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Discuss anything.
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Love me some old roblox architecture, simple as.

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You do make UGC, right? Easily can make 30k in a month with some good UGC (or do what's popular with the zoomers to take their robux)
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repost from the last thread

>open toolbox
>insert CLASSIC FURNITURE PACK (classic furniture pack)
simple as
Bored, shoot me some games.

Preferably games with early-mid 2010s roblox game design; games where you just fuck around and have fun without pointless lottery mechanics or p2w grinds.
Noobs vs Zombies 2
Robotomy Corporation
Cheeseburger Crusade
Create your Monster
Arcane Odyssey
Project Somnia
Crazy Stairs
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A lot of old roblox buildings are simple, and you had to use what you got to build complex things. A lot of buildings incorporated gear meshes and textures before there were ways to port your own in.

It is simple and charming to me because of that.
Underground War
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This game is fun to dick around in. Though it might be a bit too old for you.
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>le 5fps animations
fuck off. just fuck off.
>old roblox is making everything out of the lowest part count possible and putting studs on every surface
i fucking hate newfag "devs" who think this is what classic roblox architecture was like
isn't this that game that's literally just a clone of the entire OOT map? used to literally be named Ocarina of Time as well
>joins the game
>there's a dude raging because another player is killing him or whatever
>no grifters allowed rule
would be cooler if the rule didn't exist

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