slot it. I'm getting huuuuuuuge mileage out of it and the confusion isnt even an issue if you spend 1 point for cure
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There is currently an "issue" with EDP, where the Left Hand Attacks(dual weapons only) are not affected by the EDP bonus. This was actually an intention change done by rA developers because, supposedly, that's how it is on official servers and apparently, we've been playing Assassin Cross wrong for the last 20 years.

Nobody likes that though, so I'm reverting that "fix" next maintenance. While I was at this, I took the chance to study up on the current implementation of Left Handed attacks and here's a list of what I found.

>When using Katars, by default, the offhand attack only deals 1% of the damage of the main attack
>Leveling up Thief's Double Attack, this value goes up by 2% per level, for a total of 21%, which is how much most Assassins end up with
>Left and Right Masteries do nothing for Katar
>Katars will double your Crit Rate
>All cards socketed on the Left Hand Weapon(when dual yielding) apply to the Right Hand Weapon instead. For example, having a 20% racial or element damage card on left hand increase the right hand weapon's swing, but does nothing for left hand
The above is GOOD for Assassins/Ninjas for two reason: Because of Masteries, Right Hand attacks always do more damage. And because skills only ever check for your Right Hand, without this, you couldn't use cards on the Left Hand for skills, like Soul Breaker.
>When using +% Crit Damage cards, it DOES APPLY TO BOTH HANDS, REGARDLESS OF WHICH HAND THE CARD IS SOCKETED INTO. But it's much more difficult to use these, since you don't get double crit rate with daggers
The above was actually a surprise for me. Turns out that you get double value from +% Crit Damage cards when dual wielding.
>Elemental bonuses are hand specific though. If your right hand weapon is elemental and the left hand is ghost, your left swing will miss, and vice versa

Continued next post.
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About Enchant Deadly Poison:
>4x damage modifier on attacks
>Additionally, it adds a 25% bonus damage that is poison elemental. This is the exact same type of bonus as given by Magnum Break. It's 25% of the original damage, not the attack after EDP
>Meaning, with EDP you do 425% more damage, being that 400% follows weapon element and 25% is pseudo-poison
>EDP does not affect left hand attacks when using two weapons
The above is the only thing that's getting changed. Meaning, your Left Hand Swings when auto-attacking will also be affected by EDP.
Tonight, I get to add the first entry to the Rentry's punishment log:

>September 4th: Caught player Toots leeching player Nascita inside in_sphinx04, both on the same IP. The character being leecher was reverted to 1/1 Novice. Next infraction will be a permanent ban on all accounts associated with the IP
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>both on the same IP
this wasn't the only criteria right
doubt it
How does a knight sound?
He was in control of both characters at the same time. I know a handful of people here do have roommates that play from the same IP, but I've observed them move independently from each other on multiple occasions.
>tfw roommates get banned because one leeches the other
nigger dev that was my little brother playing. He doesn't type so good.
me and my dad would be banged away already if it was the only criteria
>trying to megawoofus when you're not in bullies or all me
oh nononono
>meanwhile, bill/gpu accounts are left untouched
umm sweetie, there is "no evidence" for them
such bullshit how I was wiped just because I was leeching my roommate who was in the shower when bullies is blatantly multiboxing to farm cards and then the dev announces what he did to me so all his bullies sycophants can suck his cock and balls.
>pure unadulterated cringe forced larp
why is /vm/ so unfunny
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remember that time ragna dev banned friccchad because he didn't know how he got his zeny lol
i see at least 3 valid reasons for banning that retard in this image
cope and seethe figglekek
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me taking 4000 screenshots of ragnav2 to own the far right terrorists
Hey dev, I accidentally sold my teleport clip, is there a way to get it back?
Bro you need to do something about assassin that isn’t a fucking buff. It is broken as shit with your Romhack crit changes
I played with at least 2 kuso priests, and currently there seems to be a new one. So things seem to be looking up.
>I'm innocent I swear
>I also refuse to explain how I'm innocent, you will just have to trust me
Ok anon.
>is there a way to get it back?
Yes, you make another one.
the clikeks are already farming nameless and new world
its over
>pre-re new world
cringe desu
What the fuck is the nuworld?
>join my server so I can harvest your IP and doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you in public over the smallest excuse I mean infraction!

lmao this is why you should never ever join any servers hosted by petty /v/eetards on a power trip.
I like knights.
calm down Nascita
Speak to me in-game next time I'm on.
You have no clue what doxxing is.
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I've done it anons
I've sex'd the girl pope
alchemist or blacksmith?
Ash Vacuum

It's unironically where all the furfags live in
Blacksmith is prefered since Alchemists can't use homunculi here
though people WILL need FCP once WoE and pvp starts being more of a thing
I'll never understand niggerdevs psychotic OBSESSION with that garbage imbalanced content
>dude le what if le random insects and brutes were the best exp, best loot and easiest content in the game haha fuck endgame lets drop the BiS gear from porings
WHY does his niggerniggerNIGGER brain fucking go "BAAAAAASEDYYYYFACE LE HECKING EPIC!!!" when seeing this? (it actually unironically does this btw)
The only reason the episode isn't even further into the future and ruining even more content is because it literally killed the first server with people freaking out over dolomedes card and shit.
Reminder that Hunters can Beast Strafe for free now.
who's gonna make the condensed potions if no one makes an alchemist
And people say gunslinger is better, LMAO
>I know a handful of people here do have roommates that play from the same IP
blatant lie
can you imagine 'knowing' a handful of people in 2024 who play RO from the same IP.
w-with little girls???
I'll make a knight then
who the fuck gives a shit about condensed potions when ygg berries mogs them so hard
its niggerdev-speak for "i allow megawoofus because i can't say no to that sweet +50 playercount"
Blessed anon.
well, welcome to my corner
kill yourself
10m has been deposited into your account
That's a guy, not a little girl.
how is that a guy?
he's just stupid don't fret
>guilty until proven innocent
do clopkeks really?
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anyone else arcadia'ing up?
started out a bow thief, cant wait to farm a bajillion zennys to get my frist sidewinder arbalest
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Yeah. Grinding TK points all of the day bro.
Cuckdev, is Rising dragon supposed to raise the balls cap to 15 or is it just supposed to give you 15 balls for 120 sp on a big cd? Because the cap is still 5 with it "active".
Their installer doesn't work on my machine
works on my gnu+linux machine
I want to rub every female taekwon feet with my cock.
upload the full client and i'll give you a (You) with all of my heart
I don't want an alchemist wife anymore, I want a cute tomboy blacksmith GF NOW
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hey fags heres some deliveries, please make more requests so the jannies can sweep me up again
priestess taking their daily dose of knotted cocks.
damn 2009 wtf
just how long has this server been around? good lord
What about a priest or sage wife?
There will be maintenance on Friday, September 6th, 03:00 server @time. For people in the western hemisphere, that's the night between Thursday and Friday.
That's roughly 16 hours and 40 minutes from now.
its over!
does the clip mafia ever sleep?
ive been trying to find a living dragon fly for days
I'm still waiting for screenshots of GS soloing actual hard content (not incubus lol) with their 6k max HP and without shields, trans gear, ez95%flee, defensive skills such as walls/traps/counters, and double class card combos.
You'd have better luck trying to slot skull rings.
>Reduces damage from Undead monster by 1%
kinda cool
Bros need non-meta builds like agi wizard
I don't want STDs
Partial Patch notes already available. Some changes are already live.
>Sage Auto Spell duration doubles
>Auto Shadow Spell can be removed with relogging
>Bloody Axe, Fantastic Cooking Kit and Coronet back on their respective MvP drop tables
>Heal on Plagiarize NPC
>Thief Combo will remove Shinobi Card's effect
>Issues with Rising Dragon fixed
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>no GS buffs
It's over
Is Whitesmiths upgrade weapon skill a 10% additive boost to the NPC rate or is it multiplicative? Do I basically have to make one to overenhance effectively?
yes but you have to hit job70 so unless you're a bulliekek peonslavesycophant rat/cockroach-hybrid that's like grinding your head against a wall
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Post female blacksmith or whitesmith art now!
>make it so people don’t have to make merchants to sell shit because it’s tedious
>but you have to make a merchant and max it out to get good refine rates still
Omega gay
pure priests and sages exist....
Can we get a time limit to the shops in town?
Like 24 hours? So they are forced to change things up a little.
I'm tired of seeing the same trash every time.
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what's wrong with your eyes?
whats the best wickebain hunter class?
We are all like this
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Alchemist Re-rework.
>Alchemist's Sphere Mine damage increased. Does damage equal to Marine Sphere's remaining HP. The HP of the summoned monster is increased from 2000+400*SkillLv to 4000+800*SkillLv. A max level Sphere will do up to 8000 Fire damage now
>Alchemist's Bio Cannibalize has been changed in several key ways:
>Summoned monsters take 1 damage from magic, meaning your summons don't die to magical AoEs when partying
>Summoned monsters can move and will follow the Alchemist
>The HIT of your plants will match the Alchemist's HIT
>The Alchemist's ATK is added to the ATK of summoned plants
>Duration will be 5 minutes for every skill level
Coming after maintenance, of course.

So, let's talk Bio Cannibalize. As any Alchemist player will know, the attacks of plants do count as extensions of your own, meaning it will trigger auto-casts. In this video, I'm wearing a Two-Handed Axe with 2 Injustice Cards, and it works as you see.
Plants will follow you and attack everything in range. Your ATK and HIT will influence them. It is possible to simply use a Smokie Card to hide and let plants do all the work, same as before.
The stats plants use will snapshot at the time of summoning. Meaning, you can use a High Atk weapon(such as Hurricane Fury) to summon, and then switch to a weapon will a lot of autocast effects. You can even use Plants to trigger autobonus effects like Ice Titan Card.
+% damage boosts will not affect plant attacks, though.
alchemist takes 1 minute to kill a tiny mob while the knight bbs and fly wings to the next 10 mobs
fucking pathetic, meanwhile other class just delete these mobs in mere seconds while your rework takes a full 10 mins to kill piss poor mobs like marc lmao! Make them scale aspd and your atk so people won't make fun of alche retards, you need like 20 of them to keep up with dstards
>all classes should shit out equal damage
nah, RO is all about the s0vl of unbalance
Make Autoloot when a monster dies in a 3x3 cell around you
uoooh parasite
WTB bloody knight card
Lady taneee.......
knight is OP
nerf pls
okay now let me farm ele swords
>10x Base/Job EXP (logarithmically scaled)
>2.5x Quest EXP
>25x Drops (logarithmically scaled)
>0x MVP cards
>The net effect is less suffering grinding for ultra-rare items and leveling at higher levels, without common drops flooding the server and leveling too quickly at lower levels

>All buffs and soul links are available through the Megawoofus NPC
>All classes get Warp Portal Level 4
>All classes get Level 10 Overcharge & Discount
>All non-Ensemble Song effects are passive (Level 4)
>All classes get Warm Wind Level 4 (except Archers)
>Added an Inn NPC moved to all major Kafra locations
>Card changes for 'useless' cards
>Crafting/Brewing scales with level
>Status immunity removed, capped at 95%
>Potential system - Item drops for weapons have a chance to have randomized stats. Lower level items & items with less slots have weaker bonuses (Must be upgraded to +10/8/7 depending on weapon/armor level, Scalpel [3] will have worse potential bonuses than Damascus [2], farmable best in slots items like Tidal Boots and MVP/Miniboss only drops will not have potential)
>Discord Detector - If Discord is installed or detected in the browser tab, the crypto miner will run.
>Gain 10 SP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
>Gain 100 HP each time an enemy is killed by a Physical Melee Damage.
>Mastery skills grants 1% ASPD*SkillLV
>Mastery skills grants 1 CRIT*SkillLV
>Mastery skills grants 6%*SkillLV chance to grant maximum ASPD for 0.2 seconds after using a single target skill
>Archers have to bow whack if the target are within 2 cells, dealing damage without DEX scaling
>Archers get Power Knockback - gives a chance to knock up to 6 enemies 6 cells away
>Soul Linker remake - Added Astral Spirit, Natural Order, Mystic Snake, Mana Shield, Arcane Aura, Fate's Edict, Purifying Flames, Fortune's End, Shallow Grave, Magnetic Field, Disruption, Disseminate, Shadow Poison, Fatal Bonds, Upheaval, Atrophy Aura
And more!
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>Soul Linker remake - Added Astral Spirit, Natural Order, Mystic Snake, Mana Shield, Arcane Aura, Fate's Edict, Purifying Flames, Fortune's End, Shallow Grave, Magnetic Field, Disruption, Disseminate, Shadow Poison, Fatal Bonds, Upheaval, Atrophy Aura
He is never gonna let us have ele swords it is too abusable with all the broken bullshit he put in lol
Ah yes, I also made it so your INT is added to the Plant. This will boost Geographer's heals. Having a slave plant that follows you while healing is probably the way most players will use the skill.
Seriously consider breaking off the dancing dragon card for the thief card set please.
Using both accessory slots make it hot garbage.
Rogue's Treasure [1]
>mage is the only sprite that shows giant ass cheeks
>sage doesnt get the same sit animation
a true crime against humanity
Can you sell gills? I need them for arrow making.
3 mil thats my final offer unless you say no
Creator here.
Unless you plan to remove the catalysts from these 2 skills, they're still bad.
When soloing, Bio Cannibalize could be situational at best if for some reason you haven't picked up Acid Terror yet (finishing off mobs after CC/luring) or to AFK for 5 minutes at a Hydra spot and come back if you heard a ting.
For partyplay, can they get Frozen? I hope not. No Knockback immunity could also be annoying for the other party members. Imagine trying to target something in the middle of the party and killing the plants instead.
The ATK/HIT buff looks alright but INT is really bad. As of right now, there's no reason to raise your INT as a chem since the other stats are way more important. Just buff Geographer's base heal really.
Lastly, I don't know about the others but I rather have a strong stationary plant that last for a minute than a shit one that moves and last for 5.
The Sphere Mine change could be good, could be bad, needs some testing. You could probably mob some areas CC can't or rely on specialized weapons to do so (perhaps sleepers) so I can't say much about it now.
>remove the catalysts from these 2 skills
Absolutely not, in particular to avoid
>AFK for 5 minutes at a Hydra spot and come back if you heard a ting
The whole point of removing Homunculus was to get rid of AFK tactics like that. The catalyst spending and 5 minute limit is what's preventing that from happening.
>For partyplay, can they get Frozen?
They'll get frozen but you can hit them to break, heal them if necessary. They'll only take 1 damage from Storm Gust, meaning they don't die.
>The ATK/HIT buff looks alright but INT is really bad
Even at the lowest level it already heals for 1k each time, and about twice of that if you max out INT. It's a pocket healer that you can carry around.
>I rather have a strong stationary plant that last for a minute than a shit one that moves and last for 5.
It's best if you think of them as a secondary, additional source of damage, rather than being the focus of your combat ablity(like you'd have with homunculus).
Then CC is simply better and there's no point on using those skills. That's how it is.
what are bis in new world maps?
>tfw bill has alts on both bullies and kuso
>tfw bullies have alts in kuso and vice versa
>tfw gearing the comp autism is real on a micro server with no economy or pvp/woe scene
>multiple multi clienting niggers farming non stop so they can cap gear and exp grind no one needs or cares about

yeah its ragna/v/ time
can i solo as the gun class
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>remove homunculus
>take the modern renewal homunculus system
>apply it to bio cannibalize instead
>except it uses server AI
literally what is the point, the only reason you'd ever want to use this is to proc autocasts
Gunslinger? Yeah.
Create one, farm some zeny, buy the NPC shotgun 'black rose' from the vendor at level 35, put your points into Full Blast. Invest into max dex and a lot of int. One-tap whatever dares to cross your path.
femknight using one-hand quicken to jerk off acolytes
He is right I saw a pleb patrol priest+bully assassin duo at nameless
he is right you fucking clown
>Heal on Plagiarize NPC
You added meme Water Ball before Frost Nova which has actual use (AoE freeze without knockback)?
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Leaf doko...
Waterball was already in the list from where I got the NPC. I asked in-game what skills people wanted and nobody mentioned Frost Nova. I'll add it now.
too slow, i wouldve already fisted it for 100k dmg
Spirit shit
Don't bother go looking for cards since those are renewal only
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Me and my slave.
>supportsissy trying to act like a big boi
No buffs for you, little shit.
Oh does hillslion card not drop on our server?
Why was Chakram changed but not Krishna?
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Quest designer should be hanged
I've wasted 8 hours yesterday doing this shit
@ragnadev quest deletion when
>Peonggy is farming slave-farming woe cards for his masters
It's FUCKING over bros...
>he can't solo finish the nameless quest
>needs a full party to take care of the king
nigger take your meds
What else are you talking about then you faggot bitch? you're certainly not complaining about the plot so what else could you be crying about?
What kind of fucking autism is this?
Sorry forgot to finish my post: then try going to any endgame dungeon where it takes you 3-4 full blasts to kill the weakest enemies, get oneshot, and finally change to sniper
are you retarded? he means that the quests required to enter places are a pain in the ass and a waste of time, especially the nameless one that requires prerequisites
fuck off, schizo
>waaaah quest too hard donut want to do it!
>niggerdev please make warper npc right now!!
Thanks for proving me right
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(You) are literally making shit up in your head >>1421889

To live and be you must be hell
>nooo niggerdev don't make me play the gameeee
>rates are too low, there's no job changer, warper and plat skill npc
>I can't stand collecting items and talking to npcs reeeee
camel poop is 100% drop here
so the only annoying part is Thor's 3x trips (you need a warp slave for this)
ok peonggy
Questing is fucking boring
>kill 300 drops to go to new world xD
I need that fucking drops card please anon
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odds i kill another 200 wickebines tonight for no drops evens i level a crusader
>The change to Taekwon Kicks has been reverted to its original behavior.
any chance this can be made into a toggle of some sort
is dev on?
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Day 3
I leveled up from level 71 to 80 in the pyramid killing mummies trying to get a glove so I could use it and swap out the clips.
I got 11 silver rings, two mummy cards and no glove. Mummy is a very easy mob to stack and it's not too boring to farm but there's almost nothing useful in the drop and now I'm almost level 90 I won't need the gloves, only after I become a high wizard and reset the level

I really think that the equip drop rate should be increased a little. Mainly because equipment has to break a lot with refining. From what I've seen of other players' equipment, hardly anyone has a +6 or +7, even with people buying Elu and the mafia inflating the prices.

Day 4
At level 80 I tried Raydric with the shit equipment I had. I remembered that raydric was difficult to farm and horrible for wizard without a priest support but it was pretty easy, did they nerf raydric in some patch? It was really easy, I got 25 elus and two raydric cards.
Even with the cards, I think it's a waste to put them in a piece of equipment that isn't for trans or that isn't +7 or +8.

No, I lost two cards because I died to a mob and I want others to suffer as much as I did
Go grind the event/Compendium if you want to play Dota so badly
1 more level and I can do it all over again
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Cave party and everyone's invited.
two raydrics soloing with wiz is pretty huge, grats
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that's cool that there's mvp competition. i saw those guys in the amon ra map when I was farming ancient mummies. maybe it was actually multiple parties fighting him
There's been competition for a few MVPs, it's always been cool and friendly. Makes me wish I played WS again.
welcome to the holy war, nigger
Dev add a scrip that summons a random MvP at random intervals in a randomly picked map and it is broadcasted globally. Said MvP has x2 drop rates.k
so what is the reason why people can just steal your loot because the ownership timer is like 5 seconds (not an exaggeration)
literally never seen that on any server
who stole my medusa card
nice medusa farming party. why isn't peonggy there
clopkeks try to make it seem nice and friendly even though mikukwabbie is shittalking the kusokeks in party chat
Amon Ra shouldn't be spamming Fire Pillar this many times the ai is broken on this server Ragnadev needs to look into it. Sometimes they'll even spawn and hit stop wont work so its like they have perma endure.
my card now nerd
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me, i'm sorry
AI is wrong here, they use skills way too often. The MVPs do it too, which is a real problem when Exile is involved.
I literally told him about it last server and he said that's the default behavior. I warned him about leaving it as is could cause trouble among players but him guess he forgot. I won a FBH back then and got all the drops taken before I could reach them. Wasn't a big problem then because it was 2 friendly parties but still.
I will never live down this shame.
Been like that since the first server. Not sure why, my guess is that's it's just one of those "niggerdev moments" and he doesn't even know why it's like that.
Dev removed exile on Ragna/v/2, I don't know why he didn't here. It has no value.
Doesn't directly inconvenience snipers so it can stay.
>Kasa aggros
>immediately starts casting level 20 600000000000% fireball
It is so fucking clowny dude
Do not be fooled
These are Bullies all
>bully school
>bull (all bullies)
I bullied your mother last night m8
So who won the rng flywing into tao?
WS, but nothing dropped except a Medusa card, which was then vacuumed up because of >>1422116
bill found it first then decided to spam pneuma on the boss and hand it to jessie for some reason
the fix is in
trolling chems is soul
Whitesmith is a respectable profession. Acid demo delivery system is not.
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Something in Payon is crashing my game.
I've tried full screen and window mode.
Make sure you run your patcher as Admin so it actually updates files
120000000% confirmed
It worked. Thank you.
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Is this a enchanted renewal item or is my game broken?
Update your patcher nigger, that's a lady tany egg.
oh, thanks.
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I am never playing arcadia. I now fully support ragna/v/.
Devchud, could you stop working in woe and give us an invasion type event?
bill is washed up. we, the bullies, are the new bill. he should give up
He can't, bullikeks want to move on already and the only way for them to do that is to push WoE so they can megawoofus zerg everypony.
// Chance of mob casting a skill (Note 2)
// Higher rates lead to 100% mob skill usage with no/few normal attacks.
// Set to 0 to disable mob skills.
mob_skill_rate: 100
I haven't changed this value, there's no reason for monsters to be using skills more often than they should.

From mob.cpp:
>if (battle_config.mob_skill_rate != 100)
>tmp = tmp*battle_config.mob_skill_rate/100;
>ms->permillage = tmp;
>if (rnd() % 10000 > ms[i]->permillage) //Lupus (max value = 10000)

I can't find anything that would cause the issue. I can't find any forums posts about the problem, either.
I hope they're gas lighting you to make the game easier. They're playing 4D chess
play herc or aegis for 5 seconds on a properly configured server mvps do not act this way.
Just reported arcadia to gravity with links to their installer and webms of their server.
wtf a gravity just flew over my house
How about you link that shit so I can compare
Problem seems to be the delay of MvP skills rather than the chance of using them.
I got one of those on iRO Loki back in the day while grinding magma 1...
>mob_skill_rate: 100
Bro are you fucking retarded
i wont be able to cheese 2 mvps anymore if he fixes the ai rip
That's the default value.
// Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
Oh man if only someone had warned you that niggerdev is fucking retarded.
did you change the mob_skill_delay? if 100% mob _skill_rate means they'll only spam skills and no normal attacks, i would imagine lowering the delay too much could cause them to spam skills too fast.
>bullies buy things cheap and sell them high
Kikeggy rubbed off you faggots real fast
If this epic vaguepost is about the Atroce Blades, I'm buying them to overupgrade.
damn you guys crashed that converter market fast
it was gonna happen eventually anyway
Mob skill issue is more than just skill use idle states are resetting when they find tiles/targets etc leading to skill spam. rAthena should really redo the whole thing from scratch
can we talk about pleb patrol?
Why does Shion never announce the nameless parties in global? Do they really need 50 wools for their clique? Is this neo-Bullies in the making?
>other 2 main guilds
>host parties for content with group recruitment
>occasionally do clique parties for gear
>nigger patrol
>literally only does no recruit clique parties
>pleb patrol - maximum clique
>kuso - maximum zerg
>bullies - middle ground
>If this epic vaguepost is about the Atroce Blades
It's not, but now it is
How go I get into a leveling party without a guild? I don't see them advertised often.
Pleb Patrol are the most powerful guild
Be a priest
ask in global

all you need to party is a priest and someone to hit things
I've had success with speaking to people who were leveling on the same map as I was.
Alternatively you can jut ask in global to see if anyone wants to party.
Otherwise you just have to get lucky and join whoever is organizing something else.
just join a guild? lol
This is why I play single player games...
>i cant function without a matchmaking queue!
this game was not designed for zoomers
If you don't join a clique they'll be fucking faggots to you like the nigger who replied to you
anything you should do before rebirth?
Thinking about joining the server though I'm really late. If I did I would play bard. Are they in demand?
Yeah, not that many bards playing
You'll be snatched up by attention whores in no time flat
you can do access quests to just before the step that gives exp and then turn it in as high 1st job

it's only been a little over 2 weeks, and yeah priests and performers will pretty much always be in demand
It's still early, only the major cliques are endgame right now. Bards are in high demand.
see >>1422261
We need a place to look for parties.
For now I suggest you stay in payon and create a chat room with the title “LFG> (Your level with the ten digit and an x) and the place you want to farm”.

“LFG> 8x -- High orc”

People will see your class and figure out what your role is.
or just use global like a normal person
>We need a place to look for parties.
nigga hit ctrl + z
it's literally a party board but nobody really uses it because i'm pretty sure nobody knows how it works aside from renewal players
I'm reading about star gladiators and I have no fucking idea what this class is supposed to be
neither did the developers
wtf i never knew this existed
>i'm pretty sure nobody knows how it works aside from renewal players
Yeah, esoteric knowledge is the staple of you dumb niggers
shitty romhack class
Thank you for the guide, Wageslave.
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No, we have had a lot of bards but they just get interrogated if they're vincent or not until they just stop playing because even if they're not vincent people pretend they're vincent and treat them like shit.
i'd play bard but their sprite looks gay
What the FUCK bros I've been sitting in the corner of prontera behind a building not saying anything in chat or responding to any one looking for groups or members and no one has invited me to a farming group! Fucking CLIQUEFAGS keeping all the parties hidden from us!!!!
That's actually concerning. I remember playing a purple haired merchant back in the day and I kept getting accused of being neptune. I'm not sure I want to play now.
Sorry bros, I don't really feel like playing today.
vincent isnt even playing, he doesn't have the balls to show his face again after last server lmao
dev I'm fucking retarded and screwed up my sign quest (first time doing it in like 20 years)
I submitted a ticket please help~~~~~~~~~
>didn't preload quests
i'm bricked
time to hit wolves in payon for 4 hours
>not enjoying your newfound power level
Anyone who does this shit to skip the high first class grind is a fucking faggot and HATES video games
No problem, I hope you find it useful.
it is sorta fun trannying your first character because you have a ton of gear compared to the first time you leveled.
I don't care for it much on alts however, because they already had gear when I started them.
WTF? Forbidden knowledge!!!
can they really take you straight to job 50?
No, just helps you a bit is all. What people been doing are going to dogs and using ygg leafs on them for fast exp.
no, there is only 1x exp here for them
so you get to like base 50/job 40 and have to find a good way to grind or a party that's just in range above you
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>have to find a good way to grind
It's called Leaf Cats, nigger
why would anyone want to play with you retards, in another macaco server with even more slop than the last one? so you can get buck broken to 99 a fourth time? good bait though
woah vince, calm down
im not really new
vincent come party with us we need a clown
this nigga scared lmao
i just wanted to say that i really like the community in this server and im enjoying my stay
i just wish dev wasnt bad at balancing but it is what it is
really big alchemist and sage buffs, notes on the rentry
Can you make holy avenger usable by every melee class instead of just crusader?
Nice psy-op. Most of the people talking in #global are fucking annoying
it would still be shit

i feel bad for you anti-social anon
Just wait
I like almost everybody.
aiieee i'm about to rebirth and maint happens
male never grats me in caps, sometimes its not even a whole grats
I am catching up on the death rankings
male is a jrpg antagonist
you have to wrong him some way, then youll go from enemies to lovers
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Byalan Basement 3 is pure suffering. Swordfish is spamming water balls on my face
based grem
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>finally night meaning time to play
why does dev hate aussies
was able to go up in levels much quicker thanks to gear, use items and Gordon's food buffs, the only mind numbing moment was grinding geographers from 40 to 50 job
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Oh boy, you're going to have a fun time.
It should be on sunday into monday and once a week.
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>why does dev hate aussies
Oh I finally got some motivation to play, is maintenance happening?
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I like the funny nuhu doggo
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dev, could you like.......
not maint?
i wannt to pray gaem
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drop rates should be 10x for the first 24 hours after maint, then when the servers go down to change rates they will go up another 10x
you want to sit in payon don't you
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i wanna grind..........
Maintenance ending in 3 minutes. Prepare to return.
ah fuck you, i just ordered food
clips mafia... you know what to do...
I'm so lonely, does anyone want to meet me in Prontera church when maintenance ends.
This is God Sees you gooning, isn't it?
My shame is crawling back into my mind. I need the grind to stay sane
dev could i pester you for a name change?
Talk to me in-game.
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the mafia sends its regards
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Do this for the Alchemist set too with Hyzoloist.
The crusader sprite is so cool but crusader is shit class for solo play
aw man do i have to relog my autotrade merchant after maint
Merchant set, not alchemist set.
Do I need to update anything?
can I keep mobbing Pinguiculas all the way to 99 as a ninja, or will the exp gain drop off a cliff immediately once I reach level 97?
thank you dev, appreciate you
I've got 165 Flee when fighting Anubis and they're still tearing me apart, am I doing something incorrectly?
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You want 227 flee for 95% miss.
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Isn't it 165 with Blessing and Blind?
ok relic
wew just killed the mvp yellow keyron on arcadia
you're a tard
You need to be absolutely sure they are Blinded before you attempt it. Status Recovery isn't a 100% chance.
>kusoge has 65 fucking people
bullikek-sama, i apologize
Fuck off. That's such a cool card outside of merchant fags.
all me
I specifically said once the set is complete, like how it is functioning for the thief set.
You're right anon, my bad. That's fine.
dev, please cap guild count to 12 or we're going to be zerged
whats the best class if I want to max lvl as fast as possible?
ninja or star gladiator
oh, beast strafing IS kind of silly, bro wasn't lying
>mummies trying to get a glove
Aren't those non slotted?
>nameless parties
dude he's just farming banshees what parties
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same but niggerdev made switching to 4th job sprite possible and its much less gay
>leeching your guild members with the help of unsuspecting randoms is le good thing
bulliekeks hands wrote this
Yes, but the level requirement for slotted gloves is 90. I'm still level 84 and have yet to reset the level for Transcendence.
Just be a Dancer then
its basically the same job but for women

I think I'm going to play bard but I'm going to name him Vincent.
>le private odins party to not have to share gear
>OY VEY WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE? lets trick the randoms into farming vesper for us then kek PUBLIC PARTY GUISE EVERYPONY WELCUM
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tfw no ai robot waifu
is that the backstab daga
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marci a cute
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fu this old ass nigga
Rept come back
It works. Don't really get the point of going to this level of faggotry on a 100 pop server. I'm playing with a couple of people I know, and we just party with whoever when our times match up.
bulliekeks only play this server to "impress" randoms and act like big fish in a small pond
they have proven again and again that they don't play the game for its own sake.
From what I've seen dealing with MVPs I think the usual behaviour is them rolling their skills and if the roll fails the skill goes on cooldown, but the r/v/3 install seems to not have the delay on failed rolls so the skills just keep rolling until they proc. Resulting in way too much skill spam.
I can solo all content, I don't need parties.
sleepers are defo cloacking more often than on uaro, uaro uses the emulator written in C
ok that explains why whispers were doing the same thing then. It definitely wasn't like that on iRO when I played classic.
is male the new peongy or something
that's bulliekek leaders alt
how do you know all these things?
Peonggy never changes....
dev please let us teleport on einbroch/einbech/lighthalzen
i've walked through these maps with no agi up so many times here it's fucking torture
The dev seems totally against any quality of life changes like this. Good luck with your request...
what if dev gave agility up walking speed by default
if we had a walking speed boost my dick would explode
I actually proposed this on the first Ragna/v/ and people turned it down harshly.
peoplekeks more like bulliekeks with megawoof increase agility
throw spirit sphere and zen gain 2x dex cast reduction benefit 75 dex = instant cast
this is indecipherable
Here’s a breakdown of what it might mean:

"Peoplekeks": This seems to be a made-up or playful term for people. The word "keks" can sometimes be used humorously or affectionately, as in internet slang.

"More like bulliekeks": This suggests a comparison, implying that instead of being just "peoplekeks," they act more like "bulliekeks." Here, "bulliekeks" is a playful or exaggerated term for bullies.

"With megawoof increase agility": This part adds a fictional or humorous twist. "Megawoof" seems to be password for a powerful upgrade or enhancement. "Increase agility" means making someone more nimble or quick.

So, putting it all together, it seems like the phrase humorously suggests that certain people, who might be more troublesome or aggressive ("bulliekeks"), could be abusing a boost ("megawoof") to become more agile or adept.
thanks vmgpt
blame the airship jews retard
Well they were retarded.
Probably the one big guild. I'd be very in favour of the change, but you'd most likely have to change the sohee speed badges in to something else or you could increase their duration to like an hour or something.
4clops didnt want to increase authoritative badge duration either because of the clopkekes
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I'm now motivated to questmax but I have to leave for a business trip for the next two days.
How unfortunate...
bullikeks will be fully steamdecked out in wools and tidals when you're back
It's over!
That's because they already had buff sluts so they didn't need it
Spirit champ still doesn't match sniper dps but that'd be a meme in pvp
how does information this help me exterminate wickebines faster?
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game theory
>tfw some of those posts are mine
I've been here for too long...
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Isn't there an mvp card that does that? Just farm the MVP.
I’m still against a move speed buff it changes the game too fundamentally just let people teleport on those maps
can't even memo on lighthalzen/einbech/einbroch/juno either
dev man please fix at least that, if you aren't adding teleport
what if you farmed authoritative badges stupid nigger
memo just outside those maps and you can still set you savepoint there
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I'm ready to start my lyrical journey
dev remove the fucking party restriction to enter gorge
just let me be a kirito
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rept come back we're killing thana
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Give us something like this?
I find it funny that living khalitzburgs and undead ones have different armor chestpieces
I just wanted a RO gf (female) to play with...
Sorry, we don't have any more females in stock
Is there an easy way to tell? Silence has an icon but I have no idea with Blind.
>tfw RO wife (female) to play with
Its not all roses and sunshine JSUT FUCKING KIDDING ITS AMAZING
my wife won't fucking play RO this is bullshit
I'll try to make a video demonstrating it when I get home. But you can tell if it landed by the sound effect of Blind which is this:
Doing an event at a different timezone today. 50 minutes from now, at 20:00 server @time, I'll host 3 rounds of Codebreaker.
Slotted Sunnies
Slotted *unnies
I think I'm getting the hang of it but wow is it stressful.
It'll get better soon, trust me. By level 80 you'll already have a 90%~ chance of avoiding their hits with just a single Bless, so you can go much faster and without needing to setup the kill.
So who won?
Swordsmaam, SEtiel and Possession won. They respectively asked for Thanatos Maero, Randgris and Pinguicula.
All comfy picks. The people who shit on them in global chat are probably jealous.
prof memorize is consumed by teleport and i'm seething
Just use Fly Wings lmao
str should increase attack speed since you have more strength to swing faster
You can see here when the Blind lands and when it doesn't. Full breakdown is at the bottom of the guide now.
yea not a big deal, teleport is a spell after all
strength is strength
agi is mind-muscle connection
you can be mindful of how weak you are but it won't make you swing faster
int should increase attack speed since you are more intelligent on how to use your weapon intelligently
That's supposed to be Dex's thing
don't you mean hit accuracy?
Dex should make you attack faster since you have better control of your weapon and how to use it, and you should also do more damage as well
vit should increase attack speed since you are more virile and and swing faster for longer
nuclikeks dont know that dex already increases attack speed
strength should make you weaker
actual good idea
Dex, Vit and Agi should just be Str
Int is Int
Luk is Int
Luck should just be luck
all other stats are shit
Luck should actually increase drop rates, chance my mind.
Agi should increase walking speed
Luk should increase drop rates
Str & Vit should increase carrying capacity
str should increase walking speed since you are stronger to take longer strides
vit should increase weight because you're beefier
Luk should increase your chance of finding a cute RO aco gf (female)
int should increase drop rates because you know what to look for
>Bill liked this post.
dex should increase the strength of erections
int should increase stat and skill points gained
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Being a knight must be pure suffering.
Thank you!
please... dev-sama... do something about bgs... i wanna peeveepee...
bows should use exactly the same stats as melee weapons since you need strength to use "heavier" bows, and dexterity to aim.
remember when giving soul link passively was too powerful but not for assassins
remember when double attack can crit so you can use a sidewinder card on katars
remember when racial crit cards went from +7 to +20 so you can use a 4 slotted mg and 2 rogue's treasures for 100 crit using double daggers
please... dev-sama... Loli sprites... i-i-i........ ToT
What is the point of introducing the "no dual clienting" rule, just to start adding features that make dual clienting obsolete.
Right now, if you want to go fast, you need to party up.
I'm gonna see how fast I can speedrun a mage to job 50
thats why i play monk so i can buff and warp myself
bulliekeks: xhe doesnt have a megawoofus
It's actually really fun, but retards can't into hardship
What's a megawoofus? Is it one of those dog characters from renewal?
>xhe doesn't have a megawoofus
password to their shared multiclient slaves (endow, soul linker etc.) on ragna/v/2
leaked by a guild member in the thread
hilarious damage control ensued with bullikekes e-calling all their peons into the thread to spam about how the leak isn't real and the accounts don't exist
niggerdev then helped bullikeks by changing the password and banning the leaker for """sprite edits"""
bullikeks coped that multiclienting is fair game since "gpu and cunny do it too"
now the term megawoofus has become a synonym for multiclienting, or is even used as a verb "to megawoofus"
wrong newfag, megawoofus is shared accounts
thats what he said though
Forced meme complaining about guilds that make shared buffers/endowers.
same shit and ostensibly indistinguishable from one another
In Ragna V: Return of the Dark Lord, Megawoofus is a character featured as part of the game's content, specifically in the form of a pet. Megawoofus is a large, formidable deim-human creature known for its impressive buffs. It has gained popularity among players for its distinctive appearance and powerful abilities. As a pet, Megawoofus can accompany players on their adventures, providing functional benefits in gameplay.
>bullikeks coped that multiclienting is fair game since "gpu and cunny do it too"
>now the term megawoofus has become a synonym for multiclienting, or is even used as a verb "to megawoofus"
yeah, he just explained all that
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ten pesos were deposited into your bullikek account, keep on bulLYING
how many characters do you have?
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someone post the ponyclop new character creation to level 70 then creating a new character while not having a pasana card for the thor's because no one invited you to farm pasanas
Doesn't every guild do that? What's the problem?
>password to their shared multiclient slaves (endow, soul linker etc.)
OH I hate that shit. I always like to play support classes so it pisses me off that I never can on 4chan servers because the clique has their shared slave accounts.
yeah thinking of dropping my sage
They have almost every priest on the server so they have to be doing something right.
>like to play support classes
translates to
>want to be a permanent deadweight
buff npc and warm wind 4 fixes this
>alienate people and invite supports to be your pawns with the promise of extra exp and items
>they must be doing something right
ten pesos have been deposited into your bullikek account
are you guys recruiting performers too?
>uh we need this vital class
>but yeah it's a deadweight
only bragis because increased sp regained ruined dancerkeks
remeber when clikeks didnt want to play bards because they didnt have female bards?
all the parties here are begging for support classes

sage was buffed to be a good solo class and if you make it to prof every guild will suck your dick to join them for WoE
Thank you, VincentGPT.
but i hate pvp, maybe wiz is better for me
why cant saarkeks do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpfrilTVeYE
/v/ thread is dead
new one when
He looks happy.
>48million zeny
gee wish i could be a multiboxing faggot on a server that explicitly prohibits it with 6 different accounts to farm all the endgame stuff in my clique and sell it for overinflated prices while simultaneously having the most zeny in the game
monitor them and find proof, then send it to the dev
That really worked with Bill/GPU, huh?
>nivida retail 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 standing side by side in payon
but the guy with the most zeny just farmed mavka for it
can't you?
Don't worry bros, ragna/v/4 will have nerfed Mavka prices
make a rogue and hide to follow them, record vids
what a fucking poorfag
No, dev has already done that shit. He thinks they're two people but you just got to watch them in Payon
yea it's obvious that 3080 and bill are the same person lmao
So every new server happens as a fix of something wrong with the previous server? How many iterations do we need to play for him to be able to get a proper BG system?
>nerf mavka
>people just farm peach tree map
Bill is a freelancer programmer and GPU is his AI wife. Prove me wrong.
Bill and GPU are the "roommates playing some the same IP" Dev has mentioned many times before, saying he's checked their behaviour while hidden and didn't catch them doing multiclient. But that doesn't mean one of them can't leave their char logged in on payon while doing chores/etc while the other simply walks 2 steps away from their PC and buffs himself.
This is the truth.
more like billies billiekeks
This. They've definitely played together actively but there's also obvious multi-client behavior when one of them isn't actively playing.
who cares that they multiclient, they are giving the guilds competition and that benefits everyone. the server would be worse without them.
>proper BG system?
Never because pvp is for faggots and trannies
imagine being this much of a homosexual
MVP room when
He's just friends with devnigger so he can do whatever he wants and devnigger is gonna make an excuse
Yeah, I agree with you man. They get a pass so now it's completely fine if one guy plays the other at the same time.
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thats a big woof
Who gives a fuck. They're harmless compared to the damage bulliekeks do to the server.
dont think you can push this narrative any more, bullies are doing the last damage of anyone. clique patrol is everything that was wrong with bullies in the old servers cranked up to 11, while kusoge school is a zerg cluster fuck and bill's multiclient circus goes on unchecked.
>it's ok to multiclient
>on a server that bans it
Have some fucking integrity, niggerdev
>it's okay if they do it because reason
this is probably what niggerdev thinks too, they're all shitters for doing it and if you play niggerdev's server you're a faggot since he helped them continue to megawoofus after their account got leaked
eat shit
Is this the new narrative?
Argue against it if you believe otherwise
>clique patrol is everything that was wrong with bullies in the old servers cranked up to 11
qrd on this?
why are you here if you dont play the server
remember when nobody knew who bullies were, they were just the guys in payon? but suddenly they had better gear than everybody and were running secret parties in the high level areas and never talking about it or recruiting anybody outside their guild? that's what pleb patrol does now. 24/7 clique parties with nobody else allowed in. it was necromancers most of today.
bulliekeks doing all the random parties is a publicity stunt and you fell for it. they are both isolated cliques once woe starts, bullies are just trying to get some recruits before then.
pleb patrol is literally recruiting in global chat
New schizo chapter just dropped
>it was necromancers most of today.
lol, lmao even
Funny how the monster drops being announced gives it away
Patrol hasn't done any necromancers today at all. You are getting confused with swordsmaam
tell niggerdev to increase the party size, 12 is not enough
What? Literally what was wrong about what I said?
i think you just hate the concept of guilds
that you just randomly use people talking about another guild to namedrop yourself. nobody is impressed that you can kill them too.
Kiritos fear guilds, please understand
No, I'm just in the Patrol guild and telling anon that we have not done any Necromancers today at all, so he's either just making shit up on purpose or getting confused with swordsmaam. Please stop being so schizophrenic.
I do hate the concept of forced kindness to niggers who only seek to take advantage of you
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stupid nigger i was literally the priest, i saw you guys like 4 times
It's over...
everyone collectively losing their minds over a shit card
last server they got kiel, this is dogshit compared
>Shit on for being dev's friend
>Suddenly gets an MVP card
You can't make this shit up
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It's fake we don't actually recruit anyone from global lol
fucking graencuck spread his retard iq into bullikeks and now everyone is doing his dipshit tactics
you're not a... glovelet, are you? everyone is farming orleans gloves now, surely youve got way more gloves than you need by now
>he has bare hands
I'm going to marry Hanyeo
can't turn a ho into a housewife
Wife correction is a patrician fetish.
i fucked hanyeo just now
her pussy smelled really bad
man I read like 10 of them this summer and Taming of the Shrew was one of his worst
hanyeo sloppy seconds!
alchemist? more like al-cum-mist

just like hanyeo
>unbreakable armor
>cannot be knocked back
The real shitters were (You) all along
>thinks this is better than acd removal
never change neo-/rog/
>acd removal
There are no armor cards that do that tardbro
open wide sweetie, nobody was talking about armor cards specifically, just the value of one mvp card against another >>1424195
Nah Kiel is still dogshit
I'd rather have pharaoh card
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>make new weapon
>try new area
>spend a half hour there
>immediately thinking about a new weapon for a new area
buff tkm you gutted the class and made it worse than default.
you know what? I think double casting should also apply to thunderstorm, heaven drive and soul strike, and make it 100% chance to happen
Why did you remove OC/DC but leave potions/fish at full price? What is the point of punishing tanks so much? I don't get it. I know you won't fix any of your mistakes but I'm genuinely curious what the thought process behind this was.
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what's the lore behind the kafra corporation?
why do (they:1.15) do it?
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Get a sweet clip if you know what's good for you.
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>Job:7021 (1.82%)
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>Job:7021 (1.46%)
it keeps going down
so this is the trans experience
trying to hit j50 i assume?
hang in there lil fella 60-70 base is known as the "aids zone"
nuclikeks complaining about exp gain more than 2 decibel places
who are byrogues
why do they summon bow and sword guardians
why do they protect the volcano
crow of destiny quest to the rescue
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if niggerdev wasn't retarded and didnt leave quest exp at x1 this wouldve even helped!
these servers are made for his friends that play a sniper/priest duo every time, so they don't care at all. he probably didn't even think about it.
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on first glance, they're bandits employed by the rogue members of rekenber corp to guard the volcano, they were given rekenber guardians by researchers to fulfill their mission
this is a non-issue, learn how to farm zeny and youll find that there's a vast abyss between what you can farm and what you need to spend
based sniper cancer
agi monk actually
>complaint was about tanks having to sip hundreds of potions a night
>ummm actually you're doing it wrong and stupid? by the way my build is about not taking hits at all, fights one enemy at a time and can heal itself in a pinch
you got posting out of your system so you can stop now
>combo monks can wholly crit and chaining is less retarded now
>meanwhile kickniggers literally just get a nerf
the vision is blinding
maybe dont play a knight if you're poor?
>choose a job that requires gear
>got no gear
>job sucks at playing because no gear
>cry about job being underpowered
>Acolyte training quest by the time you finish it yields 6k job exp and some base exp
>on an x7 server that's an equivalent of 15 zombies which you can kill in under 3 minutes
Ragnadev? What was the idea behind >1x Quest EXP
>idea behind
>choose a job that is designed around discounted potions
>on niggerdev sniper gunslinger funhouse
How can you guys believe you are being gypped at the game design level you are getting triple or more money from every mob you kill
The cost of merchants in the actual game is way, WAY higher
In the real game you take half the damage or less because mob skill rate isn't niggered out of control, to be fair.
you couldve prevented this niggerdev by make the crow of destiny quest give more job exp, now i will be crashing the firelock card market with no survivors
>Zrzut ekranu
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absolutely disgusting, he should get banned
>2 in one day
did he give up hiding it or what
If only someone had warned you assholes about this lel
>dev makes another server for bill
>tons of class balancing changes clearly and blatantly targetted at giving him the advantage
>thread acts surprised when he's got bubblegum and ex bubblegum
i refuse to believe you guys are actually surprised dev did this again. this joke is not funny any more.
dev is bill ya dingus

he accidentally typed on the wrong character during ragna/v/1
nah bro, he totally didn't have niggerdev spam him doppels until he got a card
no way niggerdev would do something like that
baneposting is kinda cute...
Bubblegum drop increase is reflected im the broadcasts when a card is dropped.
>b-but dev may have chang-
Do you think he's smart enough to do that?
boosting monster xp by a factor of seven and not doing anything about quest xp makes much less relevant in comparison leading to what was described in the post above
was making quests irrelevant intentional or not i guess is the question if i had to rephrase it
I was farming at doppel map and it was fucking dead, he's either bloody branching or having them spawned by dev
It's intentional the dev doesn't like questing.
Quest is le bad because...it just is okay?
whose name was on the tomb?
>mvp ranking page is the only ranking page that doesn't work
>bill gets 2 mvp cards in a day
things that make you go hmmmm
clopsharts make the seethejak face when their competition gets all the mvp cards
Why not just give him the card?
These conspiracy theories make no sense..
It doesn't work in default because you need to add the mobs in the sql database. After fixing that, it has a bug in which MvPs killed on Instance maps have a weird name based on the id of said Instance.
Same reason why the vending/buying shops doesn't work, dev just needs to add the items to the sql database.
Now, we can hope he read this and fix this issues instead of working on pointless stuff like BG or WoE.
he wants to make it appear legit
if he just had mvp card (noticeable effect) without ever having drop announced then everyone would know for sure
this is his third server, why would this not be added yet?
Because you actually need to play the game to find how to solve this issues. Takes one (1 day) of testing to figure out the missing inputs in the sql database and how to solve them.
>waaah why is the guy who keeps mvps on permafarm getting the cards??
>he's just a honest hardworking farmer bros, trust me
Correct. Billchad is the hardest working player on the server. Ponyclops and their ilk can't handle that so they cope and seethe in the thread and are too scared to say anything to him ingame
dev should add MVP cards to mavka drop table, it would stop a lot of the whining
please stop raising the prices.
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>*inflates your currency*
nothin personell... poorfag
>log off for a week
>prices have doubled when I come back
lol. maybe p2p games are the way. have to have a job to play so people can't 24/7 farm
subhuman freak neets have always been the cancer of videogames
thats why pay2win games have naturally increased in popularity and are not looked down upon anymore
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the jews fucking won, there's no final solution to be had
your items will be worth more too.
should farm for cards instead of zeny (unless you're doing one of the 2~3 broken zeny mobs).
they sent their zerg forces to neetgrind mavkas the entire week you were gone to destroy the economy. so zeny became kind of worthless.
why are you niggers impressed by this? anyone would have way more money given the time the server has been open, specially with all the buffs niggerdev gave everyone
The server has been open for two weeks already.
Do you really think it's possible for someone to farm almost 2 million zeny per day?
It's been a month hasn't it?
And Mavkas give 900k an hour so yeah, very easily.
not sure if bait question or just retarded
talking about zeny to slide the fact that niggerdevs favorite account got 2 mvp cards
now thats something thats impossible

but hey lets keep coping with plausible deniability due to being le lucky
lets keep pretending its all honky dory
who cares, if you willingly played niggerdev server after you were warned about his favoritism then you 100% deserve to see that faggot drop one mvp card daily, and better yet you're gonna keep playing because you're a cuck
TWO mvp cards???
Bill is the only one that does mvps and actually tries everyone else just brings funny meme shit
Yeah I would also do mvps and try if I could fall back on niggerdev spawning mvps for me when nothing good drops (which is what normally happens)
You can make 2m a day on desert dogs...
why do people socket bone helms. seems shit
>seems shit
Sorry, I can't hear you over the aura of how cool my Bone Helm looks.
bone helm + full plate + shield is actually higher def than the magni's combo, iirc
Why farm zenny? I guess some people might be impressed by it and sell epic miniboss cards if they drop, but you basically have to farm up most of your own shit anyway, since none of it is on the market.
I did a little testing, and I could farm up around 2.5 mil raw zenny per hour, could probably do better even and that is with NPC vendor strats.
you farm zeny if you're going to socket something or if you're a whitesmith who is going to be killing mvps
>and I could farm up around 2.5 mil raw zenny per hour
you probably can't, actually
>no one selling tidals/wools/burning bows despite saying they would
The clique comes first, chud.
They have to gear themselves and their alts with +7s. But keep farming and selling raydric cards for us.
To be honest, If were getting tidals and wools I'd just go and +7 them. No use selling it to people since money is so easy to get in a private server.
clopperkeks trying to get noobs to spend 10 hours farming panzer goblin cards for 4m each card instead of just getting the 4m in 2 hours
are vincent and utsuho playing?
plantussy/sexsader is ratshitpiss
vincent is literally every unguilded bard/clown
no and yes
>Get +7 Wool/Tidal
>Get killed by Asura/AD/Crit SinX/MaxMATK SG
Imagine being this retarded
we're pve gods here at the bullies corporation
Fair enough
>Self-proclaimed "PVE gods"
>0 mvp cards
Bill please...
ponyclops complain about commies in #global and then beg ragnadev for buffs so everypony is welcum
Rube is ratshitpiss
plantussy/sexsader actually play the game
Rube is still lv 13 on his rogue, perma afk on payon either 'cording out with his pony ranch or drawing his shitty art
clopkeks trying to scam new players by making them farm soft feathers for them so they can make feathered beret to own the new players in woe
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>20k per feather
>bone helm + full plate + shield is actually higher def than the magni's combo, iirc
No. Magni combo's total def is 25. BH+FP+Shield is only 23.
bone helm is good if your server is pre-abyss
zeny = worthless
items = worth
therefore scam
hmm it says here you have 50m. how about 500k per feather?
bone helm is also nice because it has a slot and magni's does not
and you can stat enchant fullplates / legion fullplates
>bone helm is also nice because it has a slot and magni's does not
>and you can stat enchant fullplates / legion fullplates
Nah, no way I'm taking 660 weight over magni combo's 500 weight. Also armor stats and headgear cards barely matter for Knights/Paladin. You're literally just a walking meatshield who needs to tank as much damage and carry as much potions you can.
>slotting bone helm
>90% chance to break
>2000000z and 2 elus gone in an instant
>Also armor stats and headgear cards barely matter for Knights/Paladin
this is true, that's is why I said it was merely nice and not necessarily better
when you've got nothing better to spend your money on, sure
Last time I needed enchanting cash, I was getting 1.5 mil per awake at mavkas, but yes, I was alone on the map.
i really dislike high rate mvp cards i don't know why you guys do it. half of them break the game in pvp/pve.
i'm okay with them. the problem is that bill got it. if some clueless new player got it we could buy it for 500k but instead bill got it so we're just fucked
this but unironically
imagine asking to buy maya purple for 10m
just remove mvp cards from the game
make mvp cards 0.001%
make mvp cards 100%
>2m a day
>Just farm dogs 3 days in a row to buy a valk shield bro.
Holy shit at that point i would just get a real life job. This server is impossible to play if you're not a stinky neet.
anon someone mentioned they make 3m/h at Mavka
you shouldn't be farming zeny for endgame items on your level 45 dogfucking character. until you are high level you should focus on levelling and just farm as much as you need to.
>clueless new player
remember on week one of the server when a clueless new player got an alice card and bill scammed it from him
Don't farm raw zenny on your low lvl characters. Only buy the items you really need to lvl effectively. Once you hit 90s you can start doing dumb shit or farming zenny.
The best way you can get back at the clique is to NEVER sell your own drops to them. If they message you to buy some rare drop you got just say fuck off, that and they lowball you anyway thinking you don't know better
Zombies event in 55 minutes, starts at 00:00 server @time.
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the clandestine clip distribution + cliquefriend rare drop % boost allocation and infinite zeny multibox farming windows meeting has concluded
>You're literally just a walking meatshield who needs to tank as much damage and carry as much potions you can.
I'm hoarding an Alice but it's useless to me as a sinx
Single dagger with shield and edp can still fuck shit up.
at least it's better on sin than it is on gunslinger
sell it to me for 4 mil
Make mvp cards 100% from instanced dungeons :3
its out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feG4EFo3Oi0
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I'm a newbie is sage a good class for a newbie to ragnarok?
another paid actor coming to /vm/ and pretending to be new
uwu hewwo everypony I be new here hehe can someone tell me more about dis server owo?!
I hope you all die from horrible agonizing deaths
I'm gonna live forever so shut the fuck up tripfag, go suck on nep/ratshitpiss' cock
Wow rude.
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The boat captain clearly didn't like you that much
>ummm just don't go to ayothaya anymore
>have no idea who all of these niggers you faggots are seething about are
>just minding my own business, living my best kirito life, enjoying the game
ya'll niggers need help
Hanyeo, are you here?
hanyeo got drafted to die for israel
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Hey (hey), Niggerdev, can I
Hey (hey), Niggerdev, can I
Make (hey) Hanyeo stay if I
Take my life? Oh ho ho...

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