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Risk of Rain
First for E.Y.E mod when
(You) me when host
me too
me three
^Extract the zipped contents to AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles.

>Risky Starter Pack (including cough cough thieving defenses)
>Players can join at any time
>Press E to pick up items
>Artifact of family
>Bigger Bazaar
>Revive artifact
>Legendary chest grants a red for all
>Big monster artifact
>Some other shit I downloaded just now
>Starstorm 2 Unofficial
>Engi beam turrets can now sprint
>Artifact of Clover
>Added the Returns items mod
>HAN-D skins
>Artifact of the Universe (New True Dissonance)
>Artifact of the Hunted (survivors spawn as enemies with reasonable hp and damage)
>Green Dios
>Bobomb Battlefield
Changes since last time:
-Artifact of the King Reborn removed since it was causing major issues (game not starting, or if the game started, enemies wouldn't spawn)
-Honor rule: Chaos Emeralds are shared among the player pool, and are now made permanent after getting 7. Call out when you use your Super form so the other players know what's happening, as when one player uses their Super form, ALL players can.

I shouldn't have to fucking say this bit, but don't jew other players out of their teleporter boss rewards.
loading up now.
>Chaos Emeralds are shared among the player pool, and are now made permanent after getting 7.
so, do they refresh every stage then or something?
They refresh every stage after seven have been gotten and with their use.
The game is still loading.
God damn it it's stuck at 99% loading
ONE LEFT, 9/10
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Still stuck at 99%. Console said Sonic was failing cause CustomEmotesAPI was missing. I downloaded it and it's still stuck at 99% without any notable error now. I dunno
reminder that chirr is fat
I don't have customemotes so that's odd. There's 10 people in here.
back from the store with ciggies and milk, (You) me when a slot opens
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Alright I got it working. Let me know if a space opens up, I just wanna test if I lag still
stop making the op be a shitty ingame screenshot you double nigger
9/10, OPEN
The last one was kinda nice because of the composition but yeah this one sucks
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>hosting during business hours
Uhh host?
>complete freeze on stage change
black screen'd
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Host here, what's this mean?
It's over
Again with this shit specifically. What is it?
>stage skipping is sending us to black screen
ty for hostan
BEAT FALSE SON, CLOSED. Thanks to all who joined.
Well now I know the ssd worked. I only lag when something spawns and kills my framerate now. On top of not having any idea what's going on at any given time but that's a skill issue.
I'll still shill for a limit on the Bigger Bazaar items that can be bought per visit because the money gets ridiculous (more players = more enemies = more money) and some of the items that can be acquired can be super broken when stacked. As a result we can also probably afford less gunk because the enemies won't also need to have a ton of powerful modifiers to compensate for everyone having 30 ATGs after a Bazaar visit.
Nah it won't happen sorry. However I was very confused in that last run how we got so much money so soon, and it occurred to me it was my fault with the BetterSwarms mod. I made it so swarm enemies are worth as much as a regular enemy, which was clearly a mistake. But I'm heavily considering going way back, before teammate revive, and just disabling that since we have the communism mod. We had some good hosts back then, and it's classic to spectate the one player, making fun of him or supporting him.
we already get Last Man Standing anyways even with revival though
i do not find it fun to watch for the entire stage, and do find it fun to baton pass or pull up the entire team one at a time.
Problem is that's more interesting to me than limiting our power with the shop, which just feels lame to think about.
>Oh you have a gorillion dollars? You can only buy 4 whites :)
I promise it's just not going to happen. Disabling teammate revive might suck for some people, but it'd likely be okay. Risk of Rain 1 does just fine, and we did Risky 2 hosts for years without teammate revive, 12, 16 players many times.
It's not particularly fun there, either, but you seem dead-set on this already. Up Seed of Life spawns, i guess?
I'm the anon you replied to, I wouldn't mind returning to pre-TeammateRevival because
>Seeker can revive people
>there's a vanilla shrine that revives dead players and allows alive players to revive once at the cost of their current life having -30% max health
Plus I think one of the most fun parts of the game is during the early-mid game where people aren't as overpowered
yeah okay but host when
anyone down for funballs?
returns funballs or starstorm funballs
if that means stahstom then sure
i'm personally not a fan of the -maxHP shrine. is there a mod to make it a %HP price instead yet?
Im down
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this kind
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cataclysm funballs+

Artifact of Clover
Elite Spite Bombs Plus
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>its not returns
cope returnsfag
Wait fuck I got the wrong spite bomb mod
lol retard
It's a %HP price already
i enabled the wrong funballs, open again
Okay, then mod that removes the Forced Glass state when, or makes it at least decay?
honestly i'd take it decaying over removal.
I don't mind the glass state because the shrine basically gives you 1.7x lives, it's a net benefit.
I do, because it makes Current Life fragile and there is no opt out or warning when someone else hits it besides 'lol you have 30% less health now'.
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bad news gang
It's over
i don't into mods outside of premade modpacks, what's going on?
no no trust the plan.
total internet-wide modder intifada against tf2 emporium members and ex-calamity devs coming 2025 (TRUST TRUST TRUST)
Moonstorm is buggy as shit while also being unstable. Morons will then go and make their mod dependent on it being installed.
Leading to the aforementioned bugs and crashes
Well you see even in the modding world there are people who cling to the little power they have in their life and abuse it to boost their ego. The "reddit mod" effect
open when
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cleared. open again
Supposedly MSU 2.0 fixes the shit performance, but I'm going to have to actually test it out to see if that's for real.
I think it's worth looking into making the chests more expensive instead. A multiplier of 3x for whites and 6x for greens (basically triple price, and red price should be untouched) should balance it so that scenarios where people get a gorillion dollars don't escalate into automatically winning the run, and they end up as more of a nice bonus at the end of the stage rather than ending up giving way more items to each person than everyone put together acquired last stage.
There's another way to get ludicrous amounts of money that hasn't been disabled but it's way rarer. It's the gilded elite buff, which grants money on hit, and it's vanilla. But I argue that it shouldn't be removed given how rare it is for it to be available.
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wiped, closed
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I don't care if they've fixed every single last issue with it.
I will NOT play with it, because the people who made it are RETARDED FAGGOTS!!!
i warned you about sordless Arraign
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Whats that? You want to download/update a mod that's been uploaded within the last hour? TOUGH LUCK FAGGOT GET IN LINE LIKE THE REST OF YAS.
fucking HATE this RETARDED SHIT. steam workshop, with all its download failures and shit, is unironically better than this. I Genuinely think that. wish we had it instead. 100%.
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gearbox will fix the game
trust the plan
two more weeks
thank you randy pitchford
very cool
why am i still here
>Whats that? You want to download/update a mod that's been uploaded within the last hour? TOUGH LUCK FAGGOT GET IN LINE LIKE THE REST OF YAS.
this is because it literally isn't updated on the site outside of manual downloads until cache expires, if even manual ones work
>steam workshop, with all its download failures and shit, is unironically better than this
no because version control is fucking impossible with shart workslop
just to suffer
Another Bandit? What happened to the Celty skin or Playboy Chirr
>no because version control is fucking impossible with shart workslop
It would actually be stupid easy for Steam to implement it. Every version update is already kept track of by Steam and the files can be reverted to at any time by the uploader, all they'd have to do is make the files visible to the public instead of just the notes.
This will never be done, so it is functionally fucking impossible. Any use of it would inevitably require a modloader that could manage that instead of the workshop itself.
That's a different guy. Don't have time yet to finish my stuff since work's been keeping me busy.
If you could add specific versions into collections sharing a link to the collection would be the same difference as sharing a modman profile. It would have a "download all" button. But you're right, it'll never happen because Valve rarely does work and the workshop has remained unchanged for 12 years.
Oh I legitimately thought you were the Femmod guy because the tits and abs were very similar in style
I (the guy you responded to) am femmod guy, but >>1439274 is a different guy. If he is who I think he is, it's good to see him again.
So how do I play mul-t?
unlock power mode, equip double nailgun, become god of bleed
Pick your weapons of choice, pick between swapping or POWER MODE
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ok i know its different strokes for different folks (quite literally in this case) but wouldn't it be better if coom modelers actually used their abilities to make models for actual mods with gameplay impact instead of giving every survivor massive milkers...??
>he expect coomers to think rationally
why not both?
They didn't want me to make anything
i’m saying that as a coomer too, though. i just recognize that perhaps the effort would be better placed elsewhere. what does that make me? a rational coomer? do i like to coom deeply and with much thought to my actions? i do not know.
what I do know is that god damn it we need more interactables in the game this item bloat is becoming increasingly more problematic and the fucking category chests from way back when were such a non-fix. fuck hopoo! gahhhhh!!!
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Remember when swuff used to come here to play and shill this and to recruit people?
He really turned tail and ran once he got his cohort of faggots and trannies in his discord
Every night before I go to bed I think really hard about Swuff and various related faggots in the modding community all being traumatically injured by having iron anvils land on their heads like a cartoon.
I hope by thinking hard enough about this, It’ll eventually manifest itself in reality. Their days are numbered.
I remember when whatever faggot that made LostInTransit was asking for feedback here and then decided to use MSU.
I still can't fucking deal with the fact that MSU exists.
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>one million anime skin mods
>one million furry skin mods
>one million videogame skin mods
>one million porn skin mods
>not a single E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy skin
why not check out that one mod that has you fly around as a drone after death just like returns as a compromise to revives
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i barely know how to code
no one's reached out to me to make models and i'm too autismo or whatever to reach out to them
Newfag here, what the fuck is calamity devs
I think that's 12gauge
I used to play with the HUNK mod. Is it still broken because of the new update? How do I roll my game back to before gearbox fucked it up?
DeegerDill who is a SS2 fag and also officially worked on Returns is a calamityfag
I think ss2 also has other calamityfags but I don't know who else

>what the fuck is calamity
the biggest and shittiest Terraria mod to exist, theres plenty of drama which I don't know about but tl;dr its fucking autism of ruining the game's balance and other mods in the process, if you google something you might be able to get something more, I'm not a terraria player
It works, I think. Many others still don't.
Calamity is a somewhat controversial mod for Terraria that adds a ton of content but is also surrounded by all sorts of drama. The content is extreme powercreep and the gameplay is full of bullet hell bosses with built-in "anti-cheats".
The HUNK mod works pretty well,
Someone complained yesterday that chat death messages weren't updated.
Now we can see how the friendly fire abilities are responsible for most of the fatalities
>i barely know how to code
it's a start.
get grinding.
>instead of giving every survivor massive milkers...??
that's heresy. every survivor does need massive milkers
is this the only bunny chirr mockup? i want to do a spritesheet but i think there might have been a gif already
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I made this doodle for Femmod anon... 3 years ago? Jesus. If it helps.
but what if the coom mod has gameplay impace
what if Seeker with coomer mods makes you suck her fat tits to revive
>if you google something you might be able to get something more, I'm not a terraria player
nah that about sums it up
The QTE event builds up a milk meter, when the milk meter's full she can breastfeed players to revive them
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Deeger isn't just a calamityfag
He was one of the MAIN calamityfags. He's fucking Ziggums, he just hopped aliases around the time of the Moonfall/OG SS2 drama.
I'm not well-versed on Terraria mod drama but from what I've gathered he's genuinely considered to be worse than Fagsol. And anyone who even orbits the terraria community knows that definitely means something.
so yeah cycle repeats itself and whatnot. One day we'll all be free from this faggotry.
>I'm not well-versed on Terraria mod drama but from what I've gathered he's genuinely considered to be worse than Fagsol. And anyone who even orbits the terraria community knows that definitely means something.
If I recall correctly someone in the SS2 server got in trouble because they posted art of May from Pokemon and he went into a autism spergout because "THAT CHARACTER IS UNDERAGE" "SHE'S LITERALLY 16", and complained to swuff that it was child porn or something
The art in question wasn't even explicit
I think that was Redacted or some other chucklefuck.
It's all blurry to me, anyways. All retards choking on their own semen.
why does that name sound so familiar?
host when
He's the original Calamity mod sprite artist.
Responsible for classics like... uh... Yharon. You know. The ugly fucking dragon bird thing that still hasn't gotten a resprite despite Coldsteel teh Worm Boss getting like 9.
He's also responsible for why there's the whole set of "waifu" companions in the mod, which consequently made it popular with horny prepubescent kids.
Apparently he was kicked off the team due to some payment dispute and continued retardation. Either he owes Fabsol money or Fabsol owes him money. I don't know. Trying to dig for this info sucks.
terraria accessories as items, also fuck calamity
no (most would just be identical to existing items)
star cloak would be a good yellow item for ancient wisp (forma de moffein) THOUGH
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>avenger emblem
>raw 10% damage increase
also make newts be able to add reforges to your equipment once per newt market
void variant only and probably closer to 5%, but late-hardmode items might have more unique effects that could be translated
you better believe some of the shit
>Frozen Turtle Shell does exactly what it says, being below half health reduces damage
>"fuck elites" items like Adhesive Bandage (anti-bleeding and Collapse), Hand Warmer (anti-specific slow and freezing), Fast Clock (FUCK SLOW), Vitamins (anti-armor reduction)
>Shark Tooth Necklace also does what it says, pierces ~5 armor on enemies
>Slime Staff just spawns a friendly Gip
>imagine rushing into mithrix head-on with a Shield of Cthulhu
other than that, yeah, it might not be too interesting
host when
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I think BiggerBazaar would work better if we could pace it out a little, having only every 3rd stage or so leading to the Bazaar with the chests and whatnot. Though I don't think that's a thing that can be done without editing the mod itself.
For a better idea of what I'm getting at, think the Scav merchant from stahstoahm. He only appears once in a while, and pretty deep into a run too, so he feels less drastic of a power boost.
Meanwhile BiggerBazaar hosts have us going there every single stage (last i played at least,) requiring the enemies to gigascale with a bajillion artifacts to stand a chance.
I have a bit of a soft spot for the ror2 earlygame, admittedly, so I'm sorta biased on that front. I like a gradual ramp of power before all hell breaks loose, that's what's so good with ror1 hosts anyways (again, in my opinion.)
also i wish we could gamble in the bazaar. someone add that. please.
Well, you can actually configure blue portals to appear every [x] stages with some mods (no idea if they made it to SotS). Can't do it Eth-like without a new mod to like, drop it in the Artifact Shadow Realm or outright add Eths, but it's doable.
What isn't doable is money transfer between stages like that, since that was ripped out of rulebookunlocker for SotS as far as i know. Another mod required.
It would be a neat twist, but as it stands there would actually need to be a proper Item Trade option to make bazaar worthwhile since it's already a gamble whether there's anything good there until ChinkBazaar updates (and hopefully starts properly synchronizing the FUCKING CAULDRONS).
bit of a pie-in-the-sky idea but I think biggerbazaar as an actual separate hidden realm replacing the regular bazaar every [x] stages would be sick-nasty.
more lunar buds. more cauldrons. the whole item chest thing. GAMBLING. would be awesome. the smaller bazaar would stay for entering it off the [x] stage pattern or whatever so that people could still nab whatever lunars they want if they wish.
honestly i'm fine with lunars being by-pod or limited in quantity, too many overpowered as shit ones that people keep rolling for because getting the coins for them only to use them to get an extra-shit one is a special kind of agony
more thinking about it in a multiplayer context
mercs and other high mobility survivors jewing the pods before anyone else could get them was a real grievance everytime i played lol. would like it if there were more so everyone could have some as a treat.
Even in that context, though there could simply be a limit on how many anyone could pick per-shop.
what happened to returns mod support
is hotpoo a fucking scammer??
it was supposed to be coming, but because gearbox got bought by take two, the company that the returns devs are supposed to send the updates to literally doesn't exist anymore
bazaar is broken as is when you cheat in lunar coins to break the intended balance of it. Its meant to be a rare risk/reward situation where you pay a limited currency to roll the dice on some items that are volatile. But when you start A. giving yourself 8billion coins to guarantee a tonic and 4 gestures, and B. adding even more items of guaranteed rarity to the run, its a recipe for just making each person totally overpowered.

the solution imo is making everything cost lunar coins (no more money) and either limiting the amount of coins you can have or making them a per run currency.
you think about me every night? fag
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buddy... i don't want to alarm you... but there's a big ol' trail of coins, candy, and other goodies leading outside your home and into a red chalk circle with the words "STAND HERE" written on the inside. i assure you that i am NOT hiding behind a nearby bush/tree with a rope in my hands ready to let go and let the piano i tied to it drop on you when you do stand inside it. i also promise that i will NOT laugh when you rise up from the wreckage with a big bump on your head and i will ALSO NOT run over to you and play the intro to The Entertainer on your teeth (replaced with piano keys (because the piano fell on you))

Sincerely, a concerned citizen.
group_inou spotted
It's in legal hell and with Hopoo Games being essentially abandoned with Duncan and Paul working at Valve now, I doubt we'll ever see anything from Returns ever again.
well, time to wait another 10 years for RIsk of Rain Returns Remastered
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>check thunderstore
>updated pre-sots mod
>updated pre-sots mod
>improperly tagged modpack
>shitty sots item rework mod
>sots bugfix mod
>shitty sots item rework mod
>shitty sots item rework mod
>hunk <3
>updated pre-sots mod
when will it end?
when will GOOD mods be made?
Never. Reject the mod life, embrace vanilla.
return to monkeilla
rob may be "cooking,"
disregard >>1442114
and >>1442133
El hermano de bandit?
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el belmonte
How do I get better at monsoon?
t. real shitter
Go fast and search for chests in an organized pattern
Jump more
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>find new mod in the works on twatter
>"Oh hey, this looks pretty nea--"
>moonstorm shared utils
>a good third of the team is ss2fags
>dotflare models
oh..... yuckers.....
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Here you go faglord, no MSU and hopefully release soon-ish. Now stop bitching.
Not either of those fags but goddamn you some nice work. How long until he's in? Anything up next after him?
Hopefully next weekend. After that either an actual boss (and that will take a while since its untreaded territory) or a stage that white host asked me to make (don't get too excited for a stage, its more of a meme than anything), haven't decided yet.
That fire breath looks kinda wimpy. Bit too similar to elder lems melee methinks (probably reused vfx i know)
kind of ludicrous and inconsiderate to suggest off the cuff but i think it’d be cooler if it was like HUNK’s flamethrower instead with lingering clouds of smoke. Ifrit deserves some spectacle, being a Literal fucking Kaiju.
I haven't actually played HUNK once. Gonna check it out and if it looks good\usable will ask rob for directions.
“Actual Boss” as in, like, superboss? Like Goldie or False Son?
We had good modders here and the only one that is still standing today is riskymod anon
I think it's time to give up and accept the fact that all you're getting is either rob or ss2 fag shit
Mithrix, Voidling, False Son, run ending boss basically.
No idea how I will make it, but I have general idea of how you unlock it, where to fight it, what the fight will look like.
Basically, as usual, don't get too excited.
Yeah, where's the E.Y.E mod?
anon, I love brouzouf as much as anyone else
I dont know where this is going but you should make the mod
some of you guys are such drama queens, who cares if a tranny worked on a mod wtf
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Nobody mentioned trannies though.
Unless you want to tell us something, pal?
I was editing my lunar coins while drunk and corrupted my data :(
I'm in the command console in game right now and item_list isn't bringing up the item IDs. Is there another way to see the IDs of the items the new starstorm 2 mod added?
Enough about the trannycord drama, HOST WHEN
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That's command of DebugToolkit, do you have it installed?
I'd host if my internet wasn't poverty tier. Prob wouldn't go well.
Well, that wasn't exactly it but it did enable the list_item command which let me get what I wanted. I think what I was playing around with originally is just outdated and while its main function still works with SOTS that command didn't. Thanks for the help.
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returns host when
unless you want a lagfest, then i could try to hoooost tommorow
>autism mod that adds a bajillion bosses with insane power creep
>most of the pixel art is shitty and jarring compared to everything else
>mod literally punishes you if you do too well against bosses with them suddenly getting 99% damage reduction
>art direction is babies first mod where everything uses the same fucking color so you can't see what's happening
>majority of the music doesn't even try to fit the terraria style
>devs are massive faggots when it comes to criticism, they locked an entire subreddit because people were saying no no things about them
>somehow the mod that's focused on hardmode has a better pre-hardmode experience
The only good thing about Calamity is the Abyss. I don't know how those retards designed something like that.

>per run currency.
Honestly the best solution DESU. It always felt terrible to do hour runs and RNG says you get no lunar coins or be forced to fight a shitty copy and paste boss that doesn't fight back. I shouldn't constantly get the urge to edit my lunar coin count because the game refuses to drop any or the shop has none of the items I want and I'm forced to spend 3+ to reroll.
>The only good thing about Calamity is the Abyss.
>I don't know how those retards designed something like that.
Fagsol was playing a lot of Subnautica at the time. Do the math.
And then he still fucked it up kek
>per-run currency
only if the drop rate is forced to be increased or there's an interactable that spawns that can be used to get some in some regard.
how'd you unlock the dlc for free in this game again?
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here comes the airplane
yay thank you!!
I was gonna, but there's a new version of the CommandEssence mod for RoRML I want to test.

Unzip, extract to the mods folder of RoRML. Gonna need these too:
Latest Starstorm:
UES Prime:
Elite Spite Bombs Plus:
Artifact of Clover:
Insanity Variant Pack:
DD's Variant Pack:

If you've already been in this host of mine, the only thing you need to update are CommandEssence (first link in this post) and Starstorm. Hosting soon, won't be a long host.

Profile Flags:
ss_enable_maid (optional)
ss_test (optional, can play WIP survivors)

How to into mods: https://pastebin.com/Npca26kp
Risk of Rain download:
Starstorm Mod Info: https://pastebin.com/Nzg3uxpf
Starstorm Changelog: https://pastebin.com/0xjghHLA

You don't need to download nofin'.
>host happened when i went to get food
Damn almost carried. If only I knew how to play
did gearbox fix ror2 yet?
>take a nap
>miss host
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heres hoping soon
you snooze you lose
>And then he still fucked it up
Did they do something to it? The last time I played Calamity was about ~2 years ago at this point.
>only if the drop rate is forced to be increased or there's an interactable that spawns
Even though they're separate themes, the Void could have easily been a way to get lunar coins, among other things
>have the actual center jail/orb thing be interactable and that summons the Void cloud
>voided enemies + cloud give time limit for challenge with reward being lunar coins and regular void items
>challenge stage where a random artifact is activated, mithrix ghosts hunt you for the stage, stage has to be completed within certain time, etc.

I will forever be mad that the only stage specific stuff we got were shitty events that rarely ever happen and make the stages easier.
how do I unlock Rex? Do I just play as Mul-T with retool on drizzle?
risk of pain
The implementation is flawed from the start, since Abyss Detection reduction measures reduce regular Aggro, which enemies down there IGNORE ENTIRELY.
Oh, and the whole 'haha, i will directly reduce your breath meter, fuck you, no air pockets, dungeon is random snack, die' mechanics and worldgen.
skate fast, swap the cell out whenever you can to play a little safer. I think i did it on loader or arti on rainstorm.
That's the easiest way to do it. If you're not in the mode with it equipped it won't blow up.
I did it with Commando with artifact of command. Best bet is to just go fast and try your hardest to keep moving. Dangereous threats are the Jellyfish boss (for the AoE when its at low health, just keep yourself far away or burst it down super fast before it can cycle to that attack) and Blind Pests.
You can loop with it, by the way. Often safer if you have a very strong build going than restarting. Don't forget to check for blue portal spawners on the 3rd stage so your 4th can be the one you want it to be.
host when
>which enemies down there IGNORE ENTIRELY.
I thought it was just comedically miniscule. That's peak incompetence.
>'haha, i will directly reduce your breath meter, fuck you, no air pockets, dungeon is random snack, die'
Seems the majority opinion is that potions are too much busy work, but I must have autism since I always make an overdesigned botany so it didn't bother me that much. Requiring you actually equip the accessories to get more breath is retarded though.

Yeah basically. You can't really lose as Mul-T if you speedrun to the lava stage since he's really tanky even without items. You can also do Merc since he has iframes.
The fun part is that the community is basically weaponized to bully other mods into not directly replenishing breath meter in their effects.
Its babies first mod shit you see in other games. As soon as these mods get popular it becomes so fucking difficult to find good mods because the search browser gets filled with garbage addition mods or only ones that are compatible with the big mod. Happened to Stalker with G.A.M.M.A, Minecraft with Create, RoR2 with Starstorm (though not as bad since thunderstore actually listens for keywords), and Calamity with Terraria.
at least with Create they're now stuck in their own little cuckbox (and can be filtered out in name searches, not to mention being one of two quality mods for beyond memeversions that i can recall off the top of my head), but yeah, it's a bit of a shitshow there.
With Terraria, on the other hand, not only did Calamity eat the main mod listing both before and after Workslop contamination of the modloader, but the spriting 'style' from it has leaked into the base game.
>at least with Create they're now stuck in their own little cuckbox
Yeah its a shame since I actually did try a 1.18 modpack with Create and it was fun and stable as fuck. You would think with things like BlockBench, modding tutorials, better stability, and easier version porting that MC modding would enter another golden age. Instead everyone's just making addons for big mods or biome mods where the dirt is slightly browner. I'm still angry redditors went out of their way to dox and harass the anon working on a Witchery port.
>but the spriting 'style' from it has leaked into the base game.
Weirdly, unless I'm instinctively filtering them out, I noticed RoR2 mods don't seem to have this problem as much where art doesn't match the style of the game. I wonder if its because the art style is relatively simple so people cant easily fall into the overdesigned trap.
It's because retards either match vanilla or do what dotflare is doing with no middle ground and the latter is excessively retarded.
Terraria, on the other hand, has very little between original and mixel smeared slop, which is less 'specifically Calamity caused this' and more 'modern ""pixel artist"" behavior and 'style' caused this'.
Tbh I don't think they were ever going to stick with the art style forever. I can't think of a longstanding game, that gets actual updates, where the art style didn't significantly change in someway.
>who the fuck is dotfla-
Ehhh, I wouldn't say that Mods manage to nail RoR2's artstyle all the time.
Mostly comes down to two things. Design and whether or not it has Normal Maps or not.

Design is a tricky one. You gotta make sure that it fits in the setting/lore, and a big part of that is inferring shit from OTHER designs. Like, for example: There's no designated "killbots" in RoR lore, (except Drones, but those seem to require a sentient being on standby to properly wrangle them, which sorta defeats the purpose of having an automated weapon of war.) Pretty much every playable robot in risky is made for non-combative purposes, which is a good creative limitation imo. Prevents them from being too "conventionally" cool and outshining the rest of the cast.
Another thing is making sure that the design doesn't have too much personality. Most survivor designs are more representative of their archetypes rather than whoever's under the mask. The obvious main exception to this comes with the non-human survivors like Acrid and such. This "anti-human" design philosophy is probably what makes ror lore (tm) so effective. The inhuman display more "humanity" than the actual human characters.

Lastly, RoR2's artstyle is HARD CARRIED by normal maps. You can see this on basically every single goddamn survivor, item, enemy, etc. Take a close look and you'll notice that most basegame shit has very simple textures with an added Normal Map layer for extra depth & detail.
Modded Survivors with no/shitty normal maps look really off because of this. SOME modelers try to sidestep making a normal map by adding detail to the texture/model itself, which only exacerbates the issue.
basically, if you cant make a good normal map, you can't make a good looking survivor.

but hey what do i know, i'm a filthy nodev who cant tie his own shoes and stinks like poopoo peepee caca.
will there be host in the next 9 hours
Some of the models don't actually have proper normalmaps. Commando, Artificer, and I think the Lemurians for a while if they don't have them right now if I remember right. I think a good portion of Loader's model didn't have proper normalmaps on a good portion of her whole model assembly.
doubt it.
anons are too busy being armchair devs instead of actually modding or hosting
>Ehhh, I wouldn't say that Mods manage to nail RoR2's artstyle all the time.
Oh definitively not all the time, just better compared to other games.
>You gotta make sure that it fits in the setting/lore
I think this is what goes wrong immediately in most mod ideas. Unless they tell themselves "Okay this isn't lore friendly and I know that, I just think its cool" that's fine. Even if they notice its not lore friendly you know for a fact they're not going to redesign the model when its almost finished.
>Lastly, RoR2's artstyle is HARD CARRIED by normal maps.
Never knew the actual naming for this, that's cool. But like >>1444607 said certain enemies don't have that or have so little its not noticeable. I've always thought Elder/Lemurians are the ugliest enemy in the game, they just look like clay walking around.
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Can you still do the merc slam on flying enemies?
Honestly the worst part about Calamity is that some cooler mods basically base themselves on how Calamity works, which means overpowered items with unnecessarily tough bosses. Even the vanilla got affected because they added Empress of Light.
You haven't been able to for two years.
it's fucked right now due to SotS update
host when
the biggest point i see missed by mod creators (and now gearbox too) is that the survivors are just that....survivors. theyre basically all meant to be normal blue collar workers who were forced to survive after an unexpected crash. Even down to item design (mostly relevant to logbooks), since all the items were meant to be things one person was shipping to another that dropped onto the planet. Its why almost all the OG items are literal invoices. Its at least nice that hopoo still recongized that and tied it all together nicely in returns.
Pretty sure Empress was just a pet project from Red's wife and people were already begging for a Hallow boss for eons. Its hitboxes are some of the worst in the game though.
I think all the survivors should start with the basic idea that they're replaceable. Hundreds if not thousands of mercs, commandos, etc. exist. Acrid and returning characters are the rare exception. If you want to mod in a special do not steal character at least give a compelling reason. All it would really take to hook me is the modded survivor not having the vanilla drop pod when you start a new run.
>new survivor
>character select has a holographic effect since they weren't physically on the ship
>spawn animation is a much smaller ship that beams you down, but you can also see it get shot down as it tries to leave so it makes sense why they're stuck
Imagine if paladins spawn animation was him praying to some weird object that had relevance to providence.
IIRC it was from Red's wife but personally judging by the gameplay it felt heavily inspired by Calamity's usual projectile-fest. Good luck trying to do the Empress of Light with no wings.
Ironically the accessory she gives out on Expert which allows for indefinite flight time was nerfed in Calamity because it was considered too overpowered.
Calamatards consider whips and whip stacking not Summoner so it's not a big surprise.
It's been 2 years, and I still can't get over the fact that they were too retarded to say Void Fiend was OGmmando that got captured after killing Providence and proving to be jail-worthy, especially since it means he incidentally saved his dog on the way out.
same here, voidmando will always be OG commando.
since we have new devs now, they can change the lore so who knows
>you now hear Item Bounce
He cute
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It makes me more mad that they DID say Void Fiend was THE Commando, then changed it after the fact, THEN Hotpoo said
>That would be too easy, we have bigger plans for the Contact Light :)
util anim doesn't scale with move/atkspeed i bet, so it's not even faithful
guess we won't get a faithful port since everyone will just decide this should be the path taken.
>the sheer faggotry of this anon
no (you) to give :( sorry !
the reason the shrine of providence only affects players is because it only targets entities with a soul...
someone explain the starstorm 2 drama to me
>people who have never played Starstorm 1 decide to port Starstorm 1 to 2
>as a result they have no idea what to do or prioritize
>development goes into development hell, most of the dev time is spent making art assets and re-doing the same art assets for no reason e.g. Chirr was asked to be redone like twice
>project falls apart, people quit
>what was completed is hosted as Video Game Mod 2
>new trannies take over and try to continue development
>new trannies decide Chirr is too cute and needs ANOTHER new model because 2 is ebin badass and grimdark, actually
That's just from being a casual observer of these threads someone else could probably go more in depth
>"hmm starstorm is pretty popular"
>"ok what if we recreate it in the sequel game"
>scout retards here and on discord for content
>grab faggots who never played the first game or the original mod do content
>content comes out okay, they are just mostly references to other videogames though
>mod becomes popular
>original team gets burnt out and explodes
>"we need a replacement"
>scout for retards again
>since the mod is now popular, people that like to attach to things just to leech off them appear
>they are "the usual people" read: trannies and faggots
>fuck it, scrap all the original content
>hype up the new shit
>anybody that goes against it or has any criticism will be shot on the spot
>starstorm 2 is now a hivemind that runs the modding community
>you're now here
is that why fat mando and celestial skins are gone
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the eternal wait for host
I've been meaning to host Returns but I'm hungry
Call back after I've had a burger
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Almost there lads.
Holy smokes.
did you have your bungus burger
I'm getting fucking filtered by Sky Meadow on Monsoon, while trying to get desperado
any fucking tips for a newfag?
Always rush tele
hey moff if you're around would it be possible to make bettercommand preserve the item category of whatever the original drop is or nah? so like a healing chest would give you three choices of healing items etc
could have sworn there was a version of the mod that did this once but maybe I'm wrong
Needs giant honkers, then it's complete
I'm losing hope guys
burning and elder lemurniggers are ruining my >>1446917 attempts
>Classic Bandit is back
10 man Risky 2
^Extract the zipped contents to AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local\RiskOfRain2\profiles
>Risky Starter Pack (including cough cough thieving defenses)
>Players can join at any time
>Press E to pick up items
>Artifact of family
>Bigger Bazaar
>Revive artifact
>Legendary chest grants a red for all
>Big monster artifact
>Some other shit I downloaded just now
>Starstorm 2 Unofficial
>Engi beam turrets can now sprint
>Artifact of Clover
>Added the Returns items mod
>HAN-D skins
>Artifact of the Universe (New True Dissonance)
>Artifact of the Hunted (survivors spawn as enemies with reasonable hp and damage)
>Green Dios
>Bobomb Battlefield
>Honor rule: Chaos Emeralds are shared among the player pool, and are now made permanent after getting 7. Call out when you use your Super form so the other players know what's happening, as when one player uses their Super form, ALL players can.
Changes since last time:
-Teammate Revive DISABLED for now. Taking it back to classic Risky 2.
-Added official SS2 as well as SS2U
-Added IDodgedThat for fantastic "what killed me?" shenanigans
-Added Artificer Extended
-Added Skillsmas
-Added ExchangeChanges (which I forgot to test but it should make cauldrons and printers instant)
on my way
Hey look at that! Neat!
also AAAAAAAA i was at the fucking store this time
>Added official SS2
not joining SORRY
please add the option to disable the monster level up sound in riskytweaks it's so fucking annoying when you turn exponential scaling on aaaaaAAAAAA
Is there an unofficial starstorm 2?
jesus christ the amount of shit going on, my computer can't handle this
goddamn steam overlay keeps popping up why is it on again
also i think you should cut losses and rehost hostman
Same but I'm waiting it out because I don't feel like rebooting the game.
we killed his buttbuddies host but softlocked because desync/lag
BAH dammit. Rebooting. Wonder what even happened.
>Lobby is full
What does this mean
My guess is Empyreans are gigafuck shitcode and don't play nice with having constituent affixes overlaid, especially since they probably recreate vanilla affixes directly instead of inheriting.
That's my guess, i haven't even looked at the shitcode.
I didnt think there would be another run. Omw whenever r2 modman wants to work properly
mmm, not feeling it this time. thanks for hosting the run though.
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>actually awake for once at the time of a host
>could join
wait hold on, is this still running?
BEAT ALL THE BOSSES, DRAW CHAOS BATTLE, CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who fucking joined. That was some shit.
will next host not have (((MSU))) involved
The new additions aren't in any way detrimental therefore I have no reason to remove it.
>Empyrean gigalag shitcode is not detrimental
>improved desync is not detrimental
>whatever the fuck Sneed was doing is not detrimental
aight well wake me up when you host returns or stahstom again i guess
>Empyrean gigalag shitcode is not detrimental
Not any worse than normal gigalag shitcode of my hosts.
>improved desync is not detrimental
Not anymore than normal desync in my hosts.
>whatever the fuck Sneed was doing is not detrimental
That had nothing to do with msu.
>chirr ending
Anytime an Empyrean shows up > the usual. Same with the desync, which i'm sure is related.
If there's a config to disable them until they're less laggy on the client side, at least test it next time.
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I refuse to play with SS2 or anything that depends on MSU.
I don't care how good it is.
I don't care if it's stable.
To play with either of them is to admit defeat to the Cabal. To grovel at their feet and become their bitch.
I refuse to kneel to Them, no matter the circumstance.
I didn't mind SS2 or nightmare chirr. Every story needs a villain
>stand behind cover to avoid the hitscan laser and die to the lighting bolt spam
>dodging the lighting bolt spam requires you to leave cover and you die to the hitscan laser
I hate the false son boss fight so much it's unreal. I want bludgeon randy to death with my keyboard. No fucking way am I going to do this on every survivor. I think it would make me quit the game for good. Only way to do it is to loop until God run so he doesn't even have a chance to do anything. Fuck I'm so mad.
His laser should be like the defense construct's laser where it tracks you and stays pretty close but you can outrun it with enough movement
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how about like the judge's laser
judge laser is shit game design but /vm/ isn't ready to hear that
My memory is a little foggy because I only fought it enough times that were required by achievements/unlocks. But doesn't the Voidling have a giant hitscan laser you have to take cover from too? And aren't you guaranteed to be safe if you do?

If so, then false son is basically just a mishmash of concepts taken from Mirtrix and Voidling. And that wouldn't even be too bad but WHY THE FUCK DID THEY RESKIN METEORS AND HAVE THEM AS A CONSTANT MOBILITY ITEM CHECK ALL THROUGHOUT THE PLATFORMING SEGMENT AND ENTIRE FIGHT? If they are going to do even more DLC after this I fucking pray they get a different designer.

>I have the bullshit retarded nigger twisted elites disabled via a mod
>Guilded elites are just a worse implementation of the same concept from two different mods I have seen over the years
>the items range from so good they are broken to useless and disabled via rulebook unblocker
>worst boss fight in the game
Only consistently good thing in the DLC was the stages. I'm neutral on the new enemies.
honestly the fight is just boring as shit on top of the obvious issues. like there's nothing memorable about it. provi had his shadow clones, massive spinning lasers and pet worms. mithrix had his ground slam, the pizza and the item stealing phase. apart from the retarded laser false son just sort of flails at you
>But doesn't the Voidling have a giant hitscan laser you have to take cover from too? And aren't you guaranteed to be safe if you do?
It has a giant fuck you laser but due to its sheer size is has issues with collision and basically sometimes it will hit you through the walls or don't hit you at all. Not sure what's up with that.
>Not sure what's up with that.
Just further proof that mithrix is the only way you should bother ending your run. Funny how such a mediocre boss fight looks better and better every time they add a new one.
host when

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