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Risk of Rain

Booru: https://riskofrain.booru.org/
Host when
Second for fuck the greaseball that is randy.
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third for artificer's fat tits
Fourth for I miss hopoo
Where's the Seeker lewds at, she needs to be good for something
he doesn't miss Risky tho
reminder that chirr is fat
And her fat thighs
And her fat ass
And her fat gut
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>Hey Anon, it's me, Randy. Look, I know you're probably busy out there, but I just gotta ask... could you please, PLEASE buy the Seekers of The Storm DLC? I mean, come on, it's only a few bucks!
>Listen, Anon, we both know you're gonna buy some other game that’ll sit in your backlog, untouched for years. But with Seekers of The Storm, you'll get hours of content and a chance to support your pal Randy!
E.Y.E skin mod when
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Downgrade the game and give me a modpack, and I'll do it.
>win+r and type in "steam://open/console"
>in steam console type "download_depot 632360 632361 9058106608706845920"
>when it's done, copy everything from \steamapps\content\app_632360\depot_632361 to \steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2, replace all
>pirate dlc again
Why the Scottish flag?
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it's over.
it wasn't your fault.
you have to let go, anon.
downgraders will want this one instead
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>mrhh... mrhhh!! mrhgh...
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They have finally decided to say something, its just
>limit your fps to 60

i have no idea, someone has spent the last 4 years or so putting that in mostly every single notable mod release
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some more coping
They're the same picture, you can just ignore 4th method.
some people in this thread are known to be incompetent, best to remove excess steps.
Need this tested, use version 1.0.1 since 1.0.0 is fucked. I think I saw it fixing Ion Surge and Eviscerate's duration, but I'm not sure if that's just placebo.
i'll give it a shot next time i feel like crushing my balls with some solo Risky
might host in a bit with command to help deal with all the bullshit soon
>(You) me if interested
no_item_pickup got updated, also itemblacklist/sactweaks are working on SotS.
I'm vaguely interested but you'll probably get a full lobby first.
>modman and/or some tranny janny at modman has delayed mod updates propagating to an hour after upload
hostan time
i'll start in about 10 minutes or when we fill
this dlc has pretty thoroughly blackpilled me on the state of game devs. bugs happen but the deltatime misunderstanding is just straight up unity tutorial stuff
what the hell do the gold elites even do besides be tanky as shit and steal my money?
instakill you through sheer gigafuck damage
steal your money and become tankier i think
sniff sniff snrrrt snff
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I hope to god there's mods that buffs the new survivors
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We don't need randy's risky, we have tecnology.
really hope a mod comes around that just turns seeker into the proper melee survivor she was clearly meant to be
Risky content for other games is surprisingly understated, and I like that.
Starting now
False Son needs so much help it's unreal
Just realized this broke walk anims, new version uploaded.
mod that gives paladin false son's model as an alt skin when?
Remaking because it bugged out
I just want to see a duel between these two, to be completely honest.
>inb4 currently unfeasible due to gearbox shittiercode
might join in if that 4th guy isn't coming back, just gimme a sec to load up.
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closed, false son could not withstand the power of icbm to the forehead
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it's funny because there's actually already a character in james' autistic paladin lore that'd fit as a false son skin lmao
my rework ideas for the new items
>knockback fin
upon using your secondary, knock all enemies within 3m (+3m) away. distance depends on the ability cooldown (+15% per stack)
>antler shield
100% on being hit to reflect 100% (+75% per stack) of damage back to the attacker
>prayer beads
gains experience along the player. upon destruction, releases stored experience. (+50% experience gain per stack)
>noxious thorn
25% chance on hit to refresh all stackable enemy debuffs and increase their duration by 25% (+25% per stack)
>unstable transmitter
instead of a random teleport, it teleports you to the spawning spot of the stage. additionally, the spawning spot has a red glow on it.
>war bonds
moved to green
>electric boomerang
every 10 primary hits, fire an electric boomerang that bounces between every enemy within 16m (+16m per stack), dealing 150% damage and stunning them.
>chance doll
-10% chance to lose a chance shrine per stack
>longstanding solitude
gain 5 levels upon pickup. all money gained is halved.
>growth nectar
gain +5% (+5% per stack) to all stats per 1 buff currently active.
Realistically how long will we have to wait for a RiskyMod update? It's spoiled me to the point that the game just is nowhere near as fun without it.
Currently in the process of splitting off Vanilla-compatible changes from the mod so that at least part of it can get up and running right now.
Actual mod will only update once that's done and R2API's RecalculateStatsAPI is fixed.
What's the plan with EliteReworks? How are Gildeds and Twisteds going to work?
We got our asses kicked by False Son and Captain turned into a Minecraft character after falling through the void of the map for 10-15 minutes straight, which is a subtle reference to the Minecraft easter egg in Borderlands 2.
Expected Risk of Rain 2. Got Sonny Boy instead
Absolutely no plans outside of making them use EliteReworks multipliers, obeying EliteReworks stun rules, and adding an option to outright disable them.
Can't be bothered to deal with this poorly-made bullshit.
gaaaay. would’ve liked to see twisted elites shooting lasers or making them mithrix cripple pillars and shit
Force Gilded to obey GoldCoastPlus behavior Golden
no idea about Twisted because it's such a fucked elite modifier that it needs a complete replacement. Aetherium Bloody Fealty tier bad.
could maybe change twisted to invert damage instead, so it heals enemies instead of reflecting back and nuking you if you have any bit of aoe/auto targeting
twisted should release artifact reliquary lasers except its lunar spikes
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>didn't put false son into the fat tier (or into his own "bulkmaxxing" tier or something)
He's ripped not fat
He might get his own tier though, that is a neat idea
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>not fat
there you go
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you better fix that, anon
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Chill, fagola.
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Not nuChirr, just some xitter artist version
Calling it a bug doesn't feel quite right to me; they should just admit what they did, that they completely fucked up the code with their incompetence
she's too SPIKY there she's supposed to be SMOOTH and FRIEND SHAPED
this chirr is NOT friend. if i hug i get impaled like hug cactus. Very bad no good icky icky.
i DISLIKE this chirr it makes me upset. it would sting me and i dont like it
Apologize to Hotpoo right NOW
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I kneel.
NO! Chirr is not a friend! She is a dangerous ALIEN MONSTER. Risk of Rain 2 is a DARK and SERIOUS game, something like the pathetic old Chirr does not fit the themes and atmosphere of the game at all!
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So true!!!
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I will never fucking forgive Hopoo
btw only him and Paul got any of the 40 million dollars they sold the IP for. Everyone else, including people like Ghor and Bizzo, got jack shit.
Firebomb Seattle NOW.
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So this is a fucking lie
Does any of this dlc drama fuck with the base game? I only just bought it yesterday
i'm so sorry
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Seems like Hopoo is regretting it. Pretty funny seeing him express his complete and genuine confidence in Gearbox right after he sold the franchise.
Most of the issues with the DLC are related to general changes they made to the code that affect the whole game, so yes it does affect the base game.
Does anyone know what the proc coefficients for the new characters are
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>hopoo after seeing the very first thing gearbox added to his franchise
>hopoo watches risky die from his seattle mansion
as it was prophesied
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nigga if this branch is anything to go by then it either means three things
>he saw this shit coming and didn't do ANYTHING about it, didn't give any feedback or nothin'
>he straight up didn't play it
>all the issues with the dlc happened in the 28 days without hopoo getting a test build
if the first two are true then what the fuck is he :/ing about
just tell him to visit www.gearbox.com/refund
depends on your fps.
>nigga if this branch is anything to go by
why would it be?
>I named thing "hopoo", thus it means Duncan Drummond had an active role in it
pretty much everyone i knew suspected it was a branch for Hopoo himself to test and give feedback for Gearbox to hear, dumbestass.
>pretty much everyone i knew
So what if your family and your loving friends reached a consensus? I don't believe this is proof of Hopoo's involvement in this mess.
Doubt the branch actually has anything to do with Hopoo at this point since he's not actively involved with development anymore. After he sold the IP he said he'd be willing to provide Gearbox with his leftover ideas and advice but judging by his reaction and the shit we ended up getting I doubt they even bothered taking him up on that offer.
It's a tale as old as time.
Same shit happened to George Lucas, Disney pinky-promised him they'd do right by the franchise and received George's script for a new trilogy.
After the purchase was done, they threw it in the trash like it was nothing and made a new gay story.

samefagging is extra cringe
imagine getting this high-school project tier update, and thinking your input can change shit.
feedback is for good devs that have the ability to pivot to something good to begin with
Meds schizo
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i haven't touched this game in ages
what the fuck happened?
randy pitchford personally ordered the ror2 gearbox team to irreparably ruin the game
source: my dad is john hopoo
Hotpoo sold Risky to Gearbox.
Randy fucked it all up.
That's all you need to know.
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dlc dropped and torqued everything, modfags are either leaving or coming back to spite nobody.
randy stole your money if you paid for SotS.
artificer is still a BEST
Why is Arti so FAT?
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She was just bulking up for her gains
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You tell me doc
>playing the dlc and having fun without browsing any forum or discussion
>see steam reviews
>look up online discussion
??? What is happening
Love how redditors are now acting like hopoo wasn't a retard before he sold the franchise
gearbox outsourced the DLC to pajeets who outsourced it to their 11 year old children who just figured out how to print hello world
You have bad taste.
I take back (some) of the things I've said about False Son. Him with the Stone Flux Pauldron is a lot of fun
DLC was rushed because Take-Two bought Gearbox
An alternative theory going around is the idea that all the programmers on the DLC were Unreal specialists and were unfamiliar with Unity.
but the jeet theory is funnier so i believe that instead.
Someone post Private Gupta
but anoooooooon... what if they chose the name gupta cause it had "gup" in the name
There's a section in the credits for an external studio that's all pajeet names so it's not just a theory.
It feels like there's way more external devs listed in there than there used to be.
Is there? I went through the credits and all I really saw were chinks and polskis as external studios.
Yeah next time I'm in there I'll screenshot them
you can do credits_start in the console i believe
I checked and only caught like, 3 MAYBE Indian names and none of them seemed to be in any kind of serious position. Hm.
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i have found an alt skin for commando in the files
I think that's the old unused one we already knew about from SotV
It was unused from the Void DLC and we had a mod that brought it back
i miss that one
bruh why does the fps limit reset to 60 every time i launch the game? is that gearbox' temporaty solution to all this fuckery or what?
People love looking for bogeymen where there aren't any
What did Hopoo mean by this?
bugfucker franchise
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Chitinous appendages wrote this post
nonsense bugs can't use computerchthithcithichtichit
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I miss rex
Where'd he go?
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What did they do to my boy?
nothing bro, just play in 60fps :)
the uninstall wizard took him years ago
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any updates on the modding front yet, or are the modders still working on their stuff and/or waiting to see if there's any more game updates?
Some people have tried (or still trying) to unfuck the game, good luck to them.
I am not updating my mods until gearbox unfucks the game. And if that doesn't happen - tough luck.
i imagine there's no point in bothering with any complex mods since gearbox needs to rewrite the entire fucking engine again and that'll break everything for a second time
i don't mod risky myself but i would imagine few if any people are working on their shit right now
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slicing winds sucks
Focused assault sucks
His damage sucks or they made the enemies way more tankier, idk
I can't hear shit
AND THE NEW LUNAR SUCKS, HOLY SHIT, who thought that was a good idea for an item? Man, this is stressing.
its crazy that they thought an item "converts all gold to experience" was a good item, as if they were unaware that the game converts all your gold to experience at the end of the stage
>His damage sucks or they made the enemies way more tankier, idk
both, actually. FPS tied animation states means everything lasts way shorter than it should, and enemies gigascale way too fast. Like this shit was playtested on Drizzle only.
newfag here, QRD on the chirr design schism?
nuSS2 redid a bunch of the designs and made chirr less cuddly and cute. thats pretty much it.
avg anon doesnt like it, i partially agree, but youll see some chirrfags mald something fierce
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The only good thing that came out of the DLC is the music, Chris did some bangers for this one. It's a shame it got wasted like this.
the regular stage theme for the treetop stage makes me want to pierce my eardrums
otherwise they're generally pretty good, yes
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If the free chest buff was kept between stages I'd see a potential use for it
i'll early morning host if people are interested, lemme know
despite the absolute state of things i still crave the risk
that said, it's no fun with just two people.
I'll join, but only if it's pre-sots.
I'm from EU so my ping will be bad I think but still interested
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sadly not pre-sots
bootin up game
Anyone got an R2ModMan mod that unlocks SoTV expansion, refunded it because gearbox is a bunch of idiots if you even skimmed the surface of the incompetency in the code. Will rebuy if it gets on sale but i would prefer gearbox gets jack shit and i can still play with my friends.

Surely this level of fucked has one guy out there that has it right?
just use Koalageddon v.1.5.4. not creaminstaller. it wont work
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I like these gameplay settings
>Inspect means you don't have to check the logbook for an item's exact effects anymore
>teleporter indicator stays there if you found it
>Risk of Rain 1 bell sound when the difficulty increases
You only need dnspy and to follow the DLC cracking guide, since the DLC already exists in the game without having to download anything extra
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Pretty sure pic related still works. You're not gonna find any r2modman mods for it because the jannies there don't allow mods like that to stay up.
Helot is alive? I checked the files the other day and couldnt find him. He was probably moved somewhere else.
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that badass payout wasnt worth it i guess
Thank you, you however can load R2ModMan mods without them being in the store on your end so having an easy 'i dont have to change it every update' would be based.

It's some personal local mod or test feature, but hey, this works until someone more competent then me makes it.
he's an incompetent retard but i can't help but feel a little bad for him, he pretty clearly trusted the gearbox team after working so closely with them on this game for years and he said as much on multiple occasions, so to suddenly find out his trust was very sorely misplaced and that it resulted in his beloved ip which he expected to be handled with care suddenly got completely fucked up over the span of two updates must be a miserable feeling
still deserved for being a sellout though
Not a defence, he's a dumbass for not expecting corporate slop shenanigans but I think his mistake was assuming that just because the art design team was competent that the rest of gearbox was.

It's clear that they just hired a bunch of spastic 'jeets to unify the codebase. It's actually funny seeing some of the retarded code hacks I'm guilty of for my lazy undergraduate coding assignments being replicated in COMMERCIAL PRODUCT
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soon, probably
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nevermind the update is so fucked up that extremely basic stuff like movement doesn't work correctly
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closed, thanks for joinan
thanks for hostan
pls install dll edits so i can actually unlock that shitty paladin ripoff next time
thank you
I pray to gearbox to hire Ghor as a contractor or something to fix this piece of shit, this is beyond fucked
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just cap your fps
>every equipment barrel is an extra life
commandlets cannot ever again defend themselves against the easy mode accusations
No one would ever argue that command isn't easy mode
This is very obviously an "outsourced to india" moment. Like this is unfathomable amounts of bad.
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new artifact is totally balanced
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if you made this, the ror font is called Bombardier
Unironically, this was all designed by ChatGPT.
That's why Shispers and War Bonds coexist on this DLC - GPT has no concept of balance, just a vague notion of what has been done before and thus copy it.
Even the names and descriptions sound like GPTslop.
Never attribute to AI that which is adequately explained by Indian involvement.
Does the item in artifact get use up in the next run or does it stay in the artifact till you change it
so which do you think is more likely
>modders (or gearbox, somehow) unfucking SotS
>modders just reverting to pre-SotS and making their own expansion with blackjack and hookers ala antibirth
This one was AI though.
Some descriptions, like the gay beads, were clearly jeeted.
If he didn't make it, what would the ror font be called?
mars needs cunnilingus
>mods commit suicide, at least one suicidal bombing into Gearbox HQ
>game mostly abandoned
That's my guess.
With physics changes, are hostskip and headstomper+quail combo dead?
yes. you can still trimp but the effect is so reduced you need 4 or 5 times the movement speed you'd need before.
TL;DR they're both dead
I assume merc's trimp is dead too?
>been ignoring youtube, 4chan for the past few days
>playing the DLC with no real issues other than thinking chef is a little undertuned
>go on /v/ this morning and see a shitshow and that the game is unplayable garbage
am I brain damaged? or is it just the internet going crazy for no reason?
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no but it's less powerful (game set to 60fps)
you're brain damaged
Downpatch here : https://github.com/risk-of-thunder/RoR2VersionSelector
don't blame us or gearbox for your brain damage
Merc booping feels broken too
Half the fun of playing merc is instakilling shit by sending it into the ground at light speed
it's objectively a buggy mess, if you haven't experienced them you're just lucky
I see
Also is mithrix phase4 skip being patched out true or was anon bullshitting?
Unironically the only bug I've experienced is the item shop glow not appearing
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That still works
The only Mithrix bug I’m aware of is him being unkillable if he gets even one warped echo
You're brain damaged.
we all have the same game you just don't notice anything
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kekking at all you retarded consoomer faggots that thought for even a second that this would be good!
You are brain damaged if you don't see the issues even beyond physics related bugs. I can buy someone thinking that new items, survivors and boss are good, I cannot buy that someone would be bling to obvious graphics and UI bugs.
No one thought it would be good, but I don't think anyone expected it to be this bad.
yeah. breaking the base game levels of bad was something no one expected but gearbox always delivers somehow
>obvious graphics and UI bugs
literally the only bug in that department I've noticed is with the item glow.
Unironically, I'm impressed.
If I were hired to make the worst DLC known to man I wouldn't have pulled off what Gearbox did. That's skill, dedication, and experience of the highest grade.
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for what purpose did shitbox rewrite the codebase, let alone make it worse than before? surely they could've just added the new content without breaking the game?
Probably has something to do with console version parity
It was an optimisation attempt. I don't know if the game runs any better than before, since the number of redlogs is so high it is hard to judge. But as an idea what they did is not bad, its just the people they got to do it have no idea how unity works.
Is captain's speedshooting still in the game?
what >>1415157 said basically
They wanted to be able to hire cheap out with 1 team of 20 rupee Indian programmers for a unified codebase instead of a separate console 'jeet team PC 'jeet team

>saar I optimise your game very cheap professional style
The shitcode ensures mods are dead. That is the bottom line. No one will update their mods into this garbage.
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Wait wtf. Is this real? How did that faggot swuff let this happen?
someone please make a mod that makes the false son grow in size according to his growth stat. not even a fetishist i just think it would be funny to be a giant statue.
Seeker is fun to play. Little weak.
False Son is ugly but fun, feels underbaked but certainly the strongest of the three.
Chef is retarded, uninspired, gay, missed potential.
can't believe modded chef is genuinely better than the official version
i hated modded chef and even i have to admit that
what a fucking travesty
Yeah it's real. The SS2 team believes Risky 2 is a dark, serious game and that the classic Chirr design doesn't fit the tone of the game, so they went with the shitty redesign.
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>The SS2 team believes Risky 2 is a dark, serious game
I still can't believe they think RoR2 is darker than 1.
You can immediately dispel any of those thoughts by realizing most of the 2 survivor ending lines boil down to "Wow, I feel so sigma having committed genocide!"
Host when
They unified the codebase between console and PC.
We expected them to fix the console version, but they thought it would be funnier to shit up the PC version.
Not to mention all the "Tharson is fine from this encounter" logs or the cutesy art style where no one is edgy and overtly detailed like nuChirr
Didn't Tharson end up confirmed dead in the electric boomerang's logbook?
Gearbox fanfiction doesn't count
Old Chirr is literally in line with lemurians, same bright colors, same white eyes.
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Guys, Hopoo still has faith! They can still turn this around! The game WILL be fixed!
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I really need a mod that brings back the old health loss effect, half the time I'm not even realizing I'm taking damage.
This but also the new effect keeps makes me think I’m randomly taking damage but I actually just levelled up
Yeah I sure wonder how long that will take.
It's literally broken. The unity console points out an error with it.
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so thats why it seemingly randomly gets stuck at 3%
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That logbook feels like something they were supposed to add in another game, so dumb, "look! I'm sure you'll recognize this from that one game, he's named Gupta, like Gups! And there's tharson! You know, the guy from the monster logs! Totally rad, isn't it?"
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Even those mini animations look soulless
What the fuck
I don't even get why they look like that. That's not even the RoR1 sprite for Children nor the Returns sprite. Really confusing.
host when
it's over
host when
>Returns modding actually works, you just need to manually mod it or install a test fork of modman
>Null reference
>On the loading screen
top kek
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What happened to the Risk of Rain I loved?
rundown on who owns the ip now
hopoo own ror but randy own ror2?
will randy put mando in borderlands 4?
host...? where are you...? this thread grows dark...
no host. no game. it's over like never before.
queerbox owns the whole ip now
Hopoo owns Hopoo Games and deadbolt
Randy owns ror ip
Chris owns ror music
just got back from traveling. what's the rundown on the DLC?
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Don't say such heinous bullshit.
I have nightmares of risk of rain getting slotted into borderland's garbage.
it's fucked
god, fuck, fine. Dio Shrine or Respawn Mod Slop?
Or 'vanilla but fixes'?
Didn't they add the Shrine of Shaping as a way to give people a free respawn? Not sure if it respawns characters that are already killed but it does give a free revive
>Gearbox had a live show at PAX and advertised the broken as all fuck RoR2 DLC on stage
lmao the fucking balls on these guys
They had some poor intern running damage control on stage saying they were listening to feedback and had fixes in the works
But they're still happy to advertise what is objectively a broken and defective game
it's dogshit and i have yet to see one in a run so i don't trust it, but if those that want host do then whatever
it doesn't spawn on every stage so it doesn't really fix anything.
Then Shrine of Dio would be good
nevermind i'm retarded and have a new option
going to finish configuring shit then i'll host
maybe 11 minutes?
Newfag here
Why do you guys so often play with mods that allow ressurections or artifacts like command?
Is it just because people don't want to fail a run 40 minutes in or just want relaxing games without tryharding too much?
Just curious I would have expected a lot of people to be running custom difficulties or E8 games that's the usual culture of 4chan threads for games
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hopoo better have gotten a fat check
>revive mods
nothing more boring than a corpse. all revive mods end up having a cost, usually being high risk.
dead = no items = no scaling = raped instantly for the rest of the run
i have only seen this ran as Potentials variation after SotV, but it's usually ran because vanilla items have way too much chaff to separate from the wheat.
usually higher than vanilla. Eclipse multi needs mods and eclipse modifiers are hot garbage.
play a host once mods are unfucked (if they're unfucked) and wipe three times to stage 3.
or play a whitehost if he ever returns (unlikely) and die like a bitch.
he (and only he) did.
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This is slop. It's all mashed together.
I hardly configured everything.
There will be bugs.
>no item pickup
>fixes out the ass
>Risky Fixes compilation
>dynamite toss
>Pillar Revive
>gland buff
>more sac interactables and tweaks
>direseeeker+sundering worm
>twisted elites are kill
>somehow the hominid made it to SotS
if we get a full lobby somehow i might expand the size of it
>oh man sucks to be you lol :^)
the most popular lobbies here are hosted by a guy who cranks the difficulty to 11 and most runs die on the first couple stages.
revive mods are generally seen as mandatory because the more difficult you make the game, the more punishing a single death is.
if you die early on a stage and don't get any items, and the difficulty is super fucking high, you might as well just exit the lobby because you will NOT be able to keep up ever again. revives fix that issue.
Being dead is boring and usually means you'll fall behind permanently, hence the revives (which are usually still high risk because they drain HP and have you standing still). No host actually runs vanilla command, just the 3 item selection version so you're not completely getting fucked by RNG. Difficulty depends on the host but usually the mods are configured to make things harder on Monsoon or we run Typhoon outright. Eclipse is just boring gimmick shit that makes the game a slog so we don't bother.
Oh shit suffering
I wanna join but its gonna be a 5/4 lobby, i'll stick to solo until its increased
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New version of pic related when
lol that's what i get for trusting dragoncode
if you were just here murder the RTAutoSprintEX and enable AutoSprint (or leave both disabled, they're clientside)
i'm expanding lobby to 8
wake up it's time for slop
Alright, im heading in.
last call, we go in 5
how the fuck does seeker's revive work? she can revive only once per game? what the fuck even is a saving grace?
someone needs to put warbanner on gearbox's front lawn
WIPED to WORM, 5/8
aphelion is the only good mod right now that isnt just quality of life shit
I smell steak on the grill, be back in an hour
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if tf2 fags can have a scout cosplayer head to valve hq with a picket sign we can totally have someone do that AND it'd be funnier
host when
>larvas can spindash
Seeker revive only works on every 7th successful cast of meditate. Saving grace heals you a bit if you get low.
what if their pmc catches you and they throw you in randy's scrabble bathroom
randy's scrabble bathroom?
excuse me?
never mind I'm stupid
its penn jilette's bathroom actually. yknow. the magician.
I find it funny that false son skins are impossible because he has no rig somehow.
what the fuck
A part of me is disappointed we didn't get providence style merc skin
haha that's hilarious
steak was delicious
you'll want the new one, but if you're lazy just install DropItemFork on the last one and cross your fingers
importing, omw
all of the boss and survivor's animations are done through model manipulation and not a rig. It even spams errors because the engine is looking for a rig for a moving model.
>Take new lunar
>Try to do Gold Coast
>It becomes LITERALLY impossible to progress
4/8, going in 5
I have good news. The Japanese guy got back to me and wants to make something for Rex.
>unexplained total lockup
lol. Closed, i guess.
need host with functional pc
might've been bandit dynamite toss since it just got flagged deprecated while i was hosting
frisco texas
brown, red and yellow spray paint
pvc pipe
Definitively has the balancing of a support character where the entire balance comes from less damage. Apparently they have an insane proc rate though.
Agreed. What in the actual fuck were they thinking. They legitimately thought his M1 is so strong it needs to be fucking charge based. His M2 is literally just Artificer flamethrower, but shorter range so its even more suicidal to use it. His Alt 4th still doesn't make his M1 appealing since the cleavers also have the smallest hitbox imaginable, but the collision box gets stuck in everything, I should be hearing hitsounds galore when I use that. The only good ability he has is his shift since it gives him armor while charging, can hit enemies multiple times, and even lets you attack while keeping the speed boost. Not to mention he feels overdesigned with is model, the most egregious being the PoE level character effect he has in the select screen.
>false son
Unless I'm doing something wrong False Son's alt 4 is probably one of the worst abilities in the game bar none. Unless I do everything possible to get crowbars and rings, which isn't guaranteed, I always end up with my M1 doing more damage. It does have an unlisted feature where it has insane knockback that also seems to remove collision from enemies so they just get stuck in terrain. His audio is also fucked where if any other sound happens all your abilities get quieter so its hard to tell if his slam and laser are fully charged.

Also, am I crazy or did Gearbox make all the DLC items way too common?
Nah that's his default 4. His alt 4 at least allows you to maintain mobility, proc bands and crowbar, snipe things out of the air, and most importantly it helps you maintain his debuff on a target
His default 4 is so woefully underpowered and anti-synergistic it's unreal
His M1 charged attack also allows you to proc those. Tbh I couldn't really kill flying enemies late game with it, it was actually better to use the knockback to shoot them into walls like Merc's dash. How is it anti-synergistic? Don't tell me Randy made it so it doesn't have a proc chance on each hit.
>M1 charged attack also allows you to proc those.
Oh of course, it's just that the alt R lets you nail fliers with those procs as well instead of just grounded/close to the ground enemies
>How is it anti-synergistic?
Because the idea (at least I assume so) behind the False Son is to build up his debuff stacks against whatever target you want to kill. Both Rs give you lunar shards back, but his default R can't be cancelled out of besides doing his dash so you have to commit to being slowed and tickling your target with a weak beam for a few seconds as it builds those charges back up (boo). Plus if you're building HP items, Growth makes the laser last longer which means it'll lock you out from your M1 and 2 for longer and, unless you're playing close attention, will most likely cause you to drop the debuff stacks on your target causing you to build them up again

Conversely, his instant firing alt R allows you to continuously maintain the ability to stack the debuff as it doesn't lock you out of using your other abilities so you can keep swinging normally, not make yourself a waddling target, and easily allows you to maintain the debuff on your primary target as his M2 naturally recharges fast enough to keep the debuff up

His default R is cool, don't get me wrong, but it locking you out of doing anything else coupled with its pitiful damage makes it garbage in my eyes

Oh and before I forget, despite me thinking alt R is his better R, it doesn't actually pierce despite saying it does which also sucks
i enjoy the dlc, but it lacks stuff plus they need to fix bugs for me to enjoy it a bit more
The Japanese guy is interested in the femLemurian model I made.
What femlemurian model?
How's that gonna work? Plant girl on top like your models?

Is he gonna give her a real vagoo?
I think there's good things there they just needed to have left it in the oven for longer
This was definitely saving his ass more then anything. There is a hatred in his heart he is trying to ignore.
Does the debuff not have diminishing returns? Maybe that's how I'm supposed to be using it, stack the debuff and use the laser after.
>it doesn't actually pierce
It also randomly doesn't register hits!
Yeah but dont give it a positive review until they show they will do ANYTHING and not double down on 'we can make more money on the newer rare patches if the codebase is the same' consolifying pc.
>Does the debuff not have diminishing returns?
Not sure about that. It might but I haven't looked into it and so far nothing seems to indicate that it does but who really knows with the state of the DLC
>It also randomly doesn't register hits!
True! :DDDD
>loop three times before i find the damn pillar for the green path
>game crashes loading the false son stage
i think i'm just done with this DLC now
Not sure how he'll do it, and likely.
Yeah most of the actual content is fine honestly, if a little unbalanced and out of place at times but that's normal for Risky 2 at this point. The bugs and code changes just make it nearly impossible to actually enjoy what's there.
Sale Star the only good item.
If I could get a cherry picker to remove the antler shield, warbonds, knockback fin, and whatever worthless new dlc items. Eventually if they never improve the new characters I can see modded remakes being made for them. False son simply does not belong in his current state.
I like the one that teleports you when near death, saved me a bunch of times from those shitty new elites.
Is gearbox gonna fuck over returns as well?
it would be better if there was like invincibility frames and some startup and end lag so you dont just get whiplash but as it stands its more of a detriment being teleported to some random area that could have more enemies ready to rape you
The old one.
Returns was done by external devs with Hopoo, and currently they're getting ghosted by Gearbox so probably not
Personally it's saved my ass more times than it's fucked it because in the situations it activates I'd've been fucked anyways
They already are supposedly. Hopoo Games are the ones developing it with no direct involvement from Gearbox. But they still have to run everything they want to release past Gearbox which they apparently haven't been able to do.
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...What the fuck? I would imagine this is why his animations look so horrible.
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Oh, that one. Wasn't it made during the early access days? I miss the optimism I had for the game back then.
It absolutely is. That kind of animation definitely has its uses but it's a lot harder overall and I don't see any reason for why they'd use it in this case instead of just giving him a rig, it clearly didn't do them any favors.
i enjoy false son
Yeah, I made that one.
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Same desu
After playing around with him some more, bugs and janky animations aside, he's actually wonderfully designed for someone who uses health to scale
You have the option to be exceptionally tanky and damaging with high lunar shards, or you can instead opt to be faster and weaker, but able to sustain yourself with your insane health regen at low shards
Plus because the attack speed is tied to high shard count, you can quickly shift over to mobility when needed, and because you get more charge of his alt R, you can also quickly shift back to having high attack speed and armor when needed on top of switching to damage mode when enemies have lunar ruin applied to them

If his animations weren't so shit and his default R wasn't garbage, he'd be my favorite character
his alt fire primary charge is pure jank, his secondary projectile is so under scaled and takes 3 hits to kill a wisp in monsoon stage 1, health scaling is okay but being tied to the ranged is shit. Probably the worst utility i've seen only doing 200%. The only thing to enjoy here is the concept.
Paladin was a better interpretation.
Oh yeah, damn. 2019. That passed by in a flash
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>5 years
Holy shit, I want to die.
Yeah he definitely still has a lot of issues, but if they become fixed then oh baby we got something good on our hands
Though I do agree that his lunar shards need a little bit of a damage buff in order to kill wisps on the first stage in two hits, and his utility, funnily enough, is stupid strong imo if you're not using it as a damage tool and instead a really just an insane mobility and "get out of jail free" card when surrounded. The damage is just a plus

Far from perfect ofc but overall still a lot of fun and he makes great use of otherwise garbage items (bison steak, roll of pennies, stone flux pauldron)
By what they said here >>1415881
we wont be getting much for improvements on him in the short term.
Character balance and fixes is probably low on the list of fires they currently have to put out if they're not game breaking atm
I'm not a bit surprised of the dlc when I knew that they were gonna make a risk of rain gacha mobile game.
I miss Dr. Pepper 10

To be fair the mobile game was outsourced to some Canadian studio
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anyone else checked this mod out? it's really good IMO. gives false son's abilities a much-needed buff and makes chef actually fucking tolerable to play
i came
might host with this tomorrow
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thanks gearbox
wheres the image for unlocking the dlc, just got my refund and want to check out >>1415921
meant for >>1415911
What happened to that shit anyway?
Unceremoniously cancelled
rumblings in the thread say Take Two killed it, it's cancelled for sure though
>removes the shard-recharging aspect of Laser Burst
its shit.
I would but it doesn't seem to be working for me
yup it works thank you
It already saw EoL back in June, only lasting nine months.

knockback fin should actually knock enemies back instead of upwards and should also proc on heavy hits instead of being chance based
would probably have anti-synergy with kjaro's whole lingering damage thing but it'd atleast be SOMETHING to build around + heavier enemies probably wouldn't be pushed hard enough to get flung out of the tornado.
They should have brought back the boxing gloves instead
I expected them to eventually turn the game to shit, but I was expecting a gradual decline, not for them to go by ror2 rules and oneshot the game through OSP
It was cancelled immediately after the Take-Two acquisition, despite it still being in testing, so it's safe to say Take-Two didn't see any value in it and immediately made them stop
Eh, its a step up but overall still isn't great. False son's shotgun prevents rapid firing the darts meaning you have all your darts or none at all (in the early game.) New growth feels just right. New daddy laser VFX is still obnoxious but at least it doesn't look retarded when moving. The heavy laser mega damage is cool but super fucking boring, just like the rest of his kit. Character needs a total rework from the groundup.
Risky Returns
Keep the lobby open for at least as long as I've got this bit of cartoons
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Mods will save us
should be a green item then
isn't that just that diary modded item?
Changed SS2U Diary is 10% move 3 Armor.
Same in spirit, though Diary's armor is based on Hermit Scarf's block chance while this one is based on Tougher Times.
More basic movement stat items are always nice, so I'm all for it.
What do the mods like betterUI do exactly? I have them installed but the download pages have been nuked so there's no description.
betterUI does nothing because the dev had a meltie because people were using other mods to remove the "donate to my patreon :)" button he added to the main menu
I meant the older versions I had backed up. turns out they have readmes anyway.
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You think someone would do that, just go onto internet and tell lies?
just use LookingGlass
ah, my bad then.
False Daughter is back on the table boys
Even if that was true, you could still do modelswaps with the brute force method.
>something about reviving everyone regularly
False Son
>mad health stacks with the lunar item
>>>playing Chef
We'll see the archetypes develop as the game gets patched.
Seeker in every games I played died first, and if they don't die they simply never use their meditation
hiii vibri hii
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>havent found a single Altar of Gold since the update
They still show up, I found one earlier. The halcyon shrine can also give a gold portal if it spawns outside of stage 1.
So, how's the patch?
What patch? Or you mean the DLC? Read the thread if you mean the DLC, its bad.
This patch
There hasn't been any patches on PC. This thing is probably entirely for Xbox since you couldn't play the game at all there.
PC patch is still in the works, will probably be a few days before we actually get it assuming the Gearbox monkeys put in enough overtime.
Host when?
I've been reading and everyone says the DLC is bad but no one says why
Guess I have to buy this shit to find out myself
if you must play it, pirate it instead: >>1414035
>everyone says the DLC is bad but no one says why
The actual content is very hit or miss and it's a broken, buggy mess.
>Guess I have to buy this shit to find out myself
Just pirate it like the other anon said.
To even play the game you need to have the rulebook/blacklist mod to remove all the new items except the star that doubles your items from chests and reds. All the whites are hot dogshit and give you zero benefits.
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So I just learned that the explosion barrels on Rallypoint are also bugged and explode around 100 times per frame, deleting anything close to them, or it's one of the mods
did you have warped echo or chronic expansion (or both)
You don't have to buy the dlc to find out why everybody is pissed off, the update they made to the base game is what actually broke everything.
The dlc itself is just kinda meh, except for the new elites those are actual cancer that someone should be fired for.
I keep hearing bad things about Seeker and then it turns out the person playing her just didn't know how to use her. She's borderline my main now and I habitually cockblock death spirals that should have been run-enders in multiplayer games.
Yeah, I'm having a good time with Seeker overall, I've got my issues with her primary and the shitty QTE stuff but besides that she's pretty fun and not nearly as bad as people make her out to be.
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>blaming the devs
I feel like that's the case with all the characters (except maybe Chef, jury is still out on that guy)
The state of the DLC is giving most people a justifiably horrible impression of the state of the game and people will probably view everything in a far more negative light
nah chef is total fucking ass. he's bad on a kit level, you can tell he's terrible to play before a single enemy spawns.
That's unfortunate, I loved playing him in the original RoR1
Yeah, it's a shame. He has the potential to be fun and good but pretty much all of his abilities are neutered to some degree for really no good reason.
host when?
This person has a point in that it was 100% management that said "get this out the door now" when the DLC wasn't done yet, but some blame still falls on the devs for not knowing common coding practices and messing with things that didn't need to be changed
the real takeaway is that gearbox is run by retards who keep hiring pajeets and letting them do whatever the fuck they want
everyone is at fault here
The point is that ultimate blame lies with management in any event. Maybe the devs aren't talented enough for the project, but they're just jumping on a job opportunity that was there for the taking. Management hired them and then looked at the end result of their work and said it was good enough for release. Blaming the devs is completely pointless.
>be literally worse at your job than a nocoder who watched a single youtube video
>proceed to pretend you're a qualified dev and take a job working for money
yeah no the retards responsible for this have no excuse
you do a shit job you get called shit
>>be literally worse at your job than a nocoder who watched a single youtube video
Then management shouldn't have hired them.
>>proceed to pretend you're a qualified dev and take a job working for money
Anybody with sense would take a job willing to pay above their skill level.
>yeah no the retards responsible for this have no excuse
That's what we're saying. Management is responsible for this mess and has no excuse.
>saar please do not blame the coders saar we use very advance AI techniques saar the game is bad because management saar
go to bed prajit it's late over there
It's got a point, management has a pretty big role in the release of a game and this update was shipped out with 10 QA testers that either saw nothing wrong with the gameplay or tried to report it but were brushed off.
Damn, Gearbox devs on full damage control here. This isn't just any fuckup where you can blame management for crunch or lack of resources or whatever, this is complete and utter incompetence on not just one but EVERY level.
Not a single person involved with this disaster deserves their job, and that's plain as day. No amount of astroturfing will get people to sympathize with the mongoloids responsible for this.
It's pretty clear management didn't even bother QA testing it because "not letting you even go past the menu on Xbox" would've been the first thing caught by QA
Management hired those pajeets, looked at their work, said it was acceptable and okayed the release.
>This person has a point in that it was 100% management that said "get this out the door now" when the DLC wasn't done yet
What? The DLC was done. What exactly were they missing?
>muh bugs
those were intentionally added in to unify the codebase with the console port.
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>Wheter the devs did something wrong isn't really relevant.
Stopped reading there.
Stop getting mad at the symptom. Higher-ups hire these people and okay their work, they are responsible. They hire devs on the cheap and then use them to soak up all the criticism that should be aimed at them.
>won't someone think of the poor retarded "devs" literally committing fraud by lying about their credentials
>won't someone think of the poor suits that intentionally hire cheap devs, approves their work, rushes incomplete buggy projects out and then hides behind the devs when things inevitably go to shit?
You've been thoroughly jewed.
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that's what I've been saying!! these stupid people just won't understand... the evil bad guy capitalist pigs in gearbox management (especially RANDY B*ITCHFORD grrrr i hate that guy...) are to blame for literally everything!!!!!!! and the poor innocent little coders did absolutely NOTHING wrong, they are all precious little beans that care about providing a good product and more importantly they LOVE this franchise with all their hearts and souls, as hopoo has reassured us!!!
Both the managers and the devs deserve to be crucified on the Appian road.
>b-buh the devs are just cogs on the machine
Don't care.
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don't bother, the guy is clearly one of the devs running damage control. no one sane would actually defend the level of retardation on display in the code. it goes beyond incompetence and into direct sabotage.
You are the ideal goyim. If some jew is responsible for constructing a building and cheaps out by hiring a bunch of unqualified bums on the street, you're a genuine retard if you get mad at the bums for taking the money to do shitty work. Of course they're not going to do a good job, the jew knows this and simply doesn't care. This is essentially what these AAA companies do with these hires. Then then hide behind the devs and avoid most of the heat, because the low-IQ masses are utterly incapable of spotting jewry when it happens.
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Guys... I don't think this a real badass Risk of Rain fan... downvote this man!!!
They then*
>utterly, completely, mind-meltingly retarded opinion
>is a /pol/fag who can't shut up about DA JOOZ
every fucking time.
Crucify the bums and the jews.
Why are you simping for the devs? >>1416833 has to be right.
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>Jewry gets called out
>the Jews start shrieking (literally nobody else defends them at this point, so it's 100% Jews doing the shrieking)
Every fucking time.
2fags deserve everything bad that happened to them
host starstorm then if you're so great
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i'm lazy and so i demand a host
>What? The DLC was done. What exactly were they missing?
Testing and iteration is an important part of any software development lifecycle, it most certainly was NOT done. What was released was effectively a beta, not a finished product.
>>muh bugs
Okay so you're just a Gearbox cocksucker, thanks for the bait.
Is there a new height chart? I want to see how tall the False Son is compared to the other survivors when he isn't hunched over
>it most certainly was NOT done
It was done to the extent they wanted done. The team had a dozen QAs, it's more than enough.
They all played on drizzle, using command, for like 5min. Then gave the "features" the OK to be released.
>Okay so you're just a Gearbox cocksucker
You're illiterate if that's what you got from my post.
>It was done to the extent they wanted done. The team had a dozen QAs, it's more than enough.
Then management is to blame for thinking the minimum viable product was "more than enough" you corporate cocksucker.
>You're illiterate if that's what you got from my post.
You don't "intentionally" add bugs. Literally no one was sitting there saying "the Xbox version should intentionally deleted everybody's save data." You don't know how software development works, that's why you're a baiting retard. No more (you)s for you.
>Then management is to blame
Why are you trying so hard to deflect any blame from the devs? They wrote the code.
>You don't "intentionally" add bugs
Yet, they did.
If you think I was ever deflecting blame from the devs when the first post you responded to with your shitty bait literally pointed out blame falls on the devs as well then you're a bigger retard than I gave you credit for.
There's actually a chance the QA actually played on harder difficulties. Leadership will just ignore what QA says unless the game fails to launch when you start it.
I know mods are fucked right now, but what are some good survivor mods that fit the tone of the game and feel relatively balanced? I thought Enforcer was great, but the Miner mod was OP as hell when I last played it a couple years back.
Rocket is cool. Fits the vanilla art style really well and is pretty unique.
>miner OP as hell
only if you have items. If you itemlet you're still fucked.
Driver and Tank
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tomorrow i will host
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I come back...
Big moment for the annoying chirrniggers
HUGE moment for the BASED chirrCHADS
damn she looks good on this map
she looks so cute here bros... i missed her...
Time till the hotfix?
rate my alt skill ideas. numbers are vague and probably not indicative of how they'd actually be balanced if they were real.
>Heaven's Recompense (alt passive): Tranquility stacks are now replaced with Polyfold, causing your Primary to deal extra (weaker) instances of damage for each stack.
>Outburst (alt special) Execute timed sequences to release damaging pulses for 300% damage each, gaining Tranquility. Every 20th kill with this move revives a random ally.

False Son:
>Incongruent Rage (alt primary): Rabidly swing your club for 220% damage. Hold Primary and Secondary to charge up a boomeranging club-throw that deals up to 1000% damage and knocks Lunar Spikes loose, returning them to you and dealing an extra 100% damage for each stack of Lunar Ruin removed.
>Hellsent Comet (alt utility): Leap into the air before launching yourself forwards, exploding in a 20m explosion for 800% damage on impact. Creates 5 Crippling spike mines in a star pattern around the impact site, dealing 350% damage.

>Molto Piccante (alt passive): Killing enemies with 2 or more skills drops Spices, which give a 10% chance to Ignite enemies with each hit. Can stack.
>Slice (alt primary): Throw a wildly homing pizza cutter through enemies for 160% damage. Returns after reaching its max distance. Does not home on the return trip unless under the effect of "Yes, Chef!"

these probably suck but its 3 am and i feel the urge to spitball.
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is it me or did they change how you get lunar coins, ive been getting more recently
Why are you fags playing this broken piece of shit? Boycott it.
fucking moron
You get coins for achievements.
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but i have them all
I paid $0 for it so they get nothing from me either way
pirate's life for me
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If you dump 70+ mods that fix some of the broken shit, it's semi-playable. I'm trying to do unlock all the False Son challenge skins before Gearbox updates the game and breaks all the mods again. And I'm not paying for it, not in it's current state, did my part by leaving a negative review.
I don't give enough of a fuck. I got it for free, it's gonna get fixed eventually and I'll be playing exclusively with like 200 mods anyways.
I'm not, I'm playing broken shit from half a year ago.
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long whateverthefuckthatis is loooong
>>muh bugs
>those were intentionally added in to unify the codebase with the console port.
>breaking the game was intentional
How many years has that bug been in the game?
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many years
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Is the enemyreturns guy the same from the itemsreturns?
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>start game
good run
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you know for all of the shitty ESL lore logs in the dlc, I actually really like the Prime Meridian log.
really highlights how despite Mithrix's massive ego, he really did care for Provi and "Her."
Makes you think how things could've turned out differently if the brothers weren't gigantic autists unwilling to forgive each other.
Seeker's log is also good in spite of some weird wording and capitalization, confirms my headcanon that the High Court treats its members more robotically, like space probes rather than individuals.
Well just look at the username.
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>MUL-T's second gun charges the Luminous Shot
This is a nice interaction
it'd still be more dps to just use both at the same time rather than fullcharging luminous shot and then using the m1, even if you use the rebar punchers
works more for characters that wouldn't use their m1 for an extended period of time, but use their m2 more often, or can spam their m2 a bunch before using m1
does it work with railgunner?
holy shit im glad im not the only person. I play one game, close it, and relaunch into a 3% loop.
Yeah there's honestly some real nice stuff in the DLC
But unfortunately the bad shit is EXTREMELY shit so it smothers everything in its shittiness
Different devs, but they're in contact with each other.
>it'd still be more dps to just use both at the same time rather than fullcharging luminous shot
Why even fullcharge it, just hold both and let it proc randomly when it's up
>does it work with railgunner?
never tested it, but from technical standpoint you need to actually use your secondary. Railgunner doesn't do that, it's only a zoom in, shouldn't work
Your scoped shots charge Luminous Shot and they're used with your auto aiming M1
It's nothing substantial but it does help keep swarms in check
AAAAAAHHH R2API's DamageType section fixed WHEN?
If you're getting errors related to that, try making a new profile since some people are getting a weird error where bepinex was installed twice and causes things to throw errors.
You can literally read the credits to both mods. Moffein develops ClassicItemsReturns and viliger develops EnemiesReturns.
What's the Prime Meridian logbook and the Seeker logbook?
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modded hosts doko
i was promised modded hosts
host sleepy
is that mahjong
no, that is rice
host when?
Do (You) me when there's a host
where did it go?
Got removed, guy who uploaded it seemingly fucked up and it was just some item example mod instead.
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damn it
The new captain skin is so ugly, holy shit.
This is more criminal than the bugs.
Not sure if its a mod I'm using or not, but CHEF's Cleaver recharge seems to actually scale with Attack Speed.
Huh. Thanks Gearbox.
That's basegame, but it's pointless because you have to manually click every single one anyways.
Artificer's M1s also scale with attack speed now, but Scrap Launcher and Visions don't for some reason.
I don’t find mashing M1 to be bad (though I suppose that’s my Bandit player side speaking.)
Shame it doesn’t apply to those two, though. Might be worth to spread word of it though.
The cape is short and doesn't even get proper physics, likely because they were afraid of clipping. They should've either commited to the design or given him a proper coat.
all the hosts are ded.....
Most of them got killed by Hopoo back during the infamous host massacre of SotV. The few that survived all got rounded up and executed by Randy just the other day, unfortunately....
is it really that hard to just host a game? there must be something im missing because youd think thered be a bunch of people just opening lobbies for people to play on but i see people begging for someone to host all the time like its something only certain people can do
the answer is that people who dont host are people with poor impulse control and dont trust themselves enough to not rage quit on death
Most people here simply don't have a good enough PC and internet connection to actually host functional lobbies for 4+ people. And that's not even taking into account the very specific tastes people here have when it comes to hosts, you need to get the right mods and configure them in a way that's fun to play or else people won't bother joining anyways.
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fuck it, unmodded host if i get 3 (You)s fast enough
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nevermind, risky is kill...
sorry anon i desire risky but i know it's unplayable right now
if you had the tweak mods to unfuck shit i might've but you didn't so lol no
Would I get banned or reported if I do this method? I'm on the fence on wanting to try it
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No, you just can't join as DLC characters on a Paid host.
Nuh uh, I could host Risky Returns right now
Finally getting around to updating EliteReworks.
Twisted is getting its effect swapped to cleansing debuffs from teammates in the bubble every 2s, and I'm happy with the state that's in.
What should be done about Gilded? Is the damage negation the main issue with it, or is it just that they self-buff from that effect as well?
They get damage negation???? Why?! They have the fucking health boost of a T2 elite!
What the fuck?!
Reduce their HP to 7.5x (so effectively a "T1.5" elite under EliteReworks rules) and replace their damage negation with gaining Barrier whenever they successfully hit you.
Also I'm not sure how that effect fits for Twisteds. Would personally have them still be a sort of "retaliator" type elite, though with much less unfair means. They're the aspect of "spite" so having them and nearby enemies explode on death would be pretty funny.
Just my 2 cents.
Was mistaken, turns out Gilded doesn't get damage negation. Just assumed that was the case due to the shield and overall tankiness. Looked at the code, and it seems like they passively have 60 armor on top of their base stats, + 0.1 armor x Money Held (not normalized to current run scaling???). Maybe the effect can stay the same, but with the stats fixed to not be retarded.

For Twisted, I originally was thinking of keeping the retaliation theme (ex. charging up a burst of projectiles based on hurting teammates), but figured that I wouldn't be able to communicate the VFX well.
Spite on death is something I also considered, but I remembered how much people hated LiT's Volatile elites.
With the Cleanse version, I was considering adding some sort of buff to the enemies cleansed,or the elite itself, but wasn't sure if that would be overkill.
Might be overkill, and Armor is effectively damage negation.
Fix the stats and make their gold steal on-hit not on-damage, whether it's when they hit you or you hit them.
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hold on hold on hold on i got a better idea for twisted elites
Have them periodically turn the enemy with the lowest health nearby into a timebomb with increased armor and speed.
Reread the gilded code again and the passive stats only applies while the bubble is up. I'll still go ahead and fix their stat multipliers and make the money armor thing scale with time.

Could be fun, though I'm completely spent and probably won't be getting around to reworking the current effect. A task that's probably best left for someone who actually has any remaining passion for the game.
I made backups of the previous two versions with all my mods. I'm fine.
The problem with Gilded elites is that they're boring as fuck, they have no interesting mechanics except jewing your gold and getting stats from it. I would make it fun just by making them infinitely increase in size the more gold they hold. Just to make it silly.
Fucking idiot. Zero sympathy.
Why not combine these ideas, and make them drop spite bombs based on debuffs cleansed? Or is that too much? Not really sure what you're really capable of doing with them code wise.

For gilded, something following the theme of gold or greed feels necessary. Maybe they can drop an item or chest on death? They get stronger the more gold they take from you, then based on how much gold they take, they spawn a small/medium/red chest or something. Or maybe the person who gets the kill inherits the stat buff as a temporary buff? Idk, for how bulky they are and the fact they steal your gold, I feel like they should have some kind of "payoff" for being killed and make something you WANT to kill because shiny and gold or whatever.
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Aren't the gilded elites "common" or did they spawn early due to FPS fuckery?
They are coded to appear as normal elite after stage 2.
However code was written by monkeys, so in addition to that it makes all normal elites spawn for half the cost, because the retard that wrote it copied Honor implementation.
>so in addition to that it makes all normal elites spawn for half the cost,
Is that why elites appear more often?
Gilded enemies do steal gold from you as you attack them I believe, they do a lot of damage too so I think gold probably empowers them somehow already
With how tanky they are I wouldn't be surprised if gilded enemies are supposed to be post-loop or at least spawn in certain areas only like the gold realm
>risk of rain 1
"i refuse to believe these creatures are biologically capable of teleportation, something humanity hasnt been able to do ever"
*all this shit about stealing the teleporter to study it*
>risk of rain 2 seekers of the storm :)
"oh it seems the child can teleport :) we just decided to leave them be :)"
Different crews of different ships.
You want Furthen to touch kids, huh? Weirdo...
ok but seriously that is a bit regarded. seems like the best lore logs in the dlc are the Mithrix ones as it stands.
will there be a host today?
Are biglobbies back yet?
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i dunno, i'm not a host.
We're cahmin home.
i will now play your game
Chefs bad but man dealing with flying enemies is not fun as him
probably not
the delay is probably because of the whole hardcoded 4player bullshit for FS
the survivors (of the void) are making it in to seek the storm
>the delay is probably because of the whole hardcoded 4player bullshit for FS
Someone released a mod that fixes this yesterday so I doubt it's that much of an issue
oh neat
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>be chef
>cook enemies to get food
>the food is literally a green bottle
its "milk" ;)
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>ror2 broken because of randy bo bandy's incompetence
>rorr still has no lobby uncap
starstorm when
when one of you dumb faggots gets your head out your ass and hosts
RoR2 host when
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My ISP doesn't allow port forwarding unless you pay for it
host returns then you won't get more than 4 niggas in your game anyway
>b-but i [excuse]
that's what i thought retard sit the fuck down and shut your mouth
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Only 4 slots since toomanyfriends is dead. Probably just 1 successful run, haven't tested this shit.

Will be leaving lobby open for at least 30 minutes, though dropin is installed.
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>will be leaving lobby open for 30 minutes
what the fuck
i'm not going to sit in the lobby for half a goddamn hour waiting to start the game
I don't wanna play returns
>defending greedy isp nickel and diming
fuck you nigger, why don't you host
>why don't you host
because he's just baiting for reactions and clearly has no intention to actually play the game
2/4, get in nigger
4/4, we're full
3/4 someone left but we have dropin
False Son jobbed, reopen with 3/4
Still open with 3/4
game froze, rebooting
Lobby's back up, will just start when everyone's in.
Started, dropin is on
Closed, arti jobbed
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>get back
>just miss host
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Duncan and Paul are working at Valve now, seems like they're just gonna finish their new game and be done with Hopoo Games for the most part.
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>failing upwards
bravo sneedpoo
Oops, completely misread it. Thought they said they WEREN'T gonna stop production on their game. Hopoo Games is actually just gone now kek.
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From "Deadbolt" to "Deadlock," I guess.
It really does feel like RoR2 was just Duncan's vie for clout. Fuck, man.
>sell out the game that literally made you who you are
>screw over all your fans in the process
>get rewarded with a job at valve
Based and greedpilled.
What the fuck is valve even developing anyway? I swear they put out about as many games as are on Playstation.
Hopoo outright said he doesn't even like 3D games and with how retarded a lot of the fundamental design decisions are I think it shows, his heart was never really in it. The game becoming such a massive success and really easy money for them, which they also admitted was very unexpected, is the only reason they stuck around as long as they did.
There's hl3 rumours more than ever, some pointing towards replayability mechanics like roguelite gameplay so there's that
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so let me get this straight. This dumbass made 2 pixel games in college that are pretty obscure. Then his first 3D game with bad game design and constantly missing deadlines. The game's success was pure luck and he literally quit from the pressure. And now he works with gaben?
The funny part is that the actual reason he gave up immediately after SotV was likely because ghor, who was responsible for 90% of the game's code and networking (and received zero royalties btw), left the company midway.
you think valve only hires the best of the best? it's like a highschool up there.
Lots of abandoned games because they barely have any internal focus
The Joker Mode mod (disables Void Fiend's passive and replaces his special with on-demand corruption mode) might need to be a little bit buffed because the default ability is already much nicer due to the strong self-healing that builds up passively or with damage taken, so you can just rush the blood shrines, take damage, build up corruption from the resulting damage and immediately use the blood shrine again.
At the Icefrog corner they're making Deadlock
The rest of the office is doing jack and shit
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Remember that time he said the only reason Captain can't use call downs in the void is because the thinks it's funny?
Valve is entirely nepotism and lounging around eating pink cookies, no one gets in there through merit
Fucking assholes
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>sold out everything that made him who he was
>invokes the dlclipse through the eye of gearboxlit
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>constantly missing deadlines
he'll fit right in at valve
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Apologize (and buy the DLC!)
i WILL pirate the DLC
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fuck off randy
>This dumbass made 2 pixel games in college that are pretty obscure.
Risk of Rain is seen as a classic roguelite what are you smoking.
>Then his first 3D game with bad game design and constantly missing deadlines
Risk of Rain 2 sold millions. This wasn't an accident, the games are good. They just have questionable design decisions.
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stahstohm when
So, deadbolt 2 never ever
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Risk of Rain 1 had good music, a neat (but not really meticulously designed) item system, and good artstyle.
The music was pure luck, the guy never made video game music before and made the random decision for the music to not loop giving him the freedom to make actual music.
/v/ basically made their own make-believe version of RoR1 by picking a select choice of Artifacts, and banning certain items. They did this for years and were the first people to hype people up when RoR2 was announced. No matter how much Hotpoo fucked up the game, making it literally unplayable (crash when holding a ladder and teleporting) these people were the loudest supporters, playing with mods and other shit the devs never made.
Later, it was a stroke of pure luck, hitting the zeitgeist goldmine by making the game "buy one get one free". Everyone just bought a copy and one more for their friend and because RoR2 is so dead simple to pick up it spread like wildfire.

Which was almost the story of good devs capitalizing on hype until RoR2 became totally reliant on mods. Even if many people play without them all the most fervent players, which are basically modern day word of mouth marketers all play with mods, something you can't credit Hotpoo for, he didn't do anything to help modability. They didn't pull a Firaxis and hire the Long War team to showcase modding for XCOM 2. They simply lucked the fuck out, coasting on the following things they actually accomplished:

>good art design
>cool but unbalanced items
>pick up and playability

oh but money
You're not saying anything I don't know, but these modders? /v/? They stand on the shoulders of the people who made the game. We're having this conversation because Hopoo made RoR1 and 2. I primarily took issue with the notion that RoR1 was in any way obscure or that 2 is particularly bad when vanilla's greatest sin is that it's boring.
>or play a whitehost if he ever returns (unlikely)
I've had some ideas lately but I'm waiting for things to stabilize. There's a mod potentially in the works that I have high hopes for in terms of a new age of Risky 2 hosting for me.
oh, see you in a year then kek
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risky lives???
I hope its not one of the moonstorm rejects. Because good luck with that.
Man I'd love to see more big fuckoff character mods like Regigas
Enlighten me on this mod that’s “potentially in the works.”
were we ever on /vg/? no right? i'm just remembering all the old /v/ threads?
i'm pretty sure there were a couple attempts at /vg/ threads back in the day but they never went anywhere.
so no, never on /vg/.
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anyone else still got this in their steam inventory
It was always /v/ or /vm/. There was a short lived stint to get risky on the /coopg/ threads, but those don't have the usually have the same spirit.
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>multi-game generals
>Mithrix is so uninteresting the dlc brings back Providence
Brava hopoo
>Providence clone is so uninteresting and shit that people want to fight Mithrix instead
bravo randy
Bit of a longshot but anyone know what mod is making other people besides the host unable to do damage?
basegame bug AFAIK
Those last 3 achievements are bugging me. I'll buy the DLC when it's 50% off.
just yarhar it you retard
Idk how and I'm not risking getting a fine that's 50x the cost of the DLC and 5 years in prison.
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Jesus fucking Christ
Trash boss honestly. I beat the dlc and refunded it and bought the soundtrack
I wonder how many people think this is real, it's an edit of him trying to get people to care about battleborn
you don't even need to do any actual piracy since you already technically have the DLC
should note, you only need to follow the image, the post's text is just talking about downgrading to pre-SotS
You're not fooling anyone, Randy.
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Ok you got me, I'd be willing to personally email you a free SHIFT code if you buy the new dlc for Risk of Rain 2 alongside a ticket + good review of the Borderlands movie. Whaddya say buddy? Are you BADASS enough?
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>Hopoo couldn’t update Returns because Gearbox Publishing ceased to exist
>even if they could, they’re in Vavle now so good luck
>Gearbox fucked up 2 with the new update so badly, people would rather fucking downpatch it
>and of course, Randy couldn’t keep his greasy hands off Risky
>we don't live in the timeline where valve owns risky
i hate this timeline
Make no mistake, Hopoo is the genesis of Risky's current state. He had the choice to self-publish, and is on record for having signed on with Gearbox because he liked their QA team (ahahahahahahahaha) and other "benefits" they provided for him (read: money). The truth is Hopoo stopped giving a shit about Risk of Rain 2 long before early access finished. He saw the dollar signs, he saw the chance to never worry about food again - which I don't entirely blame him for - and he took it. But fuck him up his ass. Risk of Rain 1 had already made him millions.
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he is a man of integrity just like you and me, look at him!
>be hopoo
>state multiple times you dont like making 3d games
>join studio to work on exclusively 3d games
and I thought I was a retard
So does RORR have 10 player support orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>>Hopoo couldn’t update Returns because Gearbox Publishing ceased to exist
Not to be "that guy", but do you have any source for this? I never know if this is the real reason or just schizoposting that took off.
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>it's real
money is based
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the eternal wait for host
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>valve owns risky
>actual content
>steam workshop support
>randy can't touch it
the good ending
apparently lobby size is hardcoded so its gonna be a pain in the ass for people to get that working
>implying they actually work on games at valve
Why not just release the files, I know they are going to release the map editor but why not just release the build with mod support as a download?
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>first time I got War Bonds I thought "damn this is so shit for a red, should be a green, it's barely helpful"
>modders did it
The game would be unplayable without modding
It would be a really powerful red if it actually scaled 1:1 with the amount of gold (but had the gold it granted reduced to 50) that chests cost so you could immediately buy two small chests or a large chest per War Bond, but it scales poorly. I'm not sure what the actual scaling is because I don't know how to look at item stats in the code.
They probably just haven't actually finished mod support because they have literally no incentive to.
Fuck you randy
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Check if the port is opened first
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(better not be at fucking 3am I will die)
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Give up Anon and go to sleep, he's probably some east coast burger and it's 12 noon for him now
Even with scaling it would still be dogshit because you earn money so quickly lategame. Even just using Roll of Pennies, you'll be able to farm way faster. It's absolutely fucking useless on a conceptual level as a red item.
Latest alpha with nemesis chef? Or stable
wtf does this mean, just contact gearbox, no?
They can't because they're under Gearbox Publishing which got renamed to Arc Games, so Gearbox Publishing exists, but at the same time it doesn't, so it's a legal mess, and no one wants to clean it up.
so which dev is going to leak the source code first
there's only like three of them and i doubt any of them want to risk gearbox lawyers coming after them even if everything is a legal mess currently so i don't see that happening
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host in 60
oh shit its happening
Do we get to know/download modpack early?
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Well, I see starstorm and I see new 5th difficulty, who knows what else you're gonna put in there.
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Port: 11100

MODLOADER: https://cdn.rainfusion.net/launcher-download

Starstorm (1.14.8-alpha2:

Profile Flags:
ss_enable_maid (optional)
ss_test (optional, can play WIP survivors)

How to into mods: https://pastebin.com/Npca26kp
Risk of Rain download:
Starstorm Mod Info: https://pastebin.com/Nzg3uxpf
Starstorm Changelog: https://pastebin.com/0xjghHLA
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RiskyMod dev, how's it looking?
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so starstorm 2 never ever, huh?
Not gonna touch it until gearbox releases their patch.
Fair enough. What are you tweak/fixes mods anyway? Are they just minor changes from RiskyMod without the gameplay/balance overhauls? For me the TP not going map wide after the boss dies just kills vanilla RoR2 for me but didn't see it in either of those.
Splitting off vanilla-compatible features of RiskyMod into their own mod, going into Fixes/Tweaks based on how much they affect gameplay.
RiskyMod will be updated to depend on those 2 mods, but featurewise the sum of having all 3 will be the same.
TeleExpansion can be used to get the RiskyMod teleporter effect for the time being.
>they got Wayfinder'd
These sporadic publishing branches opening up and closing down to basically fuck over a single game is really something else
Thanks, look forward to it.
>disconnected from host
>Holy shit a starstorm
Damn late as all hell but by any chance you run another game (you) me
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we're on final, open soon
>In progress
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ok final for real this time
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OPEN once more
thanks for host, kino sacrifice at the end
shame every time i touched the damn bonder it gave retarded items, armor was the worst i could do
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come on lads one more for stahstohm
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5/ we go soon
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Still going?
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>they didn't pick up the key
gg and closed
Thanks for hosting
Risky 2 wishes it had this much soul. Ditto Returns.
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>Surroundings of the final phase of the boss mimics the horned shapes of the teleporters
Gonna toot this trumpet until I die, Risky 2 is a fucking sham of a video game and hopoo is a faggot. The only reason it's played more in these threads is because Starstorm has no dropin.
all that stuff was new to me, what do you do after picking up the key?
starstorm returns when
2 returns when
2 returns starstorn 2 returns when
Does TooManyFriends work?
toomanyfriends returns when
i wasn't actually asking for a host, i was just fucking around
Never, even if the devs manage to crawl out of legal hell and add proper mod support, Starstorm Returns will just get stuck in development hell anyways, with the team of Discord troons that would inevitably be the ones handling it.
>Release unfinished game
>Sell it for a billion dollars to Randy Pitchford
>Get hired at Valve
Definition of falling up?
how did Starstorm manage to be such a fantastic mod, and why has no one ever been able to replicate how great it was?
Starstorm was a passion project made by a single guy for a relatively obscure game, and being 2d for a game with simplistic sprites means that both coding and asset creation from a single guy is doable.
SS2 ran purely on hype from the very start, with tons of opportunists trying to jump on the 'big thing.' Also being 3d means that it's not feasible for a single guy to handle coding and asset creation, since 3d modeling and animation are much more niche skills, which is why they've resorted to literally throwing money at the problem and commissioning animators after they managed to burn through the goodwill of countless past assets people willing to work with them for free.

Whenever anyone mentions how unpolished SS2U's anims and models are, it makes me seethe because no shit they're gonna be unpolished when they're being developed by a single guy working with what he has, while also getting passive aggressively shittalked behind his back despite the mod being way less buggy than the official version.
being an active member in the modding discord should immediately render your opinions null and void
there's a reason why the most notable modders either have their own spots or are completely disconnected from the community
i feel no remorse having been banned from there
Why the fuck is there no legacy brand for 2
host when
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Artifact of Clover
Elite Spite Bombs Plus
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gonna make some coffee lobby will be open to join for 15 minutes
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starting, just post for open if you want in and we'll wipe
Open? If you guys are far in don't worry.
give us a second
post if/when open
open now u tard
remember that each second you make our lobby wait, you're bringing 5 people closer to death. we're wasting our short time on earth staring at our computer screens waiting for your name to enter the lobby
post for open again next time
let me in
about to wipe to bees
>Game is in progress
open now you schizos
you nigs still going?
yes get in
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optimal game strategy
thanks for hosting, but i got shit to do in the morning
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closed. here's the cataclysm funballs ruleset
Based host. Gonna host myself soon, 10ish minutes. Same mods, but with UES Prime, DD's Variants, and Insanity Variants.
Not done setting up, but I can do the rest of the ruleset changes when people join.
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I never keep up with the drama and all that, but what did Hopoo do to make 4chan upset and all that? I wanna hear some juicy shit.
Hopoo sold Gearbox and sold everyone the lie that Risk of Rain 1 and 2 would be in good hands. Gearbox shut down Risk of Rain Returns development, Risk of Rain 2 got updated recently and the game is actually broken.
More specifically, Hopoo sold the Risk of Rain IP to Gearbox, who immediately announced a mobile gacha game, ghosted (not shut down) the Returns devs, and made a mediocre DLC that broke the rest of the game and in some cases deleted save data on consoles. Meanwhile the Hopoo devs just got hired at Valve and cancelled their own games

Thanks for hosting
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>Get the feast I've been craving
>Game crashes
At least I'm free. Was way too rusty. Thanks for joinan.
Gearbox Publishing got shut down by Take 2 and now it's a legal question no one wants to touch.
>likely ruined Civilization and nu-XCOM
>now ruined the remake of Risk of Rain
Thanks Take-Two...
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is the game fixed yet?
No, I don't think it'll be a quick fix.
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I can assure you, our team has been hard at work on the next Seekers of the Storm update to try and fix all this untolerable jank, under my personal supervision no less! We're currently just taking our quick daily 1 hour and 41 minute break, chilling and vibing with the newly released Borderlands movie playing on the TV and enjoying some delicious grub at the Claptrap Cafeteria! We'll have it out for you guys ASAP, so there's no need to refund if you were thinking about doing that for whatever reason, haha.
Also - I was in the digital war room all day as we worked out some things with RoR to correct, communicate and compensate
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>missed stahstohm
So, according to the new lore, the vultures are Mithrix cultists?
Seems like the Vultures will side with anyone that can get their asses off the planet, including Giga Omnicide Space Hitler-Sisyphus.
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Short 2 host, looking to get at least 1 new Meridian skin unlock.
1/4, dropin is on
aw son of a bitch i'm in the middle of something
gimme a few minutes if the server doesn't get filled
2/4, waiting on >>1420928 unless we fill
I'll try to join if this shit is done taking its sweet ass time importing
4/4, starting
aie, fuck r2modman
>no expanded lobby nor the fix mod
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Closed, False Son randomly just 1shot everyone despite being in the air.
new bread


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