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post eogs or whatever
and also maybe something about a spaceship mmo thing
wtf does the pic even mean
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He killed millions (of dollars)
When will someone finally stop him?
desu with VR they just came too early. At the time of Oculus launch 99% VR games were some fucking proof of concept minigames. If it came out today it would've had way bigger success.
Is VR even a thing anymore? I thought it was quietly forgotten as it again sucked hard.
it was an expensive meme that died out quickly just like 3D monitors and dual gfx cards.
lmao dual gpus
that brings me back
Instead of developing eve online further, the devs have been investing all their time and energy in making EvE 2, RMT money printer, in a brazen attempt to disguise fleecing players with promises of virtual nothings like scam citizen?

I still cant believe SC had retards spending tens of thousands of dollars for shit that didn't even exist. Like, you could have literally invested the money in the fucking company for a controlling share instead of just electronic doodad promises and vaporware slop.

Just.... if they want to make more money why not release a massive update where, i dunno, you soften the hard edges that turn people off your game?
Like Eve Echoes?
It was interesting in some ways, and novel in others. Played alot on the rentals that were being set up pre pandemic and eventually sprung for one myself.

It suffered from numerous flaws: Cost, for both the headsets and hardware, the fact that being able to look around doesn't necessarily make a game "fun"
Then at least half of people who tried it would get motion sickness quickly, and even someone like me who happened to like flight sims and was really looking forward to the immersive feel, and have never suffered from motion sickness in any other situation to date, would get motion sick after about an hour with the headset on.

Added to all that, it turns out 3d games and adding the detail required for them to be "immersive" was time consuming and difficult for developers as well, essential one could not have high graphical detail without a large investment in making it happen.

Finally, you would end up running into a wall or injuring yourself on something eventually.. And even if you get immersed and avoid all the aforementioned problems, it requires your absolute undivided attention and focus.
>soften the hard edges that turn people off your game
kill yourself

the cryptoslop is being developed by a separate team.
Pretty much all of that. It only has any real use for gimmick stuff like Beat Saber where you stand in one place or mech/flying games where you sit in one place. Though to be fair CCP seemed to realize that as their big projects for it where Gunjack and Valkyrie. They did waste a bunch of time prototyping stuff like a spellcasting game.
>you soften the hard edges that turn people off your game?
That'd be like making a hardcore pvp survival game and then trying to change it so it appeals to Farmville players. The entire point of EVE is to turn off 99% people off the game. It's supposed to be a safe haven for the 1% autistic retards that actually enjoy this kind of torture. And I am including the RMT nullblock leadership in that 1% because it takes a special kind of autistic retard to do that for a living instead of literally any actual job.

The only good VR game I've played was Beat Saber. That game is literally made for VR. Even HL Alyx was meh.
VR just doesn't suit the medium of games very well, it sucks at actually portraying the environment in a way that you can interact with it. Like what's the point of playing EVE in VR? You may be able to look around in space but to actually control your ship you would need to use a mouse or use some incredible bad motion detection and honestly achieve nothing. No one would want to put up with that. VR only has good compatibility with 2 kinds of games right now. The ones where you stand and can control things with your body movements like say beat saber. Notice however how limiting even that is, beatsaber doesn't throw blocks at you from 360 because it would suck even though that would actually use VR to it's maximum. The other type is multiplayer games where it's important for the other side to know that you are reacting to what they are doing like VR chat. To unlock the next stage of VR one would need much better body tracking to implement something like a multiplayer dance game but even that kinda sucks as you have to stand in place. The brain just doesn't like it when you present it with movement in the eyes but don't actually move. But systems like that let alone the step beyond e.g. where a room has a track installed on the floor so you can move around it "infinitely" as the track pushes you back to the center no matter where you go are just prohibitively expensive.

VR may have been useful for EVE beyond the simple eye candy of looking at space if it pivoted towards VR chat with the whole walking in stations thing they planned to implmenent decades ago, if the focus was more around your character then VR may make more sense. Now it's just an expensive fun little addition for tech bros who happen to have the VR gear anyways.
kill all jannies
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Energy weapons are okay, just stop using them like they are blasters or artillery.
>*caps out*
Anon, I will mine all the gas I want in your wormhole and you will suck it up. I will deplete every gas site in any system connected within 3 jumps of my home system, and when those sites are out, I will roll my exit and find more. I will never stop huffing fullerines and building Lokis.
I just want Amarrian ships with artillery fitted. Yeah, you can slap artillery on a Maller and have it sort of work, but I wish there was a pirate faction that just had them baked into the hull bonuses, like the Ammatar or something.
they aren't going to design a new faction and line of ships just so you can have projectile weapon icons with armour tank module icons
>projectile weapon icons with armour tank module icons
but that's angel and minmatar already
anon wants ships that are slower and less good
Warp to sites you aren't planning to use so they despawn.
lmao check out this fucking retard.
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what the literal fuck is eve frontier? I fucking hate all these fucking crypto games announce and they don't even say what type of fucking game it even is.
crypto bullshit game where you have to keep paying for fuel to do anything. remember those facebook games where you only had a certain amount of energy each day but could purchase more? imagine that but on a bigger scale and more obfuscated.
>soften the hard edges that turn people off your game?
I'm curious what people think these 'hard edges' are that are in need of softening.
They don't talk about the game because the game is just window dressing, at its core it's a crypto wallet
Not him, but in my opinion:

>Needing multiple accounts to effectively play the game
>Very poor tools for finding public fleets/groups, everything is handled out of game
>Travel time prohibiting many players from playing together, can take up to half an hour to travel from one end of empire space to the other in a shuttle
>Obfuscated meta, most new players try things like missions or combat sites in HS, see they make no money doing them and give up, not realizing they've been obsolete for 20 years

Basically the game needs to get people into fleets early on and have them doing something that will actually get them some place, and it needs to be made straightforward enough that someone who randomly downloads the game will figure it out just by playing and not by reading things on websites that may be incredibly out of date.
>Needing multiple accounts to effectively play the game
you dont actually need this - but yes ccp should ban this, sadly they wont bc their profits would decrease by like 25%
>Very poor tools for finding public fleets/groups, everything is handled out of game
this isnt a problem
>Travel time prohibiting many players from playing together, can take up to half an hour to travel from one end of empire space to the other in a shuttle
this REALLY isnt a problem and if they changed this it would suck so fucking bad. where you choose to live should have consequences. also groups that play together live around the same place so this isnt really an issue? and if you desperately need to get somewhere else - clone jump.
>Obfuscated meta, most new players try things like missions or combat sites in HS, see they make no money doing them and give up, not realizing they've been obsolete for 20 years
kind of true i guess. this is why new players should just join a corp though so they learn what to do.
There is no world in which having extra accounts is not a net benefit to playing the game. More characters in space means more roles filled when doing PvP and more ISK earned when doing PvE. The value of ISK is always dictated by how efficiently it's farmed, and people with more account farm it faster and better than people with one. Even if you can do things with a single account, you shouldn't if you have any desire to accrue ISK.

And find fleets/getting people into fleets is absolutely a problem with the game, exacerbating the above. EVE is a social game, throwing up barriers to bringing people together just pushes people off to other games that don't have such timesinks to getting started. I know a lot of the game is predicated on time and ISK having meaning, but there's a lot of simple fleet activities that pay like shit but people would do together because they enjoyed the content. Simple things like dicking around in missions, the abyss, or low class wormholes are not competitive sources of income in EVE, so making them faster to start with friends would not represent an undo burden on the economy.
>There is no world in which having extra accounts is not a net benefit to playing the game.
Of course its a benefit in the sense that you can get more money, I just said its not necessary to play the game and the only reason multiple accounts is a thing is because people trick themselves into thinking it is.
Is it a benefit in terms of your real life time/money/enjoyment? Absolutely not.
>And find fleets/getting people into fleets is absolutely a problem with the game
It honestly isnt and im not sure why you feel this way. Its pretty easy to find fleets, and even if it weren't - the game isnt really meant for solo pubbies!!!!! You just join a corp.
VR games are a niche unto themselves, couple that with EVE Autism which is even more niche and you have a niche of a niche product that no one really gives a fuck about.

There is a reason why the only VR people most people play is build around pop music and is for fat techbros to lose weight, most people don't want to come home from a day of real work to waggle around
Corps are fucking cancer and most have retarded application process, those that don't are as useful as npc corps you start in.
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Its a branch development of EVE but with all the shit they took out of EVE like in game browser and API tools to run third party shit returned in order to sell crypto shit.

"Smart Objects" are essentially mobile depots that act like vending machines based on API calls to third party websites, they don't need blockchain to do this, they're using blockchain to obfuscate the real reason why they removed it from EVE proper in the first place: legal issues.

Everything in the game runs on cryptoshit, you have to buy EVE Tokens (essentially PLEX) from CCP or other players (probably initial cryptobro investors who were promised a lion share of initial EVE Tokens, because that is how every crypto scam game has worked thus far) in order to convert them into fuel for your ship (You don't actually directly convert them into fuel, you convert them into mining equipment so you can sit AFK for 20 minutes to mine about half a days worth of fuel per token)

EVE Tokens use etherium as a mode of exchange

Everything functional in the game is an NFT, you don't "build" ships, you mint them, there will be a mutator system that lets you randomze the stats on your ships/modules like abyssal mods and those items will be stored as NFTs on the blockchain.

The more advanced your ship is, the more fuel it costs to fly, for the playtest pretty much a T1 cruiser with half of your slots being used by the equivelent of T1 modules would roughly a token an hour.

Structures in the game have more advanced API functionality that lets players 'code' the permissions and functions of the structures (within context of the game of course) but at the same time in order to program permissions for a structure you have to mint them using fucking etherium, then you have to spend more eth to deploy them, and once deployed they burn EVE Token fuel just to stay online, repairing them from being shot also costs fuel.

They made the game more tedious as well under the guise of being 'survival'
Money enables a lot more fun activities like being able to lose more ships crashing them in to people to take more risks without worry. When the amount of money veteran players are carrying around is derived from multiboxing C6 sites, incursions, large scale mining, or nullsec ratting, it means the absolute new player's 50,000k ISK they make from some frigate bounties is meaningless. It's why Homefronts were made, because the liquid ISK new players can make just starting out is horrendously low and CCP, in their infinite wisdom, decided making a new type of content that obsoletes mid class wormhole ratting, T4 and below abyss, and a bunch of other things to do out of highsec was apparently the only way to band aid the problem.

And yeah, talk to any new player and they'll tell you they don't have a clue how to get started. Just because we've been around for ten years and know the ways to play EVE doesn't mean it's obvious to someone new, and it's seen over and over again through people asking through help channels in game, the forums, or in other places. The vast majority of people can't figure it out, and CCP does nothing to remedy that.
>Seperate team
>litterally has EVE Online devs on the team
that made me bored just reading it. holy fuck that is going to be terrible.
How do they even hope to sell this ungodly abomination and to who? I get the vested interest of whales who got hooked on the initial investment, but there need to be normalfags playerbase to enable this kind of shit and i struggle to see anyone who would want to have everything being by the hour consumable.
They already made their money, any incidental money that comes afterwards is just a bonus.

This is the lowest effort shit of an EVE clone possible, copy and pasted with an updated In game browser added back in, they already had everything for this shit a decade ago, just most of it was removed for legal reasons
Maybe China? But I think cryptocurrency games are banned there.
I really don't understand what NFTs are supposed to accomplish in a game content. It's an online game, by definition all assets are non-fungible and controlled by the rules of exchange the game sets. What is the fucking block chain doing here other than waste CPU cycles?
All they need to do is update the sandbox.

The core sandbox of EVE is outdated because they keep ignoring it and giving veteran players alternative content to do, but that alternative content is designed around having T2 ships and T2 fits so newbros are dropped into a game that is effectively archaic and boring because its still using the same mechanics from 2003 and an alpha needs to wait 3 weeks just to run refuges without risking your ship or getting muscled of by auto-missile jackdaws and tengus.
It accomplishes nothing, everything that can be done with an NFT EVE can do right now or could do in the past, such as using the EVE API to run third party websites for ISK based lottos and casinos

They're using blockchain to obfuscate 'ownership' of the data in a vain attempt to bypass the same laws that restricts them from allowing lottos/casinos/RMT, not realizing that the geriatric judge who barely knows how email works isn't going to give a flying fuck about your cryptobro thesaurus word salad.
ok so you just got filtered lol.
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>Travel time prohibiting many players from playing together, can take up to half an hour to travel from one end of empire space to the other in a shuttle
This is the game you actual fucking retard.
The entire point of the game is that moving shit around is expensive, slow and dangerous, while at the same time having the right thing at the right place is how you win.
This is why there are endless complaints about jump drives and ansiblexes that defeat this basic principle.
Get the fuck out.
Exactly lol. You put it less politely than me tho.
omen is such a cool ship.
>ccp should ban multiboxing
please die
>t. chinese bot
banning multiboxing wouldnt fix chinese bots you moron
No, you get the fuck out anon. Having a travel time for basic shit like going in an empty clone from trade hub to trade hub does nothing but fuck people over for wanting to play together.

The entire reason travel time is kept long is to give weight to the economy, which it does. But you know what happens when someone sees that it would take half an hour to go join some randoms across space? They stay where they're at because their time is too valuable to waste spending 30 minutes one way and then 30 minutes back, and nothing gets done. That's fine if it was travel for something valuable, like people grouping up for farming wormhole sites or what have you, it's not fine when even the most basic shit like traveling to teach someone how to play is gated by it.

Letting people fast travel, even if it were just a 1-4 hour cooldown on their no-implant jump clone, would get a ton more fleets starting up because the opportunity cost wouldn't be so high. Bringing isolated new players into fleets would keep them around far long than just leaving them hanging.
fuck off, you die multiboxing piece of shit. you are literally killing the game.
what is your obsession with pubbie fleets oh my god shut the fuck up. so many weirdos here today. just join a corp what is wrong with you. the game isnt fucking world of warcraft where you just teleport anywhere and everywhere in 5 seconds. grow the fuck up.
How do you think corporations are supposed to get people? Ads on Reddit? Facebook posts? Opening their fleets to the public is one of the best recruitment methods, exposing people directly to them.

You can whine all you want that it's not in the spirit of EVE, but the game won't survive without bringing in new blood. It's already virtually multiboxers only, at least try and reduce the problem by making it easier to form fleets instead of encouraging people to simply sub their own fleet.
>Ads on Reddit?
quite literally this is how many people find corps, yes.
you find them in places like here, or in other forums, or omg wait just in the fucking game because a corp ad board is literally built in!!!!!
also stop being so fucking dramatic, public fleets are not that hard to get to. they are never very far away. holy shit you had to do 10 jumps?!?!?! boo fucking hoo. If the fleet is 60 jumps away, then hey, maybe that isnt the corp you want to be in!!!!! Crazy fucking idea I know.
Although im gonna be honest, I don't know a single person who joined a corp from being in a public fleet despite it apparently being "one of the best recruitment methods"
>Just go read recruitment ads on this third party website to find a corp, we don't need anything to make it easier in game!
EVE players are some of the most absolute stuck in the mud people ever. You complain about the game constantly but as soon as anyone proposes a change, you throw a fit. Thank god none of you will ever have an effect on the game.
we all use the internet anyway??? what the fuck is the problem. since when are you not allowed to do anything related to the game outside of the game itself. Its just such a complete non-problem. I don't see why you finding it hard to find a corp for some reason means that we need to add fucking skyrim fast travel to the game. Seriously why are you even playing the game if thats something that is remotely appropriate in your mind. That kind of mindset just strikes me as completely antithetical to eve.
Because we can look at other MMOs with group finders and guild invite spam and see how cancer it is.

The only problem with EVE is when you run into another 'player' you can't tell if they're a player or a bot in the current state of the game, and places where you should be 'allied' with other players naturally (faction warfare) is rampant with awoxing dogshit
honestly if CCP want to embrace the multiboxing businessmodel they should at least make it so theres a little icon next to a character that identifies them as a bot or something.
I'm guessing they dont because if they did people would get real demoralized real quick when they notice 70% of the people in every system they visit is a bot.
Problem is bot detection in EVE is difficult for majority of botted gameplay because trying to detect abnormal behaviors on a 1 tick game is difficult.
>Needing multiple accounts to effectively play the game
its literally only a thing for poorfag miners, poorfag nullbears (ishtar spinning pays half of shit you can do in highsec) and capfags who dont have friends
>Very poor tools for finding public fleets/groups, everything is handled out of game
yeah this actually needs work. you'd think the NPSI stuff would be in the game at this point for instance. new and even experienced players dont even know its a thing that you can just fleet up with randos and have fun.
>Travel time prohibiting many players from playing together, can take up to half an hour to travel from one end of empire space to the other in a shuttle
unironically a skill issue. why the fuck would friends live on opposite sides of highsec?
why wouldnt you have jump clones?
why wouldnt you have an alt that's closer?
>Obfuscated meta, most new players try things like missions or combat sites in HS, see they make no money doing them and give up, not realizing they've been obsolete for 20 years
yeah kinda i guess, game needs to explain actual PVE options a bit better, but the Agency is still leaps and bounds over what we had 10 years ago.
like a week of planning and coding they could triple the amount of shit on the Agency to give people an idea of shit they can do.
like a lot of people dont know you can just kill shit in belts for a chance to get rare expensive modules or 10s million units of minerals. its not explained to players that Anoms sometimes have a rare boss spawn that can drop a shiny thing, or that finishing an Anom can escalate.

then there's nothing in-game to indicate to a player roughly what sort of ship they need to run X, Y or Z content, so you get Jimmy McNewbro in a Heron warp to a spicy wh relic site or a ghost site with no fucking idea what he's in for.
or players warping their first destroyer to a 4/10 and getting popped.

results the game being "google search simulator" instead of actually giving information
I think a mission rework in general would go a long way, specifically a new type of mission agent that doesn't give you pre-made shit tier quests from 20 years ago but sandbox missions like "Find and clear out a [Pirate Faction] Anomoly" or "Mine X units of or in Y system to prospect yeilds" and these types of missions only go up to level 3 and have a skill requirement to unlock them, such as mastery 2-3 in an appropriate ship type, like Mastery 3 of a Hurricane to do Minmatar level 3s, which sure doing an Angels den isn't a big deal for a cruiser but a newbro isn't going to know much about tracking and shit, could even throw in a ship fit into the mission info for newbros to play with.
Anomalies themselves need to be reworked first, particularly the HS ones, because they're a complete mystery even to me. Sometimes they spawn new waves when you kill the missile turrets, sometimes they dont, sometimes they're four times as long as they usually are. Sometimes the triggers are one thing, sometimes they're something else.
At the very least they need a pop up to tell you when the site is completed.
Sometimes I've even gotten an escalation by shooting the BUILDINGS.
High sec anomalies confuse the fuck out of me.
I agree, but they've been talking about redoing the PVE for 20 fucking years now and Equinox was their chance and all they did was move HS anoms into nulsec.
As someone who runs a lot of fleets, I've noticed mining fleets are the worst for bots. Most prolific miners have anywhere from 3-6 characters so they can still preform the activity on their own without a fleet, but they also tend to jump at the chance to not have to run a boosting ship on their own. I always attribute this to mining being so braindead once you're actually in a belt that maximizing your yield on a single character is trivial, so miners have taken to adding more characters to increase it (Which ironically decreases the value of ore by injecting more of it into the economy).

High class wormhole ratting was next, mainly because the setup and scouting of holes is best done with multiple characters. An alt to scout, several to roll holes with, you basically can't utilize the wormhole unless you have several accounts. There were still benefits for low class ratting, but I've seen a lot more people just risk it in C3s and C4s since the losses aren't too heavy for things going wrong.

Incursions are 50-50, a lot of VG incursions don't have a single multiboxer, but it's not hard to find people in HQ incursions that refuse to fly without multiple characters to print ISK with. There is also a small minority of players that completely multibox VG incursions on their own. I knew one guy who specifically did it in 10 Dominixes, his sites took about 50% longer than our fleets but ultimately still made good ISK for the time.

The above discounts Homefronts, which are almost 100% multiboxing. The entry requirement for multiboxing homefronts is so low that anyone serious can do it after a week of training an alpha account followed by a sub, and the daring do it with alpha accounts anyway.

The least multiboxed activities were data/relic exploration, HS anomalies, and logically abyss, though there are still a few people who triple box frigate abyss (Or run multiple cruiser abysses at once).
FW multiboxes were also fairly common, usually 5x Algos or Tristan. This is one I considered doing because I like Navy ships, but multiboxing in general makes me feel dirty, especially so in FW zones.
Abyss is being boxed to death, and the shitty thing is the boxers don't loot any of the trig goo, because of this mutaplasmids and blueprints are dirt cheap while zero point and isogen 10 are fucking way overpriced for the amount of abyss boxing that is going on.

Litterally anyone can AFK run abyss with a T5 skybreaker.
Insurgencies are rampant with algos botting, I wish there was a viable small ship with smart bomb bonuses so you can just smartbomb the drones off the field.
I have a Skybreaker as my next ship in queue after I finish Leshak V, I only got to use it twice on the test server with imperfect skills before it went down permanently. I've heard that they make 95% a complete breeze, but you can get fucked if you face the Drifter/Sleeper/Drone battleship three times in a row.

I'm just using a Munin for T5 right now, haven't progressed to T6. Kind of want to do the Ikitursa for T6 Dark, but I don't know if the smartbomb meme is for me or not.
Yeah, thats why you need to pack a damage booster in the cargo in case you run into drifters.
Iki is no longer viable at all since the Trig nerf.
Well fuck, I guess Munin it is for a while. I want to get some really off-meta ships to work, but without the test server I hate to try and break out of my comfort zone. Losing 400-500m ISK in a T4-T5 trying something new isn't super painful but just competing either isn't really that impressive, and the true final frontier type setups that cost 4-5b ISK and chew through T6 are not something I just want to throw away willy nilly. I've already lost a 2.5b ISK Stratios trying to blitz T5s just for something different, it would be an expensive habit to form.
>test server
stop being such a faggot
There is a good fucking reason why people started to play on test server unironically.
the reason is you're a nigger
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That's possibly one of the gayest posts I've ever read on eog.
You're a faggot, travelceptors and jump clones already exist.
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>when you get high rolls on the rubble and low rolls on the ruins
>Stabber with Dual 180mms+heavy assault launcher
Let's melt some faces.
Abyss is shit, it's only good in comparison to nullsec PvE. High tier abyss is way too sweaty and you're putting too much isk on the field to justify it. Like I was doing a t5 Cerb for a while, and it was a 2.4b ship with a 1.3b pod to make like 300m an hour. Just not worth it relative to the risk and the fact that you actually have to concentrate.

My point is, abyss is only good as a midway point for making isk, I highly encourage you to look elsewhere. Abyss should be a fallback when all else fails, not your primary income.
I must be just fucking retarded, ive been stuck in tier 2 abyss forever.
Higher tiers are huge SP checks. Many T6 fits require Weapon Specializations to V just to reduce the possibility of timing out (not eliminate, reduce). Almost every ship and fit has a particular edge case spawn that will just fuck you 0.01% of the time, like a Vedmak room with 1 Vedmak and a shitton of Missile Disrupting Damaviks for any HAM ship or 3x Deepwatchers for a Stormbringer.
Do abyss when you have no alternative for money, then move on. Don't get stuck on it. Higher tiers are sweaty and require stupidly expensive fits for mediocre isk, unless you triple box frigates which is undiluted autism hour for decent isk.
Don't worry lads, the winter expansion will save eve.
game balance when
NEVER! Eve online cancelled eve frontier is everything now.
how long until my high sec structure i just put up gets me a war dec?
these two seething newniggers here
don't know that you used to be able to change your clone location with no cooldown, and you could go anywhere your corp had an office any time you wanted, if you just self-destructed your pod and paid the clone grade fee
Wow. None of what you just said was relevant. Congrats on being an even bigger retard than the fast travel anon.
>results the game being "google search simulator" instead of actually giving information
i found its better tomget ahold of isdfag because i never found any answers googling eve problems. ever.
ISDs aren't infallible. I've had one give me patently wrong information before.
yeah bit they can tell my stupid ass that asset safety may blink in asset window but only reachable in the inventory window which i didnt even know exists until that moment
>log on
>make a batch of 100 nova light missiles
>free 10000 SP and 1mil isk
later nerds
so the hulk is supposed to have the highest yield, and works good with a capital, yet i see everyone ice mining with mackinaws and orcas, what gives?
oh, it's because you'd have to check on it way more often so not good for AFK mining
sorry for the retarded question
>fuck off, you die multiboxing piece of shit. you are literally killing the game.
no u
literally just stop being shit and multiboxing stops being a problem.
because yield isn't everything
yeah with the hulk you'd have to compress like every 2-3 minutes
Hulk is the 'active' mining ship, better yield, more micromanaging.

Multiboxing is still an issue, really, buyable SP is the core of the issue. Scarcity happened because of it because CCP didn't account for the fact that overbuffed Rorquals and being able to instantly make a new Rorqs.

Once CCP realizes how much shit is being injected into the game from AFK warfare algos bot/boxing and how that is hurting every other sector in the game that uses the same loot pools like exploration and missions they will nerf the shit out of it, which will not address the problem of multiboxing, just make it so the only way to afford shit from AFK warfare is boxing.
are you retarded or genuinely not understanding that multiboxing is not botting but a intended feature of the game, like, the only goddamn fucking reason the game is eben alive because the 27k online is 5000 autists with 5 alts and the rest is you the whiny useless eater
Abyss for me is mostly fun for the experimental nature of it, I like trying different ships and being able to pop in to the abyss on a slow day with nothing else going on. I'm the kind of person who finds a perfect 1b ISK/hr farming setup and uses it once before moving on.

I don't really understand those people who run the same tier of abyss every day for hours in the same ship and never get tired, for me I can only do a couple of runs before I want something else.
If it's in Caldari space, expect a war deck within a week or two. Blackfag regularly patrols the area looking for structures.

If you're on the ass end of space like Devoid or Molden Hearth, it could stay up for a year before someone wanders far enough out to find it. Don't freeport it and it'll stay up for longer.
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>Scarcity happened because of it because CCP didn't account for the fact that overbuffed Rorquals and being able to instantly make a new Rorqs
>Once CCP realizes how much shit is being injected into the game from AFK warfare algos bot/boxing and how that is hurting every other sector in the game that uses the same loot pools like exploration and missions they will nerf the shit out of it
FW is one of the few sectors that gets its rewards right, none of it pays in ISK, it's only commodities like BPCs to sell. The more people do it, the lower the price drops.

What's really killing the game is the wildly different ISK payouts for activities, shit like Incursions, C6 ratting, even NS ratting (When taken in the aggregate) stuffs too much ISK into the economy and ruins it for any pleb not doing those things. It was the whole reason CCP introduced homefronts, they couldn't be bothered to fix the problem so they just made a new activity that kind of printed just as much money.
it's in a pretty dead part of gallente space
i just realised you are the same guy throughout the whole thread(s).
What do you want. A medal for being a paypig or something? Literally no one wants you in the game no matter how much you whine and try to defend your position.
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Boxers of all forms are faggots who ruin every MMO they do it in.
personally i feel eve is a bit different as it's really geared toward multiboxing, and always has been
when i first played back in 2010, i multiboxed and so did everyone else, the training alone is a big motivator to have more than one account
it's rare i actually use my characters in tandem though, other than for mining or a recon ship
i also play solo because i don't have any friends who game and am apprehensive to try joining a corp
>10 accounts
>2 chars with 100m sp
>8 chars with 20-30m sp
>rest are industry/cyno alts
>never injected
>all natural training + free sp + (event) accelerators
>omega expires in over a year
>only two accounts were ever paid for with real money
total cost to me: <1 hour a month (average)
stay poor losers
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Do any of the skills increase yield from reprocessing modules?
This is a lie. The remaining EVE players have internalized multiboxing to a degree in which they defend it because they can longer imagine functioning without it. It's why no CSM against multiboxing will ever get votes, there are more people who multibox than not.
Because it's not a problem outside the megasweats who solodrop 10v1
Feel like shit just want slamjam back
also i can vote for the less retarded csms on ten accounts whereas all the seething anti-multiboxers can only vote on one account
Yeah, that was another complaint too. Hard to say stop multiboxing when one person with 40 accounts can essentially stuff the ballot for other candidates.
it doesnt help that every csm candidate that is against multiboxing also has a host of other retarded ideas about the game
If that was true that means that EVE is bleeding players as subs have remained on a general downward trend while boxing has only gotten worse year after year since 2016
It is. It's one of the reasons CCP is desperate for extra income streams, and also why they pander to NS so much. Despite all the hate I give them, their boxing is keeping the game afloat, and they're very reliable players due to sunk cost.
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>Remove skill injectors
>Remove SP from all cash shop bundles
>return clone insurance and SP loss on pod death
>rework F2P so they train like a normal account but are still ship restricted and are restricted to the lowest level of clone insurance
>add an account bound way of actively grinding SP that is newbro friendly (not timegated), subscribers only

There we go, now boxing is back to being time restricted while also being a liability that you're either losing millions of ISK per pod death or being reset back to square one.

Also makes F2P players able to have a better experience with the game and gives newbros a reason to undock actively working towards a new ship or mastery
>reason to undock is getting raped on every death
Stop suiciding your pod into bubble camps
how am I gonna pod express?
>how do I abuse a game mechanic that makes no sense
>you need to slowboat 20 jumps back home BECASUE I SAID SO
no kys
>Time restrict boxing
>Now only the oldest players can do it while new players have to wait months or even a year to play the game
Not having skill injectors is fucking aids. I don't want to have to sit on a faction warfare alt for a year until it can reasonably fly a blops or Dread or whatever. Skill injectors are one of the few things that makes grinding significant amounts of isk actually worth it.
Skill injectors is fixing a design problem ccp invented themselves. There should be active ways of grinding sp without timegating or restrictions by any means.
I wouldn't mind it if skills like the magic 14 or other basic ones were something you could grind out. Maybe have skill injectors that inject specifically to one skill, and some more advanced skills can only take you to a certain limit.
No. Rather the skill system be completely nuked. It only creates a massive barrier for entry for new players.
doesn't matter, fuck off newfag
I have several 150M+ toons. New players noping out when they realise it will take at least half a year before they can do anything (and still only get 80% of the stats) is terrible for the game.
Fuck new players. Not even being ironic. The new player ship has sailed a long time ago. You are better off getting into any other game on the market instead of this dying MMO.

Unironically leave EVE to EVE veterans (both vets and bittervets). This game will die with them and that will be that. Nothing good or bad about it, simply the way things are. Just focus on whatever NEW promising game is coming out, if there are even any.
Maybe it wouldn't die if it was less retarded.
Making skill grindable with no limitations while keeping over time progression would fix the system immediately. Take out skillinjectors too and people will actively going out to grind sp, which means content for everyone.
If it was made "less retarded" at the start, maybe it would have lived a bit longer. But it was made with niche audience in mind right from the start and it has lasted as long as it did because of that. EVERYTHING must die one day, games are not an exception. I mean if you are a new player, even without knowing anything about EVE, do you really look up a game and say "Wow, this game looks great, now, 20 fucking years after its release is surely the perfect time for me to get into it!"
Compare trying to, say, get into LoL now with all the 1000 characters and skills and shit and back when the game was fresh and had less than 40 characters and items in total. Any game that runs long enough will outstay its welcome and then you are left with only the most autistic and dedicated handful of players still playing it. Does that sound like an environment a new player would even want to get into?
>stuffs too much ISK into the economy and ruins it for any pleb not doing those things
It's far worse for the pleb doing those things than the pleb not doing them. Inflation fucks over static ISK payouts but anyone producing items instead of ISK (miners, FW, abyssals, etc) will see the value of their loot rising
>I think a mission rework in general would go a long way
they said at fanfest 2 years ago that they eventually plan on completely overhauling missions so they have NPC AI like in burners and abyssals, so its not just mindless "shoot red icons to make money" or speedrunning easy objectives.
start using hawks or jackdaws.
At least I don't think LoL makes you wait 6 months to do 80% of the damage another player who started at launch does.
yeah some ISDs are good but easily 30% of them have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
your best bet is to ask in rookie/english help and hope you get one of the chill actually knowledgeable people and then pray that they're not one of the stuck-up retards that jerk off in Rookie Help over owning a 5bil Machariel.
anon you can fly an endgame PVE Praxis fit in 9 fucking days.
Stop being a massive fag.
If you want to cry about needing ~12 months to start playing the game, go back to 75cap FFXI or Runescape or something.
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>theres still no recorded instance of a MapleStory player ever reaching max level
>the only guy who came close quit at lv299.993% specifically to insult the devs who ruined the game
Injectors are literally grindable SP

Someone's too young to remember the launch rune and mastery system
Injectors are shit implementation of grindable sp that create more problem than they solve and enable rmt.
Because the problem is the skill system in itself and that multiboxing is permitted, not the mere fact that SP are not directly farmable
I never understood why people whine about multiboxing, if people want to be hyperautistic and ruin their fun while doing it (or I guess mine with 20 chars which is pretty neutral for fun) let them. I don't multibox and I have more fun than people that do by simply playing with friends. Skill injectors too are pretty good for a game this old, they would have been ass at the start but at this point if someone is good or is willing to pay to skip the wait then I welcome that too, literally doesn't hurt me in anyway.

The actual issue with the game is jump freighters which CCP won't fix
Because one player controlling one ship cannot compete with one player controlling multiple ships. It's not that complicated
The fact that they're not having fun either is not a consolation, it's an extra reason to ban multiboxing
>The actual issue
there are many actual issues retard
There is no such thing as an end game PVE praxis, especially not on a 9 day old character. It can do C3 sites and some nullsec escalations and that's about it, it will get blasted in anything harder.
Why would that matter? You can't compete when I bring my fiends either, this isn't some honarablu 1v1 me game retard.

Literally all issues stem from the long nose of the jump freighter. You can't prove me wrong.
I actually give a shit less about it for the PvP aspects and more the economical ones. Multiboxing sidesteps the need for a fleet of players for high end activities and serves as a direct multiplier to income in many cases. For example, if you're already running incursions, homefronts, ratting, mining, or whatever else on one character, why not control more and increase your payouts 2x? 5x? 20x?

Once enough people fall into that trap, the average price of goods assumes that you're generating that sort of income because that's what the majority of players can pay for things now. It becomes a runaway problem where the only way to keep up economically is to multibox or build literally everything in the game yourself and create a parallel economy. That's the point where multiboxing becomes the meta for the game and affects everyone, no matter if they encounter multiboxers personally or not.

For other games, the solution to multiboxing was to require frequent and precise enough input to limit players' abilities to do it, but for EVE no such thing is possible. Further, a lot of fleet dynamics in EVE actively encourage multiboxing over fleet play with other people, as multiboxing not only means you keep a larger share of profit, but you don't have to play around other people's availability to your own--you can form fleets whenever you want, because you're the only person in your 10 man fleet.
>You can't compete when I bring my fiends either, this isn't some honarablu 1v1 me game retard
no, but the (((force multiplier))) ships only available to groups are ridiculously too strong
You're not your friends. You and your friends don't share your money and your time, you and your friends are individuals with schedules that don't line up to farm the same content for hours every day. You and your friends don't have a telepathic connection and have to communicate and make mistakes because of incomplete information.
It's not just combat. A multiboxing miner makes far more ISK/hr/account than any solo player and can keep it up for far more hours than a group of players. A multiboxing Abyssal player risks far less and makes far more ISK in frigate than one player in a cruiser, and a group cannot farm Abyssals anywhere near as much as a multiboxer. A multiboxing plexer in FW can drive out any small group of players, and there are far more multiboxer in FW than large blobs of players.
For every active group of five players there are five active multiboxer that can match it. "It's the same as being in a group" is complete nonesense - it doesn't apply to a single fight, and it doesn't apply to the game's economy as a whole
>muh jf
ofc it's the schizo again
This is why I say one of the biggest things that could reduce the need of multiboxing is to simply provide better ways to get individual players into fleets. Fleet dynamics mean that fleets have synergize meaning they're far more than the sum of their parts, meaning it's never 1:1 in effectiveness when coming from a solo player.

Using mining as an example, a solo player has to worry about ore bay size and can only watch what's on grid and d-scan around him. Three players means you can deploy a Porpoise, so you no longer have to worry about the size of your ore bay because compression renders that moot. Ten players means most of the fleet can mine and still have a scout or two to warn of danger, and 30 makes it so you can dedicate some players to flying defense ships and still turn a huge profit. Not to mention rarely is an entire fleet lost, so mining with people people means your ship is likely going to be reimbursed by the people who did escape if you get singled out and caught.

Solo players have none of these luxuries and can't compete against players who do. The solution is to fleet up, but in most cases it's far easier to just sub more accounts and make your own fleet on demand, and because multiboxing makes fleet play more convenient, even traditional single account player fleets can't compete with how available a multiboxer is.
It can never work for two reasons

One, EVE is a cutthroat game. Cooperation relies on implicit trust, nobody is going to team up and bring out his expensive ships with a group of random who might bring in their Corp and attack everyone else. The very core of Eve's design makes pick-up-groups impossible at a scale even close to what multiboxers do

Two, it's still a man-hours issue. A multiboxers with 5 accounts spends X man-hours mining, a group of 5 spends 5x man-hours to match the same output. The multiboxers has a 5 times larger impact on the economy that each of the 5 players
Multiboxing will never go away simply because there are roles that are not worth using an actual individual player to solely fulfill.
You'd be surprised, there's a lot of NPSI groups that run and don't have hardly any problems. Most of them start basic like incursion groups or mid class wormhole ratting where the FC can afford to lose a fleet even to an awox, and because there's a permanence attached to players' characters and a period of time while a basic level of trust is built, it works pretty well to deter bad apples.

The problem of multiboxers having a larger impact on the economy still exists, but it also means individual players aren't getting left in the cold because they choose not to multibox. They're still getting the same fleet dynamics coming out and filling only one character's role and all the benefits of a fleet, so instead of someone mining solo and making 25m ISK/hr they're making the same as what each character in a multiboxer's fleet makes. It doesn't completely solve the problem at an economic level but helps reduce the issue at the individual level.
I think that's a wagie mentality. Sure if you run incursions with 2 characters you make twice as much but you also need to supply 2 characters with 2 ships, set of supplies and 2 subscriptions. The only situation where this actually helps you is if you are a incursions wagie e.g. don't like incursions but do them just for the isk which honestly I don't know what to say to that. Personally I play the things that I like and isk is just a part of that. I don't get twice the fun from a fight just because I brought in two ships and the unit economics don't change since my losses are doubled should we fail, that is even assuming I get twice the share of the loot just because I brought 2 accounts to the fight, if I don't then that's actually a massive net negative.
The only actual relevant point about your post is that it's easier to do some content with multiboxing vs friends because your friends may not be online at certain times which is at least technically true but again it's much more fun to play with your friends. And like I write below entirely moot regarding pvp.

I sort of pity you if you actually think about a video game you play for fun like this.

>You and your friends don't share your money and your time
This is actually good thing for us not a bad thing.

>"It's the same as being in a group" is complete nonesense
Based on your examples it's actually exactly the same. A group can fight in FW just as well if not better than multiboxer, the same goes with mining or abyssals or what ever. The only advantage the multiboxer has is slight organization benefit because they don't have to work around time tables but even that is kinda moot since again it's more fun to play in a group and regarding fights specially if the other guy isn't there because their timetable didn't fit then you don't get a fight either.
a lot of the ship and game design encourages it with braindead ships. a drone ship should require as much attention to fly as a turret ship. a covops ship as much as a normal ship. I don't have much problem with a real person flying two normal ships since it's quite difficult, but 99% of the time they're just doing gay bullshit
>alt recon decloaks and activates its auto win ewar
>cyno brick tackles and lights
>logi warps down and turns on reps
>drone ship launches drones and puts them on assist
more should be required for a ship to be useful
NPSI groups rarely contain any ship more expensive than 10-20m, they're not worth betraying. That said, NPSI groups are definitely full of spies who make sure that their friends are never going to be the victims of the group

The others you mention are not picking up random players every day, they're carefully constructed groups with a vetting process and an honor system. To join one of those you need to make an investment and prove your integrity, this is exactly what "better ways to get people into fleets" cannot help with at all

Individual players are still getting left behind even if they play optimally with a group. If 5 players make 100m ISK/hr the multiboxer makes 500m isk/hr. In 10 hours he has amassed 5b ISK, which is a lot more disposable income than the 1b ISK the individual players amass. Yes, if you wants to upgrade the entire fleet it will cost him 5x more, but his safety net is also far larger. The multiboxer losing a 2b ship suffers a far smaller blow than one of the individual players losing a 2b ship.

Fun isn't a metric that matters here, players playing at peak efficiency naturally optimize the fun out of the game. If that made them stop doing it it would be great, but it does not. It is evident that players would rather make more ISK at the expense of having less fun, and this harms the game's economy for everyone else (reducing their own fun). And don't forget how unfun it is to fight against a multiboxer directly.
The existence of multiboxing has a net negative impact on the amount of fun the playerbase can have playing the game.
>I don't multibox and I have more fun than people that do by simply playing with friends.
False dichotomy. You can (and should) both multibox and play with friends.
>The fact that they're not having fun
Multiboxing is more fun than playing just one, typically low APM, ship.
A lot of NPSI fleets will indeed have ships worth several hundred million in them because the long time players who join them usually have so much money that the loss isn't significant to them. The last PvP fleet I ran had randoms showing up with Damnations, T3C, Guardians, and even a Nestor, we had people from Horde and from Imperium flying together, fuck we even had a guy from Foxholers (I thought they died?).

Betrayal can happen but it's harder for a single spy to do than you'd think. Investing the time to infiltrate several people into a fleet so you can blap 2b ISK worth of ships and then spend several months trying to get back in your next set of characters is just not fun for most people. Even when we were ratting C6 sites and Lazerhawks openly had a character in our fleet, they didn't bother to try and call up their friends because it wouldn't be worth the trouble.

EVE has changed significantly since the old days, a lot of the veterans who'd be going into deep cover and infiltrating groups just don't bother anymore. They've already been there and have seen it, instead wanting to enjoy the company of less experienced players and potentially find new people to fly with long term.
The examples provided by the people above are exclusionary, I can't run incursions with multiple ships and with friends at the same time (I suppose I could have a mixed group but if we follow the multiboxer logic I shouldn't group up in the first place). Of course you can do some of these things in a mixed group like I can mine where someone bring 50 ships to our group but that's not really applicable for the situation and again my core argument is that if they want to do that they can. The point of that sentence is to blow out the seether that insists that you have to multibox which isn't the case.

>Fun isn't a metric that matters here
Of course it is. The fact that you think it isn't is pitiable.

>and this harms the game's economy for everyone else
I don't really see evidence for this either btw. If a wagie runs incursions with multiple ships to make more isk to cover their costs of the activity they actually want to fund (let's say pvp), then logically the only thing that actually does to the economy is that they complete their grind in a shorter timespan and they don't actually print more money because they should be grinding based on their expenses in the fun activity which are static. Now they could also increase their expenses because of their greater income but that's good for the economy

The only "harm" that a multiboxer can cause to an economy is the rare type of autist that likes mining and only mines to mine more and then decides to multibox to mine more to mine more which honestly I don't have an issue with. It brings down the cost of minerals

>And don't forget how unfun it is to fight against a multiboxer directly.
Doesn't really matter to me if I get ganked by one guy pretending to be dozen people or by dozen actual people, the experience is the same. It's slightly less fun to kill one guy pretending to be dozen people than actual dozen people however but there's also it's own unique fun to kill someone who is trying that hard
I believe you, but it doesn't really change the facts. Some players are rich enough to throw ships worth hundreds of mils on random fleets without caring if they lose it, whether in combat or betrayal? Sure, but most players aren't willing to risk ships of that kind of value. And when shit does hit the fan, the fleet needs to communicate and make decisions, while the multiboxer has no one to inform or to consult, he just decides for himself and all ships do what he wants

Can you form a fleet that can outcompete a multiboxer? Yes, but you're going to drive away far fewer multiboxers than the players you need for the fleet.
If a 50 man fleet competes equally with 5 multiboxers with 10 ships each, that's still a market share split of 50/50, 10% to each multiboxer and only 1% to each fleet member

You literally understood nothing of what I wrote. Read my post again and write a proper reply. Hint: We're not talking about whether you are having fun, we're taking about how much fun all of EVE's active players are having
>but if we follow the multiboxer logic

You are just building a giga-autistic strawman.
because honestly, 90% of the time someone multiboxxing is using some hacks program to control them all
eve-o preview changed something a month ago and a few hundred people got banned and cried about it on reddit lol. get rekt retards.
play the game like a normal person or fuck off back to china
can someone post the charts explaining just how much he had to grind for the chance to insult the devs in front of everyone
Praxis is literally the go-to alpha PVE ship and there's a Praxis fit for almost everything. Lv4s, 10/10s, C3 sites, Incursions, seasonal events, null ratting, you name it.
nothing wrong with making a praxis-only character that can fly one in a week and there are plenty of fits, skillplans and guides for it
I choose to believe that anyone who chooses to multibox is doing so out of their free will and if they are having more fun doing so good for them and if they are having less fun then they deserve to be punished for their retardedness. That means the amount of fun is exactly correct for the multiboxers. I take it that with this you have conceded the fun angle?

I don't see an argument.

This is basically the first good argument. The counter argument to that is that it's simply not that realistic for CCP to do anything about people that cheat, it would be great if they could but they can't and they won't.
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gotchu famalamadingdong
I'm not trying to solve multiboxing with a silver bullet, I'm simply trying to reduce the need for it. There will always be some advantages to multiboxing, specifically trust like you say, but some of the bigger draws for it (Quick, easy to assemble fleets) can be made accessible for others as well. Every small advantage of multiboxing that's brought to public fleets helps erode the need for multiboxing one more step. Keep adding these quality of life changes and eventually people will scale their boxes down because some of the advantages that drew them to it in the first place won't matter anymore.

Multiboxing will still cause problems with the economy in general because it will concentrate more wealth in fewer hands, but it won't be a runaway problem where a player cannot even start doing an activity because they can't meet the minimum fleet size.
there is no 'need' for multiboxing. people do it because they can and there's no reason not to
I see what you're saying, I'm just not optimistic. Let's say CCP introduced tools to make it easy and quick to team up with random players to farm specific content, how long would it take until enough people abused them to kill their teammates until nobody wanted to try anymore? How long until multiboxers used these tools to farm players?
FW is the closest mechanic we have to that and it's got huge issues with awoxing, both from multiboxers and from real players
It could happen, but I've been FCing NPSI fleets of all types for the last three years and haven't really seen it. When I started, I was paranoid and kept scouts on every wormhole while we ratted in C3 systems just in case someone was trying to sneak their friends in behind us. I ran mining fleets in a different Wormlife system every other week because I figured if I just picked one and stuck with it, some asshats would just keep a few characters logged off in the system to score some free Covetor kills. Even the PvP fleets I ran, I always had in the back of my mind that someone was just going to bubble us and kill everybody as soon as we started hunting in a wormhole. After a year of no incidents, I stopped worrying.

I think if I would've tried doing NPSI a decade ago, exactly what you're saying would've happened. EVE's playerbase wasn't inured to losses and kills like they are now, they'd revel in the chance to fuck over some bumbling newbies for the short term rush. Now that the game is starting to contract, more people have pragmatically accepted that if they want to continue to have other people flying around so that they themselves can have content on their roams, they need to make sure they stick around and awoxing them doesn't achieve that goal. Either that, or it turns out people just enjoy these free for all type fleets enough that they want to come back next week, so they don't bother rocking the boat.

Fun fact though, I know Imperium hates NPSI fleets though, especially the PvP ones, but also the PvE ones. Having content be open to all players like this reduces the draw for joining a corporation and means that players that might've given up and thrown their lot in with them now have alternatives. It was one of the reasons they had Safety go and fuck up HS incursions for a while, to cut the content stream on a PvE activity that pulled in players from all sorts of places in a cooperative environment.
going on about awoxing and spies as though it's a big deal makes it sound like you're an unironic highsec dweller and don't know shit
>Fun fact though, I know Imperium hates NPSI fleets though, especially the PvP ones, but also the PvE ones. Having content be open to all players like this reduces the draw for joining a corporation and means that players that might've given up and thrown their lot in with them now have alternatives
[reddit space]
That's perfectly logical from their point of view though. Especially now that null is split into two large blocks and both are trying to get as much people in all possible timezones to get an advantage over the other. Especially ESPECIALLY with the playerbase contracting.
[reddit space]
We'll see if Equinox shakes things up for nullniggers or not.
You have a jaundiced view caused by nullbrain, and I'm not trying to be condescending there. Nullsec and to a lesser extent Highsec are the only places where players are truly anonymous. In Lowsec and Wormholes, everyone knows everyone to some degree, or at least knows everyones corp, so trying to do shit like that just doesn't work. You could maybe do it once, but you'd be a permanent exile forever afterwards.
The same thing with NPSI groups. After a while everyone knows everyone and anyone who tries to dog the boys just gets removed with extreme prejudice.

Nullsec is the only place you can get away with being an absolute asshat and escape the consequences by creating a new alt and pretending to be a different person, everywhere else will see it coming from a mile away and just tell you to piss off.
I'm not disagreeing, it's the one thing that makes Safety's actions understandable. I used to assume it was just nihilistic abuse of the lowest rung of the playerbase, and while I'm sure that's sort of there too, it's mostly because their masters want it done for strategic reasons. Just like the rest of EVE, null is hemorrhaging players too, and boxes can only make up for so much of that.
>everywhere else will see it coming from a mile away and just tell you to piss off
Slamjam being called out
Nullseccers and highseccers compose some 80% of the playerbase, I don't know what you think you're being elitist about but if you're a lowseccer or wormholers with a good Corp to team up with then this discussion is meaningless to you. We're talking about making it easier for random players to team up.

Obviously it's not easy to debate what effect "making fleeting up easier" would have without actually proposing specific systems, and nobody wants that because then it will become an argument over implementation details. Nevertheless, the current (lack of a) system works because you have an FC and his liteunants manually inviting people, which is already a first level of filtering. Any system that offload some of the work to the game instead of the commanders will by necessity create more loopholes that malicious actors can abuse, and EVE is rich in both malicious actors and benefits from abuse.

The fact that, as you say, lowseccer don't need such a system, yet multiboxers are actively ruining FW for real players, is only further proof that the problem with multiboxing isn't solvable by having more fleets

tl;dr of this thread
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This wicked game needs to be reset.
wouldn't help
Eve is a fundamentally broken concept that can't work if players are trying to optimize it. It worked 20 years ago when online game players were in the vast majority far more naive and willing to sacrifice profit for fun, it doesn't work now that your average player starts looking for tutorials and guides before they even touch a game
>thinking voting matters in 2024
And then I was like; niggers!
>thinking voting mattered anywhere but in greek city states
Last time I checked, Jews who came to US never own the land but instead become traders and artisans. It was Anglo, German and France who usually become landlord. And most slave traders were Portuguese and Spanish Christian who was backed by their own government. Jews made a very small percentage of slave traders and to be fair it would be even weirder if they are not involved in one of the most lucrative trade in history.
Replace the explosion velocity bonus with 10% bonus to target painter optimal range per level. Increase the base targeting range to 100km.
Bam. Done and fixed.
kill yourself
We need Covops battlecruiser and E-war Battlecruiser.
t3cs are already both of those
If they ever add T3 Frigates/Battlecruisers/Battleships they should skip all this subsystem autism and just make them have offensive/defensive/movement modes like T3Ds.
Tech 3 Triglavian ships
that’s just to 275
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Tech 4 ships

Completely customizable based on which implants you have in slots 1-5 and scales with the attribute value in those slots, willpower giving damage, perception application, intelligence ewar bonuses, memory tank bonuses and charisma fleet boosts
How about another joke /eog/?
What do you get when you cross a 30 account multiboxer with a game community that abandons him and treats him like trash?
I'll tell you what you get, you get what you FUCKING DESERVE!
I'm still curious what the SoE Battlecruiser will turn out to be if we get one. Will it get a covert ops like the Stratios, or will it get RR bonuses like the Nestor? Will it get something else entirely?
who cares?
SOE ships are trash
SoE ships are just underwhelming for their cost. The Stratios is just a tanky VNI with a cloak. Is it worth more than 3x the price of a VNI to use a cloak and gain a damage bonus? Probably not for many applications, but if you have the cash it's still useful.

They're certainly not obsolete ships completely outclassed by others, just really basic for something priced so high.
>3x the price
10x the price would be appropriate for covops, in its current state
cry harder

Based CCP basically reverting Equinox.
>Isogen requirements for battleships reduced
If anything, this is a buff to nullblocs that use battleships as their primary fleet ship since it reduces the need for materials they can't easily get.
>The amount of Isogen required is reduced from 400,000 to 200,000.
>The amount of Nocxium required is increased from 12,000 to 24,000.
no fuck off with nocxium. BBs are still overpriced for being the meta punching bag
>all those module stat changes
>no significant balance improvements, even though they would be much easier
SOE ships were designed for a role that was ironically removed when they removed rats from relic/data sites with the same patch.
>even though they would be much easier
Spoken as a true ignorat fool who doesn't know the terrors of the POS code
that's an epic funny meme
>balance is nerfing shit me no likey :(
>Referral spammers nuked
>since both Black Ops and Marauders are incredibly strong right now and we don't want to unintentionally make them even more powerful by lowering their price
how about fixing them if you know they're too strong
Fucking thought the same thing, Marauders should've never come to be in their current state.
they don't need fixing
True, they need deleting. T2 was a mistake.
ok poor
fuck off i still have 3 weeks to get a marauder dont you dare nerf them
guys can i make enough isk to PLEX during the trial
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you probably shouldnt but you can
It's a limited F2P mode, not a trial. There's no rush
Yes, you can make enough ISK to plex as an alpha. I'd suggest getting a referral link (gives you 1M free skill points instantly) and making multiple accounts with it to try different content. 1M SP is enough to set up to fly a decent rookie ship for mostly anything and you will find plenty of skill plans and fits online, especially the eve uni wiki

you have like 6-12 months to worm your way up to 20mil SP alpha cap.
honestly, just wait for a sale and pick up omega for like $8/mo.
if you're so fucking broke that $8 in a month (1 beer at your local bar, or 1 burger with no sides from a fast food joint) breaks the bank for you, then sort your fucking life out.
fly a Praxis or Gila and you basically never have to worry about Omega anyway.

Omega becomes easier to maintain when you already have Omega, cuz you can use shit like PI, Skill Extraction or the extra blueprint slots to passively make up ~80% of the PLEX cost
Buying plex/omega with money is literally paying to not play the game. Might as well RMT
fuck paypigging
i aint giving ccp $80/month to keep my accounts omega when i dont even want to play every month
I want to go back to no plex, no injectors
how rich are you guys
i have 170b in isk and assets and 3 accounts plexed into 2026
Don't do mining solo, for sure. If you do mining at all, join a group who mines in lowsec/wormhole space since that's the only way to get decent ISK from it. Null ores are botted to hell and back.
I hit 1t in combined assets/ISK a few weeks ago. Some of it is tied up in construction projects though (I have an Avatar building right now, along with a few dozen subcapital parts), some of it is owning the structures I have down, but a lot of it is just random ships, modules, and trade goods sitting in stations or on the market.

I don't feel any richer than I did two years ago when I had a few billion ISK to my name though. I could go and cash it all out, but for the most part all of that wealth is just being used to make more wealth.
im nearly at my first 1bil! :D
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>expansion comes out
>adds fuck all

>random mid-week patch in between expansions
>adds more shit than the expansion
A better game from a simpler time.
Jeve puts me at 4.6T across all accounts. Mostly plex and then random fleets all over. I pay for one account and have been playing an hour or two a day for over 10 years.I setup in area for a couple months to try something and then dump everything in the nearest NPC station before moving on.
Most my accounts expire in 2025. I blew all my plex on the sale they did for the price hike fanfest. I'm considering just playing as an alpha and doing chill WH exploration and FW for awhile after that.
I periodically start up an alpha account and start fresh on it, not even getting transfers from my omegas, just to see if there's any activities in EVE worth doing as an alpha. Some content is straight out locked like doing L4 missions or robbing skyhooks, but there's a lot of basic shit you can do that pays ok. C3 wormholes, VG Incursions, ratting in null all work even if they're less efficient than they would be.
you went from a few billion to 1t in a couple years?
i dont envy you.
It wasn't that hard when you already know everything, but it was time consuming. I played a long time ago and knew how to find things in demand and what activities paid the most ISK, also still had my old contacts to get me in to places without a waiting period.

I positioned myself as a major supplier for a null bloc and filled a lot of market orders in the regions they operated in, sometimes making bulk sales to corporations. I would routinely sell a couple dozen marauders almost every week, or a few capitals here and there. A certain Keepstar in null, not saying which one, was entirely built by me and all 30 of my characters doing PI and sold for a big fat ISK payout, for the titans I've sold, only part of the materials were sourced by myself and the rest were loaned from alliance coffers and paid back after completion. I'd say those major sales probably made up about 600-700b ISK of my net worth.

I run a buyback program as well, and while that has a lot of ISK moving through it, it's surprisingly low profit for the time spent. You'd think 90% Jita buy would make you bank, but then you see you have shit literally everywhere in the game and have to go get it, so it doesn't make you nearly as much ISK/h as you'd think.
>i did an entire keepstars worth of pi across 30 characters
>release officer frig/cruiser modules
>in the year that AT teams can bring reward ships in as flagships
>but you don't even announce these new modules until the tourney is a month away, giving teams barely any time to practice with non-battleship flagships and good fucking luck finding the modules on TQ in time

>some AT teams are rich and vain enough to be willing to play around with the custom skins and deck their ships out in a uniform
>give players no way to privately share skins until after the tournament is over

I know CCP doesn't care about the AT but they've got two perfect opportunities to show off their new shit and then they completely bungled the timings. Classic CCP.
Based actually
Let the team that can adapt the fastest win
That's right. May the gayest fag win.
>5 turret slots
>High tracking, high dmg
>50mb drone bandwidth
>fast agility
>4 mids
Tell me, why does nobody want to fly this perfect ship?
Because it has NO RANGE LMAO.
>flying t1 ships in 2024
>leaving the station in 2024
Did a level 4 gurista plex with railsguns, because of that racial resist bonus and some more kinetic resists, it was a breeze to do.
>logging into eve at all in 2024
I make more money without leaving the station than you gayfaggot lowsec niggers can even imagine.

What do I do with such huge amount of money? Pay mercenaries to attack other people? No. SRP NPSI fleets that go around harassing nullblocks? Nope. Help newbros by buying them skillbooks and stuff so they can figure out what they like in the game sooner? AHAHAHA, fuck no.
Why, I use that money to do the only sensible thing - make more money. And then that money to make even more! And so on and so forth. It's a perfect plan really. The line goes up and keeps going up. Every morning I look at myself in the mirror and simply admire my own ingenuity. It's nothing really.
>eve in 2024
>not rmting it
Just use pochven for quick travel you lazy or uninformed nigger.
Having ones income diversified is necessary. Personally, my two main sources are null ratting and FW. Once you get good Indy contacts and find a good market niche, FW is very profitable, while still taking fights. I think I've made around 4bil this month and I've only been playing 4 months.
If more newbros bothered to read into the game a bit, they wouldn't be poor ass high sec miners.
It is virtually impossible to ban or nerf multiboxing so this discussion seems worthless to me.

Especially when the closest solutions are things they could never go back on.
This but unironically. I'm addicted to seeing line go up. Although I still fly a Venture and mine in my spare time for shits and giggles.
Are there any good corp options for 6-11 eve time players?
I joined a WH corp, and was some of the lamest people I have ever played with in an MMO. All the aussies were cool (3 of them), but EUTZ was the bad kind of MLP autists and USTZ rolled holes then logged out to play league without doing any scanning.
Do I just fly solo in FW/NPC null and eventually get to know the locals, live out of a WH freeport and just do my own thing, join horde/frat and hope that the large amount of people will equate to content in my timezone?
Being in Love Squad / PIZZA was tons of fun, so hopefully I can find something like that again.
>Are there any good corp options for 6-11 eve time players?
you'll have to find a late US or early EU timezone wormhole corp that has a bunch of Aussies in it. there's a couple around but itll take some searching.
try asking in the Eve Downunder discord maybe.
When I increase my moon harvest duration from 7 to 14 days I know I get about the same amount per day.

Does it make more little rocks or will I get more ore per rock?
Bad advice, there's only one or two WH corps with any significant AUTZ presence and they're HK and Hawks. The Eve down under discord has been dead for YEARS and isn't even worth mentioning.

To put in perspective how dead AUTZ is, HK is the most active English speaking AUTZ corp in the game, period. HK has like 5 Australians total. AUTZ is incredobly dead unless you speak Chinese or Russian.
From my experience, both. You get more rocks, and the rocks themselves are bigger. If you went with a max duration moon pull, you'd get very large rocks and a lot of them, a six day pull gets you small rocks and fewer in number. The radius of both appears to be the same, which means that you can increase the density of a moon belt by making a longer pull.
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>HK is the most active English speaking AUTZ corp in the game, period. HK has like 5 Australians total.
you really dont know shit about AUTZ, just stop posting
Check for yourself.
>Emergency War Council meeting in alliance
>Lot of hype from my group and I, thinking shit's finally going to hit the fan
>Not six hours before the meeting, deal gets signed with the shitheads from next door where they agree to stop bothering us so a capital fleet doesn't go sit on them for the next several months
Nothing ever happens.
Frat/goon cuck detected. They will never actually commit to a fight. Frat has no reason to fight, and goons doesn't have the leadership to ever leave Delve.
there is one AUTZ group in nullsec thats like super risk averse, they sometimes go to horde space to kite with their hfi-s for a while then leave after 1 scimi pops
exit strat is dead which was a jspace corp

he is right about hard knocks
>there is one AUTZ group in nullsec thats like super risk averse
there's a bunch.
there's at least 2-3 groups of aussies in wormholes not aligned with shitters like HK, there's at least a dozen Aussie null corps, a few Aussie FW corps (biggest is in Amarr) and dozens and dozens of highsec mining/industry ones.

literally fucking just undock and talk to people in your fucking timezone.
who is that bunch?
Bros does anyone know what happens to market orders and fees if your omega lapses? I assume the orders stay (at over order cap), and since buy order fee is paid at creation time it uses omega skill levels, but what about buy orders? Do you pay sell fee using your skills when you set up the order, or when the order is fulfilled?

I'm going to have shaky Internet for most of 2025 and I'm probably going to cut my subscription, so I want to know how to handle my market activities
Such as?
I'm enjoying my time in Absolute Order. There are some lame asses in the high sec side but the leader is decent and the null guys are total bros. We started playing /v/ scape together while gatecamping and doing other stuff. I hang out with the Aussies late at night. Apparently they get beers together irl. We've got decent presence in all TZ as well.
Okay I'm done shilling now.
Dunno about AO but I find it hilarious that a large chunk of the game (redditors that is) absolutely hates them for muh nazis and muh racism kek. What a bunch of normalniggers.
There's far worse groups out there like Rainbow Knights, who ramp up their literal faggotry and throw it in peoples' faces because they know they can't easily be touched. One of their members had a meltdown over EVE Scout because they got denied for being too political (IE, wouldn't remove their trans rights bio from their character, kept deploying mobile depots with it in Rens).

And honestly, AO's wannabe nazism isn't what makes them bad, it's their exploitive nature of new players, which is slightly worse than your average null group.
Correct. I thought you wanted new players? You seem to be constantly whining about how the game is dying because new players are pushed away and so everyone is getting old and dying like in japan.
He means you are new to 4chan if you don't get that image.
Well that's just frankly irrational, incorrect, and childish.
Just lurk more you... you... DOUBLE NEWFAG
Lurking won't do him much good, that meme is likely older than him
Can you say nigger on comms in AO?
It's kinda weird, the thread is about a game that's older than the zoomie and the talk is about a meme that's also older than the lil zoomie. What a world we live in
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>my character is probably older than he is
Oh god
Found the horde or minmil fag drinking their own kool-aid. Newbros get free shit and the training corp is 0% tax. Main corp is 0.9% Does your corp offer benefits such as infinite gila for life after participating in ten fleets? I get 100% tengu srp as well among others besides basic srp. Military salary payments? Go ahead and link the horde site or a plebbit thread you fag. You know you want to.

Don't be a sperg and read between the lines.
>made a joke character that looks like an old man
>now I am an old man
The joke was me... all along
>Rainbow Knights, who ramp up their literal faggotry and throw it in peoples' faces
rainbow knights are literal renters you melt
Rentoids are gay and not real corps nor real humans. I bumped one of their Ishtar bots off tether the other night and killed it. Good times harassing rentoid space.
keep at it. remember to report them all as well
I can link the AO website where it says only top members get those benefits. Indeed, AO is a bigger ponzi scheme than Horde and Imperium, which they don't try hide. The specifically state their corporation is built on merit, which would be great, if their concept of merit wasn't the same as the real world: Suck leadership dick to advance in ranks.

You can show up to as many ops as you want and keep your killboard solid green and it won't do any good with these people. Out of all the groups I have spies in, they are one of the most disorganized and exploitive ones, pushing their members into subbing more accounts and harassing them when they don't. I watched them tell their mining fleet that buyback was 50% Jita buy, which frankly means you might as well solo mine in high sec. Even their allies despise them, partially because their members can't refrain from shooting blues when flying with the rest of Red Menace coalition.

None of this particularly stands out in terms of the trashy shit null alliances do to their corporation members, it's just a little more prevalent than you'd find elsewhere.

I just hate how we attacked their holdings once and they screamed to CCP that it was persecution. Thank god CCP told them to fuck off.
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>morphite prices
what the fuck is happening
Told you to mine the Mercoxit last year but you just laughed it off.
I don't mine. I just just buy a giga batch to last me year. But holy fuck I'm glad I already did it when it was ~50k per piece.
I saw a few killmails of people 2 and 3 manning blood raider sotiyos with zirns. Anybody know how to 2 or 3 man them with dreads? Trying to find information online but no luck at all
Wasn't the pirate structure market dominated by like one autist for the longest time before people finally caught up to his methods?
idk, maybe? I talked to someone who said it's a specific fit they use but wouldn't share the exact fit. Gave me some good pointers, so ty for that, but no idea how to tank the dreads for it still. That as well as no exact method for kill orders/etc. I definitely want to try it if I can get a comfortable fit and spawn.
Rainbow Knights isn't a corp, it's the structure Holding Alliance for Lazerhawks.
Be Nice. is the designated faggot corp.
Yeah, sorry, that's the one. I get the two confused.
Thanks, anecdotally it took me about the same time completely clear a 7 day as a 14 day. I was hoping some autist out there had made a chart but I cant find anything.

I only have 3 data points but looks like the 100km overall stays pretty constant and your just adding to the density. I'll drop some more structures and start charting rock count and ore m3 this fall.
Thank you anon, it would be good to have some hard data. I never really mathed it all out because after the first few pulls, I just set my moon mine to pop once a week so there would at least be some type of ore site up.
Be Nice is based.
Squall skin, watch some twitch.
kys skin nigger
who the fuck cares about the fucking squall GEEEEEEG
>who the fuck cares about the fucking squall GEEEEEEG
idc about skins
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>who the fuck cares about fucking squall
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>list two items for 68
>they sell for 80 each
Someone bulk bought at 80. It's free extra money.
I have put my CSM application in lads. Wish me luck that I don't get it.
It's just a fucking video game. Fly some ships, shoot some shit and that's it. Why make it into some social project. Fucking Icelandic snowniggers, trying to turn game communites into being just as inbred as they are.
the csm was a mistake
I enjoy the game enough that I'm going to risk getting selected so I can try and push back against null centric changes. It's also going on my job resume if I get selected.
democracy has always been a mistake
I have started industry...
and I enjoy it!!!!
>It's also going on my job resume if I get selected.
That's barely a step above putting "4chan janitor" on your CV. Jesus fucking christ. You are better off putting x years of substance abuse to fill that CV hole.
It's one of the quickest ways to show a diversified skillset in the job market. Community relations, especially when you have to be voted in and not just randomly selected for it, isn't something most people can do. All the better when you can show yourself going in front of a couple thousand people and giving a presentation.
That's a lot of buzzwords. I am sure the HR Karen is gonna be impressed.
ccp is hr karen
alphanigger here... started flying a cynabal with autocannons and I think it's pretty nifty but I'm used to no brain missiles... I thought hitting frigs was going to be an issue with tracking but I've been hitting them fine for good damage even from let's say halfway between optimal and falloff. what surprised me was that when going up against other cruisers I need to be right up in their ass (my optimal) to do similar damage numbers that I get from 10-15km off when fighting smaller ships, like damage gets cut to 1/5. why it be like that?
I thought the big boys were easier to track and hit?
they are, but if you're getting very close you're probably missing a lot until you can lower your transversal
so is trannyversal a bigger issue vs the cruisers? I guess I misunderstood things in thinking applying damage to smaller faster ships would be my issue when it's been the opposite. will a different ammo with a larger optimal or some kind of module help with this?
You don't need tracking or different ammo, just use keep at range 1000km and you start building range on anything small, then pop.
Maybe it's because you outrage frigates so they fly straight towards you with no transversal to get you into their range, while other cruisers with long weapons can comfortably orbit you
It would help to give some context though. PvE? PvP? Solo? Fleet?
>so is trannyversal a bigger issue vs the cruisers?
no it's a smaller factor, since cruisers have several times the signature radius of a frigate. I don't know the averages, but let's say they have 5x the sig. this means you can get equivalent hits while having 5x the transversal, or at 1/5th the distance. but you should think more about what direction you and your targets are flying in. if you're 15km away from npc frigates, they are probably flying almost directly toward you, and slowly. because npc frigates are retarded. so unless you are cucking yourself by inducing high transversal, you can just pop them with no effort. with your cruiser targets, they are a few hundred % easier to hit, but they will more likely be flying perpendicular. if you're a fast guy you're going to be giving yourself massive transversal and hitting nothing as you overshoot them on approach and have to slow down and settle into a parallel course, after which your transversal will near 0
lol were it not for the csm the game would have so much utter shite in it.
yes it benefits nullblocs too much, but its a price im willing to pay
probably unironically would be. CSM actually does sound like a decent thing to put on resume, not remotely similar to being a janny.
this was solo pve, guristas ded site more specifically
ah ok now that makes sense so are my options for lowering traversal vs these cruisers just better piloting or getting up in their face? never had to think about such things when I was lobbing missiles
just increase your range and damage, and don't increase your transversal like a shitter
>CSM actually does sound like a decent thing to put on resume, not remotely similar to being a janny.
then again, most longtime EVE players are
I'm not a longtime eve player. I've been playing for about 2 months. If you don't have much on your resume, putting CSM would genuinely be a good thing and you are quite silly if you think otherwise. If you have tonnes of other more valuable stuff to put on then obviously that would take precedent.
CSMs work with a successful real company that generates real money and is fairly well known in its industry. CCP is not some toxic brand that people don't even see as a real company like 4chan. They aren't remotely similar.
You are literally voted into the position to work as translation/communication between a large customer base and a company. This involves real skills that are, somewhat obviously, valued by employers. You are just being cynical for the sake of it
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>be employer
>reading anon's CV
>see he flies amarr
>mfw into the trash
Now *this* is true.
>Retard FC had to fleet warp everyone out because we had to swap ammo when they could have been on laser boats and swap instantly np
When reviewing resumes i always start by throwing 1/3 of them in the trash. I dont want to hire unlucky people.

Then i whittle the pile down more by slave name until only purebred amarr remain.
ive been stuck on T3 abyss forever and everytime i try a t4 i lose 400 mil. Does anyone have a fit that can do it reliably?
Cynabal is a good ship, but you'd be better off flying it in any other space than Guristas.

Either way when it comes to guristas fly away from the main group when there are frigs on the field and pop them as they come into range, then fly towards the cruisers who are mostly missile based so your transversal doesn't matter and they will usually align away from you giving you perfect transversal against them
hr tranny

boomer small business owner
Stop wasting your time with the abyss and join a WH corp.
Alpha? Omega?
If you don't have high skills Gila is usually your best bet. You COULD do it with a cheap VNI but it takes good character skills and actual piloting skills.

If you can fly T2 then Sacrilege, Vagabond, Zealot, Ishtar or Cerberus depending on what type of abyss you want to run.
It would genuinely be interesting to see a more modern take on open world RTSish scifi small fleet combat. A lot of Eve's major fundamental problems likely cannot be solved so a successor would be welcome.
>cannot be solved
the devs just choose not to
there are no problems, you are just gay
>corp puts down a struction for some reason instead of using the holding corp
>we become wardec eligible
>copy paste the wardec evemail
>make a email and paste it in
>send it as a corp mail
>dumbasses start freaking out in corpchat.
>being in a hisec corp
yeah im in a highsec corp
my alt is in a wh corp
my other alts are split between fw and null
dont tell me you are only in one corp
fuckin casual
larp harder
i reject your concession
make a better post
>be hauler shipping
>iso fit
>not afk, warping gate to gate
>get ganked in jita off station, because it takes .3 seconds to dock even with warp to 0
>was fit with damage control and 3 tranverse
>tornado niggers

Its just so obnoxious. Lost a bil in PI stuff because warping to 0 is not an effective enough way to move shit. I'd say id quit but im mazed until something better comes out. Best part is the gankers dont even lose sec status and can just play docking games forever. Tiresome.
Use instadock bookmarks and turn on autopilot after you enter warp. Never get blown up.


I do agree that a lot of mechanics in EVE are just straight up unfun.
I have a hard time believing that this is real.
In the event it is, you are supposed to use a DST and an instadock bookmark.
You can't move PI in an epithal and you can actually click the dock button and expect to live.
I mean you can't click the dock button and expect to live because it doesn't warp you to 0 every time, it often drops you 2.3 km away where you then slowly, slowly make your way to docking range.
You have to use an instadock bookmark and then click down when you're already inside the station model.
I didn't know this shit. Why would they even put a mechanic like this in the game?

Seems to me to be there purely to enable ganking.
>>Seems to me to be there purely to enable ganking.
It's there purely to enable ganking.
ccp made those haulers for this exact reason. just use a dst like you are supposed to and shit on their haulers from far away
It's as if free pvp anywhere anytime is a ridiculous mechanic nobody likes but everyone pretends somehow makes the game better despite being the #1 thing keeping new blood away
It's not free, all those tornadoes died. Player made a choice to use a ship that has benefits but comes with drawbacks and was punished. The game worked as intended
free as in unrestricted, one sided, and impossible to opt out from
I know the game works as intended, the intention is just a rubbish one
Punishment for being asshole in highsec is too lax, you should be immediately booted into negative security standing on any unprovoked kill.
they lost what, .1 sec status and about 30 mil? To gain roughly 1 bil by scooping the loot with a multibox toon. So using two obnoxious mechanics, faulty warp to 0 and multiboxing, placed specifically in the game for whales to get off being annoying.

Anyways, they won. I decided to take a break for at least a few months, which will probably become permanent.
Obviously eve wasn't for me.
>muh multiboxing
The easiest way to spot a retard.
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>moving 1b worth of stuff in a hauler
literally why. im sorry but you failed an IQ test. If you have that much money, then just buy a DST. You tried to be cheap and you got punished for it.
To be honest, I've moved a lot of relatively valuable stuff (sometimes even 1b+) to/from Jita in my T1 hauler as well before I finally trained the skills for the BR/DST. It's just that I did my research first and made all the precautions - instadock/undock bookmarks, cloak mwd practice, dscan, local, setting known gankers to red, paying attention to cargoscan noise if there are any sus ships on the gate etc. If you are willing to do research and take the neccessary precautions even T1 haulers are adequate so long as you are not being a retard. Some lessons are hard earned.
>much money
1b is low enough to just contract it out and save yourself the trouble
I was flying an osprey navy before and was going to check out an orthus too but I wanted a little change of pace from missiles for a bit. I'm liking the cynabal though it's a good balance of speed, damage, tank, decent align, warp and targeting speed too.
I can just sit there and blap everything tanking the damage and it clears in decent time but I guess it does require a little more moving around to be in appropriate range
ive filled a max cargo bestower with structures and cores before and gated it through lowsec
didnt die because im not a retard
doing that near jita would be suicide

but then i also have 10b+ in my occator in/around jita, never died once. couple attempts too. i lost an empty but semi-bling fit viator on jita undock once.

Name 1 good reason for highsec ganking to exist
it makes faggots like you mad
Content. Honestly for both parties, I say that as someone in mostly the hauling party.
>ive filled a max cargo bestower with structures and cores before and gated it through lowsec

i'll take "things that never happened" for $10, please.
>you don't get it you supposed to like getting blown up without being able to do anything at all
There shouldn't be a cheap fit that can pop industrial ships period. That is without going into how fucking stupid risk reward ratio for doing crime activities in high sec is.
there isnt. you need a load of people. also the ships that typically get blown up (t1 haulers) are also cheap as piss.
You don't like getting blown up, you like *avoiding* it, which you can do if you have a little game knowledge.
Honestly, CCP should just make NPC stations tether you. Yeah, it'd lead to some other problems, but none it would prevent newbros from dying because they don't understand the obtuse and esoteric mechanics of station docking and it would disperse players from Jita into the surrounding systems.
none of this matters
Market hubs other than Kita should get a tax cut to incentivise people to use a different hub.
iskies for my toonies
you don't understand why people use other hubs, retard
why? they are genuinely fine other than maybe hek.
Yea but at the least they could make doing it in .8+ systems punishing. Nothing more encouraging than losing your ship and seeing the faggot docked up in the station they blew ypu up outside of a hot minute later with 4.8 sec status and no shits given.
>going to Jita
your own fault really
Jita's cut off from everything and near fucking nothing.
I havent been there in years.
Useless irrelevant hub unless you're trying to move alliance-amounts of shit at a time or you want to buy rare skins and officer mods.
No idea why ppl have such a boner for Caldari space. the PVE there fucking sucks, the rats are ass, LP is worth dick and its too jam packed busy with competition.
The game has just evolved to the point where anything short of flat out disabling suicide ganking in high sec won't stop it.

CCP should just create midsec with .4-.7 systems in that band where normal highsec stuff takes place (Missions, ratting, mining, etc) and .8+ should be actual highsec, which has virtually no ways to make anything approaching good ISK but locks safety to green for everyone. Security should be redistributed in such a way where the constellation where major trade hubs are and rookie systems are high sec, everywhere else is midsec.
time for you to learn kid:there is no safe spaces in eve. just because concord is playing police in high sec does not mean you are safe. just like in real life, cops dont defend you. they avenge you.
Hisec already has virtually no ways to make anything approaching good ISK (except multiboxing homefronts lmao)

>dynamically raise and lower station taxes based on the amount of ISK traded over the past 7 days
>stations can only process X amount of docking requests per second and anyone trying to dock in a busy station has to wait in a queue
There, I fixed Jita
I know, that's why it's not an absurd request. The only real effect it has is making a dedicated tutorial/newbie/trade zone.
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>dynamically raise and lower station taxes based on the amount of ISK traded over the past 7 days
>stations can only process X amount of docking requests per second and anyone trying to dock in a busy station has to wait in a queue
>security rating instantly goes negative after you blow someone up in 1.0-0.7
wow that was hard
it was molden heath/metropolis when the russians were sleeping. i used my alt to scout.
idk whats so unbelievable, most of lowsec is fucking dead
>muh suicide ganking is unfair
harden the fuck up
Nobody used the word "unfair", retard. It's a useless mechanic that adds nothing in the game except make people unhappy
Hell I'd be OK with suicide ganking if it was actually profitable, but for every 10b hauler that gets blown up (dropping only 3b worth of loot) there are 1000 empty ships that cost less than the fleet that took them down
>makes people unhappy
this is not enough to make me care
I forgot some of you retards play games to suffer instead of to have fun
no I simply do not care that retards get filtered
the krab's idea of fun is nobody ever kills them, and pvp is a consensual thing done in the pvp area while they make money all day instead. pretty much where eve is headed anyway
>Biomass character
>Make new one
>Queue up basic skills for Catalyst
whew, tell me you're not that naive.
Explain why you think krabbers, who rarely ever step into highsec in anything bigger than a shuttle, care about highsec ganking
>hisec noobs having strong opinions about stuff that doesn't matter and/or they don't understand.

Aw yeah! Timezone tanking is back on the menu boys! Our honorably elected CSM has finally made CCP see the light. Nobody likes change. Especially in null. We just want to rat and RMT in peace. Why is this so fucking difficult for the subhuman niggers in the rest of the game to understand!?
yea but in this case they dont even "avenge" you.

Its like those filthy animals that back into you on the highway to make it look like an at fault accident for you for insurance fraud. But unlike EvE, the law has evolved to actually damage their sec status for repeat offence.

Its just sad people let the devs get away with "its just like, brutalll mannn" for why they have shitty mechanics.
Equinox is a complete failure. Half-assed minigame that a grand total of few tens of people will ever interact with. The patch also has a conspicuous lack of any nerfs to NS power projection or any serious attempt to change the incredibly boring status quo.
it's supposed to be a way to fuck over nullbabbies, but the feature reads like it's designed by them. just like ess
Is there any part of Equinox left for CCP to backtrack on at this point? They backtracked on wanting nullbears to spread out, in fact they backtracked so far they actually buffed spawns compared to before Equinox. They backtracked on nerfing power projection. They backtracked on making mining less multibox friendly. They've basically removed skyhook raids, it's just not even worth doing anymore even if you happen to be in the right timezone.

>but the feature reads like it's designed by them. just like ess
It basically is, the entire CSM are nullbears. Honestly I don't understand why CCP allows them to have so much input when it's so blatantly obvious that they're just shilling for their own RMT status quo.
All the CCP devs that play eve/have ever played eve are nullbloc people, too (excluding some meme streamer fags that only care about attention whoring).

How exactly do you fuck up this badly?
>All the CCP devs that play eve/have ever played eve are nullbloc people
Das rite. As it should be.
Why would this be unusual?
>Why is it unusual for an extremely fast ship to die to a ship that literally cannot move, which also cannot apply to small targets
ikitursa is not extremely fast. but yes, dreads are completely retarded
The only people who really get to play EVE are null alliance heads. Everyone else only exists as pawns for them to command or nuissances for them to shoot
>for them to shoot
Or just ignore because there's fuck all they can do.
>Was expecting them to nerf skyhook raiding so that the vulnerability time is say 16 - 18h instead of 24h for raiding so that you can at least cover the most critical time of your main TZ while most people are literally asleep but you'd still be fucked outside that window
>They literally made vulnerability timer on skyhooks only 1h long randomly once every 3 days
I bet 100 monkeys randomly typing on keyboard for 100 minutes could come up with better balance than CCP.
how about making it possible to raid it in normal ships and not get hard tackled for 10 minutes, served up to the blob as a free kill. can you even see if there's money inside it beforehand? is it still advantageous to self steal?
I think that would be fine if they made it so that you can't take stuff out of it unless less it's destroyed or vulnerable. That way you could potentially kill the owner who comes to pick up their stuff if they set up a window for it. That way there's guaranteed loot for at least how many days it's been invulnerable + potential fight against someone whos coming to pick stuff up.

Could even give control to the players to use a longer vulnerability to make access more convenient.
>annoying minigame is less annoying
>this totally ruins nulsec :((((((
Nulsec fucking sucks, but more tedious minigames that makes living there fucking suck more ass unless you're alliance leadership isn't the solution.
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>most used damage source during ganks
>energized adaptive nano membrane ii x 3
nice argument however, +1 cata
what is the hauling isk threshold for ganking? i rarely sell shit in jita if it requires a >3s warp time

like for example i have 600m of a compressed ore i was thinking of hauling to jita(i'd make an extra 100m~ if i went to jita) in an occator, am i being too paranoid?
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You cannot do that while warping.
The logical threshold is the value of your cargo + modules / 2 - the value of a gank ship (which ever gank ship you presume the enemy to use) * how many ships your tank can survive before concord arrives + 1.
If the equation is positive then you run a risk that it's profitable to kill you and if it's negative you will only be killed either for fun or because goons are sponsoring your death. Of course that only applies if the gankers are logical and can cargo scans you to figure out how much you are worth. If you use a stealth ship for instance or otherwise look suspicious people might gank you just with the assumption than you have good stuff on you even if you don't. You probably should also account for the enemy to loot their own ships and take into account that concord response time varies by system. Bulk loot also has the advantage that it's bit harder to haul off so if you got a cargo expanded freighter full of absolute junk then maybe you also won't get shot at even if technically it may be worth it.
So you can protect yourself by carrying less or increasing your tank meaning the enemy needs to burn more ships before popping you.
i understand all these things are a factor, but i was hoping to have it quantified
i know it wouldn't be profitable to gank, but you could maybe break even, this is more about what people will do for the lulz than profit, in this case

all i'm asking is, in your opinion how risky is hauling 600m~ of stuff in a blockade runner to jita
just play the game and stop being a fag
>stuff in a blockade runner to jita
You will never die unless you do something really dumb and/or are extremely unlucky.
alright, was wondering because i've been ganked for absolutely no reason in and around jita before, so i was probably just unlucky
I mean it's a literal calculation you can perform in like 10 seconds, how is that not quantified? You are literally asking for the opposite of someone to tell you it's ok despite the risks because that makes you feel better.
the calculation doesn't account for people who do it for the lulz, which is really what my question is about, i know the ship isn't *worth* ganking
for what reason would you allow people to even get a lock on your blockade runner
sorry, my mistake, a t2 hauler (occator) not a blockade runner
i am happy to take up to about 3b in my dst.
if im hauling much more than that i will use a scout or make a blockade runner/second dst load out of the most valuable stuff
and if i'd have to go through niarja or more than 10 jumps i just make public couriers cause those dudes do it basically for free
uedama not niarja. idk why i said niarja. rip niarja.
guys I'm getting close to alphamaxxing aka beating the game. not sure what I'll do when I reach the summit. uninstall maybe?
man i must have terrible luck because i've been ganked not hauling anything, several times, that's why i'm so paranoid
You're not paranoid, it's EVE. Gankers are just in it for the salt and the killboards stats, the onrs that use scouts, scanners and math out the cost-effective essence are less than 5% of gankers. These are the same people that will attack rookie ships and Ventures
>CCP made it so skyhooks can only be raided for ONE HOUR a day

Lol. Lmao even.
living nowhere near the UK so you have a random 1~3 second lag on activating modules.
>3000 ping
That isn't a 'not living near UK' problem.
Stop giving money to this abandoned piece of shit. We might get something nicer after it finally dies.
The year is 2024, people don't make good games anymore they make gay nigger tranny simulators.
Once EVE's dead, we'll be stuck with Tarkov and Albion until that dies too.
Oh and Ashes of Creation early access, to be released never.
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just a shittier wanna-be DayZ but with somehow more hackers
The entire extraction shooter "genre" that Tarkov popularized is EVE Online but with guns instead of spaceships. And deliberately at that.
It stole its share from DayZ as well but it is very much not the same.
They were going for a very EVE-like economy as well before we all collectively broke those early iterations and they had to patch it up with crude fixes like found in raid and such.
But I dont want to play FPSlop or gay fantasy moba.
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>The entire extraction shooter "genre" that Tarkov popularized is EVE Online but with guns instead of spaceships
Too bad. It's all we've got.
You are right about the FPS though, cheating has proven itself completely impossible to get rid of in FPS games and Tarkov is a magnet for both professional and amateur cheaters.
And no Kernel-level doesn't actually protect you from cheating, but the marketing team might have convinced you otherwise if you're dumb enough.
cheating wouldnt be a problem if devs wouldnt sell cheats for side money
Yes they would you have no idea how bad it is.
The game that went the furthest in anticheat is Valorant and they had literally millions of dollars spent on anticheat, with a dozen people with doctorates working on it nonstop.
Their greatest achievement was getting people to stop using flight cheats and such super blatant shit.
High ranks are utterly infested with what they call "legit" cheats which translates into subtle enough it's undetectable. And these are often hardware cheats as in a little arduino that sits between your mouse and and the USB port that analyzes video inputs and corrects your mouse movements. It's cheap, it's undetectable and it works.
Tarkov doesn't have 1% of the resources to handle anticheat Valorant did and will never solve the vacuum cheat problem.
EVE is surprisingly free of blatant hacks and if anyone is using them, they know how to keep their mouth shut.
On the other hand, we had people doing the reaction duping exploit for I don't know, a decade or half, but whatever, that's not as bad.
>as in a little arduino that sits between your mouse and and the USB port that analyzes video inputs and corrects your mouse movements
Kek. Twitch/LoL/Streaming was a disaster for gaming.
>Twitch/LoL/Streaming was a disaster for gaming
people were cheating since CS1.5
That's actually impressive
There is a number of reasons as to why it's much worse now, the main one being the different server structure.
You played on a server and if the host didn't like some faggot, he kicked him out. And if he didn't you would go to a server that had a better mod. Now you're all stuck in the same soup in the same matchmaking que. And of course, the whole point of the que is the MMR, which is skill based matchmaking which is in turn completely invalidated by cheating.
The second is are of course the people, you didn't have infinite chinks and brownoids shitting everything up.
And the third is specific to Tarkov and that's professional cheaters that do nothing but hoover up items to sell for real money.
The cheating problem in FPS is way worse now and it isn't going away either.
Go ahead. I've literally never seen any of this in action and I've received those benefits without being some big wig or something. I've always been rewarded for my participation and efforts. I was just given some free kikis as a reward for hunting horde and panda people on their terf. Never been asked to multi or mine. Lee is pretty chill and seems to prefer to be treated/spoken to like another dude and answers mail from line members. I can't say that I've seen anything you've claimed in my time there aside from some of the dumbass high sec miners joining cta's and accidentally shooting the FC. Lol. I never shot a blue but I did suck ass my first cta or two and got lost.
Btw, tell your faggot line members to quit being cucks and undock. It's sad I can rob your shit while you have guys in the system. I want the fight more than the hook loot.
>I want the fight
And this is why content denial will always be the best way to shoo retards away.
The only cuck is a line member who undocks to defend leadership's passive income so they can enjoy the privlage of making less ISK than farming abyss in highsec and has to replace their ships with a JF service because they can't mine the ore needed to build their own T1 ships.
I wish CCP would spend even one dumb side project worth of effort and resources into revamping/adding good major PVE content
fossils who were farming whatever got revamped will whine
crabs who do not play in the space the content was added in will whine
>cheating has proven itself completely impossible to get rid of in FPS games
its very possible, just devs dont give a shit.
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Wallet went up today
the defence fleet guys who defend miners and ratters for free
eve frontier play test tomorrow. It's going to be so fucking shit.
I was already in an earlier playtest.
The global arms race is fun but eventually every group has the biggest ship and then it's back to N+1 like normal and it's just a shittier version of EVE.
is it literally just eve with crypto bullshit?
>defend miners on grid
>They are mostly wondering if I'm going to awox them or not.
Dumb faggot miners
Crypto was not around when I was at it.
It's just EVE with 0.5% of the game. Less ships, systems, stations, modules, all around anything.
is there anything that's better?
There is fuel in the game so whatever you do is expending resources. This has some interesting implications, but once that's tied to RMT it'll inevitably get exploited into brain damage inducing bullshit.

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