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/qeynos/ sewers edition

>old thread >>1381061
I started playing live EQ for the first time and I'm enjoying the tutorial mines :)
Only problem is that I picked a "roleplay preferred" server because it had a higher population but now I can't read anything other players say, it's all jumbled up.
I've got little experience with the live servers but if you 'just' started it's probably going to be a good idea to switch to a non-rp server before you sink a ton of time in. Unless RP is your thing. Game is a huge time-sink.
>play for an hour
>almost of that was spent on the shuttle/boat to Firiona Vie
Peak video game experience.
Yeah, classic everquest was really all about giving yourself ample time to it in order to get anything remotely gains per playing

>want to get that nifty potion that makes undead DoTs or DDs

>have to spend literal hours farming crystalline marrow from skeleton that only spawn in certain zones with maybe a 17% dropped chance

Can really see why most players never even bothered with rogue poison making despite it being cool & fun to gather rare ingredients
>be level 5
>have VERY EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT looted from rate and worth SEVERAL GOLD
>find secret tunnel next to the store
>fall through the floor and get eaten by sharks
WoW would never
even worse
>be human when this happens
>its pitch fucking dark
>can't see shit and have no idea where to go or how to get out
true horror
>mfw reached high enough to solo the starting lizards of pic/related

how deep can I go as lvl 26 before I can farm the clay golem for their elemental skin changing potions,place is kinda spooky
which class?
CT can be dangerous if no one else is chilling in there with you and you're under leveled to boot
lvl 25 troll shaman!
You can probably do it but I forgot how the spawns look around golem, at least you're close to getting invis soon so that will help getting inside without having to clear the entire way.
Are you twinked?
Anyone on Quarm? 3 of us, mid 30s, LFM.
I would join but im on P99
>playing with channers
couldnt be me, yikes
he plays with worse, trooners (men in dresses)
Yeah, but friends and I 58+ tho. I imagine with Kunark most players focused on that . 50+ certainly is busy.
being blinded in this game is so hardcore, you can't even see the UI anymore
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>running all over South Karana killing anything that gives experience
>charm an elephant without paying attention to which part of the zone I was in
>elf court is now in session
God damn this game is hilarious for all the wrong reasons.
I thought quilmane doesnt really have many rules outside of whoever engages first = entitled to kill since it roams lol
Are people playing on the official servers or what? I know P99 exists but it always seems have a low playerbase.
This is my biggest grievance with EQ1 is that everything requires a GM to resolve the most minor disputes over arbitrary rules.
It's almost like the design philosophy was built around an era where chat rooms were very popular and had a novelty around it.
quillmane is a straight ffa no holds barred mob on both p99 and project troon, dont let anyone tell you otherwise
Not on Red
yeah then the biggest loser who either has other loser buttbuddies or plays the most unbalanced pvp class wins
>play bard
>entire server fears you and bows down when you show up
bard is completely neutered on red compared to how it was on live in era
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yeah i like everquest and all but this game is just way too grindy desu
>g-go play wow then
cope. even the devs admitted its too grindy
nobody asked
wasnt answering
>no rizz
>no 4090
>no hair
hey siri, translate the post above mine to english
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Translation complete.
Playing through P99,just this morning had a blast killing sarnaks,in the lake of ill omen
>tranny boomer humor
Too bad its dead as shit. Either way, anytime I want to get back into EQ1 I'm reminded of these issues and how utterly autistic and ancient as fuck most of the people are who play it (45-65 year olds).
>trannies out of nowhere
>genocide a bunch of rabid wolves and bears in Qeynos Hills for the stupid amount of experience the quests give
>faction with the Bloodsabers barely dips at all
>turn in a couple bandit sashes
>from amiable to apprehensive after only 8
What the fuck is not!Nurgle's problem with me giving paladins some sashes?
calm down xer
what are you playing for sod on the 27th, anon?
>another troon server appears
holy obsessed
is it someone as bad as menally ill weirdo secrets?
Is it getting a reboot or something and if so, why? Isn't the server pop sub 50?
do warriors get anything new?
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anon please......I'll be 32 this year.......
its long overdue for one because they desperately need new players
1-3 shadow knight
4-6 druid
7-9 shaman
0 cleric
Sorry, bro.
no pls that was a joke
cleric is bussin, thoughbeit
>want to go fhuman with full chain
>all of the good chain armor is weird ass colors
is there any non shit normal hue chain?
sucks iksar bp is fucked
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Is it worth riding a TLP to the merge?
I just came back to Oakwynd (left during kunark due to irl obligations) and the server ruleset seems appealing particularly the longer I'd invest into it.
Does raid content stagnate later on, or is it still engaging in the late late expansions?
im jealous of u guys who actually like raiding
if you want to actually see the raids, then yeah im sure its worth it. raiding in general kinda sucks, though unless youre with actual fun people.

so does it actually take days or weeks to take down a single dragon or what?

I vaguely remember my old friends surging out when lady vox popped & got called at like 3;.p.m midnight

highest I think I was had was a mid lvl 30 mage
sometimes i like visiting the quarm discord 'suggestions' tab to see the levels of delusion and entitlement
this game was built for RP.
needs to be RP'd in not just min-maxxed in.
sounds kinda obsessed, sis
i'll agree with this for sure. surprisingly, the closest i have seen to RP in modern times is on p99 Red server. it might not exactly be rp in the traditional sense but they do seem to lean into their characters and sometimes you get some funny /OOC gimmicks
just look at mr secrets post history if you want delusional posts
>bald dwarf
>faggot luclin graphics
>whining about something like this
What's a fun class for an absolute beginner? I've been running around as a Halfling Rogue just to try and figure out the controls and shit. It's interesting how archaic the game feels, even compared to games that released before it. The hail and keywords thing to talk to NPCs is neat though.
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popular newbie choices are druid, necro and mage. they can get you pretty far without making you feel worthless for having no gear when you start out, and you will get new spells to play around with regularly.
pick whichever one of those that makes you feel like a hero, and pick a race you like the look of.
don't think too hard about it and have some fun.
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funny you should have seen when green was first launched
RP guild on P99 would be amazing

stumbled into this mystery the other day while cleaning out my bank of some random quest items. 2 of the 3 untranslated lists can be turned in to good-aligned NPCs for a small reward. What about the other one? And is it possible there's someone out there on the side of good who will accept the full translated Bayle List?
>It's definitely not the druid leader in Surefall Glade, she just took it from me and ate it :(
thinking about Rogue, since it doesn't seem as one button snore as live, and there's probably going to be a fair bit of tanks/healers around initially so should be easy to butt into groups. Also kinda curious how pickpocketing/whole heat system works.

They still haven't gotten a class preview thing in their discord, so good chance there's not going to be much to see.
sometimes I want to learn how to code to make my own EQ just with nonshit combat and animations
>mfw just hit lvl 30

Oh so *** levels were a real thing,in classic after-all this is going to take awhile solo isn't it.......
Everquest is a game that actively punishes you until you group
I rejoined my tlp, and was having a brutal time getting 10% xp and having to do a bunch of micro (ENC)
Then I joined a guild, asked for xp help and have gotten in groups where I just sit there and apply haste and have blasted up 4 levels.
It's one thing I like about EQ. It guides your hand to actually engage in the MM aspect of the MMORPG genre
even ubertwinked melee still benefit from being in a group
you're much safer with others, you can pull much more often, defeat monsters much more quickly, and cover more group in areas/dungeons as a group.
and some classes become demi-gods when given the right buffs from other classes
you are just terrible. Enchanter solo xp wipes the floor with anything else besides swarming and it’s not even close. If you want to be a worthless warm body and get carried just say that, no need to pretend it’s because of the game mechanics or something.
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It’s just for reference since I already know someone is going to come in here and say WELL ACKSHUALLY!!!!, but my point still stands.
>plays the grouping class
>plays the best solo class
Also cleric is the “grouping class” anyway
we're not talking about necro, thoughbeit
>just for reference
To the tlp player, or anyone else that plays on a server that has no experience with swarming exp rates?
Not even merely pretending to be retarded.
Happens literally all the time in these threads and in the p99/quarm/official discords. Like clockwork. Even if it didn’t though, I’m still right.
>necro over enchanter solo on tlp
Lmao sure thing sis
>no health sustain when you inevitably take damage
>"enchanter is the best at so-" * charm breaks* "ACK"
it may be better on paper, but necro is a more enjoyable, laid back experience where nothing can go wrong. plus you can afk at any given moment if you need to use the restroom or something
>thinks theres no health sustain on enchanter
>thinks charm break is a disaster
you straight up have no idea what you are talking about
>thinks theres no health sustain on enchanter
enlighten me
>charm break is a disaster
yeah, it is. ive seen it body so many enchanters
>ignores the rest of the post
>spoonfeed me how to play the class please
no, I don't think I will.
>he ignored my cozyposting
dont care, and not relevant anyway
>he cant substantiate his claims
i accept your concession then
>he isnt going to write me a dissertation on how to play a class, that means hes wrong
>could have already explained it by now
im sure your next post wont help your case either
it has been well established for decades, arguing with you about it is pointless. you arent the one giga brain enlightened individual that somehow cracked the code and everybody else is wrong. but keep thinking that so you can pretend you are somehow the one who is right here though.
is playing as an evil race as a first timer a terrible mistake, or does it not matter much in the long run? i kind of want to be a big angry ogre.
You (((((can))))) eventually get into the good cities as an evil race,but be prepared to grind for three to four weeks just working on whichever faction you need
in the long run, no it won't matter. you will naturally become smarter about travel and there will be plenty of ways for you to get around the old world.

as a beginner without knowledge it can feel limiting, but it is a role playing game and it is fitting you can't freely walk around the city of men or elves etc. as an angry ogre
if you're cautious and aware you can avoid most problems.

i'm a big advocate of playing what you think is cool because you'll probably be more invested and get farther than if you settle for something you don't like.
>Charm mob
>Breaks charm
>2 mobs hitting me, one with haste
Wow, what a nice solo class.
I may not know how to solo optimally, but grouping is the designed way to play EQ and saying otherwise is just autistic
Exposed. You would also probably one of those bards that does nothing but play mana song and afk as well.
you still never told us how enchanter heals itself btw
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How do you beat him?
Thanks for being a dick instead of giving me tips on how to solo better.
Really keeps the game alive
Why do you care? EQ is a grouping game anyway. Just sit there and cast your hastes/clarity and pretend you aren’t getting backpacked. If that’s what you find enjoyable, more power to you. Glad you enjoy it.
Having enough brain cells to read the enchanter spell list would be a good start, but unfortunately you are unable to even manage that.
>ctrl+f heal
>0 results
You have no idea how hilarious that is, but don’t worry every single other shitty enchanter also overlooks the rune line. It’s the only spell you need for sustain because not only does it absorb damage it also prevents spell interruption meaning you will always be able to stun anything threatening you. You are even more exposed than before holy shit. Unironically filtered by literacy.
>damage mitigation is healing
youre still going to take damage with rune spells up, though. enchanter still has no way to heal that damage which was the original point
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Stop being autistic for a second and look at this gnoll.
>you are still going to take damage with rune spells up
hmm, well i want to try out a couple classes so i'll make at one least evil dude and see what happens. thanks for the replies.
>can't succeed with arguably the most broken class in the entire game
The absolute state of this nigga.
t. obese bald boomer
you can get into qeynos after simply lvling for a day
even bigger perk if you can get a druid to wolf you for fang turn in on top of it
who are you quoting
reddit moment
ah, another schizo
>be longterm quarm player
>go to check announcements in quarm discord
>laugh when I see secrets ugly bird beak photo as his avatar
I know playing here is a ticking timebomb but man he makes me laff everytime I check the news sections
theres really nowhere else to play if you like luclin and pop at all
I was talking about a fresh server anon,if the rumors about a new "green" at the end of the year were true wolf form won't be a thing till at least three weeks maybe more

not to mention binding from your spawn point won't work either!
>a new green at the end of the year
this has been a "rumor" for literal years lmao
Two more weeks bro!
yeah sadly but atleast we can laugh at the ugly dude playing pretend while on the ride
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>I know playing here is a ticking timebomb
Nah. Secrets could vanish tomorrow and Quarm would just continue through it's timeline at this point and that's been extremely obvious for months.
that's hard cope and I wish it were true but that ugly faggot will crash and burn it all like all of his other failed projects
the guy is unstable as fuck
>that's hard cope
Not at all. Coding responsibilities began to slowly and quietly spread a few months into the planes to what it is today. I understand people not knowing this over half a year ago but how not now...? Anyways, all I'll say on the subject.
You're going to have some very disappointed folks in these threads but it'll be very funny to read.
whatever you say dude lmao rog and nilbog were never this pathethic
everyone on the server makes fun of you btw
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why are quarm players so reddit?
its the loser tier boomers who play there
>I don't like it so it MUST be secrets!
>Now I'm going to talk to myself again like the last threads lmao pls reply
Mind broken. You hate to see it happen.
rent free lilbro
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Imagine spending any significant amount of time on any private servers ran by troons, lol
so is this about Everquest or is it about being angry about troons and server drama
Ah I see, it's about that
that would require you to be "fun" instead of a miserable fuck who has to bring their scared and angry politics into everything
no one is scared of troons lol
someone post mr secrets ugly mug to give the lads a good laugh
why won't these froglok tads drop their flesh, i've killed so many of these assholes. i want my dinky little DPS spell gosh darnit.
it's interesting because this seems like one of the closest things to being a "main quest" for humans, it directly involves the plot playing out with Qeynos and Freeport and is spread out across several zones and stages, yet only the evil variant of it seems to have been completely documented
its funny how dumb all of the early level spell quests were
by the time you get strong enough or obtain the drops you've earned enough money to buy it several times from vendors
Would have been cooler if that was the only source of the abilities, annoying to minmax fags but it adds more sovl for real players.
>people doing the absolute bare minimum in groups or being borderline afk
why are these retards so lazy? just dont play if you hate playing the game that much
we're all here
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those are the same people who always cry about not sitting in a full 6 man group at all times and seethe at people soloing 24/7

Is it true that Paladins are worse tanks than Shadow Knights on Quarm? I was going to play a Paladin for once and then I kept reading complaints about their ability to hold aggro compared to SKs. I don't want to play a Warrior because melee only sounds boring.
>root and blind
>worse aggro
uh huh sure, also it doesnt matter anyway since both tanks are more than capable of doing the same things that they need to do. SK is just a better soloer
I guess Flash of Light works differently than people are used to? I barely played EQ back in the day so it's lost on me, which is why I was asking.
in classic eq they are kinda shit just because you are limited with spells but they get better and better each expansion. the only real downside they have to sk is their personal damage but like the other guy said it doesnt even matter outside of soloing.
this is mostly because their tps relies on stuns, healing, blinds etc so while it is good, they do little to no damage as a result. its also incredibly hard to beat utility like loh or rez.
>Is it true that Paladins are worse tanks than Shadow Knights on Quarm?
No. It's not until vp on Quarm that we started saying it's war time (and even there still good) and they seem fine vs. sk. They are perfectly serviceable prior to that and we tanked everything in classic including Queen bee and eye with a pal with low numbers. In groups great also idk why folks would say this.
Quarm paladin disc also has that out of era undead mega crit thing baked in so also great in karnor, hs, seeing a 2k crit.
Hey guys, I'm looking into playing P99 as someone who never played EQ before. I have played Ragnarok Online, Perfect World, Trickster, and other mostly shitty korean grindcore games when I was a kid, so I don't mind the grind.
Do you have any tips for a beginner like me? Maye what server to choose? Is this a game I can accidentaly break my character if I don't follow a guide, and have to start again (like RO)? I'm thinking about playing an enchanter, as a dedicated CC class looks fun.
I'm also thinking about getting some other retards to jump with me on the game without knowing anything about it beforehand.

tl;dr new player here, are there any pitfalls that can make my experience miserable?
theres pros and cons but paladin is a superior tank in dangerous areas way more utility and group sturdyness
SK is better with strong groups who know what their doing, feign death is amazing for emergency splits etc
SKs will do more dps and interupt spell casters WAY more often (as the big races) compared to all the paladins, loh is better but sometimes it's nice when a SK can just nuke the fuck out of something and it instantly dies at half health in L guk
Enchanter is amazing one of the best classes to start off as
the P99 wiki is basically the definitive source of best information for EQ, even people from live and quarm constantly use the P99 wiki, fun fact the P99 wiki was literally crashing during quarm launch because EVERYONE uses it even the quarm devs.

Make sure you and your friends pay attention to your starting cities to play together but if you end up in different areas you can /who dial which will give you a list of people from a guild called Dial a Druid, whisper one of the higher level ones that you're new and want to meet your friend and they will generally port you for free to them
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>mfw finally reached the fabled mid lvl of 34

Now what feels like alot of the older zones are dead ends,at least in the old world pre-kunark & iceland?

I heard you can make loads of great coin hunting down gargoyles in Ocean of Tears,maybe permafrost as well for the rare named spawn & HQ ore drops
there's really not anything you can do to completely brick yourself. there's no 'skill tree' or anything to invest in that you can't undo.

enchanter is a very fun class, but also one of the highest skill ceiling. can be more chill if you have a group.

most people will suggest P99 Green for you.

Green: mostly high level population, some low level population to group with. some anti-social try hards who will 24/7 camp something or somewhere that could be useful to you. occasional charity

Blue: exclusively high level population. rare to find anyone to group with. mostly chill oldheads who don't give a shit about anything less than max levels. more likely for someone to randomly shower you with gifts.

Red PVP: no population ghost town. free reign to camp anything you want. overexaggerated how much you will be harassed (unless you aren't /anon. or are much higher level and in the like, four zones the pk'ers lurk in)

i personally have had good experiences leveling up on both green and red. if you have friends coming with you who aren't pussies afraid of the boogeyman, consider red. if you do (or you think they will bail on you) choose green.
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>spent 3 days at the tunnel trying to get my SK a decent weapon for piss cheap
>successfully got an incarnadine sword
>can finally go back to playing the game after I level my weapon skill up from scratch
Bros, I'm free. Fuck the tunnel.
I'm happy for you. tunnelquest is my least favorite part of the game, but then again i think factionquest is fun so who am i to judge
based karanaenjoyer
for some reason that entire side near qeynos is so comfy for me hard core nostalgia and all of the content around there just oozes pure SOVL and k1n0
at least P99 has a discord that records all auction messages so most of the time you can just search for what you want then see if the person is online and be done with it right away
I've been lurking for a bit, and it seems that Enchanter isn't exactly what I was thinking, a CC focused class that is weak alone but shines in a party. It's more like a powerhouse solo class that can tank and do dps better than anyone because of how broken charm is. Is this correct? I kinda wanted to play the frail controller archetype, not a OP puppet character...

Thanks for the tips. Is this Dial a Druid guild on the green server?

>there's really not anything you can do to completely brick yourself
This is great. I have bricked myself too many times in old school mmorpgs. I like the grind, but redoing it is a real chore.
> if you do (or you think they will bail on you) choose green.
Yeah that's the most likely scenario. But I'd also prefer to be in a server with more population, I think, so I don't mind.
>unless you aren't /anon
What do you mean by that?
I'm a retard, the actual name is Dial a Port and yeah it's on both green and blue
/anon is something you can turn on to go anonymous. it will not show your class/level/what zone you are in. on PVP this is imperative so you don't get stalked and pk'd.

also you are basically correct on all accounts about the enchanter. it is frail, very useful to a party to provide CC and class exclusive buffs. but it is also (in the right hands) an extremely powerful solo class through charm mechanic.
for better or worse it is broken on all fronts.
>pvp tranny is a manchild throwing a tantrum over a shitty game mode
many such cases
I wish there were RP-PVP rules on green/blue so that I could fight the evil races who come to my home city to farm the guards
>Do you have any tips for a beginner like me?
Keep the P99 wiki open at all times and use it to search up pretty much everything you come across. It’s invaluable. It also has the maps for each zone, which you’ll need since there are no in-game maps.
>what server to choose?
P99 Green is the only real choice at the moment.
>Is this a game I can accidentaly break my character if I don't follow a guide
Kind of. At max level it generally becomes irrelevant, but your (very long) journey is going to be rough if you choose random starting stats. Use the wiki to allocate them in a way that doesn’t screw you over.
>a dedicated CC class looks fun.
Shaman is another fun support class if Enchanter isn’t for you.
>getting some other retards to jump with me on the game
I’ve been itching to start again. Let me know what race/class you settle on.
Is anyone in p99 green a bad enough dude to take on deepwater goblins in Oasis of Marr? They have my last item for my lambent helm but they're quite, shall we say, bard resistant.
bro I HAD that helm during early green then one day I logged in and it was fucking gone
I randomly ran by and looted it at like lvl 9 so it was cool having a black plate helm on at the time
Someone came by and helped me get it so I'm heading to the temple to have it lambentified.
It's a funny eqism that scavenging is a viable way to get gear. Likely more than half of my lambent quest items were from other people's rotting kills... does this make me less of a bard?
nah thats how most people get their stuff especially the karana drops
btw grats lad, post that sweet blue helm once you turn it all in
Let's goooooo
truly an iconic set
Looking like Tron up in here
k1n0 SOVL
>mfw waiting 3+ hours for obscure mob to pop

congrats bro bards alway get the coolest armor,

what were these dev's smoking I don't know how you no lifer's can stomach the wait time between some of these "extreme" rare spawns

don't even get me started of crap like Pyzin & the glowing black stone being something like a 20% drop chance........
Just play on project troon, it’s more your speed. Pyzin always up with a 100% drop chance.
Well usually you want to watch a movie while doing it not literally sit there staring nonstop
if it's something you can continuously camp once you get one kill you now have a timer so you can legit just afk and set a timer and go do something else or log out and check back later

small risk of someone else showing up but usually no one shows up unless it's some hyper gay shit
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>Pyzin always up with a 100% drop chance.
>legit just afk and set a timer and go do something else or log out and check back later
This is why EQ is such brain rot. Literally stroll up and get it or play the game by not playing the game. Both terrible for opposite reasons yet anons defend it while condemning the other extreme. Duality of retards.
For anons thinking about playing EQ, just don't.
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How do we feel about the Planes of Partying, chat?
people will defend it because they larp about it promoting social interaction. at most, it promotes you begging the guy for scraps because no one is gonna camp a named together.
I'm looking forward to the experience boost, but I probably won't go to the event area.
Late, but I assume you picked FV. It's a good server due to its high population and trade rules. Nobody really roleplays on it these days. One potential downside is that you are not allowed to transfer characters off of it to another server, if that matters to you.
A trick you can do for learning languages is to just make an alt account and form a party with yourself and spam messages on the alt in group chat. Elvish is what everyone uses as the standard language on FV, btw.
speaking of languages I remember as a kid I would run around bragging to people I knew how to speak dragon after a high level taught me and I told them I could teach them too, so we group and I would just cuss them out in dragon, my 7 yo self giggling thinking they could never read it like I was getting away with the most heinous crime.
Almost all games work this way, little fag.
When you get older you just kind of min-max your time like that due to having responsibilities it's called playing smart which gives you more time to do things you might actually enjoy.
>Almost all games work this way, little fag.
No, they don't you little triple nigger. These time sinks were added to keep subs like so much garbage in eq and Brad even apologized for it.
It's sad you're so stockholm syndrome'd by a game to think this is even vaguely normal, let alone good game play, and that literally logging out to 'play' the game might be a good design decision let alone a sign of adulthood. You have my condolences for your parents being related by blood.
>mfw just spent three nights back to back farming mage focus items

I can't even use em because I'm a shammy,but the stein is not dropping seems to be super rare compared to the others?
damn you are one whiny ass bitch fr, play the game or dont lmao
>bald headed retard is this retarded
Does this kinda thing happen often in project 99?
nah for the last week theres a chill druid who legit gives away pega cloaks to lowbies on p99, he will drag quil to you and kill it for you
chill as fuck

Quarm is filled with balding angry ugly trans (men) who will bitch and whine over the smallest shit
>Quarm is filled with balding angry ugly trans (men) who will bitch and whine over the smallest shit
This seems like every game anymore
Like I can't play anything without chat turned into a grindr cesspit
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>Does this kinda thing happen often in project 99?
Yes. Might as well OBS everything for elf court evidence.
>nah for the last week theres a chill druid who legit gives away pega cloaks to lowbies on p99, he will drag quil to you and kill it for you
This occuring on p99 is less realistic than EQ's graphics and the cuckold that typed it does not have your best interests at heart.
this is pure autism. everquest was all about being the wild west of mmos. if someone takes your mob, tough shit. unironically go play wow if you want to go cry to GMs the moment your experience is disrupted by another player
>bald faggot loser defending his shit quarm server and spreading disinfo again
lol, loser
I really wish I had the time to play EQ.
Every few years I boot up P99, but am thrown off by real life engagements.
better cry about it on 4chan, maybe you should regain control of your life if thats the case
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Happy birthday, Quarm!
Just play it slowly
I don't understand. You can jump in at any time and just play it a little bit. Your progress isn't going anywhere (unless you die).
secrets is a very ugly man
>join raid discord on quarm
>its just abunch of old boomers making fun of secrets
pretty based
KEK i imagine this is 99% of players behind closed doors.
I’ve leveled 2 characters to 40+ on P99 and have never been in “elf court”. If this is a frequent occurrence for you, it’s probably you at fault lol.
If you stick to one character you’ll make progress slowly. I only play a few months out of the year and only started a few years back and I have a couple high level toons.
>two 40+ characters
>thinks hes played the game
i'll solo as a rogue or monk or some shiet
then beat skellies with a stick and collect trillions of bear asses
>rogue + solo

buddy,your in the wrong class for "fun" you want an easier time try mage or necros thier pets are great,also shadow knights but they got hit with the wack stick only getting spells every 8 or 9 levels apart >......<
I'm a level 13 high elf enchanter. Is there anything I should quest for to replace my starting dagger? All other regular daggers I've seen don't seem to be much of an upgrade
Tbf it is good enough proof that you don’t need to no-life the game to make decent progress.

Endgame EQ fucking blows anyway. There’s literally no point in taking a character to 60.
don't you have to be a certain level to fight the old world bosses like lady vox or nagafen?

I always used to hear about players who would stay at a certain range just so they could fight some of the raid targets?
you don't need to rush to high levels because when you get to around level 25 everything in 90% of the old world zones is green (no XP or challenge)

might as well get to around 12-14 or so and then start going on adventures
I'm fine with realistic boat travel, i'm fine with the amount of grind classic EQ requires, i'm fine with corpse retrieval and XP loss on death. What i HATE about classic EQ is the obnoxious amount of downtime. Seriously, it's ridiculous. If you're soloing, you'll spend more time medding than actually playing the damn game
yeah say that and go to kithicor forest at night at lvl 25 and see how well you do running across the zone without invis vs undead
are you playing a melee class or something lilbro?
it's not really bad on hybrids and casters you get use to the flow and you should never be full blown on empty (oom) if you're careful.

But without the downtime it would just end up being a way worse version of modern WoW, the game world wasn't built on zooming around aoeing down packs of monsters, that's the main issue with modern day mmorpgs why even bother putting effort into creating zones,towns, or a world at all if everyone zooms around like impatient little faggots facerolling 1 2 3 and never taking any time to dungeon crawl or viewing the scenery around them.
that's a rare exception. Now imagine if you just beelined straight for leveling grounds and never visited Kithicor until all the undead there were green to you. That would be sad.
they want you to have a reason to befriend enchanters and druids
getting into CT without invis can be a bit tricky but the zone line is close at least

you can easily get jumped by a million things in most of the karanas and get completely destroyed at 25 even more so if you lack speed buffs, a lvl 25 warrior getting jumped by the high lvl gryphons = fucked

evil races running into high lvl good faction npcs at 25 = fucked

I think you're viewing it from the PoV of a faceroll class, of course minmax boomers on stupid shit like chanter or necro will basically be untouchable traveling around
hows the anniversary event? is it bussin?
I'd say there are 250-350 in the event zones on weekdays. I haven't done the open world raid event but heard it's fun. Group bonus and anniversary bonus has even my wizard alt getting random invites and not just there.
Good time seeing the fungi resellers get fucked, too.
>no dial a port on for hours now
green truly is a dead server, rest in peace
>mfw stuck in remote island with no way to port or gate

at the very least there's a 900 or 1200 potion that can let warriors & rogues escape from places
All I'm saying is exploring is much more fun when those things are still a threat that you need to deal with or avoid.

I've been all over the world at level 13 and it feels a lot more fun when there's danger everywhere or you can stop and fight a blue/even con creature here or there in exotic locations. I know there are still a lot of zones where a lv 25 can get crushed, but it really seems like a large portion of the old world is dedicated to mid-teens levels due to all the newbie progression from the various racial cities.
I agree east commons should be full of griffons that can aggro from outside of rendering distance and anybody who thinks otherwise is a casual faggot bitch
you know you don't have to find one only in dial a port, right?
I've played P99 for years and all of my ports are from random druids i find within zone or /who appropriate level
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how are you enjoying your time on Dalaya bros?
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>meanwhile somewhere deep in cazic thule's dungeon
eq has the best spell effects
tried playing for awhile but the spawns are just really shitty compared to the original game
also the client is buggy as fuck
What should I play if I want to try out the game where do people play? AN official server? P99? Somewhere else?
I believe the highest population is on Teek which is a live server that requires a subscription
P99 is the definitive best server
TLP is filled with toxic boomers, boxing, and RMT
Quarm has bad coding, improper spawns with false timers, is infested with even worse toxic boomers, cheaters, and mentally ill men in makeup
yes because it was a temporary fix during the RoK days so level 60s didnt trivialize and farm. some reason they kept the lock out for anyone above 52 after.
yeah im 35 myself and even then the geiatrics of EQ will call you a kid because thats just how old the general player base is.
Is it even possible for there to be lost/undiscovered classic content on P99? Did they mine the data for the quests from the game or did they program it themselves and just approximate whatever everyone thinks classic was like
>Is it even possible for there to be lost/undiscovered classic content on P99?
Not really. Lost content is vaguely referenced in older sources and not going to be incorporated generally on p99 unless there is something more than heresay from an alli post or a legion of people that 'remember it like__" and contradict each other.
That, and p99 devs have 100% checked out and never going to do shit like that even if it existed and anyone that does their homework has likewise stopped bothering with 99 and are letting it atrophy.
yeah 30 yo's were around like 9-12 years old when it was new
a lot of the fags who tryhard on TLP, 99, quarm are legit 50+ now
>literally has had a steady 1k between the servers for a decade
if you think your faggot tranny server is going to be around for a decade you're absolutely retarded
secrets has a track record of having mental breakdowns and destroying all of his past failed projects like the mentally ill man he is
it wasn't even a year in and he was openly whining like a bitch to the server and having to leave the discord because boomers keep calling him a he in chat
>tranny server never mentioned nor implied in post
>goes on deranged rant about tranny server
Truly obsessed.
The sad thing is secret's server could have never existed and the same situation would have been unfolding. Last patch was nearly two years ago and it was stuff like optional fps adjustments added and a Thanksgiving exp bonus. Sad. Grim, even.
isnt there a new anniversary event?
>anniversary event?
Not seeing anything in 99's forums not like there would be anything asides an exp bonus.
>simply state the truth
lol shut up ugly dude
>tranny tranny tranny it's all I can think about I just randomly add it to responses I'm not an obsessed autistic retard lol why u say that
>also p99 has no problems nothing to see here let me crash and burn another thread because hur dur
What powers such autism. Is this the effect of being in a long term containment server.
The server is run by 2 trannies, anon. It's relevant.
Read nigger, read.
My post was about P99, anon, and made no reference nor said anything about anything but p99 and it's non-existent devs or supporters. Obsessed anon just started shrieking like the retard he is about secrets as soon as he saw bad thing about thing he likes said. It's only relevant if you're a schizo.
>The server is run by 2 trannies, anon. It's relevant.
Anon this isn't that complicated. The p99 question:
>Is it even possible for there to be lost/undiscovered classic content on P99? Did they mine the data for the quests from the game or did they program it themselves and just approximate whatever everyone thinks classic was like
The answer was forget it on p99, not happening, no one works on that server anymore.
Other anon just can't help himself and started sperging out about a different server at that response.
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>mfw finally cross the boat on the way from qeynos freeport butcherblock mountains into crushbone

>mfw as soon as zoning into meet entire train full of orcs from castle

This is why half of the player base refuses to group & prefers soloing ;___;
Because they are all work from home semi-afk 2nd monitor players, including me.
calm down mr secrets
Om project 99 which race/class combos are the most underused/rarely seen,was thinking of making a rogue,but their very gear dependent?

human or dark elf rogue,which one is more "rare" that you rare ever see?
I've personally seen 0 human rogues and 1 dark elf rogue
You can always go human and grab the dark elf mask from lower guk later
>I want to be the most special snowflake!!!
How about you just pick whatever appeals to you, you aren’t gonna make it anyway.
probably erudite anything
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Human warriors, we won.
Don’t know why they included bots in the statistics, surely they know that the majority of those human warriors aren’t real characters.
>no rogues or shamans on the list no bards

warriors are kinda missing key components of their spell using classes & only have attack bash & slamming maybe some potions here & there if you were lucky
think its for official shit servers and garbage TLP where warrior looks a lot more fun with AA abilities, insane stat ceiling, clickies galore, and very easily accessible high end gear (haste etc)
only degenerates remain in these old MMORPGs and that includes you and me

maybe a different flavor of degeneracy but degenerates nonetheless
nice catch anon,why does it seem like the devs thought bard was missing something/they didn't seem to notice or care that players thought it was fun as balls

but instead seemed to have had this notion that the class was actually boring to play?
bard is so awesome imagine how much of a blast players had with it back in the early days?
probably the most immersive class you can play by far
>mfw just reached 13 as a rogue

>mfw everybody says poison making is a waste of time on lvl 50 & 60 raid targets

WHO CARES ABOUT RAIDING,does it work well enough for normal mobs that's good enough for me!
not like youll ever see raids on p99 anyways unless you become neet
high tier rogue play is pickpocketing mobs while other players fight them
Grinding poison making mats for actually useful poison is absolutely soul crushing especially considering how fast you go through them.there are some pretty niche application for some poisons for soloing but for the most part you won’t notice a difference between using and not using them while leveling.

What ever happened to that EQ online adventures revival that was going to bring back the PS2 version of everquest?
>he cares about EQ raids
only the biggest losers care about raids
games like EQ are enjoyed for the journey
It’s up, it’s called sandstorm. I haven’t played it myself so I don’t know much about it but there have been people streaming it on twitch if you want to ask about it. There’s also another group trying to do it but I am unaware of their status.
is p99 really run by troons
is it a terrible idea to play eq with unstable internet
need answers by the end of today ty
anon please re-read the thread m8

Quarm was the one with the administration loosing their minds & having a fit changing their gender & going insane
norrath has fallen
P99 has been available for over a decade with zero issues

Quarm is the server run by a ugly mentally ill man who cross dresses and has manchild tantrums venting to the overall server about fair criticism and rage leaving his own servers forums multiple times
Ok ty I appreciate the clarification
Now what about the unstable internet? What if I just play Iksar Necro and summon my corpse (I have not played either in my EQ career)
How unstable are we talking?
absurd packet loss with constant disconnects? it's going to be a bad time no matter what you play
But if you mean high ping? you'll be fine and necro will do great.
>is p99 really run by troons
It's not run by anyone anymore.
>is it a terrible idea to play eq with unstable internet
It wont matter if you're not an enchanter, bard, that care about being able to respond quick to charm breaks or kite distance. A friend hit 60 on his necro with ping around 700.
internet is theoretically okay but power in the city is not guaranteed and loss of connection due to switching to gen is guaranteed
>internet is theoretically okay but power in the city is not guaranteed and loss of connection due to switching to gen is guaranteed
It might actually be best to play a SK.
FD when your packet loss goes nuts or you feel a LD coming on.
Possibly survive going LD due to plate.
Packet loss is livable but requent DC's will make your life miserable in this game.
If you get a UPS your computer and modem can stay powered through the switch to your standby generator. Of course this only matters if you don't lose Internet in the power outage
I played Sandstorm a decent bit a few months back but level cap was still relatively low. It’s a pretty good server with a good enough population. Easy to set up too.
Think it is 45 at the moment. Never played is that low or high (as in did they up the cap)?
I think it was 15 or 20 when I played so looks like they raised it. Might have to hop back for a bit.
anyone playing on the new sod server or is this shit doa
I tried for a bit but I kept getting a weird ass bug where I couldnt target or loot items until I restarted the game
mixed that in with bad noob spawns in innothule and I just gave up
cool concept but its just crazy jank, also not a fan of it no longer really being EQ lore, since it has its own new dieties and shit, just feels wrong and like I'm playing some generic copycat
the SOVL is gone
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yeah the oc lore is super gay because they force you to care about it with the "story quest progression" shit you have to do at a certain point. they should have just expanded on what the game already had even if it would be fan fiction.
a shame its so jank because they have some cool additions that make the classes more fun to play.
yeah I thought the class changes sounded cool its the main reason I even gave it a try and classes like SK start with a spell off the rip making it feel a lot better to play but I had the target and loot thing happen to me multiple times so I fucked off
>EQ online adventures
Loved adventures. I kind of wish they used the models from that over the Luclin ones for standard EQ when they 'refreshed' the models.
whoever was in charge of luclin models had to legit be blind and braindead

they pulled the same shit with EQ2 when they had custom asian models for the asian market and allowed it to be a toggle on NA servers

>game already has ugly as fuck shit tier armor and character models especially compared to its main competition that shit all over it (WoW)
>lets make the game even more ugly with garbage tier asian models

It's a small thing but one of the reasons I could never take EQ2 serious was the fact you could look like an absolute deformed clown on some retards screen because he picked shit tier model toggles

EQ is hands down the most mishandled mmorpg franchise
It was the animations that annoyed me mostly. Some races had okay looking Luclin models but all the animations were just too half assed. Especially the running animations where there's that weird 'shuffle' where it's clearly looping.
Listen and learn, an Erudite woman is speaking.
>whoever was in charge of luclin models had to legit be blind and braindead
They were trying to do a massive graphical overhaul on top of a massive expansion. Stupid idea. But alas the yearly 1-2 expansion release was a dumb idea from the start.
>with EQ2 when they had custom asian models for the asian market
Unironically lot of people welcomed it and preferred it. They weren't good per say, but some of them were just outright better looking than what the OG models had to offer
>ugly as fuck shit tier armor and character models
Understatement. EQ2's engine was SHIT to work with. Developers flat out made statements of how just making a new armor set meant you had to form 16 different sets per race despite the fact that almost all of them had the same humanoid structure. Worst part is the retards who'd defend it. Take a look at Origins where there are people who'll say "nooo don't add an armor that looks neat into the old content because then EQ2 won't be realistic!!!"
I think the worst offenders were the Halfings. Have faces of down syndrome. Though some models were fine like the Iksar, Ogres and Dark Elves.
>an absolute deformed clown on some retards screen because he picked shit tier model toggles
You barely saw their face because the entire screen would be clouded out with damage numbers
>EQ is hands down the most mishandled mmorpg franchise
Yes but also its one of the most derivative MMO's since its just copy and pasted elements of D&D 2nd Edition.
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>hated the Luclin models when they came out
>WoW releases and becomes the next big thing
>still hate the Luclin models but appreciate the more generic fantasy look they had
Feels bad all around.
If they ever bothered fixing the animation jank they'd be way more tolerable. The ability to customize them is the main reason I still have them enabled. The beast races really lost their soul though.
>single player everquest
Take a look at Erenshor.
Erenshor is pretty cool, but the dev is really missing a huge opportunity by not at least including an option for an LLM governing the simplayers.
I hope more overall bots are implemented in the future, and like you implied, learning bots would be nice instead of the same handful of stock phrases and behaviors that I can see already growing tiresome.
ah like the eye and face customization?
I remember seeing a youtube video where someone basically created customization with the original faces you could change the eyes, noses, mouths and the warpaint/woad (barbarians)

Thats all EQ1 needed, that and just had someone draw like 10-20 more armor styles for each slot and allowed transmog, it would have better customization than majority of mmorpgs for the next decade with that alone.
>ah like the eye and face customization?
Yeah the eye, hair, hair color, features etc.
>I remember seeing a youtube video where someone basically created customization with the original faces you could change the eyes, noses, mouths and the warpaint/woad (barbarians)
Honestly, that's what I'd rather they'd done with Luclin. That and maybe add a high res texture pack.
Champions of Norrath. They need to get those remastered.
>Champions of Norrath
Hell yeah. I remember the garbage wizard beam ability which looked like you were waving your dick around.
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>mfw gone for two weeks & miss one of the most expansive & fun Halloween GM events in the last five years

God, traveling sucks sometimes
anyone playing heroes journey? looks like a cool funserver
secrets is one ugly ass dude jesus lol
looks like a giant gay bird
They're one of the least 'passable' troons I've ever seen. Literally just a man in makeup. At least some of them angle photos and make an attempt.
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so what's the most popular server both retail and private? i wanna hop on and have fun
Rogue or Warrior, which one is the least cancer to try and do some solo leveling with untwinked? Going to give Quarm a shot and don't want to just default to being a caster shitter as usual.
anything works on quarm the ugly looney troon added a ton of inaccurate shit and funmode easy items so any class can gear up and solo
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>least cancer to try and do some solo leveling with untwinked?
Warrior, though it will still be cancer but at least doable.
>on of inaccurate shit and funmode easy items so any class
Which items at level one lil nig? Tell the audience how that level gated manastone is going to make an untwinked warrior have a smooth leveling experience.
why does secrets look like a bird man?
i dont know but i wish he would fuck off back to his own discord and quit shitting up thj with his sexual deviancy
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Why is elf court its so fucking over the top on p99?
Truly the spirit of adventure going on here.
>instanced raids are a bad thin-ACK
>Warrior, though it will still be cancer but at least doable.
Thanks anon, I'll try it and see how far I get. I'm planning to group anyways but I know at times I'll probably have to solo.
There's a good reason this wasn't as frequent in Classic EQ1. Because within 6-12 months, there was always either new content or a new expansion on the horizon to help spread out the different raiding guilds until instances were introduced with PoT. Not everyone was trying to kill a handful of endgame raid names like Vulak for years on end. If I recall it wasn't until Summer 2001 when Vulak was finally killed by FoH. In total, how many times does anyone think he was farmed when his loot was relevant enough to be worth it (on a 7 day spawn with 3 drops)?
>"Lastly, never forget EverQuest is an incredibly social experience"
>trying this hard to back up why jannies are dealing with raid drama for free
Kek like a fat girl reinforcing the idea she's sexy with self confirmation every day.
Every reason why each Dev didn't want this shit by 2003. Contested dungeons? Fine. Raiding dungeons and dealing with a horde of poopsockers? God awful.
>playing a rogue
>playing a solo rogue
>playing an untwinked solo rogue
Don't fucking do it. Your whole gimmick is mashing backstab for that fat endorphin rush and you can't even do that while soloing, so you just end up being a squishier and weaker warrior.

Save up your pocket change and get yourself a basic twink weapon as soon as possible. Shit's really not as bad as people make it out to be though, especially if you're not doing it 100% solo.
>Save up your pocket change and get yourself a basic twink weapon as soon as possible. Shit's really not as bad as people make it out to be though, especially if you're not doing it 100% solo.
Yeah my plan was to just grab a basic bitch twink weapon (like fine steel or some shit) along with banded armor early on (will probably just look for shit to grind and sell in the EC tunnels ASAP), and making sure I stay on top of keeping bind wound maxed.
Probably don't even need money, newcomers are always given twink gear freebies here and there at EC.
people who play EQ long enough to raid are tranny losers
this isnt always true
sometimes a kind soul helps newbies out but a lot of times theres a dry spell in the tunnel, now if you speak up there's a good chance someone will throw you at least FS
Quarm tunnel is dead silent full of anti-social players sadly
That's because Quarm hasn't been sitting on years of SoV thus there isn't an oversaturation of drops sitting in peoples banks for mains and alts.
>playing your guy after you hit max lvl is le bad
some straight up weird cope
I just started playing EQ2 for the first time, and I'm having fun. Does anyone play EQ2 here?
It's cool but I don't want to sub, too bad we never got a emulator for it like the original EQ, I would live on a P99 equivalent server for EQ2 for a good 3 years for sure.
my biggest complaint is that you can't talk in public channels as a free player when you're already playing on a sparsely populated free server
I bought a year subscription
As an non raider what exactly IS raiding in classic everquest?

What makes it so special compared to the other MMOs?
my point is it isnt
raiding sucks and only garbage people like it
its always terminally online people who end up going that far in EQ all the chill people do 1-30 like once a year then fuck off for awhile
>raiding in EQ
>basically no mechanics other than simple AoEs and getting resists
>very simple rotations of basically autoattacking and pressing a button every few seconds
>no roster cap and very little loot drops
>loot is tradable or able to be given to alts, some relevant forever
>only one of each boss exists for the whole server each week
>sometimes they randomly get reset and guilds have to rush to get people on to kill them before everyone else
>raiding in other games
>have actual rotations and mechanics so the bosses are actually fun to kill
>raids have specific sizes so you aren't trying to roll against 100 other people
>loot is mostly bind on pickup or otherwise you can't just give it to some guild officer's alt unless they actually did the encounter
>each guild gets their own personal boss to kill
>bosses reset at consistent times
>you don't get some retard calling you at 4 am to log in and kill dragons because ZOMG EARTHQUAKE
some people really like it because they never got to experience it on live and always wanted a Mistwalker
others love how exclusive it is
1-30? the max level is 30 in this game? (i haven't tried it yet)
no but 1-30 is the most fun part of the game so its where the most enjoyable people you can group with end up falling off then your stuck with bald bitter boomers or trannys
>As an non raider what exactly IS raiding in classic everquest?
Two grown ass men frothing with autistic rage and screaming at each other like little girls because they lost the roll on a piece of gear and can't afk at the tunnel with it.
>rolling on gear in raids
the heroes journey is pretty fun but some of the raid encounters are overtuned as hell. if i wanted "hard" raids, id go play wow
It is fun yeah but it still has some noticeable jank and counter intuitive shit due to currently being classic only. I'm enjoying that it's a populated single box server that isn't just discount P99. I'm also enjoying Dalaya despite the jank as well.
Nah I was done playing Project Tranny after that faggot personally told me it wasn't worth his time to restore an accidentally-deleted level 25 char. It was my first, and a very isolated, chance to play a progression server but since that happened I never was able to catch back up before stuff like mana stone was locked.
They acted like i should just be okay with having to grind the most shit levels in like, a single month. Pretty much soured me on the entire server, the entire chat acted like telling me to just poopsock more.
So fuck that faggot. Hope he dies and his faggy pet guilds follow suit. Be prepared to suck tranny cock or watch as other tranny cocksuckers climb the totem pole.
>the entire chat acted like telling me to just poopsock more.
Yet it's supposed to be 'le heckin wholesome casual dad server' kek.
desu classic era is just shit. no idea why people like it so much when the game improves tenfold by velious. dalaya looked cool but i really dont want to box which is why thj is so appealing
It's when the game had the most soul
everything after that is just bloated pseudo world of warcraft garbage that fucked the genre for the next 3 decades
Which is why most of the chill people strictly only do lowbie vanilla content then they fuck off for awhile and come back later to do it all over again
what does being soul and bloated mean?
>dalaya looked cool but i really dont want to box which is why thj is so appealing
Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of it either honestly. It's also dual box only which ultimately chases away both the no boxers and hyper multibox autists. They should have just gone one way or the other.
Let it be known that this fucker Secrets also had an obvious grudge against my class, Bard. Yeah, sorry I can't spare my entire fucking life to get a manastone & rubicite that will sit in bank for ages, you fucking nigger. I will kite for it, and fuck you if you think it's unfair. Faggot bitches. I enjoy the leisure of being able to solo at any level & dissociate myself from the neckbeards, I'm sorry that Sony made a class that was so fucking based.
Point is, he entertained my query (while playing his gay ass little game of trying to get people to kowtow to him). However, as SOON as he heard "bard" he became a complete ass.
Look, I can handle the memes and the soft bullying. Even hard bard-bullying from players. But from the fucker running the server? Dude, get real, fucking prick.

I will continue bitching about this issue till the end of time because Secrets is a colossal faggot
why would secrets hate bard? its one of the most troon friendly classes(you can just afk and get loot in 99% situations where you arent having to pull)
Many players will likely vouch for my bard, Harryhoo Deenie. Haven't played much on p99 lately but I have always been courteous to the best of my ability as a bard. I've had the odd complaint, but on the hole I've been a saint to these poor unfortunate souls. Asking ooc if ppl want pulls, twisting 3+ songs in group, kiting in isolated areas, tipping handsomely. However, Secrets automatically defaulted to the assumption that I was a cuntbard and proceeded to be a complete cunt to me. And he has so many fucking dick riders, there must be some dissent, people must know hes not the nice little faggy bitch he advertises himself as. Hes just as arbitrary as any other deranged tranny. So fuck you, Secrets. I know you're reading this, faggot fucking nigger fagboy.

Whatever. I don't want to play on this shit ass server anyway, P99 is better. But I'm drunk and want everybody to know you're a little fagboy cunt. Fag.
Trannies have this warped sense of fairness that they must enforce in the fleeting areas of life that they actually have some control over
They're also planning to nerf rangers come Luclin. Like this is a thing they're already discussing. I'm fine with a server that's like a twist on P99 with changes, but the changes they make is so obviously just whatever big bird troon wants with no real thought. All that happened with the bard nerf is a portion of bards just ended up rolling shit like necro, chanter, magician etc instead, which caused the population skew of casters to grow even larger.
What? Don't tell me they're taking away the machine gun headshot combo for bow. (Maybe this isn't in-era, just knew about the combo from friends)

But yeah at the end of the day no matter how much I hate Secrets, I would try a new char if it was a true eq server. But it's just not.
Ya know what fuck it. I've enjoyed 2 boxing on live better lately anyway. Anybody want to convince me to resub? Got some dudes either early 70s or early 80s if somebody else has a box they want to group.

I have SK/Druid. Semi-geared with some twink raid stuff but I think the level range is getting to where heroes quest rewards are stronger
You sound more mentally ill than the trannies you bitch about every post.
its funny you say that because hes playing the most broken, busted combo on the heroes journey multiclass server right now. paladin/rogue/x can basically 1 shot red mobs in pohate right with slay undead backstab
if it makes you feel better like 70% of the community talks shit about secrets behind his back

I did raids with most of the top guilds and every single one make fun of him in voice chat even fearless laughed at him
No secrets I'm just pissed at your faggotry because i had a very isolated chance to try TLP and get the legacy items.
>no answer was given
says A LOT
>having to ask
says more desu senpai
>youre just supposed to know what my nonsensical words mean because i sure dont
t. bloated butthole from being gay
>STILL cant tell us what the words he uses even means
get a load of this bloated guy
>secrets begging for attention again
why doesnt he just stick to his own discord?
>Nah I was done playing Project Tranny after that faggot personally told me it wasn't worth his time to restore an accidentally-deleted level 25 char.
Oh, it's the retard that drunkenly deleted his character. People still laugh about that. It's been what, a year, and you're still on this crusade?
You know you can get your character restored now, right? It's just that no one wants you back.

Can we get your best obsessed meme between samefagging your schizo responses?
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>no one
the internet (and by extension, social vidcons and cretian pottery casting associations) worked better when everyone remembered that you're supposed to maintain personal opsec and tightly guard information about yourself.
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Right, plural. Unlike singular, such as an individual that spends days samefagging themselves like the exiled anal gape they are after winning the digital Darwin award in a two decade old mm emu.
You hate to see it happen.
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and also not be a very ugly grown ass man pretending to be a women and cross dress aka gaycrets
nigga need a nose job to stop looking like a giant ugly ass bird boi
admitting you give a fuck what people do is pretty up there too
t. ranny

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