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A spinoff sequel to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart. Ring Racers offers single player grand prix, battle, time trials, strategized, non-roulletted item management, unlockables and achievements, and free online multiplayer. If you're holding out on Mario Kart 9, this might tide you over.
Use this thread to chat, shittalk the game, post webms, and find lobbies to play with. Favorite characters? Followers? Tracks?

>Game Manual
>Gameplay Tutorials
>Master Server

>Windows / Mac Download
>Linux / Flatpak Download
too hazarous tho
Ditch the vanilla client, play with the Noire version
tribes sisters, is this the new dead game refugee thread?
I legitimately prefer this game over SRB2Kart and I hope 2.4 doesn't fuck it up.
Whats the point of making threads for a game if you're just going to tell everyone to play your gay hacked version instead of the actual game
you retards better host your own servers if you want this shit to live
we're toombling towards page 10, drrrsisters
What are your favorite mods, DRRRbros?
I like girlpack because it has Orpheus.
none of them, because every faggot modder forces you to download and host an entire pack of characters when you just want a couple out of it
Anyone playing now? Green Orange has 2 people...

Does anyone have a host server?
Eh, it's still too early. You can tell because the EU server is doing decent instead for players. GreenOrange and NVJR have a few between them but I'd rather wait till it gets packed. I kinda feel that DRRR plays better with more people
>anyone have a server
Yeah I got one that can be used. It's a personal server that I use for a variety of games, so I couldn't have it up as DRRR all the time, but if there was a scheduled session, then I could try to make sure it's available.
Isn't it pretty early for US times? Usually the servers start filling after around 5pm Central.
Unless we play on a server not on the MS :)
this is based thoughever
lumping the popular picks with obscure niche characters so servers that want the popular characters have to run your weird niche interests is literally the most based thing a modder can do
>giving character pack roofies is totally based bro, people will love to see my faggot OCs bundled with a couple niche vidya characters bogging down their server load
it is in fact based yes
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You chuds will appreciate forced virtue signaling or else.
My isn't it nice that there's now a drrr general that was totally made in good faith and wasn't in response to anything that happened elsewhere. Well might as well post some webms when I get the chance.
Its a nice thought but as someone else said it's usually random OCs instead of niche picks. I haven't tried it but I think you can use slade to extract characters you want out of packs if it really annoys you. I also hate server bloat, if I had my way there's be a filter for 'light load' servers that are modded but stay under some arbitrary threshold to help encourage people to stop making 1gig required files of downloads, nobody cares for that shit.
>I haven't tried it but I think you can use slade to extract characters you want out of packs if it really annoys you.

Don't expect to host a server with that unless you want to cop a MS ban. The moderation takes a hard stance on hosting edited packs for the sake of making things easier on the server owner.
>unless you want to cop a MS ban
Who cares about the master server?
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I steal first Jon, it's what I do.
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considering how often people spam MS playcount screenshots on the srb2k thread, more than you'd expect
does this run on steam deck
Theres linux builds right at the top there or run it thru proton, either way it's gonna run fine I mean look at it.
Steam Deck user here: yes, runs fine with higher settings than default, assuming your hard disk isn’t bloated already with shader caches (that should go on an SD card)
The only times you really see the DRRR MS playercount getting posted is when it's low enough that the SRB2K server pop is comparable to it, for shitposters that let Kart Krew put a chip in their shoulder and are obsessed with taking pot shots at the game. The people who actually like DRRR and wanna play it mostly do not care.
Playing in Green Orange if anyone wants to play
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i will keep reposting this until the day i die
i still don't understand why this made people so mad
DRRR puts a lot more emphasis on vanilla content and servers than SRB2K did. If your preferred way to play the game is on a basic server with 3D models enabled, the missing characters will stick out like a sore thumb. I personally would have kept delaying the game until everyone from bonuschars.kart was added.
>playing with the models on

they look like lifeless shit compared to the sprites, nobody would use them if they weren't on by default
KartRev-like that aims to deshitify RR tracks


Currently contains modifications to 20 tracks:
-Angel Island
-Dimension Disaster
-Press Garden
-Crispy Canyon
-Operators Over space
-Subzero Peak
-Obsidian Oasis
-Lavender Shrine
-Kodacheome Void
-Aqueduct Crystal
-Technology Tundra
-Ice Paradise
-Hardhat Havoc
-Hanagumi Hall
-Sunsplashed Gateway
-Night Dimension
>implying press garden, hanagumi, sunsplashed, and night dimension need changes
immediately discarded
>Press Garden
Bug fixes from what I've seen
>Everything else
Quit being a Kike Krew faggot anon.
hanagumi is based as fuck, get some taste
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I'll give some thoughts on a couple tracks

>Angel Island
Nothing to say about it because it appears unmodified save for the alterations to the item boxes, which make the track significantly less of a 1:1 minesweeper game.

>Crispy Canyon
Good stuff all around
You should consider making the cacti non-solid and the fences at the start impassable and reducing the lap count back to 3.

>Operators Over Space
Not too sure about these changes but they seem interesting, desu.

>Subzero Peak
Genuine improvement.

>Obsidian Oasis
Looks pretty good. Not much to say.

>Lavender Shrine
Far less annoying than the original, they're actually somewhat enjoyable.

>Aqueduct Crystal
GENUINE improvement, add a anti-waterskip script

>Technology tundra
The endcut removal was a good idea, it was stupidly overpowered and made frontrunning redundant

>Ice paradise
Good fixes, the spiral seems like a pretty alright alternative, map does still feel bag heavy but its nice not to get screwed by shit track design

>Hardhat Havoc
The huge slope replacement appears alright; it's just boring, but it is better than the original and not having LOS on hazards ahead, end cut removal is good, kill and centralize one of the boost panels; it would be far more interesting that way.

Same thing as Operators Over Space
Consider blocking off the endcut on the last lap.

>Shitplash Gateway
Instantly fucking better, connect the small road islands near the end other than that it's pretty good.

Good flow and has serious TA and lines potential online; just fix that spring cut.
It's pretty solid with the moonsprings.

You straight up imported most of V2 port's changes lol.

Since 2.4 intends to "fix" the majority of tracks, you should wait awhile before continuing as your efforts might be wasted or atleast don't bother with bugfixes;good stuff either way.
I only play this game with the 3D models. cope. They look really good.
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What is it sisters….
Wasn’t expecting them to start working on new content that fast, I thought they would spend 2.4 and maybe another patch or two just doing damage control.
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here's the full screenshot, the thing next to the lap counter is very likely an exp counter because lap bonus is being replaced by exp bonus, checkpoints have also been placed on the track, I assume as a way of banking exp or getting rewards from it? I am also very curious what the electrified ring signifies.
it seems to be another mechanic that will tie in with the new experience system they’re hinting at for better catch-up odds...so another thing to keep track of on top of ring count, item roullette, and random shit on the track
Checkpoints could be a way to circumvent the skips people were doing by purposefully falling off the track at certain spots, could make it to where you spawn at checkpoint instead?
That's also possible
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>so another thing to keep track of on top of ring count, item roullette, and random shit on the track
Good. Let the weak continue to be weeded out.
>"Y-you cannot use map knowledge!"
Sounds like shit and gay asf
>barely any expressiveness compared to the sprites
All they had to do was allow models to use a higher frame count per animation and put some effort into it, but they didn't.
he's right
The sprites aren't perfect either, there are a few characters (eg. Sonic, Knuckles, Eggman) whose spinout animations don't exist
Look as long as it's a mechanics that doesn't pull your focus it's fine. I'm expecting it's just 'cross the checkpoint in a high placement to earn exp, having more exp gives you better item roulettes'. I'm sure the team knows that there's enough to micro manage currently. I like the current lap bonus system and how it cushions a bad final lap so hoping it keeps some of that functionality.

Probably just better feedback for going over the 20 ring limit or changing how it displays in general, makes sense with the whole high voltage ring thing.

Yeah sunsplashed doesn't need changes it needs to be removed lol
>Yeah sunsplashed doesn't need changes it needs to be removed lol
t. class G/H fag
Dedicated noire server
>You'll need

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Noire is for nobody. People who like Ring Racers just want to play Ring Racers, and people who dislike Ring Racers mechanics would rather just play SRB2K.
There's definitely a niche for people who want the polish of ring racers but the simplicity of srb2kart. That being said the community can definitely not withstand propping up three seperate games. I feel like noire player will have a better time getting srb2 players over than ring racers players, with the former being the one who actually wants what noire provides.
It's for me. I wanted Ring Racers but
>Force Autoroulette
>No Ringsting
>No Hitlag
That's about it.
>remove the best change to roulette
>remove the only thing keeping rings from being fucking retarded and obnoxious
>remove the thing that makes the game feel good to play
I will never understand you people.
I like my items to act like they should in a kart racer, I like people to be able to go fast, and I like my hits to hit when they hit. Simple as.
Letting people burn to 0 and drive around with free riskless instawhip at all times makes the game objectively worse by any metric.
No it doesn't
Instawhip can be turned off and fine-tuned, just like many other things.
Considering how dishonest you are, you sound very... Jewish.
Letting people toggle every system that was designed in a web of balance suddenly realizing that they can't agree on what their ideal version of the game is? Who could have possibly seen this coming lol.
>Instawhip can be turned off
He's replying to the fact that I won't be turning Instawhip off. Please read the reply chain first before jumping in.
>suddenly realizing that they can't agree on
What are you, stupid? The very existence of Noire is predicated on the fact that people don't agree in the first place. It wouldn't exist if they weren't acutely aware that they disagree on the ideal version of the game.
>remove the best change to roulette
The one that demonstrably broke item balance in half? The tournaments show that for days.
>remove the only thing keeping rings from being fucking retarded and obnoxious
He wasn't removing jackpot chaining, retard-kun
>remove the thing that makes the game feel good to play
The thing that has plenty of clips of fucking over a player mid-race when they take a shortcut?
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Had a lot of fun with others; looking forward to seeing recurring playercounts on weekends and seeing the server grow, even if it is unlikely.
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I don't understand.

Why are all the KK shills upset people get to tailor a single player game to their own skill set so they get the most enjoyment? They're not affecting you by preferring Noire, and suggesting people check it out themselves.

It would be a shame if this was all about exercising control over your playerbase.
Have you considered that I just like the game, faggot?
The only faggot here is the one whining that people have options now, retard-kun
>[Hitlag] makes the game feel good to play
Admittedly I didn't play vanilla RR for very long but hitlag just contributed to items feeling so bad that I always ditched them in favor of rings unless I could get invincibility/grow, and even then I'd still avoid hitting others. I thought I could tolerate it at first but I still remember being in a small crowd of 3 on a turn, hitting someone with an orbi, then getting hit myself by the guy behind me running into me because of hitlag. Going through tripwires with sneakers is also a tossup when people further behind are catching up with invincibility and can hit you during that hitlag. That doesn't feel good at all.
I recommend taking a look over of the wadlist on vanilla RR of "The Astro Network", Sunflower, CGB Racers & Lenin's GFZ3 Hell specifically:
-GammaPack (Ban Jing forest it's kinda shit)
-MegaMapJam (might want to ban every track in nomad cup with the exception of Mega Casino)
-Whichever pk3 contains TEKNO CUP, ARCADE CUP, Press Garden 2, Graveyard Gateway, Basic Cup, Coconut Cup, Sunday Cup, Wonder Cup (might want to ban tracks past Frosty and bubble Bayside,)

A PK3 that adds visibility to the stationary Bubble Shield so it is not completely invisible

-whichever WAD contains Scratch & Grounder
There should also be a doomguy & kitty somewhere.
I think Reflection cup or whatever the pk3's name should be here.
Sorry anon, you got the wrong thread. It's the other one that's for being a schizo that jumps at the chance to call literally anything KK or a KK shill for shitposting purposes.
The only thing I'm implying is that the backseat designers aren't suddenly going to make noire the preferred version of the game for RR players, which seems to be what everyone with a chip on their shoulder about RR wants. The options are totally fine, the community was founded on srb2kart being an open source mario kart or sorts. Make the game whatever you want for yourself. Just don't expect your totally based version of the game to be for anyone but yourself.
But KK said they made DRRR for themselves. Do we have to wait for another game version made by pubbies now for the proper balanced experience or what?
The fact the 100% save spread like wildfire right off the heels of the release tells me that the community did not, in fact, jive with the vanilla version's design decisions
>the community did not, in fact, jive with the vanilla version's design decisions
Yeah, the SRB2K community. Of course the people who want SRB2K aren't going to want a game that isn't SRB2K. Personally, I was never able to get into SRB2K and I fucking love DRRR.
Who? I got so many fucking keys from playing so much I could unlock everything 3 times over. I'm sitting on hundreds of hours of playtime, stop jumping at shadows.
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Honestly don't know man, srb2k players are so hyper sensitive now I really think the only thing they'll accept is literally srb2k in the RR engine. If you try to add anything new they'll retreat to srb2k. Good luck.
>literally srb2k in the RR engine
you mean blankart which is also being made by the noire guy?
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Can this faggot leave? Dude It's clear this thread is not for you. We finally got interest around a customizable build of RR that both RR fags and kart fags can enjoy yet you want to start random schizo babble bitching, go back to KKD.
>Dude It's clear this thread is not for you.
>Said by the guy barging into the Ring Racers thread to talk about how shit Ring Racers is and how much he hates Ring Racers' design choices
Go back to /srb2k/.
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You have the wrong anon, retard.
Give me two tracks I should port from V1. Currently considering
-Green Hills
- Midnight Meadow Zone
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Too bad, it's a ring racers thread. Unless you plan on creating a third thread to try and steer discussion even further I'm not going anywhere. Stay salty, will put another 100 hours until RR.
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>go play on the noire test server kv is running
>it's actually pretty enjoyable with the provided settings

It's wild how much more enjoyable the game is when its worst traits are either dialed back or removed altogether. All it needs now is a more engaging unlock system that isn't "We fucked up our initial execution, so we'll flood you with keys"
So as a noob, should I get through the campaign with Noire's version? I might play online eventually.
Noire server host here. I recommend popping the "Noire+" preset but with rings turned on for GP mode if you care about chasing the emeralds, otherwise Sealed Star stages are going to get real ugly in the absence of ring boosting. Keep ring debt and item box transform off to make racing with rings less annoying.
>So as a noob, should I get through the campaign with Noire's version
You are going to have a much better time getting used to the mechanics if you play the campaign on vanilla. How you play multiplayer is up to you, but the bots have been nerfed so hard you can beat them without even drifting at this point.
Do yourself a favor and play vanilla, start with Gear 2 / Intense, then work up from there. The things to focus on on both builds is ring management and item roulette memorization. After you get the hang of these you can play either vanilla SRB2 Kart or Ring Racers and modded game types of the latter.
Is there an option or mod that places your ring counter closer to your character like the drift bar?
So how does noire handle movement without rings? Do they reduce the influence of slopes and offroad to account for it?
If you mess with cvars (for toggling hub) and k_hub strings, and use driftguage’s positioning code, yes you can.
See this commit: https://github.com/blondedradio/RadioRacers/pull/4/commits/e87afc6bc16d29f8edf8c7d23a22bf3cda0486c7
fancy, thanks
100% use Noire
There's no reason to put up with the awful design decisions of vanilla now that Noire's actually out

Even if you played vanilla, when you eventually go online the most popular servers are modded anyway

Like the first response you got said, keep rings on because of the emerald special stages
What are the noire settings for this server?
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Vanilla is better than literally any Noire config because every single dumb fucking thing Noiretards turn off has godawful knockon effects on everything else.
>instawhipping has absolutely zero risk now, no reason to save your rings literally ever instead of burning to zero and holding instawhip
>I HATE HITSTOP BECAUSE OF (minor jank interactions) TURN IT OFF
>half the items in the game feel like complete fucking shit and have no feedback now, invincibility is now busted as fuck since it gets free time for literally nothing whenever you hit someone
>literally no decision making between items and jackpots any more even though going for jackpots is a fundamental and important means of catching up for a lot of character classes
The game's not perfect (shrink is still retarded, half the checkpoints are broken, instawhip is mildly underpowered) but every single time you stupid fucks just go "lol turn it off" it makes the game absolutely insufferable to play. Stop telling DRRR newfags to play with your godawful Noire configs.
>instawhipping has absolutely zero risk now
This is enjoyable thoughstever
Anecdotal, but I've personally seen people drop RR because of the vanilla mechanics so it's either they try it again with more tolerable settings or they don't give it another shot at all. I don't hate all of RR's tracks or mechanics and it'd be a waste for all of it to completely disappear into obscurity so compromises should be made.
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>the universal parry that deletes every item and ignores any form of invuln should have absolutely no risk or consideration to it
>if you're in first you should totally just be able to hold down the ring button and pull absurdly far ahead with a universal defensive option in your back pocket at absolutely no risk to yourself
>this is "enjoyable" to noirefags
I'm not going to say the way the game introduces players to the mechanics is good (we all know the tutorial has a ton of issues) but I personally would rather I introduce someone to a game they bounce off of in its vanilla state than make them play a fucked up shitty custom config that doesn't represent the way the game was designed in the slightest. The playerbase is active enough that this game won't be "disappearing into obscurity" anytime soon, anyways.
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Then neither of us actually lose anything and we can still play on our respective servers.
Cool, just don't mislead newfags by telling them the "best way to learn to play" is your retarded configs.
claiming vanilla is better than literally any Noire config is equally harmful if not moreso, especially when arguments are presented like in >>1492220
as if these hypotheticals are guaranteed to play out that way and everyone who complains about those particular vanilla settings are always unjustified
having more options is just better for a game designed for modding in my opinion and ultimately, if your claim is true then everyone trying out Noire will eventually find that out the hard way and play vanilla
you didn't even say what the knockon effect of this was
if a player doesn't like it then noire lets him turn it off, simple
you should never hoard/save rings or spam/hold instawhip because that will slow you down
rings are your main source of speed so you should be using them 24/7 as they allow you to keep tight lines, gain more speed on downhill, and make it past inclines
your point makes even less sense since you later say instawhip is underpowered
you countered your own point by admitting it's jank
if a player doesn't like it, then noire lets him turn it off, simple
outright lie since getting hit is still a thing kek
by your logic every other kart racer doesn't have "feedback" since it doesn't copy paste smash bros hitstop when you hit someone
don't try to talk about item balance when noire provides more solutions to it than vanilla's awful balance which even comp players have changed, invinc is the 2nd best item in vanilla as shrink is #1
>ring boxes
noire let's the player choose if they want that or not
>decision making
again this' player choice of whether they want ring boxes or not which isn't a bad thing kek
there is no decision making in vanilla because every track has a simple flowchart and for the tracks that have top skips, those are broken
best = shrink -> jackpot spam
2nd best = invinc -> jackpot spam
3rd best = flame shield and tap it
4th best = jackpot spam
also bagging is rewarded the most in vanilla than I have ever seen in any other kart racer, only MK8 comes close to this level of bagging be the undispusted best strat

I also never said he should turn anything off in my post, in fact I reccomended he should keep rings on
The point of noire is the player has all the choices they want to play the game how they like, more player options is never a bad thing and if he wants vanilla he can just set everything in noire to off/disabled and get vanilla that way
Hopefully that's how it goes, the worst outcome is if it causes even more splintering of the playerbase and makes it harder to find games for both parties. Im on the side of bringing similar toggles into the base game if only to keep everyone visibly together in the master server list. Smash has hundreds of toggles but everyone serious eventually settled on 2-3 stock no items. I think in that kind of setting most people will pull toward playing vanilla anyway, srb2kart mods show people yearn for complexity in their mechanics they just can't stand the cold plunge of learning vanilla RR. That's what I find interesting about RR discourse, time will absolutely change the consensus on what is 'too much' complexity because everyone will slowly and enivitably seek more complexity as they get better. Misguided as it is, Noire is a trojan horse.
>as if these hypotheticals are guaranteed to play out that way
They're not hypotheticals. Learn to read.
>you didn't even say what the knockon effect of this was
Are you legitimately stupid? I said it right there. Ring Sting and Ring Debt are the primary means by which you're punished for bad play, and the risk of either is a primary motivator for not just spending all your rings the exact fucking instant you get them literally every single time. You ALWAYS have a reason to hold onto a ring or two because Ring Sting/Ring Debt are threats which you are risking putting yourself closer to every time you spend rings.
>rings are your main source of speed
Literally, factually not true for every character class. Bottom Left gets way the fuck more speed from abusing drift turnos and Tether, for example, and Bottom Right basically doesn't give a fuck about ringspam 99% of the time.
>your point makes even less sense since you later say instawhip is underpowered
Instawhip is underpowered IN ITS CURRENT CONTEXT. Removing the risks associated with it put it in a state where it's overpowered as fuck.
>you countered your own point by admitting it's jank
I said "minor jank interactions". Weird edge case shit like the tables in Joypolis or the rare instances of one-off hitstop making a split-second difference in the outcome of a race do not make the mechanic worth removing.
>by your logic every other kart racer doesn't have "feedback" since it doesn't copy paste smash bros hitstop when you hit someone
Mario Kart items are absolute shit, yes.
>noire let's the player choose if they want that or not
Which is a mistake.
>this' player choice of whether they want ring boxes
Turning something off isn't the same as having to make the choice mid-race you absolute fucking retard.
>more player options is never a bad thing
This is flat-out wrong. Just look at literally any fucking game where people debate over which difficulty option is the "correct" one.
Seperate DRR thread and Noire and see which thread ends up dying lmao.
>3 srb2 threads up and active at the same time
Jannies wont like that!
I don't have a problem with Noirefags, they're free to post here, I just have a problem with this stupid fucking "TURN OFF MAJOR PARTS OF THE GAME TO MAKE IT BETTER LOL" retardation that Noirefags won't stop pointing.
>if it causes even more splintering of the playerbase and makes it harder to find games for both parties
People who are trying Noire because they didn't like vanilla wouldn't be a part of the vanilla playerbase either way. It took several years for the /vm/ SRB2K server to get where it is; if anything, allowing people to dip their toes in RR's mechanics without getting shit on by them should be encouraged if vanilla RR is the end goal.
I'm more considering what comes after, where do they converge? Consider that communities tend to snowball having three smaller groups will handicap the buildup of new players for everyone.
>instawhipping has absolutely zero risk now, no reason to save your rings literally ever instead of burning to zero and holding instawhip
Even without rings, the parry timing is relatively tight in the middle of a race and you have to give up an item for it. Worst case, a cvar could be added to implement a cooldown on it like V1 mods like Nepspin behave.
>half the items in the game feel like complete fucking shit and have no feedback now, invincibility is now busted as fuck since it gets free time for literally nothing whenever you hit someone
Being able to clear shortcuts without fearing someone is gonna nail my ass during the hitstun is a trade I'm willing to make.
>literally no decision making between items and jackpots any more even though going for jackpots is a fundamental and important means of catching up for a lot of character classes
About as fundamental and important as double stacking any other power items.

I don't see you hosting a vanilla DRRR server for the thread, faggot. Don't be upset the people with initiative are the ones using the custom build.
Do think it's for the best desu, Noire itself caters to a different audience of RR than purists who love the game as is; separating the two would cause less confusion, KK dicksuckers get their own thread, noire fags can do whatever.
+ The distinction of customizability and the two being incompatible is enough
>the parry timing is relatively tight in the middle of a race
The instawhip hitbox lasts for fucking ages, it's way more generous than it seems. Go play some battle mode and you'll see.
>Worst case, a cvar could be added to implement a cooldown on it like V1 mods like Nepspin behave.
>Being able to clear shortcuts without fearing someone is gonna nail my ass during the hitstun is a trade I'm willing to make.
I have literally never once had this happen to me in the hundreds of hours I've played and I've only ever seen like, two webMs of Hitstop meaningfully changing an interaction outside of the Joypolis furniture thing.
>I don't see you hosting a vanilla DRRR server for the thread, faggot.
The discussion was about someone new wanting to know how to play the campaign, read the thread.
>just spending all your rings the exact fucking instant you get them literally every single time
completely false, you should always be using rings the instant you get them because they're the main source of your speed
nobody plays RR by holding the ring button until they hit negatives and every track is spammed with rings every corner so there's no ring management and the player can continually tap rings
the only real threat of losing rings (aka speed), like in every other kart racer, is getting combo'd by items and the danger of that is the same whether you're at 20, 15, 10, or 5 rings. If you get combo'd by items then whatever your ring count is by the end of it you're going to go for shrink/invinc/flame/jackpot spam
>Bottom Right basically doesn't give a fuck about ringspam 99% of the time.
you're insane if you think there are classes that don't use rings at all
even if you turn off ring debt, it's still not OP because you still need to use rings and items
a player who gets in first and always keeps his ring count at 0 to spam instawhip isn't going to win the race since he's going super slow and will get btfo by an item, hazard, pitfall for not having enough speed to cross the gap, or outright overtaken
>Mario Kart
yes I clearly have no way of knowing if my green shell hit luigi when I see luigi lose all his speed and spin around in his kart along with the sound effects + vfx
>player choice
nope it's a good thing
as said, if a new player wants to tryout vanilla then when they first boot the game they can play with vanilla settings and if they don't like something then they can go into noire's options and change it
noire defaults to keeping everything vanilla on boot
also don't pretend to care for the playerbase when you spam the thread with your spergouts, be hostile to all posters that have the slightest criticism of RR's design (most of those are new players btw), don't bother to host a vanilla server, and say KK should add more player options to vanilla but say noire is bad because it gives player options kek
and you do it all because a new player dared to ask if he should play noire while pretending that noire is the only mod that heavily changes how you play the game in a game that's designed to intentionally be heavily moddable and is a sequel to a game that was also known for and designed to be heavily moddable
if noire didn't exist then nothing changes because people will still be playing and making unique modded versions of RR as noire isn't the only one

comp players have also heavily changed the game btw to the point it cannot be called vanilla anymore so you can't use the excuse of how smash bros ultimate does it for "serious" players
I dont see the point of this thread or any custom client really, a polished turd will be always a Turd
>the only real threat of losing rings (aka speed), like in every other kart racer, is getting combo'd by items and the danger of that is the same whether you're at 20, 15, 10, or 5 rings
Are you fucking stupid? You lose rings when hit. The less rings you have when you get hit, the more likely you'll enter Ring Sting. Getting hit twice at 20 and getting hit twice at 5 are incredibly different scenarios with incredibly different outcomes.
>you're insane if you think there are classes that don't use rings at all
Every class uses rings, calling them your "main source of speed" for every class is flat-out wrong. Some character classes benefit more from sustained ring use and boost stacking rather than tap use. Some benefit more from keeping rings as a way to recover speed rather than a way to gain it. Please learn the game you're playing before spouting off about shit you don't understand.
>even if you turn off ring debt, it's still not OP because you still need to use rings and items
Spoken like some who has never played in a server that removes Ring Sting/Ring Debt.
>nope it's a good thing
Allowing players to make the game worse by removing mechanics just because their initial, uneducated impression is poor does not make the choice a "good thing". If every game thought like this you'd have shit like Street Fighter letting you toggle on infinite meter and retards like you trying to argue that that's the correct way to play the game.
How would you know if I host a vanilla server? If you mean for the 4chan playerbase then lol no I'd rather 'host' a wasp nest in my skull. Also not that anon, do you need us to be the same guy so you can believe that no one or likes plays vanilla still?

Wait people are actually considering this, at that point they should just nuke all the threads if people can't play nice.
for noire, i'd like to request an option(s) that allow AI racers to use followers and random skincolors for themselves and their followers
i believe the vanilla game has a merge request for at least something similar
That'd actually be pretty neat.
Doesn't the Dark Rider Shadow mod actually make his rival basegame Shadow with a yellow palette?
While we're talking about the instawhip, I can say the only thing I really don't like about it is how variable the time to it being active is. It has all these use cases but you're forced to burn all your rings to take advantage of it, which takes so long that the opportunity will have passed you by, the current system says you need to enter a disadvantage state to use it, but also you will be in a even worse state of you use it while in that disadvantage state. I'd rather see a weaker instawhip with more immediacy (burns slot if not all your rings instantly) than have it be so out of reach.
>There's definitely a niche for people who want the polish of ring racers
ah yes the ring racers polish where the game launched completely broken with forced artificial ping delay, a tutorial that was removed from the game after 2 hours, default steering options which reduced your inputs, and completely broken item balance
theres thousands of design choices like that
>ballhog either takes 3 seconds of holding to fire or you have to spam all 5 shots
>this means that rolling ballhog literally locks you out of rings for minimum 3 seconds

>invinci no longer tied to its musical jingle (something which every kart game since 1990 has got correct)
>invinci length is based on position (with no visual indicator)
>same thing with grow, except you can extend your grow with your shrink lazers, so its an unknown starting length that keeps getting added with unknown amounts of time, making it literally not possible to predict when it will end

>''INSTA''whip takes time to charge

its clear to anyone who has actually played a video game that kk devs do not play video games, and since they refused to playtest because of muh evil 4chan hackers, the game is still completely fucked to this day which is why not only did drrr splinter into its own thread because no one cared, but now this thread is about to splinter into vanilla/custom
Not sure we were playing the same game but yes, that one. Why are you here?
why do you type like a homosexual? if you say 'but yes' then thats the end of my point, yes it really was that fucked on release
Yeah I'm not tied to items having hold actions either and the invuln having no powering down que is bad and hopefully being addressed. I'll stand by its length being based on position (honestly want items to ramp off in higher placements more) I know they reworking ballhog so they might give it more immediacy.

Okay? That has very little to do with polish I'm talking about, even if you disregard every mechanical choice people are really vibing with the visuals and presentation. It's definitely up there with kinds of fan games that nail the aesthetic of classic Sonic and the Saturn era. Srb2kart plays great but it's a hodgepodge of quality visually.
>same thing with grow,
Grow and Shrink actually have visual indicators. Look at the arrows floating around you.
>''INSTA''whip takes time to charge
It's a reference to the instashield from Sonic 3.
Also, according to one of the dev streams, instawhip actually was instant for a while. It got nerfed for reasons you can probably guess if you try using cheats to give yourself rhythm badge during a race.
I genuinely think instawhip is the key to fixing 90% of peoples' perceived issues with item balance. Instawhip is strong as fuck in specific situations but it's so risky and weird and hard to use that nobody's even trying, and since nobody's trying to use instawhip nobody has any fear of instawhip.
I almost wonder what would happen if they just went balls to the wall and added the shield from Battle Mode when you E-Brake.
visuals and presentation is not polish for a video game. start a tumblr page instead
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>visuals and presentation is not polish for a video game
I swear you /srb2k/fags get more retarded every time you post here
i have no idea how you can admit a game was completely broken on release but still cling to the idea that it was polished. if you have a boner for the sonic aesthetic thats fine but not everyone is so easily impressed, thats your thing
sorry for being invested in a game that i waited 5 years for must be a heckin le evil srb2k hackerminz
>completely broken on release
How was it completely broken? The only major objective issues at launch were the Lite Steering bug and the simulated delay bug (which was apparently what they playtested with anyways, so it doesn't matter much for singleplayer, especially if you turned delay to 0 anyways).

Everything else you listed isn't an issue of "polish" or things being broken. The Tutorial was (as far as we know) extensively playtested, well put together, and isn't buggy, the devs just misunderstood how to teach new and returning players properly. That's not an issue of "polish", that's an issue of design. The items weren't "completely broken", the only major item changes they've made have been nerfing the Bubble Bhop and trying to (and failing, frankly) fix Shrink.
>sorry for being invested in a game that i waited 5 years for must be a heckin le evil srb2k hackerminz
Get the chip off your shoulder.
yes having a completely irrelevant and outdated tutorial that is hotfixed to be basically removed from the game within hours of release is what most people would call 'a lack of polish', just like steering in a kart game not working or online in an online racing game not working

something looking nice isnt polish, i wish you luck with your future understanding of english
How much are they paying you? This level of cope is not natural, the game is 500x better now than it was on release, WTF are you talking about?
>yes having a completely irrelevant and outdated tutorial that is hotfixed to be basically removed from the game within hours of release is what most people would call 'a lack of polish',
The tutorial itself was well made and polished, it was just poor at teaching what actually needed to be taught. I wouldn't even call it "outdated", it just doesn't do a good job. A bad tutorial can be polished and a good tutorial can be unpolished. These are two completely different issues you're describing. It also wasn't "removed", they just gave people more chances to skip.
>just like steering in a kart game not working or online in an online racing game not working
The steering worked fine outside of a specific, niche accessibility option being bugged. The online worked fine until you reached delays higher than 2-3, which obviously wasn't ideal, but doesn't make the entire game "unpolished" because of one issue.
>i wish you luck with your future understanding of english
You're the only one here misunderstanding what polish means.
I'm not saying the game hasn't been patched for the better (outside of the bot nerfs, that shit was cringe and you're a faggot if you defend it) but calling the entire game "unpolished" because of a tutorial that doesn't teach as well as it could and a couple bugs in a freeware game is ridiculous.
you clearly dont know what polish is if you think it can exist in conjuction with bugs on release (for a game that was delayed years for bug fixes and redesigns btw)
on the contrary, calling the entire game ''polished'' because of a few sprites that most people never even look at properly is ridiculous
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>"you're insane if you think there are classes that don't use rings at all Every class uses rings, calling them your "main source of speed" for every class is flat-out wrong"
Not anon, except that it's true, IT IS your main way of speed aside from wavedashing and keeping momentum or maintaining speed regardless of how different a class uses it; it literally boils down to just keeping your speed and ringboosting; versatility does not negate the fact that rings are critical to speed across the board. So yes, they really are the main source of speed.
The whole meta is literally centered around taking advantage of ringboosts and wavedashes, including abuse of it, with characters being bad at it being worse off or too predictable. it's why you rarely see people use Class I or Class C. Please learn the game in a competitive lounge before you spout retarded shit.
>"Spoken like some who has never played in a server that removes Ring Sting/Ring Debt."

That still requires active awareness to make complete good use of it, a good statblock and positioning in order to use it effectively and even then people will avoid you, spam with items, or try to charge up their own to counter it, not withstanding that you're actively putting yourself in a bad position by not using rings, to tether, or to keep up.
Even with ringsting absent, it barely changes fundamentally how people use it aside from increased aggression, and the vanilla charge time isn't long enough to a point it becomes an absolute answer to everything.
Do you think polish is a binary thing or something? Almost no games ever made have been 100% bug-free on release. A game can be largely polished and still have a bug or two, which is the case with Ring Racers.
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>"Allowing players to make the game worse by removing mechanics just because their initial, uneducated impression is poor does not make the choice a 'good thing'."

Actually, it's a good thing because those uneducated guesses based on collective experience can lead to good refinement or effective balance tweaks on what is ideal, balanced to the playerbase's preferences and playstyle, or what should be standard in tournament config/rulesets, such as not getting fucked by stairjanking or a jawz doing an unavoidable 180 with 100% accuracy. Besides, it seems like people already know what stripping, adding, finetuning, and removing mechanics benefits RR or their server; saying people should play with unfun anti-player shit is downright idiotic; you reek of a KK shill if it wasn't obvious.
>a bug or two
>this is the case with ring racers
not sure

just to set the record straight, since you dont know, polish refers to EXTRA work on a project that is not REQUIRED as part of the initial game design goals
for example, bg3 has lots of polish, things like auto-sorting inventory, being able to view the inventory of characters at camp without having to fuck around pulling them in and out of party, etc.
these things arent required for the game to function and you could just as easily beat the game exactly the same, just with an extra 30 minutes of global playtime for fucking around with inventories. but because they POLISHED it AFTER it was finished, the player is spared that
it doesnt refer to ANYTHING visual in terms of art direction etc
its literally an insult to indi devs everywhere to say RR was had a polished release
not to mention within the first week there were 5+ patches, all with work done by community members, to fix the shit that was barely functional.
this is the direct opposite of polish
>IT IS your main way of speed aside from wavedashing and keeping momentum or maintaining speed regardless of how different a class uses it
I strongly disagree. I play large mid-left/bottom left classes and I only ever bother ringboosting when I'm using it to get away with retarded tethers/miniturbos— it's not like I never use rings, but to say that they're my main source of speed is completely incorrect. I'm aware that I phrased myself a bit poorly earlier in saying that some characters can "ignore" rings, but it's more accurate to say that every class has different situations and uses for them, and many of them do not use them as the primary source of speed. If anything, class C actually DOES get them as their primary source of speed Class A's hilariously stupid jackpot stacking nonsense really only comes into play during Time Trial.
>That still requires active awareness to make complete good use of it
Awareness which the game is clearly pushing you towards anyways.
>Actually, it's a good thing because those uneducated guesses based on collective experience can lead to good refinement or effective balance tweaks on what is ideal
With a game that asks its players to meet it halfway and learn, uneducated and rash judgements like "this should be removed" are fucking awful for the game. I'm not going to say RR is blameless for this, because the tutorial sets people up for failure almost immediately with how fucking horrid it is at teaching the player the right things.
>you reek of a KK shill if it wasn't obvious.
What the fuck is it about /vm/ that makes it impossible to say "I largely like vanilla Ring Racers and the choices it made" without you schizo fucks accusing me of being a shill?
Oh you could infer I meant visual polish using common sense and not pull the thread into yet another argument. The anon arguing with you isn't even me I've just been sitting here checked out. Life advice for everyone here, the second an argument divulges into the definition of basic terms or words check out because it's not going anywhere and everyone involved is wasting their time. You'll save yourself months of valuable life.
the fact that you have to specify 'visual polish' (and didnt at the beginning) should tell you that 'polish' standalone does not refer to the same thing
again i wish you luck with your english lessons
refusing to give the player agency over how they play because of your personal preferences is the mentality of a rapist
do you have to spend time thinking up shit this stupid or does it come naturally
Good lord, I wish Noire came with a custom MS or option to switch between any but that'd be out of way out of scope.
Can't wait for elimination with this.
One toggle I would suggest is having the camera auto-snap when interacting with springs and removing their effect on kart handling.
custom ms is being worked on as we speak, confirmed working
Including a toggle on being able to see who is calling a vote and letting spectators call one
So...a dash ring. That's a dash ring.
>You see, tripping mechanics actually add a LOT to Brawl!

I got bored and decided to repack MegaMapJam with only the good tracks, which contains:
-Mega Tsu Area 3
-Mega Casino Night
-Mega Casino Paradise
-Mega Mellow Harbor
>A completely random outcome the player has not control over
>Game designed to mitigate randomness and favour skill

Did you even play RR?
Almost all of the retards who come to /vm/ whine about how shit RR is don't even play RR. They just spout off random shit about MUH COMP PLAYERS and call you a KKD Shill if or spam cherrypicked WebMs if you disagree.
>Oh you could infer I meant visual polish
nice goalpost moving kek
the instant you typed this you admitted the other anon was right
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>Mega Casino Night
I liked the other tracks but bro are you sure about this one
webm rel was my first time playing it and seeing how you can get a potential jackpot at the start of the race and then chain that with the first ring box sounds retarded
like you're rewarded for having a slow start
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Okay yea you don't even need jackpot, if you get 2 jackpot, all sonic, or all tails then that's good enough to get a big ringstack going and that 100 ring box at the start is not hard to get but even if you bonk the bumper once or twice you're fine because of how many rings you're stacking especially if you get the first ring box
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I'm tempted to actually practice the track and learn the lines just so I can see this track in a full lobby with players that also know the track and everyone is fishing for ring stacking but I refuse to see what this' like on statlines like 5-2, 4-1, 1-4, 2-4, and the other good statlines kek
Was laughing so hard I couldn't even play, I think the blue sections should count as off-road at the least but yea this track is busted
It's meant to be a party map, the stage roulettes can roll spikes and blow you up. I don't mind the community throwing some silly maps in the mix, some of the most fun I've had has been on not baby park with all bumpers.

Seems fun.
You said you filtered it to only be good tracks though so how bad were the others you didn't pick?
And you can die on the roulette? I never rolled that once kek
Character request:
>You said you filtered it to only be good tracks though so how bad were the others you didn't pick?
Goofy tracks can still be good.
Also some of the tracks in that pack are straight up cancer AIDS worse than anything vanilla.
I'll take your word for it
i haven't played since the first month of release
is this still shit?
it will always be shit, the core gameplay is trash
It depends on what you disliked about it.
-fixed the drop/bounce so it has more utility and feels good to use
-removed and lowered requirements towards unlocking content and playing online
-added toggles that automate ring and roulette mechanics to reduce how many system to players has to focus on while racing.
-lots of little tweaks to make the game bad interactions more forgiving and items better balanced.
-bot difficulty ramps up slower and drops significantly if the player struggling
-special stages bandaided by giving the player more leniency on multiple attempts.

So if any of those things were major pain points then I'd say yeah give it another crack. The core of the game is the same and there hasn't been any major reworkings of the mechanics yet (looking like the upcoming 2.4 update my do). Just don't jump straight into online with zero practice you will get smoked and learn nothing.
noire is fun
Don't bother with vanilla RR just get noire desu.
Whats the Noire server here anyway? I better not have to join some groomcord
I could probably throw something up, if I can be fucked to compile it. What day would you wanna play, honey bun.
Read up anon
Honestly, the base game is still bad, but I would argue that with Noire is better than Kart in almost every way because you get the best of both worlds and QoLs, minus the large community content that Kart has.
>We want to remove the timer from a racing game in order to jam in even more mechanics and hud elements
Please explain to me how DRRR is anything besides Mario Kart with more random garbage thrown into it.
there's nothing to explain, KK is comprised of drooling retards
Hey, playara server host here again. I want to clarify that this server is merely meant for testing the noire build, meaning that whenever NepDisk has no use for it anymore, there will be changes. Right now I am scouring suggested addons and uploading them to the server with a slight "fire and forget" mindset, but if i feel the need to still run the server after NepDisk moves on, or I hit the skin limit, some of the addons I have seen so far will be removed. You can look at the v1 A.R.A. servers listed on the kartinvidya status page ( https://kartinvidya.me/status ) to see the kind of content I run with. I normally don't have as much content as other servers by design.
Does anyone actually give a shit about the timer during race mode, though? Nothing actually matters except the time you finished the race at and you see that on the results screen anyways.
If they removed it from the Time Trial mode they're absolutely fucking retarded though.
Yeah, I can see where they're coming from. If they want to squeeze in more shit, then a timer for PvP races isn't that important. Of course, they'd be gay for not providing an option to re-enable it anyways, but to treat it like an inherently major change is ridiculous.
Not sure what addons you have already but please add in: restat, drift gauge, item timers
It's been in anon.
Server has 6 rn JOIN
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Kart Ports

-Penthouse Plaza

All of the Lua from BB was mostly carried over from v1 (thanks Nep), with the exception of the PIT area SFX and VFX (I am not a coder).

Starting positions differ between vanilla RR and Noire, with the latter using v1 starts.
NOTE: I have not tested this in multiplayer.

A minor update to Kart-Rev like:
who would you guys use as a voice source for Vanilla the Rabbit? I'm stuck at 'Rosalina' but I feel like there's a better choice
noire hostanon here again,
the server now has a lua script to manage bots.
type "botcontrol easy/hard/off" in console to toggle the bots between lv.9, lv. 13, and off. Keep in mind once the bots are turned off, they will not be able to be turned back on until all players have disconnected, defaulting back to the "easy" setting. This allows lonely players to actually race something on the server while waiting for 1 of the 5 people outside of the trannyverse who still touch this game on a weekday.
dead thread dead game
It's more active than the srb2kart thread now lol
Pussy Racers
>Drrr seething over srb2k
>gets kicked out
>no activity in drrr thread for weeks
>drrr starts seething over noire
nice activity
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Moving from a Class B character to a Class C character, I've noticed no meaningful change to my top speed. It's 127% for both.
What's with this?
>srb2k thread complains people talk about rr
>make a thread to contain them
>everyone moves to it and starts genuinely talking about the game
>srb2k folk abandon their own thread
>come to rr thread to complain about rr and hype noire

Nice activity? How about any activity lol.

Not really sure because I love the left side of the board too much but I'm gonna guess you need to be on straightaways longer to see the speed benefit. Maybe load up the test track. Class C also gets the most out of boost items and stacking effects (like using a sneaker over a dash panel) which last much longer when used.
even in your fake scenario the activity in this thread is thanks to srb2k so idk what kind of own this was meant to be
very cute idea trying to reframe 'drrr players shill drrr to death even though it has more servers than players and get laughed out of the thread' as 'srb2k complain that people talk about drrr'' but you didnt think it through to the end, sorry about that
man, to me you sound like an actual homosexual.
I'm sure you are also using "y'all" a lot.
anyway, why are you mad about how active DRRR and SRB2K are? if you really hate SRB2K so much then you should hate DRRR as well since it's a follow-up on SRB2K.
about noire, I'm sure you must have your reasons to hate noire but it's an undeniable truth that Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers' client is inherently flawed. pretty sure you would agree on that. aren't more options a good thing?
>get karted every round near the end of round 3
>think it's just amy being a lightweight
>reread the manual
>it's ring sting
I should've known.
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Well DESERVED for being a class B fag.
>thoughtlessly burn to 0
>experience the consequences of your actions
Nobody's mad at SRBK2 existing, we're mad that the threads got separated as they should have been and you faggots are still coming here to shitpost instead of playing your own game and staying in your own thread
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>>dont crosspost!
>he said after citing his knowledge on srb2k thread activity
Race as a Pussy
>after citing his knowledge on srb2k thread activity
I don't know nor care how the SRB2K thread is doing, but it's clear the faggots that were shitposting about DRRR in that thread before the split are coming here to shitpost in this one.
for someone who doesnt know or care you were pretty quick to explain exactly whats in both threads
You're talking to two different people, retard. I'm not >>1499922.
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sure thing
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makes no sense honestly.
both DRRR and SRB2K are one and the same game.
there was never a need for separation of threads.
sure, DRRR has been shat on so much that it felt like it shouldn't be included in the main thread but after some time some people stopped giving a fuck.
the discussion can still be possible if you only pulled that stick out of your ass.
don't act like this here is /vg/ where every single game warrants its own general.
if some shithead shits on your game and you just want to go away then there's seriously something wrong with you.
makes you look like a fucking fag.
>both DRRR and SRB2K are one and the same game.
They're clearly not, given that SRB2Kfags can't stop getting mad about DRRR.
>the discussion can still be possible if you only pulled that stick out of your ass.
No, it's not. I don't consider autistic schizophrenics spamming
At every fucking hour of the goddamn day to be "discussion". It's just faggotry, and I'd rather these games get separate threads so the faggots from /srb2k/ that have no interest in this game can fuck off and stay there to talk about their game.
your all caps spergout about how everyone else is a sperg is very convincing, i like noire, cry about it faggot
Cool, feel free to stay here and discuss Noire if you like, just quit being a retarded faggot about it.
>quite being a retarded faggot
meant for >>1500178
unless you make your own vanilla server for this thread then arguing with noire wathever is pointless, SRB2K survived because it had its own server since /vm/ existed
>the only one ardently defending DRRR is the one that doesn't host servers or participate in the one active server hosted in the thread
>acts like a holier than thou bitch when people tell him to put up or shut up and actually race
>screams at everyone else about how they're enjoying the game wrong and how they're shitty chuds for wanting options

don't you have a community to continue to pussify? go crawl back to the shitcord server you crawled out of, faggot
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Wow, that's a lot of autistic posts in this thread from a whole gaggle of niggers that I don't wanna read!
What's the skinny on like, actual playing. Have you cunts settled on a regular time n' shit yet.
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No time ATM, most fags from /srb2k/ and DRR drop by on the server, usually on weekends in the afternoon, but nobody announces these on the thread.
If you want it so bad make your own vanilla server, its easy. jesus do the skill issues extend outside the game too?
>If you want it so bad make your own vanilla server
That's the point, illiteracy-kun. Nobody in the thread considers hosting a vanilla server over the Noire one to be worthwhile besides one idiot.
Alrighty. Standard general "gaming times" then. I guess I'll just try to keep my finger on the pulse the best I can.
Why are you (You)-ing me, silly man
A Time Attack Leaderboard wad would go great for the server but alas it doesn't exist yet.
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Class B is the most delightful to play. That level of control is good to have in a chaotic game like this.
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Thankfully they only do one ice track per gp am I right? Pic unrelated.
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>Death Egg Zone
I honestly really like DEZ as a singleplayer track. The hilarious length is offset by the AI not being able to handle it, so it's more of an interesting endurance test than a skill check.
Lost Colony, on the other hand, can go FUCK itself in singleplayer.
What's lost colony done to deserve the hate? It's only chaotic hazard is the energy cells onver the trick jumps it's otherwise a pretty straight forward course. In my opinion deadline deserves all the hate for being straight up broken.
I don't actually have any specific reason to hate LC, I just kept losing lives during Emerald runs there.
Dead Line is actually shit, though.
literally who
>a bunch of hard 90s and an flow-stopping elevator section

Despite Dead Line's flaws, the setpieces that fling you around are very satisfying to use and the track layout is easier to race on. LC being so faithful to the source material fucks it in a lot of ways that aren't conductive to racing.
Is this fucking banana dragon bro.
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Yes I'm playing.

Pussy Racers
Damn, is full
Sitting alone on us.playara.moe:1337

Will try to build this and join
Been trying drift styles in noire,
v1 feels very nice as usual with lighter weights, while v2 feels better fitted to heavy weights but not vice versa; it would be cool to see a server that allows for different styles.
Contains a beta update for Pro Pack with two new tracks:
>Azure Gardens
>Festival Night

Contains a NullSpace themed track which is basically SNES rainbow road
The percent speedometer is based on your engine's base speed. 100% as Amy is slower than 100% as Sonic.
Is there a way to find the actual speed information associated with each speed stat?
You can switch the speedometer to show things other than percentage in the options IIRC. The percentage is there because 200%/300% are the universal "you can cross a tripwire without an item" values for everyone.
r.i.p milky way
>Technical limitations
You just know they wanted a shitty gimmick.
They'll never top Marsh's f-zero tracks
New noire build update
Server viewer for some Noire servers
You can see a server's population without needing to join now
NOTE: it's temporary
Server request:

Don't forget to replace the tranny flags
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If anyone wants to, send me a short list of tracks to port to RR.
port flesh paradise
Pls port any, if not all mario kart levels! I think I've only seen super nintendo levels in a pack so far.
Volcanic Valley
>As a forenotice; if we ever make a map internally that can thematically replace dead line, we probably will. It's not up to our standards and no one wants to maintain it anymore (old mapping practices), and Mega Aqua Lake has been completely remapped internally
Well, at least they know Dead Line is shit.
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Doesn't matter, anon; it's a mega track, it'll always be shit.
But I like the MEGA tracks.
Mega Green Hill is one of the better tracks in the game, and Mega Ice Cap would be good if the general ice physics weren't atrocious.
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>minimal ring boost
>weak tether
>worst drift boost in the game
How are the 9-speeds of Class C supposed to function in a race?
>minimal ring boost
Isn't the class C ringboost the strongest in the game? It just doesn't last long.
That's class A, isn't it?
Class A's ringboost is actually technically the weakest in terms of individual boost-per-ring, it just lasts the longest so it stacks in a completely retarded way in Time Trial where you're only getting ringboxes.
Oh. I'd been using Jet and stuttering my ring uses. Good to hear it's justified.
Yeah. Generally the way the stats seem to be designed is that the left side of the character select have to be constantly engaging with the RR mechanics the most (constant ringboosting, constant tethering, constant driftboosting) to keep up their speed, while characters on the right side get the most benefit out of just driving well, keeping momentum up, and using the RR mechanics for short-term bursts of speed.
Being honest, it seems like Class A gets a raw deal.
Class I gets top speed and the strongest, most flexible tethers in the game to go with their Mach 5 drift boosting, but Class A just gives you a minigame where you try to follow a straight tether line for minimal gain.
If you don't grab a jackpot in the tail end of the third lap, you auto-lose as Class A, and item structure means you're never doing so from a leading position.
They're very flexible in the middle of the race, but they can't easily nab first.
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Fellow mecha chad
Class A is kinda the tutorial class. Their tools aren't actually that strong, but their handling/drifting is the easiest for a new player to manage by far.
When should I use the insta-whip? It seems harshly committal for races with more than two people. Is it a tool for targeting rivals in the GP scoreboard?
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Well, I guess this basically confirms that whatever update adds online co-op GP is very likely going to be the last one. Anything after that will likely be community updates much like Kart 1.4-1.6 were. After that I guess just wait to see if they ever do a Ring Racers sequel or not in the next 10 years.
Instawhip is really fucking weird and tricky, but you can use it for a lot of really niche, silly shit.
>instawhipping through stage hazards (the spike balls on spring yard zone are the easiest example) since it gives you full iframes
>instawhipping people with invincibility
Those are the two biggest ones. I've also heard people saying you can instawhip through S.P.B.s but I think that's bullshit.
Worth practicing it through battle mode, since it's a way bigger deal there.
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Update to Kart-Rev like:

New edits:
>City Escape
>Emerald Hill
>Aerial Highlands

-Making Blue Cacti Non-solid

Track Imports from Gill_'s DR_Dehazardize-v1.2.pk3:
>Death EGG
>Chaos Tube
>Endless Mine
>Speed Highway
>Blue Mountain 1 & 2
>Emerald Coast
>Hot Shelter
>Diamond Blizzard Classic
>Panic City
>Water Palace
>Umbrella Rushwinds
>Nova Shore
>Dragonspire 2
>Spring Yard
>Lavender Shrine Classic
>Mega Scrap Brain
>Dark Fortress
>Melty Manor
>Bronze Lake
>Dead Line
>Mega Lava Reef
>Haunted Ship
>Cyan Belltower
>Chemical Facility
>Lucid Pass
>Carnival Night
>Diamond Dust
I have 100+ hours and I still couldn't tell you a definitively 'correct' instance to use it beyond these examples:
As the other anon said, you can whip through certain track hazards to take faster routes.
Using it on the final stretch of the finish line to deny overtakes or other whips. Almost everyone online will be looking to punish you for not whipping back so don't get caught out. Not useful in sp though as bots don't do this and you want the ring bonus anyway.
Just as a deterrence, players seeing you charge it up will think twice about overtaking you in funnels and tight corridors, although I'd only really recommend doing this if you were already out of rings.

Of the players I see online who go for them from a neutral state often I see mixed success. For every well timed denial there's a moment you see them get combo'd from the ring sting or read like a book by a player simply braking and overtaking right after.
For lighter classes? Aside from defense, the ring sting is painful when you make a mistake, but you have good handling to do unconventional shit, such as class B. Heavier classes? You can get away with super aggressive plays, especially if you tether onto another racist's back.
>Not useful in sp though as bots don't do this and you want the ring bonus anyway.
I've actually had bots instawhip me out of invuln, which was pretty funny.
Bots are kind of crazy with instawhip, if they're charging it they'll almost always time it right and hit you
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I gotta give them credit, Eggman sure lives up to being the literal star of the game because Class G is actually pretty fun to just throw around. They're slower, but still get decent ringboost but most importantly strong tethers and really powerful mini-turbos. Eggman practically lives off of mini-turbos and can go shockingly fast when you build up blues or even rainbows. My man will practically break the sound barrier if you give him the lightning shield thanks to the infini-tether mechanic with it. He's the good shit.
Classes D, H, and G are my absolute fvaorites just for that exact reason. Aggressive driftspam and tether abuse is just too goddamn fun. Gutbuster my beloved
Kart Ports

>Lilac Lake
>Storm Station
>Bedroom Byway
>Syntax Station
>Untitled Forest

Started work on requests.
k then, here 5.

Needy Madness, Kitchen Kerfuffle, both from Retro Racers pack.

Slide Coliseum from CTR Track Pack,
Old Space Pinball from PT Patafoin pack
And Cookie Country.
I was also thinking Class A might be able to use it. A has long-lasting ring boosts, so it can actually hold that on the racing line without losing speed.
Quick patch to fix something.

Nabbed a FZERO SNES pack for vanilla RR. It's not on the MB yet.
Anyone up for Noire tomorrow on Saturday at 2-3pm EST?
Astro's noire server announcement
Fun times.
Disc for ring racists:
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Quick fix for something I thought was fixed; it appeared I did not pay close attention.

-fixes subzero's peak slope handlers
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So, which one of these fags made it in?
i dont know any of these people
I'm more or less surprised that they didn't have a community map, like with MM8bDM.
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None because DirkTheHusky was banned
Also I want to breed Lamet the Dragon Knight
Context please?
D*ng. I wanted my oc included...
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and i wanna fuck ryder. fuck it what mother fucking ring racer do you guys wanna fuck.
>Srb2 OCs
Anon, you're in the wrong thread & board!
Anon it's
at least tag the right board if you're gonna call me a fag lol
Forces started the flood, you can't deny it.
not even close
>durr thread is just a shill samefagging
surprised i am not
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Haven't bothered playing any of the games for a few months, now there's a Ring Racers thread as well as SRB2K? What the hell's going on?
this except with my anime waifus
SRB2Kfags hate DRRR and DRRRfags are sick of the shitposting that happens from trying to mix discussions of the two.
Personally, I'm sticking to here primarily because this thread has way less autistic dramafaggotry and schizoposting about the devs.
>What the hell's going on?
DRRfags getting laughed out of the SRBK2 threads so they made one themselves
A singular not plural.
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So what does this mean for builds like noire? Could they be listed on the master server? Seems like they're pretty chill with them.
I've read the Tvtropes page. The game consistently pokes at Shadow. Is Maria's placement in the lighter, slower end of Class D a continuation of this? If you wanted to see a character explode in 8th on the widest variety of tracks, Class D's left side would be the place to put them, wouldn't it?
32-player clients back in Kart were allowed, so this is nothing new. The separate MS would also allow exception to the ridiculous addon moderation and literal overmoderation from MB.SRB2, so it's not much interest here.
Hey buddy, what the fuck are you talking about? This is a kart racer not a shonen anime.
Not entirely; it would be class A, G, and H, with D-C falling somewhere in between; bots in class D do not perform poorly enough to be blown up, but neither well enough to be in top positions.
I wish skin limits didn't exist. I just want Drrr but with all the funny characters!
Given that they've apparently figured out how to cram proximity voice chat into 2.4, I wouldn't be surprised if they fix or at least raise the skin limit eventually
What does Class D have going for it? Class C strikes me as being somewhere in the Top 3, with B and I. It's easy and it performs well. D is just the worst of every world. It's not even E.
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This was a merge request from a while back, and increasing the skin limit is mentioned in their gitlab history, so it'll probably happen.
Apparently the game is supposed to support way more colors too but is limited due to a bug.
>Apparently the game is supposed to support way more colors too but is limited due to a bug.
it's probably that bug that causes desync issues if you add new colors with normal methods instead of Lua scripts.
Better drift sparks (nearly on par with class I), tripwire cutting, longer ring boosts, decent tethering.
Doesn't C have better tethering? They can even maintain a lead after overtaking.
D is for people who want to get adjacent to G's nonsense without going into full miniturbo cracksmoker territory. It's why you see Gutbuster players driving like absolute shitheads.
I just wasted multiple hours trying to figure Maria and Motobug out.
My conclusion is that Class D is for Class E players who want to excuse their losses by saying they missed jackpot on the last item roulette.
What was so hard to figure out anon? I spent most of my playtime in class d being a zippy little bastard who can't be kept down and chugging rings like it's my 3rd energy drink of the day. It's hard to hold a lead but you can recover from most anything, great for chaotic online matches. If you want to get 1st consistently though you'll need to pull out all the mechanics and map knowledge to stay ahead. Maps I know well I'm untouchable.
I kept testing it out on Withering Chateau. My mistake. They have a chance on anything with hard stops or obstacles near the finish line.
Ecco is a PITA to unlock
Did a bit more with them. Holding the ring roulette (and the ring boost from before the roulette starts) gives you ample time to use rings and tethers in conjunction with each other. This allows you to adjust the "final stretch" window to ensure you overtake your rivals on straightaway segments before the goal.
The better a job you do with this, the better Class D becomes. This may also be key to winning with Class A.
>and chugging rings like it's my 3rd energy drink of the day.
I'm working out the ring economy for Class D. As far as I can see, you can actually be more conservative (flexible) with your rings than other classes.
True in the sense it only takes a couple to push you back up to top speed, which is why it's so liberating to use them as you feel fit, as long as you have a few recovery is easy.
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Get clucked lol
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Did some experimenting. Not going to use lossy recording methods. They make the world too bleak, and the audio contributes heavily to the filesize. GIF is still king.
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itty bitty racists
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what a fucking shitshow lmao
>burned to zero that close to the finish and didn't charge instawhip
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I take back what I said before. Class D is absolutely ring-hungry. A fucking glutton class. It's like trying to use the Bulk Star.
How did you even explode while gaining rings?
He was the last racer.
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God those slopes are just cancerous
The way I handle them as class G is by using miniturbo+brake to take the turns sharp as hell like a complete asshole
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why are you even here?
what mods do you like using? i am autistic and only like installing sonic stuff.
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noirechad, i have a QoL suggestion:
make it so that the rings you collect just become a generic booster noise/visual instead of having to hear nothing but endless ring collecting and just fucking obstructing your view of the road
Oh i'm sorry i'm interested in the development of the client that makes this garbage game playable.
You don't like it? sucks to suck faggot but this is not your personal discord
I get that, anything else that doesn't fit like classic video gamey stuff I don't like in my game either.
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and you need to bitch at people for liking a sonic fangame of all things in order to follow updates for a client kartfags arent going to bother playing because theyre too autistic to try anything new?
don't respond to /srb2/ schizos
How i am bitching when i'm simply stating why i'm here and saying things at they are?
you're the one making a big deal out of this
>for a client kartfags arent going to bother playing because theyre too autistic to try anything new
cool but i'm not here for the kartfags
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That cloud bounce rocks
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>Assuming all of us are kartfags
if you hate DRRR enough that you want noire so you can fuck with the settings and turn the game into kart 2.0, you're a kartfag yes
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I took way too long to find out about the Super Ring chance manipulation strategy.
I just can't tell whether or not this means a slow character can hold a lead.
>Anybody who hates durrs shitty mechanics are kartfags
No wonder you faggots splintered the threads jesus christ, acting as it's just /srb2k/ hating onto them is a massive delusion lmao
if you hate DRRR's mechanics then why are you posting in the DRRR thread, retard
play a game you actually like
If you grab an item box (not ring box) while in first place with 0 rings, half of the items in the roulette will be replaced by the Super Ring, which gives you 20 rings and can be stored.
Huge for classes A and D.
I already said because of noire, retard
so you want DRRR but without any of the mechanics that make it DRRR
get ye gone, kartfag
>nooo how dare you to hate shitty mechanics nooo
I'm not going anywhere fucking faggot, that's on you if you want dogshit
>i want to play this game
>no i don't actually like this game, i want to play my special custom client that lets me make it a different game
There's a reason why modded servers are more popular than vanilla and why there were patches to remove mechanics from day 1
you're an actual shill
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You mean a client that allows you to remove things that are disruptive or simply bad, as well as fixes and quality of life improvements? Allowing one to switch between RR or a kart-like at anytime?
>There's a reason why modded servers are more popular than vanilla
they're literally not, though, unless you count all the servers running exclusively character/map packs as "modded"
why are you guys bothering to reply to durrsperg
he legitimately doesn't even know how to properly play the game
It actually infuriates me someone is defending a game that's well known for how convulted it is that it genuinely makes me question if he's somebody who's friends with one of the devs because no way you're this tone-deaf
>he legitimately doesn't even know how to properly play the game
>accusing anyone of not knowing how to play the game when you have to go into the thread for said game and whine about how you can't handle any of its mechanics
case in point >>1532786
>if you disagree with me you MUST be a shill/friend of the devs
this game is fucking impossible to have any sensible discussions about on here because of faggots like you
We went from
>Anybody who hates the mechanics is a kartfag and a /srb2k/ crossposter
>Anybody who hates the mechanics sucks at the game
When even people that plays at their highest level also say it's overcomplicated kek
There has been genuine discussion over the game you sperg, the problem is you doing this weird tribalism and stubbornly defending every single shitty decision RR had made, you like this shit? good for you but you have to understand you are the fucking minority inside these threads and out
>Anybody who hates the mechanics is a kartfag and a /srb2k/ crossposter
>Anybody who hates the mechanics sucks at the game
if you don't understand the throughline between these statements you're a complete retard
if you come into a thread about a game you clearly don't like and ask for all of its mechanics to be removed, you are asking for a different game entirely. that's not "discussion", that's just fucking retarded
i'm not defending every single choice in RR and i think there's plenty of proper discussion to be had about the topic, but "fuck you the game sucks take out all the mechanics and make it kart with an updated engine" isn't "discussion" or "criticism" it's just obstinate faggotry
>if you come into a thread about a game you clearly don't like and ask for all of its mechanics to be removed, you are asking for a different game entirely.
I mean if you want to remove every single thing that holds RR back then yes i am asking a different (and better) game lol
>if you come into a thread about a game you clearly don't like and ask for all of its mechanics to be removed, you are asking for a different game entirely. that's not "discussion", that's just fucking retarded
about almost every single poster on here wants noire over vanilla so you just called most of the thread retarded
>that's well known for how convulted it is
I'd say it was well-known for having a convoluted tutorial
As far as the actual gameplay goes, any sense of being convoluted was mostly just growing pains from being familiar with SRB2K's simpler but refined and solid design and just wanting a SRB2K update, not Ring Racers.
>about almost every single poster on here wants noire over vanilla
Yeah, but I want Noire because I want to turn a couple of things off or have more options with configuration, but otherwise still be DRRR. Some people like you want Noire just to get SRB2K 2.0, but to say that's everyone's intent is reductive, both to the thread and Noire's capabilities/nature as a custom client.

I'd agree with him that anyone wanting to strip everything out and reconfigure it to only be SRB2K 2.0 should probably just stick to SRB2K threads, given the total nature of choosing that preset, how it would've just been SRB2K 2.0 if the devs didn't do such big departures (plus the nature of FOSS meaning you can canonize it as such if you wanted, like your own antipope), and the fact that those threads already exist. The only reason I wouldn't is because he's being a bit whiney himself, lol, lmao
>then yes i am asking a different (and better) game lol
so leave
>about almost every single poster on here wants noire over vanilla
source: your ass
>so you just called most of the thread retarded
if most of the thread don't want to play RR, then why are they in the RR thread
i'd rather the thread peter out and die because of the natural lack of players you claim is the case than be filled to the fucking brim with retards who don't like what the game is doing/trying to do bitching about how IT'S NOT MUH KART 2 or MUH HIGH-LEVEL PLAYERS every fucking thread, turning away anyone who could possible be interested in what the game is going for
obnoxious retarded bitching about a game you don't like on a fundamental level isn't "discussion" by any definition; it would be the same if i were to go into the srb2k thread and whine about how srb2k doesn't have mario kart 8 items and drift physics. if you don't like the game, then why the fuck are you here
I never considered them to be that valuable over seeding the track with hazards to keep the hordes at bay but I'll give it a go next time I play. Keep the gifs coming btw you're doing good work.
Not that anon, but I think it depends on the class you're in and the class a lot of your closest opponents are in. Hazards are probably better if you're a heavyweight against lights because you can recover against bad situations faster than them, but lights against heavies should probably just try to maintain a solid lead with rings
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Personally, I only play Battle Mode
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Heeey guys, why can't we have BOTH options to play whatever type of DRR we want without all this discourse?
I mean it's not like you guys are gonna stick to just one specific client all the time!
>I mean it's not like you guys are gonna stick to just one specific client all the time!
Of course they are: there's no reason not to use Noire all the time because Noire is just as good at doing enhanced Vanilla as well, but of course it's not like it matters when one just plonks right into the same folder as the other no issue
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Carnival Night is probably the most retarded track in the game that I still genuinely enjoy
can someone explain this game to me
i tried it earlier this week but its just a clusterfuck that i cant wrap my head around
There's no way to explain some mechanics, every single thing requires you to experiment and sink in time.
Just get Noire.
You should read the manual but heres the things that helped me the most
>sliptide = let go of drift but continue turning while boosting (using sneakers, dash pad, invincibility) for SHARP turns and free dopamine
>item roulette is not random, you'll get a feel for what items generally appear in which situations but most importantly always try to stop the ring box roulette on jackpot
>figure out how to use braking to better control your turns
>bruh just play a different game while pretending you're playing this one bro
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It's a racing game. Your goal is to reach the finish line ahead of the other racers. You all progress along the track as quickly as you can to accomplish this, but you can also use or attack each other to ensure a better relative position.
The game uses a two-dimensional stat axis (speed/weight), assigning characters to most of the possible combinations of those two stats, which heavily affect your playstyle.
The game breaks these down into 9 character "classes" as away to reference the stats and associated playstyle of the characters in their regions of the chart. Understanding these will give you good footing for playing skillfully.

Read the manual here to get a comprehensive breakdown of the game's mechanics: https://www.kartkrew.org/rr-manual/manual/landing/
Start with singleplayer on "Intense", play as either Knuckles or Tails, and just figure out how the handling model works. Get used to feeling out when and where to use rings (as a general rule, always use them on slopes)
Get noire, honestly. the shit eater in this thread might scream at you but it's the only thing that makes the game worth diving to. switch to vanilla config if you want single player/want to see how much of a clusterfuck it really is
>how do i learn [game]
>play [different game] instead
I can't hear you, you're gargling kike krew's cocks too much
btw noire's default config is vanilla, it's his choice if he wants to change the gameplay but i guess you're too busy seething at people recommending noire to notice it
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>this again
youre schizophrenic and autistic and should kill yourself
Careful that amount of projection is dangerous
Dunno anon he's right.
Carnival night is legitimately a joke track, it's the only way I can reconcile it's terrible design. I'd be a lot more offended by it if there wasn't so many other tracks in the mix.
If you actually cared about a new players experience you wouldn't recommend a version with 50 toggles that only serve to confuse new players ever more. Until noire is repackaged into a standard custom client like what astroknight is making, there is no point shoving it in everyone's face and saying it'll fix their problems. Take it back, come to a universal agreement on what you think a better ring racers actually is and then come back.
every time thread is normal until the same schizo comes in bitches that we should play the bootleg version with a million stupidass dip switches without actually solving any issues and then the same other guy falls for the bait and bitches at him and these 2 go at it for days

Just play this game or play the last game or GTFO

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