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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 5 started Sep 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqDLrvrl_p0 [Embed] [Embed]

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tDK2EcO80 [Embed] [Embed]

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

sissela sex
kill yourself j7wang
All I just want are human teammates without having to resort to stacking for them AIEEEEEEEEEE
Sissela sex
Nina sex
Leni sex
Garnet (hag) sex
What's the tip when you're in a game with a battle-hungry maniac early game? Do I just rat like in other kinds of battle royale? Helping seems to be 50/50 and taking risks for no reason. The kind of risk that makes you go 8th
>What's the tip when you're in a game with a battle-hungry maniac early game?
You either go full retard with him or brace yourself for an early re-queue.
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>sissela! = j7wang
literally who
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Sex with Garnet, Ly Anh and Jackie.
Nooooo but it's ranked
That's literally how you play Ranked though. You are primarily playing for RP, not placement. Get those early kills to help snowball weapon mastery so that you can get even more kills later in the game. Or get a whole hecking Terminate early if you can. It's worth taking the risks for huge RP gains than to spend 20 minutes ratting into 3rd or even if you get lucky and hit 1st you're gaining maybe 30-50 RP because your team only had 7 TKs by the end of the game.
Sex with Garnet, Jackie and Sua. (Perfect balance between flatties, medium and premium)
But it's bronze, they just die.
you would never get that met anyway
If I didn't have to backtrack would have easily gotten it before Luke got there though?
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>"Thanks, but I have my own food."
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Here is my attempt at going full retard with the Hyunwoo who wanted to fight 24/7. He couldn't land shit. We got fucked at the end of all the fighting. No waiting for items, no buying items. Tazia well... idk lmao
I will rat now
it takes 10 secs
luke would already be there and maybe with his team even
if he hits q then you are not gonna win that mu
Yeah but Dailin is good at running away? He can chase me if he wants but he's not going to catch me lmao
mash shift click
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What does /erbs/ think about this?
I don't like it
too whorish
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He doesn't know shit
>It's another episode of absolute ignorance from newfags
The thigh band and ponytail is absolute sex.
To craft you mean? I put it on a macro to craft closest left item.
kear is a dogshit mith hope you stay in plat fucking fraud.
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Sexually harass the bunnies while they work.
it's ping to retreat
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Everybody loves big floppy anime titties but when it's all you're making in terms of skins from one season to the next, it kind of gives the idea that the game itself has gone past its sell-by-date and the devs are just trying to collect money via the easy way out of putting everyone in bunnysuits or swimsuits with sudden increases to cup sizes.
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But they won't craft, my red ping alert I do like when playing league, alt + up, doesn't deter shit. So desu, I just take it as a loss and go next when I see this and end 8th, unless I really wanna rat.
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looks op
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>pic up barbara
>most of the teamates I get never plays around my turrent placements
pick* im retarded
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She was in jail too long. Everyone forgot what she does.
>check twitter profile
>female irl
>Estelle and Vanya main
It's fine, Kenneth doesn't give a shit about her so I can fuck her all I want.
Surely the gooks will draw them holding hands or drawing pictures together or anything else cutesy and nice and not just increasingly depraved fucking.
i'm looking forward to the cbt
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>my feet hurt
>i wish i was farming and burning down people instead
>this is the last time i hyperloop to omega and hope my team follows up
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For me, it's Sua's Suas
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feels good being a nicky main and an armpit fag. got treated right with the new skin
off yourself
on yourself
oh ill off myself alright
oh im already on
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I can't wait anymore. Next patch can't come soon enough.
Need fanart of her leg-locking you in her iron maiden....
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I found this
why is this on 4chin?
can someone find the origin of this for me
after reading more this is just some fanfics
this guy doesn't know shit about black survival lores
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Half of this is personal interpretation or entirely inaccurate - Chiara has no proven interaction with Zahir in any way. Same for the part about speaking backwards, that's never happened.
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can you not read penguin?
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I did read and that's why I'm confused at where this Chiara vs Zahir showdown has taken place, unless he's just going off pic related.
>Fanfic shit
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this game is unknown shit but gets so much good fan art
It's crazy what passion can accomplish.
It is thankfully getting some recognition here and there at least
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>this is someone's hero
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Alive game
>go to lfg channel to find premades
>literally friday night asia time
>try to go to other language lfg chat
>no one wants to play with some random foreigner
how the fuck do you get premades on this game bros...
They're called test subjects though
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>this is someone's test subject
I wonder when Leni will get another skin
It's early in the day for NA, wait like 7 hours
do NA bros actually play on Asia server though
Oh, Asia. No idea then, most of this place is NA.
Does a VPN help reducing ping? I don't mind anything between 100-150 ms.
>still chases you
>CC him
>still chases you
>dash again
>still chases you
>knock him away
>still chases you
>fine, try to fight him
>wins easily
I legitimately have no idea
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Mental illness
What manner of everlasting homecoming is this?
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It adds extra hoops that your packets have to go through
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Now it would be neat if she could get... you know... another skin.
Crazy huh
It would be neat if Adriana could get her maid skin back.
bro game boosters r real...
Hyejin sex
I lost...
>get put in gold
>play with friend who's also gold
>get put together with Iron IV guy on his first ranked
nothing personnel kid
I want to drink sake straight from her lips!
wakamezake for me
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I hate monkey paw
I asked for purple rio skin
I asked for straight hair rio skin
I asked for voluminious rio skin
I got all 3
but it's bunny rio
When you compare it to other epics, it turns out to be pretty underwhelming too.
is the green thumbs up just a cosmetic gj? compared to gold which is permanent your honor level.
dam. let me give 4 golds per day. 2 teams who did good instead of just 1 team or 2 separate players. tho it honestly doesn't matter.
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>First Darko skin is a fujobait skin and a downgrade from his base skin
Shameful display, I guess I'll be playing normal Darko for another season.
Bwo that Darko skin ain't so bad
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Darko base is nigger tier
is it weird if I only play cute girls in these kind of games?
Who do you play?
No. I do the same
>watch stream for drops
>checking highest viewcount
>salty seamonkey accent playing in asia 1
>nothing but rage and checking profiles after each game calling out plat 1-2s he's with
>he's diamond 4
impotent sea seethe kek
Yes, it is.
It's weird when you care too much, I play guys and girls regardless of gender
you must be talking about nero? its like watching a better version of manta
I only play girls and Kenneth who doesn't really count.
wait nero is better? I really don't care to check manta now lmao
manta had like a 4% wr in plat...
at least nero can hit mith on his own
Nero talks shit and has the skills to back it up. He's an excellent ER streamer, voice aside
Yea nero been playing the game since early access. Twitch viewers are stuck watching the peeenoy. Wish we had more normal erbs streamers.
I opened the game after months and I shit you not I thought I had opened the wrong game lmao, when did they go full coom mode ?
problem is that voice is a big deal. I'd rather watch koreans on chzzk.naver even though I don't know what they're saying. same reason I dislike the chinese streams it is not pleasant.
Most summer events were full coom but I'd say this season is the horniest they've ever been
Tips, tricks, anything, for Bianca? I am jobbing with her a lot. With Abi I'm doing pretty good, maybe she's just op or I'm resonating well with her.
But yeah I'm jobbing on Bianca
After they got rid of most of their undercover feminists.
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R>E to engage into teamfights. If you're in danger of dying immediately after engaging, use totem or W.

Auto attack (passive) > Q to root someone easily. For your Q, you don't actually have to hit the circle to root them, you can just Q in a general line and as long as they are hit by it they will be rooted.

Use arcana skill after engaging or rooting. Just use it, it's not that big of a cooldown and every little bit of burst helps.

While you're in W, you can charge E in the coffin, then release to escape it.
I die fast with W after R>E anyways, so sometimes totem is just better?
>you don't actually have to hit the circle to root them
Oh. Thanks bro time to practice. Still want to hit the circle if they're not low on health or it's a 1v1 right
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Yes, generally totem is better. Of course, it has a much longer cooldown than W, though with the recent changes to tactical skills it doesn't really matter that much.

The circle is better to hit, yes. It's just that using it as a line (max range) is easier to hit since it's hitbox extends with range and will more likely be able to hit multiple opponents.
Cumdumpire only good for sex appeal
The sex appeal is her voice in Japanese as my character and as my announcer pack
been a long time since I saw anyone understood this reference
I tried to do it in other places but nobody gets it
This place isn't what it used to be and that saddens me more each passing day
vm and vmg didn't exist until recently
I only play Darko because he has ONE skillshot,i cant miss anything else
I mean 4chan as a whole
>until recently
vm is 4 years old now
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Mr Shoichi I don't think you should be dictating people how to play when you can't follow up and clean up 10% hp targets because you can't play your character. That's just my thoughts though
Stop typing start playing
i find that most diamond/mith are massive typers. low elo are pretty chill.
I'm a silver monkey just trying to do my own thing.
Guy's gold 3 from his profile. Not really a rank where you know what any character other than your own does. Pings are more useful than spam typing in this elo prob
nah there are plenty of golds who think they're hot shit
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jewzos u fuck where's my drops. it's connected and I had this shit on the 2nd monitor for hours. it's not even there in my drops page even if I'm connected. BEZOS
Alright ngl, played more and uhh, the plats and golds I'm playing with have big potty mouths. Sometimes they can back their talk other times it's just a why are you even typing kind of scenario
So I can commit murder, ask for forgiveness and go straight to heaven, but unbelievers are condemned to hell forever? Sign me the fuck up.
who is the jesus christ of black survival?
This. She deserves a paid vacation like jesus christ.
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Bros I don't get how I am being teamed with plat players who were previous season titans and mithril wtf. I'm a silverscrub so it's so stressful and high paced
Yet it's the only time I've gotten 3x back to back to back wins. I guess it's because they carry my ass
just follow them and let them do their thing
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I am looking at your match history and you are not playing like dogshit for one. Believe me when I say even an immortal duo can have trouble winning a game against a lobby of plats if they have a literal deadweight or griefer even on their team. Like there are times when it's unironically better to just be a team of 2 than to have a 3rd who can't keep up and does retarded things like making map noise when you're trying to ambush another team or buying a force core at a kiosk when there's another team 5 feet away.

That being said it's good that you are learning to play faster from queueing with these players and that you are evidently not really slowing them down it looks like. From what I've played with you you were definitely not bad - new to the game in terms of macro sure but mechanically you were doing okay and you'll only get better the more you play.
Yep it's what I'm doing. Very intense games, can't wait to go back to iron teammates tomorrow, that'll mindfuck me
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I just try to follow along, kill mobs, and do the opposite of what I see that I don't like in players my rank. So far so good thanks bwo, stop looking though
rate your koreans
>Make sure to read the Event Notes!
I'm very well informed
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just rate your koreans okay
Where OneCircle?
why do moba proplayers always try to pose as if they were badasses?
do you always try to look lame and hunch whenever someone takes a picture of you or something?
When you're lame by default the badass pose will only make you look even more lame
I'll never understand the arms crossed pose they always do.
It's nervousness, they don't know what to do with their hands so they just default to obscuring them.
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>Forgive me father, for I have sinned
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>Sorry daddy, I've been a bad girl
who's the best. any esportan watcher?
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OneCircle/handong is by far the best player in the world, but doesn't look like he's a team leader? Not sure if he's listed below because I don't know what he looks like irl. Romatic plays on the same team as OneCircle and is the best tank player.

Other notable players include Luminal, who is the best shoichi player but I don't think he plays shoichi in competitive anymore after his rework. Could be wrong on that though. His team had a really funny team art in pic related.

Zerojin is the best haze in the world and won the finals in season 2 or 3 (can't remember).

ADINA (the player) I believe is one of the players listed below and is the best adina player in the world.

Don't really know the others too well since I only watch esports vods on occasion and only follow players on chzzk that are really good or who play characters I like to play.
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Ya it's back to not smurf iron/bronze this afternoon. Oh well fight as much as I can to get points
That is very detailed. Any of them stream? I gave that Nero guy anons talked about a try but he wasn't very interesting
gook vods where? er yt page has them but it's just casters talking with no gameplay when I fast forward to round 1/2/3? the other tourneys have gameplay in vods.
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Going to include some of my favorite streamers along with the list above.
Handong: https://chzzk.naver.com/live/130c9aaddbe784b39df85925ca384797

Luminal: https://chzzk.naver.com/live/63f96097d73a7a4acc33a56feea66fac

ADINA: https://chzzk.naver.com/7c6b82168127e91ed90b13697d57ff1a

gwork (goated adela/elena/aya/laura player): https://chzzk.naver.com/05eca16cc9e2bb9e9115e224836b9427

Sadhand (goated rozzi/aiden player): https://chzzk.naver.com/8d84432720d5e443d558072d30a367d0

Esports vods I generally watch here: https://www.youtube.com/@EternalReturnKR/streams
or on the TTV eternalreturngame channel if I want to hear english commentary.

Note that watching chzzk live, at least from the US is a pretty bad buffering experience. Only way to get around it is by either using the mobile app or using a VPN. Or just watch the vods.
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Also E8 (irem player who is like always top 5/10 in leaderboard): https://chzzk.naver.com/live/7b5f1872ad985a10a7793bd0114a0955

Sadhand in particular has really sick highlights on his yt channel and I recommend anyone to watch a few of his shorts. His music sense sucks though. https://www.youtube.com/@sadhand./shorts
You were not joking about how laggy these streams are
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I knew you were gonna come to me
And here you are, but you better choose carefully
Because I'm capable of anything and everything
Nice throw
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I hate bad 2-stacks so much. TPing to the middle of fuckwhere instead of just playing for objectives. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE JUST PLAY THE FUCKING GAME
>let me farm damage
ok I laughed
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Haha bro that's how it goes
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>get a Rio teammate
>she refuses to stick together when there's enemies nearby
>gets caught out every time while trying to cook or farm fucking chickens or some inane shit
>final 2 teams
>we camp a bush near Wick
>the other team is retarded and lets their Rio get right next to our bush
>we jump her
>our Rio on the otherhand who we thought was with us fucking went further up and is doing jackshit
>we lose the fight and game when we literally could have just won for free
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Picking Rio in ER right now is the same as buying an AWP in CS when you have $4800. It really do be like that sometimes.
Most rp inflated characters in this game?
tf just happened

>be me, normal room like usual
>a nicky never tp to join the team
>me + rando: fine, let's tp to that guy instead
>nicky ping found trace of enemy on our head and run to church to tp to the beach
>me and rando confused af but well that guy probably saw enemy so we follow
>guy ran into school (which's closed) and wasted like 10 sec to tp to warehouse
>we tp after him again
>guy ran from us again into factory (also closed) and exploded there
>we died to ambush
>check nicky level

was that a very elaborate troll throwing the game move or a high af nicky
maybe the dude can't see red
just a bit of joshing...
since that nicky's 114 I think the number above his head should've clue him in by now

actually make my jaw dropped, guy's a natural comedian

also checked the replay a bit and there's no enemy near us at all, even the ambush we died to ran down from the church so I guess that nicky just pop a pill or something before the game
i have found that rio players are the worst adc players. they are like cute retards. it is probably why she dodged additional nerfs until s5 started and we saw rio dominate the top of the kr ladder.
some people choose to be retarded or wat. high level and still playing like they've never gone past the tutorial.
to be fair a good 80%+ of players have never touched the tutorial
and I don't blame them since the tutorial was kind of ass from what i remember, not sure if they improved it but the best way to learn at the moment is from videos or having a friend guide you
>to be fair a good 80%+ of players have never touched the tutorial
yeah you're right. but at some point ur level 70+, 80+, 100+. do you not get tired of being a liability? or nah who cares just carry me attitude?
A lot of people do not play the game to improve they just play to... actually I don't know. This game isn't very fun unless you are actively doing things throughout but a lot of these players just craft purples, dodge objectives, get involved in 1-2 teamfights and then die. Idk how anyone has fun if every game is like that for them.
Impregnating Sissela
horror game of cat and mouse
so tired of this shit happening man. cant play frontliners cause my dps are ass, cant play blackliners cause my tanks just ignore me when i get jumped on
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>Climb to mith last season
>Nice hit my goal
>Fuck around for a few games and float between 7300-7000
>Hang it up until next season
>Log on and check rewards
>Gave gives me titan stuff
>I did not hit titan
>Check last season rank
>Game insists I was titan despite not being even remotely in range for it even at my highest rank
I mean I'll take it but frankly if I really wanted this I would've actually just pushed for it.
each smaller region (NA, EU, SA) have their own titan and immortal cutoffs which is different from the global cutoff. dak will show you as mithril but in-game your profile will show your regional rank
maybe they're trying their best but just aren't good. you should get better before you start ranting about random small shit
dam just get better idiot.
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Mai is so fucking hard
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It's fucking over for glove Dailin nunchuck feels better now and I am a nunchuck hater admitting it's better than glove right now
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Arr rook same, which is one is Revolu? Also, how long can we wait to redeem the event np from this page?
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Bro he stands out! Not in a good way
>thought I was hot shit getting 1st and doing most K/A and dmg in rank where it was all plat/dia/ teammates for the night
>this one ranked game is just all bronze/silver players
Oh my ego gets checked and falls back down to earth kek
It's hilarious how easy it is to spot gooks who haven't done their military service.
how exactly?
I wish Devs gave us some training stuff like how fighting games let you give an AI opponent simple commands. I'm too dumb to dodge skillshots I need repetitive practice
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Today i'm getting a lot consecutive instadodges before we even get into character select.
An attack organized by some d***ord server of faggots butthurt about something?
You well known or something?
why the fuck do i have to go to ranked to gamble for having human being teammates
when will they make norms not unplayable outside of smurfing or stacking
No, they dodge before you even get to see who is in the lobby.
Blame the community for being too small, not a problem in KR servers I bet.
He does look like he's gonna die during his first ruck march.
I just hate this high MMR + 2 low MMR meme. It's infuriating to plan things out well but your teammates don't follow up on anything or they do retarded shit like day 4 last 2-teams not chasing the final guy so they make you do it but they also don't fucking finish off bodies so the other team full rezzes and catches you chasing their runner while your team does jackshit and dies later.
just game harder
Is it a gay if i only play dudes?
You might as well go to >>>/y/ or >>>/cm/
I dont like how any of the girls play and LiDaiji looks too complicated
What's so complicated about W > Q > auto > Q > auto > Q > auto
The two hardest parts of playing Li is not getting hard CC'd and managing your BAC, but all you need to do is keep it around 90/95 so that both your E and Q are stimmed, you should use your R for either ambushes or locking down someone for your team.
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>teammate can't even complete all purple by day 2
The fuck this can't be a gold mmr game. How am I getting this teammate and how does he have the audacity to ping and spam good job. Told him to buy his items at that point but he just kept going back to find items
Gold can be matched anywhere between Iron and Platinum
Is it a gay if i only play sexy women?
No but your IQ will drop drastically
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I am so washed
rio is my main
I played less than 10 games with darko
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Pls man I can't keep getting iron teammates who can't do damage and win 2v1 while I 1v2
Just ranting desu, if I were better I'd 1v3 but I'm not. It's just zamn, people just hit level 30 and queue like that? And I can get them nooo
You can't expect Estelle to deal any damage. Lenore on the other hand...
Yeah meant Lenore, sorry just a quick screenshot
It is extremely hard to 1v3 in this game. You can only really do it if you're fighting literal retards or you are playing a broken ass character and are fighting them 1 by 1 like those epic youtube short shoichi or rozzi clips
because rio is only good for sex appeal,otherwise shes useless
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what the hell
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>Korean Li-dailin announcer
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>using KR Dailin voice announcer while playing JP Dailin
It's very funny juxtaposing KR's sultriness while JP Dailin just sounds like a drunk dork
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When Garnet Lumiapedia?
>JP Dailin just sounds like a drunk dork
JP Dailin makes my pp the big pp
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You no rike fighting 3 immoltals on their mains with people flesh out of bot games on your side?
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I am at the point where I know the camera recipes off by heart, what materials should I be looking for now? Gear autoloots, I typically try to get 3 slots of food items, followed by a bunch of drones/cameras, is there anything else I should be on the lookout for?
Be the funny person who makes traps and be the only person in the entire lobby who has any trap damage dealt. I've actually gotten a few odd wins because of people walking into them.
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At this point you start learning where and when you can pick up some white items for your yellow gear while doing your initial route.
They're not marked but you'll start remembering and recognizing the icons instantly.
If your team if fully built and you think you might get more myth/trees/meteors you can pick up water if you pass right next to it.
When the time for final zone approaches you can make traps if the items for them are around and there's nothing more important to do.
NTA but related food question, do you actually need sp drinks? I never run out. Are there more beverage reliant characters?
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>Zero kills
please don't complain about ranked unless you're at least plat
Yes, there are tons who need it. In fact all my chars have sp problems in varying degrees. Eleven and Nicky in particular.
My game queued me into a game with a 2-stack that has a 0% win rate across 40 games
I just accepted it's easy 8th especially when the 2-stack spent night 1 chasing some guy and ended up far away from any objective and we couldn't get a single one on day 2
I just yolo TP'd into wolves after and died and my teammates of course TP'd into me after I was about to die and they just died too
Fun game
Kk I think I just got 'lucky' picking characters who don't really have that issue
I'll complain bwo. About my lack of ability to carry, my chokes, and my teammates when it's the level 30 iron menace. It's a different set of complaints compared to high elo gods
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Yeah it do be like that sometimes
>We are 4th place,only one newbie alive
>instead of buying rootkit and getting us more RP he goes to farm bears and dies
Ok today's a terrible day after all. Getting all the iron newbros who are completely clueless. It's very frustrating
Just pluck equip from dead bodies at that point
how do you guys feel about escapes? should they be removed? i am neutral towards it
They're funny because people strip half the time when they go for it.
I think once there's 4 teams left it should be disabled, otherwise I don't really care about it.
With all the comeback mechanics added with final 2 zone rez and Lumi maybe they just wanted to try get 2nd or if your team wasn't particularly super far behind you could even make a comeback rezzing from Lumi with 3 teams left and then ABCing the other 2 teams
I want to enjoy this game but I'm disgusted by all the league refugees using their league terms (China sympathizers).
like what
I have rarely seen people use league terms in my games
I also didn't think this game was getting League refugees I thought Leagueniggers hate anime
wat is this dude talkin' about.
...This is a literal korean game made by ripping off a ton of league abilities and items. 10% of Korea's population literally plays league because it is literally THE esport for them. There is an ex pro league of legends player who plays this game competitively (nuguri). They have dumbed down the game in multiple ways and clearly brought in mechanics/skills from league (the most recent in my memory is blast plants and katja/kenneth/charlotte abilities) to make the game more appealing on a wider scale.

Of course there's a ton of league refugees. This game would probably not exist without them.
Nigga, I have played Dota for than half my existence and when I found this thread on /vm/ almost 3 years ago the first thing I said was "oh wow, battle royale LoL". It's quite clear what was the intention of the devs while developing this game.
no... lol refugees?? not my fellow chad HoN refugees??
There aren't enough abominations for the HoN players to feel at home.
League players love to say they like anime.
It's all part of their basedboy discordfag aesthetic.
They love anime but have only watched AoT, Dragonball or JJK and have never touched manga.
They enjoy the idea of being someone who watches anime, unless we're talking about the eastern euro playerbase of League, in which case they are actually anti-anime.
honestly the first thing that caught my attention about ER was the anime artstyle and characters, most anime-related games are skinnerboxes and/or singleplayer story.
>if two abilities are the same they were ripped off other game!
Anon the fuck?
Dont compare DBZ to that garbage
Katja is a literal abomination who has three abilities that are almost identical to caitlyn.

Bernice is an actual abomination who has abilities from Quinn, Caitlyn, Varus, and Graves.

Nicky is literally Vi with a parry and a stun.

You can literally not tell me characters like these are not rip offs.
There are only so many forms that abilities can take in a top down character based fighter, just be happy that the characters themselves are completely different design, lore and personality-wise from their league equivalents.
who and wat
Thats not how this works
League invented MOBA champion abilities
league was league before aos was league
That was Warcraft THOUGH
it was starcroft!
>nicky chasing me for 4 zones
Bitch dont you have to help your team or something?
She wants your dick inside her ass.
I was markus,i dont think she does
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Escape's been pretty pointless since they added team revive before final zone. It matters even less now that you can use the robot to revive your teammates after credit revive is switched off. It's such a narrow situation where you actually wanna do it instead of just playing for placement/lucky 3rd party now.
Would let her use my shower
Just had a game where 2/3 of the enemy team chased my teammate thinking they were alone. We got revived so we just turned it around in the before last zone and they got no revive. Rootkit helped them there in a very specific scenario
i always escape if i'm the only one alive after i res 2 guys and we're all at double digit credit and there are 4 or more teams left past day 5, especially if it'll be the difference between positive or negative RP
Newfags lorelets calling the characters with lol names assuming they're same carbon copies and "heroes" when everyone is know as Test Subjects since years ago
i have no idea what the fuck any of those are
Contrary to league forced narrative, mobas started with Starcraft and Warcraft using mods.
Luke is a nigger
So is Jax
and heroes is the dota term
they call them champion in lol
I heard people calling them Champions sometimes lol
I don't mind the lol abilities even though I never played lol and was a dota guy
the game is cute and funny
that's enough
Jax's w has attack speed steroid now?! Riotgames balance team must be high or something.
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Anytime now
I'm calling the snipers right now
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I just wanna play, nigga
you sure you're not bugged
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No idea, lemme check
I have superior on for drops right now and windy told him he had to restart queue, up to you if you wanna try that
I restarted and it went 15/24. I guess I'm not playing anymore tonight.
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I feel so mmr boosted ngl. But I've been addicted gotta play less during the week
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>I'm only wearing this because I have to! Don't get used to it!
Tightest ass in Lumia btw
mmm yea I'm thinking bunny girls SAVED black survival
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