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So it the 2024 release date for B42 still a thing?
It's over.
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>2024 release date for B42
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How's everyone like the bandits mod so far? I don't think setting any of the factions to friendly is a good idea, they're like superb survivors but with worse AI somehow so I just end up needing to kill them so they don't fuck up my base. I think I'll start another run and limit it to just civilians this time. Playing zomboid doorkickers seems more fun than defending my base from the crazies. Pic related, I think they might be cannibals since they had some naked corpses in the bathrooms.
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Should i actually buy the game so i can play in multiplayer? this game so far solo vanilla (by de-facto becuase all of the mods i installed are just quality of life stuff that doesn't really majorly affect the gameplay too much) is pretty enjoyable altough i never get anywhere with what i want
I dont like multiplayer zomboid
too much of the game is built around being able to speed up time and sleep. You can add multipliers so theres less grind in exchange for speeding up time but it never feels like it hits the same sweet spot for me and sleep in multiplayer only works with a friend group to coordinate sleeping
I suppose if you're only looking for roleplay its fine though
You can play online and get mods even with a pirated version.
>Still can't chain up a zombie girl and slowly train her to be my wife
What the fuck are these devs doing
I'm an adult with actual patience. B42 can take as long as it needs. It looks great
get back to work lemmy
I ate Chinese food now my poop smells really bad. Maybe they feed me a cat or something idk
There was a mod in chinese or some other chink runes I randomly found which allows you to fuck the zombies.
What mod would lads miss the most if B42 fucked them all up?
For me its better placement, zupercart and pear shaped female body XXL
Maybe it's called B42 because it's releasing in 2042.
>that's if their laptops don't get stolen again
Why can't you post an actual related image instead of coomershit?
Needs stuff like a wounds system from SWG to make up for not sleeping/resting to heal
let players use doctor skills/dancing/music to help others recover etc
it's a tradition
Is there still a server going on? What happened to that server with the Russia map? Would like to play on there again but please change the US vehicles to Russian ones.
Been having a ton of fun with the Bandits + Day 1 mod on the Lost Province map
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I'm a huge fan of bandits, mainly because it allows the game to generate homes that are actually fortified by human npcs, but day one was kind of tedious. The bombing lasts a little too long and will make zero sense, I've tried spawning in rosewood and dixie and heading for the woods asap and they still bomb a guy running by himself in the middle of nowhere. Its also kind of annoying how friendly npcs behave. Civilians adopting a herd mentality during a time of extreme panic makes sense, but they're literally running towards me with perfect homing at flash movement speeds even if the last crowd was wiped out by a bomb.
Idk, it feels like superb survivors is better at giving you day one vibes compared to this highly scripted mod. Like, the only time I've managed to survive is by looting vitamins and click walking into nowhere in a straight line so the explosions dont destroy all resource containing buildings.
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no servers
no players
no updates
no hope
this is how you died
anyone got a nice qol/vanilla+ mod collection?
maybe with mod load order already set up (using a server config file or something)?
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>no servers
>no players
>no updates
>no hope
>somewhere in kentucky
damn this update still isnt released?

He probably meant 2042. The devs will really get tired of blogposting by then, get off their asses ans finish the update and cause the great holocaust of all the mods created to date.

You can host your own server and your friend(s) can connect directly to your PC even if you all have pirated versions. Same as Valheim.
>Joining a /vm/ server in a game with permadeth
I can already imagine the admin-backed troon-clique making it hell for the rest of the poor saps who thought they could make friends.
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i wish some billion dollar publisher would snatch zomboid from these incompetent freaks so it could finally die
instead i have to hold out hope that the next update will be good.
I want the animals and lighting and better buildings. From there, I'm satisfied with superb survivors for the rest of the human interactions.
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its over
is that a render? if no, what mods do i need to make it look like that
its a render, some fag from reddit
go ask a fortune teller
they're updating the test builds and its getting closer to being released.
cant wait for its release where its half baked, MP disabled and the core gameplay loop is still shit

gonna be hilarious reading all the cope from reddit about how great it is that basic gameplay loops were still left untouched while the devs focused on pencil sharpening and wooden spoons
Gimme the quick rundown on this alleged huge update. Is it actually major, or is it just nit-pick shit while they stay in early access or whatever for over a decade? What can I expect?
>or is it just nit-pick shit
nit pick shit

not much changes to the core gameplay systems nor adding much aside from farming. still no endgame or midgame content. no cool world events.

only good things from the update are the performance updates, basements and farm animals if youre into that thing.
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>another feature from b42 done by modders first
just fucking lol, just fucking lmao
I guess we will find out this thursdoid. If they only work m-f and do around 8 hours of contracted work just smashing bugs for the past 2-3 weeks it could be closer because of no mp in the initial iwbums release.

tldr 2 more weeks trust the plan
Considering how they talked about not monetizing Zomboid any further even though this update could be a Zomboid 2, I think it's safe to assume the devs have normal jobs and Zomboid is just their pet project.
Only 4 people are considered employees of TIS and everyone else is contracted to work for them. So who knows how much at a time a certain employee is contracted to work and is rehired again to help out when they need them to do something. They could be constantly contracted to work but idk.
Which is also why car doors have the animations already ingame, its just at the time during 2018-2019 they didnt want to spend the whatever money they had to have their modeler/animator they usually contract to work on it.
Although now since they made probably 50+ million from b41 launch hopefully they just constantly contract the usual suspects to get shit done.
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Itll make it so you can base anywhere and change it to more of a actual wilderness survival game with zombies.
It should also theoretically make it more engaging long term loop of crap to do in multiplayer compared to the state teh game is in.
I cant wait to put my slave wives (emergency food) in my compound basement. God I wish there were better ways of killing slave cattle other than just attacking them.
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let's be real here it's not gonna release tomorrow but anything more than a year is frivolous...right?
Cute outfit, what's it from

according to the devs comment on youtube, you can play at the start of the outbreak

that game looks terrible
>large hordes
>you can see the bullets when you shoot
>can play at the start of the outbreak
already mogs zomboid, cope some more
>completely static map
>all buildables look like something from a flash game
>no vehicles
>janky ass gameplay
I love shitting on Zomboid as much as you do but even Zed Zone and HumanitZ look thousand times better than this
>completely static map
same as zomboid and dont you dare count proc gen shitty forests and it seems to handle the performance of cities a lot better than zomboid too
>all buildables look like something from a flash game
>no vehicles
vehicles were a mistake in zomboid
>janky ass gameplay
shooting alone already looks far better than zomboid just off the fact that the bullets exist in real time and you can aim without having the jankiest aiming system known to man. melee looks better since it looks like you can aim with your weapon model like in zed zone.
>same as zomboid
no I mean the game is literally just a completely static pre-drawn background, you can't alter any buildings whatsoever and everything you build is really just a 3D sprite on a 2D background
it looks cheap as hell and doesn't compare to zomboid where practically any enviroment can be modified
>vehicles were a mistake in zomboid
with how huge they are making the map, not adding vehicles would have been a bigger mistake, plus it would have been very unrealistic to have no cars in the game
>shooting alone already looks far better than zomboid
without mods? Yeah probably

I'm not dissing the game, it could be fun, I just don't think it's at all comparable to what Zomboid is attempting to do
>I just don't think it's at all comparable to what Zomboid is attempting to do
and what is zomboid trying to do? some shitty ass janky minecraft clone that still doesnt even have NPCs after decades in development? it is comparable to what zomboid is trying to do, or at least was trying to do before indiestone turned it into something its not because they couldnt fix their base gameplay.

id gladly take NPCs over not being able to move a sofa or remove a wall.
Where are the NPCs? That's the most important feature. Oh and being able to play at the start of the outbreak is a pretty big one too. Where are those features in Zomboid?
Yes. People want NPCs. Nobody, nobody not retarded that is, cares for a shitty bloated crafting tree that won't even be fully released with the beta build that will take another 3 years to complete.

NPCs, where are they lemmy?
It's really fun but it would be nice if you could tag buildings and prevent bandit bases from spawning in them, one of my buddies got his house trashed on our server by a bandit spawn. Got free metal sheets on his windows and a generator though. It would also be nice if the followed the same spawn rules as zombies for the wandering bandits, sometimes they spawn inside the walls of our base.

The bandit houses also spawn way too much food imo, but they might make that configurable later on.
>still up two days later
Lmao, jannies don't even remember this board exists
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I haven't touched this game in, what, two years? got filtered by it's overly drearyness plus the only Zombrex/Cure mod is run by a tranny but neither here or there. any changes since then? any big updates, big mods, anything fun?
They gave up on moderating this board.
>Lmao, jannies don't even remember this board exists
nobody probably reported it and jannies arent prone to visit this board most likely so unless someone reports it, its staying up

yes we're are going to check out Dread Dawn
Are there any mods that let me hotkey multiple two handed weapons? Right now it feels like I'm forcing myself to use weapons I don't really like because they can be placed on belt slots.

Have you tried using the superb survivors base marking function? Maybe its because I go home at least once a day, or maybe its because my house if full of clutter, but I haven't had a base takeover yet. Bandits taking root in houses next to mine has happened though, but I kind of like having neighbors that soak up Zombie and bandit aggro.
i think the longest one was up for 20 days or something
I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow have their laptops stolen by the grinch aroune christmas and b42 is delayed until Q1 2026
cute paws
>hotkey multiple two handed
i can't remember which one works but one of these let's you do that
>model on model interaction improvements

Here's hoping that the gooners will make proper sex mods with b42.
i hope this anon stays asleep until 2063 to get his wish
zombie spawn changes seem like a good idea, always hated how they are currently
we will have to see if they actually accomplish the intent though
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>Thereā€™s at least 100,000 words in Build 42
what the fuck?
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Am I weird for liking real-time day length setting?
I haven't tries that. We don't have superb survivors set up on the server right now I was under the impression it was singleplayer only. I think vanilla multiplayer has safe house marking and factions so I'll give that a shot.
>I kind of like having neighbors that soak up Zombie and bandit aggro.
I usually immediately clear the houses for loot and food. Going room to room clearing doorways with my buddies is always super fun. We rushed into one once and one of my teammates got lit up by a bandit with an uzi and died on the spot.

Another time in singleplayer I was clearing a bandit house and I got shot in the leg, decided to call it a day and limp home but the bandits followed me home and shot me through an open window then chased me upstairs and killed me.
finally reducing the retarded amount of zombies in the countryside i see. dont know why this is so experimental. its a common sense change.
oh, I don't think superb survivors work with mp at all. Bandits with mp sounds awesome though.
can i get a sitrep on build 42 since jewtubers are dishonest retards?
No, not really
come back in like a year if you don't want to get bummed out
NTA but it looks like pony nurse
>can i get a sitrep on build 42 since jewtubers are dishonest retards?
the good
>performance improvements
>less zombies in countryside and more focused in cities
>zombies should be in bigger groups
the bad
>everything else
the foraging changes r good too
no idea how it was ever not automated considering they put no effort into covering the countryside
I hope the new heat map is also going to be automated so we dont have their inevitable half assed attempt there
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>Making fishing clearer and easier to follow for new players
>January 26, 2023
My Zeds is on Fire
>He has also been working with our aforementioned VFX specialist friend Brian, who has been supplying us with various splashes, bubbles and signs of water movement that will indicate the presence of fish
over a year to implement splashes and bubbles. lmao
>Improving animal pathfinding to make them act more realistically around walls and map structures
how many years since they started developing animals? 2, 3? and they're still bugfixing pathfinding
>All the newspapers are now finalled, and as such Pat, Unconid and Werlias are moving onto the in-game business flyers
>Some typos in the following
>March 28, 2024
Zaumby Thursday
>For Build 42 we are using this to create two flavours of lootable reading material, although not all of it will be available in the game we moment we go into unstable beta.
three guys working on this crap and they still haven't finished in 7 months
>update the zombie heat map
great another new feature instead of working on finishing
bravo lemmy
i dont even remember that, things like foraging and crafting barely show up on my radar and imo go in the bad category.

fucking minigames.
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>although not all of it will be available in the game we moment we go into unstable beta.

>great another new feature instead of working on finishing
although this one is not a new feature, more like rejigging the zombie spawns. still laughable that it took them over a decade to try and improve the fact that there are a million zombies in farmland all equally spread out.
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its an illegal mod
fuck off already
i wish i could forget about this game and the initial fun of b41 multiplayer
This game gets so fucking cvmfy sometimes even if it's a barely finished mess
Vehicles were a mistake because they were added in the least immersive way possible.
Apparently just as the zombie apocalypse struck, every person grabbed sledgehammers, beat the shit out of their cars, drained all the fuel onto the ground and then threw said sledgehammers into the river.
Wow, much realism, much immersion!
1993 cars were generally a shitload tougher than the ones made today and somehow some rotten husks can tear them apart.
Oh and if you want to repair them you somehow need 'skill' when it's 90% just undoing and redoing bolts or screws.
i have imagined it. i still imagine it. i wish for it.
fuck these moronic devs who got their soulful game to become an overnight cult classic and almost retardedly dedicated fanbase.
they dont deserve any of the success with how theyve shown their dev process
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>hire twice the mount of devs
>progress on development is nice twice as slow
bravo you fucking morons
sell the IP already since we know you want to be done with zomboid
no just retarded
>waaahh!!! tools are too rare!!!
set the loot rarity to very common in the sandbox settings
>waaahh!!! the cars are too beaten up!
set higher general car condition in the sandbox settings
>waaahh!!! the cars have no gas!
set inital gas setting to high in the sandbox settings
I genuinely can't take retards like you seriously, complain about shit that is an actual issue instead stuff you can edit to your liking
>we promise to improve the dev process so we wont be as retarded and slow
didnt they already promise that with b42? remember when b42 wasnt gonna take as long as b41?
The intended default settings are supposed to be the canon 'real' values. Retard. Pay attention in school next time.
>nu uh I'm not gonna change the settings to suit my playstyle, instead I'll just choke on the developers dick by playing the way THEY intended me to play
kill yourself bootlicker
I'm complaining that the devs can't program their own game to save their lives retard.
The default settings are garbage, unrealistic and break immersion, they fail at their own design-goals.
you are complaining that the default mode does not have the settings you want, this is not a matter of devs inability to program the game (there are plenty of other issues related to that), but rather your autistic fixation on having to play the game on default settings
you want to complain? Complain about things that we can't do shit about like first aid not working properly, cars without interiors or animated doors, zombie MP culling, PVP being dogshit, zombies not reacting to sound until you enter a building, zombie smell settings not working, zombies pathing through player buildings, player buildings having no interiors, electronics skill being almost completely worthless, insanely slow fitness and strength gains, lack of midgame and endgame and so on

instead you're here complaining about not being able to find a sledgehammer, cars not having enough fuel and good enough condition to be considered realistic, all of which could be fixed by altering the sandbox settings, are you fucking kidding me?
The default settings are garbage, stop trying to defend your own game Lemmy, go get drunk and have another rant about how the players are entitled.
I'm not denying they're garbage, I'm telling you that they don't matter
Game still sucks dick.
I'm glad we're on the same page
Agreed, we can find solace in our hatred of this dumb never-releasing project.
Clicking on "Full accounts made up to 31 August 2023"

Page 6 doesnt bode well for a 2024 release because they also anticipate a mid 2025 release
Also b43 might unironically be delayed because they want to do a console release

also they have 21 million in the bank if I read that right.
>Also b43 might unironically be delayed because they want to do a console release
excuse me? Where did you get this information
if they release this dogshit on consoles I'm gonna kill myself
Its on page 6 under future developments and R&D. They are going to do another rewrite for consoles and for their AI npcs to work to work on consoles.
tldr b43 isnt coming out anytime soon because its apart of a console release.
>Console release
>After a decade of being on PC without a full release
Lolwut, are they high? They're going to delay an update by over a year just to get some console kiddies cash?
>Will have to make updates for the console version ALONGSIDE the PC version
Jesus Christ just imagine how slow development would be
no way they do consoles, right? i mean that has to be the dumbest thing ever. the game is. it even finished. these hacks cant even do pc right doing both at the same time would kill development.


fucking joke of a game
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I want to fuck that deer
sauce for this sperm wagon in the op
the redditors would have a field day with this information
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Frankenstein's bride
Remember when they used to think it was early mid 2024? Then the cope was end of 2024, then now the cope is Early mid 2025?
Imagine being a zomboid newstuber and needing to make video after video rephrasing things you've already said in the last 18 months worth of videos. Just speculating and covering basements and lighting and deer and modapocalypse and new building layout over and over and hoping the same amount of people will click on your video this time around.
You could have been a zomboid meme maker, or a lets player, or an event runner, or a story teller, or a challenge runner. Instead you chose to stake your livelihood on having faith that this studio will continue to release new content, and hopefully on time.
All zomboid has to do is add some stupid hard ways of 'winning' the game and 90% of the issues with the game could be overlooked.
But instead they're obsessed with the nihilistic faggot 'this is how you died!' motto which 90% of my characters never experience because you can live in the woods forever.
>Cant set his own goals
Do you play until your character dies?
>Just imagine your own fun!
Retard I could just lay down for a few hours a day and imagine a zombie survival nonsense. The point of games is to give us a proper structured series of events we follow.
Oh wait, let me guess, you don't have an inner monologue? That makes sense.
>Play sandbox
>Confused there are no hard objectives
Try playing resident evil or something.
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Unironically this. Take Rimworld for example. I have 700+ hours and maybe got to space twice. It's not even that hard but simply having a goal to work towards keeps you motivated

With all this crafting autism they keep adding they may as well add rocket science so you can escape the planet lmao
the game won't get better if they add a grey box on a rooftop somewhere that you have to walk into to get a "You win!" popup
you can download a mod for it, i find it adds nothing to the experience because the game still gets boring at the same rate, it just changes how you quit to main menu
>I have 700+ hours and maybe got to space twice. It's not even that hard
thats because rimworld has an actual midgame + endgame, which zomboid severely lacks
the only fun part of zomboid is the start, adding an endgame where you escape won't make the midgame fun so itll still get boring fast

so its tower defense game like last stand.
>Tower defense
It would be cool to just have it like with dead rising. You'll have "events" survivors or psychopaths at certain times to rescue or kill that you can miss. Maybe even in combination with quest system mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2793385743
dev apparently has plans for mods and sandbox mode
Come on, gimme gimme
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I discussed this with a buddy of mine and ultimately the best result we arrived at was unfortunately something akin to the rimworld ship ending
The inspiration was the crashed helicopters from the helicopter events expanded mod since that seems to be the best iteration of stuff continuing to happen to break the monotony of grinding in the game (besides horde night which is arbitrary and the nuclear blast mod which I never got working right)

It could be cool to mix up all of the loot types and skill types to have to repair a helicopter and escape louieville by finding a variety of items that would actually be stored at different and varied places so there's actual difficulty in obtaining them
>helicopter fuel (distinct from regular car octane) is generally only found at airports and military bases
>repair and flight manuals for helicopters are not something you'll find at a regular bookshop but instead places like universities or specialist training places or again military bases
>parts are probably the most lenient but also a rarity (where would (you) get an intact helicopter blade in your city if you HAD to?)
Then there's actually implementing it all and putting it together with some skill requirement and then warming up the thing doing a rimworld style ending where zombies ignore their normal pathfinding and just go towards the big meta-event which is you

You could even appease the insatiable autism of the creators in their retarded, poorly thought out thesis statement of "this is how you died" by having an ending crawl that does say "yeah you're flying and from this view you can see the fucking world is over, now where and how will you land without dying and where is even worth landing?" implying it's a stupid venture to even try
But for (you) the player the point of the venture is getting to the fucking credits, who cares that your toon died
remember this video they faked showing off npcs?
There is no way in hell they've "actually been working on NPCS all along and just need to patch the code together" like they said they did if it takes them 4 fucking years to make simple animal AI.
they've already shown videos of NPCs driving around and a stress test with 500 NPCs walking around
their problem is probably that they don't want to let their NPC code out only to get dabbed on my modders that would fix it and improve it within a week, most likely also part of the reason why they're dumbed down the animal AI so modders couldn't use it to make NPCs themselves
or they still want to implement their retarded randomized storylines for every single NPC you meet before releasing them
i was quite literally eleven years old when i got project zomboid on desura and i remember being so excited for kate and baldspots story and npcs and i am now fucking twenty four, how does ANYONE defend this game.
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>Jack is a police officer. Heā€™s been thrust into the role of leader to a bunch of survivors in Muldraugh. With him is his wife, Lisa. Others include two brothers, Bobby and Darren, and Shawn, Jackā€™s best friend, also a police officer.
>Our characters are situated in a farmhouse north-west of Muldraugh, and exist purely in the meta-game, along with numerous other survivor groups all around Muldraugh.
>The first day is rather uneventful. Darren and Bobby exchange a few insults, Shawn gets to know Lisa better (not like that) while Jack spends the day patrolling around the farmhouse to keep an eye out for zombies or other survivors.
>Jack decides to call a meeting. The group gather in the living room. Low on food supplies, he plans a looting mission, telling Shawn and Bobby to come with him.
>Jack, Shawn and Bobby leave and make their way south-east into Muldraugh. Jack decides they should head to Spiffos as they are low on food and a fast-food chain seems like a valuable target.
>They make their way to the restaurant, picking off zombies as they go. Spotting movement inside, Jack forms a plan. ā€œIā€™m thinking that me and Shawn can make a frontal assault. Bobby ā€“ flank ā€™em. Windows and back doors.ā€ ā€“ Bobby begrudgingly heads around the corner to the back door.
>After a moment, Jack and Shawn quietly push open the door and step inside. At the far side of the restaurant they hear glass smashing, and Bobby shout ā€œWho the fuck chose this place to loot?ā€ and notice a sea of the undead swarming in front of them. Bobby is surrounded.
>Back to the farmhouse, Darren is sitting guard at the window when Jack and Shawn burst frantically through the door.
>ā€œThey got him. Christ. They got him. Iā€™m so sorry Darren.ā€ ā€“ Darren isnā€™t happy, to say the least.
>That night, while Jack continues his tireless patrols of the farmhouse, Shawn spends more time with Lisa, becoming closer to her.
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>He starts to get jealous, growing resentful of Jack being Lisaā€™s husband, and being leader of their group. He has a quiet word with Darren, who now blames Jack for his brotherā€™s death. Together they decide to dispose of him.
>Day 4 ā€“ Everyone is hungry. Jack plans another trip into town. Darren and Lisa will stay back and help protect the farm in their absence. Shawn goes with Jack.
>Arriving at a small grocery store, Jack thinks on what to do, and turns around to find Shawn pointing a shotgun in his face. Shawn pulls the trigger, and heads back ā€“ head full of lies to tell Jackā€™s widow.

>What you read above is directly possible with the new meta-game system. Completely emergent story-telling using events and relationship modifiers.
January 7, 2013
Tales From the Metaverse

a decade
a fucking decade
(You have been permanently banned from the Project Zomboid Community Hub)
sorry chud... we said not to talk about npcs...
Uhhh... just play superb survivors and bandits. Duh!!!
There you can start with a retard wife that is completely reliant on you for just about anything. Bonus points for leaving the npc in your base and rolling the dice to see if they're still alive by the time you return.
>a stress test with 500 NPCs walking around
wasnt that just some heat map? probably doctored like their other videos.
yeah probably doctored. just like the fact theyve been working on NPCs (we super promise!) in secret this entire time and are only a couple lines of codes away from implementation.
yeah, I'm sure they've coded fake NPCs just to show them in the devlogs lmao
>yeah, I'm sure they've coded fake NPCs just to show them in the devlogs lmao
for all we know that could be MP people wandering around.

and yes. what reason do we have to believe them you idiot? they have shown time and time again to be untrustworthy. unless there is a demo that we can play ourselves, its all bullshit. they keep saying NPCs are really really close guys! just two more weeks! then silence. or outright denying their community the ability to mod them in.
>uhhh guys trust us we have been working on NPCs for over a decade but we cant let you see the code so thats why we have to do animals first and use temporary NPC code until we replace it with da real code! super promise!

>bbb-bbut they said they worked really hard!!!
and i have a bridge to sell you.
>they keep saying NPCs are really really close guys!
where are they saying that
I never understand posters like this where not a single point can ever be conceded and will stray as far from occams razor as possible to not be wrong
what would even be doctored, its fucking npcs walking and driving around doing basic shit. Its not impressive by any means
>for all we know that could be MP people wandering around.
wtf, itd be harder to coordinate that many people to look like bots than to write some shit ass code to walk around and enter combat stance and open doors and drive cars
none of these elements make a good npc system btw, so im triple confused what the cope is for
everyone is saying this
>wtf, itd be harder to coordinate that many people to look like bots than to write some shit ass code to walk around and enter combat stance and open doors and drive cars
none of these elements make a good npc system btw, so im triple confused what the cope is for
no its not. its like 10 dudes maximum in the videos. where are the hundreds of npcs? if they have been working on NPCs for over 10 years they would have something playable by now. but they dont because they have not been working on it.
>Weā€™ve got a LOT of NPC code, lots of cool systems, from Rimworld style priority and jobs system, personality systems, procedural story event systems, combat systems, autonomous survival behaviours, advanced group behaviour systems, vehicle driving systems, and a whole bunch more. While nothing could be described as 100% complete, the vast majority of the hard work has been done, is functional and is extremely cool.
>A good analogy is weā€™ve got two rooms, one full to the ceiling of extremely cool and complex circuit boards and wires that weā€™ve spent years making, one room is empty.
>Trying to tidy and assemble everything in the first room will be a nightmare. So weā€™ll start moving bits into a new room, setting them up, plugging them in together, and making something cool out of them to release. After release weā€™ll continue bringing in more pieces and attaching them, and so on for perhaps 2 or 3 builds until the first room is empty and our vision of NPCs is complete. It doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s all we have, far from it, just sorting that entire packed room out would take too long and we want to finally start pushing NPC content out as soon as possible.
that was in 2022
theyve been saying stuff like that since 2014
>okay so we dont want you to be too excited, its not a couple months away but like we made some YUUUUUUUGE progress
I didn't know this framework was a thing. Have any decent quest mods come out of this?
I don't know, i do know this guy made some autistic Escape From Tarkov modpack + quests for solo (according to the SSR discord). https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970877140/myworkshopfiles/?appid=108600
thinking about making a clone of the old apocalypse rising map on project zomboid
Why do the devs not just... work on the final npcs instead of coding retarded simple npcs first unless they haven't been working on them.
>Why do the devs not just... work on the final npcs instead of coding retarded simple npcs first unless they haven't been working on them.
because they havent been working on them
Playing Dread Dawn. There is a coming soon for a
>Director's Mode
>Survival Mode
Main mode is apparently done in chapters. Little cutscenes. Little neat interaction like playing with the computer which leads to a hyperlinked browser in the game. Pretty funny.
Also already liking the physics. Humans are actually there as a solid object and they can push you, same with doors. You can click open a door and push it with your body by walking through it.
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Girl's Dorm.
this game is jank as shit and people are NOT happy. still kinda funny what a half assed attempt at a zombie game can still make something all right. not worth the money and apparently the devs made a scam game before. but the big hordes dont tank performance and the NPCs can fight zombies fine enough.
isn't that the game who got in trouble for having a weird chinese malware in the demo during steam next fest
Im not buying it, whoever keeps recommending other zombie games must be trolling because
humanitz sucks
zed zone sucks
infection free zone barely has content and sucks right now
>zed zone sucks
zed zone is great though. its more like CDDA than zomboid but being able to have those level ups and recycle ammo is awesome. the one guy has done more in a year than indiestone has done in their entire development and i genuinely mean that. i mean what has indiestone made themselves that wasnt taken from a mod or some third party team? animations and the map?
>humanitz sucks
>zed zone sucks
Taste issue. Both of those games are good.
zed zone looks like something i'd see in some video essay slop filler i am not playing your garbage
Zomboid is THE video essay slop filler
>for good reason.
Because of twitch streamers. So yes, Zomboid is THE tranny game while the chad chinkoid manages to outpace the western dev despite being limited to 3 hours of computer time by Winnie the Pooh.
Oh so the fag seething about zed zone is lemmy. Of course, time to disregard those posts.
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>it's possible the basement update for Zed Zone will release before PZ's basements
This chink dev is based, wish him the best.
Imagine sucking off chinese shovelware this hard just to be a contrarian
no one here is happy with Zomboid developers, but you don't have to act like this garbage is any better


Another white mans burden to carry the zombie genre
zed zone is better though
>Literal scam game slapped together in two weeks with unreal assets by some fiverr indians has working NPCs and zombie hordes before Project Zomboid
i came here for zomboid not zombie games fuck off , i don't care how retarded the devs are
Maybe try releasing a good update and people won't discuss other games Lemmy.
Not a chink but keep posting those.
Speaking of did the dev ever improve interior building generation? I was kind of off put by grass and other stuff showing up inside buildings especially if you want to use it as a home base.
This. I will shit on zomboid and the retarded devs but that doesn't mean I'm gonna play the chink knock offs
he did, water and stuff still shows up if its a wet area.
but you can shit on the zomboid devs by pointing out how a bitcoin miner of a game still manages to outpace zomboid development though.
for example in the first 10 mins
>multiple weapons and enemy types
>can craft bullets
>npc can use weapons and not die like a retard within the first five seconds of seeing a zombie
>horde coming to attack you after a certain amount of time
>environmental hazards and from reading his pinned comment airstrikes i guess whatever that means
it is funny that people are complaining about jank and then go around and praise zomboid. but say zomboid is perhaps one of the jankiest thing from the combat, to sneaking half broken, to medicine being a complete meme, to shooting being complete dogshit, cars left untouched when they stole it from the modder all those years ago, character traits and unique playstyles not even there, always ends up playing the exact same, no midgame or endgame content, same shitty zombie behavior unchanged since the beginning, no zombie hordes that attack or roam

and you have to install hundreds of janky ass mods to try and correct this because instead of focusing on these issues, the devs are making pottery meme minecraft update

so you can laugh that a literal bitcoin miner game has more of a complete gameplay loop than zomboid. i mean thats the funniest thing in the world.
lol these guys are such fucking scammers
>b42 wasnt supposed to take as long as b41
>already two years in with no end in sight and first release is going to be missing half of the content
What, your pizza?
I hate life and living so fucking much
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L nigga
I love how it's 2024 and melee strikes still have a chance to phase through zombies, meaning every run is just rolling the dice until you get that one fuckup that kills your character as a zombie bites through three layers of clothes like as if it has razorblades for teeth instead of rotted out gums.
You're not fooling anybody Lemmy, go drink some more vodka and get pissed off at your own fanbase. Again.
>Muh chinks
Chink games live rent free in your head. He is right. The melee is a janky PoS still.
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>PZ thread
>Look inside
>Everyone hates the game

Ive seen dedicated hate threads have more joy than this thread. Is the game really that bad? Cause you guys make it seem like its worse than The Day Before.
apathy for a game that's been in early access for over 12 years
So what's the best gun mod? Decided to pick the game up again but I never played with gun mods.
britas is too mall-ninja for my taste
i like guns of 93 for the revolver autism, but i hate that you can't saw the stocks off the shotguns
so i usually play either VFE or b41 revamped
2nding VFE
firearms B41 is also valid
britas is a meme, way too many post 93 guns and the default options are very unbalanced
>VFE and b41 both add over 20 guns
I'm not the anon who asked, but these still feel like they add too many new guns. Are there any gun mods out there that 10ish guns or less?
the only other ones ive noticed are
Rain's Firearms & Gun Parts
Totally's Historical Firearms Pack
[CJ] Firearms
but they probably add too many for you liking also
keep in mind that some of these mods allow you to disable most/all of the stuff you dont want
guns of 93, for example you can disable entire calibers of weapons so if you only want the extra shotguns you can have only that
>keep in mind that some of these mods allow you to disable most/all of the stuff you dont want
Sounds like the best compromise I'll have to look into that
>firearms B41
41 it is. Any other mods you wanna rec to a guy who mostly played vanilla for his 200 hours play time?
autotailoring and automechanics, standardized XP mods, bravens common sense. beyond any QoL or bugfix stuff, just play the game and any time you think "oh i wish that was different" look up if theres a mod for it
Anon the game is over a decade old and it still doesn't have car door animations.
The devs can get fucked.
If you had a kid when the game first came out, your kid will be an adult by the time the game is halfway finished.
>easy mode mods
>Crying about easy mode in a PvE game
>bro its a sandbox make your own fun
I like VFE.
It seems like they add a lot of guns on paper, but you really only see a few guns outside of military and police stations. Looting basic houses you're gonna find the pump and semi shotguns in 4 and 7 round capacities as well as the double barrel, .38 special and magnum revolvers and the hunting rifles.

Using bandits is a great way to see more guns though, since the bandits can spawn with all the cool toys albeit heavily degraded condition. I'm still waiting to get lit up by a bandit with an M-60
Quick someone make a video essay criticizing the obscene development timeline and have it blow up so that it pressures the developers into actually doing stuff
I've never used any bandit mods before is it possible to make them fairly rare encounters?
Yeah, it's very configurable. I turned the group sizes way down, by default the top-end most dangerous bandits can spawn in groups of 15 with almost all of them carrying M-16's and 7 or 8 extra mags of ammo. They also just fixes my previous complaint about players homes becoming bandit houses by flagging any houses that the player has visited in the last 7 days and disallowing bandit spawns in them.
Any mods that add dog companions?
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hereĀ“s what would happen
>vid blows up
>criticism reaches devs
>devs shit out an entire fucking essay on the terrible, terrible life of a game dev and how consumers are entitled fucks in the year of our lord 2024.. in the comment section of said vid (again)
>r*ddit cockriders jump unto devs dick, vid gets forgotten or just disregarded as legitimate criticism.. "yeah bro that may be true but they are working so hard, b43 in two weeks trust the plan".
>back to status quo (again)
Hey guys just a casual reminder we do actively view these threads for documentation an idea-gathering purposes.
Please stop insulting us, we're trying our best and repeated infractions might lead to litigation if it causes significant mental harm.
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the cult is real
Didn't EnigmaGay quit Indie Stone because of mental issues caused by having to defend the game every day on steam forums and reddit?
This mod is the only reason I still play
My buddy got a bullet lodged in his arm last night, I was the only one who had tweezers in their IFAK so I was doing a medical check, removing the bullet and bandaging him but we also have The Only Cure installed so when I right click on his wounded arm the options are "remove bandage" and "amputate". I think I could have gotten away with cutting his arm off before be realized what was going on.

We also got fresh steaks from the butcher/meatcutter bandits that spawned. Wrapping up our session with steaks cooked fireside 5 months into the apocalypse is absolute kino. If you aren't playing multiplayer with bandits, you're really missing out.
>half the games content
what is lil bro talking about

very limited movesets for melee weapons
no real weather
no real medicine
no real stealth
one death pose
no mid or late game

does this guy realize that even sandbox games have late games? ark, conan exiles, even fucking minecraft has a "late game"

zomboid just plays the exact same until the player decides to suicide in louisville and his game ends up crashing since it cant handle that many zombies onscreen

i can create far more fun goals and let my imagination run wild in something like conan exiles, go dungeon raiding, fight bosses, survive purges, create harems, proper sex mods

in zomboid, i can uhhh choose to collect panties and walk backwards to kill zombies
I deleted my accounts because incels kept spamming me with hate-mail but I still work a Indie Stone.
>The current state is completely acceptable
Uhh you made promises you didn't deliver on, and the game is still in early access. That means you're supposed to update the game you fucking mongoloid.
Who the hell lets Lemmy write anything without his tard wrangler?!
>choosing not to engage with half the game's content
ITS A ZOMBIE GAME! 90% of the game content should be about zombies and killing zombies. No shit people don't engage with 'sit around and watch tomatos grow' gameplay, why play a zombie game just to play farming simulator?
i wonder if the devs actually read these threads
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They may've seen some of the /v/ threads and maybe even when we had a /vg/ general but I doubt most regular users, let alone the zomboid devs, have even stepped one foot into /vm/
The weather looks and sounds great. You can complain about the moodles obviously.
>The weather looks and sounds great.
who cares if it practically does nothing to the player and offers nothing from a gameplay perspective.
>muh graphics
on the bottom in terms of importance. id rather have a content rich game.
So why exactly is the lore completely fucking redundant for this game?
A more clever game studio would make the lore actually have some impact on the game, events happening on certain days, zombies getting different abilities or stats, areas being unavailable or available depending on certain factors and so on.
Instead you can go straight to Louisville on day 1, despite it canonically being zombie free for about a week.
small indie company, please understand
yes but you see, crafting REALLY needed to be done first
You know your game is fucked when a decade into development you re-fuck-with Crafting.
Didn't minecraft have about 90% of the important crafting shit in it's very first year of development?
Outsourced folks created the weather. That nothing matters gameplay wise whatsoever is indiestones fault.
>Outsourced folks created the weather
Did these guys create anything in their own game?
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Recently started playing Zomboid again after a break, downloaded some QOL mods and am honestly kind of bored? No idea why it just kind of clicked. I have around 540 hours in the game and haven't really even touched major areas inside Louisville. I have played a good bit of MP, but without friends its dogshit. Randoms tend to fill their mod list with 10k car mods, mumble rap and overly bloated UI. Oh and Brita's.
Many of these survival games aren't great without friends but Zomboid especially. We can only hope that some based dev makes a realtime/3D successor to Zomboid that's superior.

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