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God is dead. Why do the best MMOs always die?
MS2 was fucking trash. There was no pvp. The game had HORRIBLE controls. If i remember correctly it had fucking gacha shit in it. The entire "MMO" was a singleplayer storyline.
it was comfy
Lol faggot
Maple story 2, kek
it was cute and that's all that matters
we could have the animal crossing of mmorpgs
shit game at the core but the music system and fun creation system dying pisses me off
everything but the actual game was fun as fuck
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If you want to argue for that, thats fine. But i have a hard time sympathizing when theres already so many casual mmos without any competitive nature to them
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because Tree Of Savior was better
Maplestory 2 was basically Habbo Maplestory, a lot of good fun social stuff but the actual game being relegated to last
>smug faces are literally just eyes and mouth mabinogi
actually brilliant idea btw wish I thought of it back then can easily make tons of high quality faces ripping off mabi
what happened with that guy who was supposed to stream hitting the level cap in maple story 1 and instead went on a huge rant about how the game sucks?
Because the social aspect of MMOs (which was its main draw in first place) has died. Right now it's either you ERP with the local faggots or you play something else, while the gameplay aspect of the game you're supposed to be playing is left on a rather irrelevant side.
Not even the lewd bunnygirls could save it....
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Old Tree of Savior was better in every way. Bring back guild aggression
Maplestory pre-big bang update in 2010 was kino.

Then they made the game easy for any retard playing it and everyone suddenly was lvl 100+ and endgame became pointless.

The community was comfy af, just having a chill guild and doing content together was the perfect past time on a rainy friday evening while eating pizza and sipping on energy drinks.

The Free Market dynamic was great too and you had people literally being traders as their ''main'' occupation trying to max out their mesos balance.

Never played Maplestory 2 as i knew it would be a disaster seeing how Nexon was deliberately trying to kill the OG Maplestory.
>There was no pvp.
Yes there was.
Mate this game was always shit
From time-gating content (because Nexon already knew there wasn't enough to do to keep people online) to the barebones, tedious, and overhyped story campaign that they wouldn't stfu about before it came out
MS2 is like the video game equivalent of shrinkflation compared to 1
no one cared, then he logged in a month later and hit 300 anyway and still plays like a good little goy
OP here. This game actually sucks and so do you.
Probably it wasn't the best but it was fun and I remember it fondly as the last MMO I played. It was perhaps a bit silly and goofy but it was free and I was in a nice guild.
Literally everything you said was wrong.
I saw an ad on the right side of my screen on YouTube for MapleStory during the summer after 6th grade. I clicked it, I enjoyed strolling through southperry, throwing snail shells. Back then the new character was rolled out on a conveyor belt with a plant sprouting out of its hat. Colored work gloves were really easy to get. Upon arriving to Lith harbor, another player in a skullcap explained ability points to me, telling me I had to intricately assign them to be a good player. On myspace, I found some of my other friends were playing too. I was on and off. I started up really hard again in 9th grade, several other high school friends played too, we were not all on the same server. There were a lot of hackers in this game, learning hacks from illegal cheating/gaming websites. I know there were major lawsuits involving that. Two of my friends got really close to a hacker group, who were probably on the other side of the country at that time. They would crash servers to duplicate items and create exploits. I spent a lot of money on this game as a teenager. I have not played it in a very long time at some point. Coming back, it would cost even more money than I have ever spent to be really good on the highest level character I really had. So I made a new character, on a trade-free server. I have a lot of Nostalgia about this game. I notice a Nexon CEO died in like 2022, but not with Nexon America. I lost a mechanic during the server merge. I am playing now because I have nothing else to do and because I want to. Basilmarket was a really nice website for awhile, I was also on Southperry. I really liked the Maple Kombat YouTube skits. So much has changed about this game. I made a character on Maplestory 2 at a cyber gaming lounge (I didn't have a pc) before it was canceled. I hadn't gotten into maplestory mobile. In the meantime, I found Final Fantasy XIV very playable. Idk... Also, Toram Online was very fun for awhile, but i lost the phone I played it on unregistered.
This image, while I agree with the general message, is wrong on so many fucking levels about Wakfu.

1. Ankama only listens to the French. I sincerely doubt the poster being bitched about here is from the French forums. Source: I was part of the "Herald" program where we got early looks at class changes and gave feedback on balance and other issues. We were completely ignored from day 1. I signed a fucking NDA for this shit.
2. PvP was always an unbalanced shitfest where most classes were completely useless. Long Ranged classes have always had insane escape potential and Close and Mid Range classes didn't have the tools to counter or the resources to push through 2+ turns of sustained fire.
3. Citizenship Points were so stupidly easy to farm players would aggro with impunity over any little thing, even if they were on your "side". Killing friendly players was a slap on the wrist at worst.
4. This game was so stupidly easy to multibox. Being a tactical RPG, having one brain controlling 6 characters is better than having to deal with 5 other idiots fucking up the simplest plans. If you don't multibox you are locked out of competitive gameplay. PvP, PvE, all of it.
Those last two points combined essentially made multiboxers gods. They were like a faction unto themselves, killing other players with impunity and running rampant over everything which was cancer for the PvP scene. Removing one was like a raid encounter, and they'd just come back in 5 mins once De Darm wore off.

The gutting of PvP was definitely a contributing factor and I missed it when it was gone but Ankama's failure to come remotely close to balancing their game coupled with their heavy-handed approach to destroying any and all player strategies to solve encounters in ways that weren't just outstatting them had a far greater impact.
Don't forget the loot system. Good lord what a shitshow. And dungeon keys. Lack of any disconnection leeway, etc etc.
God I hate the french so much it's unreal.
what about throne and liberty?
>PvP was always an unbalanced shitfest
You are bad.
>Citizenship Points were so stupidly easy to farm
But farming them was the punishment. It allowed for open world pvp. That was the point.
>This game was so stupidly easy to multibox
Every game has cheaters. Faggots infest everything.

>The gutting of PvP was definitely a contributing factor
*The Sole Factor*
>You are bad.
You are retarded.
>But farming them was the punishment. It allowed for open world pvp. That was the point.
My entire point was that it wasn't a punishment. Gaining Citizenship Points happened almost completely incidentally while you did anything.
In addition, 9 times out of 10 the "PvP" you're simping for in this instance is just some random bot in the mines one-tapping low levels on his own faction to keep his kama grind going. Not the real shit that keeps people on their toes and invested in the game.
>Every game has cheaters. Faggots infest everything.
First true thing you've said. Unfortunately they were a serious problem for both PvP and the greater community.

>*The Sole Factor*
You are simply wrong. The game was already dying before the removal of PvP.

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