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Echoes of Angmar when?
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just as tolkien envisioned
I'm holding out hope for an announcement on Hobbit Day (9/22) that the server is launching on October the 24th.
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forgot pic
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new update
I've never read the books or seen the movies, will I like this anyway?
This or Dungeons & Dragons Online?
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>Echoes of Angmar when?
Why would you even want this? LOTRO retail is great and you'd be giving up ALL THAT CONTENT for muh nostalgia.
Not once have I ever seen this in game.
Watch the movies and read Tolkien. It's Classic Coke and everything else in the fantasy genre is store brand.
>why would you want to play a version of LOTRO that is actually challenging, doesn't have a cash shop, doesn't have nigger hobbits (and elves soon) and doesn't have Cordovan?
gee idk anon. live LOTRO is garbage and if you like it you're a drooling retard.
this should be a pro watch for you, slop slurper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8H2VNLJhenY
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live LOTRO is a beloved game samefag. What's your problem with it? Other than the fact that harfoot hobbits exist and they combined gender character customization (that no one uses)
>live LOTRO is a beloved game
beloved by who? they get 500 players at peak on their new legendary server and that's considered a smashing success
yeah I forgot to share that second vid, which comically sums up everything wrong with live LOTRO.
I saw they added difficulty options for the overworld. Are they pretty straightforward and do they actually make it more challenging, or just more grindy?
Landscape difficulty does its job, but it's just a janky stopgap implementation that doesn't really address the core problems with what the game has become. It would certainly be a lot better if it applied to instances as well. It's pretty jarring to go from a challenging overworld experience to soloing dungeons np.
>beloved when SSG is notorious for ignoring and not communicating with their playerbase
eu server constantly gets to 800-1000 players even now, well thats because its the only eu located one but still.
I'm thinking about getting a sub so I can play on the only EU server and not have to deal with the high ping connecting from yurupstan because I like the game so far (lvl 12) after having played around for free a bit on the US servers.
Is this retarded? I'm having fun so far but after watching >>1430486 I'm uncertain if I should really throw money at it just for a better ping and a server with special events / release schedules when I barely know the game yet, not that 1 month's sub is a lot of money.
(Also do anons even play this? I noticed there isn't a /vg/ gen for it)
still outlandishly vague. just say it'll be ready when it's ready
Went back to LOTRO after xiv shat itself with woke lemutt this year. Gotta say, you really don't see how shit the forced instances and DF are until you step away. Never mind the twitter tranny infeststion.
So I decided to play for free for a few more days and I'm glad I did, because I've realized just how buggy pets are (or at least captain's Herald companion is) when it comes to using their skills. I lost count of how many times I randomly got this error message about having to use personal skills to command your pet to use its skills despite having used them just fine moments earlier and the skill being ready again. It just happens sometimes that the cunt won't do shit regardless of using petskills via keybinds or just clicking them on its skillbar.
It's a fun game but I'm not paying for that kind of inconsistency. Imagine trying to fight the randomly-summoned elite wraiths on muh legendary servers only to have crucial tool skills just not work because "uhh oops hiccups lol". I know they're not a key aspect of the game, but losing out on fun challenges like don't-die-before-x-level because of that is lame.
Thinking about playing this bros for the first time as I'm in a LOTR mood right now. What's the recommended class/race/tips for new players? I generally like playing magic characters but not sure how that works considering how different magic is in LOTR
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Please don't include nogs
Haven't played since the end of Moria,feeling like going back had a Warden main,what should I expect after 15 years away?
How populated are the servers?
Will I have trouble finding players to finish overworld group quests and instanced content?
Don't give them any money, they are turning this into a woke shitfest. Play the free portion if you like (this actually costs them money, so it's good)
I am out of the loop,what happened with Turbine,and how are they turning it woke?
I originally played it to chill and have my LOTR fix,this is was the only MMO that I could play without giving a fuck about rushing to level cap or being a sweatlord.
You can make trans characters now (In a fucking Tolkien game of all things) as well as taking massive dumps on the lore by making all the races multicultural (you can be an Asian elf, a trans black Gondorian and so on)


these two are actually real, you can do this in game now.
Furthermore any discussion over this is quickly surpressed everywhere, unsurprisingly.
Turbine hasn't owned LOTRO (or DDO) for years now.
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just made a new character
How often do you see such things in-game?
Are the recent legendary servers fun?
Echoes of Angmar closed beta starting soon.
Yes until you complete all the content which doesn't take very long
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Is LoTRO worth getting into as an RPfag? Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were some of my favourite books growing up.
And I've had friends shill it to me as the only modern MMO that still feels like a mid-2000s MMO where you're not rushed to endgame or forced through 50 different gimmicks at once.

I want to play and roleplay a dwarf or hobbit and go on comfy adventures. Is the RP community good, or is it pure aids like WoW and FFXIV's RP community?

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