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Thread for the Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Post funny clips if you're feeling cute. Original content is encouraged!
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.


>>Currently in Closed Paypig Alpha
>>Free access if you're not a retard (but why would you want to?)
>>Two unnecessarily remade Godtoons planned every 3 weeks
>>Five total new Godtoons before the formal release at 50 in early 2025
>>Roadmap planned for 100 by late 2026
>>Finishing catchup of 135+ by ~2027
>>Basically, it's fucked

>New Player Guide + Splash Art Gallery



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Shi2 early roster
New = *

Seen Playable
>* Amaterasu
>Jing Wei
> * Nu Wa (forma bogdanoff)
>The Morrigan

Divine Legacy / Pass / Confirmed
>Baron Samedi
>Cupid https://files.catbox.moe/43goae.mp4
> * Ganesha
>Guan Yu
>Hou Yi
>King Arthur
>Sun Wukong
> * Thor

Mentioned / Datamining / Unconfirmed - https://smitedatamining.com/smite-11-9-datamining
>Ah Puch
> * Ishtar

New Godtoons (x5)
>Hecate (Mage)
>Mordred (Warrior)
>Aladdin (?)
> * Bari Gongju (?)

~ 65 / 50 Releasetoons (~15 mentioned are postlaunch)

12/24 - 50% of Assassins
15/24 - 63% of Guardians
12/24 - 50% of Hunters
16/38 -42% of Mages
8/20 - 40% of Warriors
60/130 - 47% Total
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Don't care still not playing SHITE 2
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Can you believe she put on 140 lbs in 7 months for this role? Outstanding dedication
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Basically I'm just not gonna play it (the sequel!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not playing it is all.

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/smgen/tlemen, do we want to put forward a rep for the /vm/ 4chan Cup team? We're certainly one of the larger breads here, and we can probably nominate something of ours in provided we show up on match day to watch.
we should put jing wei and scylla up
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I'm cultivating my dao rn
Don’t care not buying diamonds or playing SMITE2
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On one hand, Jing Wei / Scylla / Charybdis for coom, on the other, Zeus is probably more iconic, more chad, has a model made already, and you can actually call him ...and SMITE!!!
We should do Xbalanque because nobody knows how to pronounce his name
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Scylla = "Wow, whoever likes this is a pedo"
Jingers = "gacha girl #15543534, lame"
There is only one choice.
forced diversity + off by one
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scylla age = 6?
jing age = 15-19?adwhs
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>scylla age = 6?
~10,000 (-8,000 BC) give or take
>jing age = 15-19?adwhs
~4,500 (2,500 BC) give or take
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the majority of these games are literally unplayable
my team just dies 15 times and im getting dived by 2-3 people in mid constantly
our support just wanders in jungle
our solo leaves solo lane and stands in my lane to leech off it and attempts to use his abilites on the wave but misses them and then just stands at the jungle buff camps for like 40s waiting for them to respawn and doesnt even do harpies in the mean time
me and the adc are just held hostage for 10 minutes
the enemy kulkulkan doesnt even engage in the fights because its so awful seeing whats happening to me that his game is ruined too so he just stands there under tower probably watching netflix or something instead and watches me get ganked and maybe throws ult out at me at max distance if anything to get 1 entire second of a fun gaming experience
I tried playing SMITE 2 today. I just picked support then invaded with sunder and the cleave starter and stole all the enemies camps. There's so much xp to sustain yourself as a second jungler now. And the lane clashing on buff spawn is so awkward as a defender.
I just played a game as sol and i was just going through my abilities and my 2 permanently got stuck and I was unable to cast it ever again.

Luckily the enemy team surrendered but as far as I could tell everything I did was not making the 2 castable again.
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I didn't play shi2 today (or ever)
today was a good day
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Which game?
1game to rule them all 1game to find them 1game to proc them all and in the dankness bind them.
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I vote for Scylla
Jing Wei 2
Jing Wei 3
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>log in
>discord link
>to memesports
Please draw charybdis next
gotta d/c and r/c, intetnet connection is DHIT
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Scylla bros we are about to win again.
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guess thats bttter, just gotta work with wha iv'e got (sorry 3 that)

(before and after)
(and this is befoe smite severs and cross-country shennanigalns)
from hither tither we shall multiqueue all modes and allow the gods to decide our fate
debunk this
(0) khepri ults
literally wached it happen in front of me, why would i demonb my own finding?

all mine
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no one cared who I was til I procced Scylla
you mean toph? or eleven?
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Mystical Monster
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For what reason would I play SMITE 2.
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>Cantatore acknowledged that some fans will have to wait a while for their favorite to join Smite 2, referencing one of his own, Sylvanus, being at the back of the line.
smite 2 is very snowbally. every game is decided and surrendered in 20 minutes
Anybody else just stop Auto attacking even though you're holding the button? I just randomly stop shooting sometimes or get a delayed shot. I play another game like a shooter were I have to hold my mouse down for a prolonged period of time and this never happens there.
Used to happen to me in S1 and it's happening in S2 as well now
nvm fixed it
within 10 minutes*
because your teammates go 3 people in mid and 1 in enemy jungle who solo invades duo and dies because hes a zeus solo and you start at your regular jungle position and the game is just snowballed over
dont make me tap the sign shi2 faggots
op image is a masterpiece
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yeah, ocbaker is BASED
>his teammates aren't auto surrendering at 10
You have not truly experienced SHITE 2.
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oh yeah
the game is over at 20s in

but we are going to play for 53 minutes of fucking absolute torture
Shite 2 is like a bad MOTD
ugly goblin
You can pay 30 bucks, and in return you get to play dogs of war. That's the game.
>Elite ranked queue.
This sounds hype as fuck.
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Actually a lot of cool changes happening for SMITE 2.
who ar eyou quaoting
why do you think wecare?
Wait why did you actually make a separate thread for SMITE. Stop being weird.
Don't care still not playing shi2
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How many fucking times do we have to drill into your retarded fucking head that nobody here gives a fuck about Shite 2. It's shit. It's worse than Smite. It's a waste of everybody's time, and it'd be a service to everyone if it fucks off and dies already. It only had to be a graphical update, and it failed to even do that. The only things I want to hear about Shi2 is it dying, it taking a hint and reverting to being a Smite remaster, or anything stupid enough to laugh at it. Take the hint yourself and fuck off already. Make another thread and talk to yourself there if you think anyone cares. YWNBASMG.
Oh wait, you paid for Shi2 and still fucking play it, of course you're a retard. No wonder you're incapable of understanding such a basic concept.
>he thinks I care about shit 2
this looks just like me after a game of assault fr fr
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where were you when tanks were given a giant poseidon vortex on demand?
Dont care not playing SHI2
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>they made Hades ult an item and all it costs is 5% of your max HP per second
>it's a toggle
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I swear to fucking godtoon we've gotta add a note in the next OP saying shi2 fags are not welcome so we can get these niggers jannied.
All of the smite 1 content is just recycled smite 2 content
they stopped making smite 1 content
All these updates are SOVL.
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bix nood for shi2 shit
her pronouns are she/her yew fucking chud
baron got buffed and hes fricking epic now!
that sure is lot of text.
youre the only one that thinks the joke is serious business
Aphrodite shoving two fingers into your asshole and giving your prostate a good rubbing!
literally the god of whores
>oogabooga muh shi2 muh toonbucks
dont care didnt read
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You didnt forget about your daily GreasyGoon(TM), did you anon?
Don't care still playing SMITE 2 and buying diamonds.
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Why is this chat not very active, I came from the /owg/ and it's way more active there. Why isn't there somebody spamming jing reaction images every hour
Don't care still not playing SMITE 2 and still never buying diamonds.
come on, just buy some blue gemmies, it's only 15$, come on, just do it, DO IT.
Diamonds are the new premium currency in Smite 2. You get 225 diamonds for getting god masteries for free, and double if you pay. $10 = 1300 Diamonds

So in Smite 1, 800 gems run you about $15, or 53 gems per dollar. In Smite 2, 1300 gems AKA diamonds runs you $10, or 130 Diamonds per dollar, so you get close to triple the amount of gems/diamonds per dollar.

On top of that, you get 225 Diamonds for fully mastering a god without paying, and 450 Diamonds if you buy the ascension pass. An ascension pass cost either 900 Diamonds or 450 Diamonds+450 Legacy Gems. So if you fully rank a god with only Diamonds, you get half of them back. If you paid half with Legacy gems, you get all your Diamonds back

Assuming that skin prices are scaled proportionally to how much they cost in dollar value in Smite 1, does this not mean the purchasing power of legacy gems are lower than the purchasing power of gems in Smite 1? Below just uses the $25 dollar bundle in Smite 1, I know the $ per gem is difference based on if you buy them in bulk or not.

For the sake of simplicity, let's say that in Smite 1, 1300 gems cost $20 (in reality, 1500 gems cost $25 so there is not a large difference).

A tier 4 skin costs 600 gems in smite 1, this is about $10. So 1300 gems have the purchasing power of about 2 skins.

Assuming that HiRez wants to keep the dollar price of skins the same (don't see why they would ever make it lower), they would double the price of a T4 skin to 1200 Diamonds. In the 50/50 situation between diamonds and legacy gems, this would effectively mean that you are using $10 worth of legacy gems to pay for $5 of a $10 skin- the purchasing power of Smite 1 gems have been halved, throughbeit.
Just pay for the founders edition, just do it, it doubles your gemmies thereby cancelling the depreciation out, just buy it, it's only $25, just do it, DO IT, PAY THE MONEY, PLAY THE WORSE GAME, DO IT.
Wouldnt that only apply to new gem purchases?
If you already bought gems in the past because you wanted some skin at some point youre getting 50% coupons off those gems for free even if you make no new purchases.

Thing thing that would be weird to me is that whales that purchased like $1000 or something in gems will get gems off 50% on basically everything for at least a year or two and would only have to spend additional money if they wanted something NOW instead of getting a diamond god first.

I already have seen a mastery 7 loki before.
desu, don't get why people complain about the monetization. You get more than enough diamonds from logging in to get free skins for your mains and battlespasses. Unless they get a lot more expensive. Just don't waste your money on useless shit like the God passes
Seriously. Ive spent like $100 on gems in like the 10 years ive played and I literally bought like 10 skins for my mains over the years and still had enough for the aniversary carry over thing and all but 2 of the crossgen passes. Thats been a grand total of $10 a year and now I get even more stuff for half off in the new game, which I can easily grind for unless they make it like 3000 diamonds per skin or something. I already got my money's worth over the decade. Everything now is just a bonus to me. I wish the ascension pass thing was redeemable tokens instead of the forced set of gods. I feel like smite would've made a lot more money doing that. They should still do it and give people who already bought in double tokens or something. I would maybe give them $30 if I got like 25 ascension pass tokens and maybe 2-4 skins worth of diamonds. I doubt I'd ever diamond 35 gods, but I would get to have all their emotes and stuff. That would basically cover my entire smite 2 time and be like $80 total but I havent bought any other game in 10 years.

Anubis is horrible in smite 2 btw never play him. He has no dmg and they took away all the good lifesteal items from the game. So if you build no lifesteal you have no survivability. If you build lifesteal, you cant clear at start. If you try and do your DOT dmg you get slapped by 800dmg crits or EZ cast no thought abilities. Also they cut his 3 AOE range in half so you can barely pixel perfect fit it into hitting the full wave, so if you get outcleared, its now impossible to counter clear because one set of the minions just insta walk out of the aoe. If you try and use your 1, then the enemy will just attack you because again you do no damage and your full rotation doesnt even kill people.

I fought an anhur with flag and thebes and he could outdamage me missing 70% of his ult and just spear and basics, while I landed basics between my abilities and my full ability rotation and ult on him perfectly.
I honestly don't care and love that you can straight up buy all the characters. Game just don't do that.
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>watch a clip from the shite 2 dev stream
>my main ama has a bunch of kit changes for zero(0) reasons
Why are you seething. Your ult is better and you have a shield for some reason.
I don't want all these buffs I want my toon to be the same as before
Smite 2 is such a unique case across vidya.
Nah, there have been thousands of sequels that were downgrades from the originals.
The recent patch notes where It's obvious that blink is op and they agree and are now going in a direction to buff other relics up to that standard I think is a good thing. All these changes to make everything more fun and interesting. I really think SMITE 2 is going to be great.
>this is what butthurt SMITE2 haters actually believe

0/10 cry moar.
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SMITE 2 won.
SHITE 1 lost.
>new is le bad!
>Try to play SMITE 1
>Opposing solo laner is a mage with lifesteal
>fall asleep
>close SMITE 1
So fucking boring.
SHITE 1 is a buggy ugly mess on an ancient and unreliable engine.
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>still didn't make the dash 2-step silence/dash
>removed the tech entirely

>removed her smug re-sheath spin-flourish animation
>removed the various ways her cloak is intended to billow wide around, in exchange for it just being auto-physics
>fucked her passive aura indicator, from a fading glow to just a circle on the ground, didn't add any vfx like her skins do on targets you've only hit once, so you know who to focus
>removed her old attack-trail and fucked up the sync between landing a hit and the on-hit vfx
>didn't do anything that the tsukuyomi cinematic set up (rework the dash animation for style points, make her ultracute etc)
>removed her dance animation
>removed her death animation
>removed her win-loss animation
>strint scaling cancer that nobody asked for
not big suprise
Reddit won.
/smgen/ lost.
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smite 2
should I try it?
ok i will try it
bla bla bla i crazy now
SMITE 1? Why would anyone still play that trash? Couldn’t be me.
>he doesn't like watching his toon trying hard and getting stronger
Why do you hate your toon anon? I'm happy my toon wife Jing worked hard and became stronger in Smite 2
Smite 2 arena is better than smite 1's and I'm tired of pretending its not. Now conquest? Its worse in every facet
arena mmr is even worse in 2 than in 1 though.
>active item mini-hades ult for anyone
this can only end well
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yeah but why can't they just be relics?
because smite 2 is NEW
even though we're also bringing back pyro
and more old items
Smite 1.5 soon!
yeah but why couldn't they just be 1.5 from the start instead of getting the bad press of people who don't wanna play the "new vision" shit

like, get rid of actives, cut the strint bullshit, revert stats back to how they should work, and the cancer is mostly sorted (i think)
Its not about a smite 2. its about getting people who tried smite 1 over the past 10 years who thought it was a mildly bemusing game, but dropped it, to hear about a smite 2 and try it out once again. The same as overwatch 2, which worked.
overwatch 2 had a major advantage by going from a pay to play original to a free to play sequel. shite is going from free to play to free to play.
Hello smite players. I am a humble realm royale enjoyer but I enjoy the antics here. There is no point to this post. I will lurk and enjoy.
i dropped that after i realized every lobby was 97% bots no cappin'
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before you leave which godtoon do you think is the sexiest
The morrigan turning into hercules and fucking you in the ass. gay or straight????
nothing gay about having sex with a cis woman
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>hercules fucking you in the ass

>gay or straight?
faggot can we not?
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realm royale was the biggest disappointment ever
it was good when it was paladins royale and couldve been smite and paladins royale smash brothers pubg

i will never forgive hirez
Nu Wa
based realmroyalefugee
Sol is the hottest
Oh boy time to play arena!
>nox on the other team
>nox on the other team
>nox on the other team
arena with 5 bans per team
but everyone gets 5 seconds to ban
that's why arena in smite 2 is so good. none of the cancertoons are in the game
havent played it. wouldnt it just be hecate ulting eachother into spawn
can't believe ama is in sh2 before herc
that's how you really know the community is dead from 0 uproar
ama has more skins that's why she got in first
Ama has never been popular outside of the few patches she becomes broken though.
And I can't imagine she's that popular in Arena
lead developers favorite character sister, sorry
aj is still doing that LARP ?
this literally could not happen in shi2
i will never forgive hirez for
global agenda
realm royale
rouge company
divine knockout
probably also smite in a few years
and whatever game they drop everything to pursue only for it to die in a few months when they start ruining it for no reason next.
Leave it to HR of all companies to make me angry for them killing an auto-battler too.
...and PROPHECY!
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>pathetic /hrzg/ and /palg/ coat tail riding faggots are mistaking us never playing shi2 with us allowing them to just impotently bitch about lorez 24/7 and be some gayass nogaems drama thread again
you're not subtle
you're not clever
you already couldn't maintain your /vg/ gen (because nobody cares) (like shi2)
your /vm/ thread is also dead (because nobody cares) (like shi2)
fuck off back to your shitcord
if you don't play smite and aren't interested in multiplayer, you don't belong here
>He thinks lorez can keep smite alive
you won't be saying that when they EoS Smite 1 for 2, and then early EoS 2 because it'll bring in pitiful stream and event numbers when SPL starts back up, and then they'll hop on a new FOTM clone
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don't care
not playing shi2
fuck off back failed-state vagrant homeless nigger illegal immigrants
going to keep playing smite forever (10,000 year vanta aryan dynasty, the haters are fake and gay and cannot reproduce)
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAH
good news lad
i'm (no longer) playing shite 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don’t care not playing shi2
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sister your meds?
It's an alpha
It's going to reach 90-100k concurrent on release.
Not a chance. It'll be like 40k at most.
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Basically I'm just not gonna play SMITE 2
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I'm not gonna play it is all
If everyone just didn't play this early alpha piece of shit then TitanForge would have no choice but to return to smite 1 in shame.
I'm fucking trying to play SMITE 2 but between there being no gods and none of my abilities working I can't.
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>This build wasn't nerfed.
Dawn is always darkest before the light.
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Have you tried the one where you go full Power+Pen and only take Stormseeker to max AS? That's a scumbuild and a half if you get it online.
I'm not a stormseeker believer.
>0-25 duo
>you still went beads aegis
loki bros are always let down by their teams
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>pressure lane with either a manikins syl or a bluestone rat as support
dishonest win.
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New scylla skin when?
when they add her to shite 2 and make her circles even bigger, and now her ult has no channel time/delay
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nah, her dogs and her ult will be str-only and her main clear will be int (her sentinel dog will also reveal through stealth if it you have over 72 int and becomes a mp5 regeneration station at a rate of 5% of your total str even if it still lasts for 2 seconds but is a ward that only sees for 14% of your int in units) (this will enable her to play support or something). finally her dogs and ult delay scales with your movement speed but the ult duration scales with your crowd control reduction (it's only 0.5s by default otherwise, so you gotta build it on her). also the %prot reduction on her circle doesn't exist any more, it's just a short term flat pen buff that lasts as long as the circle lasts anyways. also the sentinel doesn't count as a leap any more.
also her passive is reworked so every time she finishes levelling an ability she gains inhand critical chance for 5s after she casts an ability because they had to nerf polynomicon into the dirt because susano and set was abusing it, but hey at least you get to play poly scylla like the good old days again right guys?

i mean, basically the same godtoon you know and love, you just have to build and play her completely differently.
buy diamonds.
You are now reminded that half of nu-ama's kit scales off int for some reason
It's because they want you to Int with her.
The funniest part about this post is that it's completely correct, but they still didn't make Odin's leap circle like 5 units bigger as a QoL just so it clears minions with less hassle.
i can see them randomly scaling the opposite of intended damage type on all future gods just to muddy up balance conversations.
1 will get an enemy debuff on hit or give scylla a temp buff
crush will have a str scaling and possibly a DOT for standing in it
dogs will give nearby mp5 no matter what, and give something based on enemies revealed
4 will have an absurdly high str and int scaling, and successful hits will leave a poison pool
Laughed at this because they're already being forced to walk back on a lot of things to balance them.
Isn't INT/STR scaling kind of similar to locking weapons behind class types? For an item to be worth building when you don't scale with it the passive needs to be stronger than a normal item without the passive.
Instead of having 4 abilities that are satisfying to use, you get to pick 1 or 2 that are good and 1 or 2 that are worthless. its called game design sweaty.
HR have always been hindered by (incompetent at) classes, and had to watch the nezha, fenrir, nox supports, the adc, assassin mids, guardian solos, and warrior """supports""" all destroy their "balance" and class work. And eventually decided smite's future was semi-classless (flexxing) (Except when they REALLY don't like the choice), because they were tired of trying to classify godtoons and the community undermining it.
STRINT was a means to flexxmaxx, so you could get more mileage out of godtoons and make shite more fun, because they were building choice into kits, instead of choice being crafted around careful item combos
But they ignored the giant elephant of their chronic inability to balance or have any shred of foresight.
So what they already have is a pile of mismanagement, and poorly thought out radical changes they have to commit to, or slowly and systematically walk back over years. And it seems they're going on ahead with Dota2 philosophy (everyone is broken lmao (Except the gods they don't care about LMAO))
In reality, they need to
>remove 100% STR scaling on everyone's basics and give every god individual %s
>scale down attack speed even further on any warrior or guardian
>return support back to its intended purpose, and stop encouraging power supports in all ways
>if magical gods can crit, they need to go all into INT
>bring back regular blink
It's almost as if /smgen/ saw it coming months ago.

Instead of having 4 items that are satisfying to build, you get to pick 1 or 2 that are good and 1 or 2 that are worthless but have a mandatory active you need because relics aren't free and you're forced to take Combat Blink or Sunder (Flash / Smite). its called game design sweetie.
>In reality, they need to
>>double down
>>double down
>>revert to what works
>>double down
>>revert to what works
2/5 correct on a two-choice-multiple-choice. pathetic. D- see me after classtoon.
They're not going to just revert back to smite 1's systems.
I'm trying to fix shite 2 (which could easily be fixed).
They're not going to just do what you think they need to do either.
I don't know who the fuck you think you're fooling (which can easily be fixed).
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>They're not going to just do what you think they need to do either.
it's a hypothetical discussion about 2, not 1.
The great godtoon in the sky REALLY didn't give with both hands when you were spawned.
SMITE 2 will be good in 10 years trust the plan.
Smite already is good thougheverbeitmost.
Yeah all I do in SMITE 2 is die because my Ymir ult instant pops and I get pulled by Ares ult.
actually both are terrible and we should all play Rogue Company instead.
isn't it EoS'd?
idk I don't play it.
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you and a lot of other people apparently
that's gonna be smite 2 pretty soon fr fr
It's Shite2 right now thoughbeit
2475 on a saturday night isn't very bussin
grave 2 soon
It's like Realm Royale and DKO, it's not getting any more updates, but the servers are still up.
SMITE 2 will live longer than you.
calm down Aj
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I found the street that Raptor lives on
yeah, looks like you're gonna have to walk back this statement

two words
ranked arena
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SHITE2 in shambles!
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Good morning sirs can post mor bautiful girl for I move penish? I love
Hera shoving two fingers into your asshole and giving your prostate a good rubbing!
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I know your post is a shitpost (double entendre), but fanart of the jeet Godtoons of Smite is actually pretty rare.
To be fair it's because nobody knows who the fuck Hindus even are, but still.
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the first time jing has ever been attractive
AltBlue plaps this daily.
/smgen/ is so lucky...
Thank You , I love
How do we make SMITE more popular. We need to create communities. Maybe this is a wrong and artificial way of looking at it. Maybe It's promise and deliverance. Seeing expectations met. What is SMITE selling. What are people buying. There has to be a path that leads to the good outcome. Maybe I should take a course in media studies.
you should get a job so you can buy diamonds instead
>redesign the most popular gods and kits in the game
>copy league wherever possible
>jack up skin prices and make the goyim rebuy all their skins and gods
>revert changes to matchmaking and time to kill even though they objectively resulted in higher quality games
Just follow all of these and you'll have a guaranteed recipe for success
t. Hirez
Something I found while looking at LOL content is that they have videos showing off mechanical depth. It makes me think about card games where If you combine different things you get different results.
I gave it a fair chance bros but str/int is fucking dumb
we're an independent and organic community and we're treated like shit all the time. the devs hate us, never speak to or about us, and if we're ever brought up by the larger artificial communities we're tarred and feathered like a boogeyman.
what would a new one entail? they'd probably treat them just as shit too.

lole needs videos showing off its "depth" because it's always in the shadow of SC2 and DotA which don't need to prove anything to anyone.
it makes me think of a kid in a shirt with bold letters saying BIG BOY on it
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>interested in how that 4tism cup shit is goignh
>"who is hety choose ass our playerr?''
>look into a rabithole
>seecondensesd auismism
i, head capo tof the smgen wuold like ot invite a creativefig yo do me a kermission
IT wile funny
I wanna kick a hornets nest (and dmake some fiends outide of thsi htred)

love you all ,my adorable biscuits :)
stay sane

>and dmake some fiends outide of thsi htred
so we're not good enough for you anymore. ok fuck you
you doxedme >>1434467
officla firenship is on suspension fo 2-3 hous
pubs will be in SMITE 2 btw idk if that matters
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NO THEY WONT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#
Trolls cmoing at me from all angles.
Hu huu *wheee*
Wendy's chilli
Who invited his huy.
I can't TAKE this shiy no more man.
Pubs will be in smite 2 and you will have to play hybrid cernunnos ONLY
Cumming to this rn.
Don't play shi2.
Yes Jing dear.
tits too big
>playing shi2
>buying diamondbucks
couldnt be me
group up? group up? where group?
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I got a 3day for >>1431031 https://arch.b4k.co/vm/thread/1429495
Picrel is an accurate recounting of the events.
I'm not complaining, it was deserved (because I am based), I'm just informing.
honestly good call by the jannies
absolutely abhorrent post that was
I think it's really weird how jannies are so active on this board but refused to clean up anything back on /vg/
/d2g/ had some schizo slav dumping gay porn last night for hours.
How did they get away with this?
gonna play some games. if you wanna join add me ign is dolize
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was on a bit back, but nobody was around
i'll hop on after your next game doliz, just gonna

an a drink
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the king has returne (with some swee chili sauce on his khin)

time to proc

and MAOR?!

auutbots...... ROLL OUT!
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shitstomps are fair and balanced
why is raptor kinda cute tho...
>you're a furry
No other game has lagged for me today so whatever smite
online llag....
I will not be playing shite2 until Sun Wukong is added WITH all his skins.
I won't be playing shit 2 at all srry not srry
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If you can hit a hammer you can hit a basic>>1435447
I will not be playing shite2 until it's smite 1 in mechanics and gameplay, idk why you're so up about skintoons
did yu not see tha t entire game?
i missed fafnir cheerss!

also i lied and actually my new controller is fine, i just hate playing ADC because i'm not the big gay
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You fear power. I wield it. Never forget, meatshield.
quick reminder that shi2 ymir is literally doing the basedjak face

poweris only useful for killign minions
it shortemns my time to torment my enemis otheriwse
i wanna wath em burn and have gameply
But they won't keep Smite 1 alive forever bwo
"WITH all his skins" was a bit of a shitpost, but I meant what I said otherwise, I am a SWK one-trick and I have no plans to play anyone else.
They're going to have to if they don't want the company to fucking die
I slapped my head rapidly and made monkey noises at the end of that match. just thought you should know
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>thor goes full def
>steals my prophie slot
>plays like a bitch
>flames te hel trying her hardest at the end and sorry she dropped lst kill
you can tell hel was a submissive gay male from the way he said sorry. he literally saved my life, i said you rock, and he said sorry
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They need to add more sexy flat-chested godtoons for me to enjoy.
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i prefer pigtoons
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"not interested"
how do I get a girl like this irl
You need to join a Dnd group
sometimes one of the members will tag their girlfriend along
you then steal her by mogging the boyfriend(he plays dnd, dont worry about failing this step)
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>last game
If this pig wasn't wearing a corset she'd be cooked
LOL she's crossing her legs, that's a visual trick to make her hourglass figure more pronounced

dont trust her lies
that lermy with her iconic saggers?
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Every smite pro is a manlet

>all the compfag players are comp-ensating manlets
>lermtoon still wears her 2 inch platform boots anyway
bratty lermtoon knows what she's doing grrrrrr

>that dress
>not interested in sexuality
bratty lermtoon knows what she's doing grrrrrr
Ugly whale bitch. Filthy pig whore ruined my season 10 and is a cancer thats killing my game
anybody got that aphro webm
I can't play SMITE 2. It's so bad. I don't care that It's alpha It's competing against SMITE 1 but what the fuck does it do better? Right now I can choose from 125+ Different Gods AND I can flex role a lot of them. Give me a reason to play SMITE 2.
New Skins !
Can't fucking believe shitegen is getting OC but palg isn't...
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...and TRIBES 3: RIVALS!
...and ULTRA STRIKERS! which died before it even became playable.
Holy fuck Hirez you are trying.
Imagine If I spent the last two years learning to code instead of jacking off. I could be fixing SMITE right now.
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They're still working on the looter shooter starsiege game that got split off into DEADZONE, plus pic related, by the way, so 2024 should feature at least one more hi-rez abortion.
Seriously how the fuck does hirez have 50 flops under their belt? Fucking hell It's a numbers game at this point. Success is inevitable surely.
Even better you could be doing dev streams with lermy
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Ma'am this is the Smite multiplayer thread, you seem lost.
Smite was their sole success, and now they're gambling it away with SHITE2.
And Smite was only just barely a success. Paladins was profitable a few times but didn't bounce back from each stupid decisions as much as Smite did so they've all but abandoned it too. At least Smite 1 and Paladins are getting updates, small as they are, most of their games don't even get those.
Keep your off-topic shitposting in /hrzg/ and /palg/, troll.
why arent hecate and mordred in smite
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You're not missing anything anyway, neither them are slutty enough to play4coom, and neither are unique enough to justify the new engine.
Learning to code is literally impossible.
You do not want mordred, trust me.
he's like if clio and tsuku had an abominable hag baby
steven universe crossover soon
whenever fridaytoon comes back
Went on the SMITE 2 reddit and there's only 7 threads all from 1 months ago all begging for codes. It's so over.
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>Went on reddit
You eat your own feces while you were at it?
Ethereal is the last hope for MOBAs, and it's even more early days than smite 2.
truly a cursed genre.
Listen 4channeler. SMITE is fucking ded everywhere I take what I can get. I've been banned from their discord. (I made up like 60% of the posts in the SPL channel but I got banned because SMITEgame mods insist on having a dead fucking scene the reason why we cant even get 2 comments in 5 minutes on a broadcast to a minimum 1,000 people(Fucking insanely embarrassing).
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>I've been banned from their discord. (I made up like 60% of the posts in the SPL channel but I got banned because SMITEgame mods insist on having a dead fucking scene the reason why we cant even get 2 comments in 5 minutes on a broadcast to a minimum 1,000 people(Fucking insanely embarrassing).
I know him in real life, he looks and sounds just like this.
stop posting ar*na slop
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/smgen/ is for schizophrenics, racists, klansmen and Anons - not your kind. We, the /smgen/tlemen have standards.
I'm fucking right though. By banning every retard that posts in twitch chat nobody fucking posts anymore. You don't understand how much the hype of the crowd fucking matters.
fridaytoon hanged xerself 2 years ago. xe's never coming back
I'm going to make a fucking YouTube video about it just you wait.
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>building tainted on a godtoon who has 100% heal reduction in it's kittoon
for what porpoise?
to harass obese women at every opportunity
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A tournament leading to worlds just fucking happened and you are telling me THIS is the level of engagement you want? 14 fucking comments at best?
Nah bro something has to change.
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rather than make a video about it, why don't you use that fancy dancy leddit account of your and send them a formal declaration of war for a rematch, leddit vs 4chenal already

we kicked their teeth in a decade back and they're still recovering from the prolapse (along with a few splshitter "pro players" getting their starts there). let em stream it again, it'll be a big ol' event for the ages.
>have plenty of time to prep smite 2
>take your time
>still rushed out with half the content it should have had
wew lad, only LR
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nigger I don't care about r*ddit or der c*rd
I dont watch smite comp for the same reason i dont watch any moba comp. the entertaining bits can be trimmed into 2 minutes even after 40+ mins of gaming
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ltitle bro noboddy cares abuot shi2 or cumpetitive (and that's a good thing)

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He dared to say what we were all thinking.
I dont watch competitive videotamges for the same reason i dont watch cuck porn. better to do the fuckng thann the watching.
I used to watch competitive smite back in seasons 2-4ish but the mixer deal made me stop following it, and when they crawled back to twitch they'd lost all the SOVL. Then they moved all the pros physically into the studio and it killed my interest stone dead. Just completely mismanaged all around.
Yeah I get it I'm the only one here who actually cares about making a strong culture where people are involved with the game. You are all fucking useless. The Least you could do is share ideas instead of being retarded fucks. The mods SMITE have are fucking retarded but we can mitigate the damage they are doing by creating a scene away from their control. A fucking place that's fun to talk about the game. That's what I want.
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wonder why you got banned
I got banned because the people in charge of policing hate the fucking game and want it to die. It's not my decisions that lead to every discussion platform on SMITE being ghost-town.
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>Yeah I get it I'm the only one here who actually cares about making a strong culture where people are involved with the game.
smgen is an extremely resilient and distinct culture, and we're extremely involved in the game. It's just that our love is unrequited, and they don't want us around for being dangerously based.

>You are all fucking useless.
You are whining about being banned by leddit and shitcord jannies

>The Least you could do is share ideas instead of being retarded fucks.
Two people have told you that a leddit vs 4chan match would be a spectacle, and would pull interest and rivalry, and i'm number 3 in agreeing

> The mods SMITE have are fucking retarded
I hope you're not bitching about your leddit ban again here, and equating leddit with all of Smite.

>we can mitigate the damage they are doing by creating a scene away from their control.

>A fucking place that's fun to talk about the game. That's what I want.
Yes, you're already here, and yet you're still bitching and moaning and not playing the game.
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Do heroin instead of bothering us with your incessance.
fresh news ladies

for me it's yakzua5 rn, might hop on for some colo conquest later (thinkgin maybe ) if im feleing cuet idk
daji buff lookin a little stinky
anyone wanna play smite rn (I fixed my lag)
you moved to the us?
yeah biden got me into springfield so i could meet homer simpson and rape lisa
shi2 sisters...where's our bonus update...
yeah... yeah
thats how it is sadly
4chan is pro corporation and anti-oc now and everything deevolves into tranny pol spam
reddit is anti-everything and will make up rules just to ban you if you didnt even break any rules

So now all we are left with is small isolated groups of 30-70 people who actually play each game anymore and every other post online on pretty much every platform is regurgitated corposhit toxic positivity speechisms about nothing and all the oc left is minimum engagement and effort sonic and spongebob photoshops and pointless latam screenshot spam until everyone quits and moves onto the next game

smite is 90% dead air
literally just play deadlock, it's the perfect marriage between smite and paladins.

play deadlock. now.
I'm glad that wubb likes me now. #friendsftw
i can tell by the way you type that youre an ivy poster
Why would we want to play something like Palashit?
its nothing at all like paladins or smite
its like 3rd person laning simulator HOTS

Its about as far away from the FPS aspect or smash bros ability aspect you can get and still look visually similar.

Its like calling resident evil a counterstrike clone.
its monday night combat.
"I'm on it!"
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Dont care

Not playing DElock
this is true
dolize just rage quit (again)
I have no idea what hirez is doing anymore, but the semi-unnerfing of He Bo's carpet cooldown is nice. They changed it from 12s to 14s a year ago and it pissed me off. Now give back the extra flat 10% to its movement speed / slow and we're good.
This never happened.
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You CANNOT troll in a game of Assault, as the trolling actually happened when you began the queue.
He's just like me when I try to play with 400 ping....
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Doesn't count
But I like playing game modes that are down to complete random chance!
Doesnt count
Doesnt count
Doesnt count
Doesnt count
Cooldowns Runneth over?
Doesnt count

That leaves only one option. I would like to announce my full time transition into a slasher.
You forgot Siege
doesnt count.
Dont you mean Clasiege?
We need to go back. Back to season 4.
>siege and clash's retarded child
Doesnt count.
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season 4 was evolved past, and trying to "go back" to entire gamestates is what leads to botched overhauls and shi2. if you wanna know why all the items in shi2 are directionless unfocused bursts of stats on a stick that's why.
make a case for what you want things to revert to, but don't just look back with rose-tinted glasses.
>if you wanna know why all the items in shi2 are directionless unfocused bursts of stats on a stick that's why.
That doesn't make sense. Items in Smite were pretty much always balanced for their passives first and their stats second until hirez started jacking up the stats later in the game's lifespan. Items used to all have two stats at most, and their magnitudes were lower too.
Anons, I need source on that serqt art
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>Items used to all have two stats at most, and their magnitudes were lower too.
Yeah, and they don't any more, for a reason. I don't want to hear about your gay bitching
More stats = More fun
>items are shit because trying to go backwards is... le bad
>items are shit because they have current day smite stat bloat
Which is it, faggot?
>>items are shit because trying to go backwards is... le bad
This one
>>items are shit because they have current day smite stat bloat
I though I spelt this out pretty clearly
More stats = More Fun
"Stat bloat" is a non-argument persona-non-grata copeterm for retards who can't into mathematicals.
FACT: SMITE 1 is in the best state its ever been in.
put cuckquest back on the winter map, and it would be GOAT
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SMITE 2 might actually be good. This looks like a good thing to have.
Smite added this like 5 years ago
SHITE 2 sisters...we finally have a feature that should have been featured on release...
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AltPaki is an /smgen/tleman no more
Don't care still not playing shi2.
Don't care still playing SMITE 2 and buying diamondbucks.
FACT: SMITE 2 is in the best state its ever been in.
So basically you're a stupid nigger.
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>So basically you're a stupid nigger.
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>So basically you're a stupid nigger.
can't even argue why something is good, yet calls others nignogs
Have sex.
Ymir Ult still broken after they said they patched it. I'm done with SMITE 2.
so you can still combat blink in it?
There are situations where it auto detonates.
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~ Prepare for trouble UWU!
- UGH, and make it double!


~ Placing no wards, but pinging the map on death!
- "It's. All. Your. Fault" in the very next breath!
~ Diving for kills out of position! (*≧ω≦*)
- Report Support when our plans don't come to frui-shun!
~ Building full damage if we get S-OWO (what's this?) lane!
- Padding our KD for the rest of the game!
~ Stealing ya kills and taking nya~ farm!
- Like.... clearin ur jungle 'n takin ur buffs, when ur not around!

~ Be my senpai!
- Cancel that!
~ Kawaii desu neeee~!
- Urgh! It's fine, I gueeeess!

~ Bastet-chan!

- Fen-RAWR! XD!


{Apenas fala português normal no chat de voz enquanto respira muito pesadamente em seu microfone com música e crianças gritando ao fundo, gritando toda vez que ele deixa cair uma matança}

2013 was 11 years ago btw
2017 was 7 years ago
millennials dont actually, do they?
Raptor can we not
why do the girls in league have way better feet than the ones in smite
asians embrace coomerism on another level
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I know this is bait from a degenerate footfag, but I'm going to indulge it anyways
>Nu Wa
Not to mention that by-year-released, Smite models generally have higher poly counts + you can actually see them in-game + practice range for free and no time limit as oppose to requiring a model viewer. Leaguefags are genuinely delusional for most of their character models and how thy portray them in fanart otherwise (easiest one being Lulu, but most of them fall into a similar category), which is probably where your mixup came from.

While your bait was successful, it wasn't because you really "tricked" me, as much as you just made a blatant fool of yourself.
Yep, still logging into smite 2 to claim my welfarebux.
>try shi2
>all my stars didn't transfer over
Yeah not playing your shit game
>attack speed nuwa is now the intended way to build her
Why are they turning every godtoon into a fake ADC
Hirez has always had an ADC fetish. Now with shared items they can achieve their dream of turning every godtoon into an ADC so nobody plays any other role.
lulu onahole
>ADC is notoriously been the least easy to balance, as it's just a case of which Godtoon holds W+M1 the hardest, with no superficial niches past that
>>>>>lets have most/all rangedtoons compete with each other for that one spot, instead of one containment class
How am I even supposed to give feedback even when they can just say It's an alpha to everything.
Proccy slush
this trifecta should be at war, constantly vying for power
instead its just crit
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Crat is the answer.

Sadly he's scheduled for 2027. Buy diamonds.
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I like what they did with Ymir. I think they should do that with Athena.
Got any more nu wa pics?
This is your weekly reminder to buy diamonds.
I fixed my internet for realsies this time so its time for a long conquest session someone should totally get on and queue w/ me
I assume you mean shite1 but what lane do you play?
ok toon but i only play mid lane and if i dont get mid lane i will say mean things
I support and jungle
i will play with you but if I don't get solo I will afk in spawn
/smgen/ has never lost a game.
I have just lost a lane thoughever
i lose almost every game
we lost this game https://streamable.com/kdl6wn
It's called Smite 2 in reference to the Susanos in your conquest game.
you cannot lose if you do not believe you lost
4:1 W/L ratio ain't bad for the night THOUGH
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Charybdis mawjob
godtoon shi2job
Lermy is fat and ugly. Why doesnt hi-rez hire attractive women?
Hirez are very selective with their community managers. They're waiting for another ginger to appear.
They hired piganova for like 5 years THOUGH.
Pixxie had a cute round face thoughever.
Hirez are chubby chasers thats why they only hire fat women. You will never see someone like Alyssa working for them again
I don't think they are Anon.
i have 125 diamondbux niggas
i have a pocket full of wet dirt
still more real-world value than you
I am the most physically fit /smgen/tleman
I am the most chrismantc /smgen/tleman
I am the most mentally ill /smgen/tleman
hwad capo og hthe caln, i can pull in favors like i can pill HOT babes on a barcrawl out (wauch this)

nice ememem!
msg raptor ingame (or hop onin prciteic range) i wantto startshit with a gidderent thread (it will be funy)
priaise discordia
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they nerfed morrigans passive against jungle bosses by 80%. the absolutely horrible crit morrigan builds one time to shine, killing bosses, is now worthless. crit on doomsayer is more out of place than yu huangs chaining basic attacks. who designed this? who?
You're one rep max.
>taht clicking
>hantos still has no ult fly animation
>that targer kill (it wasn' y even close thothem)
lmao shi2

>who designed this? who?
ithinkk it was titanforge games studio (epic bri'itsh education doing wonders)
Dont care still not playing shite 2
that was the start of a song in the background
SMITE 2 is so fucking boring. Playing it just makes me wish I loading SMITE instead.
If I wanted to kill all the SMITE communities I couldn't do as great a job as hirez.


>Just ban everyone lol.
It's so fucking boring man.
SMITE is so fucking boring. Playing it just makes me wish I loading SMITE 2 instead.
Ive actually near even heard of this person or seen them in a game
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SMITE 2 can't even do this lol.
You should be f6ing that game
its already over team comp wise especially without your only real dmg dealer.
>call teammates retarded subhumans
>get banned
this is literally 1984
>represent a company
>screech RETARD after already getting a ban in the past

many such cases
Nigga I dont care hahahaha
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bad taste desu
https://vocaroo.com/14fooHdtIY3f https://vocaroo.com/16fMejd8JpVJ
have some of minde ))(it's dree, on the fouse ;0) )
better than uir crap or your money back

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>Smite Chads of /vm/: Varied and Developed Taste in excellent /mu/sic
>shi2 paypiggers: Chirping in the background that sounds like an in-game sound bug
Another devastating loss for shi2
Maybe I could buy ads on reddit for /vm/ - Smite.
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beepcore mogs bigly
For me it was all of 'log's clips having anime songs playing in the back
[Announcement] I've decided to no longer care about SMITE. It's not my job to save SMITE.
The last content creator left has made a video on recent events. :Okayeg:
SMITE need to create more toons that showcase their feet.
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there is nothing attractive about feet. you have been mindraped into having a fetish from overconsumption of pornography
>He doesn't find the female body attractive
Yep gay
>worships the feet of his inferiors
>>tries to speak down to others
the one aspect of it i could understand would be tickling, but its never about tickling. Bullying girls is fun. But foot people are always about some worship mommy thing.
The true patrician fetish is pits.
Pit Hair Status [Y/N]?
For me its loli feet. So cute and perfect. If scylla had feet they'd be too erotic
Name one example.
is it just me or are all games dead now
every game is like 3k players
and the top ones are barely like half a mill
out of 7 billion people?
idk I play 20 year old boomer games and smite so I wouldn't know
I remember that third one from a flash game called Doeo
Why does Smite 2's hud look so ugly? I don't see much discussion online so I'm kind of worried it will dead on arrival.
I don't know but I agree.
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wubb caugt on acmera
...and SMITE 2!!!
It's an alpha
Might just make my own version of SMITE instead. The fucking Paladin general made their own version of Paladins.
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Buy an ad.
Does smite 2 look worse now than before?
Did they turn the graphics down?
How does Announcing SMITE 2 make SMITE even less popular.
Because hirez fucked up by making a sequel and not transferring anything, so now everyone's playing with the fresh reminder in the backs of their minds that everything they do in smite 1 is pointless. This is poison to progressionfags.
This never happened.
I am not spending $30 for a fucking moba.
should've gotten the free gleam giveaway that kind anon gave out. should've been a smigger. should've lurked more.
>Have to play smite 1 to unlock smite 2 skins
>Don't have to play smite 2 to unlock smite 1 skins
Who is in charge of promotions? This seems like a very retarded thing to do.
When SHITE 2 kills SMITE lorez will finally go out of business.
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SMITE is a finished experiment. It's time to close the book.
It's so sad that this game died man. I spent like 6 years on it. We should party up on Saturday for old times sake.
/smgen/ is a finished experiment. It's time to close the book.
Think I'll play some Medusa redstone duality. A build that doesn't exist in SMITE 2 because the game is bad and you should feel bad about it.
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I will now play your sequel
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>Charybdis set up a /g/ AI chatbot honeypot sting and is probably getting bonglanders and canucks (and other dystopian countries) arrested for the weird confessions / fetishes they made to the chatbots
>Scylla is the secondary sting
Proud of the girls, they still got it
I have to make some calls...
charybidis whirlpool looks really cool. in honor of this image, i will now be getting a charybtoon penta.
I doubt anything will happen to the users. Offering to give over the logs is just a hail mary from someone who got busted stealing 7 figures worth of keys. Trying to find anything actionable among gigabytes of private roleplay between an AI and a user who knows they're talking to an AI is going to be fucking impossible.
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yeah but she knows what you've been jacking off to, she knows your vulnerable confessions and she knows how to romance and entrap men

clever girl, really. up-and-coming femme fatale.her days of jobbing are nearly over.
>charybdis has been getting tutored by da ji on how to manipulate and sting men because she's jealous of sister
cute and canon
only gays use the charybdis chatbot because charybdis is a boy
they are either a boy or an ftm
look at that face
She can’t track me, I was using private browsing mode.
Wow! Founders series week 2! Wow! So much hype! Wow! Look at that chat fly! Almost two people typing in 10minutes! Wow!
I have no idea what that is so I'm gonna assume it's something for shit 2. Don't care still not playing shite 2
SMITE 2 is so boring. There's no reason to play it over SMITE 1 if you actually like fun.
SMITE 1 is so boring. There's no reason to play it over SMITE 2 if you actually like fun.
SMITE is so boring. There's no reason to play it over Rogue Company if you actually like fun.
alpha mode plase understand sar
sirs please redeem the twitch stream
Game breaking bugs happening on stream ICANT. It's fucking embarrassing man.
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No heartward, No win.
Rogue Company is so boring. There's no reason to play it over Hand of the gods if you actually like fun.
that is not true
It's never been so over for SMITE.
SMITE has never been so back.
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This single build is keeping my will to play SMITE alive.
>starter item in slot 2
>not slot 1
You disgust me.
Which godtooness has the hairiest pussy?
awilix prob
whatta da fackka
easily Artemis
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>42 damage
>2 silverbranch stacks

bastet, they're even part of her gameplay



this isnt a debate. its artio.
only 1 more zeus, 2 morrigans, and a hecate and im freeeeeeeee
Free from what? Your own self-imposed rules?
smite 2 for now unless I guess i add susano, nu wa, and ama, but I cant atm.
pubs, pubs? wher epubs?
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>7k cobsonkan vs my 12k damage geb
absolutely mmogged
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wubb.... wha the fuck.... win he middle of pbs yoo?
im not attracted to monkey eared monsters
enug of a sesh for me bros, i'll frop out

i miss smgen but i dont miss smite
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People who get offended at the word "retarded" are self reporting themselves as...well, take a guess.
aphro's boobs
aphro's feets
is it clinically wrong to call a grown 16-40 year old man retarded if he equips the blue armor vs the 5 enemy team physical gods though?

if you cannot at the age of 16+ identify the color red vs the color blue, are you not clinically retarded?
aphro menopause
can we get a pause vote on that?
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You think they'll nerf her gazongas in smi2?
aphro's bellybutton
khumba is objectively sexier than aphro. every she has his is bigger

How do we feel about Deadzone: Rogue?
Don't care still not watching or playing smite 2
No one cares about SMITE but this is funny.
FACT: This is 100% true.

It's here.
What a good trailer I know so much about the game now.

Look at all this AI generated majestic beauty.
>RNG Sloppa
It's over...
are they just combining the names of their other dead games now
why is haddix such a passive aggressive bitch? hes 10x worse than weaken
It isn't, no.
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I wanna fuck this fairy.
Is this HiRez’s first singleplayer game?
First proper singleplayer game, I think, but they seem like they'll throw in coop shit once they have the bones of the game figured out.
>singleplayer game that isn't smite and has nothing to do with smite
sweet, get the fuck off of /vm/ and leave us alone then
Be nice. The new devs have to cope that their spongy unresponsive combat will be a hit.
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>Be nice
Im sure the 17th game that isnt smite/paladins related will be a success!

Wheres my paladinsmite Pubg or smash bros or mugen street fighter or procedurally generated risk of rain 2 or golden axe?

nobody wants fucking bad csgo #2365
Deadlock will kill smite and smite 2: the shittening.
I don't think hirez needs any help with that
Game breaking bugs happening live at SWC2 will save SMITE 2.
Too much CC in deadlock. I uninstalled already
>deadlock has too much CC tho albeit verily
>goes back to smite: battleground of the CC gods
much, much more in deadlock
Im level 30 in SMITE 2: Battleground Evolved and still get queued with people who walk into tower sub level 5
The funniest part is that SHITE2 actually has SBMM, it's just so bad nobody can tell
I thought smite 1 had SBMM, too, not just SMITE: First Battlegrounds II.
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I really like this vintage meme.
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I want to show Scylla the power of an adult
aphrodite needs at least 20 more pounds.
Altblue only has 10 pounds left in the bank, tho
vintage memes?
anyone got the one about the aphrodite look alike going ohoohohohohoohohoho because nem pleases old men for money?
also freya whoop the cook
>nem pleases old men for money?
Ahprodite projection
>make entire INT/STR system
>her smite 2 kit has no usage % of building STR at all

I fucking hate you so much
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It's time.
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I don't give a fuck about e celebs
No one does. This is funny.
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it's literally shitcord drama between ESLs who don't play videogames for fun and take this shit way too seriously
it's the polar opposite of fun-ny
this shits dumber then when jake got kicked for jumping
context kitten?
>When are they adding cool shit into SMITE 2?
>player jumps around in-game
>infringes on the strict no-fun rule
>srs bsnss
That's all there is to it.
the smite pro scene seems nepotistic, if ur friends with a pro u can just slide in?
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Smite died in 2014
This never happened.
No.. No... NOOOOOO!!!!
I thought I was playing smite... but my keyboard hasn't been plugged in this whole time!
OP here. I have found the next OP image.
No one plays hel no cap
This is a really bad angle but you gotta believe me when I say this cosplay was 10/10
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Anon you posted this decade-old cosplay shit shit 5 months ago, what's your goal here or do you just have dementia.
Face the facts, she's probably in her early 40's old with 17 furbabies.
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Bros SMITE one is great right now.
if you did this in ranked you'd lose KEKW
I did lose LOL.
altblue sisters...
>have an early pressure team
>lose in a long game
>>>act suprised
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>Bros SMITE one is great right now.
>our loki is building magical items
>enemy fenrir is 14-1
>fucking latams wont surrender

This is going to be the final nail in the coffin isnt it?
This item change is going to be a fucking disaster for new and old players.
>>our loki is building magical items
Um chuddy those are intelligence items not magical items and both str/int builds are valid :)
In SMITE one (The better game) Hidden blade Loki was a perfectly valid lategame strategy to poke out the enemy before a fight. To hear that in SMITE 2 (The supposed game built to accommodate build variety) you could not do this that would be very sad.
thing is, in smite, building for on-contact PROC damage in combination with Loki's frame-1 2 doesn't impact the damage of the rest of your kittoon and still allows him to clear wave if he's laning with it.
in shi2, its not frame 1 damage, it doesn't blind, and building for it massively cripples the damage output of the rest of your kittoon, with no meaningful extra benefit. you literally cannot play the playstyle, it's just a random scaling for the sake of it that facilitates nothing and locks a previously Jungle-Solo-Mid toon entirely to Jungle.
proc loki is the meta in skite 2
Dont care not playing SMITE two (the worse game)
We should all proc some diamonds
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make a new diamond now
hehhehehe I sniff jing wei's panties
alright, alright, gimme a few minutes
alright trust me guys on this one, i'm working on a mythic-legendary OP but you guys gotta wait a bit if we get knocked off, trust me bros shit's rendering
right, so we're kinda the last thread on the 'log right now, so when i make the new thread, i think it's gonna auto-kill this one, so you guys should know what to do in advance

>2 hours of breathing room to make an epic OP

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