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Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading, exploration, mining, ship-based, vehicle-based and on-foot PvP and PvE game that takes place within a slightly outdated yet surprisingly accurate 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy. There was already star located in-game at about the same place before it was discovered in real life. We're sadly missing UY Scuti but there's VY Canis Majoris. Still super-massive and real-sized in-game, especially in VR.

New ships:
-Mandalay, scheduled for release in early October; a new exploration mamba with yuge jump range and ability to shit out the pilot directly below the cockpit so he can sniff plants without walking. Also apparently the most "supercruise-optimized".
-Type-8 is actually a MEDIUM hauler which makes the Type-7 officially the new asp scout. "supercruise-optimized" too.
-New Python variant called the Python-de-lanc- I mean, Python Mk II. "supercruise-optimized" as well.

>Trading and market tools

>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.
Or just rank up to trade Elite (easiest) and go to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra for convenience and because you aren't poor.

>Theorycraft your spacecraft:
https://edsy.org/ (should be your general go-to shipbuilder)
https://coriolis.io/ (arguably better UI though some say it's inaccurate. slightly better for combat stats too)

>What the fugs is engineering?

>Elite: Dangerous wiki

>Where's all the xeno scum?

>Rizz up your cockpit with fronthole magnets:
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some time ago, if a dumbfire missile impacted these windows, you'd be instantly killed if you stood there on-foot
Redpill me on mods
I saw one the other day and was confused how you can just use mods and not get banned?
you can use autohotkey for specific cases like pip management and you can colour your hud. anything else, i dont know.
don't cheat even with ENSD or 2pac even in small increments they detect that shit immediately nowadays despite it being a p2p game their logs are INSANE and you WILL get b&. the worst exploit you can safely use is menu logging. if you want to be an ass in pvp use premium ammo
wtf happened around 2021?

also i asked claude.ai how much it costs to keep up servers for a game with 3k-7k daily players, it gave me this after a long explanation of factors
>Totaling these estimates, the monthly cost could range from $3,500 to $11,000. Annually, this translates to roughly $42,000 to $132,000.

given this how long might the servers stay online?
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>wtf happened around 2021
>go to anarchy system
>find high grade emissions
>deploy collector limped, open cargo scoop
i did not know it was this easy
I still miss it.
Why is the maintenance taking so long
I'm sure they added a lot of new content
The hit the fucking Jameson Memorial!
Fucking called it: >>1432748
Welp. Time to remind these cockroaches whose house this is.
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>Fixed Medium AX Missile Rack (pre-engineered) High Capacity Magazine & Rapid Fire
>Fixed Large AX Missile Rack (pre-engineered) High Capacity Magazine & Rapid Fire
>Gimbal Medium AX Multi-cannon (pre-engineered) Overcharged & Autoloader
>Gimbal Large AX Multi-cannon (pre-engineered) Overcharged & Autoloader
>Heatsink Launcher (pre-engineered) Double capacity & Increased Reload Time
>DOUBLE capacity heatsink
>You get two of each just for showing up
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Well, I know where I'm going once I get done with work tonight.
Wait... hol up...

I was taking a break but I guess I'll just show up in my shitty DBX lmao
where? i've been shooting goids at jameson but haven't gotten any messages about this, or am i blind?
It's a community goal at the Cornwallis in V688 Centauri.
You have to do a little more than "just showing up" but not by much. You have to claim at least one AX combat bond from Shinrarta after signing up just to get on the board to be eligible for 2x of each reward. Any bond will do. You can splash a single Scout and turn it in at the Cornwallis and it'll count.
You can mooch bonds in the combat zone in open play even. AX bonds survive ship destruction so it doesn't even matter if you die.
oh thanks, ill dip out and grab it
>all I have is a single vulture with unmodified pulse lasers
What are my chances
You can kill a scout if you try hard enough. They're incredibly tanky vs standard human weapons but they're not invincible to them like interceptors are. As long as there's no regenerator scout healing them.
Or if you're in an instance with other CMDRs you only need to hit a target at least once in the last 10sec before it dies.
So permit lock on Shinny is lifted for 2 weeks so you don't need to be Elite to get in right now.
And apparently the goids failed to knock Jaimeson Memorial completely offline.
you should still get kill credit if you attack something with a non-ax weapon and it dies from someone else i think
It's still not even on page 10

>Preparing for update
>Progress unknown
Devs, please.
Pretty sure you can just buy unengineered AX multis for straight credits from the Cornwallis itself. They should carry all the basic AX modules.
>exploring in bumfuck nowhere
>my carrier jumps taking over an hour today
>look at the current community goal

ah, normally I would be buttmad but it actually makes sense for once
on the steam decks that are on sale right now for $296-$336 USD, in empty or mostly space like if you're salvaging from signal sources or doing cargo hauling, if you play on medium graphics, native resolution (720p) amd fx 1.0 high quality and cap the framerate to 40FPS, the battery will last around 5 hours on a full charge
i have a glitch where everything is sped up like 2x
am i gonna get banded
>DOUBLE capacity heatsink
ayo hol up indeed.
>normal heatsink: 1+2, total 3 heatsinks
>normal engineered heatsink: 1+3, total 4 heatsinks
>sirius heatsink, 1+4, total 5 heatsinks
So what's this one gonna be?

also for the module swap bug:
>The issue with module swapping has been investigated. We can confirm this was a temporary visual issue and no items have been lost. Users should no longer see issues with module swapping.
HELP i just docked at jameson with 40m in bounties from thargoid killing and i just got hit with two missiles on my way in and landed with 3% hull, literally hit by a missile one second before i landed and i was about 1 second dying from corrosion damage but i hit repair ship and lived

i thought i could turn in the bounties here but apparently not, can i turn them in at regular other stations?

im afraid if i take off again im just gonna get nuked instantly. last time i took off from here they shut my ship down and these missiles and damage fuck me up pretty good even with the military hull that cost like 35m credits
wtf are you doing unarmed in ground zero?
They're combat bonds, not bounties. They dont get wiped if you blow up and you want to turn them in at the Cornwallis in V688 Centauri for them to count for the CG.
You can presumably pick up a caustic sink launcher from the Cornwallis too. It operates like a heat sink except it absorbs those caustic missiles until the puck is full and you eject it.
ahh thanks. i figured some of this out but not most of it, the heat sink will help a lot. i met the community goal C i guess, where are these rewards?
i love this game so much
t. 50 hours andy
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Nothing is quite like it. I made many breaks throughout the years, but I keep coming back.
Patience cmdr, your tier is subject to change as others contribute. The final result will be determined at the end of the CG when we defend Jameson or not
I can't be believe no one's mentioned this yet since it's like the #1 rookie mistake with community goals: Make sure you actually signed up for the CG on the Cornwallis mission board before you turn in bonds.

Rewards normally get doled out the week after the CG ends. They'll just appear in your outfitting inventory at the Cornwallis so you can either pick them up with a ship or get them shipped to your usual base of operations.
but the rewards are all the same in all tiers except the credit rewards?
it doesnt specify the other rewards

post peak thargoid killing music
Any contribution is worth 2 of each module.
50% and 25% tiers get 1 extra of each module, so up to 4 of each total.
3+1+1+1 is insane amount of modules for this CG
4*5 is 25
25 modules is more storage than i have (175 means I'll be 10 over the limit of 200)
So if I exceed the available storage space by 5, will modules get deleted or will it say like 165/150 and make me unable to store any more?
That 125 storage limit is total bullshit
(sorry i may have fudged a few numbers)
You'll just be over your storage limit. It's a pain in the dick because you can't store anything else until you're back under the limit, but it won't delete any of your prizes.
>be slowly making my way to colonia with my carrier for refueling
>some guy randomly docks on it while i'm afk eating dinner

wtf what are the odds
surely he used inara or something to see that it was there. I hope he comes online again so I can ask him
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I found the most nigery system name
jump to it and shit it up
this shit is super outdated
so close to being laqueefa, sad
i just need 8 focus crystals then i can buy the other stuff needed to get the corrosion resistant hull to hunt ayys but i cannot find any focus crystals for the life of me

i have everything else but the two things you can buy, and plenty of money to buy them, but fuck
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So how y'all's bug stomping going?
If you've got other manufactured mats you don't need you can trade for them at a manufactured materials trader.
missing most of my gauss cannon shots but it's okay because i have the power of friendship on my side
i didnt
i ended up finding a mission to trade some mineral for it and some fleet carrier was selling it nearby
>spend 6 hours getting all the shit for the thargoid resistant hulls
>go back to fight ayys
>instantly interdicted by some spastic gankers who barely manage to kill me by chasing me for 5 minutes and plinking at me with weapons that disable random ship components

the gankers are here, i guess all this was a waste of time because ill never be able to kill these ayys on my own
these faggots need to be skinned alive
and the game is lagging way too hard to hit them
fucking wow
If you didn't want to deal with gankers in open play you could just add the Mobius or AXI private groups to your social tab and log into one of those.
Also all you need to get on to the board for the basic rewards is to kill even one scout, which you can do readily with enhanced gimbal ax multi cannons that the Cornwallis rescue ship sells.
join the AXI private group
>you have to let me farm non-combatants
Suck it
Delicious carebear tears
What a double bitch.
do i just not earn anything if i dont remember to select "join the fight" every single time i respawn or go to jameson memorial?
>every single time i respawn
How often are you blowing up?
And just flying to Jameo shouldn't do anything negative.
who the fuck cares these bounties are 40-60 million im making shitloads
Can I AX with a mouse and keyboard as a newbie at least enough to qualify for CG?
What's a good ship to learn in that isn't too punishing, I have some capital to blow if it makes a difference though.
yeah all you have to do is kill one tiny scout
i compete with top PvPers using your standard office m+kb, but utilizing every key and key combination within my reach, especially mousewheel. Autohotkey is allowed and needed in some setups too.
All standard logitech office equipment.

If you're a newbie and want to kill stuff, get either a Krait or Python, both mk2, and fill them with AX multicannons. destroy every scout you see and shoot bigger garloids until they scream and start glowing. when they glow, you have to shoot the exerted hearts. If the bigger garloid starts shooting you, boost past it because they can't turn and you're good.
But doesn't being bad bother you on a fundamental level?
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>i compete with top PvPers
ive never even seen a groid before and ive made over 500 million in a few hours so no not really
but i do
i killed everyone who has played the game at that level at least once, they were either all meta fdls or similar mediums they're comfortable with
the point is i did it on basic bitch mouse and keyboard, which is the only thing available for me as a jobless virgin neet in my 30s, so if i can do it, you can definitely do similar things using the same equipmenrt
im pretty sure a lot of them use mouse and keyboard, maybe most or all of them
this isnt exactly a flight simulator
>Trying to get back to the Bubble for the CG
>10k+ ly away
>Fleet Carriers are bugged right now, literally unable to jump anywhere
>It would take my AX ship 700+ jumps to Shindez
Thanks Fdev, very cool. Good thing I keep my alt cmdr in the bubble for situations like this
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mouse + kb is the "meta" so yes, its easiest to aim with
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HOTAS is more immersive but M+KB is just better. Everybody competitive uses M+KB unless they're trying to be a special snowflake.

Viable options:
Python MkII = Fast turning rate, lots of large hardpoints, but power constrained and needs a shield to be tanky and shields draw swarm fire
Chieftain/Challenger = Almost the same ship but the Chally has an extra hardpoint and armor at the cost of a little speed/maneuverability. Best in class lateral thrusters for orbiting and is the meta for Interceptor hunting solo. Very armor tanky but small hardpoints kind of railroad you into guardian gauss aside from niche cytoscrambler builds
Krait MkII = Versatile, tons of power headroom and very armor tanky. Not fantastic either turning or on lats, but workable. Probably the most noob friendly because of how much wiggle room it has for building it out.

Ideally any ship you run should have one gimbal or turreted long range/thermal vent modded beam laser of at least medium size. As long as you can keep your heat under 20% goids have a hard time locking on to you.
Only a few people have been running flak in the combat zones. If you have the hardpoint to spare (ie: Python MkII/Chally) you may as well bring one but most of the time whoever has a swarm's attention just evades it by staying cold and boosting orbiting the parent interceptor in the direction away from the swarm.

Even terrible combat pilots can get by using gimbal "enhanced" AX multicannons and an enhanced xeno scanner, both of which can be bought from the rescue ship the CG is based out of. The AX multi damage is laughably gimped vs medusas and hydras but you'd be able to eat scouts like popcorn and contribute meaningfully towards killing cyclopses.
Also AX multi equipped ships are ideal for dealing with glaives or scythes when they show up. Their anti-guardian field breaks everyone's fancy guardian weapons but AX multis are unaffected and they get shot to pieces by them pretty quickly.
so jameson is totally overran by thargoids like crazy now and theres very few players, cant even leave the station without getting btfo'd pretty fast
and i noticed the map looks like a lot more places are under attack and theres titans everywhere
where do i go to mooch off of other groups for bonds now?
hotas is better coordination for controlling the movement of the craft relative to its surroundings, like to go around obstacles and not crash
mouse is better aim
but this game is pretty forgiving for slamming into shit like a dumbass and its mostly empty space of course
>Ideally any ship you run should have one gimbal or turreted long range/thermal vent modded beam laser of at least medium size.
wait a regular beam laser? why?
Specifically for the thermal vent experimental effect. It's not for damage since their armor is immune, although it will still damage their shields whenever they're up. Instead, as long as a thermal vent laser is hitting a target it cools off your ship instead of heating it up.

When you enter an AX instance with other players in it and you'll usually see them all orbiting an interceptor like they're spiderman swinging from it with their beam lasers, and that's because they're all using thermal vent to stay ice cold while they fight it. It's free cooling to give the goids bad aim and you can save your heat sinks for moments like alpha striking with multiple hot guardian weapons.

The amount of cooling is directly proportional to to the laser's regular heat output, which is why you want at least medium size and use long range engineering mod instead of something like efficiency. Also don't use a fixed mount laser since gimballed has higher heat output (=more cooling with vent) and better time on target.
Ohhhh ok
I guess I'll replace that shitty ax missile launcher

What is that one thing they shoot that makes the huge fireworks cloud explosion?
Tips for combat ship for fighting goids when I've never done it?
does it make a difference what size beam laser you use?
yes, but don't tell my husband
will any of these things at cornwallis be unavailable after the event ends?
Newbie here,
Looking to get started on the Guardian weapon grind. I don't have any Medium/Large ships, so I'm looking to get an Asp Explorer to haul all the necessary materials. Any tips/advice?
I haven't played in weeks.
What % is the community goal at and do I still have a lot of time to kill some scouts to qualify?
Yes. Larger lasers generate more heat, which turns into more cooling with thermal vent. A small laser is useless for cooling, while a medium is OK and large is better. A huge laser cools a lot but it's hard to keep it running since you can't give it an efficiency mod without ruining the cooling effect.
last question, do you know if jameson is still the best place to be fighting ayys

like specifically outside the station? i made 800m there yesterday but then it seemed to get overran
It's definitely the best place right now. All the action is here, and if your instance is dead you can try relogging or leaving and coming back to get placed into a different instance.
>What is that one thing they shoot that makes the huge fireworks cloud explosion?
That's the Remote Flak launcher. You press and hold the fire button to launch them towards swarms, and then release the button to detonate the flak once the round reaches the swarm.
It's a tough skill to master so a lot of players just skip it and evade the swarm instead.
No, all that AX gear was available at any of the AX rescue ships before the event and will still be there after.
The CG is at 32% and is expected to be complete in about 2 and a bit days.
Is any of it uniquely preengineered?
sweet. do you think a size 3C beam laser engineered fully through level 3 with the thermal vent will be good for a krait using 2 size 3 ax multicanons and 2 size 2 ax multicanons because thats what i just finished doing
>ed thread
what the fuck I love this board now
this thread is probably the main reason i got back into this game otherwise id have been stuck taking advice mostly from old posts from reddit retards
If there's a tech broker under contacts they will offer some preengineered stuff for materials. Otherwise the stuff you buy in outfitting is just unengineered human AX equipment.

Size 3 should be plenty of cooling for a something like a Krait. Assuming the base modification is long range and TV applied on that. Even G1 LR is enough to get by with but higher grades for longer range vent tagging is nice.
ok wait, so i did the short range... and it says if i miss the heat goes up even more than usual... did i just fuck myself... now i have to be within 2100 meters of the ayys.. is this how everyone does it? i read this would be the maximum heat dissipation but kinda forgot the full implications
lol no you don't do short range. long range for ayys, always
+damage doesn't matter on your vent beam
you can just overwrite short range with long range though
yeah god fucking dammit i dont have the materials to do all the engineering shit again and itl take hours to get it
god fucking dammit fuck me of course i had to fuck it up the one time i just had everything to do something like this
this fucking dumb ship isnt even fast enough to get within 2000 fucking meters. i was using a mamba before so i didnt even think about how hard that would be
I scrolled up the thread and I only ever see anyone saying to use Long Range for this so I dunno what to tell you.
Even just grade 1 long range only costs sulfur though and would get you up to 3600m. Thermal Vent is an experimental effect applied on top of the mod and doesn't really care what grade the underlying mod is.
>it seemed to get overran
If the instance has reached the 3-hydra phase and the group there can't handle them it's time to abandon the instance and load into a new one.
well fuck it i have the exact same beam laser already upgraded to long range grade 3 on another ship and i guess i can find conductive materials by killing hauls in any anarchy system so i guess it wont take that long
makes sense thanks
i wonder what ill end up doing with the super cooling short range beam laser
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Stick it in your pooper and take pics.
good place to get thargoid missions? theres none at cornwallis
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At Jaimeson itself. Make sure you wing up with others in the instance though because only the wing that gets the killshot gets mission credit. So say there's 2 full wings in the instance then on average you'll collectively need to kill 2 hydras for every 1 mission required.
eg: that 2-hydra mission took a total of 5 kills since other wings got the other 3.
ive been in no wing and multiple times ive gotten the bond for hydras that died a good 5~ minutes or more after i last shot at them
ive never had anyone kill steal from me after 800m in bonds at jameson, unless i fucked off from shooting it for a while and even then i still usually get it
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Mission credit is not the same thing as the bond.
Mission credit requires you or someone in your wing to get the killshot.
The bond everybody gets as long as they shot the goid.
When you go to visit the guardian sites for blueprints, put a point defence turret on your ship and make sure you install it in a position on the top of your ship.
When you have to fight sentinels on foot or in your SRV, your PD turret will automatically shoot down the missiles they launch.
well i was making so much money i wouldnt really bother with those missions even unless you can be pretty guarenteed get multiple at the same time i guess
I haven't played in ages, getting back in soon. What's going on at Jameson? That's been my home base for a very long time, all my crap is there. Ayylmaos stealing my shit?
Am I going to get ganked if I boot up and leave the station?
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Get an SRV Hangar that lets you have 2 SRVs, that way you have a backup in case one gets destroyed. Also putting the Point Defense turret like >>1443231 said helps a lot
Bring lasers for the space sites. Two should do the job.
Friendly Reminder: If you aggravate the swarm by flying through it, turn and fly back through again to reset it before we all get fucking worked by missiles.
Thank you.
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This is the best Fleet Carrier name I have ever seen
Jesus, why do these nigger NPCs sperg out so much like this these days?
at some point I put this on my wishlist waiting for it to go on sale
then someone mentioned the free decal dlc and that it was given away free on egs at some point
i have it on my epic account but I never actually use epic so I didn't realize
how bad is it if I don't have the dlc? like is odysessy important?
yeah i wish they'd shut the fuck up so i could notice at all when an actuall player is talking
everyone i see at jameson now is using multicannons and the hydras are taking zero damage
its over
What should I use then?
regular gauss or azimuth mod plasma chargers
azi modded shards works too but they generate lots of heat compared to the other two.
even the sirius modded AXMCs do from little to jackshit dmg to hydras.
they are meant to be taken out in a wing so...
mad how long ago horizons came out
remember it like it was yesterday
made so much money at jameson on the first day now every instance is just fuckloads of aliens raping my shitter the second i leave the station and a small handful of retards using only multicannons so they cant kill anything
I'll probably go for gauss then.
I recently finished engineering one of my ships and getting close to maxing out materials, data, and shit and I don't want to grind again so soon.
Never played around with the ayylmaos, how bad is the grind for antixeno weapons.
>joined the private ax group
>was good the first day or so, just like open play
>now theres barely anyone at jameson anymore, the few are suck at fighting the groids
>yet they sit at cornwallis filling every single landing pad literally all day every day forcing me to go solo mode to turn my bonds in
its almost like some popular faggot youtuber made a video saying
>"just get some ax multicannons and plink the hydras and youll make billions while everyone else does all the work"
because now theres almost nobody with any weapons capable of killing them, and theyre too diluted by everyone else to take the hydras down anymore
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for regular guardian weapons, grind once and unlock forever (you unlock with mats once and buy with credits as many as you want)
for azimuth guardian weapons, you grind for each and every weapon you want (you both unlock and pay with mats)
>captcha: 4ASPK
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It's almost like we went to our own private groups to get away from all the leeches filling up our instances.
Our ideal wing setup is two shard boats for exerting hydras and making cyclopses just fuck off instantly, plus two gauss snipers for hearts.
If we do a 2-wing instance, then and only then does one person bring all multis and they just faceroll all the scouts. For the remaining three ships gauss is preferred but at that point it's w/e as long as they have modshards/modplasma or gauss.
Here's a little tip if you don't already know:
If you ever see an interceptor just stop and stare at one person without doing anything, it's trying to lock on to them to attack or use a special but can't. Even though shit like caustic missiles and shutdown pulse can hit everyone in the instance, they won't fire them off if they can't lock their primary target.
This happens because the target is >600m away and either at 0 heat or in silent running at the exact moment the goid decides to aggro them.
This basically stunlocks the goid and it just floats there until you either give it a target or it dies.
If this ever happens to you, your job is to stay cold/in SR and keep about 1KM from the goid so your wing can just line up and speedrun through its hearts.
If it happens to someone else in your wing your job is to kill it without pulling aggro off of them by getting too hot or getting too close.
A coordinated and well-equipped wing can down a stunned hydra in like two minutes.
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is this game like no man's sky
this game is like no mans sky if all the worst parts were the focus and the best parts were an afterthought

after that the main difference is you'll be looking into the backdrop of black space mostly rather than some goofy unrealistic landscapes and lifeforms but when it does look good it looks much better than nms usually does, and way more realistic
what i mean is, in elite dangerous the focus is moreso the actual gameplay like combat, exploration and trading, in nms the focus is mostly inventory management
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no, it has a 100000x more fun space flight and combat model though
theres exploration but its very different from nms
Nah, No mans sky was actually fun as a sandbox and got the illusion of content updates. I can't think of anything Elite Dangerous does well other than give a sense of scale (by having to super cruise to some generic place for 45 minutes pre-SCO), and Empyrion is much better than both combined as a sandbox, game, builder, and flight mechanics/engineering. Elite was my first entry into space autism and I'm glad it was because there are simply much better games now that it would be a massive downgrade to go back.
>I can't think of anything Elite Dangerous does well other than give a sense of scale
actual flying and doing combat with ships in NMS is so bad. so simple and bad
>Elite was my first entry into space autism and I'm glad it was because there are simply much better games now that it would be a massive downgrade to go back.
like what?
after all these years ive come back to it because its by far the best one
>CG is 57% of the way towards the cap
>invasion state in BGS is 90% complete
Hold up, what happens if the invasion is defeated before the CG caps out?
Since this Shinny permit is supposed to last 2 weeks you could presumably hang out there even if you have no elite rank and buy everything you want from Jaimeson once the battle is over.
That's assuming the station is working again within those two weeks.
You could camp out there. It doesn't actually kick you out when the permit expires. You just can't get back in after you leave.
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I found the system with all the Muslims
>flight mechanics
are you on drugs my friend
it's like no man's sky, except with more obvious transitions between loading screens
What do you need to do to get Elite rank?
i have literally spent dozens of hours doing reputation missions and refreshing the mission board looking for a fucking rank up mission and IT HAS NEVER FUCKING APPEARED
at this point im in fucking sol and im 100% allied with mother gaia, the fed mission giver, at abraham lincoln, a fed station, and it wont fucking give me a fucking rank up mission. i can sit here refreshing it all day and it wont fucking show up
for gods fucking sake what the fucking shit is the fucking deal
game literally wont let me ever have a fucking imperial or federal ship because of this bullshit. i have 500 fucking hours across 10 fucking years of playing this game and im a fucking petty officer for federation. it says its at 97% for petty officer if that makes any difference but i dont see anyone talking about that anywhere
Depends on the career. For combat elite kill like 2000 elite rank humans or thargoids (or way more than that many if they're below elite rank). For trade elite earn 1 billion credits by trading (missions for mining, trade and bulk passenger transport also count towards trade rank).
For exploration elite earn 320 million in cartographic pay (VIP passenger sightseeing missions also contribute towards expo rank).

>it says its at 97% for petty officer if that makes any difference
It does.
You don't get a rank-up mission offer until you reach 100% of your current rank. In the meantime any ordinary mission that's for a fed-aligned faction will contribute to your rank progression to reach 100%. So will trading with them, selling them expo data or killing their enemies, but mission rep rewards have the biggest impact by far.
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Delicious materials.
oh ffs
that makes sense but i never even noticed that bar till just now, i swore they were talking about the reputation meter. you're supposed to choose reputation for the reward right?
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Yes rep reward does add more to your navy rank progress, even if you're already allied.
whats up with the "for democracy" missions, just a random name? thanks
Damn, all the goids in Shinrarta are dead.
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It's just a mission/reward type template that gets applied specifically to democracies. It's sort of like how BOOM TIME missions are all of a certain type and only happen during economic boom state.
You're welcome.
I wanted to kill more of them though.
Exploration is the easiest thing to get Elite in, I got it early by taking the trip to the galactic core and FSS'ing everything of value, and made like 3.5 Bil from exobio along the way
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If you're in the Mobius or AX PGs there's ground port conflicts in the Koko Oh and Sukurbago systems (I swear I didn't make those names up). You can use dcoh.watch to find out where the bugs are being fought.
Ground port conflict zones means you have to be careful of gravity, but at the same time the goids can't use their swarms within like 30km of the ground.
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>BGS invasion is repelled before the cg can reach Tier 4
this is some shit im ngl
The math was never there for it to hit tier 4 before repellling. Rather the 8 trill goal was picked so the CG wouldn't end before the system was actually defended.
>the greatest threat to humanity (thargoids) was btfo'ed by 500+ spacedads in their krait mk2's.
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>fighting a thargoid above a surface settlement
>lose sight of the fucker during the fight
>suddenly get propelled at light speed against the ground and die
I'm more confused than anything. It happened so fast. I wish I had recorded it.
somewhat related a bug I've noticed flying over the surface of planets is if you're in FA off and you're drifting backwards and downwards and you just boost, it wont accelerate you at all you just keep going backwards at full speed.
I don't understand the docking difficulty meme
How long would it take to get to the center of the galaxy for a new player
Tempted to play and just make that my goal
Are you stopping to scan everything along the way? 100x slower
Are you not engineering your FSD? 2x slower
Don't do it. You'll get bored and quit before getting a quarter of the way.
lol kebab heaven
I don't even know what the game is about and what all you can do, all I know is its big as hell. sounds relaxing to throw on a podcast or some synth music and spend an hour or two every once in a while trying to get to the galactic center so I can launch myself into Sagittarius A
It's only hard if your trying to rip it.
I still mess up occasionally if I'm trying to land, literally as fast as possible. Most of the time it works, but you get impatient.
>trying to get rear admiral for corvette
>a 5 bar influence mission only gives 5% to rank
>i need 7 ranks to get a corvette
>have to do another 133 missions assuming it doesnt scale up and require more per rank
jesus christ for real
That's why we all cheesed data deliveries at 27 Draconis and passengers at Robigo back in the day.
how can i make this go by faster
Depends on the jump range of your ship, and how long you decide to stay exploring each system you drop into. For a new player with a low FSD range, you'll probably be out in the black for 2-4 months. It is quite a commitment
>Sort of newer to game (started in last month)
>Grind out some credits at Jameson Memorial attack
>Go to grind out some upgrades and get guardian weapons so I can actually help
>Come back
>Event is over

Welp here's hoping there's another event like this soon.
the rest of the war is still going on, go shoot bugs
im coming back after many years so im kinda relearing it all too, i did that some but got tired of the sweat and the grind, and discovered if you need another way to make money ever just getting a type 9, removing the shield generator, loading it with the best cargo racks and FSD and doing random trade routes on inara will net you 100m per hour, should be able to fit like 750 cargo space on it
You're not wrong, but for the entire month or so I've been playing every time I go to do one thing, I find out I have to do something else to get the right parts, but to get to there I need another ship that has these parts instead, and to get those parts I have to go do something else.

Like I'm jumping between systems all over the galaxy and getting nothing done because every single thing in this game is some grinding rabbithole you have to go down (on third party tools and websites no less)

Idk if I love it or hate it, but I think I'm starting to hate it. Especially since I went out and bought a bunch of something so I wouldn't need to get it again, but I can't even store my cargo?

I guess I enjoy the "game" I just hate that it's an MMO underneath the fun ships

>something something go play something else

I'm just thinking outloud here I'm probably still going to slave my life away to this game.
The only thing I care about in this game is getting my name on stars and planets through exploration. Just recently got my name all over the galactic ceiling.
as a kind of sandbox game its overwhelming with what you can do and hard to figure out what you should do next sometimes. sometimes the best solution is to take a break and live your life and come back to it refreshed and able to look at the bigger picture more clearly

idk about all these new ships and whats the best now but you should have a good general purpose medium sized ship with a decent FSD jump range or engineer the jump range up higher. dont worry about engineering that much, just do the FSD first, then maybe weapons, thrusters, shield generator, whatever you think is weak

i have like 1.5 billion in credits and assets and im mainly using a mamba because i wanted speed for combat but if i were to start over id pick a python mk II, it looks like it would be a lot better for overall use. but none of that really matters when i just spent around 100m buying and upgrading a type 9 for cargo hauling like i said and now i can make 25m every 8 jumps by just docking at a couple space stations and buying a commodity as described on that link i just posted. this game has always been kinda unbalanced in the ways you can make money. deep fissure asteroid mining used to be the best, now its shit compared to trading. fighting the ayys might be the best way more recently but probably requires having hundreds of millions of credits invested and dozens of hours of grinding engineering and guardian weapons to be good at it solo. so nothing you did was a waste but it might not be that useful right now for you as a solo player until you make more money for a bigger ship. idk that much about fighting the thargoids but it seems like a lot. i made a billion off it during this event just getting credit for other peoples kills pretty much lol and im not gonna worry about that anymore until i a bit more money and get around to fully kitting a federal corvette. all in all its a game and should just be about having fun, dont let yourself get too sucked in and get burned out
>Especially since I went out and bought a bunch of something so I wouldn't need to get it again, but I can't even store my cargo?
it should be too hard to find anything you need to buy in the first place. if its a problem id imagine its just because your FSD isnt able to jump that far
>>its overwhelming with what you can do
>shoot shit
>move shit
>scan shit
the only difference is the set dressing
I don't get what that guy is on about either, most sandboxes at least have little excavators and other toys to play with in them... elite is just sand. The cheap sand that is graded to all one size of grain to keep it really samey. Other than the Guardian puzzles everyone has to do for their FSD booster and a few static sites for lore or mat farming there is not much hidden in the world you can come across which is a huge sin.
The proc gen isn't that deep other than the rare barycenters or screenshots (other games do this a lot better with randomly generated syzygy and some beautiful sunrises).
>>scan shit
*shoot shit with science guns
>i am in cocijo
>nearest rescue ship is less than 50 ly away
>evac mission wants me to take survivors to a rescue ship near raijin
>347 ly trip
fuck off
The biggest meme about AX is that despite the daunting array of tech unlocks and equipment for it, the only AX unlock high level play requires is ordinary guardian gauss cannons.
In the right hands this Chieftain is capable of soloing hydras: https://edsy.org/s/vBhs0qY
The only necessary techbroker unlocks are the gauss cannons. Sirius techbroker heatsinks and anti-guardian field resistance engineering for the gauss are a plus but not strictly required. Hell most of the armor isn't strictly required either if you never get hit.
this game desperately needed a more involved economy
1 billion from like only 2 hours of total active playtime of tagging goids and it means absolutely nothing
European migration politics in a nutshell.
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Is there a website that allows me to set up keybinds easily outside the game?
It's literally a text file you can open in notepad.
Is it possible to export your EDSM flightlog and use it as your visitedstars cache for use in the game?
Now tell us how many hours you had spent before those 2 hours
quite a lot but i don't see how that makes credits any less inconsequential? you also don't need a lot of hours to farm AX money lol, when i was more of a newb I just joined an AXI instance with multi cannons and earned the same amount of credits for 0 effort. thats not my point though, so idk why you focused on that.
>>1447494 (me)
i guess i did emphasize that it only took 2 hours but i meant more that making so much money with 0 effort meaning absolutely nothing itself is my problem, the lack of any real economy or credit sinks beyond FCs is anticlimactic and lame. still going to play thoughbeit
1 billion is shit all considering this was a rare opportunity for someone like you and you were lucky to even be playing at this time and catch onto it before it ended
also you got really lucky to be able to get that much in 2 hours, i spent a dozen at jameson and in the big ax private group and it took that long to earn a billion because most of the time the entire place was overran and there was usually little to no one there who could take on an interceptor of any kind amidst all the other interceptors and shit going on
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what the fuck is this bullshit
That is the mission
at that distance it will take half an hour of speeding up and slowing down to get there
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Hardpoints: 4M 2S = 2 mediums flanking the centerline between the wings & 2 mediums mirroring those on the underside of the ship. Plus 2 smalls on the front section to either side of the cockpit.
Utils: Not disclosed, presumed to be 4 based on visible hull details
Core: All size 5 except LS which is size 4
Optional: 1x6 1x5 2x4 2x3 1x2 3x1
Speed: Not disclosed, described as being fast enough to escape ganks so presumed to be in the 500s on boost
• Higher optimized jump range than the Anaconda
• Slower SCO than T-8 or Python Mk2 but flies straighter and has the best heat/fuel efficiency
• Maneuverability about on par with a DBX except the Mandalay has better yaw
• Has a 2nd seat behind the pilot
• Wingspan just barely clears the sides of a medium pad
• Tripod landing gear arrangement gives it a small-sized footprint for finding suitable terrain
• Cockpit floor window for visibility
• Disembark puts you right in front of whatever is visible in the floor window
Placement of the mediums is dogshit for firing arcs but this thing isn't for combat anyway
>Utils: Not disclosed, presumed to be 4 based on visible hull details
Explorers don't use any utils except maybe 1-2 lightweight heatsinks anyway
>Core: All size 5 except LS which is size 4
Bigger PD than the Asp so it can probably permaboost even with a grade D
>Optional: 1x6 1x5 2x4 2x3 1x2 3x1
That fits both flight assists + DSS without wasting space, plus 6A scoop and 5H booster so that's pretty ideal. Token shield for bumps should fit in a size 3
>Higher optimized jump range than the Anaconda
Prepare for some new world firsts. Conda may still be the champ for long distance travel with a 7A scoop though
>Slower SCO than T-8 or Python Mk2 but flies straighter and has the best heat/fuel efficiency
lol get ganked by python2, nerds
>described as being fast enough to escape ganks so presumed to be in the 500s on boost
You're not escaping a gank in an explorer fit even if it boosts to 600.
>You're not escaping a gank in an explorer fit even if it boosts to 600.
Lmao. I can escape two ganks in a row with my shieldless cargo python mk1 without HRPs.

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