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Early Access Season #4
@everyone,We will be deploying Season #4 starting at September 5, 2024 2:00 PM.
When the patch starts, you will not be able to log in to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time.
Players in a match or in-game will have 40 minutes to complete their match and exit safely.
The server will return to full service 3 hours after the patch starts.

During maintenance, all services, including the website, may be temporarily suspended to update various servers.

All character levels, items, quest progress, reward tokens, and affinity have been reset for this new season.
The return of a reworked ‘Ruins’ map and the return of the 3-layer dungeons.
New ‘Spectral Knight’ boss.
New ‘Dungeon Express’ system allowing adventurers to safely extract their loot between layers of the dungeons.
New ‘Item Origin’ system that marks the identity of the adventurer who originally extracts an item from the dungeons.
New unique random spawn monsters.
New ‘Minor Artifact’ items.
‘Tome of Knowledge’ available in the options sidebar to help with basic game information.
Many reworked Quests.
Affinity gained from the Quest system is now tracked on an account basis instead of on a character basis.
Triumph Levels have been reset to 0.
Triumph Level is maxed out at level 5 and requires slightly more experience points to max out.
Legendary accounts now receive a 1.5x Triumph EXP boost per extraction.
The Adventure Leaderboard rewards for the previous season, EA Season 3, are now released and available for redemption.
Addition of many cosmetic skins and emotes.
Improved 3D models for several weapons and utility items.
Balanced damage based on attack distance changes for some weapons.
Ability to bulk purchase items from the Merchants.
Quick access button for the Squire on the Main Menu.
Improved Starting Gear for all classes.
In-game dungeon map.
‘Low Violence’ option to change the blood effects.
Improved Shop presentation to more easily view prices of cosmetic items.
The ‘Platform-Link’ system has now been removed. This was necessary to streamline the backend to better support store platform features such as upcoming DLC packages.

Developer Comments:
Welcome to Early Access Season #4!
All characters have been reset for the start of this season. We have also reset the Triumph levels for all accounts. Accounts are now limited to a maximum of 5 Triumph Levels per season. Legendary accounts now receive a Triumph exp boost upon each successful extraction.

This season marks the return of The Ruins. Explore the reworked Ruins map to discover new secrets and horrors. The Ruins functions as the gateway to the Crypts and the Inferno. Experience the full delve with the introduction of the Expressman, allowing you to hoard your valuable loot as you venture deeper into the dungeons.

This season will also see the introduction of Religions and the Arena features in the coming weeks. Align yourself with one of four divine ones and prepare to seek glory in their name. Be wary of those whose beliefs and goals do not align with yours. The Arena showcases the PvP skills of brave adventurers, tracking their triumphs and feats on a competitive leaderboard.

We will continue to bring new content and improve balance throughout the season. We thank you for your support and see you in the dungeons!
Sorry, Due to unexpected problems during the patch process, there will be a delay of approximately one hour until completion.

>Also #surprise wipe edition
Im banned from the discord, does that mean 9pm EST?
Yes but its IM so probably 9 AM
dead game
Lmao, any other notifications?
Despite the nonstop legal issues from a triple A monstrosity, it still has tens of thousands of players in early access. There arent many games historically that have done as well as Dark and Darker has
The final build is taking a little longer than expected and we need approximately 90 minutes to ensure everything is coming back up properly. We apologize for this delay. We’ll have you back in the dungeons as soon as we can!
Appreciate you keeping me updated
How is every single patch always delayed by hours?
>Despite the nonstop workplace "accidents" from a OSHA monstrosity, factories still have hundreds of thousands of gooks in their employ. There arent many slave farms historically that have done as well as China has

>Despite the nonstop terrible "updates" from a "small indie company" monstrosity, it still has tens of thousands of brown neetslaves in F2P-but-not-really poverty access $35 early access $50 earlier access. There arent many asset flips historically that have done as well as Slop and Slopper has

>Despite the nonstop shit coming out from my asshole monstrosity, I still have tens of thousands of turds in ass access. There arent many shitters historically that have done as well as my rotten turd-tossing crap-chucking doodoo-delivering ass has
nexon nigger malding
it's all downhill from here
Uhhg 10:33. Any new updates on discord?
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Wait, what the fuck is dexterity and how is it different than agility?
Is the spectral knight new? It killed me
>Matchmaking failed
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>keep failing ruins matchmaking
>changes to ice mount
Can someone give me a QRD on how this game is played now? Why are portals and stairs marked on the map? Where is the swarm forcing people into smaller areas so fights happen? I've gone 4 games without seeing a single other player.
>We will be deploying Season #4 starting at September 5, 2024 2:00 PM
Well shit, I thought wipe day was supposed to be tomorrow.
I kept putting it off and never ended up getting to try out multiclassing at all, nor use up the rest of my stored up gear.
So many skull tokens, so much gold, all gone to waste unused.
Oh well.
All primitive stats affect a variety of things, but primarily Dexterity is how fast you attack while Agility is how fast you move.
Purple spear already? 8-\
>the bong dings twice and then my game crashes
>The ‘Platform-Link’ system has now been removed. This was necessary to streamline the backend to better support store platform features such as upcoming DLC packages.
So if someone's been asleep and they had an account on Blacksmith Launcher way back when but didn't link it to Steam last season, they're just fucked now?
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Hahahaha, couldn't be me! It's me.
Why would you want to link your account to a third party launcher willingly?
So you can stop using the third-party launcher without losing access to all your leaderboard rewards and cosmetics and shit from previous seasons? If you already had an existing account with IM from before they came back to Steam, why wouldn't you want to link it?
>So you can stop using the third-party launcher
If its unlinked you dont have to use steam obviously?
>without losing access to all your leaderboard rewards and cosmetics and shit from previous seasons?
Why would you lose these?

I do not understand what you're talking about at all lol
>Why are portals and stairs marked on the map? Where is the swarm forcing people into smaller areas so fights happen?
Removed because people complained about it. I wasn't around for that so I don't know their reasoning exactly, but I believe it was "PvE enjoyers" (shit eaters) complaining about there being too much PvP as a result of the swarm pushing people together.
Now, all exit locations on every map are static, although the time at which each one opens is slightly random. The whole map remains accessible down to the very last minute. If you want PvP, you need to learn the spawns and popular map locations so you can spawn-rush, and learn how to juke mobs so you can move from room to room without needing to spend all your time clearing them.
Druid is nice for this because you can jump through doors with rat form, which greatly increases the speed of moving across multiple modules.

Sometimes in spite of all efforts though, you simply can't find anyone, either due to bad luck or numbers getting too thin because half the lobby dies to mobs and everyone else is too spread out to run into each other. It sucks.
Christ I forgot how crap wizard is with out even white knowledge gear
The circle was kinda good desu. Normally i hate the zone, but in DnD it kinda worked.
The static escapes are 100x better. IMO ranked sucked because for example on goblin caves, the tombstone escapes could spawn on any floor, as long as it was in the circle, so the final circle always ended up in two players agreeing not to kill each other because they each wanted an opportunity to try to run through the zone for 15 minutes to get a chance to escape
>If its unlinked you dont have to use steam obviously?
Are you considering Steam the third-party launcher or something?

The reason to link one's Blacksmith account to Steam is so that one can play the game using Steam instead of Blacksmith while keeping all their account rewards. People like using Steam, as evidenced by the explosion of players when the game recently came to Steam.
>Are you considering Steam the third-party launcher or something?
Yeah, the first party launcher would be ironmaces, steam is an unrelated 3rd party?

I dont understand the want to add it to your steam library?
So what is the point of even playing then? PvP was literally the whole game.
>inb4 some tard says PvE when the mobs are literally braindamaged and you just cheese everything including bosses
>so the final circle always ended up in two players agreeing not to kill each other because they each wanted an opportunity to try to run through the zone for 15 minutes to get a chance to escape
Kill them anyway and if you aren't in the final 2 who cares why are you spectating go play another game?
>So what is the point of even playing then?
Still PvP. It's more annoying to find it now, but still doable most rounds.
Unfortunately there are retards in the Discord and Reddit even now who legitimately complain about PvP getting in the way of PvE. I don't understand it.
>Improved Starting Gear for all classes
What exactly does this mean? All the squire gear is still gray if you have no affinity. Did they buff the gray gear? How could they do that without needing to also buff white gear since their values are so close?
Footsteps are really quiet know, didn't hear a guy clanking in plate boots until he was a quarter of a module away
>no quests for the armorer, leathersmith, tailor, or weaponsmith
What the fuck? What am I supposed to do with the shitty default squire gear? Hell, my druid and ranger can't even get fucking base gear spears now.
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>frost skeleton skin has a baked-in hat
>this hat is removed when you are wearing a piece of headgear, to prevent clipping issues
>skeleton champion skin has a baked-in helmet
>when wearing a piece of headgear, the helmet is not removed so the horns just clip through it
Well that's disappointing. I was hoping that I could just look like the normal skelly skin that's not available anymore.
At least it doesn't look too bad. Are the horns part of my hitbox? Does using this skin just make it super easy for enemies to hit headshots on me with swinging weapons?
I still remember the early /v/ threads with the resident schizo calling all pvpers psychopaths and would go on hour long rants about how PvP should be removed and pvpers should go play a different game
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>get to anywhere fun in ruins
>crows fuck you up
I'm sure melee classes were crying about the big bad double jump rogues and backstep rangers, but it still sucks.
>tfw no dropping surprise bear nukes on people from three stories up
The crows are one of the few good changes they made, there is a debuff timer on you before they attack so you can still hop across walls just not camp out of range forever.
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They trigger in some dumb spots though. Going to have to fix some of these
Can someone explain to me whats all new in the update?
Did they really just readd old content and call it a day?
How can anyone deny its been abandoned now?
The Ruins is old, but they've updated it a bit. New enemies and bosses and such.
The Expressman is new.
Religions are new and are due in a week.
There are now "unique random spawn monsters" and "minor artifacts" though I don't know what either of those actually are.
There's other stuff that is different, but that's about it as far as actual content goes.
Would you say the game feels better or worse to play now compared to 3 months ago?
>sound is broken as ever
I swear when I started playing I was able to hear people over a room away, which was realistic
>Would you say the game feels better or worse to play now compared to 3 months ago?
Too soon to tell, it's been less than a day.
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Does it include sound?
Yes. A little gas cloud comes out too
>fighters now have a skill to reflect projectile spells with their shield
Wasn't being able to block spells enough? Why do fighters need even more toys?
Based total nigger non-plate caster death
>make female character
>buy fart emote
>go into solos and do nothing but running around and farting
Well worth the money!
The Spectral Knight boss can take damage before even properly spawning, and can thus be farmed with zero risk or effort whatsoever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOhfWY3UiKE
Bravo, Ironmace.
The emote seems so stupid and out of place for this game
**Early Access Hotfix #63**
@everyone,We will be deploying hotfix #63 starting at <t:1725637500>.
When the patch starts, you will not be able to log in to the game and players in-game will not be able to enter the matchmaking pool during this time.
Players in a match or in-game will have 40 minutes to complete their match and exit safely.
The server will return to full service 2 hours after the patch starts.

During maintenance, all services, including the website, may be temporarily suspended to update various servers.

- Fixed several fatal client crashes that could occur in various situations.
- Fixed an issue where some spells with a range of effects would not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Ice Abyss vault door would not open even after defeating the Frost Wyvern.
- Spell ranges have been adjusted to match class characteristics. Wizard 800, Warlock 750, Cleric 700, Druid 700.
- Wizard's Magic Lock duration changed from 8s 10s.
- (Missing) Warlock's Curse of Pain does not deal instant damage while the same curse is active.
- Warlock's Curse of Pain instant damage changed from 7 15 and the total dot damage has been changed from 13/15 15/20.
Unfortunately, due to other things going on, we haven't been able to develop class and item details at this time. Starting next week with Hotfix #64, we'll be turning our attention to balance patches along with experimental arena.
>Warlock's Curse of Pain does not deal instant damage while the same curse is active
Holy shit, they fucking curbstomped him.
With the increase in damage this is actually a buff provided they can hit their dark bolts. At least it will be harder for them to hit you through mob trains
How have I not noticed harpies have jiggle physics?
>With the increase in damage this is actually a buff provided they can hit their dark bolts
Maybe for warlocks whose playstyle was already CoP+dark bolt. For the majority of warlocks who simply spammed CoP, this kills that playstyle entirely.
When is IM finally going to add harpussies?
Lamias > Harpies
That play style was to risk free, at high gear with true magic dmg it was essentially a wizard with infinite zaps
Oh I agree, I'm just saying that it seemed like that was the standard by which most warlocks played and this change absolutely shatters that. It's a nerf in that regard.
And thank god for it. FUCK Warlock
>another nothingburger wipe
Honestly, I thought I'd be hyped for the wipe, but everything that should be hyped about is delayed. Now I'm just playing the same game but with Timmier Timmies and shitty squire gear.

Anyways, thoughts on new ruins so far? I haven't played it enough to form an opinion. I do wonder how long they'll tolerate a 3 floor map considering the playerbase kinda didn't like it last time. Doing certain quests must be a pain in the ass now that you have to wait for so long to go to certain maps now.
I just noticed the quests page on the wiki has the full list of quests for everyone for this season, even unreleased quests. Were they datamined or something?
I've been collecting bangles only to find out there's no Bundle of Bangles quest this season.
I wonder if they did something to matchmaking? I am constantly in ques with people 200 fame and up
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Why do people hate the 3 tier layout?
I keep forgetting it's a thing and escape from Ruins instead of continuing down to Crypts.
People who enjoy PvP don't like it because there's no lobby consolidation so the further and further down you go, the more and more dead it is and the harder it is to find people.
If you start with a full lobby and 50% of people go down from Ruins, it's going to be that much harder to find anyone in Crypts.

People who just want to grind quests don't like it because the only way to get to a deeper dungeon is to go through the higher ones. Doing quests in Inferno like killing demon dogs already involved a 15-minute wait last season just to GET to Inferno. Now it's a 30-minute wait, every single time.
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I took the liberty of going through the wiki's quests page and consolidating a list of every item and quantity needed to complete all quests for all merchants this season, so you can quickly and easily refer to it when you encounter loot to double-check whether you might need to hold onto it or are fine selling it.
Note that this is all quests together, so if one quest requires three of something and another requires five, I just put it down as x8.
All quest items with a required rarity are gathered at the top. The rest can be whatever rarity, according to the wiki.

It just proves the devs dont play their own game.
I refuse to spend any more time waiting behind a wall for 30 minutes just to get a chance at some quest in a specific dungeon
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based, cheers anon
I don't actually know for sure how the wiki does their quest page and I'm taking it entirely on faith that it's accurate, purely because it's both fully populated and different from how it used to be. Even the prior revisions going back months still list the same quest items that are listed now, and I know for a fact those aren't the quest items that used to be there because for example last season the Treasurer's first quest was for five ceremonial daggers. They must have some automated system set up to populate that list at least partially, rather than editing the entries manually.
Everything released so far matches up with what's currently on the quests page, at least.
>Have to wait an hour to do inferno quests
Maybe this game will be in a playable state next year
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>meet another player
>he spam crouches
>I'm trying to do quests, so I'm not exactly looking for fights
>do the hands up emote and go a different way
>10 seconds later I see him come through the door after me and draw his weapon
>this keeps happening across multiple rounds with different people
Why do they even bother? Why not just attack to begin with?
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>get a quest to visit a specific room in Inferno later in the season
>wait potentially 6 minutes for the map to become available
>wait 15 minutes to go from Ruins to Crypts
>wait 15 minutes to go from Crypts to Inferno
>it's the layout where the room you need to visit doesn't exist
>have to do the whole thing all over again
This proves the devs dont actually play their game at all, their experience is limited to Dark and Darker Mobile™
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>Hi, Adventurers. Unfortunately, due to other things going on, we haven't been able to develop class and item details at this time.
This cant be real
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I have seen a few already in lower layers. Sound is weird now, I can look at someone 6 feet away fighting a mob and it sounds far away. Hard to hear people sneaking on you too
What the fuck does this even mean? How do they get away with this?
They just brought back old content what could they possibly be complaining about here?
>already patched
Damn it.
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That's why you have side objectives like high roller ap grinding or ruin exploration to keep you busy in the meantime.
Why don't people ever respond to whispers?
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Does this have even the slightest chance of fooling anyone except the most braindead new players?
Is there some trick to get the game to not just silent crash? My GPU is fine, ram is fine, cpu is fine, nothing else running, yet the game will just sometimes in the middle of a match just alt f4 with no log.
It all depends on how you move and if someone is looking directly at you or just catches you in the corner of their eye while focused on something else. If you are running around like a real player and going straight at people then it's not going to work.
Pretty sure you have to go into the options and select "allow whispers from all" instead of just from friends. I've whispered to several non friends and I don't think any have responded.
>I have mine set to Friends Only (probably what it is by default)
>all this time I've been whispering people, even if they HAD responded, I wouldn't know
That's fucking retarded, why would the game even allow you to whisper non-friends in the first place if the chat option was set to that?
>just catches you in the corner of their eye while focused on something else
I'm not trying to use it to hide, but to get close to someone and surprise blitz him. Anyone can ambush a player while they're focused on fighting mobs or whatever else, I want to "ambush" a player while he's entirely focused on me.
I wear plate boots to mimic the footstep sounds and only ever approach players with my shield raised and while walking rather than running.
I've managed to do this twice so far without it getting fucked up somehow (they see me before I'm in position, I never find anyone in the first place, etc) and both times they saw through it immediately.
I feel like the biggest thing that gives it away is location. Every map has at least one skeleton champion, even Ruins, but what are the odds of seeing that champion on Forest Path or on the bridge with the golem? What are the odds it had actually chased someone all the way there from wherever its spawn actually is? I'm not going to just spend the whole round sitting near a real champion spawn in the hopes someone wanders by just to pull a prank, though.
The second biggest giveaway is probably the fact that the skin literally just came out and everyone is using it.
I also don't have the Hold the Line emote for a more closely-matching stance, and it doesn't help that my shield is made of wood.

I feel like tricking people with the basic skeleton skin is way easier because the shield skeletons use exactly the same round shield players can get and you can find skeletons all over the map, so it never seems out of the ordinary.
>the only other way of playing rogue is to play it like ranger by whittling down enemies with throwing knives and crossbow bolts
Melee smite/divine prot Cleric is still S tier. Amazing.
This game has gotten so much worse than when i last played it
>nerfed jumps over shit adding like 3 inches of height to every goddamn object
>useless stat bloat instead of actual balancing making it even harder to get any good pieces as everything has shit stats now (did agility really need to be split in two? str sure did because health is OP, but really agility?)
>rotating maps which is annoying
>gearscore which is stupid and just gives rogues a free pass to run around ratting locked chests with no fear of ever dying since everyone is weak and a noob
>game is still an unbalanced shitfest regardless of these measures taken
>no swarm to force pvp
>static exits that dont even require memorization since they also show on the minimal, which makes those clutch moments of running through swarm on low health to find a portal nonexistent
>too many portals (why are 3 portal spawns happening on solos?)
>quests are implemented halfassedly
so much is just bad, how do they keep making the game consistently worse? It was peak during playtest 3, they could have kept the game exactly the same but added more maps and enemies and everyone would have loved it.
>gearscore which is stupid and just gives rogues a free pass to run around ratting locked chests with no fear of ever dying since everyone is weak and a noob
How does it give them a free pass to rat locked chests? If you aren't in HR, why would you loot anything? HR has a gear score of 225
>get a bunch of free purple loot
>sell it to collector for thousands
>buy gear
>you now are fully kitted out on multiple characters without ever once having to fight a competent player
Yeah I just get heaps of kits from killing other players. Less time investment. Rogue mains must surely be gay
Im doing shitty this season. Druid really feels kinda weak

>Im also refusing to use any other weapon other than spear, so that also doesnt help
IRONMACE got paid
they dont give a fuck where the game goes now and it looks like the trash is the destination

druid has always been weak, people only bitched because theyre retards who cant into counterplay
I feel like its impossible to balance the druid, they've given him too much power creep. He can rat like a rogue, bear like a barb, chicken like a ranger, etc. If they make him balanced alongside everyone else he's gonna feel overpowered, and if he's weaker he's gonna feel like shit. Honestly i wish i could play the druid with better base stats and no access to shapeshifting.
The rat form has also ruined the game for me. Being able to jump through windows of doors and scurry under shit made the game go from slow paced and methodical to feeling clunky and slow when i dont play druid. It kinda ruined the game for me in a way
My problem with druids is majority of the druid players are absolute faggots who just constantly run away. I don't even bother with them I just ignore them and call them a nigger over voip.
Yeah ill engage on someone, and if i dont have the upper hand immediately, i can freely run away. However with all the buffs to healing items, as well as the free health potions and campfires from the squire, healing doesnt even feel like a "necessary" class anymore. Druid heals way shittier than the cleric, barb heals himself way faster and stronger than you can heal... Its just crazy to me, they feel like the jack of all trades, master of running away.
Use the hold the line emote and walk around
everything about the game is just simply half assed. Its honestly pretty sad. But its inspired me to get into game dev desu
The best thing that can happen is if Nexon or anyone that gives a fuck takes over
So basically the only reason the dungeon exists now is to grind for arena
expect player numbers to be LOW when it's not the weekend
I don't have that emote...
>chicken like a ranger
How is chicken form comparable to ranger?
I was referring to the movement speed, you could say i guess the chicken is closer to the rogue since its silent, can double jump and moves fast. Maybe that was the better comparison.
I feel like having shape shifts take memory would go a long way to fixing this. Like if you want to bear slam people and cast spells you would need to build a mix of knowledge and strength
Just buy the 50$ edition a year ago then
I might have if I had known it had exclusive cosmetics. I didn't hear anything about the game between the last Steam playtest and when it actually released on Steam.
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the catgirl race is will be upon us soon gentlemen
I can actually see why they are having a hard go at it, there probably is quite a bit of spaghetti code and all they people they hired are probably trying to sort through it which is why weird bugs like druid spells not working correctly happen every few patches
>druid spells not working correctly
That was a particularly weird one because it was only druid spells, it affected 3-4 of them, and it wasn't even specifically related to healing since Entangling Vines was broken as well.
My guess is it was the way they interacted with the envornment, but it is weird it was so many of them. In the past it was relatively small things like Hydra projectiles going through walls or wizard explosion hitting clerics from far away if they had the holy aura perk.

Although the rogue pick pocket bug was so big it made the game unplayable for a day
they aren't doing shit dude, they said bugs like that are low priority nobody gives a fuck over there
The worst part is that even though all this shit is half assed, it's still somehow better than all of the clone games that were made.
So with static portal spawns, is every map just rangers rushing these places, setting up traps, and annihilating people while not ever having to move?
I think that would just restrict you into playing what feels like two classes on one character. The reason you dont currently need knowledge on druid is because nothing scales with intelligence and he only has a few spells (About 5 of which are meta, and the remaining like 4 are trash)
Fae race next! Fuck Yeaaaahhhhh
>Hopefully Froglok after that
I dont think its what you're talking about, but thorn barrier feels extremely janky to cast.
Do you play the game? Not in my experience, apart from the one other player you spawn next to, you have to seek out pvp if you want more than one fight per game
If they just focused on classes for the time being it would draw in so many more players. People will try new games out simply to play as s Palladin or Necromancer. If every wipe had a new class (until they get the planned ones out) it helps draw in new and old players
thats so shitty, they should remove 80% of the classes and attach them to preexisting classes. They need to focus on the game's bugs and put it in a playable state
is rogue poison still affected by additional magic damage or did they just completely and totally gut this class?
>game just decides you get stuck on a fraction of a fraction of a pixel and then you die
I hate it
>3 throwing knives + poison + rupture + 2 stiletto stabs
>against a ranger with no healing
>0 gearscore lobby
>i die
>spectate ranger
>60% health
I fucking hate how bad rogue is
wtf no one told me if you survived until the end of ruins you get a new map, i thought you just died
Starts ticking damage at 2 minutes. If you go down a level yea its just the old castle from before. Mobs inside seem slightly more difficult. I think there were some shadow buffs to certain mobs, their movement speed, attack interval etc.
First 3s game on crypts we went to hell, because the expressman allowed the high value shit to be saved regardless. We died on the portal room with 2 giant demon dudes and endless skeles etc. Well they died, then I ran for the portals with 1% but more skeles stopped me.
Also someone found a legendary in the castle, on <25. So thats neat, didnt know that was possible.
do all maps have a lower level like this or do you just die at times up?
IM refuses to buff rogue because buffing rogue buffs landmine rogue by extension and people hate landmine rogue. So we end up with mediocre landmine rogue and absolute dogshit garbage every other rogue playstyle.
Honestly the class would probably be better off overall if IM just removed Hide entirely and then completely rebalanced/reworked the class accordingly.
Ice Caves has the Ice Abyss, equivalent to Inferno (third level in the Howling Castle.) You access Ice Abyss by jumping into the bottomless pit that spans the bottom of a couple of the rooms, after the 2:30 mark when it turns visibly red.
Goblin Caves is just the one level.
>delete hide
>now rogue has to invest knowledge for invis pots and can't move same as other big hitters like barb and fighter
>put lockpicking natively on them
>buff the damage a bit
That's all it needs
If this still works dual handcrossbow might be playable, but i havent seen anyone talking about it. repoze made a video about dual bow poison, but didnt say anything about magic damage. I remember during one of the wipes I spent like 20k building a set that was full add magic damage and add phys damage and pinging the shit out of people. I ended up killing 9 people in one game solo on ruins back when it was a duos map.
>I might have if I had known it had exclusive cosmetics
This. This right here.

This is exactly why Dark and Darker and literally every other game on the planet will be dogshit for eternity.

Söypog Timmy over here with a ladyboner for all the digital NFT Funkos and zero funding stock in the actual substance of a game. Who gives a fuck about game development, fixing the bugs, and actually delivering on the Early Access/Hold the Line portion of things when I can spend $50 for an exclusive glowing blue dildo? POGGERS, AM I RIGHT?!

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