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A thread for the discussion of Star Citizen.
Post your pretty screenshots because god knows there's fuck all else to do in game.
Latest hotfix solved the issue with freight elevators not showing cargo after accepting hauling contracts (not like im touching this shit till 4.0 anyways). Also, here is the rest of the OP from the last few threads before the janny threw a fit.


3.24 is LIVE
4.0 got fucking delayed (again)
Citizencon is scheduled for Oct.19-20 in Manchester

>New to Star Citizen?

>General info and useful links
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>pretty screenshots
3.24 looking good
>10 years of development
>none of the systems work properly
>every mission is bugged and broken
>only one star system out of the planned 140+
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You have to accept it as it is, not what they say it will be.
Their business model is dreams but as it stands it's a sandbox where you can either make your own fun, or not. For me, when it's good, it's great. The good part is generally none of the solo gameplay.
Yes, multiple solo ships is generally better than one multicrewed ship, but; fuck Avenger One, multicrew ships are way more fun
hauling is fun and comfy until you notice you mixed the cargo for the different locations
what do you guys do in the game ??, i just get into the game and get to my Hangar and than look around my items, look for contract that's available on the mobi, and i instantly lost interest on the game itself, because contracts are have been almost same for years with no depth
just released a big cargo update with personal hangars, you load all the shit yourself now
>Load up the game with or without friends
>Plan to do something
>Blow up in my hanger
>Fall through the floor
>Go to space to go get the mission
>Doesn't spawn or I have to travel forever and take 5 minutes to get it between all the F-key pressing and menu bloat
>Get mission
>Server resets
>Repeat above
>Go to mission
>NPC is in the walls, objective doesn't spawn, or I blow up randomly.
>Get pissed I just wasted 2 hours ish of time
>Make a post on spectrum saying hey shit is busted
>Everyone downplays you cause it's alpha, or you should be patient
>Post on /vm/
It's so tiresome
On the character creation screen what's the quickest way to set the species of my character to be a human? I don't wanna play as a negro.
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>log in
>leave klescher
>camp seraphim until I blow up and get sent to klescher
>log out
I can't believe we still don't have a working turrets for ships even after 10 fucking years, it's the most basic thing when it comes to space game and it doesn't make any sense specially when it works for NPC ship for perfectly, at this point CIG is Intentionally not adding it because all the money comes from small medium sized ships fighter ship, God i hate CIG so much
Turrets need to be massively beefed up with some sort of auto-aim because otherwise they will never be a deterrent to fighters.
oh thank god some fucking content
>don't have a working turrets for ships
what are you talking about, they work fine. I have actually run from the cockpit of my ship to a turret to take on fighters successfully more than once, and in more than one different ship
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>legitimate farming settlements in Stanton, 4x super-earth core system of humanity
>irradiated desert hellholes, garbage swamps, repurposed oil rigs belching smoke, frozen mangled wrecks with no doors or shelter at the north pole
>occasionally massacred by lawful contractors paid by the corp bosses

>terrorist training camps in pyro, abandoned pirate system
>idyllic lakeside docks, mountain views, budding trees and lush green grass, well thought out infrastructure, good use of natural features for weather protection and defense
>actually has internal living spaces beyond a bed in a room with a hot plate and no door

shouldn't this be the other way around? I get that the pyro settlements are an example of CIG actually getting better at design, but they really would make more sense totally reversed. it's alpha, they CAN do that. they yanked an entire planet once
you have very limited experience with corporate governance then?

Homesteader militias are WAY more likely to produce nice place than corp.
Corp ONLY gives a fuck about money and anything not directly tied to profit is ignored. Criminal gangs are tolerated and even encouraged if they dont interfere with corporate profits. After all if the system is totally safe for passers through and renters then theres no need to pay for that extra Hurston security service is there?

In a corporate controlled system you have only a choice of which bastards you get fucked over by. In a lawless system you can fuck back and theres no one to tell you you're not allowed. You're more likely to find Iddylic rural hideaways in a pirate system than a corporate one cus the corporate one would have scanned down the entire system take the nice bits entirely for themselves and then ruined them completely with profit seeking development.
one is "freemen" living on their own, the other is junkies hiding in "civilization", ill leave you to knowing who is who
I forgot to add word "AI" bros
>even the fucking meshing test is delayed
cant make this shit up
and yet y'all never cease posting about it so it must be pretty fucking engaging or something.
Yeah because it's actually perplexing.
All of the old shitposts are coming true.
excuse the ugly link
>Deliberately quoting Aliens.

What's the point of power loaders when they couldn't even get trolleys to work?
mech suit with tractor beams its easier than a physics based trolley :)
>We broke weapon groups entirely because we're going to replace them with a different system in two years.

Jesus fucking christ this game.
cant sell trolleys on the store
Caterpillar is now S tier
When are they gonna the fix the mule so it can pick up boxes? I mean it's got grabbers in the front that open and close but don't do anything else and a spot underneath to carry stuff from the rear that also doesn't do anything yet.
are they doing the tech preview today or giving up for this week?
Most recent update
>Currently, the meshing Tech-Preivew build is on hold. We are still in discussions on when we can run the test next but we're not expecting today and will update as soon as we have a more solid build
if I worked on the web dev team I would go back to the street sweeper april fools page and replace all instances of it with the mule to try and mandela effect people to believe it was always an april fools joke, it's that pathetic and useless, it being a serious vehicle they sold with a straight face is an embarrassment on the level that the gaslighting would be less controversial
>S tier
>8 SCU boxes don't fit under the catwalk
>loadable side is opposite the freight elevators in all locations
>have to park sideways touching both walls for normal operations
>can't double stack 8s in most of the cargo space even though there's room
>tons of greebly bullshit blocking main cargo grid space for 'aesthetics'
>door buttons don't work 60% of the time
I still love it but it's a fucking headache in dire need of a gold pass, also give me my fucking modules chris, I want a respawn med unit for when the fucking ship steps on me after I send the elevator back up on uneven terrain
oh I forgot
>can't grid lock 32 scu boxes at all
did they remove those from the game or something? I haven't seen one yet in 3.24
Although you cant snap the 32 SCU boxes, you can still fit 2 per module and still close the side doors. I've done so during the PTU.
I'd be more likely to experiment with fitting things outside the snap grid if they didn't slide around alarmingly, sparking and banging against the walls and doing damage to my ship. the snap grid feels more like a mitigation against their broken physics system than anything
>mech is already on PTU
that was fucking fast
CIG makes cargo missions where you have to handle a lot of cargo. CIG makes cargo handling slower and clunkier. CIG sells a power loader.

>faggots are now complaining about implementing a proper ingame loop instead of magic cargo
>Apologists defend CIG even through obvious addition of tedium to sell another fucking "ship" to fix the problem.
>Apologists willfully ignore there were not 1 but 3 existing solutions to this needless problem already, that were not edited or fixed.
They didn't "just" physicalize the cargo
They didn't "just" leave out size selection on cargo
They also changed the cargo physics, probably optimized to move on code instead of physic, but moving boxes on maxtrac is now very slow and pushing crates to holes in the grid between two or more other crates is impossible...
Also moving crates even a little bit will move other crates offgrid
>CIG makes game mechanic in the way they've been saying they will for years.
Maybe read about the intended vision for the game you're buying, moron.
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Tick tock tick tock tick tock
03/2025 is coming and real investors, not forum babies, can pull out after that.
Better pump out those jpegs, cause the calders are gonna refundizen
jpegs wont save them, meshing has to work or its literally over
>Investors giving a shit about product quality when it's printed 3/4 of a billion dollars to date
Top kek anon
>CIG purposedly makes tractor beams slower to use
A-a-anon t-t-they always s-s-said they would d-d-do this.

Shut up, adults are talking.
I don't recall CIG ever claiming their game would be boring as shit but that's probably my fault for not reading between the lines.
If you actually bothered to read the high level documents made some time ago you'll realise the game was always intended to be "boring as shit".
Retards crying about alpha convenience features getting replaced with stuff that resembles the endpoint will never not be funny.
How easy is it for a newcomer to download this game and try it out, do I need a monster PC to make this run? Is it still bugged to death? I haven't followed the news for years at this point
Its still bugged to death and I'd say any decent build from the past 5 years can run this game fine (outside of the resource intensive cities).

SC is still far from being new player friendly, but here are a couple of useful updated links you can skim through >>1418114
Thanks for the helpful links. This is kinda overwhelming. I'll probably wait for 2 or 3 more years desu lol
For 3rd time, they didn't just physicalize cargo that everyone knew.

They also "shadow needed" tractor beams and the grid behaviour. I thought/and think they removed some actual physics and replaced it with moving it by code.

It's just a bit fucking convenient they instantly, and I mean what the actual fuck how fast - start to sell a solution for the slow tractor beams.

I'm not trying to say the cargo loading and unloading is bad, I am saying tractor beam behaviour was changed to slower and clunkier (for some reason) and instead of fixing mule, ship tractor beams, adjusting maxtrac, making mpuv more accessible or any other solution to existing mechanics or vehicles people already own... They sell a fucking power loader mech.
Shadow nerfed* phoneposting.
Fair. Game wont get any less convoluted by then, but hopefully the new player experience will get much better.
I want to read the docs pls
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>CR talks about filling out insurance claim forms to reclaim ships
>users are surprised this kind of boring shit is prolific among other game loops
Rope tranny. He's right
Can't wait for them to show the exact same shit they showed last year at citizen con and say everything will come out in a year again!!!
Citcon is going to be a very funny one since half of what they outright said "this *WILL* be in game by next citcon" isn't in the game.
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>Citcon is going to be a very funny one since half of what they outright said "this *WILL* be in game by next citcon" isn't in the game.
Which, to be fair, is way better than any other shitcon they've ever done, but overshadowed by the fact that said content has been buggy/broken for the longest time, despite the lengthy PTU cycles.
Why do you think they won't release a patch the day before CitCon that contains all the promised features, but is so full of bugs that it destroys the game? Promises kept.
>If you actually bothered to read the high level documents made some time ago you'll realise the game was always intended to be "boring as shit".
Well damn, sounds like they deserve to fucking fail then.
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The game doesn't run well on literally best in slot hardware, the bugs make it unplayable, and even if it all worked correctly, MM made it so unfun to play that there's no point bothering.
I made that image like 8 fucking years ago and I don't think master modes is that big a deal. the RSI forums are fucking aflame over it though so maybe I'm wrong
>How easy to get started ?
Yes, its quite easy now. There are also "free fly" events where you can play all aspects of the testing alpha without needing to buy an account key; these promos also usually unlock a lot of ships in game that you'd normally have to either pledge (ie real money) or buy in game (aUEC, alpha credits) to have, but instead you just start with them available to you. Note there is not a lot of onboarding in-game instruction. There IS a tutorial and a pretty decent one all things considered to get you understanding the basics of gameplay, but its very basic. After that, you'll need to go out and play, but to learn things like each "type" of mission, there's usually some entry level "this is how cargo hauling works" missions available for you to take, same with other mechanics etc. Its not perfect but for an alpha its very good and the community in game is very helpful.

>Monster PC
Not exactly a monster PC, but it is probably the most demanding thing out there and is unoptimized, but it will run and run decently on older or lower end hardware if you get the settings rigth. The BIG issue is that some of the getting settins right thing is not intuitive yet or needs outside info. For instance
>If you have an older CPU but a powerful GPU, you need to set your graphics quality on HIGH or ULTRA. Basically Low puts lesser usage on your GPU and lots on your CPU
>RAM matters. 16GB is doable, 32GB is considered standard, 64 is ideal.
> DO NOT judge your overall performance capability against the CITIES you start in especially the "tram/shuttles"
Your FPS can absolutely tank, particularly in Orison (I think - the one with the floating city and the sky shuttle) . You may be perfectly fine once you get into space, but an absolute slideshow there

There's more, but performance is actually improving quickly which is noteworthy.

Yes, large and small - though increasingly rarely serious and if so, fixed in patch
Its pretty bad.

People who liked combat mostly hate it, fighters cant really fight anything serious, and those non-combat players who would be ok with MM are getting rekt by miniscule space trash since you have to fly without shields, or get ganked by griefers who dont need an interdictor ship anymore to stop you.
>fighters cant really fight anything serious
They're not meant to, retard. It's a good thing that a gladius can't solo a carrack.
>It's a good thing that a gladius can't solo a carrack.

>A military fighter bomber can't win a civilian exploration ship.

>missile or gunboat couldn't win over a cargo ship with PMC and barbed wire.

Yeah, I'm the retard here.

>SU-35 couldn't win over a TU-95, F22 couldn't win over a B-52
>Fighter Aircraft cant win over a cargo plane with a turret
yeah mate because a single fighter taking down a heavy cargo plane would be great gameplay
>tiny military rhib can destroy an armed military icebreaker
>slapdash speedboats with 12.7s straped to the side can destroy the equivalent to an armed civilian superfreighter
>the military's anti-fighter ship being defeated by gladius pilots just spinning around it
Yeah ok buddy, you may want to go back to ace combat if that's the game you want.
I hate fighters so stop projecting.

But Comparing Gladius that is literally "the" fighter of star citizen, the hero fighter of SQ42 to a machine gun boat is completely disingenuous and you know it.

I agree that fighters should have problems against bigger combat craft, especially ones made to counter them, eg. Hammerhead.

But what MM does is that fighters get rekt by things like Carrack, which they should not.

And heavy cargo plane winning combat fighter-bombers in 1v1 fight is great gameplay?
I'm comparing relative size, durability, and firepower.
Just because something is "the" fighter of S42 doesn't mean that's going to translate into the PU. S42 is a cinematic space opera, the PU is a life-sim.
There is no reason that a ship designed solely to kill other fighters to achieve space superiority should be able to do just fine against a heavily shielded, heavily armoured large craft.
If you want to kill a carrack you hit it with a bomber, because that's what bombers are for. the purpose of the fighter is to make sure there's nothing that can interfere with the bomber's mission of getting within range of the large ship and blowing its load.
>verification not required
Even then, you would have to build the other way around too. The fighter is absolutely and completely untouchable by the heavily shielded, heavily armored large craft. It will always have the option to choose their engagement.

Mostly this is due to *speed* which incidentally is (partially) removed by MM.

And what I mean by this, summa summarum. That MM does not serve either of these cases.

I personally believe all of this is because CIG knows that Engineering gameplay will slow the game down a lot. (Imagine trying to do engineering if the ship can be destroyed in seconds), so they are preparing to make everything in the game slower to get to that point.
meshing test today, surely
10 fucking years and they still don't even have their server tech working.
>Gladius that is literally "the" fighter of star citizen, the hero fighter of SQ42
that would be the hornet. also people mad about fighter viability now are gonna shit when they finally roll out armor lawls
When will they do final pass on the lightning?
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chasing people through space with a knife in a gunfight is a terrible strategy but it IS fucking terrifying for the person being chased until they inevitably put the knifer down
I think the interesting thing is that while fighters will surely feel different now that they remove HP from ships...

...engineering will make majority of multi-crew ship players mald as they cannot play alone anymore almost at all.
Please understand that gamedev is hard and they unironically had to build several studios.
Fuck off. I already told you I married Eve before you even knew she existed. Fucking leech. Eve hates you.
Thanks for the detailed answer. I'm eventually going to build myself a decent PC in the future, with this game in mind. I've done some research and my setup can clearly not handle it even remotely lmao. In the meantime I sure hope they manage to fix up everything to a playable degree. I'm probably going to spend the rest of my gaming life on there as soon as I can play this in relatively good conditions

Btw generally speaking do you think it's better to go for an intel or AMD CPU to run this game, going along with an nvidia GPU? Just randomly wondering abt this
>They added anticheat
what the fuck
if you have the game already, it's at least worth trying. I run it on a fuckin GTX 980 and a ryzen 5, it has hiccups but runs perfectly well most of the time, albeit not as pretty as it could be.
>Btw generally speaking do you think it's better to go for an intel or AMD CPU to run this game, going along with an nvidia GPU?
AMD is a no-brainer for CPU's, especially the X3D (like the 7800X3D), while Intel as a whole is currently in the shitter. I would also go Nvidia for GPU's, but I've never touched an AMD GPU, so someone else who has/currently owns one will have to explain their pros/cons vs Nvidias.
Is server meshing in yet?
Not till next year lol.
Well I have a GTX 1060 albeit quite severely bottlenecked by my shitty 13 year old CPU (intel i5 2500). So idk if it's worth to try in this state

Yeah that's what I've been reading too. Sounds like a 7800X3D with something like a RTX 4070 would fit the bill quite nicely. Maybe it's worth waiting for the Nvidia 50 series to come out so the older cards see somewhat of a price drop
I had a VHRT with 3 cargo ships all with cargo. None of the cargo could be detached from the cargo grid. Ended up grabbing the S5 guns and probably got more money faster anyhow
With the weapon changes in 3.24, are Omnis still the king? I like higher volume of fire but repeaters were anemic in 3.23.
I have a 7800X3D and a 4070ti Super, up from a 5600X and 3060. I did the 4070 first, and then recently the 7800X3D.
The GPU upgrade wasn't as noticable as I thought it should be in Star Citizen, but great everywhere else. The CPU has made me not hate cities.
Interesting. I've read that SC has a tendency to rely on the CPU a fair amount, and I've heard nothing but great things from the 7800X3D. I really want to start building me a new setup now lol
So is there an org for us or what
Do you guys remember the Vederation?
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This guy used to be okay but he's way too up his own ass now and I'm sick of his squadron members shilling his videos on Spectrum and disguising it as a feedback thread. He also looks kinda run down?

Good pilot for real though, I fought him once and got cleaned out.
Happy to help. As the other anon said, >>1427378 your PC MIGHT run it,, depending on your hardware even now. However if you want to upgrade that's not a bad thing at al eventually. For what its worth from their end, its getting more and more playable, faster as they get large systems implemented and then refined- they still have a long way to go but like...when server meshing and culling gets in it will be a huge step forward for the multiplayer public universe. Other things were like they added a Vulkan backend that is more performant apples-to-apples to equivalent DirectX (not sure if 11 or 12 can't remember), but in a few major builds ago it was in, but it wasn't multithreaded yet so that was about 25% less efficient than it should have been; I'm not sure if this has been added in the current 3.24 build or not but when it arrives most people will likely use vulkan for better performance; some players swapped to it immediately and found it was much better than DX even without multithreaded vulkan; others vice versa.

>hardware suggestions.
Really, it depends when you're thinking about buying. Its possible that a new iteration/release could upend all of this if someone makes a big step forward but...
>CPU today and soon
Generally, you want AMD 3D Cache - 7800X3D or 7950X3D . AMD 9000 series may not release their 3D chips until either next month or early next year but when they do its probably a worthwhile step up for AM5. Note that mobo chipsets matter too - X670E and upcoming X870E are the top of the line ones, everything below that is a crap shoot not just on performance but features. You can do fine with a B650 overall, but there ARE differences.
We're close to another generation too. NV for lots of reasons is BIG thanks to marketing of proprietary bullshit. Their top tier halo cards, 4090 (or 5090) are best of the best gamer cards no cash, but below that AMD is often beneficial. Out of room.
his ego got hurt so much by yogi's post, he went as far as to call him an ESL kek
In fairness I'm not sure Yogi has a fucking clue what he's doing either, declaring MM a success when you put it in the game then ignore all feedback for like 5 fucking months while AT MINIMUM half your userbase thinks it's shit for varying reasons just because you have some bullshit meaningless numbers that say people are fighting each other more.

Really the entire VET have done nothing but drop the ball since they came into existence, balancing nightmares abound and near constant flip-flopping on even the very basics of flight mechanics for YEARS.

Just a few of their HUGE Ls include the Ion debacle, the baselining of all weapons and components for fucking years and the complete joke that is the Redeemer.
Has anyone done any testing drive repeaters got a buff and cannons a slight nerf? I kinda hate the slow rate of fire of cannons
It's pretty clear that CIG doesn't play the game, so they really ought to take a more backseat role on balancing. Even if streamers are insufferable sometimes, they and their cadre of followers tend to play much more and in much more varied ways than anyone at cig seems to. The speed at which these are worked at makes me wonder if it's sheer incompetence or just wilful negligence.. you can tweak the balance every update for all the combat stats by one person alone *easily*. Every other company works by iteration and testing - why couldn't CIG.
I think racing is a good example of how the MM doesn't really make sense at most cases.

CIG is selling racing ships, no guns - pure racing.

So racing doesn't need guns, just like in real life it's racing so you don't need them - makes sense right?
So a real world comparison is accurate.

Well then; in which master mode are the ships supposed to race in? Nav? It's faster. But wait a minute, shields don't work in nav, but it's essential in racing to try and protect the racer? And wait a minute, in nav mode you have quantum jump but you are not supposed to use it in racing.
Yeah the whole thing doesn't really make sense, if I'm being honest I think the combat actually does feel okay under MM but I hate the stupid mode switching, I hate that every single thruster except mains are totally anemic even under boost and most of all I hate that it lets retards barrel towards the hangar at 1400 before yanking out their stupid bullshit 50g brake.

This thing is cool at least.
Am I going to be able to get an F7C Mk2 in game anytime in the near future? I want one but it's not worth $175.
I bought one planning to do OI and didn't, I regret it since the ship isn't even GS. But I doubt they'll sell it in game.

Also guys be careful with this thing it somehow ended up on my roof.
this is basically a branding issue, they should be calling it like 'maneuvering mode' or something instead of having combat in the name. it really feels out of place, like the world acknowledging that combat is a constant of daily life when that's supposed to be a rare thing some people can seek out at the fringes.
how is the 40k or whatever error where the servers crash

i play this game like once a year and i get that server crash error in like 5 minutes to an hour into every time i start playing and then just uninstall it again
pretty rare and they spin up a new server on the fly if that happens
pretty rare as in once every 5 hours on average or
I had one last night but it was the first time I'd seen it this patch cycle. other bugs usually make me quit in disgust first
do you know when the last wipe was or when they plan another one?
not for a while, they're just doing hotfixes lately and not wiping, most likely won't happen again until 4.0, which they claim is coming this year but lmao
i think ill stick to elite dangerous and flight sims for now still instead of trying to roll a boulder up a hill
I do the MM breaking, just to safe fucking time. Do I think its dumb? Hell yes.
Will I exploit this obvious oversight from CIG? Hell yes.
it's not just magic brakes, it does rely on your ship's actual thrusters. try doing it in something like a caterpillar and you'll slap right into a station
No it's literally magic brakes that apply a 50g retrograde force to force you from NAV speeds down to SCM speeds.

It doesn't rely on your ships thrusters at all. Slowing down once you hit SCM speeds does but that's not what's being discussed.

I wanted to say something on the "thrusters" thing since I know its not true, but since you wanted me to test it on Caterpillar I've thought why not. I've done it on Cat but never really paid attention how fast it bleeds speed.

But a thing to note is that I did do the same thing before MM, but I naturally had to flip the ship and use forward boost to stop.

Thing is, that was the ONLY way to stop that fast. And now I can stop forward first much faster using MM. I can go from 1400 to 400 in less than 3 seconds, thats why its clear its an oversight and not intended. I knew it the second I saw it, since I had been doing the flipping technique so much.

I personally think the flipping was much cooler and much more dangerous. But yeah, I'll test the Cat and post results just to annoy you.
I don't understand the point you're trying to make, you're simultaneously agreeing it's an oversight but also saying it makes sense because it "uses your thrusters" when it doesn't really because no thrusters is putting out the sheer Gs of the swap back to SCM.

Turning and burning with mains was one of the only skill checks for non combat flying, its basically made redundant and that's shit design.

As long as you know your max SCM speed and rough stopping time from that SCM speed you can use the mode switch to eliminate half the work for you.
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ok here is an actual comparison, reversed does in fact stop quicker. not a huge difference like those massive thrusters should make it, but noticeable. (first video ends when it hits stable scm speed)
Okay I see what you meant, but if we're being real the difference is so negligible that it barely matters even when you're doing the full turn and burn. You're just as well off relying on the NAV slow and retros.
ya it's really not a meaningful difference in this case but that seems more because of the absolutely anemic cat thrusters than anything.
Why do I see posts where people call it 2.23, or 2.24, repeatedly and obviously deliberately? Nobody ever addresses it and I assume it's some sort of space boomer protest post.
there's always these weird flaws in the most unhinged baitposts, like getting the devs' name wrong etc, I assume it's something they do to identify each other as members of goober forum SA they come from, it's been going on for over a decade.
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this thing has no fall damage. it wasn't just a fluke either despite the weird soft landing, I discovered this by falling into my hangar's elevator pit as soon as it opened and decided to test it out in the world. viable helo troop deployment here we go
Read again. I am the anon the thrusters guy was talking to.

As I stated, I know the thruster thing isn't true, MM just stops your speed with magic.

Comparisons like this is still kinda pointless.

The actual issue is that you can boost your speed in NAV to 1400, then use MM to instantly turn it to below 400's. There was absolutely no way to do that without turning and burning before and now its just automatic by magic.

While I DO agree that the ships SHOULD have thrusters that allow it to slow down relatively fast, they really dont and you could see that in 3.22 before MM.

And if the ships had that kind of thrusters, they should A. Be able to reverse nearly as fast as go forwards and B. Be really manouverable in their speed control. - neither of which is true. MM is magic.

>As long as you know your max SCM speed and rough stopping time from that SCM speed you can use the mode switch to eliminate half the work for you.

Thats exactly what I meant. Also why I say its obviously an oversight, an artefact that CIG couldn't predict as they dont actually play the game.
As other anons have pointed out the whole point of MM is to make ships behave like starwars ww2 airplanes, thats why they cant just reverse as fast as go forward.

Anyway - the only explanation that makes any kind of sense to me for MM is one that I got from a long time backer; that they are building towards a free-fly Quantum Jump. And the Nav mode is sort of proto-stage of that.
Actually thinking about this again, if you treated individual thrusters similarly to weapons, so they can overheat and run out of capacitator - you could make ships able to stop really fast but not reverse with them, you could let ships do really sharp manouvers but only a limited number at a time, etc.
>MM just stops your speed with magic.
your quantum drive is magic my man

new MFDs
fucking finally
>zeus is one level up from a starter ship
>almost 200 dollars
These people are so up their own asses.
This kind of argument breaks down in SC given that civilian companies own entire planets and are entirely responsible for active defense in some systems.
>but the military shows up and wrecks alien/pirate shit
Yeah, this is their attempt to counter that idiosyncrasy. It doesn't really make it make any more sense. Either the military has super strong weapons that civilians don't get access to, or they have some sort of equal footing.
The entire vehicle team are fucking clueless, why the fuck are they touching the 400i at all?
>took one year for a full office just to do this smallish medium sized ship
This game will never come out.
He's alright but he gets dogged on by a lot of the top players and he'll never get back the lost reputation from calling people that killed him cheaters and combat logging to avoid bounty hunters.
If you've ever used one of these terms:
>my daily driver
>my fleet
You're a fucking loser and you need to shut the fuck up.
I don't even know why I'm downloading this shit-ass PTU update, I have almost given up at this point. I get pissed and then play and I'm like alright okay but now they're absolutely murdering my favourite ship for no reason and I just have 0 belief that this balancing team understand the game even slightly.

Look man I loved cruising around the 'Verse in my favourite daily driver so I'm pissed about these changes. I might need to add a Connie to my fleet instead.
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Lighten up bro! Listen to some ac/dc! Just added this beauty to my fleet it's definitely going to be my new daily driver until the perseus is out xD
Why does the dude in the back look so small?
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800 people meshing test is live on TECH-PREVIEW, they are adding more people gradually
Since the andromeda's the only variant that matters is Andro ok?
It is out, anon. It's a live service game wearing alpha and space dad dreams as a patchwork protective cloak
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>3/4 accurate
Connie is acceptable.
>shoot that Connie, it's got the drugs
>shoot that Constellation Andromeda, it's got the drugs
It didn't even originate with Star Citizen
Holy fuck this test is dogshit. Server meshing will never work.
It's over.
Are CIG addicted to taking Ls because everything they've done for like 2 years now is retarded clown move after retarded clown move
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its good data fuck off retards
>rewrite the entire backend
>say it works
This game is NEVER coming out.
>90 people per server is the best they could do in 12 years
give it to me straight, how over is it
>20fps average
It's better than it was. No more 5fps gigashitting
jokes on us, MM killed the game servers never approach 90% capacity anyway
a1 pls go
Is the new quantum travel in yet?
Still kicking myself for pledging the ES last year. I should have at least CCU'd from my 300i (Yet another dead ship.)
gitgud bcp
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>been a few years
>game runs worse than last time
>walk around and look at the new stations for a bit
>attempt to do a mission
>still glitchey as all fuck
>repeat forever
What's space roberts doing at this moment?
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MPUV-T has one job ONE FUCKING JOB and it sucks at it.
Anyone know a workaround to the bug where it plummets like a rock in coupled mode + vtol mode and can't take off without holding boost?
When are they planning to release that ATLS mech? looks far more compact and useful for transferring cargo inside ships if not bugged to hell.
Because Chris already got your money with the MPUV-T, now its time for you to buy the ATLS.
When 3.24.1 goes live. No idea on the price yet.
I'll just melt the useless MPUV-T and swap it for the ATLS if it not free to begin with, i will be pissed if they make it more expensive
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>Huge thanks for all of you who participated in last night's Tech Preview. Reviewing the data today and have really good optims in sight. More on this once changes are in, probably more testing next week
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did he lose a bet
At the end of the show he mentioned something about doing that because he was getting his face scanned (mocap for SQ42?).
why does it sound like oblivion music is playing in the background at the start of this
>atls will be a pledge
>no plans to have ship tractors and big tractors have it's better tractor system
These people are fucking shameless.
Didn't they say they were in the polishing phase last year? Or did they just lie again?
why do they only scan dysgenic abominations into this game
They said sq42 was "feature complete" whatever that fucking means and they were now in the "polishing phase" whatever that fucking means. Chris wants to make sq42 last as long as possible so he can direct hamil and pretend he's fucking george lucas.
Did they actually confirm this?

I expected the first, the latter is really stupid.
Where? How much are they asking for the ATLS? Something stupid I bet.

So it's unironically
>nerf free tractor beams
>sell new faster tractor beam for cash
Great optics for these retards.
it was always the intention to do DLC/sequel mission packs after the initial release
Latest SCL they confirmed it with "no plans" to bring that system to any other tractor beam handheld or ship mounted.
It's been 13 fucking years... Just do the fucking mmo. No one gives a fuck about sq42.
I want squadron 42. I backed when it was still included in the cost and I look forward to a refined mass effect style space opera single player experience with less of the jank and server shittiness that comes with the MMO format
They fumble so consistently that it has to be on purpose.

This was such an easy way to show that they're not trying to milk every last penny either by making it an ingame item only or alternatively bringing the new tractor beam to other areas and they just choose not to because they want to sell you everything now, not just ships.
you smell german
if they want some goodwill they should delete the Mule from existence and replace every instance of it with an ATLS for free.

but then retards that bought that thing in the first place are their most loyal blind defenders so why would they ever throw them a bone lmao
If they were going to do that they'd have taken everyone who pledged a 300i in the KS an Avenger Titan and store credit, but they obviously haven't so...
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48usd non warbond version...
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They're addicted to shit PR.
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Damn, what makes you say that?
$35 Warbond, $40 standard.
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>No one wants SQ42
You are a fucking stupid zommer euro retard nigger faggot. Go back to playing gotcha. The whole reason this even exists is because people who enjoyed his single player games backed it and supported it for guess what? A single player campaign.
Seriously go kill yourself and go back you dumb reddit taint licking faggot dumbass and come back when you read what this game was backed for before speaking you stupid fucking spectrum bot. Not that it matters anyways cause none of us will see it in our lifetimes.
>t. fat fucking mutt.
member the thing from aliens?
I member
now buy it for 50 USD
I don't know why you're all surprised. They're desperate for money and now we know server meshing doesn't fucking work the panic is setting in at CIG.
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>now we know server meshing doesn't fucking work
what do you mean?
kek he mad af
the 300i is a shitty overpriced ship with a lot of problems that still has it's uses and is kinda nice inside. it's supposed to be a BMW. small trunk and really just about 'luxiry' over being useful. the mule literally has zero reason to exist. it doesn't perform it's one and only function.
its works to an extent, question is how financially viable it is to use so many DGSs
It literally doesn't work. They couldn't support more than 350 people and even then it was a buggy mess. The delay is worse than it was the last mesh test and they've been working on it for a whole year rewriting the back end.
It doesn't work.
350 is more than 3x of todays player limit, they can easily milk people for years with this result
Bro what a dick move
>Nerf Tractor beams
>Refuse to fix broken as fuck useless MPUV-T with the same purpose
>Charge a ship's worth of money for a half assed effort instead of allowing players to buy it in game
Those with store credit wouldn't give a fuck, still a dick move to lock such an essential item behind another eternal six months minimum patch
you can drop ATLS on pads and have other people take them and store them inside their ships and just claim as many as you want with insurance fraud.
some people might be willing to buy one with Auec if they can store it in their ships.
Yes. That's me
>Hurston invites me over for a meeting that could have been a text
>he's not even here
>decide to sit behind the big boy desk
>this particular chair is not equipped with exit seat functionality
I guess I'm a middle manager now

Who needs their fucking meds now cig chuck. Even the poor guy they dragged to explain that this was all done to sell atls for the next 6 months looked embarrassed.

How is this fucking company so greedy, are they running out of their 700million?
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CiG get ESG money or are they just retarded for free?
>CiG get ESG money
Doubt it I think they were just mimicking the chick from alien and had them all gruff because they are doing blue collar work.
They had some good looking women in the SQ42 trailers, and they don't seem to have a grudge against straight white men in their messaging in general so it is not woke in my books.
Drake had strippers dancing in caterpillar modules at the IAE one year, this stuff is entirely diegetic. (yes spellcheck, that IS a word!)

all their advertising material mimics and mocks ads we'd see today.

like this is just a ford focus commercial
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They dont intentionally make female mocap actors as fugly as possible, that being the ESG way; instead, they are stuck with having to scan br*tish "people" because of where the main sq42 studio is located.
Can you even make an attractive character in game?
what do you get at high cargo rep?
150+ hauling missions that lag your mobiglas.
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>They sell a fucking power loader mech.
They're testing shit out for the Titan suit anon. Cool your jets.
>I'm not trying to say the cargo loading and unloading is bad, I am saying tractor beam behaviour was changed to slower and clunkier (for some reason)
Nigga, I don't mean to be a cultist, but a lot of the shit we currently enjoy only exists to test mechanics out.
Take insurance claims for example. You are going to FILL OUT an insurance claim, not press a button on a magic terminal to get your shit back.
The entire game is quintessentially bri-ish, space tea rebellion saga when?
You can't make a female character with tits, annoyingly every chick is flat as hell
tits are a burden in spaaaaace, ditto muscles and good posture for men apparently
>Take insurance claims for example. You are going to FILL OUT an insurance claim, not press a button on a magic terminal to get your shit back.

>buh buh buh chris said 12 years ago
I don't even think Chris knows how LTI is going to work.
You are a stupid fucking retard. The reason this game has been over a decade in development and rivals Duke Nuken Forever in terms of length of development without an actual game is they are making two games at once. No dev team does this. It's retarded. You're splitting all your resources at least in half. No one gives a FUCK about squadron42 apart from stupid old greasy weaklings like yourself. People want a space mmo in first person. No one would shed any tears if sq42 was scrapped except you and Chris the faggot Roberts who is well known for being completely inept at delivering video games and has had to have all his projects taken off him and forced to release because he's a fucking idiot. Shut the fuck up and don't open your bitch mouth again.
>without an actual game
stopped reading here
I want to add pedals to my twin stick setup.
Was looking at VKB but since they don't have toe function I don't think I'm using them. Any recommendations? I've heard Virpil, MFG, and Winwing, but Winwing's name is too close to Chinese garbage.
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>we are never getting theaters of war
it's a god damn shame, the tank play in this game is actually sick when bugs and the dev's insistence on covering the fucking map with impassable rocks doesn't get in the way
Are we back?
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Who unironically fucking cares?
We've had thirteen years of
>missed estimates
>failed promises
>ships being sold for the price of a AAA release (or more)
>scope increases
and you're bitching about *time*?
Nigger, if you're not in a zen state of mind about this shitheap, then you must be new. If not, then you're a fucking retard who should know better than to complain.
I want to make an effortpost imploring CIG to not release SQ42 as a hype "surprise" right on the floor at some show but rather to give us at least a months warning and ideally more of any impending launch date.

I need to build a new PC to run SQ42, my current one no longer holds up and I'm sure there are others like me, however I don't want to remake my mistake of 2014 and build one in anticipation a release is coming "soon", only to then wait years while my purpose built PC falls behind again.

I have been waiting for this for 12 years and it would be unironically emotionally crushing to miss playing it on release due to a sudden launch without communication. Like it would just be hugely disheartening to know it was finally out and other people are playing and not be able to after more than a decade of patience. But I feel it would be foolish to just build a new rig now, when its entirely possible that SQ42 doesnt come out for a year or more, again, leading to me spending thousands of dollars on hardware that will then sit for months or years not doing its intended purpose, again. Like I said I built a very nice P to run SQ alpha beta and supposed launch in 2014, that PC is no longer capable of running it due to compatibility issues.

Where do anons think the best place to make such a post would be?
Spectrum is the obvious answer but not automatically best, but also what part of spectrum would it be mostly likely to get the right sort of attention?
Don't care. I want hot babes and tough dudes.
You can talk when you have a game.
>Sudden launch
We've been waiting for them to launch anything for over 11 years
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its over
Im saying I dont want to see chris walk out of stage at citcon and say "SQ42s now live!" I want him to say "It'll release on X day in 6 weeks" I just want to know the release date, whatever that date is, at least a month in advance so I can organize funds, buy and assemble parts and stabilize a new build between the announcement and the launch.

Chris loves announcing stuff suddenly on stage but I think in this particular case it would be a mistake to do so. For one thing then everyone attending citcon would be unable to participate in the live launch.

Like Im not saying I want it delayed or that I thinks its all to sudden or w/e, I just want to know when its coming before its here so I don't miss the bus.
it's been years since they did that I'm pretty sure. they only ever did it a couple times, and I assume they stopped because it was always a buggy mess on release
>I dont want to see chris walk out of stage at citcon and say "SQ42s now live!"
I do
Get the MFG Crosswinds if you're desperate for toe brakes that you definitely don't need in SC.

WW is Chinese but they're good, I would rather pay 200 bucks to the Chinese than 500 or whatever outrageous price the Virpil Jew wants. Their shit is overpriced, oversized and overhyped.
Don't you mean to say - Three games. Don't forget Soulsinger.
Announcing games live on the spot has been a trend in recent years. Usually at Game awards or some shit, so you might be predicting the future here. Assuming SQ42 is ever ready.
>its been 13 years so you cant complain anymore
Why not toe brakes?
If I disregard toes, should I just give Putin my money and get the VKB?
in the end, even top of the line brands outsource their production to china anyways, so might aswell buy straight from the chinks and cuck the jews
>give Putin my money and get the VKB
wtf vkb is a russian thing?
>they are making two games at once. No dev team does this.
That's not true. Are you the same schizo who spergs about SQ42 in every thread? If so, you are a genuine, actual retard and should refrain from posting. It's not like there's a bunch of network programmers at CIG who are too preoccupied with a singleplayer game to make their magical server tech work.
You can complain about whatever you want. But you have no right to act surprised without looking like a retard.
>no argument
>spends his next post talking about how chris faggurts can do no wrong
Being a nigger is one thing, being a stupid ass nigger is another. Get an education you worthless coward.
I've only posted once, my schizophrenic friend, and while Chris Roberts crimes are innumerable, ORIGIN was putting out Ultimas while he was making Wing Commander, so you're still wrong.
>relating game dev from 30 years ago where 5 guys in a garage could make games to modern game dev that takes teams of hundreds
Like I said you're a fucking stupid ass nigger. Not a joke. I'm not saying it as an insult. It's a descriptor. You're a complete fucking moron.
By "teams of hundreds" do you mean multiple studios of hundreds? Every modern AAA game pulls multiple studios from whatever publisher they're working with while also prototyping and in preproduction for other projects. You literally could not be more wrong, you're just a total schizo who wants to lay Star Citizens failures at the feet of Squadron 42 for some buttfuck retarded reason only you understand.
No one does multi game development concurrently. You have no idea of gamedev. Games are announced and will have planning phases such as cyberpunk which was in planning all through witcher 3 and it's dlc's development but had a skeleton crew doing narrative shit behind the scenes. Developing two games at once is suicide and kills a lot of companies because it extends development since you have to shuffle around staff between the two projects constantly.
I mean we can literally see that with CIG. What a great example. Two games in development both not released. One is in development hell the other hasn't even seen the light of day yet. Staff shuffled around continuously and 13 FUCKING YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT.
I mean this. I'm not memeing. I'm not insulting. You're fucking dumb. You should have taken school more seriously or more likely your dad should have knocked your faggot head in a few times and fixed your obvious brain damage.
If no one develops multiple games *at the moment* it's because AAA is floundering and can't produce a success to save their lives. CIG is giving the same excuses they've been giving for those 12 years, they need their server tech to develop gameplay because they don't want to make it only to refactor it, and their servers are out of RAM so they can't add content. You're literally just making shit up.
There's been tons of triple A successes this year you stupid nigger. Space Marine, Stellar Blade, Wukong, Astrobot, Elden Ring DLC etc etc. Like I said you're a fucking moronic turd. You're literally brain dead stupid. You are on par with a fucking brain damaged retard because you're unable to grasp simple concepts like the fact that doing two incredibly difficult tasks at once takes exponentially longer and often has a worse product than if you were just to develop one after the other normally.
You are a fucking dumb nigger. Do you understand me? You're stupid.
>server tech
Server meshing? You mean the thing they tested the other day and it was just as bad as the test they did last year and couldn't even support 1000 players at once? That server meshing? You mean the thing they've been rewriting the code for 12 months for? You mean the thing that barely worked even with only 350 players in a server and still had huge input lag? That server meshing?
There's a good example. Do you think From waiting until Armored Core was finished to make Elden Ring? Dumbass. Retard. I'll ignore the chink and korean """""AAA""""" games you listeed.
And yes I was referring to the server meshing they're failing to develop, completely indepedently of Squadron 42, a singleplayer game which no resources spared from would aid in network technology, is the reason why they make no progress on the MMO. I'm glad you finally understand.
You think they developed it concurrently with their small team? Are you fucking stupid? It's crazy how fucking stupid you are. I can present clear evidence in the development of Star Citizen and you still don't get it. This conversation is a testament to your massive retardation and favela monkey stupidity.
What I suspect is the issue is that you're crying like a little wimp bitch because you don't want squadron to ever get cancelled. But I hope it does. I think it will too. I think this fucking entire game is going to drown and I'm going to frame your posts on my wall and laugh about it when it does knowing you're literally crying over it.
>I can present clear evidence in the development of Star Citizen and you still don't get it.
Do it
>I can present clear evidence in the development of Star Citizen and you still don't get it.
I did that, you haven't really done anything but act like a sperg who's consistently wrong about everything related video game industry and call me a nigger.
>Developing two games at once
>13 year development no sign of release of either of them
Kill yourself. NOW.
You are a nigger and I've proved you wrong consistently you stupid nigger. You haven't got a fucking clue about gamedev you braindead favela faggot.
I guess I have no choice but to concede. From developed Armored Core 6 in a year and Squadron 42 is solely to blame for there being no server meshing for the past 8 years. Damn...
>the game they admitted was sucking most of the CIG's dev manpower for almost a decade is the cause of the PU's glacial development
Yes that's true, thanks for agreeing with me anon.
You have no idea if they developed armored core 6 in a year or if they had stuff on the backburner. It's entirely possible the DLC was basically finished for Elden Ring when it was developed and cut content to be released later. You don't have a fucking clue. But here we have CIG who is very open about development and you see there are massive issues with the development of two games at once even those that use similar systems.
You know I was too harsh. I realize now that what you need isn't an education. You need someone to beat your nose into the back of your fucking skull and humble you. Even though you haven't gotten that yet, I'm certain someone will beat your ass soon enough if you act so fucking retarded around people as you have today. You stupid tard.
You're gonna be real sorry when my Javelin crewed entirely with npcs blows you outta the sky and I steal all your land claims.
>no sign of release
>he hasn't seen the leaked dev footage
What a faggot
NTA, show me.
I'm spoilering this shit because it looks like it covers some stuff from SQ42. If you don't care then take a look.
do you guys think they'll announce the fucking release date for SQ42 at this year's citcon? Who the fuck am I kidding of course they fucking won't. And if they do they'll miss it by 3 years anyway fucking stupid.
Are you okay?
12 years
How many of them are dead do you think?
>of either of them
you know one of them is playable right now, don't you?
Probably around 3%
Which is a number over 150k
>nerf tractor beam
>sell better beam for $40
>lose the remaining good will of the player base
>bro star citizen will never be pay to win! they'll totally just close the shop once 1.0 is released! they'll never make the best ships and stuff extremely hard to acquire in game in order to incentivize people to buy from the shop! just trust Chris Roberts!
they always said that there would be tiers of tractor beams
complaining about this is really redundant, all of the game is some kind of "artificial inconvenience"
your ship can run out of fuel, you can run out of oxygen in your suit, you can't teleport from one location to another, you have to ride the train, you have to move things around manually, quantum travel happens in real time instead of an instant warp
people saying this are either baiting for clicks on youtube, stupid, or mad for other reasons
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What a classic Star Citizen take.
>just wait until my magical headcanon gameplay happens
Are attritions good now?
>How is this fucking company so greedy, are they running out of their 700million?
they might me choking a bit next year if the investors decide to pull out
>muh investors pulling out
anon why would this ever happen
they have made $700 million off this janky turd and it keeps printing money. do you think the investors give a shit about the quality of the player experience?
>They always said X
I'm surprised you can type with your tongue up Roberts sweaty shithole like that.
>pretend to make mmo
>take money for ships in an mmo
>talk about the mmo constantly
>mmo alpha
>ships are for the mmo guys
>meanwhile put all the money into this garbage
I'm smelling a lawsuit.
Exactly. I don't know how anyone can look at the slop that is their public work (SC) and think that their secret project (SQ42) is going to be some sort of Ai-not-standing-on-chairs masterpiece.
so none of that money went into development costs? huh no wonder theyre not making any progress
>sc is going to fail!
>sc will never be finished!
This bait more than a decade old.
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90 days!
I wonder where Derek Smart is now
I unironically hope he's doing okay, he seems mentally ill.
How much is zeta potassiumcide from this event worth?
Jumptown has ruined the game for me. It's so much better than the average.
so is this zoomers being retarded and not understanding how video games work or what
you're acting like they can just melt sq42 and use all the vespene gas from it to magically make the MMO work
they've been stalling since like 2016 trying to R&D the server technology to make this piece of shit work like it's supposed to
you could make the argument that they could use the funds to create a bounty and entice some genius network engineer to make it happen but you just say "resources" as if some narrative and level designers moving from sq42 to the PU and making content they can't fit on their existing servers will solve anything
Zoomerwaffen have turned pretty much every video game community into a constant drama cesspool. Even flight sim's aren't safe thanks to war blunder letting them in the door. They just bitch and moan all day like the dramatubers that raised them instead of their parents.
It's worth nothing. There's a ticking "bonus" that awards like 5k every few minutes. 25k when you complete the mission. It's no Jumptown money. Ok to do once, but after that? nah
I used to hate this guy but now I think he's based. I unironically cannot tell if he is trolling but he is a legit Legatus so has dropped at least 25k on the game so he probably is actually mentally unwell.
Can confirm.

There is a Competency Crisis in game industry, but I think you are missing the mark - It already happened with Millenials. People don't get to positions of power instantly when joining the industry, its Millenials now.
I know a bunch of high tier concierge chads who all relentlessly shit on this game even as we play it. it really feels like the more you're invested the more comfortable you are making ruthless criticisms.
Im concierge and I shit on this fucking garbage. But like everyone else im hooked.
I've only dumped 5k or so towards it myself and I'm pretty sure I'm banned in their gay forums for complaining about epic feature creep and an utter inability to demonstrate a single complete and functional aspect of the game.
>only dumped 5k
My God
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I have a newborn coming next month, perhaps when he is the age to enjoy this "game" (30) - this will turn out to be a great investment......
Turrets actually do have auto aim, they can still use the auto gimbal. Fire rate was buffed (not to 100%) alongside the precision mode.
Turrets need more buffs but they're not as useless as everyone likes to say. My kids can't fly for shit, but they get man the fuck out of some turrets and it makes a big difference.
Fug I just have my newborn, I guess I need to make some more kids to man capital ships.
this has the potential to be horrible and boring irrelevant gameplay
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I'm worried it will go something a little like this:

- engineering is introduced, it's broken, it's boring, it has promise
- it completely destroys any notion of flying multicrew ship in combat solo
- MC ship pledge people start crying about it
- since they are the main source of money it's completely removed or made absolutely irrelevant
- multicrew remains to be boring as hell

CIG might make a sale out of it for a little while.

Done right it could be pretty fun and epic, but do I trust CIG to make it.. lol nope
>ship caughts fire
>extinguisher doesnt work
>try venting
>door opens but air doesnt vent
>just watch as the ship completely burns out
If it helps that is less money than I spent on a smoker.
I haven't spent money on sc in a long long time nor played, I just pay attention to it's development from time to time.
wait so how do lasers destroy ships now? so they have to go through the shields, through the armor and then it can start damaging internal components? whereas with ballistics, it has a chance to bypass all of that and directly hit the component, do i get that right?

also does that mean that people can get killed inside the ship from weapons penning through the hull?
Anon you ask too many questions, its very likely CIG doesn't know yet. They don't play the game so they throw shit and see what sticks.
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What's the link for that site that lists citcon promises?
We can now clearly see how much will have made it in and how much didn't.
>we are super excited to get it into PU
yeah nah
>We currently have a new RMQ/Meshing build in testing with QA with the goal of running a TECH-PREVIEW test today and running up to 24 hours. We have worked on many stability and performance changes since the previous test last week and will start out slow and push to increase the player cap throughout the test.
is this still happening
He lists Basebuilding on there, but its a given that the feature was never meant to be included in that "coming in 12 months" quote from Chris.
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I'm trying to live chris's dream of wearing appropriate outfits (clothing in the city, armour in the potential pvp/pve areas) and it's just a heinous sisyphean task.
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it would be bad enough if it simply took forever, but each interaction carries a % chance of catastrophic, permanent failure that renders all your effort up to that point moot, as you'll have to log to reset and unfuck yourself.
why are you summoning loose shit on that when the item kioskâ„¢ is around the corner mr false flag?
100 motherfuckers on single DGS clearly too many, what the fuck are they doing jamming even more
doing things in a non optimal way should be non optimal, not fundamentally broken and impossible
ok retard, i still don't know what your point was wasting your and everyone elses time with those shitposts
Are we Meshing?
1000 people/6 dgs test in 5 mins
Back down to 500/4
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I cannot understand a single word these frogs are saying
>jared repeats a line of inquiry and makes it a basic yes or no question so americans will understand one thing this episode
>frog can't just say yes, goes off on another incomprehensible monologue
this test went extremely smoothly, actually
last test i heard went terrible. so if this one went smoothly, then i assume the next one will be a shitfest?
last one that I participated in was literally unplayable. dunno what changes from test to test. this one had no missions, just people crammed into the servers. it's still up actually
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so smoothly they had to cut the player limit in half, disable all missions and things to do, and completely broke all lagrange stations lmao
star citizen cucks really will swallow anything CIG squats over and pushes out
video was in the middle of the high point 1k player stress test of the night. chat was full of people doing the reddit o7 salute assuming it was going to be the end of the test because it was going to crash. instead, it was fine.
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their own patch notes stated everything I said
idk why they jump through hoops to add immersion in irrelevant things but can't bother having objects inherit velocities
how did I know your fag ass didn't actually play it. there were devs in the chat telling us the current player counts. whatever was in the patch notes was planned thresholds. they didn't necessarily stick to the plan.
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>the patch notes are wrong because CIG never lies, now please buy more pixels
how is 4/500? went to bed before they put it up
ok, now point me to another game that is trying to have procedural, voxel based vehicle damaging fire at all.
>le ebin streamernigger crashes mesh test preview
What's a better idea in all honesty, paying 5 dollars to a gold seller to get 3.5mil or to upgrade my shitty aurora package to the nomad for 50 dollars? This game wipes often enough to where I can see value in the latter when the former seems usually smarter.
We had this in a PC firefighting simulator game on a 20 man studio in the 2010's
IMO just find a friend who has shilled. I can take you for a ride, help you get that at any point and loan ships.

Dont give this company money unless you have spare.
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>people clog one DGS
>this fucks up replication layer
>replication layer spreads the aids to all other servers
solid tech, just another few years for dynamic meshing
Trust me anon.

This will save SC. Everyone says so.
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trust de plan
smooth, taking the A18 tram was smoother than live, definite server lag in the cities where everyone was congregating but overall it was really nice

You breath stinks like cum, cock sucking faggot.
I have plenty to spare. All I have is the Aurora MR from like 10+ years ago.
Why are you so mad
oh cool the pc firefighting game had the fires on board moving space craft mid combat, being caused by impact of particle, fragmentation, kinetic and energy weapons while interacting with with ship systems and being controlled by vacuum exposure?

Thats awesome what is this game called?

I didnt say "procedural fire" I said procedural fire interacting with complex vehicle systems in an online persistent space.
It's called moving the goalposts.

Star citizens game systems are not special outside of the really problematic ones, even the combination is not truly unique. Only the scope that it has been done in.

I advice not to cumguzzle too much on CIG, the higher you ride on that hype the longer you fall once you realize cig isn't a very good developer.
Having a 9 year old manning your Scorpius turret in auto gimbal mode is peak gameplay. They get to be the star of the show with Dad
>You are going to FILL OUT an insurance claim, not press a button on a magic terminal to get your shit back.
Is this picture real
It's not (yet)
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even though latest static meshing test was a success, its depressing how far away we are from a playable game state
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Why are you so desperate to gargle chris faggots cum you greasy weak little bitch?
>can barely handle 450 people at once
>ashes of creation can do 4000 at once
>not even dynamic server meshing because chris demanded they do static first
I bought the stupid nomad and it apparently still has the same bug it had in the older version where you can't fly the ship with the engines off to save fuel and be extra stealthy because the stupid fucking landing gear makes you lose speed when out of the pilot's seat, unless you specifically are in space and running decoupled mode with powered engines. Cruise control and literally everything else does not work and you VVill lose speed.
what is your bar for playable
>ashes of creation can do 4000 at once
kek, way to out yourself, retard
is the cruise control not working a ship specific bug? it doesn't work in the caterpillar either, but I assumed it was all ships. it's really fucking annoying, I like to set it to cruise and run to a turret which I can no longer do without turning the engines off entirely, and of course it's a no go in atmo.

I'm not a big MM hater but it did wipe out a lot of noce little QoL things that had built up in the old model. like freelook while maneuvering.

nomad shares a number of the issues I see with other ships, interaction points that will eject you at speed, non snapped cargo (read: bodies) falling through the ship when you move, no apparent way to use the equipped missiles at all since there's no SCM missile mode, etc. I do like that you can use the tractor beam from the pilot's seat, wish that was more common.
when whatever tier0 placeholder mechanics they implement work without 2-3s interaction delays or countless bugs that occur due to the servers not being able to keep up
Wait, can I really not use my missiles in the nomad? Now I just don't even want to play. My nomad also has some bad audio bug now when doing cargo missions that makes the danm thing now also has really bad coil whine sounds when touching the cargo lift.
>without 2-3s interaction delays
that's what server meshing fixes, but it's already basically a non issue compared to 3.23 which was unplayable for that reason
there might be some eccentric alien way of using missiles in the nomad, CIG loves their unintuitive bullshit, but if there is I haven't found it. all I know is the nomad has missiles but no MSL mode when you flip through the SCM options. I have read something about it having a turret, maybe they're fired from there, but I also don't know how to access that.
Dynamic meshing fixes it, but there is no eta on it, if it even works.
Static only works until some faggot eceleb decides to fill up 890 for an ebin yt video.
>until some faggot eceleb decides to fill up 890
last night my game actually crashed because a mark II pilot who was getting paid to do aerial defense for a high ticket bounty had stacked so many bodies in one place. as soon as I dropped out of NAV 20km away it went to chop, I got a glimpse of the mass of dead ship markers and CTD'd
I couldn't figure it out, had to unfortunately downgrade to the hull-a which means I lose ROC mining capability. Will just have to settle with buying better ships for other purposes in game. Really need an open access cargo ship because physicalized cargo is a massive fucking pain and having external cargo saves the most time.
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C1 fixed
>nomad ROC mining
based, I first bought it for exactly the same thing. it's a shame they find ways to punish innovations like this; I discovered that as long as the ROC is in a ship you can't target nodes outside, so you can't have a person chilling in the back and one piloting to have a ghetto Prospector. also the thing doesn't fit very well and always impacts with the tractor beam mounted above the grid. every ship seems to have these deliberately designed limitations for """balance""" that aren't present in the most expensive ones, ie the hercules that has a nice wide open cargo hallway with front and back access that can also be driven through and parked in easily.
Missiles are really buggy now. They jitter around and usually disappear before hitting npcs, but controversially when I was attacked by a player, a single missile jittered around and instagibbed the player ship
We had a roc mine from reclaimer elevator..

But roc is.. ..quite buggy. Probably the biggest loop now
I don't think I bothered trying from the nomad but it didn't work when I had it in the nose of a cat, had to drive it out before it would acknowledge the rocks at all. they wouldn't even highlight
now it has 0 cargo, what is its purpouse now?
it doesn't store cargo in the wings, retard
ok retard, but you have removed the engines so now the engines are were the cargo would be and you only have the hallway left, congratulations stupid monkey, you created a bigger avenger that has less or even no cargo at all
Might be because reclaimer elevator gets out the ship when it's out, also buggy in general.
nta but you didnt do any of the replication layer testing? when someone did something to cause a server crash you would wait through the error screen until recovery, about a minute or 2 later when the server started to repopulate assets where people had loaded in it would crash again and cycle through. I stayed through 5 resets to see if they had implemented some kind of failsafe shutdown/kick, there was no stopping it cascading.
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There, now everyone is happy.
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CIG CTO comment during a SC podcast when one eceleb faggot suggested trying to make the JT planet its own server in the mesh
Too close to RSI triangle style. CR called and told me to arrest you.
isn't this exactly what dynamic mashing already does anyway
dynamic meshing doesnt exist yet, while static is a few months away
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No. To both of you.

I'm not an expert on what CIG has said, they don't develope games the same way as everyone else.

But what is implied by having a separate server for specific areas is just your usual sharding, server splitting etc.

What is meant by "Dynamic" is that new server instances are opened by need. This is usually done by just having more copies of the same running, eg. 100 people in Hurston orbit and new server would host 100 more depending on the server load.
In the case of what CIG is (probably) attempting is that they would start to fracture the whole Stanton/Pyro to smaller and smaller sections of space with new servers. Eg. If Hurston Orbit has 200 people and thats too much, it could open up another server that hosts northern orbit and the old one would host southern orbit. Theory is that in this case the player amount could be as much as the servers can scale. Every time the game is too heavy to run, you just split the area of space in half and start a new server.

What makes it difficult is transferring people and data between servers seamlessly, especially as there are so many objects in the verse. Not to mention this is actually not a very strong solution without significant changes to the game.

Right now everyone starts in one of 4 planets, and even if you double it to 8 planets - if a quite normal load of 20000 people try to log in, they will be split to 8 locations with 2500 people, or hey lets say its less, 2000 people is still 250 people in roughly exactly the same location. There is no realistic way to split those small locations to smaller servers.

Summa summarum, I have argued and will continue to do so that CIG should focus more in optimizing their game and removing some of the needless replication (empty bottles, trash) and do more cleanup. Because there will always be the problem of too many people in one place, and clearly in SC its not a lot of people that is needed to do that.
Ah to clarify - a dynamic system could simply create SEPARATE servers for set of 2x100 people who cannot interact with eachother. Thats done in most games.
But CIG is most likely planning to split a volume of space to smaller and smaller regions based on traffic. But aforementioned problems still persist.
And to continue, anyone who has played EVE (or any pvp mmo) knows that due to "zerging", any area of space getting very crowded is actually extremely likely.
>What is meant by "Dynamic" is that new server instances are opened by need.
so like if there was an event like jumptown happening on a particular planet, it would spit up local servers for it? you could even say if someone were to suggest doing so manually that "dynamic meshing already does that anyway"
Yeah they should kinda do that already. Especially as in theory even with kinda shitty half baked replication layer they could already have it there waiting and start it up when someone is near and shut it down when nobody is near. In fact doing that split RIGHT NOW before any real dynamic splitting would save money too.
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Thinking about it, the Xenothreat event would DEFINITELY benefitted from splitting the whole station and area and the transition would have been easy to do.
didn't read your schizophrenic rant
Eve online already has different servers for different regions of space. Had it for a long time, Thats why JITA was always fucking jammed while a lot of other places ran fine.
Thats my opinnion on game industry too.
I feel like they did. there was a massive hang every time you transitioned either way where you were stuck in your ship, not in quantum nor moving but also unable to do anything but wave your mouse around.
Am I the only one who has been going to the event for 2 days and can't find any fucking container because the cargo ships are empty?
perf was still dogshit, so either proves my point its going to be rough even if you split them
Is pyro fucking out yet?
does pope molest bears in the woods
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>Try do do pirate scavenger hunt
>Every one of the non-armistice spots has someone lying in wait to KoS
>Very quickly decide I have better things to do with my time than provide content to psychopaths and look up the answer
Law and order system can't come soon enough Like it'll solve the problem anyway. Or even work. Lol, lmao.
You are a shitter coward
I don't give a fuck about getting into combat, but I respect those who actually try and larp. If they were asking ransom or larping as the troll toll I'd happily oblige. I'm not going to give my time tosomeone killing for the sake of killing.
I fly ships tanky enough to get out of a situation if i don't want to be there because I cannot be fucked to engage in dayz tier shittery.
Stay mad.
>Very quickly decide I have better things to do with my time than provide content to psychopaths
>getting ganked
It's just a videogame
You're taking this shit way too seriously
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carebear genocide best day of my life
>t. psychotrannies

I was doing the event, someone asked if I can share the mission with them. (clue right there), and I did. He said he has CS and is coming only to kill people. I said ok, sure - why not. (they would have let me do the mission in peace anyway if I reported other ships for them to kill) and everything was fine. Being smart means you can have fun with anyone.

But yeah, they were there to grief - they got one corsair and couldn't kill a retaliator. Then they decided to fuck off to more populated servers and I was left to do the event. (which sucks ass cause the ships dont have the zeta prolanite 80% of the time)

This event kinda sucks also cause it removes Everus Harbor from any kind of real use since its a pvp free zone with a bunch of annoying npcs to tank performance - I will avoid it if im doing anything else than the event. The event being at pyro gate for xeno was really good.
scam citizen
more meshing tests this week
hire some combat escorts
When can I buy the MK2 Hornet in the game? Fuck pledging
Chat, does he know?
>MK2 Hornet
not sold directly according to itemfinder.
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Yeah, it's been pledge only for awhile but it's supposed to replace the MK1 in game as well. Something like back at Invictus.
even NPCs don't know how to open the corsair wings
So sad that the raft is unusable tier. Such a comfy looking hauler but you're fucking yeeted into space if you dare leave the captain chair while moving.

>but don't do that

Why even fucking play this game over any of its competition then? I'm only here because it has ship interiors.
but don't play it
sorry pal, but I've been having a gay ole time with the hull-a. It's a real grower for hauling.
It's alt+k. For fucks sake.
I know this, but it's a fucking stupid keybind that isn't listed anywhere because it does something just a little different on the few ships that have it
Does this also close the Spirit's gun ports?
power the weapons off they'll retract automatically
how was 24.2 evo
It was just a 3 hour stability test being the first evo patch of a new build, so there isnt much to say outside of datamined content and a couple of screenshots of the new mfd's.
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I want to drop bombs on space dads with my new A2.
Any actual trade sites that people are using? Outposts are hard armistice and rappel/pickers/Brio's/orinth are busted and don't seem to get visitors.
well, where do you want it?
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in the trash, over here please
Weapons need a total rebalance pass. Power creep is out of control.
F7A MK2 paypiggytowin mounts almost all S4 guns, which simply shouldn't be on a fighter. I know how we got here, which is making sure the new ships sells by being overpowered. Size 1s are essentially nothing, and Size 2s are almost useless in modern SC. It's obvious which ships that were designed early before the power creep e.g. Connie has S2 guns in her turrets.
Maybe it needs a flattening, like the WOW level cap.
>does he know?
>he doesn't know
based rattler
missiles glitch out 90% of the time and are useless
>Ubisoft goes bankrupt closes all but Montreal studios
>Paul Jones is forced to come crawling back
>BMM is completed 2026
Its interesting, my experience with missiles is mixed bag. 90% of the time they do nothing to NPC, 10% of the time they instagib them. Same to NPC shooting at you with missiles.

In PvP, the missiles glitch out the same, but my only experience in them is that they just instagib fighters. The fighters dont want to be too near to get hit by S5 guns and if they go too far they get hit by missiles.

Corsair is sluggish and difficult on PvP, but the only ship in the game I haven't beaten yet in fair fight is the Hornet.
And to Clarify, they glitch out and completely can dissapear from all sight but suddenly the fighter blows up.

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