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Conan Exiles Thread: Age of Heroes edition
Join my server faggots, we’ll have fun together. It’s called Relaxed Exiles and we have a couple regulars at this point.
>2x harvest and xp
>raid times are only friday evening and the weekends
Should have stopped at age of sorcery and focused on bug fixing until the game was perfectly polished. Everything since has been egregious bloat. Then they should have abandoned it for modders to sustain and put all their eggs into dunce. I hate how often devs put out a serviceable game and just reduce it to shit with every update.
Do I really have to join your discord?
Not necessarily unless you want to tell me about somebody that broke the rules.
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What's a good mod for storage?
A smaller (and hopefully less ugly) vault could be good, but if there's some mod that improves storage further, I'd love such recs too.

Also, are there mods that add emotes? I'd like some sexier poses for the scantily dressed women at my base.
>Also, are there mods that add emotes?
Devious Desires
thanks, but it seems to add way too much stuff, therefore I'm afraid it could be the type of mod to break easily
are all the mods gonna break with age of heroes?
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They quite literally can't polish it. Not because of UE4 like they touted in the devstream, as anyone can tell the major issues the game has aren't things other UE4 games have, but because they modded the engine with custom code that was innately flawed and lifted out the real coding team to their next project and kept only the bare minimum on CE. Something like the choice for ragdoll physics to be client-side and real location to be server-side. That was their choice, and other players online seeing a corpse in different places for harvesting isn't a big deal. But the post-ragdoll bodies subsequently falling through the floor on client-side (especially KO'd bodies), which is a direct issue of that particular code, is a a major bug that the game has had since release. They can't fix it without a complete rewrite of foundational code, on top of which a bunch of other things are written. Even pretending the coder responsible for it can think of a better way than what he thought was best originally, he wouldn't be sure of all the other things that would break by changing it, and the amount of work is astronomical - from a dev perspective, labor better suited to just starting on a new game instead of restarting on a finished one.

Of course, not all bugs are like that. Just a patch or two ago they released camel mounts without adding camels to the stables list. A simple, 2-second fix that modders put up day 1 and the devs could have themselves, yet Funcom acknowledges the bug day 1 and said they'd "hot" fix it three months later. Meaning a patch selling point being broken wasn't important enough to interrupt their workflow, which is also suggestive of just how limited the team is - likely just one person responsible for the scripting stuff.

I've rambled a bit, so
>tl;dr the game cannot be perfectly polished without a complete rewrite from the ground up, which is not realistic or financially sound. You're better off hoping for CE2.
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Depends on how different it is from the public beta, but probably not. I put my entire AoW4 modlist into the AoH1 beta, and the only thing that broke was Exiles Extreme. I was incredibly surprised by that because I felt CERTAIN that the new crafter world thralls were going to break Devious Desires, but even that overly fragile mod was completely fine. If the beta didn't remove all my funcom account stuff (the BP and bazaar stuff), I'd just play the beta and forget about live.

Pic related is my AoH beta modlist. Beta is over and I don't feel like updating it to get into the launcher for a proper screenshot of their names, so here's just the modlist file of the pak's in load order, so you have an idea of some of the stuff that works. Some big ones you might use are IQoL, ToTCustom, Devious Desires, Edit Appearance, Better Thralls, and Armor States in Bench.
Age of Heroes is looking good, but I did lose two thralls, both of them the "zamorian barkeep" from the lowest level purges, so no big deal anyway.
Others all look fine.
I didn't care to remove crafters from the benches, which created a weird bug, but nothing too terrible: crafters were stored in the benches' inventories, and you could see them working in the benches, but after removing them you could still see them there, and if you deployed them to work, you'd see two of them. One of the benches didn't have any worker, instead it showed my main character but fully naked (and then I deployed a female thrall to work there, my guy looked as if he was fucking her from behind lol).

I disabled the mods to run it, but then tried it with improved quality of life and it seems to work ok.

You can set furniture to not be interactable by thralls.
now you can assign thralls to beds.
so no more awkward posing or requiring mods, you can just keep your naked female "performer" in your bed.
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the modded server I play on is dead after the update
well duh
is Isle of siptah the only dlc map?
Yep, so far. They've kind of brought up adding new maps in the future, but nothing concrete and certainly no announcements.
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Is there some way to unlock all the things on the bazaar/battlepass if I only play singleplayer?
>started a new single player world for the new age
>forgot how shit life is before you get iron tools
>keep getting 3-shot by sorcerers with steel daggers
Feels weird having to actually pay attention because I don't have heavy armor and unlimited healing items. Also surprised all of the mods I have seem to be working fine.
I'm sure someone has an unlocker or something, but besides that, no.
>be me and a buddy doing our thing
>three guys that badly acted for day days as if they were each other’s enemies come to raid us
>we are not ready for this shit
>we have no healing potions while they came with dozens
>we fight for an irl hour
>we die a couple times and it seems they will eventually win
>eventually I let all our archer thralls loose on them
>this turns the tide and we fuck them up until they give up
>we kill their horses and the thralls they brought with them
>they didn’t get past the hall on the ground level
This went much better than expected. We also looted all the dragonpowder they brought with them lol. They did kill a third of all our thralls which sucks. We lost all the fighters and one archer and several craftsmen.
Sure wish my thralls would stop teleporting across the world and just stick to their crafting stations.
I thought I was the only one that had that shit happening to him. It’s the same spot as well.
Apparently people are building up to where they spawn so they can retrieve them more easily, I really don't know how something like this wasn't found or fixed beforehand. It's amazing how consistently garbage funcom has been as a developer all of these years.
I read the bug was reported during beta so it's not that they didn't know about it. Also it hasn't happened in my game yet, so it might be harder to reproduce and fix than what the rent a jeet coders at Funcom are capable of.
thralls falling through floors bug existing for what, two years now? now this shit
funniest thing is that this living thralls thing was main feature of new update
That map location is X:0, Y:0, Z:0 of game space. If in singleplayer, you can also teleport there via the coordinate 0 0 0. Things appearing there has happened through the life of the game, whether as a reset point, an undeclared location, or whatever.
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what's the easiest way to get cooking recipes on isle of siptah
Is there any server u guys playing on?
can't decide on one.
Relaxed Exiles
I find it a little odd that 0 0 0 is in the highlands, when in the original EA release you couldn't reach the highlands
Maybe expanding the map moved the coordinates
>in single player shield blocks have a variety of sound effects depending on the material of the shield and weapon striking it
>there are also sound effects for when 2 combatants swing at the same time and their weapons make contact
>these sound effects don't exist online
so weird and frustrating because they add a lot to the feeling of combat
>gaseous orbs do work
>demonfire orbs exist only to ignite gaseous
>both are heavy as hell
Wish I could play a sorcerer with a bag of tricks instead of just a glass-cannon warrior with purple farts.
Demonfire orbs damage structures, don't they?
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is there an endgame on isle of siptah besides beating all the elder vaults?
Yeah, but if you're going to damage buildings you'd be better of with literally anything else.
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finally got cooking 3 and 4 now I can play the game
I find them useful for cracking chests open. Is there a better use for volatile glands anyway?
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>tfw cum dump stopped playing
I guess the novelty of tying them up and pumping them full of cum wore off. What the fuck am i going to do now, play the game?
i like the sorcery, fits the lore.
sorcery is good for the qol shit it adds
I'm scared to play this right now as I hear funcom kidnaps your crew
The general final map design was planned very early on, with a roadmap of when each new region would release, so it makes sense to start in the SW corner and work their way north and east as the new regions were made. It'd be another story if they only intended to release the desert then changed their minds later on.
Is the server dead?
Are there any mods for impregnating thralls?
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Late reminder that there is a twitch drop going on. It's for a Conan statue - I think a reskin of the one from one of the DLC packs. I haven't checked if its the little figurine or of a bigger scale. The DLC had several sizes.

After that it looks like a reskin of a AoW Ch2 BP treasure, which was red. Finally, the third one seems it'll be the best of this lot, being a new cosmetic.
the funny thing to me is how the starting zone resembles the "tutorial" map of default unreal projects. Ive seen so many alpha games with similar looking environments.
Then as you move out of the starting zone it suddenly feels more professional to me
time to upgrade the game to UE5, make it photo realistic, easy win.
Any other games that come close to this that has a thrall like system?
I tried enshrouded but theres no ACTUAL companions in that game.
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>find comfy modded dedicated server and spend dozens of hours on it
>server owner asks me to join discord
>turns out discord owner is a horrendous ugly tranny
>leave and uninstall game
nigger they can't even update the game to the final version of UE4 because they changed so much of it.

it's gonna be on UE 4.16 for the rest of time. Deal with it.
late addendum because I just remembered after hitting submit - during EA it took them almost a fucking year to update the game from UE4.15 to 4.16.

Ain't no way Tencent is gonna pay for anything remotely like that given it's just a vehicle for fleecing whales now.
>i dont understand game dev in 2024 the post
stfu retard.
you should know by now about tranny discords
I kind of got the feeling that Soulmask had a similar system, but I haven't looked into the game well enough to know for sure

Will he still not understand game dev in a month and a half when it's 2025 and you're still fucking wrong?
im doing a no crafting bench run just collecting loot from enemies or boxes.
Anyone got any good routes or tips for this style of playthrough
Wish they'd add more skimpy gear for barbarianesses
Seems like every armour set they add to this is prudish
They already said they are working on Conan Exiles 2 in one of the age of war streams you dumbfuck. Just stfu and accept you are wrong.
Releasing a whole new game is in no way the same as upgrading the current one to a new engine, you rat.

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